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Se Gtu Paper Questions Analysis: UNIT-1 Introduction To Software and Software Engineering

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UNIT-1 Introduction to Software and Software Engineering


1 Compare prototype and RAD model. 3,4 W-17,18/S-19,17

2 Explain Software Engineering as a Layered technology. 3,4 W-17,18/S-19,17,21
3 What is Process? Discuss the process framework activities 3 S-18
Provide three examples of software projects that would be amenable to the
4 3 W-19
waterfall model. Be specific.
5 What is Software Engineering? What is Process? What is Product? 3 S-19
6 Compare Product and Process. 4 W-19
7 Explain Spiral Model in brief with suitable diagram. 4 W-18
What is the importance of Process Model in development of Software
8 7 W-18
System? Explain Prototype Process Model.
Explain Waterfall Model with suitable diagram? OR Explain Waterfall
9 7 W-19/S-18,19
process model
Explain the process model which is normally suits for development of large-
10 4 W-17
scale software system.
11 Compare Waterfall model with RAD model 3 W-21
Which are the major phases in the waterfall model of software
development? Which phase consumes the maximum effort for developing a
12 4 W-20
typical software product?

With suitable illustration explain SPIRAL model evolutionary software

13 7 W-20
14 Explain Component Based software engineering in detail. 7 W-20
What is process model? Compare incremental process model with
15 4 W-21
prototyping process model.
16 Compare Spiral Model with Prototype model. 4 W-21
17 Distinguish between process and methods. 4 W-22
Explain the Evolutionary and Incremental Model. What are the Advantages
18 7 W-22
and Disadvantages?
Differentiate between classical waterfall model and iterative waterfall
19 3 S-23
Difference between Product and Process in the context of software
20 4
engineering S-23
21 How does RAD model work? Discuss the pros and cons of RAD model. 7 S-23
22 What is Software Engineering? List down different myths for it. 3 S-22
What are different layers of Software Engineering? Draw and explain it in
23 4 S-22
24 Draw and explain the different phases of Waterfall Model. 7 S-22
25 Draw and explain Spiral Model with its advantages. 7 S-22

UNIT - 2 Agile Devlopment


1 Explain Agile Development in detail. 4,7 W-17,21/S-19

2 Explain the merits and demerits of SCRUM. 4 W-17
3 Explain Adaptive Software Development Process Model 7 S-18
4 Explain Extreme Programming (XP) in detail 7 W-19
5 Explain Project Scheduling Process. Also Explain Gantt Chart in detail. 7 W-18
6 Discuss the concept of Agility 3 S-18
List the different Agile Process Model and Explain any one with suitable
7 4 W-18
8 Explain Scrum with merits and demerits. 7 S-17
9 What is Agile Manifesto? 3 W-20
10 Define the terms: 1) Agility 2) Agile team 4 W-20
11 Explain merits and demerits of Scrum 4 W-21
12 What is Extreme Programming (XP)? What are the advantages of it? 3 S-21
13 Discuss SCRUM as agile software development process model. 7 S-21
14 What is Agility? List down 12 principals of Agile Manifesto. 3 S-22
15 Draw and explain different phases of Agile Process Model. 4 S-22
16 Enlist and explain phases of agile development methodology. 7 S-23
17 What are the differences between Agile and DevOps? 4 S-23
18 Define the followings:1) Agile methods 2) Agile process 3 S-23
20 What is Extreme Programming? 4 S-23

UNIT - 3 Managing Software Project


1 Enlist and discuss the types of Risks 3 S-18

2 Explain COCOMO model for project estimation 4,3 S-18,19
3 Explain Software metrics used for software cost estimation. 4,7 W-17,19,21
4 Explain Project Scheduling Process. Also Explain Gantt Chart in detail. 7 W-18,19,21
5 Explain RMMM 4 W-19,18/S-17
6 Draw the Time-line chart for the Library Management System 4 S-18
7 Write short notes on COCOMO model. 7 W-17
8 Draw the Time-line chart for the Hospital Management System. 4 W-18
9 Explain Risk Management. 7 S-19
10 Explain 4 P’s of Effective Project Management in detail 4 S-19
11 What is Risk Management? Explain RMMM plan 7 W-17
12 Discuss Software Project Management and W5HH Principle in brief. 4 W-18,17/S-19
13 What is the purpose of timeline chart? 3 W-20
14 Discuss the concept of risk assessment and risk control. 7 W-22
Explain how breakdown structure is used in software engineering. Discuss
15 7 W-22
how software project scheduling helps in timely release of a product.
What are the different risk identification methods? Explain any one of them
16 4 S-23
in brief.
Why project scheduling is required? Discuss merits and demerits of any one
17 4 S-23
project scheduling technique?
18 Explain different project size estimation techniques. 7 S-23
19 Define: Risk Identification, Risk Refinement, and Risk Mitigation. 3 S-22
UNIT - 4 Requirement Analysis and Specification


