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Myb3 2017 18 Kazakhstan

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2017–2018 Minerals Yearbook


U.S. Department of the Interior December 2021

U.S. Geological Survey
The Mineral Industry of Kazakhstan
By Elena Safirova

Note: In this chapter, information for 2017 is followed by information for 2018.

In 2017, Kazakhstan produced a diverse range of mineral increased by 7.1% from 2016. Mineral extraction played a
commodities and was the world’s leading producer of uranium significant role in industrial production—11.6 trillion tenge
(39% of world output); the 2d-ranked producer of asbestos ($35.6 billion), or 50.1% of the value of industrial production,
(16%) and chromite (13%); the 4th-ranked producer of barite was from this sector. The value of mineral extraction included
(7.2%) and titanium sponge (5.0%); the 5th-ranked producer 9.0 trillion tenge ($27.6 billion) from the extraction of crude
of bismuth (1.6%), cadmium (5.9%) and rhenium (2.1%); the petroleum; 944 billion tenge ($2.9 billion) from the mining of
6th-ranked producer of sulfur (4.4%); the 7th-ranked producer nonferrous metal ores; 292 billion tenge ($896 million) from
of magnesium metal (0.9%); the 8th-ranked producer of the extraction of coal, including lignite; 244 billion tenge
antimony (0.5%) and lead (2.4%); the 9th-ranked producer ($748 million) from the mining of iron ore; and 208 billion
of zinc (2.6%); the 11th-ranked producer of gold (2.6%) and tenge ($638 million) from the extraction of natural gas.
manganese (1.0%); and the 12th-ranked producer of iron ore In comparison with that of 2016, real output of petroleum
(1.6%). The country was also a significant producer of lime increased by 10.5%; mined nonferrous metals, by 7.6%; iron
and phosphate rock. The mineral industry accounted for a ore, by 7.0%; coal and lignite, by 5.2%; and natural gas,
significant share of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) by 2.6%. In 2017, metallurgy contributed 4.1 trillion tenge
and export revenue; petroleum and natural gas were the leading ($12.6 billion) to industrial output, of which nonferrous
mineral commodities in terms of production value. Kazakhstan’s metallurgy and production of precious metals contributed
Government promoted the development of the mineral industry 2.5 trillion tenge ($7.7 billion) and petroleum refining and
and owned interests in a number of significant mineral- coke production accounted for 716 billion tenge ($2.2 billion).
commodity-producing companies (World Nuclear Association, Compared with that of 2016, the real output value of nonferrous
2018; Apodaca, 2019; Bedinger, 2019; Bray, 2019; Corathers, and precious metals increased by 6.3%; that of ferrous metals
2019a, b; Flanagan, 2019; George, 2019; Jasinski, 2019; increased by 6.2%; and that of petroleum refining and coke
Klochko, 2019a, b; McRae, 2019; Polyak, 2019; Schulte, 2019; increased by 3.7% (Agency of Statistics of the Republic of
Singerling, 2019; Thomas, 2019; Tolcin, 2019; Tuck, 2019; Kazakhstan, 2018, p. 143–258).
U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2019).
In 2017, Government-funded exploration in Kazakhstan Government Policies and Programs
was conducted on 98 mineral exploration targets and 8 billion
In December 2017, the President of Kazakhstan signed into
tenge (about $23 million) was expended.1 As a result of this
law a new “Subsoil and Use of Subsoil Code” (Mining Code)
exploration, an increase in inferred resources of gold amounted
of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The new code was expected
to 1,500 kilograms (kg), and that for copper, 28 million
to introduce several innovations that would likely attract new
metric tons (Mt). The increase in inferred resources of tin was
investment and venture capital to Kazakhstan’s mineral industry.
estimated to be 16,500 metric tons (t), and lithium resources
The new code would significantly simplify the procedures
were not disclosed. The inferred resources of methane in the
required to obtain exploration and mining licenses, reduce
Karaganda Coal Basin were estimated to be 14 billion cubic
the time requirements to obtain relevant permits, and create
meters. In 2018, AO Kazgeologiya planned to explore 14 targets
an interactive system to share the Government’s geologic
and to expend between $1.1 million to $3.2 million (Kasymova,
information with exploration and mining companies (Kursiv.kz,
2018; Kt.kz, 2018).
2016; Baymanov, 2017; Mamyrkhanova, 2017; Neftegaz.ru,
Minerals in the National Economy 2017; Forbes.kz, 2018).

In 2017, Kazakhstan’s real GDP increased by 4.1% compared Production

with that of 2016, and the nominal GDP was 53.1 trillion tenge
In 2017, production of mined lead increased by 58%;
(about $163 billion). The share of industrial production in the
phosphate rock, by 55%; mined antimony and titanium sponge,
GDP was 26.8% compared with 26.1% in 2016. In 2017, the
by an estimated 22% each; associated natural gas, electrowon
contribution of industrial production to the GDP increased by
copper, and primary magnesium metal (estimated), by 20%
7.7%. The total nominal industrial production was valued at
each; mined copper, by 19%; ferrosilicochromium, by 17%;
22.8 trillion tenge ($69.9 billion) and real industrial production
refined gold, refined petroleum, and bituminous coal, by
16% each; tantalum metal, by 15%; chromite, mined gold,
Where necessary, values have been converted from Kazakhstani and sulfur (byproduct of natural gas and petroleum), by 14%
tenge (KZT) to U.S. dollars (US$) at an annual average exchange rate each; lime, by 13%; and chromium concentrate, refined lead,
of KTZ344.71=US$1.00 for 2018, KTZ326.00=US$1.00 for 2017, and crude petroleum, by 11% each. Production of selenium
KZT341.82=US$1.00 for 2016, and KZT221.73=US$1.00 for 2015.

Kazakhstan— 2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 24.1

decreased by 50%; niobium metal, by 43%; ferrosilicon, by 13%; ferroalloy plant, located in the city of Aktobe; the Kazmarganets
and refined silver, by 12%. These and other production data are manganese mine, which was located in Karagandy Province and
in table 1. was involved in manganese mining; and the Donskoy chromite
GOK [mining and beneficiation complex], which was located
Structure of the Mineral Industry in the city of Khromtau in Aktobe Province and was involved
in chromite mining and processing (Abctv.kz, 2016, 2018;
Table 2 is a list of major mineral industry facilities.
Ryskulov, 2017).
Mineral Trade In May, the Donskoy GOK announced that it had begun
mining the Pervomayskoye deposit and had produced the
In 2017, the value of Kazakhstan’s exports amounted to first 3,500 t of ore. The design capacity of the mine was
$48.5 billion, which was a 32% increase compared with the 300,000 metric tons per year (t/yr) of ore and the deposit was
value of exports in 2016. In 2017, Kazakhstan’s imports expected to be mined through 2025. The reserves of the mine
increased by 16.6% to $29.6 billion. In 2016, both exports and were estimated to be 3 Mt of chromite. The company expected
imports decreased by 20.1% and 17%, respectively (Agency of to use experience gained from work on the Pervomayskoye
Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019b, p. 1–35). Mine to begin the second stage of a much larger mine located
Overall, in 2017, more than two-thirds (68.6%) of nearby—the “10 Years of Kazakhstan’s Independence” Mine—
Kazakhstan’s export revenue was from exports of mineral the annual capacity of which was expected to reach 6 million
products. Revenue from mineral exports increased by metric tons per year (Mt/yr) of ore. In 2017, the Donskoy GOK
$9.3 billion compared with that of 2016. Crude petroleum, produced about 2 Mt of ore at that mine (Metalinfo.ru, 2017b).
ferroalloys, copper, natural gas, and flat-rolled steel were the Copper.—In 2017, KAZ Minerals plc increased copper
primary sources of export revenue. Revenue from exports of production by about 80% compared with that of 2016, to
crude petroleum increased to $26.6 billion from $19.3 billion 259,000 t, which included production from the Bozymchak
in 2016; natural gas, by 21.1% to $1.55 billion; fuel oil, by deposit in Kyrgyzstan. KAZ Minerals’ leading deposits in
40.3% to $1.09 billion; and coal, by 46.7% to $445 million. In Kazakhstan were the Bozshakol, which produced 101,000 t
2017, the share of metals in exports was 18.1% compared with (111% more than in 2016), and the Aktogay, which produced
17.2% in 2016 and 8.5% in 2014. The revenue from ferroalloy 90,000 t (65,000 t from sulfide ore and 25,000 t from oxide ore).
exports amounted to $2.4 billion, and the primary recipients In 2018, KAZ Minerals planned to produce about 300,000 t of
were China ($868 million), Japan ($534 million), and the copper. In February 2017, KAZ Minerals began production of
United States ($183 million). Revenue from copper exports copper concentrate at the Aktogay GOK and reached design
amounted to $2.3 billion, and the primary recipients were projected capacity in October 2017 at the new processing plant
China ($1.1 billion), the United Arab Emirates ($537 million), with a capacity to process 25 Mt/yr of sulfide ore. The Aktogay
and Turkey ($401 million). The revenue from flat-rolled steel project produced its first copper cathodes from copper oxides in
contributed $1.47 billion to export revenue; zinc, $834 million; December 2015. It was expected that during the first 10 years
and aluminum, $473 million (Nikonorov, 2018; Agency of of operations, the Aktogay GOK would produce 90,000 t/yr of
Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019b, p. 1–35). copper from sulfide ore and 15,000 t/yr of copper cathodes from
Kazakhstan’s main export partner was Italy, which received copper oxides (Kursiv.kz, 2017b; Malko, 2017; KAZ Minerals
17.9%, by value, of the country’s exports. It was followed plc, 2018).
by China (12.0%), the Netherlands (9.8%), Russia (9.6%), In 2017, the Aktyubinskaya Mednaya Kompaniya (AMK),
Switzerland (6.4%), France (5.9%), Spain (3.0%), Uzbekistan a subsidiary of the Russian Copper Co. of Russia, produced
(2.6%), Turkey (2.4%), the Republic of Korea and Ukraine 58,000 t copper in copper concentrate. The company had
(2.3% each), and Greece (2.0%) (Agency of Statistics of the been in operation since 2004 and its holdings included the
Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019b, p. 1–35.) “50th Anniversary of October” deposit, which had the capacity
The major import categories were foodstuffs, machinery to produce 3 Mt/yr of copper ore; the Priorskoye deposit, which
and equipment, and metal products. Kazakhstan’s main import had the capacity to produce 2 Mt/yr of copper-zinc ore; and
partner was Russia, which shipped to Kazakhstan 39.6% of its the AMK GOK, which had the capacity to process 5 Mt/yr of
imports, by value. It was followed by China (15.9%), Germany copper and copper-zinc ore. As of March 2017, AMK planned
(5.0%), the United States (4.2%), Italy (3.2%), and Turkey and to build mines at the Kundyzdy and the Limannoye deposits,
Uzbekistan (2.5% each) (Agency of Statistics of the Republic of each with 2 Mt/yr of ore capacity, and to build beneficiation
Kazakhstan, 2019a, p. 1–35). plants with a combined capacity to process 5 Mt/yr of ore.
Additionally, the company had plans to develop the Vesenne-
Commodity Review Aralchinskoye deposit, which spans the Kazakhstan-Russia
border. In particular, the company planned to build a mine
with a capacity to produce 500,000 t/yr of ore that would be in
production for 15 years (Metalinfo.ru, 2017a, 2018).
Chromium and Ferroalloys.—In 2017, AO TNK Kazkhrom,
In August, Rio Tinto of the United Kingdom together
which was a division of Eurasian Resources Group LLP
with AO Kazgeologiya was conducting exploration of two
(ERG), was the major producer of chromite and ferroalloys in
deposits—the Korgantas and the Balkhash-Saryshagan—
Kazakhstan. Kazkhrom had four major production units—the
for porphyry copper ore. Both deposits are located in
Aksu ferroalloy plant, located in Pavlodar Province; the Aktobe


