Unit 5 Yoga
Unit 5 Yoga
Unit 5 Yoga
Yamas and Niyamas are not about right and wrong, but are
about being honest with oneself. Living according to these
principles is about living our lives in a better way, and moving
towards connecting with the Divine.
3. Asana:- Slow stretching activities performed to improve the
whole body fitness
4. Pranayama: Systematic and Rhythmic control and regulation
of breath. (prana).
5. Pratyahar: improved intellectual capability by withdrawal
of senses.
6. Dharana: Fixing the attention on single object, i.e. high
concentration. These should be performed under the able
guidance of guru or teacher who guides for maximum
development and control of senses.
7. Dhyan: It is the process of controlling the mind through
meditation. It develop high levels of concentration.
8. Samadhi. It is state of super consciousness where ‘dhyana’
reaches it climax. It is also the state of union of the God.
i.e. merging consciousness and salvation.
special postures of the body that stabilize the mind
through static stretching.
The various categories of asanas include: