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Voltage stability analysis for the South-West Libyan electrical power system:
Problem simulation and analysis

Conference Paper · October 2009

Source: IEEE Xplore


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4 authors, including:

Monira Wadi Ola Carlson

University of Tripoli Electric Power Engineering


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Voltage Stability Analysis for the South-West
Libyan Electrical Power System:
Problem Simulation and Analysis
M.R. Wadi M. F. Bara O. Carlson K.M. Elarroudi
Chalmers University, Al Fateh University, Chalmers University, General Electricity Company of
Sweden Libya Sweden Libya
mohamed.wadi@chalmers.se mfbara@ee.edu.ly ola.carlson@chalmers.se khalil.elarroudi@elf.mcgill.ca

Abstract- This paper discusses the simulation and analysis The main problem facing this system as was
study of the South-West Libyan electric power system. The previously identified by our paper presented at 34th
main problem facing this system is the frequent voltage sags International Universities Power Engineering Conference
and occasional power interruptions of the supply which (UPEC2008) for the 220kV network is the frequent
adversely affect the customer's loads. The paper presents
results of analysis and simulation for all possible
voltage sags and occasional power interruptions of the
contingencies that cause voltage instability on this part of supply adversely affecting the customer's loads [3].
the Libyan power system network.
With more data collected for the new 400kV
transmission line which was constructed to enforce the
Keywords-: Power System simulation and analysis, Power electrical power supply to the same area, and with the
System operation and control, Voltage Stability, Power
Quality, Power System Condition Monitoring.
vital and sensitive service to the Great Man-Made River
Project (GMMRP) well-fields supplying water for
domestic, agricultural and other uses in the northern
more populated areas, the relatively large starting
Power transmission capability has traditionally been currents of the several large 3-phase induction motors, at
limited by either rotor angle (synchronous) stability or by a large distance from the system supply sources is of
thermal loading capabilities. The blackout problem has concern here. Despite the construction of the 400kV line,
been associated with the transient stability; the problem the problem is still not fully solved.
has been one of the major subjects of concern to power
system engineers, and is becoming much more II. 400KV AND 220KV LIBYAN NETWORK
significant today in accordance with increasing size and
complexity of interconnected power system. The state owned General Electricity Company of
Libya (GECOL) is responsible for generation,
In recent years, voltage instability of large electric transmission and distribution of electric power
power systems has caused costly blackouts. Worldwide, throughout the country. Figure 1 shows a Geographical
voltage instability and collapse have caused major map of the existing Libyan (GECOL) 400 kV and 220kV
blackouts. In Sweden (1983 and 2003), Italy (28 systems at (SWOL).
September 2003) and Greece (2004). Voltage control and
stability problems were prominent in the August 14,
2003 blackout in northern Ohio, Michigan, New York,
and Ontario. There have been many lesser incidents in
the United States and elsewhere. In order to avoid
instability, power companies are forced to limit power
imports and to use more expensive generating plants

This Paper identifies the voltage stability problem in

South West of Libyan Network (SWOL) where voltage
instability occurred several times during the period from
2006 to 2008. The area subjected to the problem has its
own particulars as:-

1. It has generation from one side only (ALKHOMS)

2. Power is transmitted for a long distance
3. There is a heavy load at the transmission far-end Fig.1. (SWOL) 220kV and 400kV existing transmission network
geographical map.
There have been several recorded abnormal voltage
fluctuations, dips and even collapses at some system
buses in this part of the Libyan network (i.e. 400 kV and
220kV SWOL).

The loads comprise mainly of the (GMMRP) water

pumping stations driven by large induction motors far
away from the generation sources, as well as some other
scattered relatively small domestic loads at various

The region is predominantly desert area with small

inhabited oases; the desert climate of high summer day
temperatures and relatively lower night ones prevails.