Karagandy Province. The Korgantas had an area of In 2017, Polymetal continued work on its Kyzyl project
about 4,000 square kilometers (km2), and the Balkhash- located in East Kazakhstan Province. The reserves of gold at
Saryshagan, 13,000 km2. The exploration project began in 2015 the project were estimated to be 226,000 kg, with an average
and was expected to continue for between 5 and 6 years and to ore grade of 7.7 g/t gold. In 2018, Polymetal expected to begin
cost about 3.4 billion tenge (about $15.3 million). Rio Tinto had mining and to commission a new beneficiation plant. According
an objective to find a copper deposit with resources of at least to the company’s plans, the beneficiation plant would have the
1 billion metric tons of ore (Kapital.kz, 2017b). capacity to process 2 Mt/yr of ore using flotation beneficiation.
In January, Polymetal International plc (Polymetal) of Russia At full capacity, Polymetal planned to produce 10,000 kg/yr of
announced a complete consolidation of its ownership of the gold concentrate. In 2016, Polymetal invested 26 billion tenge
Tarutinskoye copper deposit, located in Russia, purchasing (about $76 million) in the project, and in 2017 planned to invest
the remaining 25% for $10 million (having previously owned a total of 51 billion tenge (about $156 million). Also, Polymetal
75% of the deposit). The Tarutinskoye copper deposit is located invested 1.74 billion tenge (about $5.3 million) in social projects
150 kilometers from the Varvarinskoye deposit in Kazakhstan’s that included a childcare facility, a medical office, and a gym
Kostanay Province that Polymetal had been developing since facility (Inform.kz, 2017a).
2009. Polymetal planned to begin production at the Tarutinskoye Nickel.—In June 2017, AO BAST announced the completion
deposit in 2018 and to use the flotation plant at Varvarinskoye of the second stage of mine construction at its Maksut
to process the ore from Tarutinskoye. According to the Joint copper-nickel mine located in East Kazakhstan Province, and
Ore Reserves Committee (JORC)-compliant reserves estimate the company increased its ore-processing plant capacity to
completed in 2012, the reserves amounted to 890,000 t of ore 400,000 t/yr from 200,000 t/yr of ore. The cost of the second
containing 0.1 gram per metric ton (g/t) gold, 13 g/t silver, stage included 843 billion tenge (about $3.49 billion) spent on
and 1.62% copper. From 2018 to 2020, Polymetal planned to expansion and 365 billion tenge (about $1.12 billion) spent on
process up to 300,000 t/yr of ore at the Varvarinskoye plant and acquisition of new machinery and equipment. The construction
to produce between 4,000 and 5,000 t/yr of copper from the was financed by shareholders’ funds; in spring 2015, the company
Tarutinskoye Mine (Kursiv.kz, 2017c; Kapital.kz, 2018). had conducted an initial public offering (IPO) at the Kazakhstan
Gold.—The leading producers of mined gold in Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (Schekunskih, 2017a).
were TOO Altyntau Kokshetau (which was owned by In August, new estimates of JORC-compliant reserves of the
TOO Kazzinc) and AO GMK Kazakhaltyn, both of which had Maksut deposit were disclosed by AO BAST. According to the
operations in Akmola Province. Polymetal International plc new estimates, proved reserves were estimated to be 26.8 Mt
(Polymetal), which was one of the leading producers of precious of ore grading 0.44% copper and 0.35% nickel. In addition,
metals in Russia, had recently entered Kazakhstan’s market probable reserves were estimated to be 16.7 Mt of ore. The
and operated mostly in Kostanay Province. AO AK Altynalmas company estimated an at least 50-year mine life and planned
operated in Karagandy Province and Zhambyl Province to increase processing capacity to 1.4 Mt/yr of ore. AO BAST
(Forbes.kz, 2016). expected that the concentrates would be sent to the Almakyk
In August 2017, AO GMK Kazakhaltyn announced that it GMK in Uzbekistan (Schekunskih, 2017b).
had completed construction of a new gold-processing plant in Niobium.—In December, AO Investment Fund for
Akmola Province. The remaining work included equipment Kazakhstan announced the sale of the Irtysh Chemical and
installation and setup and testing at the plant. When in Metallurgical Plant. The new owner was TOO Plant of
operation, the new plant would have the capacity to produce Rare Earth Metals and the reported transaction amount was
1,100 kilograms per year (kg/yr) of dore alloy. The total cost of 433.3 million tenge (about $1.33 million). The plant was
the project was 11.7 billion tenge (about $36 million). The new originally built in 1956 but had not been in operation for the past
plant would employ 103 workers (Kt.kz, 2017a). 20 years. The new owner was expected to modernize the plant to
In April, Aurum Deutschland AG of Germany announced that enable processing of molybdenum, niobium, tantalum, tungsten,
it would begin construction of a new mining and beneficiation and zirconium. The capacity of the plant was expected to be
complex in Jambyl Province. The total project costs amounted 150 t/yr of niobium metal and 645 t/yr of ferroniobium. When
to 250 million euros (about $271 million). In 2017, the company in operation, the plant was expected to employ 430 workers
was expected to complete a project feasibility study and in 2019 (Inform.kz, 2017b; Metaltorg.ru, 2017).
begin construction of the complex. In 2020, the company was Vanadium.—In June, Ferro-Alloy Resources Ltd. (FAR),
expected to begin production of dore gold that would be sent for which was registered in Guernsey [United Kingdom],
refining at the TOO Tau-Ken Altyn (Astana refinery). The plant announced its intention to conduct an IPO at the Kazakhstan
would employ such processing methods as heap leaching, tank Stock Exchange. FAR owned a 100% share in TOO Balausa
leaching, and flotation. At full capacity, Aurum Deutschland Firm, which had a production license for the Bala-Sauskandyk
planned to produce between 5,000 and 6,000 kg/yr of gold and vanadium deposit in Kyzylorda Province. As of 2017, TOO
100,000 kg/yr of silver and to become the third-ranked gold Balausa Firm operated a processing plant that had a capacity
producer in Kazakhstan. The complex would create 1,200 new of 200 t/yr of vanadium pentoxide. The plant was processing
jobs. The mine was expected to be in production between 20 low quality, imported vanadium concentrates. Company
and 40 years and to contribute about 73 billion tenge (about leadership stated that production capacity could be increased to
$231 million) in taxes to the country’s budget through 2025 as much as 450 t/yr of vanadium pentoxide if higher quality raw
(Kursiv.kz, 2017a). materials were used. At the same time, FAR was developing the

