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Ratfolk Chief Warlock Engineer

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Ratfolk Chief Warlock

This enigmatic figure stands as a testament to the melding of In dire circumstances, he might pilot a doom wheel, or
arcane mastery and mechanical ingenuity, a force that has strategically deploy Power Conduits before a battle to
irrevocably altered the course of his kind's evolution. Driven replenish his arcane energy, ensuring a relentless onslaught.
by a relentless desire to harness destructive power, The Chief The Chief Warlock Engineer is no mere recluse; his
Warlock Engineer has transcended his ratfolk origins to insatiable thirst for knowledge and power has driven him to
become a fearsome harbinger of technological annihilation. traverse the world, stealing magical and technological secrets
The Chief Warlock Engineer is a figure more imposing from other races and civilizations. Through relentless
than the typical ratfolk, standing tall and hunched, his espionage, manipulation, and even ruthless confrontations,
silhouette commanding both respect and trepidation. He he has accumulated a repository of forbidden knowledge. His
carries the marks of his relentless pursuit of power, with a interactions with other cultures have allowed him to adapt
body mutilated by weapons and experiments gone awry. His foreign technology to his twisted vision, further fueling his
form is a blend of living flesh and cold machinery, for he has deadly arsenal.
replaced missing and damaged body parts with a symphony Renowned for his profound contribution to ratfolk society,
of mechanical devices. Most notable is his mechanical clawed The Chief Warlock Engineer stands as the inventor of many
arm, an emblem of his relentless drive for dominance over of their most potent weapons. His relentless pursuit of
both arcane and mechanical forces. Upon his back, he bears innovation has granted the ratfolk technological
whirring devices that are forever channeling eldritch power, a advancements that would have been inconceivable without
testament to his mastery of the arcane arts. his genius. Thus, his reputation as a visionary in the realm of
Armed with the fearsome halberd known as Storm Demon, technological annihilation is cemented, earning him the
The Chief Warlock Engineer commands the very elements to prestigious title of Chief Warlock Engineer.
his will. With a single swing, this weapon can discharge Beneath his imposing visage lies a mind consumed by a
blasts of lightning, leaving destruction in its wake. His singular obsession: the creation of the most destructive
arsenal is further augmented by an array of terrible devices, weapons imaginable. The Chief Warlock Engineer is driven
each capable of unleashing devastation upon his enemies. not by allegiance to a cause, but by a relentless desire to
Whether shooting torrents of fire or lightning, launching prove his ability to bring the world to ruin. Neither loyalty to
rockets that scream through the air, deploying poison gas his own kind nor concern for collateral damage can deter
clouds that choke his foes, or even tearing holes in the fabric him from his path. He views the world through a lens of
of reality itself, his arsenal knows no bounds. He possesses devastation, where every creation, every experiment, only
an uncanny ability to enhance these devices beyond the deepens his resolve to surpass his previous achievements,
capabilities of a typical warlock engineer. even if it means bringing his own kind to the brink of
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Ratfolk Chief Warlock Forbidden Devices. The ratfolk has 4 Forbidden Devices
listed in the Forbidden Devices section of this
Engineer document. The DC for any saves imposed by devices is
Medium humanoid (ratfolk), chaotic evil
Bonus Actions
Armor Class 20 (integrated armor) Jerry-rig. The ratfolk reloads a firearm or makes a check
Hit Points 304 (32d8 + 160)
using a tool.
Speed 40 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. The ratfolk makes three attacks.

