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Iso TR 10465 1

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REPORT TR 104654
First edition

Underground installation of flexible

glass-reinforced thermosetting resin (GRP)
pipes -
Part 1:
Installation procedures

Installation en terree de canalisa tions flexibles en plastique renforck de

fibres de verre/r&ine thermodurcissable (PRV) -
Partie 1: Prockdures d’instailation

Reference number
ISO/TR 10465-1 :1993(E)
ISO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(1EC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Stan-

dards, but in exceptional circumstances a technical committee may pro-
pose the publication of a Technical Report of one of the following types:

- type 1, when the required support cannot be obtained for the publi-
cation of an International Standard, despite repeated efforts;

- type 2, when the subject is still under technical development or where

for any other reason there is the future but not immediate possibility
of an agreement on an International Standard;

- type 3, when a technical committee has collected data of a different

kind from that which is normally published as an International Standard
(“state of the art”, for example).

Technical Reports of types 1 and 2 are subject to review within three years
of publication, to decide whether they tan be transformed into Inter-
national Standards. Technical Reports of type 3 do not necessarily have to
be reviewed until the data they provide are considered to be no longer
valid or useful.

lSO/TR 10465-1, which is a Technical Report of type 2, was prepared by

Technical Committee ISO/TC 138, Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the
transport of fluids, Sub-Committee SC 6, ßeinforced plastics pipes and
fittings for all applica tions.

This document is being issued in the type 2 Technical Report series of

publications (according to subclause G 6.2.2 of part 1 of the IEC/ISO Di-
rectives) as a “prospective Standard for provisional application” in the field
of underground use of GRP pipe because there is an urgent need for
guidance on how Standards in this field should be used to meet an ident-

0 ISO 1993
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or
by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without per-
mission in writing from the publisher.
International Organkation for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
ISO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)

ified need. The reasons which led to the decision to publish this document
in the form of a type 2 Technical Report are explained in the introduction.
This document is not to be regarded as an “International Standard”. lt is
proposed for provisional application so that information and experience of
its use in practice may be gathered. Comments on the content of this
document should be sent to the ISO Central Secretariat.
A review of this type 2 Technical Report will be carried out not later than
two years after its publication with the Options of: extension for another
two years; conversion into an International Standard; or withdrawal.
ISOnR 10465 consists of the following Parts, under the general title
Underground installa tion of flexible giass-reinforced thermose tting resin
(GRP) pipes:

- Part 7: Ins taila tion procedures

- Part 2: Static calculation methods

- Part 3: Parameters and application limits

Annex A forms an integral part of this part of ISOflR 10465. Annex B is
for information only.
ISO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)


0.1 Historical background

Work within ISO/TC 5/SC 6 (now ISO/TC 138) on writing Standards for the
use of glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings was approved at
the subcommittee meeting in Oslo in 1979. An ad hoc group was estab-
lished and the responsibility for drafting various Standards was Iater given
to a Task Group (now ISO/TC 138/SC 6).

At the SC 6 meeting in London in 1980, Sweden proposed that a working

group be formed for establishing documents regarding a code of practice
for GRP pipes. This was approved by SC 6, and Working Group 4 (WG 4)
was formed for this purpose. Since 1982, eleven WG 4 meetings have
been held and various Task Groups have been formed, with research be-
ing carried out in the following areas:

- procedures for underground installation of GRP pipes;

- pipe/soil interaction with pipes having different stiffness values;

- minimum design features;

- overview of various static calculation methods.

During the work of WG 4 it became evident that no unanimous proposal

could be reached within the WG upon specific methods to be employed
and therefore WG 4 agreed that, pending further development and ex-
perience, all prepared descriptions with minimum acceptance levels
should be compiled into a Technical Report (Type 2). This is to be prepared
in three Parts, of which the present document is Part 1.

In Part 2, a Survey will be given of different methods for static calculation

of underground GRP pipe installations which are used on an international
basis (e.g. An/ 127, December 1988 and AWWA C-950-88). Also, rec-
ommendations will be given for the choice of important Parameters for
those calculations, such as soil modulus, bedding angles, time lag factor
and strain (shape) factors.

