2012 RGD
2012 RGD
2012 RGD
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/biomaterials
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Noninvasive imaging techniques have been considered important strategies in the clinic to monitor
Received 27 March 2012 tumor early response to therapy. In the present study, we applied RGD peptides conjugated to iron oxide
Accepted 11 April 2012 nanoparticles (IONP-RGD) as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to noninvasively
Available online 3 May 2012
monitor the response of a vascular disrupting agent VEGF121/rGel in an orthotopic glioblastoma model.
RGD peptides were firstly coupled to IONPs coated with a crosslinked PEGylated amphiphilic triblock
copolymer. In vitro binding assays confirmed that cellular uptake of particles was mainly dependent on
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
the interaction between RGD and integrin avb3 of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). The
Iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs)
RGD peptides
tumor targeting of IONP-RGD was observed in an orthotopic U87 glioblastoma model. Finally, nonin-
Tumor targeting vasive monitoring of the tumor response to VEGF121/rGel therapy at early stages of treatment was
Therapy response successfully accomplished using IONP-RGD as a contrast agent for MRI, a superior method over common
anatomical approaches which are based on tumor size measurements. This preclinical study can accel-
erate anticancer drug development and promote clinical translation of nanoprobes.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
to treatments make it one of the most lethal cancers [10,11]. To respectively. The slides were washed twice with PBS and then observed with an
better develop new theranostic strategies in experimental research, Olympus microscope.
Fig. 2. Characterization of IONPs and IONP-RGD (A) TEM of IONPs (B) T2*-weighted phantom images of IONPs at different Fe concentration. Top, T2*-weighted phantom images;
Bottom, 1/T2 vs. Fe concentration curve of IONPs.
Fig. 3. Cellular uptake of particles in HUVECs. The IONPs, IONP-RGD and IONP-RGD þ block were incubated with HUVECs for 10 min and 1 h, respectively. Cellular uptake was
evaluated by (A) Prussian blue staining and (B) T2-weighted phantom images (C) Quantitative analysis of relaxation time of T2*-weighted phantom images.
5418 F. Zhang et al. / Biomaterials 33 (2012) 5414e5422
post-injection were acquired. As displayed in Fig. 4A, a dramatic surface. These results indicate that the particle homing is indeed
signal drop was observed at the tumor area (indicated by white specifically mediated by RGDeblood vessel integrin interaction.
circles) after the injection of IONP-RGD, while only a marginal
signal drop was witnessed in mice injected with IONPs. Moreover, 3.4. Effect of VEGF121/rGel on the integrin avb3 expression of tumor
there was no obvious signal drop observed in the IONP- angiogenic blood vessels
RGD þ block group. Quantitative analysis of T2 relaxation time also
indicated that the post-injection signal was definitely decreased To study the effect of VEGF121/rGel on orthotopic U87MG tumor
compared to the pre-injection signal of the IONP-RGD group growth, two doses of VEGF121/rGel were firstly administered
(p < 0.01), whereas the signal of both IONPs and IONP-RGD þ block intraperitoneally (i.p.) at day 0 and day 2 after tumor inoculation.
group exhibited no obvious changes. The results demonstrate that Then, the animals were imaged post-treatment for 4 days. Fig. 6A
the binding capacity of IONPs was dependent on the interaction shows a time-dependent increase of tumor volume in both
between RGD peptides and integrin avb3. VEGF121/rGel treated and untreated groups. However, U87MG
To further confirm the targeting specificity, the mice were tumor was inhibited by VEGF121/rGel compared with the control
sacrificed 6 h post-injection. After preparing frozen tissue slices, group. A significant difference in tumor volume was observed at 7
CD31/CD61 (integrin avb3) and Prussian blue double staining was days between the treatment group and the control group
performed. The perfect overlap of IONPs (blue) and CD61 (brown) (p < 0.01).Furthermore, there was no significant body weight
positive staining was observed in tumor blood vessels of the IONP- loss observed during the treatment process, indicating that
RGD group, while little superimposition of IONPs and CD61 were VEGF121/rGel had no observable side effects at the dosage used
found in the IONPs and IONP-RGD þ block groups (Fig. 5). Addi- during this study.
tionally, Prussian blue and CD31 double staining confirmed the To validate the inhibition effect of VEGF121/rGel histologically,
particles were mainly attached to the interior of the blood vessel the presence of tumor angiogenic blood vessels and integrin avb3
Fig. 4. T2*-weighted MR images of nude mice bearing orthotopic U87MG glioblastoma (A) T2*-weighted MR images were acquired before and after injection of IONPs, IONP-RGD and
IONP-RGD þ block, respectively (B) Quantitative analysis of T2*-weighted MR images in tumor areas.