20 (+5) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) Storm Demon. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) slashing, and the
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +11, Int + 11, Wis +9, ratfolk can choose to expend all of its eldritch power
Skills Arcana +11, Deception +9, Land Vehicles +12, levels to deal an additional 5 (1d10) lightning damage
Smith's Tools +12, Tinker's Tools +12 per level expended.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Warp Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, range
Languages Common, Undercommon 100/400 ft. one target. Hit: The ratfolk expends all of
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 its eldritch power levels to deal 5 (1d10) lightning
damage per level expended + 5.
Crevice Crawler. The ratfolk can move through and stop
in a space large enough to fit a creature one size Reactions
smaller than it without squeezing. Scurry Away. When an enemy the ratfolk can see ends
Devious Engineer. The ratfolk can use its actions to its turn, the ratfolk can move up to half its speed away
reload a firearm, or make a check using a tool while from the creature and become frightened of it until the
frightened by its Scurry Away feature. It also does not end of the creature's next turn. This movement doesn't
gain disadvantage on tool checks from being provoke opportunity attacks. While frightened this way,
frightened. the ratfolk can only take the Dash, Disengage, Dodge,
or Hide action. This feature ignores immunity to the
Ingenious Weaponry. The ratfolk may use its Intelligence frightened condition.
modifier instead of its Dexterity or Strength modifier
for attack and damage rolls. Legendary Actions
Keen Smell. The ratfolk has advantage on Wisdom The ratfolk can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. the options below. Only one legendary action option
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
Unlimited Power! At the start of the ratfolk's turn, if it is creature's turn. The ratfolk regains spent legendary
not incapacitated, it can accumulate eldrich power. It actions at the start of its turn.
rolls a number of d4 equal to the number of times this
ability has been activated within the last minute and Check. The ratfolk makes a skill check that would
gains a number of levels of eldritch power equal to the normally require an action.
result for one minute or until it uses this feature again.
Move. The ratfolk or vehicle it is piloting moves up to
It takes 18 (4d8) lighting damage for each 4 rolled,
20 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. It can
which ignores resistance and immunities.
use this legendary action while frightened by its Scurry
Overwhelming Mass x6. The first time each turn that the Away feature.
ratfolk hits a creature with an attack, it deals an extra 6
Tenacious Will. If the ratfolk is suffering from an effect
damage per ally it has within 5 feet of its target that
that allows it to make a saving throw as an action or at
isn't incapacitated. The ratfolk can benefit from up to 3
the beginning or end of its next turn, it may
allies this way.
immediately make that save against the effect with
Forbidden Augmentation. At the end of the ratfolk's advantage. It can use this legendary action while
turn, it can choose one Forbidden Device that has not incapacitated and while frightened by its Scurry Away
been used. The ratfolk gains a new legendary action and feature.
immunity to a damage type based on the device
chosen. These are described in the Forbidden
Augmentations section of this document.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Forbidden Devices Doom Rocket
Ratfolk warlock engineers possess a unique arsenal of magic When launched, this missile shrieks through the air before
items specifically designed for use against their adversaries. striking the ground and unleashing a wave of bright, glowing
The chief warlock engineer can select 4 devices from the list green light that irradiates anything near the impact site.
below. He can choose the same device more than once. Each The ratfolk cannot use this device if it is restrained or
device requires an action to use and can't be used again until grappled. When the ratfolk uses the Doom Rocket, it expends
the warlock has had time to rebuild it using Smith's Tools all its eldritch energy levels and launches it at a point it can
during a long rest. see within 120 feet. The rocket detonates at this point, and
each creature within 30 feet of it must make a Constitution
Brass Orb saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) radiant damage plus an
additional 5 (1d10) radiant damage for each eldritch energy
This fist-sized metal orb made of interlocking whirling cogs is level the ratfolk expended on a failed save, or half as much
a dangerous device capable of causing a momentary tear in damage on a successful one.
reality. When the ratfolk attempts to launch the rocket, creatures
If the ratfolk is not restrained or grappled, it can throw the can use their reaction to make opportunity attacks against it.
device at a point it can see within 30 feet. The brass orb If a creature hits the ratfolk in this way, the rocket misfires
detonates at this point, and each creature within 15 feet of it and detonates at its location.
that’s not behind total cover must make a Dexterity saving
throw, taking 13 (3d8) force damage plus an additional 4 Doom Rocket: Forbidden Enhancement
(1d8) force damage for each eldritch energy level the ratfolk Damage Type Resistance: Radiant
expended on a failed save, or half as much damage on a New Legendary Action: The ratfolk makes a Ranged or
successful one. If this damage reduces a target to 20 hit Melee Spell Attack, with a +11 to hit, a reach of 5 feet, or a
points or fewer and it failed the saving throw, it is banished to range of 100/400 feet, targeting one creature. On a hit, the
another plane of existence of the DM's choice. target takes 9 (2d8) radiant damage, and if the target is a
When the ratfolk attempts to throw the brass orb, creature, it becomes irradiated for the next minute. At the
creatures can use their reaction to make opportunity attacks end of the irradiated creature's turn, it must make a DC 19
against it as though it moved out of their reach. If a creature Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, both it and each
hits the ratfolk this way, it drops the brass orb, which creature within 10 feet of it take 9 (2d8) radiant damage; on a
detonates at its location. successful save, the irradiated effect ends. A lesser
restoration spell will remove the radiation.
Brass Orb: Forbidden Enhancement
Damage Type Resistance: Force Earth Render
New Legendary Action: A target creature within 120 feet of This mechanized spike jackhammers into the ground,
the ratfolk that the ratfolk can see must make a DC 19 creating a localized earthquake capable of reducing the
Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the target is structures of surface dwellers into rubble.
teleported to an unoccupied space of the ratfolk's choice that When the ratfolk uses the Earth Render, it expends all its
it can see within 20 feet of the target. The chosen space must eldritch energy levels and rams the device into the ground,
be on a surface or in a liquid that can support the target creating violent tremors. Each creature in a 25-foot cube
without the target having to squeeze. originating from the ratfolk must succeed on a Dexterity
saving throw or take 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage plus an
additional 3 (1d6) for each energy level the ratfolk expended
and be knocked prone. A creature that succeeds on its saving
throw takes half as much damage and isn’t knocked prone.
Structures in the area take double damage from the effect.
Earth Render: Forbidden Enhancement
Damage Type Resistance: Thunder
New Legendary Action: A creature of the ratfolk's choice
standing on earth or stone within 60 feet of the ratfolk must
make a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be buried as it sinks
into the ground. A buried creature becomes restrained. Any
creature, including the buried creature, can use its action to
free the buried creature by succeeding on a DC 19 Strength
check. If the creature attempting the rescue has a burrow
speed, it has advantage on this check.