1 Write functional and non-functional requirements of Hotel Management 4 S-18

2 Enlist characteristic of SRS.Write a SRS for Hospital management system. 7 W-17
3 List five functional requirement of Library management System. 4 W-19
4 Explain Requirement Engineering Tasks 7 S-18
5 Write a short note on Requirement Engineering. 7 W-17/S-19
What is activity diagram and Swim-lane? Draw activity diagram for billing
6 4,7 W-17,18
Counter of a shopping mall.
7 Draw the Data Flow Diagram for Hotel Management System 7 S-18
8 Draw the ER diagram for the system that is known to you 4 S-18
9 Draw E-R Diagram for Online Shopping System. 3 W-19
10 Enlist characteristic of SRS.Write a SRS for college management system. 7 S-17
What is Requirement Engineering? List the Functional and Non-Functional
11 7 W-21
requirements for Blood bank Management system.
12 Write SRS For Students Result Management System. 7 W-21
What is SRS? What are the key elements of it? What are the qualities of a
13 7 S-21
good SRS?
What is Requirement Engineering? How it is carried out in a Software
14 3 S-22
15 Create a SRS document for College Management System. 4 S-22
How does function requirements differ from non-functional requirements of
16 3 S-23
the software?
17 What are functional requirements? 3 W-22
18 What are the elements of Analysis model? 4 W-22
19 State and explain the requirements engineering tasks in detail. 7 W-22
20 What are non-functional requirements? 3 W-22

UNIT - 5 Software Design


1 Differentiate Procedural Design and Object Oriented Design. 3 W-18,19,17,21/S-19

What is Architectural Design? Enlist different styles and patterns of
2 4,7 W-18,17,21
What is the importance of User Interface? Explain User Interface design
3 7 S-19,21/W-19
4 Describe golden rules of User Interface Design. 3 W-17,18/S-17
What is architectural design? Enlist different style and patterns of
5 4,7 S-19,17,21/W-17
What is Object Oriented Design of a system? Draw the Use case diagram
6 7 W-18
and Class diagram for Library Management system.
7 Compare coupling and cohesion 3 W-19
8 Explain user interface design issues 3
Compare Coupling and Cohesion. Explain different types of Coupling and
9 4 W-17
its effects on software modules
Compare Coupling and Cohesion. Explain different types of Coupling and
10 7 W-18
its effects on software modules.
What is software architecture? Explain any two architectural styles of
11 4 S-18
12 Explain different design Concepts in details. 7 S-17
Define Coupling and Cohesion.What is the difference between cohesion and
13 7 S-17/W-21
What is the importance of class model? Prepare the class model for a
14 7 S-21
webbased order-processing system for a computer store.
What are the elements of a behavioral model? Prepare use case diagram and
15 7 S-21
sequence diagrams for ATM system of a bank.
16 What are the different types of Cohesion? 3 W-20
17 Define design process. List the principles of a software design. 4 W-22
18 What is coupling? Explain the various types of coupling? 7 W-22
19 What is cohesion? Explain the various types of cohesion? 7 W-22
Why low coupling and high cohesion is one of the desired properties of
20 3 S-23
software design?
21 How does one design a good user interface for the software? 3 S-23
List down various Software Design Principles applicable to College
22 4 S-22
Management System.
Write a short note on: (1) Function-Oriented Design (2) User Interface
23 7 S-22
24 Which are the important characteristics for having good software design? 7 S-23
25 What are the basic challenges in reuse of program? 4 S-23

