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Department of Education: Daily Lesson Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Teacher SHARLENE JANE R. APORBO Grade Level 11
Teaching Date October 18, 2023 Learning Area Personal Development

Teaching Time 10:45 – 11:45 AM Quarter First QUARTER


A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of the different types of

Standard emotions and how they are expressed.
B. Performance The learner shall be able to identify ways to communicate and manage
Standard emotions in a healthy manner.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson the students must be able to:
Competencies/  Discuss that understanding the intensity and differences of their
Objectives emotions may help in communicating emotional expressions.
Identify different types of emotions;
Differentiate positive and negative emotions; and
Communicate expressions effectively
II. SUBJECT Concept: “Different Types of Emotions”
MATTER KBI: Appreciation and understanding
A. Learning
B. References Personal Development Module 14

C. Teaching Aid PPT, Pictures, Paper strips

D. Other

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(053) 551 0014
III. Procedures

A. Preliminary Prayer
Activities Checking of Attendance
1. Processing information 6. Regulates emotion
Routinely Activities
B. Reviewing
Previous lesson 2. Occipital lobe 7. Thalamus
or presenting
new lesson 3. Cerebrum 8. Organize information

4. Motor movement 9. Frontal Lobe

5. Brain stem 10. Cerebral cortex

Task 1: Clap your hands 3 times if the words are parts of the brain.
Say AHU 3 times if the words are functions of the brain.

Process Question:

 Why brain is important in our personal development?

C. Establishing Task 2: Decode the following set of numbers to reveal the word.
Purpose of the
lesson 5 13 15 20 9 15 14 19

9 14 20 5 14 19 9 20 25


Emotions are neurophysiological changes, variously associated with
thoughts, feelings, responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure.
Intensity of emotions ranges from mild, moderate to strong It is natural
for humans to experience positive and negative emotions.

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Teacher will ask the students what would be the lesson for the
Teacher will present the objectives.

d. Presenting Task 3: Look at the pictures closely. What emotions was being
examples/ shown in each picture? The definition was provided for you as a
instances of the clue.
new lesson

e. Discussing new Emotion is a subjective state of mind triggered by a certain stimuli or

concepts and events which occur in the environment. It is a reaction to a certain event
practicing new that happens. Emotions can be observed through body language and
skills #1 facial expressions, which explains how you feel or how are you doing at
that moment. Your reaction on a situation might be different from
others. Something funny to you might be frightful or disgusting to
others. For instance, you might laugh when somebody farted in front of
you, while others might feel disgusted and walk away. The worst is,
some might yell and slap the person which shows anger.

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Positive Emotions- are emotions that we typically find pleasurable to
Example: joy, love, trust, hope, acceptance, and satisfaction
Negative Emotions- can be described as any feeling which causes you
to be miserable and sad.
Example: hate, anger, jealousy, and sadness
Task 4: Identify the emotions in these scenarios.

Process Questions:
 How would you react if you were in these situations?
 Why would you react that way?
 Is there any biological explanation of the emotions you feel?

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f. Discussing new Emotional intensity refers to variations in the magnitude of emotional
concepts and responses, an extreme degree of feeling. Therefore, the intensity of
practicing new emotion identifies the action an individual will have. Intensity ranges
skills #2 from mild, moderate to strong. A good example is when you
unexpectedly receive a gift on your birthday, you might feel thrilled,
others might feel happy, some might feel glad. Is there any difference
with the terms? Yes, the intensity of the emotions.

Robert Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions

Task 5: Choose the term that describes what you feel when:

Situations A B C
1. Your teacher call your acceptance trust admiration
attention that you are
constantly failing to
achieve good scores in
English subject and ask
you to attend remediation
class for free to help you
cope up with the lessons
2. One member of your pensiveness sadness Grief
family died of Covid-19
3. You saw your neighbor annoyance anger rage
kick your cat and it went
home limping.
4. You transferred to serenity joy ecstacy
another school nearer to
your new residence. Your
new seatmate assists you
to locate the cafeteria,
clinic, and library
5. Your friend invited you boredom disgust loathing
to watch movie in his/her
house. You agreed to come
without knowing that the

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movie is about
massacre/killings which
you never really like
6. During group class distraction surprise amazement
presentation, one of your
classmates prepared a
PowerPoint presentation
utilizing several moving
pictures and designs.
7.You submitted your interest anticipation vigilance
output earlier because you
observed that your teacher
is uploading the online
lessons/topics early in the
morning and giving
excellent grades to those
who submit the outputs
on time based on the
deadline given.
8. While waiting for a ride apprehensio fear terror
going to school, you saw a n
man pointing a knife to the
student in front of you.

Process Questions:
 How many A’s have you answered? How about B’s? C’s?
 Which letter did you choose the most, A, B, or C?


Mastery EMOTION communicate
Your friends came
to your house
without your prior
information. They

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brought food,
balloons, and gift
and initiated a
simple birthday
celebration for you

You are seated next

to a man with
unpleasant body

Your teachers asked

you to submit your
outputs online, but
you do not have
internet connection
and gadgets to use.
Task 6: (Group work)

h. Finding the GENEVA’S STORY

practical Geneva has been standing in line for over two hours to buy a concert
application of ticket. The rule is, one person, one ticket. Her feet are killing her and
concepts and she knows she is in trouble with her mom, ho expected her home by
skills in daily now. But there are only five people left in front of her and she is sure she
living will get a ticket. Out of nowhere, two girls from school walk up, make a
big deal about meeting up with their friend who just happens to be
standing in front of Geneva, and take places in line in front of her.