Warp Lighting Generator Warp Fume Sprayer: Forbidden
This strange metallic device hums with power before Enhancement
emitting a tremendous bolt of green lightning. Damage Type Resistance: Poison
When the ratfolk uses the Warp Lightning Generator, it New Legendary Action: The ratfolk releases a cloud of
expends all its eldritch energy levels and hurls a magical poison gas in a 5-foot radius sphere at a point within 60 feet
green lightning bolt at a point it can see within 100 feet. Each of itself, heavily obscuring the area. The cloud lasts for one
creature within 10 feet of that point must succeed on a minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least
Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (3d8) lightning damage 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
plus an additional 4 (1d8) for each eldritch energy level the When a creature enters an area covered by one or more of
ratfolk expended and become unable to take reactions until these gas clouds for the first time on a turn or starts its turn
the start of its next turn. A creature that succeeds on its in one or more gas clouds, that creature must make a DC 19
saving throw takes half as much damage and doesn't lose its Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
reaction. takes 13 (3d8) poison damage and is poisoned until the end
of its next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half
Warp Lighting Generator: Forbidden as much damage and isn't poisoned.
Enhancement Warp Scorcher
Damage Type Resistance: Lightning
New Legendary Action: The ratfolk makes a Ranged or This arm-mounted flamethrower spews lines of flames that
Melee Spell Attack, with a +11 to hit, a reach of 5 feet, or a cling to anything in their path.
range of 100/400 feet, targeting one creature. On a hit, the When the ratfolk uses the Warp Scorcher, it expends all its
target takes 9 (2d8) lightning damage, and if the target is a eldritch energy levels to unleash a gout of flame 30 feet long
creature, it becomes charged with warp electricity. At the end and 5 feet wide in the direction of its choice. Each creature in
of the charged creature's next turn, the electricity deals 18 that area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take
(4d8) lightning damage, after which the warp electricity 13 (3d8) fire damage plus an additional 4 (1d8) for each
dissipates. Another creature that touches the charged energy level the ratfolk expended and be set on fire. A
creature can choose to take the lightning damage creature that succeeds on its saving throw takes half as much
immediately, thereby ending the effect. damage and isn't set on fire. A creature that's been set on fire
this way takes 9 (2d8) fire damage at the end of each of its
Warp Fume Sprayer turns until a creature uses an action to douse the fire.
This device's canister contains toxic gases that can be Warp Scorcher: Forbidden Enhancement
expelled in a wave through a large, rusty nozzle. Damage Type Resistance: Fire
When the ratfolk uses the Warp Fume Sprayer, it expends New Legendary Action: The ratfolk makes a Ranged or
all its eldritch energy levels and sprays toxic fumes in a 30- Melee Spell Attack, with a +11 to hit, a reach of 5 feet, or a
foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a range of 100/400 feet, targeting one creature. On a hit, the
Constitution saving throw or take 9 (2d8) poison damage plus target takes 9 (2d8) fire damage, and if the target is a
an additional 5 (1d8) poison damage for each eldritch energy creature, it is set on fire. Until a creature uses an action to
level the ratfolk expended and become poisoned until the douse the fire, the burning creature takes 9 (2d8) fire damage
start of the ratfolk's next turn. A creature that succeeds on its at the end of each of its turns.
saving throw takes half as much damage and isn't poisoned.

Epic Chief Warlock Engineer Ratfolk Chief Warlock Engineer
Battle Adventure Hooks
If you wish to make the chief warlock into an endgame threat, d4 Plot Hook
you can have him start the encounter piloting a wheelz of The Doomsday Device: The Chief Warlock Engineer
doom crewed with an irradiated rat tide and give him the unveils a colossal doomsday device, capable of
following trait; this increases the CR of the encounter to CR reshaping the very fabric of reality. The players are
23: tasked with infiltrating the warlock engineer's heavily
Devious Master Driver. The ratfolk can pilot vehicles even 1
fortified lair to dismantle the device. Along the way,
while affected by its Scurry Away feature (this doesn't allow they encounter traps, minions, and devious defenses
the vehicle to be piloted multiple times in a round). When the designed to protect the warlock engineer's magnum
ratfolk uses its Scurry Away feature, it can have the vehicle opus. As they race against time, they must make
it's piloting move up to 15 feet away rather than flee on foot. critical choices that could save the world or plunge it
Additionally, when the ratfolk pilots a vehicle, it can expend into eternal chaos.
any number of eldritch power levels to increase the speed of Stolen Arcana: The Chief Warlock Engineer's insatiable
the vehicle by 10 feet per power level expended until the end thirst for knowledge has led him to abduct renowned
of the turn. spellcasters from various corners of the world. The
Finally, the ratfolk can't be moved or teleported from a players are approached by a desperate mage whose
vehicle it's piloting against its will, and when the ratfolk mentor has gone missing. As they uncover the truth,
would take damage, it can choose to have the vehicle take the 2 they realize that the warlock engineer seeks to extract
damage instead. arcane secrets to enhance his weapons of destruction.
The adventurers must track down the missing mages,
Power Conduits thwart the warlock engineer's plans, and prevent a
catastrophe that could reshape the balance of magic
If the chief warlock engineer is fighting in his lair, you can itself.
increase the challenge of the encounter by giving him access
to power conduits built to charge his powers. Each power Warp-Tech Black Market: Reports of strange and
conduit is a large magical object with 60 hit points, devastating weapons emerging on the black market
resistance to all damage, and an AC of 19. You can place one draw the players' attention. Investigating the source
or more of these power conduits throughout the lair, and leads them to a hidden marketplace where The Chief
each power conduit added increases the chief warlock 3
Warlock Engineer secretly trades his forbidden
creations. The adventurers must infiltrate the black
engineer's Challenge Rating by 1. market, gather evidence of his activities, and dismantle
At the end of the chief engineer's turn, he can choose to the network before the warlock engineer's weapons fall
start drawing power from the nearest conduit, creating a into the wrong hands, wreaking havoc across the
beam between him and the conduit; the chief engineer can do realms.
this even if he is incapacitated. While the beam is active, the
conduit loses all resistances. The beam will break if the chief The Rival Warlock: A rival warlock, equally obsessed
engineer moves more than 100 feet away from it, if he has with power, seeks to challenge The Chief Warlock
total cover from the conduit, or if either the chief engineer or Engineer's reign as the master of destruction. The
the conduit is reduced to 0 hit points. Any creature or object adventurers become entangled in a dangerous power
that moves through the beam can also break it, but it takes 4
struggle between these two malevolent forces, with
22 (5d8) lightning damage as a result. the fate of the underground world hanging in the
If the chief engineer starts his next turn with the beam still balance. As they navigate political intrigue and
shadowy alliances, they must decide whether to aid
intact, the beam dissipates, and he may choose to either roll one warlock over the other or seek to dismantle both
an additional 2d4 when activating his Unlimited Power trait before their feud consumes everything.
this turn or end a spell of 4th level or lower in his lair.

