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Index Crime and Non Index Crime

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Chapter IV


Index Crime Recorded in the municipalities of Allen,

Catarman, and San Roque

Table 1 presents the different index crime recorded in

the municipality of Allen, Catarman, and San Roque in the

year 2022. There are 7 different index crimes recorded which

are, Theft, with a total frequency counts of 22, rank 1;

Rape, with a total frequency counts of 20, rank 2; Murder,

with a total frequency counts of 12, rank 3; Robbery, with a

total frequency counts of 7, rank 4; Physical Injury with a

total frequency counts of 3, rank 5; and both Homicide and

Carnapping, with a frequency counts of 2, rank 6.5.

Specifically, the municipality of Allen has recorded 2

Murders, 1 Homicide, 3 Rapes, 3 Thefts, and 1 Carnaping. The

municipality of Catarman has recorded 9 Murders, 1 Homicide,

1 Physical Injury, 11 Rapes, 6 Robberies, and 16 Thefts. The

municipality of San Roque has recorded 1 Murder, 2 Physical

Injury, 6 Rapes, 1 Robbery, 3 Thefts, and 1 Carnapping.

Among the 3 municipalities, Catarman has the largest index

crimes recorded with a total of 44, followed by San Roque

with a total of 14, and the least is Allen with a total of

10 index crimes recorded.

As shown in the findings, in the municipality of Allen,

the most frequent index crime recorded are Rape and Theft

both with 3 frequency counts, in Catarman the most frequent

index crime recorded is Theft with 16 frequency counts, and

in San Roque, the most frequent index crime recorded is Rape

with a frequency count of 6.

In terms of kinds of index crime recorded in 2022,

Catarman has recorded 6 different kinds which are Murder,

Homicide, Physical Injury, Rape, Robbery and Theft; San

Roque has also recorded 6 different kinds of index crime

which are Murder, Physical Injury, Rape, Robbery, Theft, and

Carnapping; while Allen has recorded only 5 different kind

of index crime which are Murder, Homicide, Rape, Theft, and

Carnapping. Among the 7 different kinds of index crime

recorded, only 3, which are Murder, Rape, and Theft are

common to the 3 municipalities. The other 4 different kinds

of index crimes are not common to all municipalities.

Homicide are recorded only in Allen and Catarman, Physical

Injury and Robbery are recorded only in Catarman and San

Roque, while Carnapping is recorded only in Allen and San




Table 1

Index Crime Recorded in Allen, Catarman, and San Roque

Index Crime Municipality Total Rank

Allen Catarman San Roque
Murder 2 9 1 12 3
Homicide 1 1 0 2 6.5
Physical 0 1 2 3 5
Rape 3 11 6 20 2
Robbery 0 6 1 7 4
Theft 3 16 3 22 1
Carnapping 1 0 1 2 6.5
Total 10 44 14 68

Non-Index Crime Recorded in the municipalities of Allen,

Catarman, and San Roque

Table 2 presents the different non-index crime recorded

in the municipality of Allen, Catarman, and San Roque in

2022. There are 40 different index crime reported which are

RIR Damage to Physical Property with a total frequency count

of 112, rank 1; RIR Physical Injury with a total frequency

count of 87, rank 2; Anti-Gambling with a total frequency

count of 40, rank 3; Anti-VAWC Act 2004 with a total

frequency count of 19, rank 4;Frustrated/Attempted Murder

with a total frequency count of 17, rank 5.5; Swidling

(Estafa) with a total frequency count of17, rank 5.5;

Frustrated/Attempted Homicide with a total frequency count

of 14, rank 7; Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act 2002 with a

total frequency count of 13, rank 8.5; Illegal Logging with

a total frequency count of 13, rank 8.5; Grave Threats with

a total frequency count of 7, rank 10; Anti-Child Abuse Law

with a total frequency count of 6, rank 11.5; RIR Homicide

with a total frequency count of 6, rank 11.5; Malicious

Mischief with a total frequency count of 5, rank 13. The

next three non-index crime which are Acts of Lasciviousness,

Bouncing Check Law, and Cybercrime got the same frequency

count of 3, which are ranked 15; the next 10 non-index crime

which are Animal Welfare Act 1998, Cockfighting Law of 1974,

Coconut Preservation Act 1995, Comprehensive Firearm Law,

Direct Assults, Illegal Numbers Game, Illegal Position of

Weapons, Philippine Fisheries Code, Resisting Authorities,

and Slander (Oral Defamation) also gained equal frequency

counts of 2 which are ranked 21.5; and the last 13 non-index

crimes which are Alarms and Scandals, Anti Trafficking of

Persons Act 2003, Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act 2013,

Anti-Fencing Law of 1979, Chain Saw Act 2002, Discharge of

Firearms, False Testimony Other Cases, Falsification by

Private Individual, Forgery, Frustrated/Attempted Anti-Rape

Law of 1997, Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines, Other

Forms of Trespass, and Other Light Threats gained the same

frequency count of 1, which are ranked 33.5. The findings

shows that among the 40 non-index crime reported in 2022,

the top 3 non-index crime with high frequencies are RIR

Damage to Property, RIR Physical Injury, and Anti-Gambling.