Kazakhstan— 2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 24.3

Bala-Sauskandyk deposit and planned to eventually construct all construction ceramics and ceramic granite in Turkey
another processing plant. The first stage of development would (Kapital.kz, 2017c).
involve processing 1 Mt/yr of ore and producing 5,600 t/yr of
vanadium pentoxide. The first stage was expected to cost about Mineral Fuels and Related Materials
$100 million and take no more than 2 years. The second stage of
Uranium.—In 2017, Kazakhstan produced 23,390 t of
the project would increase mine capacity to 4 Mt/yr of ore and
uranium, which was a 4.5% decrease compared with that of
produce 22,400 t/yr of vanadium pentoxide and was estimated
2016. In December, National Atomic Company Kazatomprom
to cost $225 million (Ibrayeva, 2017).
(NAK Kazatomprom) announced that starting in January 2018,
Zinc and Lead.—In 2017, AO ShalkiyaZinc Ltd. (100%
it planned to further decrease production. The production
owned by AO Samruk-Kazyna) continued building a GOK
reduction was a reaction of uranium producers to a decrease in
at its Shalkiya lead and zinc deposit, located in Kyzylorda
world uranium prices, by 47% since 2016. NAK Kazatomprom
Province. According to the company, the deposit was one of the
planned to reduce production by a total of 11,000 t of uranium
10 largest zinc deposits in the world. The company expected to
over 3 years. Kazakhstan had been the world leader in uranium
complete GOK construction and begin production in 2019 at
production since 2009 and had increased its production volume
an initial capacity of 500,000 t/yr of ore. By 2020, the amount
six-fold during the past 10 years (table 1; Sputniknews, 2017).
of ore mined was expected to quadruple, and full capacity
was projected to be reached by 2021 at 4 Mt/yr of ore. At full
capacity, the GOK would produce 120,000 t/yr of zinc and
25,000 t/yr of lead. The output would be zinc concentrate with
at least 54% zinc content and lead concentrate with at least Minerals in the National Economy
40% lead content. It was projected that the zinc content of ore
at Shalkiya would be between 3.85% and 4.0%, and the lead In 2018, Kazakhstan’s real GDP increased by 4.1%
content, 1.2%. During operations, the GOK was expected to compared with that of 2017, and the nominal GDP in 2018
create 1,500 jobs (Irgaliyev, 2016; Kt.kz, 2017b). was 61.8 trillion tenge (about $179 billion). The mining and
In October, TOO Kazzinc announced that it would build quarrying sector’s contribution to the GDP was 18.4 trillion
a new GOK next to the town of Zhayrem in Karagandy tenge (about $56.4 billion), or 29.8%, compared with 27.2%
Province. The GOK would mine the ore from the Zhayrem in 2017 (Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
polymetallic deposit, known to contain barium, lead, and zinc. 2019a, p. 140–257).
The total resources of the deposit were estimated at 132 Mt of In April 2018, the Ministry of Investment and Development
mineralized material with the lead content varying between of Kazakhstan announced that subsoil users would be able
1.18% and 2.72% and zinc content varying between 1.20% and to obtain licenses through the National Databank of natural
5.58%, depending on the location within the deposit. When resources that was being created. The primary goal of the new
completed, the GOK would have the capacity to process 5 Mt/yr Databank would be to provide information on available sections
of polymetallic ore. The total cost of the two-stage project was and known data about those resources. The Ministry stated
estimated to be $424 million, and the first stage was estimated that the system for online licensing would operate by the end
to cost $352 million. The Bank for Development of Kazakhstan of 2018, but that the interactive online database would require
would provide a $100 million loan for 7 years, with Kazzinc several years to be completed (Pokidayev, 2018).
financing the remainder of the project from its own funds. The In 2018, the value of Kazakhstan’s exports amounted to
first stage of the project would include mine development and $61.1 billion, which was a 26.0% increase compared with the
plant construction for heavy and medium fraction separation value of exports in 2016; Kazakhstan’s imports increased by
and was expected to be completed by the end of 2018. The 13.7% to $33.7 billion. In 2018, about 62% of export revenue
second stage would include construction of the beneficiation was from petroleum, natural gas, and petroleum products;
plant’s main building (which would provide flotation-based 7.1% was from nonferrous metals; and 6.8% was from ferrous
processing), and auxiliary infrastructure, and was expected metals and ferroalloys (Agency of Statistics of the Republic of
to be commissioned by the end of 2019. At full capacity, the Kazakhstan, 2019a, p. 1–35; Shibutov, 2019).
GOK was expected to produce 130,000 t/yr of zinc, 60,000 t/yr
of lead, and 25,000 kg/yr of silver (OAO Zhayremskiy GOK, Production
2016, p. 6; Kapital.kz, 2017a; Ten, 2017).
In 2018, production of ilmenite and leucoxene increased
Industrial Minerals by an estimated 60%; titanium sponge, by an estimated 45%;
magnesium metal, by an estimated 42%; refined gold, by
Clay (Kaolin).—In September, Yildizlar SSS Holding of 20%; bauxite and mined gold, by 18% each; mined copper, by
Turkey announced its intention to explore, develop, and produce 15%; and silicomanganese, by 11%. Production of antimony
kaolinitic clays in Akmola Province with the goal to produce decreased by an estimated 57%; mined lead, by 22%; raw steel,
construction materials (ceramics and ceramic granite). The by 20%; pig iron, by 16%; lime, by 15%; mined manganese
company signed an agreement with AO Kazgeologiya that (Mn content of concentrate), by 14%; and rolled steel, by 110%.
allowed the company to conduct exploration in Kazakhstan, These and other production data are in table 1.
and it was expected to expend up to $50 million. As of
2017, Yildizlar SSS Holding produced about one-half of