In Part 3, advice will be given, based on pipe installations according to Part

1 and static calculations according to Part 2, on such items as:

a) allowable depth of cover for different pipe stiffnesses in different na-

tive soils;

b) minimum pipe stiffness, depth of cover, and compactions for GRP

pipes installed under traffit surfaces;

c) minimum pipe stiffness in relation to embedment conditions for GRP

pipes which need to sustain negative pressures;

ISO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)

d) rerating of pressure pipes which are used under conditions, such as

depth of cover, other than those for which the Standard pipe has been

e) influence of sheeting on allowable depth of cover.

0.2 Basic technical concepts

Glass-reinforced thermosetting resin (GRP) pipes are classed as flexible

pipes that may be expected to deflect under external load with no struc-
tural darnage. The Performance of GRP pipe is affected by the amount of
strain induced in the pipe wall by external loads and/or internal pressure.
Allowable strain levels vary with the type of resin, lamination, manufac-
turing process and other variables. lt is necessary to control the deflection
and distortion of the pipe to ensure that the manufacturer’s allowable
strain level is not exceeded.
In an underground installation, the soil and traffit loads above a buried
flexible pipe Cause a decrease in the vertical diameter and an increase in
the horizontal diameter of the Pipe. The horizontal movement of the pipe
Walls into the soil material at the sides of the pipe develops a passive re-
sistance that helps the pipe support the external load. The resistance of
the soil is affected by the type of soil, its density, depth of overburden and
the presence of groundwater. The higher the soil resistance, the less the
pipe will deflect. Proper installation techniques are essential to develop the
passive soil resistance required to prevent excessive pipe deflections
and/or distortions.
The deflection of a buried flexible pipe depends on the soil and on the
Pipe. lt is a function of the depth of burial, the stiffness of the Pipe, the
passive resistance of the soil at the sides of the Pipe, the time-
consolidation characteristics (time lag factor) of the soil and pipes and the
degree of support given to the bottom of the pipe (bedding constant).
Several procedures exist that tan be used to obtain the mathematical re-
lationship of these Parameters and the deflection that will occur in a par-
ticular installation.
The methods of calculating the pertinent Parameters will be covered in
ISO/TR 10465-2.
lt is important to recognize the effects of handling and installation on GRP
pipes during initial pipe embedment. Care in soil placement and com-
paction will minimize deflection and distortion that is attributable to certain
treatment during this Phase of construction.
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Underground installation of flexible glass-reinforced

thermosetting resin (GRP) pipes -

Part 1:
Installation procedures

1 Scope are generally considered unsuitable for Primat-y pipe

zone backfill (see figure 1) material, unless the pipe
This part of ISO/TR 10465 describes the procedures has been specifically designed for this condition.
for underground installation of glass-reinforced
An important part of the site investigation is also to
thermosetting resin (GRP) pipes. The report refers
classify the native soil. Such a classification should be
generally to GRP pipes in particular stiffness classes
made in accordance with annex A, because this will
for which Performance requirements have been
facilitate the choice of suitable pipe stiffnesses in ac-
specified in at least one product Standard, but it tan
cordante with clause 4.
also be used as a guide for the installation of pipes
of other stiffness classes.
4 Selection of pipe stiffness (SN)
2 Terminology
4.1 For general installations, the selection of SN
Because Pipeline installation terminology varies from those classified in the relevant product Standard
throughout the world, figure 1 has been prepared to is mainly dependent upon the native soil.
illustrate the meaning and limits of the terms used in
For other installations, such as installations under
this part of ISO/TR 10465.
traffit surfaces or where considerable negative
pressure tan occur, other Parameters also influencing
3 Soil conditions the selection of SN will be dealt with in Part 3 of
ISO/TR 10465.
The soil conditions that relate to trench construction
and pipe installation should be determined Prior to 4.2 In Order to facilitate the selection of SN, the na-
construction. If this information has not previously tive soil tan be classified in one of the four main
been established to the satisfaction of the engineer, groups described in annex A.
a site exploration investigation Programme should be
conducted. The results of this Programme should not Based on this native soil classification, the minimum
only indicate the proper backfill and compaction pro- SN is then primarily Chosen in accordance with
cedures (see figure 2) to be followed, but should also figure 2, with due regard to the applicable installation
indicate the areas of suitable materials so that System detailed in clause 7 and without consideration
importation of material may be minimized. Fine- of traffit loads. Specific recommendations based
grained soils with medium to high plasticity and or- upon the depth of cover should be made only after
ganic soils with Group 4 classification (see annex A) calculations based upon Part 3 of ISO/TR 10465.
ISO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)