The municipality of Allen recorded 19 different non-

index crimes with a total of 85 frequency counts. Among the

19 non-index crime recorded are Anti-Gambling with a

frequency count of 28, RIR Physical Injury with a frequency

count of 16, RIR Damage to Property with a frequency count

of 9, Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act 2002 with a

frequency count of 6, Illegal Logging with a frequency count

of 4, Anyi-VAWC Act 2004 with a frequency count of 3,

Swindling (Estafa) with a frequency count of 3,

Frustrated/Attempted Homicide with a frequency count of 3,

Cybercrime with a frequency count of 2, Philippine Fisheries

Code with a frequency count of 2, Frustrated/Attempted

Murder with a frequency count of 1, Anti-Child Abuse Law

with a frequency count of 1, Bouncing Check Law with a

frequency count of 1, Comprehensive Firearm Law with a

frequency count of 1, Resisting Authorities with a frequency

count of 1, Slander (Oral Deflamation) with a frequency

count of 1, Anti Trafficking in Persons Act 2003 with a

frequency count of 1, Chain Saw Act 2002 with a frequency

count of 1, and Frustrated/Attempted Anti-Rape Law of 1997

with a frequency count of 1.

The municipality of Catarman recorded 31 different non-

index crimes with a total frequency count of 262. Among the

31 non-index crimes recorded are RIR Damage to Property with

a frequency count of 95, RIR Physical Injury with a

frequency count of 65, Anti-VAWC Act 2004 with a frequency

count of 13, Swindling (Estafa) with a frequency count of

13, Frustrated/Attempted Murder with a frequency count of

10, Anti-Gambling Law with a frequency count of 8,

Frustrated/Attempted Homicide with a frequency count of 8,

Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act 2002 with a frequency

count of 7, Anti-Child Abuse Law with a frequency count of

5, Grave Threats with a frequency count of 4, RIR Homicide

with a frequency count of 4, Malicious Mischief with a

frequency count of 4, Illegal Logging with a frequency count

of 3, Bouncing Check Law with a frequency count of 2, Animal

Welfare Act 1998 with a frequency count of 2, Coconut

Preservation Act 1995 with a frequency count of 2, Direct

Assaults with a frequency count of 2, Illegal Position of

Weapons with a frequency count of 2, Cybercrime with a

frequency count of 1, Comprehensive Firearm Law with a

frequency count of 1, Resisting Authorities with a frequency

count of 1, Slander (Oral Defamation) with a frequency count

of 1, Acts of Lasciviousness with a frequency count of 1,

Alarms and Scandals with a frequency count of 1, Anti-Drunk

& Drugged Driving Act 2013 with a frequency count of 1,

False Testimony Other Cases with a frequency count of 1,

Falsification by Private Individual with a frequency count

of 1, Forgery with a frequency count of 1, Omnibus Election

Code of the Philippines with a frequency count of 1, Other

Light Threats with a frequency count of 1, and Persons in

Authority with a frequency count of 1.

The municipality of San Roque recorded 17 different

non-index crimes with a total frequency count of 52. Among

the 17 different non-index crimes recorded are RIR Damage to

Property with a frequency count of 8, RIR Physical Injuries

with a frequency count of 6, Frustrated/Attempted Murder

with a frequency count of 6, Illegal Logging with a

frequency count of 6, Anti-Gambling Law with a frequency

count of 4, Anti-VAWC Act 2004 with a frequency count of 3,

Frustrated/Attempted Homicide with a frequency count of 3,

Grave Threats with a frequency count of 3, RIR Homicide with

a frequency count of 2, Acts of Lasciviousness with a

frequency count of2, Cockfighting Law of 1974 with a

frequency count of 2, Illegal Numbers Game with a frequency

count of 2, Swindling (Estafa) with a frequency count of 1,

Malicious Mischief with a frequency count of 1, Anti-Fencing

Law 1979 with a frequency count of 1, Discharge of Firearms

with a frequency count of 1, and Other Forms of Trespass

with a frequency count of 1.