Commodity Review including corrections for the capital funds tied to raw materials
and finished products. In March, Polymetal and Dolphinflip
Metals Co. Ltd. agreed to sell their shares in the Dolinnoye deposit to
Altynalmas for a total of $33.5 million, so that Altynalmas could
Copper.—In April, Polymetal and Russian Copper Co. acquire a 100% share in the deposit. Polymetal explained that
agreed to exchange 100% of the Tarutinskoye deposit (located the Dolinnoye deposit was no longer an asset of interest for the
in Russia and owned by Polymetal) for an 85% share of the company after the Komarovskoye deposit became the primary
East Tarutinskoye deposit (located in Kazakhstan and owned ore source for the Varvarinskoye processing hub (1Prime.ru,
by Russian Copper Co.). The transaction included an exchange 2018; Kursiv.kz, 2018).
of mineral deposits and production licenses but did not involve Nickel.—In April 2018, AO BAST announced that it
payments or other compensation. Polymetal stated that the intended to increase production capacity at the Maksut deposit
East Tarutinskoye deposit was better suited to their company by 3.5 times. In particular, by the end of 2019, the company
because of logistics and proximity to the functioning hub at planned to reach a processing capacity of 1.4 Mt/yr of copper-
the Varvarinskoye deposit. The East Tarutinskoye copper-gold nickel ore from 400,000 t/yr that was reached in 2017. The
deposit is located in Kostanay Province and the licensed area company planned to start capacity expansion in the beginning
was 66.4 km2. The region had well-developed infrastructure of 2019. The company secured preliminary investment of
with easy access to power lines, railroad, and automobile road between $8 million and $10 million and planned to attract more
networks. The mineral resources of the deposit, previously external investment after determining the cost of expansion
estimated according to JORC-compliant standards, were 6.4 Mt (Baykadamov, 2018).
of mineralized material grading 1.06% copper and 0.07 g/t
gold. Polymetal planned to conduct additional exploration Mineral Fuels and Related Materials
at the deposit in 2018 and 2019 and to complete a new
JORC-compliant estimate of resources in the first half of 2020 Uranium.—In 2018, Kazakhstan produced 21,705 t of
(Kliman, 2018; Metaltorg.ru, 2018). uranium, which was a 7.2% decrease compared with that of
In January 2018, KAZ Minerals announced that it had begun 2017. Following a decrease in world uranium prices, NAK
the process of obtaining required licenses and permits for the Kazatomprom continued with production restrictions that
second stage of development of the Aktogay deposit, dubbed resulted in production amounts that were 20% below the
Aktogay II. The company planned to invest $1.2 billion to maximum level assumed by the company’s contracts and
increase the capacity of processed sulfide ore from 25 Mt/yr to licenses. The 2019 production in Kazakhstan was expected
50 Mt/yr by 2021. With this expansion, annual production of to be about 22,800 t, and production by NAK Kazatomprom
copper would increase to 170,000 t/yr from 80 Mt/yr for the companies, specifically, to be between 13,000 and 13,500 t of
period between 2022 and 2027 and after that, production would uranium trioxide (table 1; Vlast.kz, 2019).
stabilize at the 130,000 t/yr level. The company planned to
finance the project from three sources—loans from the China
Development Bank, a credit line from the Development Bank of Interest in Kazakhstan’s mineral industry will likely continue
Kazakhstan, and the company’s own funds (Tumashova, 2018). to increase, as will the number of projects for extracting the
Ferrosilicon.—In March 2018, the Development Bank of country’s significant mineral resources. This is especially
Kazakhstan (a subsidiary of AO National Managing Holding true following the adoption of the new mining code, which
Bayterek) announced that it had opened a 24 billion tenge among other goals, is aimed at better protecting investors.
(about $70 million) credit line for an 11-year term to TOO YDD Projects involving gold, hydrocarbons, rare metals, rare-earth
Corp. LLP for construction of the first stage of a ferroalloy elements, uranium, and zinc could be of particular interest.
plant in Karagandy Province. The plant would have the capacity The number of exploration projects underway in Kazakhstan
to produce 96,000 t/yr of ferrosilicon and was expected to be indicates the potential for future increases in the country’s
commissioned in the first half of 2019. The total cost of the mineral production, but any future development will depend
project was estimated to be 34 billion tenge (about $99 million), on a variety of factors, including mineral commodity prices
of which about one-third would be financed from the company’s and the development of Government policies and programs to
own funds. The proposed plant would likely have relatively encourage the growth of the industry.
low costs of production because it would be in close proximity
to a combined heat and power (HPC) system and to such raw References Cited
materials as coal, limestone, quartzite, and shale. Once in
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Kazakhstan— 2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 24.5
Abctv.kz, 2018, “Kazchrom” uvelichil dobychu chromovoy rudy na 15% v Kapital.kz, 2017a, BRK рrofinansiruyet stroitel’stvo GOKa v Karagandinskoy
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Baykadamov, Alan, 2018, Kogda Maksut raskroyet svoyu stoimost’ [When will Kasymova, Anelya, 2018, Novyye rudnyye ob’ekty obnaruzhili geologi
Maksut realize its value]: Kapital.kz, April 26. (Accessed January 12, 2020, at [Geologists discovered new ore bodies]: Inform.kz, March 29. (Accessed
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[In Russian.] obnaruzhili-geologi_a3201642.) [In Russian.]
Baymanov, Damir, 2017, Prinyat zakon dlya privlecheniya investitsiy v KAZ Minerals plc, 2018, Gruppa KAZ Minerals opublikovala rezul’tay
dobychu poleznuh iskopayemyh [A law is adopted to attract investments in deyatel’nosti za 2017 god [KAZ Minerals Group published results for
mineral production]: Inform.kz, December 21. (Accessed January 10, 2019, 2017]: KAZ Minerals, February 22, 4 p. (Accessed January 10, 2019, at
at https://kursiv.kz/news/kompanii-i-rynki/2017-09/kakie-novshestva- https://www.kazminerals.com/media/5701/kaz-minerals-plc-audited-results-
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Bedinger, G.M., 2019, Titanium and titanium dioxide: U.S. Geological Survey Kliman, Margarita, 2018, Polymetal poluchil Vostochno-Tarutinskoye
Mineral Commodity Summaries 2019, p. 174–175. mestorozhdeniye [Polymetal obtained the East Tarutinskoye deposit]:
Bray, E.L., 2019, Magnesium metal: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Kapital.kz, April 19. (Accessed June 10, 2021, at https://kapital.
Commodity Summaries 2019, p. 102–103. kz/economic/68443/polymetal-poluchil-vostochno-tarutinskoye-
Corathers, L.A., 2019a, Lime: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity mestorozhdeniye.html.) [In Russian.]
Summaries 2019, p. 104–105. Klochko, Kateryna, 2019a, Antimony: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral
Corathers, L.A., 2019b, Manganese: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity Summaries 2019, p. 22–23.
Commodity Summaries 2019, p. 104–105. Klochko, Kateryna, 2019b, Lead: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity
Flanagan, D.M., 2019, Asbestos: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity Summaries 2019, p. 94–95.
Summaries 2019, p. 26–27. Kt.kz, 2017a, V Akmolinskoy oblasti zavershaetsya stroitel’stvo
Forbes.kz, 2016, V RK rastet dobycha zolotosoderzhashih rud [Production of zolotoizvlekatel’noy fabriki [In Akmola Oblast’ construction of a new
gold-containing ore is increasing in the Republic of Kazakhstan]: Forbes.kz, gold-processing plant is being finalized]: Kt.kz, October 15. (Accessed
May 24. (Accessed February 10, 2018, at http://forbes.kz/news/2016/05/24/ January 10, 2019, at https://www.kt.kz/rus/economy/v_akmolinskoj_oblasti_
newsid_112389.) [In Russian.] zavershaetsja_stroiteljstvo_zolotoizvlekateljnoj_fabriki_1153644531.html.)
Forbes.kz, 2018, Obzor klyuchevyh polozheniy novogo kodeksa RK O Nedrah [In Russian.]
i Nedropol’zovanii [An overview of key positions of the new Mining Kt.kz, 2017b, V Kyzylordinskoy oblasti bozrodili prostaivavshee pochti 40 let
Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan]: Forbes.kz, February 20. (Accessed mestorozhdeniye Shalkiya [The Shalkiya deposit that was idle almost
January 12, 2019, at https://forbes.kz//process/expertise/obzor_klyuchevyih_ 40 years was revived in Kyzyl-Orda Oblast’]: Kt.kz, October 10. (Accessed
polojeniy_novogo_kodeksa_rk_o_nedrah_i_nedropolzovanii/.) [In Russian.] January 10, 2019, at https://www.kt.kz/rus/economy/v_kizilordinskoj_
George, M.W., 2019, Gold: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity oblasti_vozrodili_prostaivavshee_pochti_40_let_mestorozhdenie_
Summaries 2019, p. 70–71. shalkija_1153647882.html.) [In Russian.]
Ibrayeva, Aygul, 2017, Ferro-Alloy Resources Limited namerena provesti IPO Kt.kz, 2018, V Kazakhstane v rezul’tate geologorazvedki uvelicheny
na KASE [Ferroalloy Resources Limited intends to roll out an IPO at KASE]: prognoznyye resursy zolota, medi i polimetallov [As a result of geologic
Kursiv.kz, June 7. (Accessed January 10, 2019, at https://kursiv.kz/news/ exploration, forecast resources of gold, copper, and polymetals are increased in
finansy/2017-06/ferro-alloy-resources-limited-namerena-provesti-ipo-na- Kazakhstan]: Kt.kz, March 29. (Accessed January 12, 2020, at https://www.kt.kz/
kase.) [In Russian.] rus/economy/v_kazahstane_v_rezuljtate_geologorazvedki_uvelicheni_
Inform.kz, 2017a, Novuyu fabriku po obogasheniyu rudy zapustyat v prognoznie_resursi_zolota_medi_i_polimetallov_1153654756.html.)
Vostochnom Kazakhstane [A new plant for ore beneficiation will be started [In Russian.]
in East Kazakhstan]: Inform.kz, October 19. (Accessed January 10, 2019, at Kursiv.kz, 2016, Novyi kodeks o nedrah—Chto zhdat’ nedropol’zovatelyam i
https://www.inform.kz/ru/novuyu-fabriku-po-obogascheniyu-rudy-zapustyat- investoram? [New mining code—What users and investors should expect?]:
v-vostochnom-kazahstane_a3076791.) [In Russian.] Almaty, Kazakhstan, Kursiv.kz, April 5. (Accessed January 10, 2018, at
Inform.kz, 2017b, V Kazakhstane vozobnovyat proizvodstvo redkih metallov— https://kursiv.kz/news/kompanii-i-rynki/2016-05/novyy-kodeks-o-nedrakh-
niobiya, tantala i tsirkoniya [Kazakhstan will revive production of rare chto-zhdat-nedropolzovatelyam-i-investoram-0.) [In Russian.]
metals—niobium, tantalum, and zirconium]: Inform.kz, December 23. Kursiv.kz, 2017a, Aurum Deutschland zapuskayet krupnyi proekt po dobyche
(Accessed January 10, 2019, at https://www.inform.kz/ru/v-kazahstane- zolota v Zhambyl’skoy oblasti [Aurum Deutschland commissions a new
vozobnovyat-proizvodstvo-redkih-metallov-niobiya-tantala-i-cirkoniya_ gold production project in Zhambyl Oblast’ ]: Kursiv.kz, April 18. (Accessed
a3103354.) [In Russian.] January 10, 2019, at https://kursiv.kz/news/vlast-i-biznes/2017-04/aurum-
Irgaliyev, Ermek, 2016, Gornoobogatitel’nyi kombinat postroyat v deutschland-zapuskaet-krupnyy-proekt-po-dobyche-zolota-v.) [In Russian.]
Kyzylordinskoy oblasti [A mining and beneficiation complex will be Kursiv.kz, 2017b, KAZ Minerals nachala proizvodstvo mednogo koncentrata na
built in Kyzyl-Orda Province]: 365info.kz, December 30. (Accessed Aktogaiskom GOKe [KAZ Minerals began production of copper concentrate
February 10, 2018, at https://365info.kz/2016/12/gorno-obogatitelnyj- at the Aktogay GOK]: Kursiv.kz, February 14. (Accessed January 10, 2019,
kombinat-postroyat-v-kyzylordinskoj-oblasti-2/.) [In Russian.] at https://kursiv.kz/news/kompanii-i-rynki/2017-02/kaz-minerals-nachala-
Jasinski, S.M., 2019, Phosphate rock: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral proizvodstvo-mednogo-koncentrata-na-aktogayskom.) [In Russian.]
Commodity Summaries 2019, p. 122–123.