Power from ALKHOMS generation plant is

transmitted to the customers via a number of substations Fig.2. Typical P-V curves of a power system [5].
as shown in figure 1.
The (SWOL) network is simulated using NEPLAN
The main mathematical models that may serve the software for voltage stability analysis using P-V, Q-V
purpose of analyzing the situation stated here; sitting up and Q-V sensitivity curves. For this case, the complete
the main causes and the possible practical solutions. GECOL load for February 2009 was used and complete
consideration was given to the minimum loads and Peak
Under balanced three-phase, steady-state sinusoidal loads.
conditions, the load voltage magnitude is given from the
load real (P) and reactive (Q) power equations as [4], [5]: The power station at ALKHOMS was considered to be
the swing bus-bar. Figure 3 shows the study
methodologies and contingency of the (SWOL). A
E2 E4
V= − QX ± − X 2 P2 − XE2Q (1) contingency means the losses of the equipment that has
2 4 the highest capacity and which affects either a line or a
transformer for either an emergency or maintenance
Where: case. This study has been carried out for the following
two major system configurations cases:
E = The magnitude of the source constant voltage.
a) The minimum loading case
X = The total transmission reactance. b) The peak loading case
In the first case (i.e. minimum loading case) the
The dynamic voltage stability model is represented by network was found to be working properly with low
a set of first order differential equations and a set of voltage on some bus-bars. The peak loads case is the
algebraic equations as [6, 7]: critical one for which a loss of a transformer or a line
was considered.

X = f ( x, y ) (2)
0 = g ( x, y ) (3)

x = system state vector

y = a vector containing the bus voltages.

Typical P-V curves plot is shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 3. Study methodology. Fig.4. P-V curves for (SWOL) at 0.9 lag power factor and minimum

Figures 4, 5 and 6 show the simulation result of P-V

curves at minimum and maximum load respectively, for
(SWOL) where the real power, (P) and voltage (V) are in
percent. As the power increases the voltage decreases for
all buses and the voltage is becomes closer to the critical

This is very important with respect to the voltage

stability. It is clear from the figures that at the sending
end the voltage starts by more than (10%) and then
gradually decreases to become near to (-6%) at
ZAMZAM bus-bar and the worst case was at AWENAT
bus-bar which is (-20%) at the receiving end minimum
load as seen in figure 4.

At maximum load the voltage starts at the sending end

by more than (10%), then gradually decreases to become Fig.5. P-V curves for (SWOL) at 0.9 lag power factor and maximum
near to (-15%) at ZAMZAM substation, again the worst
case at AWENAT substation is (-40%) at the receiving
end as seen in figures 5. Figure 6 shows the minimum
and maximum loads effects at (ALKHOMS, ZAMZAM,
SBHAW and AWENAT) substations. This clearly
proves that at both minimum and maximum loads the
system is weak.

Fig.6. P-V curves for (SWOL) at 0.9 lag power factor maximum and
minimum load (ALKHOMS, ZAMZAM, SBHAW and AWENAT)
In all cases, the system conditions were judged not
acceptable if the system voltages were not within (+/-


The Q-V curves are produced by running a series of

load flow cases. Q-V curves show the necessary amount
of reactive power Q to achieve a specified voltage level
V. If the minimum point of the Q-V curve is above the
horizontal axis, the system is reactive power deficient.
Additional infeed of reactive power is required to
prevent voltage collapse. If the critical point is below the
horizontal axis, the system has some VAR margin.
Figures 7, 8 and 9 show the simulation results of Q-V
curves characteristics at minimum and maximum load
respectively, for (SWOL) Network where the reactive
power, (Q) and voltage, (V) are in percent. It can be seen
that in this range when Q is lagging the voltage Fig.8. Q-V curves for (SWOL) at 0.9 lag power factor and maximum
load (GMMR1, SEMNU and AWENAT) substations.
increases. It is clear from figure 7 that the slope of the Q-
V curve indicates the stiffness of the test bus ∆V = 23%
for ∆Q = -216% where the voltage is close to (103%) at
GMMR1 220KV bus-bar, then gradually increases to
become 120% at the end point. The worst case was at
AWENAT bus-bar ∆V = 17% for ∆Q = -38%, where the
voltage is close to (97 %). Figure 8 shows the maximum
load Q-V curve ∆V=7% for ∆Q=-30%where the voltage
is near to (87%) at GMMR1 220KV bus-bar and then
gradually increases to become 120% at the end point.
The worst case again occurred at AWENAT bus-bar.
Figure 9 shows the minimum loads (cases a, b and c) and
maximum loads (cases A, B and C) effects at GMMR1,
SEMNU and AWENAT substations. In this case it is
clearly proved that the system is very sensitive at both
minimum and maximum loading.