Chief Warlock Engineer Tactics While operating the doom wheel, the chief warlock
engineer refrains from deploying any Forbidden Devices as
The chief engineer is a cunning and technologically-driven rat actions. Instead, he channels all his eldritch power into the
with an intense desire to obliterate his foes with an vehicle, biding his time until he's amassed sufficient power.
impressive display of technological prowess. The strategies
outlined below are crafted not only to optimize his Power Conduits
capabilities but also to offer clear cues to opponents, allowing While a battle with these items present doesn't drastically
them to form counter strategies so they gain a sense of alter the chief warlock engineer's tactics, it does make him
agency in combat. prioritize targets attempting to attack the conduits he's
Unlimited Power!
This ability transforms the battle into a race against time. Chief Warlock Engineer Loot
The chief warlock engineer will either overpower his Because ratfolk are humanoids, most of the valuable goods
adversaries with immense damage or succumb to his own that can be looted from them are the remains of the
power surges. equipment they were using or valuables they were carrying or
Forbidden Devices hiding nearby. Most of the challenge of looting ratfolk
The chief engineer possesses four Forbidden Devices, and he engineers is identifying what devices they're carrying still
is quick to employ them when faced with significant threats. have any functional value.
If he has three or more eldritch power levels, he will activate In the case of the chief warlock engineer, not only will it
a device every turn. Alternatively, he'll use them whenever he have the highest quality items for looting, but it will likely
can target three or more enemies. However, he will always have magic items and other valuables that can be part of a
keep one device in reserve to grant him an extra Legendary treasure hoard, including its magic weapon, storm demon.
Action thanks to his Forbidden Augmentation ability. Finding valuables can be done using an Intelligence
When the chief warlock engineer employs a device selected (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check, depending
for his Forbidden Augmentation as a legendary action, he will on the circumstance. If the identifying value materials the
usually activate the same device as an action on his ratfolk was carrying will likely require an Intelligence
subsequent turn. This sequence provides players with both a (Arcana) check or a check using proficiency with appropriate
warning of what the device can do (in the form of the tools, such as Smith's Tools, Tinker's Tools, or Alchemist's
legendary action) and an escalating sense of drama leading Supplies.
up to the device's deployment (on the subsequent turn as an Chief Warlock Engineer Loot Table
action). The following table describes the number of items and value
Brass Orb and Earth Render. The legendary actions of those items the players are able to loot depending on the
these devices grant should be used to manipulate enemy result of their check or the results of your roll.
positioning to maximize their impact when they're used as
actions Chief Warlock Engineer Loot Table
Warp Scorcher and Warp Lightning Generator. The Looting Check Result or 1d20 + 7 Loot
legendary actions of these devices can be used to bait
opponents into aiding their allies, tricking them into grouping 1-9 1d4(2) 500gp Item
together so they can all be hit by the device's actions. 10-11 1d6(3) 500gp Items
Doom Rocket and Warp Fume Sprayer. The legendary
actions of these devices can be used to make parts of the 12-17 1d4(2) 1,000gp Items
battlefield hazardous for players, thus herding them into less 18-22 1d4(2) 2,000gp Items
advantageous positions where the device's action can be used
to best effect. 23+ 2d4(5) 2,000gp Items

Legendary Actions and Scurry Away Example Warlock Engineer Loot Names
The chief warlock engineer uses standard legendary actions You can give the different types of items unique names based
when he needs to escape perilous situations or when his on their material and value to help differentiate them from
capabilities are hampered in a way that diminishes his ability one another. The following tables provide some example
to act. Should he remain in jeopardy even after exhausting all names.
his legendary actions, he will use Scurry Away as a last
resort. Example Warlock Master Item Names
Epic Chief Warlock Engineer Battle 1d4 500gp Item Item 2,000gp Item
In this encounter, the chief warlock engineer's tactics align
with those detailed for doom wheels. A notable advantage he 1-2 Rusted Warp- Warp-Steel Energized Warp-
has in vehicle such as the doom wheel is that his Move (Metal) Steel Gizmo Gizmo Steel Gizmo
legendary action allows him to ram targets with the wheel. If 3-4 Faded Warp
he can't reach a target this way, he'll rely on his Forbidden (Gem) Jewel
Warp Jewel Potent Warp Jewel
Augmentation legendary actions.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Doom Wheels
In the sprawling laboratories of the ratfolk, technological
and magical prowess intertwine in frenetic chaos. Amidst this
interplay, one invention stands as a testament to the insanity
and genius of the ratfolk engineers - the doom wheel.
The doom wheel is an immense vehicle that looms over the
battlefield like a nightmarish mockery of a rat wheel, a
testament to the raw and unbridled power the ratfolk
engineers can command. An engineer, picked from the most
daring (or unhinged) of their kind, steers the doom wheel
from a pilot seat within, guiding this deadly contraption with
mad glee, careening wildly across the landscape.
The doom wheel’s motion is powered by an army of
irradiated rats, feverishly running in unison along the inside
of its massive. Dangerous arcane stones built into the
machine mutate and transform these rats into tireless,
monstrous variants of their kin, their muscles bulging with
unnatural strength and their eyes glowing an eerie green. The
ceaseless running of these mutant rats drives the huge wheel,
causing it to spin with a relentless, unstoppable momentum.
But the arcane stones serve a dual purpose. As the wheel
spins, it generates a kind of eldritch energy, harnessed by the
embedded stone. The magical mineral, imbued with the raw
force of movement, channels this power into devastating
blasts of arcane lightning. This energy is unleashed upon the
ratfolk’s enemies in brilliant, lethal arcs, turning the doom
wheel into a rolling generator of destructive force.

Doom Wheel Heavy Set. The doom wheel cannot be shoved, and it
has advantage on saving throws against being knocked
Huge vehicle (75,000 lb.)