Kursiv.kz, 2017c, Polymetal uvelichil svoyu dolyu v Tarutinskom mednom Polyak, D.E., 2019, Rhenium: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity
mestorozhdenii do 100% [Polymetal increased its share in the Tarutinskoye Summaries 2019, p. 134–135.
copper deposit to 100%]: Kursiv.kz, January 31. (Accessed January 10, 2019, Ryskulov, Nurlan, 2017, Kazkhrom i Yildirim Holding narashivayut
at https://kursiv.kz/news/kompanii/2017-01/polymetal-uvelichil-svoyu-dolyu- geologorazvedku khroma v Kazakhstane [Kazkhrom and Yildirim Holding
v-tarutinskom-mednom-mestorozhdenii-do-100.) [In Russian.] are increasing exploration for chromium in Kazakhstan]: Kursiv.kz,
Kursiv.kz, 2018, Polymetal zakryl sdelku po prodazhe mestorozhdeniya May 5. (Accessed January 10, 2019, at https://kursiv.kz/news/kompanii-i-
Dolinnoye za $16,7 mln [Polymetal completed sale transaction for the rynki/2017-05/kazkhrom-i-yildirim-holding-naraschivayut-geologorazvedku-
Dolinnoye deposit for $16.7 million]: Kursiv.kz, May 4. (Accessed khroma-v.) [In Russian.]
January 12, 2020, at https://kursiv.kz/news/kompanii/2018-05/polymetal- Schekunskih, Vyacheslav, 2017a, Pod Semeyem dobycha medi realizovana
zakryl-sdelku-po-prodazhe-doli-v-mestorozhdenii-dolinnoe-za-167-mln.) blagodarya sredstvam ot IPO [Near Semey, copper mining is organized
[In Russian.] thanks to the proceeds from the IPO]: Kursiv.kz, July 26. (Accessed
Malko, Lyudmila, 2017, Aktogayskaya fabrika po pererabotke sul’fidnoy rudy January 10, 2019, at https://kursiv.kz/news/kompanii-i-rynki/2017-07/
dostigla proektnogo urovnya [Aktogay plant for processing sulfide ore pod-semeem-dobycha-medi-realizovana-blagodarya-sredstvam-ot-ipo.)
reached design level]: Inform.kz, October 2. (Accessed January 10, 2019, at [In Russian.]
https://www.inform.kz/ru/aktogayskaya-fabrika-po-pererabotke-sul-fidnoy- Schekunskih, Vyacheslav, 2017b, Zapasy medno-nikelevogo mestorozhdenuya
rudy-dostigla-proektnogo-urovnya_a3070803.) [In Russian.] BAST uvelicheny [Reserves of the copper-nickel BAST deposit increased]:
Mamyrkhanova, Madina, 2017, Kakiye novshestva podrazumevayet novyi Kursiv.kz, September 20. (Accessed January 10, 2019, at https://kursiv.kz/
kodeks o nedrah i nedropol’zovanii [What new elements does the new mining news/kompanii-i-rynki/2017-09/zapasy-medno-nikelevogo-mestorozhdeniya-
code contain?]: Kursiv.kz, September 21. (Accessed January 10, 2019, bast-uvelicheny.) [In Russian.]
at https://kursiv.kz/news/kompanii-i-rynki/2017-09/kakie-novshestva- Schulte, R.F., 2019, Chromium: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity
podrazumevaet-novyy-kodeks-o-nedrakh-i.) [In Russian.] Summaries 2019, p. 46–47.
Mamyrkhanova, Madina, 2018, BRK finansiruyet stroitel’stvo novogo Shibutov, Marat, 2019, Eksport Kazakhstana: Obzor Dinamiki [Kazakhstan’s
ferrosplavnogo zavoda v Karagande [BRK finances construction of exports—Dynamic overview]: Regnum.ru, August 27. (Accessed
a new ferroalloy plant in Karaganda]: Kursiv.kz, March 2. (Accessed May 6, 2020, at https://regnum.ru/news/2700790.html.) [In Russian.]
January 12, 2020, at https://kursiv.kz/news/finansy/2018-03/brk-finansiruet- Singerling, S.A., 2019, Bismuth: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity
stroitelstvo-novogo-ferrosplavnogo-zavoda-v-karagande.) [In Russian.] Summaries 2019, p. 34–35.
McRae, M.E., 2019, Barite: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity Sputniknews, 2017, Kazaktomprom vnov’ vynuzhden sokrashat’ dobychu
Summaries 2019, p. 28–29. urana [Kazatomprom is again forced to reduce uranium production]:
Metalinfo.ru, 2017a, AMK podelilas’ planami razvitiya [AMK shared Sputniknews.kz, December 5. (Accessed January 10, 2020 at
development plans]: Metalinfo.ru, May 30. (Accessed January 10, 2019, at https://ru.sputniknews.kz/economy/20171205/3947900/kazatomprom-vnov-
https://metalinfo.ru/ru/news/94704.) [In Russian.] vynuzhden-sokrashchat-dobychu-urana.html.) [In Russian.]
Metalinfo.ru, 2017b, Kazkhrom vvyol v ekspluatatsiyu novoye mestorozhdeniye Ten, Sergey, 2017, Polimetally Zhayrema [Zhayrem polymetals]:
na Donskom GOKe [Kazkhrom commissioned a new deposit at the MetalMiningInfo.kz, June 6. (Accessed September 30, 2020, at
Donskoy GOK]: Metalinfo.ru, May 16. (Accessed January 10, 2019, at http://metalmininginfo.kz/archives/4764.) [In Russian.]
https://www.metalinfo.ru/ru/news/94353.) [In Russian.] Thomas, C.L., 2019, Zinc: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity
Metalinfo.ru, 2018, Kazakhstanskiy division RMK perevypolnil Summaries 2019, p. 190–191.
proisvodstvennyi plan 2017 g po medi i tsinku [RMK’s Kazakhstan Division Tolcin, A.C., 2019, Cadmium: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity
exceeded its 2017 production plan with respect to copper and zinc]: Summaries 2019, p. 40–41.
Metalinfo.ru, March 23. (Accessed January 10, 2019, at https://metalinfo.ru/ Tuck, C.A., 2019, Iron ore: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity
ru/news/101077.) [In Russian.] Summaries 2019, p. 88–89.
Metaltorg.ru, 2017, V Kazakhstane planiruyut vesnoi zapustit’ niobiyevyi Tumashova, Elena, 2018, KAZ Minerals namerena poluchit’ med’ s proekta
zavod [Kazakhstan plans to start production at the niobium plant in Aktogay II v 2022 godu [KAZ Minerals intends to get first copper from
the spring]: Metaltorg.ru, October 23. (Accessed January 10, 2019, at the Aktogay II project in 2022]: Kapital.kz, January 23. (Accessed
https://www.metaltorg.ru/n/9AA794.) [In Russian.] January 10, 2020, at https://kapital.kz/economic/66287/kaz-minerals-
Metaltorg.ru, 2018, RMK i Polymetal obmenyalis’ Tarutinskimi namerena-poluchit-med-s-proyekta-aktogay-ii-v-2022-godu.html.)
mestorozhdeniyami [RMK and Polymetal exchanged the Tarutinskiye [In Russian.]
deposits]: Metaltorg.ru, April 17. (Accessed January 12, 2020, at U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2019, Kazakhstan: U.S. Energy
https://www.metaltorg.ru/n/9AB429.) [In Russian.] Information Administration, June. (Accessed January 20, 2020, at
Neftegaz.ru, 2017, Kak minimum 15 mestorozhdeniy mirovogo urovnya. https://www.eia.gov/international/analysis/country/KAZ.)
Nazarbayev podpisal kodeks Kazakhstana o nedrah i nedropol’zovanii Vlast.kz, 2019, Dobycha Urana v Kazakhstane v 2018 godu sokratilas’
[At least 15 world class deposits. Nazarbayev signed Kazakhstan’s new na 20% [Uranium production in Kazakhstan was reduced by 20% in
mining code]: Neftegaz.ru, December 28. (Accessed January 10, 2019, at 2018]: Vlast.kz, February 1. (Accessed January 12, 2020, at https://vlast.kz/
https://neftegaz.ru/news/gosreg/204333-kak-minimum-15-mestorozhdeniy- novosti/31524-dobyca-urana-v-kazahstane-v-2018-godu-sokratilas-na-20.html.)
mirovogo-urovnya-n-nazarbaev-podpisal-kodeks-kazakhstana-o-nedrakh- [In Russian.]
i-n/.) [In Russian.] World Nuclear Association, 2018, Uranium production figures,
Nikonorov, Alexei, 2018, Dve treti eksporta Kazakhstana sostavlyayut 2009–2018: World Nuclear Association. (Accessed January 19, 2019,
poleznyye iskopayemyye [Two-thirds of Kazakhstan’s exports are at http://www.world-nuclear.org/information-library/facts-and-figures/
minerals]: 365info.kz, March 24. (Accessed January 12, 2019, at uranium-production-figures.aspx.)
poleznye-iskopaemye.) [In Russian.]
OAO Zhayremskiy GOK, 2016, Godovoy otchet za 2015 g [Annual report for
2015]: OAO Zhayremskiy GOK, 103 p. (Accessed September 30, 2020, at
https://kase.kz/files/emitters/JGOK/jgokp_2015_rus.pdf.) [In Russian.]
Pokidayev, Dmitriy, 2018, Cherez bank geologodannyh Kazakhstana mozhno
budet oformlyat’ litsenzii na nedropol’zovaniye—MIR RK [Subsoil users will
be able to obtain exploration and mining licenses through the geodata bank—
Ministry of Investment and Dеvelopment of the Republic of Kazakhstan]:
Kursiv.kz, April 18. (Accessed January 12, 2020, at https://kursiv.kz/news/
budet-oformlyat-licenzii.) [In Russian.]

