PLAN Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: QUARTER 1
I. OBJECTIVES 1. The student will able to define 1. The students understand 1. The students can give 1. The students will be
what is a sentence. the different kinds of the definition of a clause. able to contruct
2. The students can identify the Sentences according to its 2. The students can meaningful clauses.
basic sentences parts structure. determine the different
2. The students will be able kinds of clauses and their
to construct a sentence functions.
according to its structure
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: Pre-colonial Philippine Literature as a means of connecting to the past. Various reading styles;ways of determining
word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by; showing appreciation for the literature of the past comprehending text using appropriate reading styles; participating in
conversations using appropriate context dependent expressions producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in various
situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competencies
/ Objectives. Write the LC Use clauses, and sentences appropriately and meaningfully EN7G-II-a-1
code for each.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages Grammar and Composition by Grammar and Composition Grammar and Composition by
Houghton Mifflin English Third by Houghton Mifflin English Houghton Mifflin English Third
Course page 62. Third Course page 109-111 Course page 109-111
4. Additional Material from Compound-Complex Sentences Packet 4 (
Learning Resources (LR) (
Resources 7 Q1 M9 ENGLISH 7 Q1 M9 ENGLISH 7 Q1 M8 ENGLISH 7 Q1 M8 7 Q1 M8 and M9
A. Reviewing previous Review lesson about last week. Review lesson about the last Review the last lesson Review about the Short review for all lesson
lesson or presenting new meeting. Define Sentence tackled about the Structure Clauses. discussed.
lesson and Basic parts of sentence. of a sentence.
ENGAGE Show a photo of a man fishing in The Show a Jumbled letters Show a word puzzle to the Communicate with the Show a photo to the students that
the river. and let the students form it a students and let them students if they they will need to contruct a
Guide Questions: word. crossword in the board. undertand fully the sentence along with the clauses.
1. What can you tell about the 1. PLESIM lesson last meeting. Are
photograph? 2. POUNDCOM Guide Question: there any difficulties?
3. PLEXCOM 1. By answering the Then we will now move
By telling what did you know about 4. OUNPCOM-EPLCOMX crossword puzzle. Do you on to constructing a
the photo is mainly constructing a have any ideas what we will clause sentence. Can
sentence. Guide Question: be tackled for todays someone try to create a
1. What do you think is our lesson? sentence with a clause?
So our topic for today is all about lesson for today based on
what is a sentence; and basic the answers you have. Our lesson for today is
parts of the sentences. about Clauses.
Its all about the kinds of
sentences according to the
EXPLORE Before that let us all have a pre- But Before that let us test Let us all answer some Let us re-test your level In a 1/4 sheet of paper.
test about our lesson and test your you knowlegde about for questions regarding of knowlegde about the B. Direction: Read carefully each
prior knowledge about the lesson. todays lesson. clauses.We will test your lesson we discuss which item and identify the correct
prior knowledge about out clauses. answer. Choose only the letter of
In a 1/4 sheet of paper. Get a 1/4 sheet of paper lesson for today. the correct answer.
A. Direction: Read carefully each Just answer it any 1.It contains a subject and a verb
item and identify the correct Directions: In a 1/4 sheet of In a 1/4 sheet of paper scratch paper. and expressions a complete
answer. Choose only the letter of paper. Identify each answer the following thought.
the correct answer. sentence below as SIMPLE, questions and write the Identify whether it is A.Subject B. Sentence C. Verb
COMPOUND, COMPLEX, letter of the correct answer. Independent or
1. It contains a subject and a verb and Dependent clause 2.What are the two basic parts of a
and expressions a complete COMPOUND-COMPLEX. 1. It contains both a subject sentence. sentence?
thought. 1. Dogs are friendly, but they and a predicate. A.Verb & Predicate
A. Subject B. Sentence C. Verb could also be dangerous. A. Phrase 1. My bicycle is in the B.Sentence and Verb
2. . Your dog’s sense of B. Sentence repair shop. C.Subject & Predicate
2. What are the two basic parts of smell is 10,000 times better C. Clause 2. That result is certain 3.It contains both a subject and a
a sentence? than yours. 3. Which you promised predicate.