F. Zhang et al. / Biomaterials 33 (2012) 5414e5422 5419
Fig. 5. Prussian blue and CD31/CD61 double staining of the tumor sections. At 6 h post-injection, the mice were sacrificed and frozen tissue slices were prepared.
expression were investigated. As demonstrated by immunohisto- and quantify murine integrin avb3 expression by immunofluores-
chemistry (Fig. 6B), the untreated group exhibited significantly cence in frozen tissue slices (Fig. 6C). Intact tumor blood vessels
higher CD31-positive area fractions, which are highly related to were observed in the untreated group, whereas an interrupted
tumor angiogenic blood vessels, than in the VEGF121/rGel treated distribution was shown in the treated group. It was also observed
group. The anti-mouse-CD61 antibody was also used to visualize that the integrin expression was co-localized with the distribution
Fig. 6. The effect of VEGF121/rGel on the integrin avb3 expression of tumor angiogenic blood vessels (A) Tumor growth curves of untreated and VEGF121/rGel treated groups were
analyzed by MRI (B) CD31 staining of tumor angiogenic blood vessels by immnohistochemistry (C) CD31/CD61 double staining of tumor angiogenic blood vessels and integrin avb3
expression on frozen tissue slices (D) Quantitative analysis of CD31- and CD 61-positive area using Image J software (5 mice each group).
5420 F. Zhang et al. / Biomaterials 33 (2012) 5414e5422
of tumor blood vessels. For the untreated group, the positive area of demonstrate that IONP-RGD can be used for noninvasive moni-
both CD31 and CD61 expression was significantly higher than the toring of therapeutic response by orthotopic GBM using MRI.
treated group (p < 0.05) (Fig. 6D). These results confirm the
VEGF121/rGel damaged tumor angiogenic blood vessels and 4. Discussion
inhibited integrin expression.
In the present study, an amphiphilic copolymer was utilized to
3.5. Dynamic monitoring of orthotopic glioblastoma therapy coat oleate-coated IONPs and render the particles water soluble
response by MRI and functionalizable. Our previous report demonstrates that such
phase transfer and surface modification are straightforward, with
To noninvasively monitor the therapy response of orthotopic high throughput and high yield [19]. In view of amino groups
GBM, VEGF121/rGel was used to treat GBM by destroying tumor coating the IONPs surface, BS3 crosslinker was introduced to
angiogenic blood vessels. After treatment for 4 days, T2*-weighted conjugate the amino groups of the RGD peptide to the IONPs. To
images of pre- and 6 h post-injection were acquired in both reduce the chance of crosslinking among nanoparticles, the
untreated and VEGF121/rGel groups. As shown in Fig. 7A, compared concentration of IONPs was kept at 0.5 mg/ml during the conju-
with pre-injection signals of IONP-RGD, the post-injection signal in gation procedure. With such a controllable conjugation, we found
tumor areas was obviously decreased in the treated group. the diameter of about 90% of IONPs was less than 50 nm (Fig. 2C),
However, there was no significant signal change in the untreated which is suitable for in vivo tumor targeting.
group. Quantitative analysis found that the relaxation time (1/T2) of Cell adhesion molecules such as integrin avb3 are overexpressed
the untreated group was 1.3 0.27 fold of the treated group in activated and proliferating endothelial cells [22]. Various tumor
(p < 0.01) (Fig. 7B). cells, such as gliomas [23,24], ovarian carcinomas [25], and breast
To further understand the monitoring information by MRI, carcinomas [26], also highly express integrin avb3. Therefore, the
a dynamic signal reduction was investigated in the untreated and ability to noninvasively detect integrin avb3 expression in living
treated groups. Dynamic T2*-weighted data was collected at various subjects would allow a better characterization of tumors and help
time points from 0 to 70 min. The representative images over time to identify tumor regions with higher aggressiveness. RGD peptides
are displayed in Fig. 8A. A fast and obvious accumulation of IONP- are one of the most popular ligands that target integrin avb3 [27].
RGD was observed in tumor areas of the untreated group, Therefore, RGD conjugates can be designed for specific tumor tar-
showing a clear profile of GBM with time-dependent signal geting without the need of extravasation and diffusion in the tumor
intensity. Maximum T2 signal of the untreated group was observed interstitial space. When conjugated to radiotracers [28], fluorescent
at 2 min after injection of IONP-RGD, which subsequently markers [29,30], or magnetic NPs [23,31], RGD has been used for
decreased over time (Fig. 8B). Compared to baseline, only a small the detection of tumor angiogenesis and tumor metastasis. We and
signal decrease in the treated group was detected. These results others have shown the specific targeting of angiogenic blood
Fig. 7. Monitoring of therapeutic response of VEGF121/rGel using IONP-RGD in orthotopic U87MG glioblastoma model (A) T2*-weighted MR images of untreated and VEGF121/rGel
treated groups were acquired before and after injection of IONP-RGD (B) Quantification analysis of T2*-weighted MR images. The white circle indicates location of the implanted
tumor (4 mice each group).