Kazakhstan— 2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 24.7


(Metric tons, gross weight, unless otherwise specified)

Commodity2 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Bauxite 4,515,600 4,682,600 4,801,300 4,846,100 5,700,000
Alumina 1,419,000 1,448,280 1,500,013 1,509,005 1,481,000
Metal, primary 209,252 221,939 245,788 254,000 258,400
e r e e
Antimony, mine, concentrate, Sb content 481 500 573 700 300
Beryllium, products, metallurgical 1,776 1,687 1,747 1,585 1,712
r r r
Bismuth, refinery, Bi contente 230 220 270 270 290
r, e e e
Cadmium, refinery, primary 1,633 1,475 1,500 1,500 1,500
Chromium, mine, chromite:
Ore 5,410,700 5,382,800 5,542,900 6,313,300 6,688,800
Concentrate 4,475,700 4,198,400 4,148,900 4,599,000 4,965,000
Concentrates, Cu content 458,800 458,100 432,400 515,600 592,800
Solvent extraction 12,900 15,500 35,100 42,200 42,700
Smelter, primary 214,058 309,355 310,001 334,844 327,314
Refinery, primary:
Leaching, electrowon3 12,900 15,500 35,100 r
42,200 42,700
Other 294,808 394,641 408,435 426,191 438,115
Ferrochromium 1,351,803 1,414,476 1,525,221 1,640,300 1,740,000
Ferrosilicon 395 86,984 68,779 59,926 65,405
r e
Ferrosilicochromium 158,825 74,609 94,468 110,497 110,000
Silicomanganese 200,379 164,189 135,885 123,977 137,710
Other, unspecified 3,735 1,662 1,987 -- --
Total 1,720,000 1,740,000 1,830,000 1,930,000 2,050,000
Mine, Au content kilograms 50,339 63,614 74,737 85,339 100,288
Refinery do. 26,884 31,044 37,852 44,094 53,100
Iron ore, mine:
r r
Gross weight 51,540,800 37,269,700 35,793,500 38,728,200 41,876,500
r r
Fe content 14,946,000 11,566,000 10,101,400 10,812,300 11,727,600
Iron and steel:
Pig iron 3,184,780 3,233,671 3,595,000 3,775,100 3,174,100
Raw steel 2,908,800 2,947,800 3,175,300 3,411,900 2,744,300
Products, finished, rolled 2,532,186 2,509,010 2,976,900 2,846,400 2,546,900
Mine, Pb content 37,800 40,700 70,500 111,200 86,500
Refinery, primary and secondary 127,064 120,108 134,192 149,129 152,767
Magnesium, primary, metale 9,500 8,100 10,000 12,000 17,000
Manganese, mine:
Crude ore:
Gross weight 2,608,800 1,625,700 1,600,700 1,460,000 1,427,300
Mn contente 522,000 325,000 320,000 292,000 273,000
Gross weight 1,092,300 615,900 509,500 463,600 434,000
Mn contente 390,000 222,000 183,000 167,000 143,000
Niobium, metal, niobium products, Nb content 72 97 47 27 26
Rhenium, Re contente kilograms 300 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
r e
Selenium 42 28 2 1 1
r e
Silicon, metal 998 866 -- -- --
See footnotes at end of table.


TABLE 1—Continued

(Metric tons, gross weight, unless otherwise specified)

Commodity2 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

r r r e
Mine, Ag content kilograms 474,991 370,404 413,821 441,056 400,000
Refinery, primary do. 983,697 1,306,575 1,182,476 1,041,838 959,000
Tantalum, metal, Ta content 154 141 122 140 132
e e r e
Ilmenite and leucoxene 10,000 8,000 14,000 9,400 15,000
e e e
Sponge 8,700 7,300 9,000 11,000 16,000
Mine, concentrate, Zn content 345,200 342,500 324,800 315,900 304,400
Smelter, primary and secondary 324,946 323,848 325,820 331,018 317,965
Asbestos, all grades 213,100 179,800 192,600 192,700 202,900
r r r
Barite, ore and concentratee 590,000 607,000 620,000 620,000 620,000
e e e
Boron thousand metric tons 507 500 500 500 --
Cement, hydraulic do. 8,140 8,729 9,204 9,398 9,913
r, e r, e r, e e
Fluorspar 65,000 21,200 20,000 -- --
Gypsum 113,400 82,300 137,400 133,200 121,400
Lime 923,300 870,654 927,947 1,048,300 886,000
Nitrogen, ammonia, N content 138,700 151,800 172,100 178,750 172,610
Phosphate rock:
Gross weight 485,400 548,700 780,800 1,207,900 1,300,000
P2O5 content 121,000 137,000 195,000 302,000 325,000 e

Salt 596,508 608,627 730,283 803,794 800,000
Byproduct, S content:
Metallurgy 604,000 e 604,000 e 604,000 e 600,000 600,000
Natural gas and petroleum 2,464,600 2,514,900 2,547,000 r 2,914,000 2,910,000 e

Compounds, sulfuric acid 2,329,900 2,518,600 2,220,800 2,430,700 2,297,400

Bituminous 102,378,000 97,072,000 92,824,700 r 107,891,800 114,136,600
Lignite 6,894,000 5,526,000 5,750,400 6,095,000 6,560,700
Total 109,000,000 103,000,000 98,600,000 114,000,000 121,000,000
Coke, metallurgical 2,697,800 2,628,100 2,839,900 2,954,100 2,839,200
Natural gas:
Associated thousand cubic meters 21,898,300 23,761,800 25,049,100 30,051,300 32,785,300
Nonassociated do. 21,278,500 21,493,700 21,363,700 22,869,800 22,668,200
Total do. 43,200,000 45,300,000 46,400,000 52,900,000 55,500,000
Crude, including condensate4 thousand 586,000 576,000 567,000 627,000 657,000
42-gallon barrels
Refinery5 do. 115,000 107,000 102,000 118,000 128,000
Uranium, mine, U content 22,829 23,800 24,500 23,390 21,705
Estimated. rRevised. do. Ditto. -- Zero.
Table includes data available through January 16, 2020. All data are reported unless otherwise noted. Totals and estimated data are rounded to no more than
three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
In addition to the commodities listed, cesium, cobalt, gallium, germanium, indium, molybdenum, nickel, scandium, tellurium, and vanadium may have been
produced, but available information was inadequate to make reliable estimates of output.
The copper content of solvent extraction output at the mine level is the same as electrowon refinery output because copper produced in the solvent extraction
and electrowinning process is typically reported only at the refinery level.
Figures were converted to barrels from metric tons, which were reported as follows: 2014—80,825,600; 2015—79,456,800; 2016—78,031,800,
2017—86,194,400; and 2018—90,359,500.
Figures were converted to barrels from metric tons, which were reported as follows: 2014—14,542,600; 2015—13,534,700; 2016—12,863,200;
2017—14,900,000; and 2018—16,190,000.

Kazakhstan— 2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 24.9


(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)

Major operating companies, main facilities, Annual

Commodity or deposits Location or deposit names capacitye
Alumina AO Aluminium of Kazakhstan [Eurasian City of Pavlodar 1,600,000
Resources Group LLP (ERG)]
Aluminum, primary Kazakhstan Electrolysis Plant (KEZ) (also known as do. 260,000
Pavlodar Aluminum Plant) [Eurasian Resources
Group LLP (ERG)]
Asbestos AO Kostanai Monerals Zhitikara, Kostanay Province 210,000
Barite TOO Vostochnoye Rudoupravleniye Chiganak, Zhambyl Province 300,000
Do. Zhartas LLC Zhambyl Province 25,000
Do. Stroyservice LLC Kentau District, South Kazakhstan Province 30,000
Do. Zhairemskiy GOK2 [Eurasian Natural Resources Ushkatyn III, Zhairem, and NA
Corp. plc (ENRC)] Zhumanai deposits near the city of Zhairem
Do. JSC Yuzhpolimetall Kentau District, South Kazakhstan Province NA
Do. Barite Oil Kentau LLC do. NA
Bauxite Kazakhstan Aluminium Smelter JSC [Eurasian Natural Torgayskoye and Krasnooktyabrskoye mining 5,400,000
Resources Corp. plc (ENRC)] complexes, Kostanay Province
Beryllium, metal Ulba Metallurgical Plant (AO NAK Kazatomprom) Oskemen (also known as Ust-Kamenogorsk) NA
Bismuth, metal Ust-Kamenogorsk metallurgical complex [TOO Kazzinc do. NA
(Glencore plc, 69.61%)]
Do. Chimkent metallurgical plant (JSC Yuzhpolimetall) Shymkent NA
Cadmium do. do. NA
Do. Ust-Kamenogorsk metallurgical complex [TOO Kazzinc Oskemen (also known as NA
(Glencore plc, 69.61%)] Ust-Kamenogorsk)
Cement Companies: Locations: 10,000
AO Karcement Karaganda Province
AO ShymkentCement (HeidelbergCement Group) South Kazakhstan Province
Bukhtarma Cement Co. (HeidelbergCement Group) East Kazakhstan Province
Kaspiy Cement (HeidelbergCement Group) Mangystau Province
TOO Jambyl Cement Production Co. Jambyl Province
TOO Kazakhcement East Kazakhstan Province
TOO Standard Cement South Kazakhstan Province
Chromite, marketable ore Companies: Locations: 6,800,000
AO TNK Kazkhrom [Eurasian Natural Group LLP (ERG) Khromtau, Aktobe Province
Oriel Resources Ltd. (Yildirim Resources) Voskhod GOK,2 Khromtau,
Aktobe Province
Ore, recoverable, Cu content Aktyubinskazya Copper Mednaya Kompaniya (AMK) 50th Anniversary of October Mine, NA
[Russian Copper Co (RMK)] at Koktau, Aktobe Province
Do. KAZ Minerals plc Aktogay Mine, Eastern Kazakhstan 90,000
Do. Kazakhmys plc:
Central Region:
Abyz Mine Karagandy Province 5,710
Do. Akbastau Mine East Kazakhstan Province 29,000
Do. Konyrat Mine Karagandy Province 11,800
Do. Nurkazgan Mine do. 20,000
Do. Sayak I and III Mines do. 23,500
Do. Shatyrkul Mine Zhambyl Province 16,000
Do. East Region:
Artemyevsky Mine do. 25,000
Do. Belousovsky Mine do. 2,700
Do. Irtyshsky Mine do. 8,500
Do. Nikolayevsky Mine do. 25,700
Do. Orlovsky Mine do. 86,200
Do. Yubileyno-Snegirikhinsky Mine do. 22,000
See footnotes at end of table.


