Reserch Proposal Edoardo
Reserch Proposal Edoardo
Reserch Proposal Edoardo
Nim : 2251800006
Social media is a digital platform that provides facilities for conducting social activities for each user. Several
activities that can be carried out on social media, for example, include communicating or interacting, and
providing information or content in the form of writing, photos, and videos. There is various types of
information in the shared content that can be open to all users for 24 hours.
Social media is a part of internet development. The presence of several decades ago has allowed social media to
develop and grow as widely and quickly as it is now. This is what makes all users connected to an internet
connection able to carry out the process of disseminating information or content anytime and anywhere.
Today, it cannot be denied that human life is closely related to social media. Social media plays an important
role in almost all levels of society. People can send messages to friends, share information, and look for
information that is currently popular in the community. Therefore, it is no longer surprising if someone says that
social media have become an important need for almost everyone.
The presence of social media in today's society provides significant benefits. Social media is quite helpful in
erasing distance between people, so it is very effective in shortening communication time. The rapid growth of
technological development has led to many types of social media that are now frequently used by Indonesians,
such as YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
The first type of social media platform is YouTube. Who would have thought this site, created by three young
people and founded in 2005, would be successful. This site, which is ranked second in the world, allows users to
share videos. This is the right marketing strategy for your business. Instagram is a social media platform that is
no less interesting to many people.
This site has also succeeded in attracting the attention of its users through its photo and short video-sharing
features. To expand your business, you can create and post various iconic and interesting photos on the
Instagram account page. Obtain as many Instagram users as possible through the right marketing strategy for
your product.
Facebook is the next type of social media platform. Many Facebook users also engage in business through
Facebook. This method is simple. Facebook allows users to share stories, website links, images, and videos.
Anime fans often write captions using both the Indonesian language and Japanese. Kpop or Kdrama fans call
each other with the Korean language honorific for their inside jokes. The most common phenomenon that can
be found on every side of the Internet is code mixing between Indonesian and English. Another significant
impact of digitalization is the ease of discovering new brands and products via social media platforms. Social
media platforms, including TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook, have emerged as driving forces. In
addition, social media engagement allows for quicker reviews from the beauty community, resulting in faster
B. Problem Statement
C. Goal
1. The reader can understand the types and the purpose of code-mixing.
2. The readers can find out the meaning of the term code-mixing used in tiktok.
3. The readers can understand the use of code-mixing in tiktok.
D. Benefit
1. Theoretical Benefit
The results of this research are expected to increase knowledge about
certain terms in the field of cosmetics and can be used as additional
scientific information, reference material for linguistics.
2. Practical Benefit
i. Targeted Reader
It is hoped that the results of this research will increase information
and understanding for readers about linguistic in tiktok.
ii. Institution
It is hoped that the research can be used as reading material in the
University library and a source of information for future research for English Language
Education students.
iii. Researcher
It is hoped that the research will provide additional learning and insight into knowledge about
A. TikTok
Tiktok is a social media platform that gives users the possibility to make short videos for three
minutes, supported by many features, such as music, filter face/background, and various other
creative features. In the beginning, TikTok was not launched under the name TikTok. In
September In 2016, ByteDance, a China-based company, launched a short video application
called Douyin. Douyin can have as many as 100 million users and video views of one billion
views every day over 1 year period. Due to its rapid increase in popularity, ByteDance decided to
expand its reach to Douyin outside China with a new name, namely TikTok. TikTok has a
mission to capture moments valuable from all corners of the world via smartphone and showing
the creativity of each user and also TikTok allows its users to becontent creator through its
application, offering simplicity and convenience. This makes TikTok more interesting than other
competitors worldwide.
According to Holmes (2001), code is used by sociolinguist to describe the linguistic choices.
People who live in bilingual or multilingual communities tend to use two or more codes when
communicating with each other. In short, a code is a system of words, letters, or symbols used to
convey messages in a language. Code is a system used by people to communicate with each
other. Code is a particular dialect or language used in every opportunity to communicate with
two or more people. When people want to talk to one another, they must choose a certain code to
express their feelings.
C. Code-Mixxing
The symptom of code mixing in daily communication is common in society, especially in
Indonesia. It becomes normal communication by mixing language varieties while conducting
communication. It is caused by some of the people in Indonesia who are categorized as
bilingual or multilingual. Saputro in Wulandari (2016) states that code mixing is the ability to
apply more than a language in which the interlocutors or writers mix two or more codes in a
language discourse, and Nababan in Yuliana (2015) argues that code mixing is the ability to
change a language from one language to another within the same utterance during the
conversation or in a similar composed text or orally. This is in line with Jendra in Sumarsih
(2014), who claims that code-mixing is a language phenomenon where different languages
are mixed together within the same clause; based on several definitions related to code-
mixing conveyed by some experts, it can be summarized that code-mixing is someone's
ability to mix languages within a conversation when interacting with each other, yet their
conversation is still in the same circumstance and only the language that they change.
Moreover, according to Wulandari (2016), the background of education, social life, Astri,
D. Types Of Code-Mixxing
According to Hoffman (1991: 112) shows that there are three types of code
mixing based on syntactic pathways, namely intra-sentential code mixing, intra-lexical code
mixing and a change in pronunciation.
Types of code-mixing
1. Intra sentential
This kind of code mixing occurs in phrases, clauses or sentence boundaries.
2. Intra lexical
Intralexical occurs within word boundaries. Additionally, it appears with prefixes and
suffixes in other languages.
3. Involving change Pronunciation
This type appears when it occurs at the phonological level, such as when people speak
another language but they modify it to another phonological structure.
III. Research methodology
The research is using Qualitative research. Qualitative research is a process of naturalistic
inquiry that seeks an in-depth understanding of social phenomena within their natural setting. It
focuses on the "why" rather than the "what" of social phenomena and relies on the direct
experiences of human beings as meaning-making agents in their every day lives. Rather than by
logical and statistical procedures, qualitative researchers use multiple systems of inquiry for the
study of human phenomena including biography, case study, historical analysis, discourse
analysis, ethnography, grounded theory, and phenomenology.
IV. Reference
Muysken, P. (2000). A Typology of Code Mixing. London: Cambridge University.
Wardaugh, R. (2006). An Introduction to Sociolinguistic. In Blackwell (Ed.).