A. Verb & Predicate 3. Dogs can track people, 2. What are the two types to do. A. Phrase
B. Sentence and Verb and they could detect of clauses? 4. Whenever you decide B.Sentence
C. Subject & Predicate dangerous substances. A. Verb and Adjective which one to buy C.Clause
4. Communication is very B. Independent and 5. He will.
3. The subject had only one actor. important to dogs because it dependent
A. Simple Subject helps them form and C. Subject and Predicate 4.What are the two types of
B. Complete Subject maintain social groups. clauses?
C. Compound Subject 5. Dogs can see better than 3. It is also known as A.Verb and Adjective
humans in the dark, and they Subordinate clause. B.Independent and dependent
4. It always contains a verb. have an incredibly well- A. Dependent Clause C.Subject and Predicate
A. Subject B. Verb C. Predicate developed sense of smell, B. Independent Clause
which is far superior than C. Predicate Clause 5.It contains two different actions
5. It contains two different actions humans. A.Compound Predicate
A. Compound Predicate 4. Conjunction “but” is used B.Complete Predicate
B. Complete Predicate to. C.Simple Predicate
C. Simple Predicate A. Adds one thing
B. Shows Contrast
B. On your paper, write C. Indicates Effect
SENTENCE for each group of
words below that is a 5. Conjunction “for” is used
sentence. Write INCOMPLETE for to.
each group of words below that is A. Adds one thing
NOT a B. Shows contrast
sentence. C. Indicates effect
1. Running along the shelf
2. Although my dog is playful
3. Since we spend so much time
with him and enjoy his company
4. He barks
5. His many playful qualities are
EXPLAIN Two basic Parts of a Sentence KINDS OF SENTENCES A clause contains both a Discuss the last lesson GIVING THE WEEKLY TEST. (45
1. Subject ACCORDING TO subject and and a just a recap so that the MINS.)
2. Predicate STRUCTURE: predicate. It has two types: students have idea to
SIMPLE SENTENCE Independent and catch up. ITEMS OF WEEKLY TEST will be
Subject - it tells what the sentence COMPOUND SENTENCE
Independent Clause. 40.
about. Most subject are nouns or COMPLEX SENTENCE
pronouns. COMPOUND-COMPLEX Now, unlike a phrase, a
Example: Mr. Elmido purchases new SENTENCE clause contains a subject
car. SIMPLE SENTENCE and a predicate that acts as
TYPES OF SUBJECT It contains a subject and a a
1. Simple Subject - it has only one verb, and it may also have an sentence or cannot make
actor. The subject does not have the object and modifiers, sense standing on its own.
word “and”. but it has only one independent Let us highlight the
Example: Renz like to write his own clause (an independent clause difference:
stories. contains a After putting away enough
2. Complete Subject - it contains subject and verb and expresses
food for his companions
subject and any words related to it. a complete thought), and NO and himself, he put
Example: Daniel’s poem about his dependent the rice on the stove.
father made the class cry. clause. (phrase)
3. Compund Subject - it includes two Examples: After he put away enough
or more people and things doing an 1. Eduardo sings.
food for his companions
action; it is not about nouns that are 2. Fred passed his
plural. assignments. and himself, he put
Example: Renz and Daniel join the 3. Jeth organizes his things for the rice on the stove.
badminton team. an hour. (clause)
Predicate - it always contains a verb. It contains two or more An INDEPENDENT
It tells something about a subject. independent clauses. These two CLAUSE is a group of
Example: The dog barked for an hour. independent words that contains both a
clauses can be combined using subject and a predicate. It
TYPES OF PREDICATE a comma (,) and coordinating expresses a complete
1. Simple Predicate - it includes one conjunctions
thought and can stand
verb only. (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so),
Example: Joremar cried. or with a semicolon (;). alone as a sentence.
2. Complete Predicate - it contains the 1. I like to read books, and I like Examples: A monkey a
verb and any word related to it. to write stories. dog, and a carabao were
Example: Grandpa will take us to the 2. I wrote Jim a letter, but he did getting tired of city life. The
park. not reply. carabao began to fry the
3. Karl’s car broke down; he meat. The Bungisngis, a
3. Compound Predicate - it contains came last. large strong man, heard the
two different actions. COMPLEX SENTENCE noise of the frying
Example: Jacky lives in China and he It contains at least one
speaks Mandarin. independent clause and at least
one dependent There are two types of
COMPONENTS OF A SENTENCE clause. The dependent clause is words that can be used to
The following are some otherwise known as subordinate connect two main or
characteristics of a sentence: clause independent
begins with a capital letter that is connected by clauses: using a comma
He obtained his degree. subordinating conjunctions such and a coordinating
as although, since, conjunctions and
ends with punctuation (a period, because, when, whenever, as, independent marker
a question mark, or an who, which, that, before, after, words.
