Intermediate Accounting 2
Intermediate Accounting 2
Intermediate Accounting 2
PAS 1 prescribes the basis for presentation of general 3. Commodity contracts that either cannot be
purpose financial statements to improve comparability settled in cash or which are expected to be
both with the entity's financial statements of previous settled by commodity exchange (e.g., coffee
periods and with the financial statements of other beans, gold bullion, oil, and the like). If a
entities. commodity contract is expected to be cash
settled, it will be included as financial liability on
Essential characteristics of a liability the part of the cash payor.
1. Present obligation (Legal or Constructive) 4. Constructive obligations. These obligations do
2. Arising from past events not arise from contracts.
3. Outflow of economic benefits
Recognition of liabilities
Financial liabilities
• An item is recognized as a liability when:
• A financial liability is any liability that is a
contractual obligation : 1. It meets the definition of a liability;
• Examples:
4. Commodity contracts that either cannot be • Under IFRIC 17, the liability to pay a dividend is
settled in cash or which are expected to be recognized when the dividend is appropriately
settled by commodity exchange authorized and is no longer at the discretion of
the entity, which is:
Current liabilities
1. the date when the declaration of the dividend
Current liabilities are liabilities that are:
(e.g., by management or the board of directors)
1. Expected to be settled in the entity’s normal is approved by the relevant authority (e.g., the
operating cycle; shareholders) if the jurisdiction requires such
approval, or
2. Held primarily for trading;
2. the date when the dividend is declared (e.g., by
3. Due to be settled within 12 months after the management or the board of directors) if the
end of the reporting period; or jurisdiction does not require further approval.
4. The entity does not have the right at the end of
the reporting period to defer settlement of the
liability for at least twelve months after the
reporting period.