Armor Class 18 Rat Wheel. The swarm crewing the Treadmill action
Hit Points 252 (Damage threshold 10, mishap station is trapped within that station and can't leave
threshold 30) until the doom wheel is destroyed.
Speed 0ft. Skittering Lightning. Whenever the doom wheel finishes
Creature Capacity 1 Medium creature, 1 Large swarm of moving at least 10 feet, a bolt of lightning leaps to the
Tiny creatures closest creature within 60 feet of the doom wheel and
Cargo Capacity 1 ton not inside it. That creature must make a DC 16
Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) lightning
damage for every 10 feet the doom wheel moved on a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 0 0 0 (maximum 20d6). If two or more potential targets are
equidistant from the doom wheel, choose one at
Vehicle DC 16
Damage Resistances lightning
Damage Immunities poison, psychic.
Action Stations
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, Helm (Requires 1 Medium creature as Crew and Grants
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, Half Cover). The creature Steers the Doom Wheel but
unconscious has no control over how far it moves, only the path it
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) follows.
Treadmill (Requires 1 Large swarm of Tiny creatures as
Doom Wheel Mishaps. The doom wheel uses the Doom Crew and Three-Quarters cover). The swarm powers the
Wheel Mishaps table when determining the effect of a doom wheel, causing the doom wheel’s speed to
mishap. become equal to the swarm’s speed until the start of
Grinding Wheel. The doom wheel deals 10 (3d6) the swarm’s next turn. The swarm cannot steer the
damage instead of 3 (1d6) for every 10 feet it moves in doom wheel, and if no one uses the Helm’s action
a straight line before crashing into a creature or object before the start of the swarm’s next turn, at the start of
that is Medium or smaller. the swarm’s next turn, the doom wheel moves its
speed forward in a straight line before its speed drops
back to 0.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Doom Wheel Mishaps
Repair Irradiated Rat Tide
Mishap Check Large swarm of Tiny monstrosities, unaligned
d8 Name Mishap Effect Type
The doom wheel suffers a partial Armor Class 11
meltdown and begins emitting a Hit Points 99 (18d10+0)
luminous greenish glow. Any Speed 60 ft.
1 creature that starts its turn on or Dex
inside the vehicle takes 10 (3d6)
radiant damage at the start of its STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
turn until this mishap ends. 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)
The doom wheel moves in a
random direction. Roll a d8 to Skills Perception +3
determine the direction. As long as Damage Resistance lightning, bludgeoning, piercing,
2- Out of the mishap persists, it can only slashing
Str Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled,
3 Control move in that direction. It
automatically fails Dexterity checks paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
and Dexterity saving throws until Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 13
this mishap ends. Languages ━
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
The swarm occupying the Treadmill
station has its speed reduced by 20 Keen Smell. The swarm has advantage on Wisdom
4- Dizzying
feet for the next minute or until the None (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
5 Fumes
swarm is no longer inside the
doom wheel. Overwhelming Mass (2). The first time each turn that
the swarm hits a creature with an attack, it deals an
The swarm occupying the Treadmill
extra 2 damage per ally it has within 5 feet of its
6- Burst of station gains 20 feet of speed for
None target that isn't incapacitated. The swarm can
7 Speed the next minute or until the swarm
benefit from up to 3 allies this way.
is no longer inside the doom wheel.
Roiling Throng. The swarm lose 30 feet of
The swarm occupying the Treadmill movement when it has half of its hit points or fewer.
station is expelled from the doom
wheel and goes into a crazed state. Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's
Rats space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
8 It gains an additional action on its None
Escape through any opening large enough for a tiny rat. The
next turn and has advantage on all
attack rolls until the end of its next swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit
turn. points.

Multiattack. The swarm makes two attacks or one
Warp Flame Wheel attack if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.
Instead of generating devastating arcs of lightning, this doom Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft.,
wheel variant channels its eldritch energy into an infernal one target in the swarm's space. Hit: 10 (3d6)
pyrotechnic display. At the heart of the wheel, an eldritch piercing damage.
furnace glows with an unholy intensity. Fueled by the sheer
kinetic force of the running rats, the furnace channels its
blazing wrath into gouts of horrifying, green-tinged flame that
consumes all in its path. This fire, hotter and more potent
than any natural flame, reduces enemies to ash and the
battlefield to a scorched wasteland.
However, the warp flame wheel's destructive potential
doesn't end there, for it is equipped with a high-pressure
sprayer loaded with a sticky, highly flammable oil. At the
pilot's command, this oil can be sprayed over adversaries or
across the battlefield. Then, with a malicious grin, the
engineer ignites the oil-soaked area with the eldritch fire,
turning it into a nightmarish sea of flame.

