FX 80 Catalogue
FX 80 Catalogue
FX 80 Catalogue
Catalog Page
The FX80 Supervisory Controller is a web-based
supervisory-class controller in the Facility Explorer®
product family. The FX80 controller manages networks
of field controllers using open communication protocols,
such as BACnet®, LonWorks®, and N2 protocols.
The FX80 controller supports a full set of building
automation features, such as scheduling, alarming,
historical data collection and management, data
sharing, energy management, totalization, customized
control routines, tagging, templates, search, and
hierarchies, which are specifically designed for
commercial facilities.
Each FX80 controller includes a graphical system user
interface with an HTML5 web profile, a configuration
tool that you can access with the web browser, and
robust security. Remote access is easily achieved using
a wired or wireless connection from the Internet or
intranet. Multiple users can concurrently connect to
the FX80 controller. You can manage security and
presentation preferences through user profiles, login
IDs, and passwords.
The FX80 Supervisory Controller is a compact DIN rail
mountable controller with the capability for remote
external input and output points.
In addition, the FX80 controller's hardware and software
design is modular, so you can plug in accessories, such
as communications option modules, if needed. The
device and point licensing options allow you to select the
device and point capacity most appropriate for the size
of your facility and those options best needed to control
it. And, in many cases, future expansions do not require
the replacement of hardware.
Refer to the FX80 Supervisory Controller Product Bulletin
(LIT-12012250) for important product application.
FX80 features and benefits pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection
Fully commissioned and licensed out of the box against harmful interference when this equipment
is operated in a commercial environment. This
Power up, connect to a web browser, change default equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
passwords, set up network parameters, and start frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
adding your field controllers. accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications.
Web-based user interface Operation of this equipment in a residential area
may cause harmful interference, in which case the
Provides rich, graphical displays for system users will be required to correct the interference at
operation and analysis. their own expense.
Adoption of industry standard communication
protocols Canada
This Class (A) digital apparatus meets all the
Allows for the integration of a wide variety of
requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing
field controllers, including Facility Explorer field Equipment Regulations.
controllers and controllers provided by others
Cet appareil numérique de la Classe (A) respecte
without intermediate gateways or translators.
toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel
Embedded Configuration Tool brouilleur du Canada.
Installs easily.
FX Workbench
Table 3: Europe
Product code
FX-SC8CL100-OE FX80 Supervisory Controller core device license, 100 points
FX-SC8CL250-0E FX80 Supervisory Controller core device license, 250 points
FX-SC8CL500-0E FX80 Supervisory Controller core device license, 500 points
FX-SC8CL01K-0E FX80 Supervisory Controller core device license, 1,250 points
Table 5: Europe
Product code
Initial 1 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 100 and 250
Initial 3 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 100 and 250
Initial 5 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 100 and 250
FX-SC8P500M1-0E Initial 1 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 500 points
FX-SC8P500M3-0E Initial 3 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 500 points
FX-SC8P500M5-0E-0 Initial 5 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 500 points
FX-SC8P01KM1-0E Initial 1 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 1,250 points
FX-SC8P01KM3-0E Initial 3 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 1,250 points
FX-SC8P01KM5-0E Initial 5 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 1,250 points
FX-SC8P05KM1-0E Initial 1 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 5,000 points
FX-SC8P05KM3-0E Initial 3 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 5,000 points
FX-SC8P05KM5-0E Initial 5 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 5,000 points
Table 7: Europe
Product code
FX-SC8P250M1-6E 1 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 100 & 250 points
FX-SC8P250M3-6E 3 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 100 & 250 points
FX-SC8P250M5-6E 5 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 100 & 250 points
FX-SC8P500M1-6E 1 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 500 points
FX-SC8P500M3-6E 3 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 500 points
FX-SC8P500M5-6E 5 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 500 points
FX-SC8P01KM1-6E 1 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 1,250 points
FX-SC8P01KM3-6E 3 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 1,250 points
FX-SC8P01KM5-6E 5 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 1,250 points
FX-SC8P05KM1-6E 1 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 5,000 points
FX-SC8P05KM3-6E 3 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 5,000 points
FX-SC8P05KM5-6E 5 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with with 5,000 points
FX-SC8P10KM1-6E 1 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 10,000 points
FX-SC8P10KM3-6E 3 year software mintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 10,000 points
FX-SC8P10KM5-6E 5 year software maintenance for FX80 Supervisory Controller with 10,000 points
Table 9: Europe
Product code
Initial purchase
FX-SC8PL500-0E License enabling an additional 500 points for one FX80, initial purchase only
FX-SC8PL01K-0E License enabling an additional 1,250 points for one FX80, initial purchase only
FX-SC8PL02K-0E License enabling an additional 2,500 points for one FX80, initial purchase only
After initial purchase
Europe FX-SC8XIOPSU-0E PSU Remote FX IO Modules, 90-240Vac to 15Vdc DIN rail mount 30Va
FX-SC8WKIT-700 Extension cable and bracket for FX80 WLAN
North America FX-SC8XIOR16-0 Remote input/output module for the FX Supervisory Controllers;
includes 8 universal inputs, 4 relay outputs, and four 0-10 V analog
Europe FX-SC8XIOR16-0E outputs.
North America FX-SC8XIOR34-0 Remote input/output module for the FX Supervisory Controllers;
includes 16 universal inputs, 10 relay outputs, and eight 0-10 V analog
Europe FX-SC8XIOR34-0E outputs.
Onboard 2 Ethernet 10/100 Mbps; 2 RS-485 (Isolated); 1 USB, 1 Micro USB, Fast USB Bus; Wi-Fi
Plug-in options Dual port RS-485 (Isolated); LON FT/TP-10; RS-232
Network drivers
Embedded N2, BACnet, Niagara
Direct I/O
Onboard None
Optional Up to 256 by using 16 Remote I/O Modules (FXRIO16)
Local (NDIO) None
Remote I/O Up to 256 I/O by using 16 Remote I/O Modules (FXRIO16)
United States
Compliance UL Listed, File E207782, CCN PAZX, under UL 916, Energy Management Equipment
UL Listed, File E207782, CCN PAZX7, under CSA C22.2 No. 205, Signal Equipment
CE Mark – Johnson Controls declares that this product is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the EMC Directive.
0–10 V; accuracy is ±2% of span, without user calibration; uses an external resistor
for current input (four provided, mounted by installer on terminal connections)
Universal input
types supported 4–20 mA current loop; accuracy is ±2% of span, without user calibration; self-
powered or board-powered sensors accepted
Form A relay contacts suitable for on/off control only; floating control not supported
Digital outputs
Maximum voltage 30 volts AC or DC, 1/2 A maximum current rating
0–10 V DC
Analog outputs Minimum load supported per output is 2,500 ohms minimum or 4 mA drain
Operating System 64-bit: Windows® 10 Pro or Enterprise, Windows 8.1 Pro or Enterprise, Windows 8
Pro or Enterprise, Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate, Windows Server
2012 Standard or Enterprise with SP2, or Windows Server® 2012 R2 Standard or
Enterprise with SP2
Product warranty
This product is covered by a limited
warranty, details of which can be found at
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© 2020 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were
current as of document revision and are subject to change without notice.