exclamation point) even if, so that,
1. Coordinating
He obtained his degree. if, now that, unless, until, while,
contains a verb or a verb phrase etc. conjunctions coordinate or
He obtained his degree. Dependent clauses can refer to join two or more sentences,
includes a complete idea that the subject (who, which) the main
stands alone, which is called an sequence/time clauses, words, or other
independent clause (since, while), or the causal parts of speech. Also
He obtained his degree elements (because, if) of the known as coordinators,
(Walden Writing Center, independent clause. coordinating conjunctions
2020). If a sentence begins with a are used to give equal
dependent clause, there is a emphasis to a pair of main
comma after this Clauses
clause. If, on the other hand, the
sentence begins with an
independent clause, Examples:
there is no comma separating A monkey a dog, and a
the two clauses (Pearson carabao were getting tired
Education Inc., 2001). of city life, so they decided
Examples: to go to the forest to hunt.
1. Because he worked hard, he The carabao began to fry
won in the game. the meat, so his friends
dependent clause independent would have food when they
clause got home.
Note: There is a comma (,) in
this sentence because it begins
with a 2. Independent Marker
dependent clause or Word An independent
subordinate clause. marker word is a
2. It is quite hot today although connecting word used at
it is raining. the beginning of an
independent clause independent clause. These
dependent/subordinate clause words can always begin a
Note: There is NO comma (,) in sentence that can stand
this sentence because it begins alone. When the second
with an
independent clause in a
independent clause.
COMPOUND-COMPLEX sentence has an
SENTENCE independent marker word,
It contains at least two a semicolon is needed
independent clauses and at before the independent
least one dependent marker word.
clause. Examples: The
Examples: Bungisngis saw the three
1. Kris didn't come because she animals cooking; however,
was sick, so Tina was sad. he did not dare attack all
independent clause dependent
three of them
clause independent clause
2. The woman left in a hurry
after she got a phone call, but
she came back A DEPENDENT CLAUSE
independent clause dependent (or subordinate clause) is a
clause independent clause clause that cannot stand
ten minutes later. alone because it does not
3. After getting home from work, express a complete
my mother and I went to the thought. It needs to be
mall last attached to an independent
dependent clause independent clause to make its meaning
complete. Examples: The
night, while my father stayed
home and watched television. monkey gladly invited the
dependent clause . Bungisngis to eat the food
when he came.
Some common
subordinating conjunctions
are: also, consequently,
furthermore, however,
moreover, nevertheless,
and therefore. after
although as (as if) because
before even though if in
order that rather than since
so that than that though
unless until when wheneve
ELABORATE Activity 1: You Complete Me! Activity #1: Restruct Me! Activity #1: TryDentify Me! Activity 1: Now create CHECKING of the Weekly Test
Directions: Rewrite the numbered Directions: The class will be Directions: On your 1/4 two sentences for each
items below, and add any words divided into Four groups. In sheet of paper label the of the following
needed to make each a complete each group will answer an following as Independent dependent words,
sentence. Write your answer in a incorrect sentence and make Clause or Dependent putting the dependent
1/2 crosswise. them correct. The group that Clause. clause at the beginning
Example: feed the animals. has more correct answers of one sentence and at
Answer: Jeromy and Marcus will will receive a reward and a 1. Although we were first in the end of the other.
feed the animals. scores. line. Examples: 1. When you
2. Your Uncle visited us go to school, you must
1. Chases the ball 1. Praised she be like to. yesterday. work hard.
2. Live for ten or twenty years 2. Twice day brush teeth a 3. Call for operator 2. You must
3. Purchases new house your. assistance. work hard when
4. Join the team. 3. Jungle the lion of king is 4. Unless our Luggage you go to school.
5. Spend much time hunting for he. arrives late. Notice – when the
food. 4. Mother some cook foods 5. Because Renz lives in dependent clause come
everyday the kitchen in. Cebu. first, a comma must
Activity 2: Know me better! 5. Because worked hard he, come after it
Directions: In each item it has a in the he won game. Activity #2: Fill Me Up!
sentence. Write SS if is Simple Directions: On your 1/4 1. Although___________
Subject, CS if it is Complete sheet of paper, write the _______________
Subject and CDS if Compound Activity #2: Can You? following sentences, 2. After______________
Subject. Directions: Identify each replacing the blanks with _________________
sentence wether it is Simple independent clauses. In 3. While
1. Robin like to dance on his own. Sentence, Compound each new clause, underline ____________________
2. Thomas Edison invented the Sentence, Complex the simple subject once __________
light bulb. Sentence or Compound- and the simple predicate
3. Rabiya and Mateo joins the Complex Sentence. Write it twice.
English Club. on a sheet of paper. Example: While everyone
4. Three school bags remained was sleeping________.
inside the room. 1. She exercise every Answer: While everyone
5. Catriona loves ice cream. morning. was sleeping, I prepared
2. He doesn’t like vegetables. breakfast.
3. Our car broke down, so we
Activity 3 Identify Me! took a taxi. 1. Either Daniel went
Directions: Identify the following 4. The Cinema was sold-out, swimming, or ________.