Warp Flame Wheel The grease can be removed from a creature if it or
another creature within 5 feet uses an action to scrap
Huge vehicle (75,000 lb.)
or wash it off. The doom wheel ignores this difficult
terrain; instead, moving 2 feet through the grease costs
Armor Class 18 the doom wheel only 1 foot of movement. Any creature
Hit Points 283 (Damage threshold 10, mishap or vehicle other than the doom wheel that enters the
threshold 30) area or ends its turn must succeed on a DC 16
Speed 0ft. Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
Creature Capacity 1 Medium creature, 1 Large swarm of
Tiny creatures If an attack, spell, or ability that deals fire damage
Cargo Capacity 1 ton targets something in a grease-covered area or has an
area of effect that overlaps with a grease-covered area,
any grease in that area is set ablaze; this includes
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA grease that is covering creatures in that area. All other
grease-covered areas and grease-covered creatures in
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 0 0 0 contact with an area of burning grease are also
immediately set ablaze as the fire spreads across all the
Vehicle DC 16 grease it comes in contact with.
Damage Immunities fire, poison, psychic
When a creature moves into or within the area of
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
burning grease or starts its turn in the area, it takes 3
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned,
(1d6) fire damage for every 5 feet it travels. A creature
that starts its turn covered in burning grease takes 10
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
(3d6) fire damage.
Doom Wheel Mishaps. The doom wheel uses the Doom Wheel of Fire. Whenever the doom wheel finishes
Wheel Mishaps table when determining the effect of a moving at least 10 feet, a 15-foot wide line of fire with
mishap. a length equal to the distance the doom wheel just
moved (maximum 100 feet) erupts from the doom
Flame Siphon. Whenever the doom wheel is subjected wheel in a direction it's facing. Each creature caught in
to fire damage, it takes no damage and instead has any the area of the fire must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving
swarm occupying its Treadmill action station regains a throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
number of hit points equal to the fire damage dealt. half as much damage on a successful one.
This healing ignores the swarm rule regarding healing.
Grinding Wheel. The doom wheel deals 10 (3d6) Action Stations
damage instead of 3 (1d6) for every 10 feet it moves in Helm (Requires 1 Medium creature as Crew and Grants
a straight line before crashing into a creature or object Half Cover). The creature Steers the Doom Wheel but
that is Medium or smaller. has no control over how far it moves, only the path it
Heavy Set. The doom wheel cannot be shoved, and it
has advantage on saving throws against being knocked Treadmill (Requires 1 Large swarm of Tiny creatures as
prone. Crew and Three-Quarters cover). The swarm powers the
Rat Wheel. The swarm crewing the Treadmill action doom wheel, causing the doom wheel’s speed to
station is trapped within that station and can't leave become equal to the swarm’s speed until the start of
until the doom wheel is destroyed. the swarm’s next turn. The swarm cannot steer the
doom wheel, and if no one uses the Helm’s action
Vermin Grease (3/Day). The creature at the Helm can before the start of the swarm’s next turn, at the start of
use its bonus action to spray a 60-foot long, 15-foot the swarm’s next turn, the doom wheel moves its
wide line of grease out from the doom wheel, turning speed forward in a straight line before its speed drops
the area into difficult terrain for 1 minute before drying back to 0.
up. When the grease lands, each creature standing in its
area must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw
or fall prone and be covered in grease for 1 minute.

Wheel of Kill-Doom Doomwheel Adventure Hooks
When the mad ratfolk engineers set their minds to outdo d4 Plot Hook
themselves, they do so with a level of fanaticism that defies The Abandoned Wheel: There are rumors of an
comprehension. Born of such fervor is the pinnacle of their abandoned doom wheel lying dormant in a desolate
insane genius, a terrifying machine imbued with unstable battlefield filled with rare eldritch materials. However,
destructive power: The Wheel of Kill-Doom. 1 it is not as abandoned as it seems. Irradiated rats have
The Wheel of Kill-Doom represents the zenith of ratfolk mutated into monstrous forms and infested the wheel,
engineering prowess, an evolved doom wheel that is the with the largest of their number now piloting it across
ultimate fusion of the most potent arcane technology and the the rotting wasteland.
highest-grade parts scavenged, stolen, or "ingeniously
acquired” by ratfolk. The structure of the Wheel of Kill-Doom Doomwheel Heist: A wealthy collector wants a doom
is reinforced with arcane steel designed to make it hardier wheel for his private collection and will pay the
and amplify the machine’s unnatural power. 2 adventurers a fortune to procure one from the ratfolk.
The party must concoct a plan to steal a doom wheel
Every nook and cranny of this monolithic machine boasts from the ratfolk and pilot it to safety.
meticulous attention to detail, from the titanium-bolted joints
to the arcane-etched gears. In a significant upgrade from the The Wheel of Misfortune: Rumors circulate of a new
original doom wheel, the Wheel of Kill-Doom is equipped type of ratfolk doom wheel, known as the warp flame
with additional lightning generators. These devices, powered 3
wheel. Reports of devastated villages, burnt fields, and
by the relentless running of the strongest irradiated rats, terrified survivors have reached the party, and they are
generate lightning of a potency unseen in its predecessor. hired to find the ratfolk raiders and destroy this new
This energy coalesces into brilliant, crackling bolts that can weapon before it can cause further devastation.
arc between multiple foes, leaving a trail of charred bodies Blasphemous Designs: An artifact has been stolen from
and scorched earth. The spectacle of the Wheel of Kill-Doom the local temple, and the tracks lead to the ratfolk's
in action is nothing short of a storm let loose on the subterranean lair. The party is tasked with delving into
battlefield. 4
the depths of the lair to retrieve the artifact, but soon
discover it is being used to power an immense doom
wheel known as the Wheel of Kill-Doom.

Wheel of Kill-Doom Rat Wheel. The swarm crewing the Treadmill action
station is trapped within that station and can't leave
Huge vehicle (75,000 lb.)
until the doom wheel is destroyed.