Dimensions in millimetres


L Native soil
EaJ Ftl0’
E 0


Trench grade - 1 0

Trench bottom -

Pipe bed, (sec 5.12)

(SO mm to 150 mm)


1 For bedding thickness, see 5.12.

2 For dimension b’, see table2.

Figure 1 - Trench cross-section showing terminology relationships

ISO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)

Depth of cover

Special installations

1) The suitability of the various Standard embedments given in clause 7 for use at maximum depth or at minimum cover with or without
traffit loads are discussed in Part 3 of ISO/TR 10465. Selection of a higher class of installation may permit the use of a specific pipe
stiffness under more severe loading conditions, if verified by calculations.
Attention is drawn to the Iimitations that may apply to negative pressure in Service and to mechanical compaction requirements during
installation of SN 1250 and SN 2500 Pipe.
lt is very important when selecting SN to have knowledge of the properties of the native soil and its variations along the Pipeline. lf doubt
exists regarding the accuracy of the information, consideration should be given to either increasing the SN or upgrading the installation.

Figure 2 - Minimum combinations of pipe stiffness (SN) and types of installation required for soil groups
and depth of cover

5 Pipe trench construction minimum pipe bed of DN/4 (normal maximum

150 mm, unless socket requires more; minimum
50 mm). Very soft or expansive clays, irregular or
5.1 Trench bottom fragmented rock and saturated soils are unsuitable
foundation materials and do not uniformly support the
5.1.1 Trench grade loads placed upon them. The engineer may specify
that further excavation be carried out and a foundation
The surface at the trench grade shall be continuous, zone be provided. lt is essential that each such situ-
smooth and free of particles greater than those ation is evaluated during construction to determine
specified in table 1, unless the maximum particle size the extent of over-excavation and the type of foun-
in parentheses is permitted by the referring specifi- dation material to be used. Where over-excavation is
cation. performed, including inadvertent over-excavation dur-
ing construction, the material for the foundation zone
NOTE 1 Backfill free fall to the pipe crown should be kept and its degree of compaction should be such as to
to a minimum but never more than 2 m. result in soil resistance properties equal to that of the
compacted primary pipe zone backfill material. The
foundation zone material should be compacted uni-
Table 1 - Trench grade particle size limits formly in accordance with 7.2 and 7.3.
Nominal pipe size Maximum particle size
DN mm 5.1.3 Special conditions

DN < 300 Where groundwater conditions are such that running

300 < DN < 600
or standing water occurs in the bottom of the trench,
or are such that the soil in the bottom of the trench
600 < DN < 1 000
exhibits a quicksand tendency, remove the water by
1 000 < DN suitable means, such as well Points or Underdrains,
until the pipe has been installed and the trench back-
filled to a height great enough to prevent flotation of
5.1.2 Bedding and foundation the Pipeline. The gradation of the pipe zone backfill,
bedding and foundation material shall be such that,
Where rock, hardpan or cobbles is/are encountered, under saturated conditions, fines from these areas
the trench should be over-excavated to provide a will not migrate into the adjacent soil of the trench

ISO/TR 10465-1:1993(E)

bottom or Walls, and material from the trench bottom accidental pipe flotation in potentially high ground
or Walls will not migrate into the pipe zone material. water areas.
Any migration or movement of soil particles from one
area to another tan result in the loss of the necessary 5.4 Safety
foundation or side support for the Pipe, or both. The
migration of fine materials tan be prevented by use Shore, sheet, brate, slope or otherwise support the
of a filter fabric. trench Walls with sufficient strength to protect any
worker(s) in the trench.
51.4 Jointing preparation
NOTE 2 Attention is drawn to any local or national safety
When installing Pipe, provide jointing holes beneath regulations.
the joint, unless the manufacturer recommends
otherwise, to allow for proper assembly of the joint
and to prevent the weight of the pipe from being 6 Pipe installation practice and control
carried on the joint. Esch jointing hole shall be no
larger than is necessaty to accomplish proper joint 6.1 Background information
assembly. When the joint has been made, carefully fill
and compact the jointing hole with bedding material At the beginning of the construction, the installer
to provide continuous support of the pipe throughout should seek advice and instruction on installation
its entire length. practices and control from the pipe manufacturer.

5.2 Trench width 6.2 Handling and storage

The width of the trench at the top of the pipe need Store and handle the pipe so as to prevent pipe dam-
not be greater than necessary to provide adequate age. Carefully inspect each pipe internally and ex-
room for jointing the pipe in the trench and compact- ternally for darnage Prior to installation. Precautions
ing the pipe zone backfill at the haunches. The trench should be taken when handling and/or moving the
width b tan be determined using the recommended Pipe .
minimum values for b’ (see figure 1) given in table2.
When handling PVC-lined pipe at temperatures below
0 “C, precautions should be taken to avoid darnage to
Table 2 - Recommended values for b’ the liner.
Nominal pipe size b’ If the manufacturer permits long sections of piping to
be assembled along the side of the trench and low-
mm ered into the trench after assembly, then when low-
ering the pipe into the trench avoid any strains that
50 < DN < 100 150 may overstress or buckle the pipe or impose excess-
lOO< DN < 200 150
ive stress on the joints. Detailed installation require-
ments should be obtained from the
200 < DN < 300 150 manufacturer.
300 < DN < 500 200
500 < DN < 900 300 6.3 Jointing the pipe
900 < DN < 1 600 450
1 600 < DN < 2 400 600 Skill and knowledge on the patt of the installer are
required. Use the manufacturer’s recommended
2 400 < DN < 4 000 900 techniques, tools and equipment to obtain Sound

NOTE - Wider trenches may be necessary for deep GRP pipe may be jointed together or to other pipe of
burials for reasons of safety owing to soil instability. dissimilar material using a number of different tech-
niques. lt is essential that the techniques used be
suitable for the particular pipes being joined to one
another. Consult the manufacturer for specific in-
5.3 Trench depth
structions not covered by existing specifications or for
instructions concerning unusual Service applications.
Determine the trench depth by considering the pipe-
line design, intended Service, pipe properties, size of
pipe and local conditions such as the properties of soil 6.4 Angular deflection
and combination of static and dynamic loading. Take
care to ensure that the burial depth is sufficient to When installed in a trench, the pipe may be deflected
prevent the conveyed fluids from being affected by at the joint up to the maximum angle of deflection
frost Penetration. Provide sufficient cover to prevent recommended by the manufacturer for the particular

ISO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)

pipe and joint. If no recommendation is given, make the pipe manufacturer’s recommended allowable ex-
changes in direction using fittings. ternal grouting pressure to ensure that excessive de-
flection, distortion or darnage does not occur.
6.5 Anchoring
6.7 Connection to rigid structures
Where a Change in horizontal or vertical direction, or
both, will produce sufficient thrust to Cause move- Where differential settlement may be expected, such
ment of the Pipe, provide anchors or a restraining as at the ends of casing pipe or where the Pipeline
System designed accordingly. enters and exits a structure or anchor block, provide
a flexible joint as shown in figure 3 or 4.

6.6 Casing When casting a coupling or bell in concrete, be Sure

to maintain its roundness so that later joint assembly
lt may be desirable, in certain cases, to install the pipe may be accomplished easily.
within a concrete or steel casing which has been in-
Since a concrete cast coupling or bell is quite rigid, it
stalled under a railroad, roadway or other obstacle
is important to minimize the vertical deflection and
where normal trenching procedures are not appli- deformation of the adjacent Pipe. This may be ac-
cable. In such cases, ensure that the inner surface of
complished by placing a flexible joint at a distance of
the casing material does not darnage the GRP pipe L = 400 mm or d,/2, whichever is greater (see
when it is inserted in the casing. The rubbing surfaces figure 4).
may also be lubricated, or the pipe overwrapped with
a protective material, to facilitate insertion into the Optional rubber or bitumen wrap at the concrete
casing. In Order to avoid shearing loads on the Pipe, interface may provide stress relief from expansion,
compact the trench soil at the casing ends to a den- shear and/or bending loads. This is particularly
sity that results in soil resistance properties equal to, important for limiting radial shear and discontinuity
or greater than, that of the compacted initial pipe zone Stresses in a pressure Pipe.
backfill material. To prevent movement, secure the
inner pipe by blocking that will not result in load con- To minimize shear and bending Stresses, support is
centration, or by partially or completely filling the void particularly required for the pipe protruding from the
space with sand or grout. As the space is filled, use concrete Wall.