UNIT - 6 Software Coding & Testing


1 List set of guidelines for BVA.Also Explain merits and demerits of BVA. 7 W-17,21/S-17
2 Explain White Box Testing With an Example. 7 W-17/S-19
What is Cyclomatic complexity? Define Steps to find Cyclomatic
3 3 W-17,18
complexity using flow graph.
4 Explain Formal Technical Review. 3,4 S-17,19/W-18,19
Consider the program given below<br / void main() {<br / int i,j,k;<br /
readln (i,j,k);<br / if( (i < j) || ( i > k) )<br / {<br / writeln("then part");<br /
if (j < k)<br / writeln ("j less then k");<br / else writeln ( " j not less then
5 k");<br / }<br / else writeln( "else Part");<br / }<br / (i) Draw the flow 7 S-17
graph.<br / (ii) Determine the cyclomatic complexity.<br / (iii) Arrive at all
the independent paths.
6 What is mobile testing? Mention the challenges in mobile testing. 4 S-17
7 Explain Integration testing. 7 S-18,19
8 Compare and contrast alpha and beta testing. 3 S-18
9 Explain the process of code review. 4,3 S-18,19
What are the different levels of testing? Briefly discuss the goal of each
10 3 S-18
11 Explain various coding standard. 7 S-18
void main() { int i,j,k; readln (i,j,k); if( (i < j) || ( i > k) ) { writeln("then
12 part"); if (j < k) { writeln (“less then k”); } else { writeln ( "j not less then 7 W-19
k"); } } else { writeln( "else Part"); }
13 Explain concept of test case 3 W-19
What are the different testing strategies? Explain any one with suitable
14 7 W-19
What is black box testing? What are the different black box testing
15 4 S-21
What is white box testing? What are the different coverage based testing
16 3 S-21
What is Software Testing? What is the role of a Software Tester? Compare
17 7 W-21
Black Box and White Box Testing.
18 Discuss the differences between black box and white box testing. 7 W-20
What is Software Testing? Explain Black-box and White-Box Testing in
19 7 S-22
details along with examples.
20 How does the behavior testing method work? 3 S-23
21 Differentiate between verification and validation. 4 S-23
What do you understand by performance testing? What are the different
22 7 S-23
types of performance testing?
23 How does the glass box testing method work? 3 S-23
24 Differentiate between integration testing and system testing. 4 S-23
25 How to measure quality and defect removal efficiency. 3 W-22
26 What are the levels at which testing done? 3 W-22
27 What do you mean by integration testing? Explain their outcomes. 7 W-22
28 Define basic path testing. 3 W-22
What is white box testing? Why it is required? Discuss different techniques
29 7 W-22
of it?
UNIT - 7 Quality Assurance and Management


1 What is the importance of SQA? Explain the SQA activities. 7 S-19,21

Compare quality control with quality assurance. OR Differentiate between
2 3,4 W-17,18/S-19,17
Quality Assurance & Quality Control.
3 List Quality Standards. Explain any one. 3,4 W-18,17/S-17
4 Define Quality for software. List and explain SQA activities 7 S-18
5 Write short note on Six Sigma standard. 3 W-19,21
What do you mean by Quality for a software? Enlist and explain SQA
6 7 W-18
activities in brief.
7 What is the importance of SQA? 3 W-22
8 What is Software Quality? List down different Software Quality Metrics? 3 S-22
How software organization go from different maturity level of SEI CMM?
9 4 S-22
Explain it.
10 Write short note on SIX SIGMA. 7 S-23

UNIT - 8 Software Maintenance and Configuration Management


1 Enlist and explain different types of maintenance 3 W-19/S-17

2 Explain SCM process in details 7 S-19,17
3 Difference between reverse engineering and forward engineering. 4 S-19,17
4 Differentiate software Engineering and Reverse Engineering. 4 W-19
5 Write short notes on Reengineering. 3 W-17,18,21
6 Explain Version and Change Control Management 3,4 S-19,18/W-19
Write short notes on Reverse Engineering OR Explain Reverse Engineering
7 4 S-19,21/W-17,18
in brief
8 Write short note on Forward Engineering 4 W-19
9 Explain Software maintenance. 7 S-18
10 Discuss Software Configuration Management in detail. 7 W-18,21
Explain the following term in brief 1) Re-Engineering 2) Reverse
11 4 S-18
12 Explain reverse engineering. 4 W-22
13 Explain the version control and change control. 4 W-22
14 Write short note on Software CMM levels 7 S-23
15 What are the benefits of software reengineering? 3 S-23

UNIT - 9 DevOps


What is DevOps? How it works? What are the DevOps principles & best
1 7 S-21
2 Explain DevOps life Cycle. 7 W-21
What are the fundamental differences between DevOps & Agile
3 4 W-21
4 What is DevOps? 4 W-20
5 What are the challenges with DevOps implementation? 4 W-20
6 What are the differences between Agile and DevOps? 4 S-23
7 What are different challenges for adopting DevOps? 4 S-23
8 Discuss 7 C’s of DevOps Lifecycle for Business Agility. 7 S-23
9 Describe the different challenges with DevOps implementation. 4 W-22
10 What is DevOps? Explain the importance and benefits of the DevOps. 4 W-22
11 What is DevOps? List down its toolchain for development process. 3 S-22
12 How DevOps practice be adopted for software development process. 4 S-22
13 Explain 7Cs of DevOps lifecycle. 7 S-22

UNIT - 10 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering


1 What is Component Based Software Engineering? What are its advantages? 3 S-22
2 How a typical software is being Reengineered? Explain why is required? 4 S-22
3 Explain Computer-Aided Software Engineering in detail. 7 S-22
4 What is web engineering? Explain any three web engineering methods. 7 S-23

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