TABLE 2—Continued

(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)

Major operating companies, main facilities, Annual

Commodity or deposits Location or deposit names capacitye
Ore, recoverable, Cu content— Zhezkazgan Region:
Continued Annensky Mine Karagandy Province 25,000
Do. East Mine do. 35,000
Do. North Mine do. 28,000
Do. South Mine do. 30,000
Do. Stepnoy Mine do. 30,000
Do. West Mine do. 23,300
Do. Zhomart Mine do. 60,000
Do. Polymetal International plc Varvarinskoye deposit, Kostanay NA
Do. TOO Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%):
Ridder complex:
Ridder-Sokolny Mine East Kazakhstan Province NA
Do. Shubinsky Mine do. 2,750
Do. Tishinsky Mine do. 15,000
Do. Zyrianovsk complex:
Grekhovsky Mine NA NA
Do. Maleevsky Mine 15 kilometers north of Zyryanovsk 40,000
Concentrate, Cu content Aktyubinskaya Mednaya Kompaniya (AMK) 50th Anniversary of October Mine, 58,000
[Russian Copper Co (RMK)] at Koktau, Aktobe Province
Do. AO BAST East Kazakhstan Province NA
Do. Kazakhmys plc:
Central Region:
Balkhash concentrator Karagandy Province 40,000
Do. Karagaily concentrators: 28,000
Abyz do.
Akbastau do.
Kosmurun do.
Do. Nurkazgan concentrator do. 15,000
Do. East Region:
Orlovsky concentrator do. 70,000
Do. Belousovsky concentrator East Kazakhstan Province 13,000
Do. Irtyshsky concentrator do. 6,000
Do. Nikolayevsky concentrator do. 30,000
Do. Zhezkazgan Region:
Satpayev concentrator do. 30,000
Do. Zhezkazgan No. 1 concentrator do. 88,800
Do. Zhezkazgan No. 2 concentrator do. 95,000
Do. Polymetal International plc Varvarinskoye deposit, Kostanay NA
Do. TOO Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%):
Ridder complex, Ridder concentrator Karagandy Province 10,000
Do. Zyrianovsk complex, Zyrianovsk concentrator do. 10,000
Metal Central Asia Metals plc Balkhash, Karagandy Province 10,000
Do. Kazakhmys plc mines or plants:
Central Region:
Balkhash smelter Karagandy Province 250,000
Do. Balkhash refinery do. 250,000
Do. Zhezkazgan Region:
Zhezkazgan smelter do. 250,000
Do. Zhezkazgan refinery do. 250,000
Do. Ust-Kamenogorsk metallurgical complex [TOO Oskemen (also known as 70,000
Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%)] Ust-Kamenogorsk)
See footnotes at end of table.

Kazakhstan— 2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 24.11

TABLE 2—Continued

(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)

Major operating companies, main facilities, Annual

Commodity or deposits Location or deposit names capacitye
High-, medium-, and low-carbon Aktobe plant {Kazkhrom [Eurasian Resources Aktobe Province 450,000
FeCr containing 69% Cr Group (ERG)}
High-carbon FeCr Aksu plant {Kazkhrom [Eurasian Resources Aksu City, Pavlodar Province 850,000
containing 69% Cr Group (ERG)]
Unspecified AO TNK Kazkhrom plant [Eurasian Resources Aktobe City NA
Group (ERG)]
Ferrosilicon do. do. NA
Ferrosilicochromium do. do. NA
Silicomanganese AO TNK Kazkhrom plant (Eurasian Resources do. NA
Group [ERG])
Do. Taraz Metallurgical Plant LLP (SAT & Co.) Taraz, Zhambyl Province NA
Do. Temirtau Electrometallurgical Complex Temirtau, Karagandy Province NA
Gallium AO Aluminium of Kazakhstan [Eurasian Resources Pavlodar City NA
Group (ERG)]
Mine production, Au content AO AK Altynalmas (Aquila Gold DV) Eastern Kazakhstan NA
Do. GMK Kazakhaltyn Northern Kazakhstan NA
Do. Kazakhmys plc do. NA
Do. Nord Gold N.V. Suzdal Mine NA
Do. Polyus Gold International, Ltd. Northern Kazakhstan NA
Do. Polymetal International plc do. NA
Do. TOO Altyntau Kokshetau [TOO Kazzinc (Glencore plc, Akmola Province NA
Do. TOO Yubileynoye Aktobe Province NA
Refined kilograms TOO Kazakhmys Central Kazakhstan 10,000
Do. do. TOO Tau-Ken Altyn (Government) Astana 50,000
Do. do. Ust-Kamenogorsk refinery (TOO Kazzinc) Oskemen 8,000
Gypsum AO Jambylgypsum Jambyl Province 270,000
Indium TOO Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%) NA NA
Iron and steel:
Pig iron thousand metric tons ArcelorMittal Temirtau Temirtau, Karagandy Province 5,700
Raw do. do. do. 6,000
Products, rolled do. do. do. 3,000
Iron ore, marketable, gross weight do. JSC Sokolov-Sarbai Mining Production Association 4 open pit mines and 1 underground 20,000
[Eurasian Natural Resources Corp. plc (ENRC)] mine in Kostanay Province
Do. do. TOO Orken (ArcelorMittal Temirtau) Karagandy Province 5,000
Mine production, recoverable TOO Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%):
Pb content of ore Ridder complex:
Shubinsky Mine 15 kilometers east of Ridder 630
Do. Tishinsky Mine 15 kilometers southwest of Ridder 15,000
Do. Zyrianovsk complex, Maleevsky Mine 15 kilometers north of Zyryanovsk 26,000
Do. TOO ShalkiyaZinc Ltd. Shalkiya Mine, 15 kilometers NA
northeast of Zhanakorgan city
Concentrate, Pb content TOO Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%): 4,000
Ridder concentrator Ridder, East Kazakhstan Province NA
Do. Zyrianovsk concentrator Zyryanovsk, East Kazakhstan Province NA
Do. Kentau concentrating plant (TOO ShalkiyaZinc Ltd.) South Kazakhstan Province NA
Do. TOO Nova Zinc (JSC Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant) Akzhal city NA
See footnotes at end of table.


TABLE 2—Continued

(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)

Major operating companies, main facilities, Annual

Commodity or deposits Location or deposit names capacitye
Metal Chimkent metallurgical plant (JSC Yuzhpolimetall) Shymkent NA
Do. Ust-Kamenogorsk metallurgical complex [TOO Oskemen (also known as 130,000
Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%)] Ust-Kamenogorsk)
Lime AO Temirtau electrometallurgical complex Temirtau, Karagandy Province NA
Do. TOO Kazchimtecsnab Semey, East Kazakhstan Province NA
Do. TOO Maykain Lime Plant Maykain, Pavlodar Province NA
Do. AO Temirtau electrometallurgical complex Temirtau, Karagandy Province NA
Do. TOO Neohim Aktobe, Aktobe Province NA
Do. TOO SAS-Tobe Technologies Sastobe, South Kazakhstan Province NA
Do. TOO SH WORK Tekeli, Almaty Province NA
Do. TOO Tulkubas Lime Plant Shymkent, South Kazakhstan Province NA
Limestone Keregetas limestone mine Keregetas, South Kazakhstan Province NA
Magnesium, metal AO Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium-magnesium plant Oskemen (also known as Ust-Kamenogorsk) NA
Manganese, crude ore, Mn content Facilities: Locations: 400,000
Atasurda mining and processing complex (TOO Atasu
Kazmarganets {Kazchrome JSC [Eurasian Natural Tur and East Kamys Mines,
Resources Corp. plc (ENRC)]} Karagandy Province
Temirtau electrometallurgical complex Temirtau, Karagandy Province
TOO Arman 100 170 kilometers east of
Zhezkazgan, Karagandy Province
Zhayremskiy GOK2 [Eurasian Natural Resources Perstenevsky, Ushkatyn III,
Corp. plc (ENRC)] Zhomart and Zapadny Zhomart
Minor metals (indium, selenium, Belogorskiy rare-metals plant Asubulak, East Kazakhstan Province NA
tellurium, thallium, and so forth)
Do. Chimkent metallurgical plant (JSC Yuzhpolimetall) Shymkent NA
Do. Ust-Kamenogorsk metallurgical complex [TOO Oskemen (also known as NA
Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%)] Ust-Kamenogorsk)
Natural gas million cubic meters Companies: Locations: 48,000
Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (BG Group Karachaganak field
plc., 29.25%; ENI S.p.A., 29.25%; Chevron Corp.,
18%; OAO Lukoil, 13.5%; KazMunaiGas JSC, 10%)
Tengizchevroil (Chevron Corp., 50%; ExxonMobil Tengiz and Korolev fields
Kazakhstan Inc., 25%; KazMunaiGas JSC, 20%;
LukArco B.V., 5%)
Additional production at smaller fields NA
Nickel, ore thousand metric tons Maksut Mine (AO BAST, 100%) East Kazakhstan Province 400
Niobium, metal Ulba Metallurgical Plant (AO NAK Kazatomprom) Oskemen (also known as 28
Nitrogen, ammonia, N content AO KazAzot Aktau, Mangistau Province 200,000
Crude thousand Various companies: Various locations: 600,000
42-gallon barrels CNPC AktobeMunaiGas (China National Petroleum Aktobe Province
Corp., 85.42%)
Embamunaigas (KazMunaiGas JSC) Western Kazakhstan
JSC Karazhanbasmunai (CITIC Group and Mangistau Province
KazMunaiGas JSC)
JV Kazgermunai LLP (KazMunaiGas JSC) Kyzylorda Province
Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (BG Group Karachaganak field
plc., 29.25%; ENI S.p.A., 29.25%; Chevron Corp.,
18%; OAO Lukoil, 13.5%; KazMunaiGas JSC, 10%)

See footnotes at end of table.

