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An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education, cIvt. of India
ti.Selle11, fareft /Head Quarter , New Delhi
18, Institutional Area, S.J. Marg, New hi-110016.
Tel.: 26858570 F 26514179
Website: www.kvsa han.nic.in

F.No. 11-Acad029(Misc)/31/2023-AC(EDP) /.4.0/ -,,ms Date: 17-11- (1,123

414.1c1xl ,

4.> 4.1 4,411e1 41

mft At -Itzr 4,144 (444.

Sub.:- Launch of SATHEE Portal on 21st November, 2023 by Mi *stry of

Education for students to prepare for the competitive exam.


Ministry of Education is launching SATHEE Portal for students to epare

for the competitive exam on 21st November, 2023 at 5 p.m. onwards.

The aim of the Platform is to revolutionize the educational lands pe by

providing a comprehensive and accessible platform for students to repare
for the competitive exam. The platform will also allow the stud is to t
participate in the SATHEE crash course.

The complete details are stated in enclosed letter no. F. No. DONo.8-1 /2023-
TEL dated 15-11-2023 received from Ministry of Education.

The SATHEE portal web URL is https:/ isathee.prutor.ai/

It is requested that all KVs will register on SATHEE portal by 18-1 i -2023.
Link for Registration of Schools
https: / / docs.google.com/ forms/ d/ e/ 1FAIpQLSd-wUrJONdI-

It is requested to disseminate information to all the Kendriya Vidyalayas

under your jurisdiction.

Encl.: As stated above.

Copy to :-

The Joint Commissioner (Acad.) KVS New Delhi.

771ta: 4. ,
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GOVinci Jais iraz1
Joint Secieiaiy Mmstry Eldpc611,:.)n
Ttl. : 011.23384245 1•1"4Ni
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12:13. 'C eho: 'I-110001

D.O. No-8-18 2023-TEL Dated:15th Nove ^er2O23

ga3P 00/0 JAA

We would like to inform you that the Department of Higher Education in collabo on with
IIT Kanpur is launching the SATHEE Platform on 2V November 2023 from 5:00 pm onwa s. Sh. K.
SANJAY MURTHY, Secretary of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education, Governmen of India,
will chair the event.

2. The aim of the Platform is to revolutionize the educational landscape by pr iding a

comprehensive and accessible platform for students to prepare for the competitive exam Aligned
with the National Education Policy, SATHEE integrates advanced features, including men ing and
live sessions by renowned faculties from institutions like 'Fs and AlIMS, an Al/NIL-based ssment
forum, video lectures by IIIfaculty, a collaborative. discussion and problem-solving foru and an
extensive e-learning repository, providing a holistic and technologically advanced ing
experience for students.

3. The platform will also allow the students to participate in the SATHEE cras course,
thoughtfully designed for empowering students to optimize their preparation for JEE, enh. 'cetheir
performance, and increase their chances of securing admission in top engineering institu ns. The
Crash course condenses the vast syllabi into focussed and intensive subject-wise content, c ated by
the IIT Faculties. Additionally, the crash course will serve as a confidence booster by a ressing
specific doubts and weaknesses.

4. Kendriya Vidyalayas Sanghthan (KVS) is a huge organisation comprising of 125 schools

known for their high-quality education, discipline, academic excellence,. and extracurricula activities
at affordable fees. Kendriya Vidyalayas students enthusiastically engage in these examina ions and
successfully pass them as well.

5. Therefore, Kendriya Vidyalayas Sanghthan is requested to disseminate informati n about

SATHEE portal and live streaming of Crash course to be organised at KV schools where stu nts are
interested to compete for JEE in future. Sathee portal web URL is

6. The minute-to minute program of the event is annexed. The link of the meeting will be shared
in the due course.

Looking forward for your kind cooperation and participation.

Yours' incerely,

G v n ,Jaiswal)
Ms. Nidhi Pandey,
Commissioner, KendrFya 1.`:dyalaya Sangathan
. „

Launch of, the SATHEE Platform and 45 Days Crash course for HE
2 ' November 2023, 5 PM onwards

44N a 77:4A
Ministry of Education

Mjnyte to Minute PrqzrzTim for auncil of SATHEE Platform and 45 Da 'ash

cou =-',-c.: for c" .;

Time (1ST) Agenda Speaker

. ..
5:00 pm- 5:TJeIcome Address • ( Shri Govind Jaiswal, Joint Secretary.
pm Higher Education, Ministry of
l Education.
5:05 pm- 5:10 i Brief about SATHEE platform Professor Ganesh Subramaniam,
pm 1 Officiating Director - Indian Institute of
Technology, Kanpur
5:10 pm- 5:15 Launch of SATHEE platform Shri K Sanjay Murthy, Hon'ble
pm Secrery, Higher Educat.idn, Ministry
of Education.
5:15 pm- 5:20 Addressby Hon'ble Secr1::tary Sh.i K Sanjay Mort, s , Hon'bie
pm Education),
I(Higher Ministry of Secretary, Higher Educat n, Ministry '
i Education of Education
5:20 pm- 5:25 iI Address by Hon'ble Secretary I Shri Sanjay Kumar, Hon'b e Secretary,
pm School Education School Education, nistry of
5.25 pm- 5:30 Vote of thanks • Professor Amey Karkare, pi SATHEE
pm • Project, IIT Kanpur



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