1. What do you think Geneva should do?

2. How will Geneva feel? How will the two girls feel?
3. What is the worst possible outcome?
i. Making Task 7: Using the Venn diagram below, compare and contrast
generalizations positive emotions and negative emotions by placing the keywords
and abstractions in the appropriate circle.
about the lesson


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f. Evaluation: Directions: Choose the appropriate basic emotions from the word box.
Write your answer on a separate answer sheet.

Joy Sadness Anger Fear

Trust Disgust Surprise Anticipation
Emotions Intensity

___1. A feeling of mild astonishment or shock caused by something

unexpected and characterized by raised eyebrows.
___2. A state of well-being and contentment characterized by enjoyment
of simple things and harmonious relationship with others.
___3. It is a feeling of revulsion or strong disapproval aroused by
something unpleasant or offensive.
___4. An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or
something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. It is
characterized by body trembling, hands sweating, rapid heartbeat and
shortness of breath.
___5. A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility
characterized by headache. stomachache clenching jaws and grinding
___6. The feeling of being unhappy, especially because something bad
has happened. People who experience this emotion displays quietness,
looks weary, and withdraw themselves from others.
___7. A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone
or something.
___8. A feeling of excitement about something pleasant or exciting. It is
characterized by expectation, hope and realization in advance.
___9. Is a subjective state of mind triggered by a certain stimuli or
events which occur in the environment. It is a reaction to a certain event
that happens.
___10. It is the variations in the magnitude of emotional responses, an
extreme degree of feeling.

g. Assignment Write a four-paragraph reflection on how you communicate your

emotions in the past. Consider the following guide

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1. Prepare a title that would best describe the strongest emotions that
you included in your reflection.
2. How did you communicate your emotions (example: anger, happiness,
fear, trust, disgust) to your parents, friends and classmates in the past?
Cite instances.
3. What made you do those actions?
4. Conclude your reflection with the best way to show understanding of
different emotions.
1. Remarks

2. Reflection

No. of students who

earned 80% in the
formative assessment
No. of students who
require additional
activities for
Did the remedial lesson
effective? No. of learners
who had caught up
with the lesson
No. of learners who
continue to require
Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed:


MAPEH Teacher MAPEH Dept. Head Designate

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Noted: Approved by:


OIC/HT-I Principal II

Process Observers:
Principal II


MAPEH Dept. Head Designate


EMOTION communicate
expressions effectively)

Your friends came

to your house
without your prior
information. They
brought food,
balloons, and gift
and initiated a
simple birthday
celebration for you

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You are seated
next to a man with
unpleasant body

Your teachers
asked you to
submit your
outputs online, but
you do not have
internet connection
and gadgets to use.

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(053) 551 0014
TEST I. Write True or False on the space provided before the number.

________1. Are stress and anxiety different from each other?

________2. Can being easily annoyed and usually irritable be an emotional warning
sign of little stress? ________3. Can managing your time help you cope up with stress?
________4. Is Adaptive stress helps you rise to life’s challenges?
________5. Stress CAN NOT be avoided?
________6. Mary said that she can’t do anything about her stresses. She added that
she has to bear it. Does Mary think right?
________7. Edna got irritated with her sister. Oftentimes she shouts at her, but after
shouting, you may see her crying, and refrains from talking to her family. Does she
experience stress?
________8. Is stress a physical and mental response of the body to inputs that disturb
the balance in our well-being?
________9. Is stress a simple reaction to an input that disturbs physical and mental
_______10. Is a positive stress bad?

Test II. A. Directions: Choose the appropriate basic emotions from the word box.
Write your answer on a separate answer sheet.

Joy Sadness Anger Fear

Trust Disgust Surprise Anticipation
Emotions Intensity

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(053) 551 0014
___1. A feeling of mild astonishment or shock caused by something unexpected and
characterized by raised eyebrows.
___2. A state of well-being and contentment characterized by enjoyment of simple
things and harmonious relationship with others.
___3. It is a feeling of revulsion or strong disapproval aroused by something
unpleasant or offensive.
___4. An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is
dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. It is characterized by body trembling,
hands sweating, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.
___5. A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility characterized by
headache. stomachache clenching jaws and grinding teeth.
___6. The feeling of being unhappy, especially because something bad has happened.
People who experience this emotion displays quietness, looks weary, and withdraw
themselves from others.
___7. A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
___8. A feeling of excitement about something pleasant or exciting. It is characterized
by expectation, hope and realization in advance.
___9. Is a subjective state of mind triggered by a certain stimuli or events which occur
in the environment. It is a reaction to a certain event that happens.
___10. It is the variations in the magnitude of emotional responses, an extreme degree
of feeling.

B. Directions: Choose the answer from the word box.

Cerebrum Limbic Sytem Cerebral Cortex

Cerebellum Brainstem

___1. the largest part of the brain which regulates senses, memory, emotions,
intellectual activities, and body movement.
___2. responsible for processing information that is divided into two
___3. composes parts of cerebral cortex and hypothalamus which regulates
various types of emotions.
___4. regulates balance, postures, and coordinates movement.
___5. connects the cerebrum and cerebellum to the spinal cord that carry
signals to and from all parts of the body.

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TEST III. A. Directions: Write IBF (Improve Brain Function) if the
statement is for enhancement of brain function or IMF (Improved Mental
Focus) if the statement is for improving mental focus.
1. Maria finds time to exercise daily.
2. Pedro sees to it that he takes vitamins, and eats fruits and vegetables.
3. The students play board games during recess.
4. Section B students do their tasks quietly.
5. Rose stops worrying about the pandemic.

B. Directions. Choose the correct word in the right column to complete

the paragraph.

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