Kazakhstan— 2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 24.13

TABLE 2—Continued

(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)

Major operating companies, main facilities, Annual

Commodity or deposits Location or deposit names capacitye
Crude—Continued thousand Mangistaumunaigaz JSC Mangystau Province
42-gallon barrels North Buzachi oilfield do.
Ozenmunaigas (KazMunaiGas JSC) do.
PetroKazakhstan Inc. (China National Petroleum South Turgai basin
Corp., 67%, and KazMunaiGas JSC, 33%)
Tengizchevroil (Chevron Corp., 50%; ExxonMobil Tengiz and Korolev fields
Kazakhstan Inc., 25%; KazMunaiGas JSC, 20%;
LukArco B.V., 5%)
Refined, crude petroleum 42-gallon Atyrau Refinery (KazMunaiGas, 99.49%) Atyrau 100,000
throughput barrels per day
Do. do. JSC Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery (KazMunaiGas Pavlodar 120,000
JSC, 58%)
Do. do. PetroKazakhstan Inc. (China National Petroleum Shymkent 110,000
Corp., 67%, and KazMunaiGas JSC, 33%)
Phosphate rock, beneficiated Chulaktau mining and processing complex Chulaktau, Zhambyl Province NA
(Kazphosphate LLC)
Do. Karatau mining and processing complex Zhanatas, Zhambyl Province NA
(Kazphosphate LLC)
Do. Temir Service LLP (Sunkar Resources plc) Chilisai deposit, northwestern NA
Rare-earth metals, products SARECO (AO NAK Kazatomprom, 51%, and Stepnogorsk 1,500
Sumitomo Corp., 49%)
Ammonium perrhenate containing Zhezkazganredmet (RedMet) (Government) Zhezkazgan, Karagandy Province NA
69.2% Re
In tailings from copper ore Balkhash copper mining-metallurgical complex Karagandy Province NA
processing (Kazakhmys plc)
Salt AO Araltuz Zhaksykylysh, Kyzylorda Province NA
Do. AO Asyltuz Zhambyl Province NA
Silicon, metal Silicium Kazakhstan LLP Karagandy Province 12,500
Silver, refined Facilities: Locations: 1,000
Balkhash refinery (Kazakhmys plc) Karagandy Province
Chimkent metallurgical plant (JSC Yuzhpolimetall) Shymkent
Ust-Kamenogorsk metallurgical complex [TOO Oskemen (also known as
Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%)] Ust-Kamenogorsk)
Sulfur Tengizchevroil (Chevron Corp., 50%; ExxonMobil Tengiz and Korolev fields NA
Kazakhstan Inc., 25%; KazMunaiGas JSC, 20%;
LukArco B.V., 5%)
Sulfuric acid Kazakhmys plc Various regions NA
Do. TOO Kazphosphat Taraz, Jambyl Province NA
Do. TOO Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%) East Kazakhstan Province NA
Do. TOO SKSK (AO NAK Kazatomprom) Stepnogorsk, Akmola Province NA
Do. TOO SKZ-U (AO NAK Kazatomprom) Kyzylorda, Kyzylorda Province NA
Tantalum, metal Ulba Metallurgical Plant (AO NAK Kazatomprom) Oskemen (also known as Ust-Kamenogorsk) NA
Ore Tioline LLP Obuhovskoye deposit, just north of NA
Kokshetau, Akmola Province
Do. Satpaevsk Titanium Mines Ltd. (Ust-Kamenogorsk Bektemir deposit, East Kazakhstan NA
titanium-magnesium plant, 49%) Province
Do. Shokash deposit Aktobe Province NA
Metal (sponge) AO Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium-magnesium plant Oskemen (also known as 35,000
(UKTMK) Ust-Kamenogorsk)
See footnotes at end of table.


TABLE 2—Continued

(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)

Major operating companies, main facilities, Annual

Commodity or deposits Location or deposit names capacitye
Uranium, U content Companies: Locations: 24,000
Akbastau JV (AO NAK Kazatomprom, 50%, and Blocks 1, 3, and 4 of the
Uranium One Inc., 50%) Budenovskoye deposit, Sozak
Region, South Kazakhstan Province
Appak LLP (AO NAK Kazatomprom, 65%; West Mynkuduk Mine of the
Sumitomo Corp., 25%; Kansai Electric Mynkuduk deposit, Sozak Region,
Power Co. Inc., 10%) South Kazakhstan Province
Baiken-U LLP (AO NAK Kazatomprom, 52.5%, Block No. 2 of the Kharassan
and Japanese consortium, 47.5%) deposit, Zhanakorgan Region,
Kyzylorda Province
Betpak Dala JV (Uranium One Inc., 70%, and Akdala Mine and Site No. 4 (South
AO NAK Kazatomprom, 30%) Inkai) Mine of the Inkai deposit,
Sozak Region, South Kazakhstan
Inkai JV (AO NAK Kazatomprom, 60%, and Blocks 1, 2, and 3 of the Inkai
Cameco Corp., 40%) deposit, Sozak Region, South
Kazakhstan Province
Karatau LLP (AO NAK Kazatomprom, 50%, Block No. 2 of the Budenovskoye
and UraniumOne Inc., 50%) deposit, Sozak Region, South
Kazakhstan Province
Katco JV (Areva Group, 51%, and Tortkuduk Mine and Block No. 1
AO NAK Kazatomprom, 49%) of the South Moinkum deposit,
Sozak Region, South Kazakhstan
Ken Dala.kz JSC (AO NAK Kazatomprom, 100%) Central Mynkuduk deposit, Sozak
Region, South Kazakhstan Province
Kyzylkum LLP (Japanese consortium, 30%; Uranium Block No. 1 of the Kharassan
One Inc., 20%; AO NAK Kazatomprom, 50%) deposit, Zhanakorgan Region,
Kyzylorda Province
Mining Company LLP (AO NAK Kazatomprom, North and South Karamurun Mines,
100%): Mining Group No. 6 LLP Shieli and Zhanakorgan Regions,
Kyzylorda Province
Semizbai-U (AO NAK Kazatomprom and its Irkol Mine in Kyzylorda Province and
subsidiary, Mining Company LLP, 51%, and Semizbai Mine, on the border of
China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group, 49%) North Kazakhstan and Akmola
Stepnogorsk Mining-Chemical Complex LLP Shantobe Mine of the Vostok and
(AO NAK Kazatomprom, 100%) Zvezdnoe deposits, 300 kilometers
west of Stepnogorsk
Stepnoye Mining Group LLP Uvanas and East Mynkuduk
Mines, Sozak Region, South
Kazakhstan Province
Taukent Mining Chemical Plant LLP Kanzhugan and South Moinkum
Mines, Sozak Region, South
Kazakhstan Province
Zarechnoye JV JSC (AO NAK Kazatomprom, Zarechnoye and South Zarechnoye
49.98%, and JSC Atomredmetzoloto, 49.67%) deposits, Olrarski Region, South
Kazakhstan Province
Vanadium, vanadium pentoxide TOO Balausa Firm, processing plant Kyzylorda Province 200
See footnotes at end of table.

Kazakhstan— 2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 24.15

TABLE 2—Continued

(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)

Major operating companies, main facilities, Annual

Commodity or deposits Location or deposit names capacitye
Ore, Zn content Kazakhmys plc:
East Region complex:
Artemyevsky Mine East Kazakhstan Province 90,000
Do. Belousovsky Mine do. NA
Do. Irtyshsky Mine do. 18,000
Do. Nikolaevsky Mine do. 20,000
Do. Kazakhmys plc:—Continued
East Region complex:—Continued
Orlovsky Mine East Kazakhstan Province 78,200
Do. Yubileyno-Snegirikhinsky Mine do. 16,500
Do. Central Region complex: Abyz Mine Karagandy Province 13,500
Do. TOO Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%):
Ridder complex:
Ridder-Sokolny Mine East Kazakhstan Province NA
Do. Shubinsky Mine do. 4,000
Do. Tishinsky Mine do. 65,000
Do. Shaimerden deposit Kostanay Province NA
Do. Zyrianovsk complex: Maleevsky Mine do. 135,000
Do. TOO Nova Zinc (JSC Chelyabinsk zinc plant) Akshatau, Karagandy Province NA
Do. TOO ShalkiyaZinc Ltd. Kyzylorda Province NA
Concentrate, Zn content AO ShalkiyaZinc Ltd. do. NA
Do. Kazakhmys plc:
East Region complex:
Artemyevsky concentrator do. 55,000
Do. Belousovsky concentrator do. 5,800
Do. Irtyshsky concentrator do. 11,000
Do. Nikolaevsky concentrator do. 36,000
Do. Orlovsky concentrator do. 60,000
Do. Karaganda Region complex: Karagaily concentrator Karagandy Province 8,000
Do. TOO Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%):
Ridder concentrator do. NA
Do. Zyrianovsk concentrator Zyryanovsk, East Kazakhstan NA
Do. TOO Nova Zinc (JSC Chelyabinsk zinc plant) Akshatau, Karagandy Province 35,000
Metal TOO Kazzinc (Glencore plc, 69.61%):
Ridder zinc refinery East Kazakhstan Province 110,000
Do. Ust-Kamenogorsk metallurgical complex do. 190,000
Estimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits. Do., do., Ditto. NA Not available.
Many location names have changed since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Many enterprises, however, are still named or commonly referred to based on the former
location name, which accounts for discrepancies in the names of enterprises and that of locations.
GOK is the abbreviation for gorno-obogatitelnyi kombinat, which translates as "mining and beneficiation complex."
Capacity estimates are totals for all enterprises that produce that commodity.
It is was unknown which, if any, rare metals were still being produced at this facility.


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