Report in Philosophy
Report in Philosophy
Report in Philosophy
The imperative quality of judgement of practical intellect is meaningless a part from will. Reason
can legislate but only through will isn’t legislation be translated into action.
The will of humanity is an instrument of free choice it is within power of every one to be good
or bad h or worthless. This is borne our by:
*Moral acts, which are always particular acts; are in our power and we are responsible for them.
*Character or habit is no excuse for immoral conduct. (Attending class is student’s responsibility. Should
the students cut class, then he/she is responsible for the consequences for any failure that will behalf on
him/her. The students may regrets in the world will not call it back).
*The point is the student should not have cut class in the first instance. When the matter is sifted, the
happiness of every human beings soul is in his on hands, to preserve and develop, or cast away.
Human beings have the unique power to change themselves and the things around
them for the better.
Human beings are moral agent: both spiritual and material.
Through our spirituality, whether we choose to be “good” or “evil” becomes our
Human beings has a supernatural, transcendental destiny
If a human being perseveringly lives a righteous and virtuous life, he transcends his
moral state of life and soars to an immortal state of life.
The power of change, however, can only be done by human beings through cooperation
with God.
Change should promote not just any any purely private advantage but the good of the
Fourfold classification of law: the eternal law, natural law, human law and divine law.
The Natural law, it is ethical sense applies only to human beings. The first principal and present of
natural law is that good is to be sought after and evil avoided. A person should not be judged through
his actions alone but also through his sincerity behind his acts.
Human laws, are concerned with ends determined simply by humanity nature.
Divine laws or. Revelation, is a law ordering humans to transcends his nature.
It gives human being the certitude where human reason unaided could arrive only at
It deals with interior disposition as well as external acts
It ensures the final punishment of all evil doings.
It is “That law which is the supreme reason and cannot be understood to be otherwise than
unchangeable and eternal”
For St. Thomas, the purpose of a human being is to be happy, same as Aristotle, but points to a higher
form of happiness that everyone seek but could be found only in God.
St. Thomas wisely and aptly chose and proposed love rather than Law to bring about the transformation
of humanity
The desire to exist as a being which has it’s sufficient ground in itself ( en sui causa).
The human person builds the road to the destiny of his/her choosing.
The person, first, exists encounters himself and surges up in the world then defines himself
The person is provided with a supreme opportunity to give meaning to one’s life.
Freedom is the very core and the door to authentic existence.
The person is what on has done and is doing.
The human person who tries to escape obligation and strives to be en-soi (I. e, excuses, such as
“I was born this way” or “I grew up in a bad environment “) is acting on bad faith (mauve’s foi).