Annexure - A: Name & Signature of The Student Name & Signature of The Parent/Guardian
Annexure - A: Name & Signature of The Student Name & Signature of The Parent/Guardian
Annexure - A: Name & Signature of The Student Name & Signature of The Parent/Guardian
I, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
son/daughter of Mr./Ms……………………………………………………………………….…
resident of (home address) …………….……………………………………...................................
have gone through and understood the guidelines and protocols for staying in the Institute hostels.
I understand that if I am found to have given wrong information in the declaration below or
not f ol l o wi n g protocols after onboarding at the institute, I will be liable for disciplinary action.
I declare that:
I am not suffering from any prolonged physical and mental illness.
I understand that NIT Jalandhar has an Institute Dispensary and it will extend all available
facilities in case of a medical emergency. However, in case of medical treatment and/or
hospitalization outside the campus, the medical expenditure shall be borne by me.
I also understand that if I am found in violation of any hostel rules, I will be liable for
appropriate disciplinary action.
I declare that without prior approval from concerned HOD/ Chief Warden/ Hostel Warden, I
will not leave the station in any case.
I will inform my parents / guardians, if required, in case of any exigency such as depression,
mental problem, act of indiscipline, etc.
I understand that due to limited hostel facility, the inmates have to share the available resources
in the hostel and I have no objection for the same.
Date: …………………………
Place: ………………………...
Name & Signature of the Student Name & Signature of the Parent/Guardian
Annexure – B
I, …………………………………………………………………………………………………....
Father / Mother / Guardian of Mr. / Ms. …………………………………………………………...
resident of (home address) ………………………………………................................…
hereby declare the following in respect of my ward for admission at Dr B R Ambedkar, National
Institute of Technology Jalandhar.
Despite the best efforts on part of the NIT Jalandhar, if any unforeseen event takes place to my
ward, I shall not hold Institute accountable and will not seek any financial help or compensation
for the same from any court of law.
Date: …………………………
Place: ………………………...
Name & Signature of the Parent/Guardian Name & Signature of the Student
Annexure – C
Undertaking by the Student for not owning and/or using motor driven vehicles in the
Institute Campus
I, ………………………………………………………………………………………………
son/daughter of Mr./Ms……………………………………………………………………….…
resident of (home address) ………………………………………………...................................
hereby submit an undertaking that
I will not own or make use of motor driven vehicle for commuting inside the campus
during my stay in the Institute. If in case, I am found to violate the above undertaking
my hostel seat will stand automatically cancelled without assigning any reasons.
Any visitor in my reference bringing a vehicle would follow the guidelines for
registering the vehicle at the Institute main gate and the hostel office, if required and I
would be liable for punishment for any violation on this account.
Date: …………………………
Place: ………………………...
Name & Signature of the Student Name & Signature of the Parent/Guardian
(To be filled by the Student)
Name : ____________________________________
Roll No. : ____________________________________
Department : ____________________________________
Course (Please tick) : B. Tech. / M. Tech. / M. Sc. / MBA / Ph.D.
email ID : ____________________________________
Date and Time of arrival : _______________________ (Date)
_______________________ (Time)
Hostel Clerk