Armor Class 19 Skittering Chain Lightning. Whenever the doom wheel

Hit Points 310 (Damage threshold 10, mishap finishes moving at least 10 feet, a bolt of lightning
threshold 40) leaps to the closest creature within 60 feet of the
Speed 0ft. doom wheel and not inside it. Another bolt of lightning
Creature Capacity 1 Medium creature, 1 Large swarm of then leaps from that creature to the closest creature
Tiny creatures within 30 feet of it that isn’t within the doom wheel.
Cargo Capacity 1 ton Creature’s targeted by the lightning must make a DC
16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) lightning
damage for every 10 feet the doom wheel moved on a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one
(maximum 20d6). If two or more potential targets of a
22 (+6) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 0 0 0 lightning bolt are equidistant from the lightning bolt’s
source, choose one at random.
Vehicle DC 16
Damage Resistances lightning Action Stations
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Helm (Requires 1 Medium creature as Crew and Grants
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, Half Cover). The creature Steers the Doom Wheel but
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, has no control over how far it moves, only the path it
unconscious follows.
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)
Treadmill (Requires 1 Large swarm of Tiny creatures as
Doom Wheel Mishaps. The doom wheel uses the Doom Crew and Three-Quarters cover). The swarm powers the
Wheel Mishaps table when determining the effect of a doom wheel, causing the doom wheel’s speed to
mishap. become equal to the swarm’s speed until the start of
the swarm’s next turn. The swarm cannot steer the
Grinding Wheel. The doom wheel deals 10 (3d6) doom wheel, and if no one uses the Helm’s action
damage instead of 3 (1d6) for every 10 feet it moves in before the start of the swarm’s next turn, at the start of
a straight line before crashing into a creature or object the swarm’s next turn, the doom wheel moves its
that is Medium or smaller. speed forward in a straight line before its speed drops
Heavy Set. The doom wheel cannot be shoved, and it back to 0.
10 has advantage on saving throws against being knocked
Doom Wheel Loot Doom Wheel Tactics
Because doom wheels are vehicles, most of the valuable Due to the doom wheel's erratic nature and propensity for
goods that can be looted from them are items they were malfunctioning, its tactics are limited. However, there are a
carrying or materials salvaged from their remains. Most few key considerations to keep in mind:
carried valuables can be found using Intelligence
(Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) checks or may not The lightning generated by the doom wheel strikes the
require a check to spot at all. Salvaged material can usually closest target that is not inside the wheel. This means it
be gathered using an Intelligence (Smith’s Tolls) or must have a clear path to its intended target, avoiding any
Intelligence (Tinker’s Tools) check. Alternatively, you can roll allies if present, and should strive to end its movement as
for the loot randomly using a flat modifier. close as possible to the target.
The rats inside the wheel will continue turning it even if
Doom Wheel Loot Tables the driver dies, causing the wheel to keep moving in its
The following tables describe the number of items and value current direction.
of those items the players are able to loot depending on the Warp Flame Wheel Tactics
result of their check or the results of your roll. If they're The warp flame wheel’s pilot always begins by using
making checks, you can have them make a separate check for Vermin Grease to accelerate the wheel to maximum
each creature they're looting or use one check for multiple
creatures at once to save time. ramming speed and extend the range of its flamethrower.
The pilot may prioritize setting the grease on fire or
Doom Wheel Loot Table hitting as many targets as possible with the flamethrower.
Looting Check Result or 1d20 + 7 Loot
A helpful rule of thumb is to count setting the grease on
fire as equivalent to hitting two targets with the
1-13 2d4(5) 50gp Items flamethrower.
14-24 2d4(5) 100gp Items The Flame Siphon ability can help sustain the rats in the
Treadmill. If the rats' speed decreases due to being at half
25+ 3d4(7) 100gp Items health or lower, focus on passing the wheel through the
fire until they regain enough health to increase their
Warp Flame Wheel Loot Table speed, even if it means temporarily reducing your damage
Looting Check Result or 1d20 + 7 Loot output.
1-13 2d4(5) 100gp Items Wheel of Kill-Doom Tactics
14-24 2d4(5) 200gp Items
The tactics remain the same as the normal doom wheel,
with the only new feature being that the lightning bolt it
25+ 3d4(7) 200gp Items generates has the ability to jump to another target. Find
two enemies close together to avoid the seconded bolt
Wheel of Kill-Doom Loot Table jumping to any allies.
Looting Check Result or 1d20 + 7 Loot
1-8 3d6(10) 100gp Items
9-13 4d6(14) 100gp Items
14-18 3d6(10) 200gp Items
19-23 4d6(14) 200gp Items
24+ 5d6(17) 200gp Items

Example Doom Wheel Loot Names

You can give the different types of items unique names based
on their material and value to help differentiate them from
one another. The following tables provide some example
Example Doom Wheel Item Names
1d4 50gp Item 100gp Item 200gp Item
1-2 Cracked Warp Masterwork Warp
Warp Gem
(Gem) Gem Gem
3-4 Rusted Doom Masterwork Doom
(Metal) Wheel Scraps Wheel Scraps

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Self-Propelled Vehicles

ost land vehicles in fantasy settings are If the target is a creature, it is also knocked prone. On a
pulled by other creatures, such as successful Dexterity save, the target takes no damage and is
wagons, carriages, or chariots. not knocked prone. On a successful Strength save, the
However, through some combination of creature takes half damage, is not knocked prone, and the
technology or magic, some vehicles vehicle's speed becomes 0 until the end of the turn. A target
may be self-propelled and driven by a can only make this saving throw once per turn.
passenger. These may be relatively If the vehicle is at least two size categories larger than the
small mechanical contraptions, magically self-propelled target it crashed into, it can continue moving through the
carriages, or mighty war machines rumbling across blasted target's space if it has any movement remaining. Otherwise,
battlefields. the vehicle comes to a sudden stop. If the target is an
The following rules can help you codify how to use these impassable object that could reasonably damage the vehicle,
vehicle types in your games. They can be applied to vehicles such as an iron wall, the vehicle comes to a sudden stop and
of different shapes and sizes and used as tools for designing takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it moved
your own vehicles. The rules here can be applied to most self- since its last turn (maximum 20d6 damage). Each creature on
powered vehicles piloted by a passenger. or inside the vehicle takes the damage as well
Self-Propelled Vehicle Prone Vehicles
If vehicle falls prone, it cannot right itself and is incapacitated
Rules until it is flipped upright.
Self-propelled vehicles are vehicles able to move without
needing to be pushed or pulled by another creature, and they Falling Vehicles
usually don’t need an external energy source (such as wind). When a vehicle falls from a height of 10 feet or higher, it and
Throughout this document, they will be referred to simply as all creatures on or inside it take damage from the fall as
vehicles. Creatures within a vehicle are referred to as normal and land in a prone position. If the vehicle falls due to
passengers. In combat, vehicles use most of the same rules the actions of its driver (such as jumping off a ramp) it may
as creatures, with the following additional considerations: not land prone (DM’s discretion) but still takes fall damage.
Opportunity Attacks Repairing Vehicles
Vehicles provoke opportunity attacks as usual. When a If a vehicle has taken damage but still has at least 1 hit point,
vehicle provokes an opportunity attack, the attacker can a creature can spend 1 hour or more attempting to repair the
target the vehicle itself or any creature riding on or inside it, damage. The vehicle must be stationary, and the creature
provided they are within reach and do not have total cover. must have the necessary tools and parts for the repairs. After
1 hour of repair work, the creature makes an Intelligence
Spacing Within Vehicles check, adding its proficiency bonus to the check if it is
All creatures within a vehicle count as being within 5 feet of proficient with the tools required for the repairs. If the check
each other. succeeds, the vehicle regains 2d4 + its Intelligence modifier +
its proficiency bonus hit points. If the check fails, the vehicle
Entering and Exiting Vehicles does not regain any hit points, but the repair can be
attempted again using the same tools and replacement parts.
Entering or exiting the vehicle costs a creature half of its
movement. Each creature inside the vehicle may use its Vehicular Exhaustion
reaction to make an opportunity attack against the creature Certain circumstances can cause a vehicle to malfunction
entering or exiting. and eventually break down due to wear and tear. This wear
Crashing into Creatures and and tear can be represented using exhaustion rules, as
described in Appendix A of the Player's Handbook, with the
Objects following modifications:
A vehicle can crash into a creature or object by entering its When a vehicle reaches exhaustion level 6, its hit points
space. When it does, the creature or object must make a drop to 0, and the vehicle breaks down.
Dexterity or Strength saving throw (the target's choice) using The only way to remove the effects of exhaustion on a
the vehicle's DC. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 vehicle is through repair. This can be done using the rules
bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet the vehicle moved in a described in the Repairing Vehicles section above. If the
straight line before attempting to enter the target's space attempt to repair the vehicle succeeds, the vehicle's
(maximum 20d6 damage). exhaustion level decreases by 1. If the check fails, the
vehicle's exhaustion level remains unchanged, but the
repair attempt can be made again using the same tools
and replacement parts.