Short pipe section

maximum length - SmalLer of 2 m or 2 x de
minimum length - Smaller of 1 m or 1 xd,
4 \ *


Flexible joint
cast in concrete .
.al .*
o .

% ’ .* d.* ’ .-* l

. =p”
t Cl.‘0 l

0. : l ö* .Q. ..’.
. .

‘.( 8

. l . 9.
.o l .*o’l . l a* l 0. ’

. l . 0 l

as pipe zone or bedding material 1

Figure 3 - Connection at a rigid structure - Flexible joint cast in concrete

ISO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)

Short pipe section

maximum length - Smaller of 2 m or 2
minimum length - Smaller of 1 m or 1 x d, ‘0
l-Yo - Concrete

. . .a’. 0 . l * .

Flexible joint q* 0 g o* . .Q**. . ‘.; O** #Q g ‘9’

3 .
.? : . l . lu* . ‘. lc
0. o

o 0 . l

0: . l l 0:

.o* .** .o

Fill used below pipe to st

as pipe zone or bedding material

Figure 4 - Connection at a rigid structure - Flexible joint not cast in concrete

6.8 Laying 7.2 Pipe zone embedment

Lay the pipe in the trench so that it bears evenly on

the bedding throughout its entire length. DO not use 7.2.1 General
blocking to bring the pipe to grade.
The procedure for embedment depends upon the
pipe stiffness and the depth of cover. Minimum re-
quirements for installation are indicated in 7.2.2 to
7.2.5, depending upon SN. Requirements relating to
the nature of soils are given in 7.2.6 and in annex A.
7 Backfilling Refer to annex B for reference documents for soil
terms (see [1] and [2]).

7.1 General

For installations in accordance with figure 2, complete Depth of cover 3 m or less (see figure5)
backfilling as follows.
Sand or gravel shall be graded so that mechanical
Place the pipe zone backfill in layers on each side of compaction effort is not required to achieve a speci-
the pipe and compact in accordance with 7.3 to the fied density of not less than 90 % Standard Procter
degree and height specified in 7.2, unless otherwise density (SPD) or 60 % relative density (RD), respect-
specified in the project specification. ively (see [3]). (These limits are considered necessary
to minimize pipe distortion.)
The backfill above the zone may be as specified in 7.2
placed with or without compacting by spreading in
approximately uniform layers, so that the trench is Depth of cover more than 3 m (see
filled completely without any voids. figure 6)

Take extra care to compact the material under the Grave1 shall be graded so that mechanical compaction
haunches of the Pipe. The normal required cover effort is not required to achieve a specified density
should be at least 1 m; however, under certain con- of not less than 70 % RD. (This limit is considered
ditions static calculations may permit less cover. necessary to minimize pipe distortion.)

ISO/TR 1046591:1993(E)

Compacted or
native soil

gravel60 % RD

Pipe bed

Figure 5 - Backfilled with sand or gravel to a distance equal to 4/2 above the pipe crown, subject to a
minimum distance of 100 mm and a maximum distance of 300 mm

native soil

Grave170 %RD
(or crushe drock)

Pipe bed

Figure 6 - Backfilled with gravel to a distance equal to dJ2 above the pipe crown, subject to a minimum
distance of 100 mm and a maximum distance of 300 mm
ISO/TR 1046591:1993( E)

7.2.3 SN 2500 pipes paction to achieve a specified density of not less than
90 % SPD for Sand, or 60 % RD for gravel. The sec- Depth of cover 3 m or less (see figure7) ondary pipe zone material shall be compacted to not
less than 80 % SPD for the native soil.
Native material, if consisting of granular material with
less than 15 % fines, tan be used up to a distance of
4/2 above the pipe crown, with a minimum distance Depth of cover more than 3 m (sec
of 100 mm and a maximum distance of 300 mm. If figure 8)
native soil is not available or not suitable, then sand
or gravel shall be used with the same criteria. Grave1 shall be graded so that light mechanical com-
paction effort is required to achieve a specified den-
The primaty pipe zone material shall have a grading sity of not less than 60 % RD. (This limit is considered
that requires no more than light mechanical com- necessary to minimize pipe distortion.)

