Updated and Corrected MOA 23
Updated and Corrected MOA 23
Updated and Corrected MOA 23
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WHEREAS, the HEI aims to enrich its degree programs to respond to the needs of the
industry, to promote mutually supportive academe-industry collaboration and linkage, to
strengthen the career guidance of its students, and to provide its students with
opportunities to apply relevant knowledge and skills required from formal education to
actual work setting.
WHEREAS, the HTE aims to have an avenue where it can customize the process of
technical training through employer-driven Internship Plans, to select well-equipped
beneficiaries, and to have an opportunity to contribute to the society through corporate
social responsibility.
NOW, THEREFORE, based on the above-stated premises, the Parties have mutually
agreed to enter into the following terms and conditions:
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later than 8:00 in the evening.
1.4 The Student Intern shall be assigned and given actual work experience in
various departments in the HTE as may be determined and mutually agreed
upon by the Parties.
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3.1 Implement the Internship Plan in partnership with the HEI;
3.2 Encourage the Student Intern to develop his/her personality and
professionalism, and protect his/her from physical or moral danger to the
extent possible;
3.3 Assign an internship coordinator responsible for the implementation of all
phases of the internship;
3.4 Orient the Student Intern on the standard rules and regulations of the HTE
before signing of the Agreement;
3.5 Facilitate the processing of documents of the Student Intern in coordination
with the HEI;
3.6 Provide practical training or work experience in accordance with the agreed
Internship Plan and schedule of activities;
3.7 Provide, if warranted at its sole discretion, necessary incentives to the
Student Intern, such as free duty meals, travel allowance and uniform;
3.8 Ensure that the Student Intern does not perform tasks and duties of regular
employees in the HTE;
3.9 Provide a supervised applied learning experience for Student Intern in
accordance with the agreed Internship Plan and schedule of activities;
3.10 Develop feedback mechanism to the Student Intern;
3.11 Develop feedback mechanism to the HEI of the overall implementation of the
Program and the Student Intern’s performance;
3.12 Follow the evaluation system provided by the HEI to determine the Student
Intern’s performance;
3.13 Provide monitoring and evaluation reports or other information on the
Student Intern’s performance as may be required by the HEI;
3.14 Make available accurate and current records relevant to the Program and the
Student Intern’s performance and provide access to HEI of such records;
3.15 Notify and provide at least 30 working days written notice to the HEI of the
Student Intern’s breach of Agreement or misconduct in the internship
premises prior to HTE's decision to suspend or terminate this Agreement;
3.16 Issue certificate of completion for the Student Intern not later than two
weeks after the completion of the Program.
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ARTICLE 6. NO EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP. For purposes of the performance of
the obligations under this Agreement, the HTE is and shall remain an independent
contractor and nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed or construed to create an
employer-employee relationship, joint venture, agency or partnership among the HEI, HTE,
and Student Intern. Neither Party shall have any authority to incur any obligations on
behalf of the other Party or to make any promise, representation or Agreement of any
nature on behalf of the other Party.
ARTICLE 7. LIABILITY. Each Party shall hold each other free and harmless from any
and all liabilities or causes of action arising from this Agreement, except those liabilities or
causes of action arising from or as a result of the act, omission, and negligence of a Party-at-
fault or any of its employees, representatives, or agents.
ARTICLE 8. EFFECTIVITY. This Agreement shall take effect for the period stated in
Article 1 hereof. Thereafter, the same is deemed terminated without any further action
from the Parties unless pre-terminated by either the HEI or HTE. Such pre-termination
shall be made in writing stating the reason/s thereof and shall be forwarded to the other
Party not later than 30 days prior to the date of intended pre-termination.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have here unto affixed their signatures on the
date and place mentioned above.
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of Cebu, personally appeared the
above persons who are identified by their respective competent evidence of identity, to me
known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and they
acknowledged to me that the same is their voluntary act and deed, and that of the entity
they represent.
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