Among the 3 municipalities, Catarman has the largest

non-index crime recorded with a total frequency counts of

262, followed by Allen with a total frequency counts of 85,

and the last is San Roque with a total frequency counts of





Table 2

Non-Index Crime Recorded in Allen, Catarman, and San Roque

Non-Index Municipality Total Rank

Crime Allen Catarman San Roque
RIR Damage to 9 95 8 112 1

RIR Physical 16 65 6 87 2

Anti-Gambling 28 8 4 40 3

Anti-VAWC Act 3 13 3 19 4

Frustrated/ 1 10 6 17 5.5

Swindling 3 13 1 17 5.5

Frustrated/ 3 8 3 14 7

Comprehensive 6 7 13 8.5
Drugs Act 2002

Illegal 4 3 6 13 8.5
Grave Threats 4 3 7 10

Anti-Child 1 5 6 11.5
Abuse Law

RIR Homicide 4 2 6 11.5

Malicious 4 1 5 13

Acts of 1 2 3 15

Bouncing Check 1 2 3 15

Cybercrime 2 1 3 15

Animal Welfare 2 2 21.5

Act 1998

Cockfitghting 2 2 21.5
Law of 1974

Coconut 2 2 21.5
Act 1995

Comprehensive 1 1 2 21.5
Firearm Law

Direct 2 2 21.5
Illegal 2 2 21.5
Numbers Game

Illegal 2 2 21.5
Position of

Philippine 2 0 2 21.5
Fisheries Code

Resisting 1 1 2 21.5

Slander (Oral 1 1 2 21.5


Alarms and 1 1 33.5


Anti 1 1 33.5
Trafficking in
Persons Act

Anti-Drunk & 1 1 33.5

Driving Act

Anti-Fencing 1 1 33.5
Law of 1979

Chain Saw Act 1 1 33.5


Discharge of 1 1 33.5

False 1 1 33.5
Other Cases

Falsification 1 1 33.5
by Private
Forgery 1 1 33.5

Frustrated/ 1 0 1 33.5
Anti-Rape Law
of 1997

Omnibus 1 1 33.5
Election Code
of the

Other Forms of 1 1 33.5


Other Light 1 1 33.5


Total 85 262 52 399

Total Number of Index Crime and Non-Index Crime Reported

from January to December 2022 in Allen, Catarman, and San

Table 3 presents the total number of index and non-

index crime reported in the municipalities of Allen,

Catarman, and San Roque. Allen has a total of 10 index

crimes and a total of 85 non-index crimes reported with an

overall total of 95. Catarman has a total of 44 index crime

and a total of 262 non-index crime reported with an over all

total of 306, while San Roque has a total of 14 index crime

and a total of 52 non-index crime reported with an overall

total of 66.
The total index crime reported in the 3 municipalities

is 68, which is 14.56 percent of the total crimes reported,

and the total of non-index crime reported is 399 which is

85.44 percent of the total crimes reported.

The findings shows that in 2022, the non-index crime

reported in the 3 municipalities is far greater than the

index crime reported.





Table 3

Total Number of Index Crime and Non-Index Crime Reported in

the Municipalities of Allen, Catarman, and San Roque

Municipality Total Percentage

Allen Catarman San Roque
Index Crime 10 44 14 68 14.56
Crime 85 262 52 399 85.44
Overall 95 306 66 467 100

Prevalence Rate of Index Crime and Non-Index Crime Recorded

from January to December 2022 in Allen, Catarman, and San
Prevalence rate is usually computed per 100,000

individuals in a particular area. However, since the

population of the municipalities involved in this study

which are Allen, with a total population of 27,043;

Catarman, with a total population of 94,037, and San Roque

with a total population of 30,580, which are less than

100,000, the computation is adjusted and reduced to per

10,000 individuals to make the presentation more easier to

understand. Table 4 presents the prevalence rate, per 10,000

individuals, of index crimes and non-index crimes recorded

in the municipalities of Allen, Catarman, and San Roque in

2022. Allen has an index crimes prevalence rate of 3.70 and

a non-index crimes prevalence rate of 31.43. This finding

shows that in every 10,000 individuals in Allen there are

about 4 victims of index crimes and about 31 victims of non-

index crime. Catarman has an index crimes prevalence rate of

4.68 and a non-index crimes prevalence rate of 27.86. This

finding means that in every 10,000 individual in Catarman

there are about 5 victims of index crimes and about 29

victims of non-index crimes. San Roque has an index crime

prevalence rate of 4.58 and a non-index crime prevalence

rate of 17.01. This implies that in every 10,000 individuals

in San Roque there are about 5 victims of index crimes and

about 17 victims of non-index crimes. Further, the data

shows that in terms of index crimes, among the 3

municipalities, Catarman has the higher rate while Allen has

the lowest rate, while in terms of non-index crimes, the

Allen has the higher rate and San Roque has the lowest rate.