Compacted or

native soil

Native 80 % SPD

Sand 90 % SPD
gravel 60 % RD
Pipe bed

Figure 7 - Backfilled with sand or gravel to 70 % of the diameter d,

Compacted or

native soil

Grave1 6 0 % RD

Pipe bed

Figure 8 - Backfilled with gravel to a distance equal to &,/2 above the pipe crown, subject to a minimum
distance of 100 mm and a maximum distance of 300 mm
ISO/TR 10465~1:1993(E)

7.2.4 SN 5000 pipes less than that required for the primary pipe zone
backfill. Depth of cover 3 m or less (see figure 9) Depth of cover more than 3 m (see
The primary pipe zone backfill shall be compacted to figure 10)
not less than 90 % SPD or 70 % RD, respectively.
If the native soil is compactible, it shall be compacted
Native material may be used without compaction for to not less than 80 % SPD. If it is not used, then sand
the secondaty pipe zone backfill, unless otherwise or gravel shall be compacted to not less than 80 %
required by the referring specification, but at densities SPD or 60 % RD, respectively.

Compacted or
native soil

Sand 90 % SPD
gravel70 % RD

Pipe bed

Figure 9 - Backfilled with sand or gravel up to 70 % of the diameter d,

Compacted or
native soil

Native 80 % SPD

Sand 90 % SPD
gravel70 % RD
Pipe bed

Figure 10 - Backfilled as required for shallow burial installation with less than 3 m cover (sec,
except that native soil, if used, shall be compacted for the secondary pipe Zone
ISO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)

7.2.5 SN 10000 pipes Native material may be used with or without com-
paction for the secondary pipe zone backfill. Depth of cover 3 m or less (see figure 11

The sides of the haunched material may be sloped,

as shown in figure 11, or may otherwise be laid to the
required height, including extension to the trench Depth of cover more than 3 m (see
Wall(s). figure 12)

If native material tan be compacted, it may be used

up to approximately 50 % of the diameter d, with a Native material may be used with or without com-
compaction of not less than 80 % SPD. paction for the secondary pipe Zone backfill.

Compacted or
native soil

Native 80 % SPD
Sand 90 % S PD or
gravel60 % RD
Pipe bed

Figure 11 - Haunched with sand or gravel to 25 % of the diameter d, and compacted to not less than
90 % SPD or 60 % RD, respectively

Compacted or

Sand 90 % SPD
gravel70 % RD

Pipe bed

Figure 12 - Backfilled up to 70 % of the diameter d, with sand or gravel, which is compacted to not less than
90 % SPD or 70 % RD, respectively

ISO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)

7.2.6 Soils 7.3.4 Coarse-grained soils containing between

5 % and 15 % fines [such as 2A mixtures (see
Soil in the pipe zone backfill may be used in instal- annex A)]
lations in accordance with 7.2.2 to 7.2.5 and, if used,
shall meet the following criteria: Compact these soils either by tamping or by satu-
ration and Vibration, whichever method gives the
a) no particle sizes greater than the applicable limit in density that meets the design requirements.
accordance with 5.1 .l and table 1;
7.3.5 Fine-grained soils [such as soil groups 3 or 4
b) no soil lumps greater than twice the maximum (see annex A)]
particle size given in table 1;
Compact these soils by mechanical tamping in lifts of
c) no frozen material; 100 mm to 150 mm, or to the pipe’s springline,
whichever is less. The passive soil resistance is
d) no debris (for example asphalt, bottles, cans, tim- density-sensitive. For these soils a greater compactive
ber) . effort is required to obtain a specified Procter density.
Take extra care to ensure that the specified density is
obtained when these soil types are used as primary
7.3 Recommended compaction methods backfill.