F. Zhang et al. / Biomaterials 33 (2012) 5414e5422 5421
Fig. 8. Dynamic monitoring of therapeutic response of VEGF121/rGel using IONP-RGD in orthotopic U87MG glioblastoma model (A) T2*-weighted MR dynamic images of untreated
and VEGF121/rGel treated groups were acquired before and after injection of IONP-RGD (B) Quantitative analysis of T2*-weighted MR dynamic images (4 mice each group).
vessels [32,33] or tumor cells [19] with IONP-RGD, which was cause large reductions in tumor volume in a short time scale, even if
specifically dependent on RGD peptides binding to integrin avb3 they are effective, which reduces the usefulness of anatomic
(Fig. 4). Most importantly, IONP-RGD can specifically target ortho- measures in monitoring response to such agents. To better monitor
topic GBM across the blood brain barrier [12]. The BBB represents treatment efficacy, a critical challenge in future clinical application
one of the most exclusive biological barriers encountered in the of VEGF121/rGel and other antiangiogenic therapies is to develop
treatment of neurologic diseases, limiting the delivery of a vast effective noninvasive in vivo imaging techniques. Recently, we
majority of potential diagnostic agents and therapeutics. Recent applied PET probes to noninvasively monitor glucose metabolism,
studies have indicated that BBB passage by NPs was dictated by cellular proliferation, tumor hypoxia and angiogenesis during
hydrodynamic size. For example, a recent study indicated that VEGF121/rGel therapy of breast cancer [35]. However, it is still
dendrimer nanoparticles with sizes less than 12 nm were able to a challenge to monitor therapeutic outcomes of orthotopic brain
permeate the tumor BBB, while larger ones could not [34]. tumors. This study explored the feasibility of monitoring the ther-
However, Veiseh et al. demonstrated that IONPs with diameters of apeutic response of VEGF121/rGel therapy in an orthotopic GBM
33 nm have the ability to cross the BBB and specifically target brain model using IONPs as MRI contrast agents. To better demonstrate
tumors [12]. Herein, we showed the excellent tumor targeting the advantages of noninvasive monitoring of antiangiogenic
effect of IONP-RGD with a hydrodynamic diameter of 45 nm (Fig. 2). therapy response over common anatomical approaches that are
Therefore, the permeability of NPs to BBB is dependent not only on based on measurements of tumor size, a time point of 4 days post-
the hydrodynamic diameter, but also on other properties of the NP. treatment was chosen to study the therapeutic outcome of
The specific mechanisms for BBB penetration by NPs have yet to be VEGF121/rGel therapy by MRI. As shown in Fig. 7, the definite
elucidated. One possible explanation is that the integrity of the BBB therapeutic outcome of VEGF121/rGel therapy is observed, even
may be damaged in orthotopic GBM. though the tumor volume was not significantly changed compared
VEGF121/rGel fusion protein is a vascular disruptive agent with the control (p > 0.05). Such results indicate the potential
composed of the VEGF-A isoform VEGF121 and a recombinant plant advantages of IONPs to noninvasively monitor the early response of
toxin gelonin (rGel) [14]. This novel vasculature-targeting fusion tumors to therapy in the clinic. The monitoring ability of the
protein has been shown to inhibit various tumor growth with low therapeutic response was further confirmed by dynamic MRI
systemic toxicity, including melanoma, GBM, prostate, breast, and (Fig. 8). Fig. 8A showed a significant difference of 1/T2 signal
bladder tumor models [15]. Our previous study assessed the anti- between the untreated and VEGF121/rGel therapy treated group.
tumor effects of VEGF121/rGel in an orthotopic GBM mouse model The difference in the 1/T2 signal occurs because the signal is
by use of noninvasive in vivo bioluminescence imaging, MRI, and dependent on the density of tumor blood vessels. In other words,
PET [16]. In this current study, the growth of orthotopic GBM was the results also demonstrate an excellent antiangiogenic therapy of
also inhibited by VEGF121/rGel (Fig. 6A). It was shown the VEGF121/ VEGF121/rGel. Furthermore, the 1/T2 signal of the tumor area in the
rGel disrupted tumor angiogenic blood vessels and inhibited untreated group was immediately increased post-injection of
integrin avb3 expression (Fig. 6BeD). However, many new anti- IONP-RGD, and then decreased until reaching equilibrium over
angiogenic drugs are principally cytostatic and do not necessarily time. An explanation for this phenomenon is that the signal was
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