Table 4

Prevalence Rate of Recorded Index Crimes and Non-Index

Crimes in Allen, Catarman, and San Roque

Municipality Population Total Prevalence Total Prevalence

Index Rate of Non- Rate of
Crime Index Index Non-Index
Crime Crime Crime
Allen 27,043 10 3.70 85 31.43
Catarman 94,037 44 4.68 262 27.86
San Roque 30,580 14 4.58 52 17.01
Total 151,660 68 4.48 399 26.31

Test of Difference in the Index Crimes Rate between the

Municipalities of Allen, Catarman, and San Roque

Table 5 shows the Analysis of Variance to test the null

hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the

index crimes prevalence rate between the municipalities of

Allen, Catarman, and Sa Roque. The Test of Homogeneity of

Variances table shows a Lavene Statistics Value of 0.220 and

a Significance Value of 0.805 which is higher than the alpha

value of 0.05 implies that the results in the Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA) Table is reliable. Therefore, the values

shown in the ANOVA table will be interpreted to determine

the probability of the occurrence of the null hypothesis.

The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) table shows an F Value

of 0.006 and a Significance Value of 0.994 which is far

higher than the alpha value of 0.05 which means that the

null hypothesis is accepted and is therefore no significant

difference in the index crimes rate between the

municipalities of Allen, Catarman, and San Roque. In support

to the findings shown in ANOVA table, the Descriptive

Statistics table shows that the index crimes rate means of

Allen, Catarman, and San Roque, which are 0.740, 0.780, and

0.763 respectively, are so close or almost equal to each

other, thus, as find out in ANOVA table, the means are

statistically no significant difference.




Table 5

Analysis of Variance to Test the Null Hypothesis that there

is No Significant Difference in the Index Crime
Rate between the Municipalities of
Allen, Catarman, and San Roque
Descriptive Statistics
Index Crimes Rate
N Mean Deviation
Allen 4 0.740 0.427
Catarman 6 0.780 0.626
San Roque 6 0.763 0.643
Total 16 0.763 0.552

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Index Crime Rate
Levene Statistics df1 df2 Sig.
.220 2 13 .805

Index Crime Rate
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
.004 2 .002 .006 .994
4.575 13 .352
Total 4.578 15

Test of Difference in the Non-Index Crimes Rate between the

Municipalities of Allen, Catarman, and San Roque

Table 6 shows the Analysis of Variance to test the null

hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the

non-index crimes rate between the municipalities of Allen,

Catarman, and Sa Roque. The Test of Homogeneity of Variances

table shows a Lavene Statistics Value of 1.848 and a

Significance Value of 0.166 which is higher than the alpha

value of 0.05 implies that the results in the Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA) Table is reliable. Therefore, the values

shown in the ANOVA table will be interpreted to determine

the probability of the occurrence of the null hypothesis.

The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) table shows an F Value

of 0.896 and a Significance Value of 0.413 which is higher

than the alpha value of 0.05 which means that the null

hypothesis is accepted and is therefore no significant

difference in the non-index crimes rate between the

municipalities of Allen, Catarman, and San Roque. The

Descriptive Statistics table shows that Allen has a mean of

1.654 and standard deviation of 2.521, Catarman has mean of

0.899 and standard deviation of 2.105, and San Roque with a

mean of 1.0 and a standard deviation of 0.717. Even if the

means of non-index crimes rate in the municipalities of

Allen, Catarman and San Roque is somewhat different from

each other, still it is statistically no significant

difference as found out in the results of the ANOA table.



Table 6

Analysis of Variance to Test the Null Hypothesis that there

is No Significant Difference in the Non-Index Crime
Rate between the Municipalities of
Allen, Catarman, and San Roque

Descriptive Statistics
Prevalence Rate of Non-index Crime
Municipality N Mean Deviation
Allen 19 1.654 2.521
Catarman 31 0.899 2.105
San Roque 17 1.000 0.717
Total 67 1.139 1.995

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Prevalence Rate of Non-index Crime
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
1.848 2 64 .166

Prevalence Rate of Non-index Crime
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
716.131 2 358.065 .896 .413
25569.319 64 399.521
Total 26285.449 66

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