7.3.1 General 7.4 Campaction quality control

The compaction methods given in 7.3.2 to 7.3.4 are To ensure compliance with the design requirements,
recommended in Order to obtain the required density the engineer should initially and then periodically ob-
of the respective materials. tain and record measurements of the deflection of the
installed Pipe, or determine and record the in-place
The use of hand-controlled mechanical tamping, vi- density of the compacted primary pipe zone material,
brating plate or roller, or Saturation with water is or both. Written reports on pipe deflection and soil
normally recommended for obtaining the required density measurements should be made available
densities with the various materials. upon request.
Care should be ta ken during compact ion so that the The minimum in-place densities of the compacted
initial ovalization (vertical el ongation) is kept to a material should not be less than that required by the
minimum. design procedure.

7.3.2 Coarse-grained soils containing less than 7.5 Special precautions

5 % fines [such as soil group 1A (see annex A)]
When Saturation with water is used during the instal-
Obtain the maximum density by compacting using lation procedure, avoid flotation of the Pipe. Avoid
Saturation or Vibration. displacement of the pipe while placing material under
the haunches of the Pipe.
If internal Vibrators are used, limit the height of suc-
cessive lifts of backfill to the penetrating depth of the Any design safety shield, when used to allow com-
Vibrator. paction of the primary and, if specified, secondary
pipe zone backfill material, shall be removed with as
If surface Vibrators are used, place the backfill in lifts little disruption of the compacted backfill as possible.
of 100 mm to 300 mm, or to the pipe’s springline,
whichever is less. This material may be compacted Sheeting or other trench protection used for instal-
by tamping or other means, provided that the degree lation shall not be removed from the compacted ma-
of compaction specified by the engineer is obtained. terial. (The removal might Cause disruption of the
Avoid erosion of side support by water jetting, and compacted material.) Removal may be permitted
avoid placing backfill while the pipe zone material is when the pipe wall has been designed to handle this
heavily saturated (thereby loading the pipe before the disruption and care has been taken to properly fill
proper side support is developed). voids.
When backfilling the trench, protect the pipe from
7.3.3 Coarse-grained soils containing more than falling rocks, direct impact from compaction equip-
5 % fines [such as soil group 2A, and any borderline ment and other sources of potential darnage. When
cases in the group (see annex A)] the backfill is to be compacted up to the ground sur-
face, carry out the compaction SO that the compaction
Compact these soils by tamping. Place the backfill in equipment is not used directly above the pipe untiI
lifts of 100 mm to 250 mm, or to the pipe’s springline, sufficient backfill has been placed to ensure that such
whichever is less. equipment will not have a damaging effect on the

lSO/TR 10465-1: 1993(E)

Pipe. Use rolling equipment or heavy tampers to con- Before pressurization Starts, the Pipeline shall be
Solidate the final backfill only if recommended by the thoroughly vented off at all high Points. The tempera-
pipe and equipment manufacturers. Provide at least tures of the Pipeline and of the test water shall be al-
750 mm of cover (or more if recommended by the lowed to equalize.
manufacturers) over the top of the pipe before use
of such equipment. Be careful when using com- The test shall be made in compliance with the rel-
paction equipment, particularly a hydrohammer, to evant project specification (and any applicable national
follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to avoid regulations) and with the recommendations given in
darnage to the Pipe. 8.1.2, as applicable.

NO TE 3 some countries have specif ic load requirements The tightness test of non-pressure pipelines may also
for the use of installation equipm ent. be carried out using air.

Parallel piping Systems laid within a common trench 8.1.2 Recommended basic pressure fest
shall be spaced sufficiently far apart to allow com- procedure and requirements (see 8.1 .l)
paction equipment to compact the soil between the
pipes. A clearance of 300 mm greater than the width Pressurize the installed Pipeline to a specified test
of the widest piece of compacting equipment may be pressure (usually the working pressure multiplied by
considered as a practical clearance between the a factor greater than 1) for a specified period of time,
pipes. Design considerations may require greater as given in the referring Standard (i.e. the Standard,
space. Compact the soil between the pipes in the regulation or project specification calling up the use
same manner as the soil between the pipe and the of this installation procedure).
trench Wall, and take special care to compact the soil
At the end of that time, unless otherwise specified in
underneath the haunches of each Pipe.
the referring Standard, consider the Pipeline
pressure-tight if no loss of pressure has occurred
8 Testing greater than that necessary to compensate for any
expected changes in the Pipeline capacity or con-
dition, for example because of changes in environ-
8.1 Pressure testing mental conditions (thermal effects) or the dimensional
or mechanical characteristics of the Pipeline materials
WARNING - Pressure testing using air is poten- or components (e.g. pipe expansion, rerounding or
tially dangerous and it is essential that all joint compression) within the applicable design limits.
necessary precautions are taken against excessive
pressure or component failure.
8.2 Permissible deflection
8.1 .l General The amount of vertical deflection may be used to
verify Pipe-laying work, particularly in respect to com-
When a pressure test is to be carried out, a Prior paction and the use of the correct bedding material.
check shall be carried out to determine whether the
Pipeline, and in particular the bends, thrust blocks and The maximum deflection specified for the project or
other fittings, have been designed to withstand forces by the pipe supplier (or by national or other regulation)
exerted by the test pressure. shall not be exceeded.

ISO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)

Annex A

Classification of native soils

A.1 General - 1 B: Hard or very stiff cohesive soils in accordance

with table A. 1.
Soils are classified into four main groups, of which the
first two have two subgroups (see A.2). The soil group A.2.2 Group 2 - Stable soils
is a function of both soil type (classification) and soil
density, which together determine the modulus of the - 2A: Medium (see tableA.1) slightly silty or clayey
soil. Relative quantification for densities may be de- gravels or Sands according to AlV Type 2 [S] or
termined from Standard penetrometer blow counts, ASTM GM, GC, SM and SC (Cl], [2]) containing
tested in accordance with [4] (ASTM D 1586, see less than 15 % fines;
annex B), and as given in table A.1. The blow counts
shall represent the most severe (weakest) conditions - 2B: Stiff cohesive soils in accordance with
expected to exist for any significant period of time. table A. 1.
(Normally this occurs when the water table is at its
highest elevation.) A.2.3 Group 3 - Soil mixtures

Typically medium cohesive and/or loose granular (see

A.2 Group classification tableA.1) soils according to ATV Type 3 [5] or ASTM
ML or CL ([l], [2]) with liquid limit less than 50 %.
A.2.1 Group 1 - Very stable soils
A.2.4 Group 4 - Cohesive soils
- 1 A: Dense (see table A.1) gravels or Sands ac-
cording to ATV Type 1 [S] or ASTM GW, GP, SW Soft and very loose (see table A.l) soils according to
and SP ([l], [2], see annex B) containing less than An/ Type 4 [S] or ASTM MH, CH, OL and OH (Cl],
5 % fines; CU .

Table A.1 - Classification of soil groups

-Cnil 3. vuprn
Description 4
1 2 3

Granular Very dense Medium Loose Very loose

(coarse-grained)‘) and dense

Cohesive Hard and Stiff Medium Soft

(fine-grained)‘) very stiff

Blow count2) 30 16 to 30 6tol5 3 to 5

1) Refer to [l] and [Z], annex B (Seil).

2) Refer to [4], (see annex B); the blow count is included to aid in identification of native soils.

lSO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)

Annex B


[l] ASTM D 2487:1990, Standard test method for aggregrate mixtures using 4.4 Ib (2,49 kg)
classifica tion of soils for engineering purposes. rammer and 12-in (305 mm) drop.

[2] ASTM D 2488:1990, Standard practice for de- [4] ASTM D 1586:1984, Standard method for pen-
scription and identification of soils (Visual- etration test and Split-barrel sampling of soils (or
Manual Procedure). appropriate ISO Standard).

[3] ASTM D 698:1978, Test methods for [S] AW Regelwerk A 127, Gesellschaft zur
moisture-density relations of soils and soil- Forderung der Abwassertechnik e.V., Markt
(Stadthaus), D-5202 St Augustin-l.

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ISO/TR 10465=1:1993(E)

UDC 62’l.643.3:678.072:678.067.5
Descriptors: plastics products, thermosetting materiats, glass rev3orced piastics, plastic tubes, plastics hoses, installation, underground
Installation, procedure, tests, pressure testg.

Price based on 14 pages

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