Fig.9. Q-V curves for (SWOL) at 0.9 lag power factor both maximum
and minimum load (GMMR1, SEMNU and AWENAT) substations.



Figure 10 shows the Q-V sensitivity curve in percent

Mvar at the different buses. The minimum load is shown
in white columns and the maximum loads in black
columns. We conclude from the curves that the system is
sensitive at both minimum and maximum loads where
the minimum sensitivity is at BNWLD and the maximum
sensitivity at AWENAT.

Fig.7. Q-V curves for (SWOL) at 0.9 lag power factor and minimum
load (GMMR1, SEMNU and AWENAT) substations.
system by disconnecting one line. The output result is
shown in figure 11. It is clear from the figure that at the
maximum load the security margin is 10%.

Fig.10. Q-V sensitivity curves for both minimum and maximum loads.


The base-case is used, with the minimum and Fig.11. P-V curves for both minimum and maximum loads at SBHAW
maximum loading 400kV and 220kV transmission lines bus-bar with loosing one line from SABHA / FAJIJ.
operational. The table shows the results of a single
circuit outage of a line or transformer. From these I. CONCLUSIONS
results, it is clear that a few single contingency
conditions result in an inability of the (GECOL) 400kV This paper represents the second step in the
and 220kV system to support the full load, particularly investigation carried out to study the voltage stability
important are the lines between ALKHOMS to GMMR1 problems in the (400kV and 220kV SWOL). The
400kV, ALKHOMS to BNWLD 220kV, BNWLD to obtained simulation and analysis results proved that the
GMMR1 220kV, GMMR1 to SHATI, GMMR1 to (SWOL) is not robust which has a negative impact on the
SBHAW 220kV, WADI LARIL to SEMNU 220kV and (GMMRP) well fields pumps, the agriculture projects
one transformer at ALKHOMS substation 400kV. The and the served cities in the region. It is believed that such
scenarios used to run the contingency plans showed that a situation, i.e. providing reliable electrical power to
the voltage stability analysis will not converge for the relatively large and important loads far from the power
following cases shown in table I. generation area of the power system, is a typical one in
other systems, although the suggested solutions may be
Table I: - Contingency at Peak load not converging
different in each case depending on the local
Outage element circumstances of the system in question.
BNWLD 220kV / GMMR1 220 kV Line
[1]. http://www.accessscience.com/abstract.
BNWLD 220kV / GMMR1 220kV Line [2]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeast_Blackout_of_2003.
GMMR1 220kV / SBHAW 220kV Line [3]. M.R.Wadi, et al, "voltage stability analysis for (SWOL)
problem identification", Padova-Italy, pp.6-29, September
GMMR1 220kV / SHATI 220kV Line 2008.
[4]. Voltage Instability: Phenomena, Countermeasures, and
ALKHOMS 400kV / GMMR1 400kV Line Analysis Methods, Thierry Van Cutsem, Proceedings of the
ALKHOMS 220kV / BNWLD 220kV Line IEEE, Vol. 88, No. 2, February 2000.
[5]. Bibliography on voltage stability, V. Ajjarapu, B. Lee, IEEE
ALKHOMS 220kV / BNWLD 220kV Line Transaction on Power Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, February
WADI LARIL 220kV / SEMNU 220kV Line [6]. A study on voltage collapse mechanism in electric power
systems, IEEE Trans, Power systems, Vol. 6, pp. 966-974,
August 1991.
ALKHOMS 220kV / ALKHOMS 400kV Transformer (TR1) [7]. P. Kunder, McGraw-Hill, "Power System Stability and
Control", Inc.


Since SABHA/FAJIJ 220kV line is close to AWENAT

where the worst voltage exists; a further set of studies
was carried out to find out the security margin of the

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