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Action Stations
Self-Propelled Vehicle A vehicle may have one or more Action Stations. Each of
Attributes these stations requires a certain number of creatures to
operate and may grant those creatures some amount of cover.
Besides the size, weight, AC, HP, and damage immunity The creatures operating these stations must be passengers
attributes common to all objects, these vehicles have the within the vehicle, but not all passengers need to be
following additional attributes and considerations: operating a station. A creature operating a station can use an
action to activate the station's effect. A station can be
Hit Points occupied by only one creature at a time and can only be
A vehicle's hit points can be restored through vehicle repairs. activated once per round.
However, when a vehicle's hit points reach 0, it becomes
inoperative and is irreparably damaged. The Helm
Most vehicles that must be piloted by a passenger (referred to
Damage Threshold as the driver) have an Action Station known as the Helm,
where the vehicle's movement is controlled. It usually
Most vehicles possess bulk or armor that enables them to consists of a chair equipped with a wheel, levers, pedals, and
withstand minor hits. A vehicle with a damage threshold is other controls. If a vehicle has a helm with no one operating
immune to all damage unless the amount of damage it takes it, it automatically fails Dexterity saving throws. A driver who
is equal to or greater than its damage threshold value. In is proficient with land vehicles can add their proficiency
such cases, the vehicle takes damage as usual. Damage that bonus to ability checks and saving throws made using the
fails to meet or exceed the vehicle's damage threshold is vehicle's ability scores.
considered superficial and does not reduce the vehicle's hit The driver can use an action to propel the vehicle up to its
points. speed or bring it to a complete stop. While the vehicle is in
motion, the driver can steer it along any desired course. If the
Mishap Threshold driver becomes incapacitated, leaves the helm, or takes no
When a vehicle sustains damage from a single source that is action to alter the vehicle's course and speed, the vehicle will
equal to or exceeds its mishap threshold, it is required to roll continue moving in the same direction and at the same speed
on the Mishaps table (refer to the Mishaps section). as it did during the driver's last turn until it collides with an
obstacle large enough to stop its movement.
Creature Capacity
Creature capacity determines the number of creatures that
can ride the vehicle comfortably. Additional creatures can fit Most vehicles have a Mishaps Table, which describes
by squeezing or clinging to the outside of the vehicle. different ways its functionality can go awry under adverse
conditions. When certain abilities or conditions dictate, roll
Cargo Capacity on this Mishaps Table.
To resolve a Mishap, a creature can use its action to make
Cargo capacity indicates the maximum weight of cargo the an ability check based on the nature of the mishap (refer to
vehicle can carry. the Mishaps section). If the vehicle is moving, the check is
made with disadvantage. If the creature is proficient with the
Vehicle DC tools required for the repairs and has them at hand, it adds its
Whenever the vehicle requires a creature to make a check or proficiency bonus to the check. A successful check ends the
saving throw, it uses this number as the DC. mishap. Mishaps that do not have a Repair Check Type
cannot be repaired.
Challenge Rating
When players face enemies that are equipped with a fully
functioning vehicle, the challenge rating (CR) of the Art Credit
encounter should be calculated as if the vehicle is an Nezumi Prowler - Joseph Weston, Wizards of the Coast
additional creature with its own CR. Jackhammer - John Severin Brassell, Wizards of the Coast
Pyroconvergence - Jack Wang, Wizards of the Coast
Ability Scores Nezumi Bone-Reader - Leonardo Santanna, Wizards of
A vehicle possesses the standard six ability scores that the Coast
creatures have, along with their corresponding modifiers. Mizzium Tank - Wayne Reynolds, Wizards of the Coast
The Strength of the vehicle is determined by its size and Gnawing Vermin - Raoul Vitale, Wizards of the Coast
weight, while Dexterity represents its handling and Immolating Gyre - Campbell White, Wizards of the
maneuverability. The Constitution of a vehicle reflects its
durability and quality of construction. In most cases, vehicles
have a score of 0 in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
If a vehicle has a score of 0 in a particular ability score, it
automatically fails any ability check or saving throw that
relies on that score.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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