wether it is a Subject or a so we watch a movie on TV. 2. ______ and she brought
Predicate. 5. Although it was raining, three of them.
they decided to go for a walk. 3. ______, but it’s not
1. She 6. Since he arrived early, he funny.
2. Maria has time to relax. 4. You will make the
3. Barked 7. After the movie ended, basketball team, for _____.
4. Is drinking they went out to buy ice 5. You were absent;
5. Lives and speaks. cream. therefore,__________.
8. I invited Bruno to the
concert, but he can only go if
one of us gives him a ride.
9. Kaci has a bountiful
vegetable garden, so she is
always outside when it is
10. As soon as I heard the
news, I called Nathan, and
we made plans to celebrate.
EVALUATE A. Directions: Copy the following A. Directions: Identify each A. Direction: Fill in the Directions: By using
sentences on your 1/2 crosswise sentence below as SIMPLE, missing word/s in the blank. simple sentences, make
paper. Underline the simple COMPOUND, COMPLEX, Write it in your 1/4 sheet of them into Independent
subject of each sentence once and paper. clauses.
and the simple predicate of each COMPOUND-COMPLEX. 1. ______________ 1.Sarah loves
clause twice. Write in a 1/2 crosswise.(1 expresses a complete birdwatching.
Example: Jogging and Tennis may point each). thought because it has the 2. My dog won’t stop
keep you fit and provide 1. Rattlesnakes grow long a subject and a predicate. barking!
relaxation. and heavy. 2. _________________ 3.His car is a lovely shade
2. If undisturbed, conjunctions join two or of blue.
1. Dolphins and Porpoise look rattlesnakes won’t attack us. more sentences,
alike and are sometimes mistaken 3. Before eating prey, independent clauses, or Directions: By using
for each other. poisonous snakes paralyze phrases that are of equal simple sentences, make
2. Ted and Sally awoke early, it. grammatical rank. them into dependent
fixed breakfast, and brought it to 4. Their tongues could also 3. ________________ clauses.
their parents. detect people, sense conjunctions connect
3. Renz and John looked for a temperature changes, so we dependent clauses to 1. Unless Maria helps.
coins in the sand but found none. need to be careful. independent clauses. 2. Who went home early.
4. Grace and Sarah did their 5. Their rattles warn people 4. “Although it is not safe to 3. Until my hands stung.
warm-up exercise, shot a few of their presence, and they go out of the house” is an
baskets and waited for the rest of use rocks and trees to example of
the team. hide themselves. _________________ 1. Write three (3)
5. Aldren and Suzeth will meet you B. Directions: Create atleast clause. sentences with
at the airport and drive you home. 5 sentences using the Kinds 5. “Whether we like it or introductory dependent
of sentences according to not, we are required to clauses.
B. Directio structure. adapt to the new normal
life” , is an example of
B. Complete the
independent clause by
choosing the correct
or subordinating
conjunction inside the
(Although, So) 1.______ it
was very long, the movie
was still enjoyable.
(Yet, because) 2. You
should take your car in for a
service _________ it's
starting to
make weird noises.
(Even though, eventually)
3. The actor was happy he
got a part in a
the part was small.
(When, After) 4. ______ the
flood, there were
destructions anywhere in
the place.
(So, as) 5. The museum
was very interesting,
_______ I expected.
IV. ADDITIONAL Assignment to be submitted next In a 1/4 sheet of paper do a Create atleast 5 of your Study again the Advance study for the new lesson
ACTIVITIES FOR meeting. research about clause and own sentence using clause. Structurre of a sentence next week. Study about the genre
APPLICATION OR Directions. Write a five-sentence type of clauses. Define what Write it on a 1/4 sheet of and clauses for we will of material viewing. ( News,
REMEDIATION paragraph describing a pet you is a clause. It will be paper. To be submitted be having an weekly Breaking News, Documentary,
have/wish to have recorded. next meeting. It will be test. Trailer, Movie Clip) etc.
at home. In your composition, recorded.
underline the simple subject once
and the simple
predicate twice. (2 points for each
Prepared by: