Experiment One
Experiment One
Experiment One
Refractive index
The speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum, 𝐶 ≅ 3 × 108 , is one of the most important
constants in chemistry. A human eye is able to detect electromagnetic waves in a range from 360
nm (violet color) to 750 nm (red color). It is called a visible range of light.
When light waves travel through a medium (optical medium), its electric part interacts with the
electrons of that medium, causing them to vibrate. The electrons of the medium thus become
radiating light waves as the secondary sources. However, the speed of new waves, v, changes
accordingly to the optical properties of the particular medium.
It is always smaller than the speed of light in vacuum, V < C. All materials are characterized by
their ability to slow down the light waves, known as optical refractive index, n = -
The refractive index is a unit less parameter, equal to 1 for a vacuum and larger than 1 for any
other material (e.g. n=1.33 for water). The speed of light in air is only slightly less than C, resulting
into the refractive index of 1.0003. Typically, it is truncated to 1. The difference between a light
speed in different media results into the change of direction along which the light propagates,
refraction (Fig. 1). Refraction occurs when the light passes from one medium to a medium with a
different index of refraction, except the light that approaches the boundary between the two media
perpendicularly. Accordingly, to the properties of an optical medium, some portion of light
approaching the interface at an incident angle α is reflected back to the first medium while the rest
propagates into the other medium at an angle of refraction β. The angles of incident, reflection and
refraction are defined as angles between the particular ray and the interface normal (see Fig. 1).
𝑛1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝛼 = 𝑛2 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝛽
Where n1 is the refractive index of medium 1 and n2 is the refractive index of medium 2.It is
possible to define an optical density for the media of different refractive indices. Medium 1 has a
higher optical density than medium 2, if its refractive index is higher than that of medium 2.
According to the Snell's law, the light ray is "bending towards the normal" (β<α), if it enters the
medium with a higher optical density (Fig. 1). When it enters the medium with a lower optical
density, it is "bending away from the normal" (β>α).
Refractive index can be measured by the refractometer. We will use the double prism system called
the Abbe's refractometer, shown in Figure 1. It consists of the two optical prisms (illuminating and
refracting) with the thin layer of a liquid sample between them. The measuring prism is made of a
glass with a high refractive index (n2>1.75), which allows this refractometer to measure refractive
indices up to n1<1.75. The light enters the refractometer from the left side of the illuminating prism
at many different angles. The bottom part of this prism (AB') is rough, i.e. it consists of many
small areas oriented in different directions. As such, this surface can be imagined as a source
shining the
Refractive index can be measured by the refractometer. We will use the double prism system called
the Abbe's refractometer, shown in Figure 2. It consists of the two optical prisms (illuminating and
refracting) with the thin layer of a liquid sample between them. The measuring prism is made of a
glass with a high refractive index (n2>1.75), which allows this refractometer to measure refractive
indices up to n1<1.75. The light enters the refractometer from the left side of the illuminating prism
at many different angles. The bottom part of this prism (AB') is rough, i.e. it consists of many
small areas oriented in different directions. As such, this surface can be imagined as a source
shining the light into all directions. Part of this light passes through the sample into the refracting
prism, where the biggest possible angle of incident, α max, corresponds to the ray that propagates
from point A to point B (Fig. 2). According to the Snell's law, the refraction of this ray is then
described by the maximum angle of refraction β max. All other rays enter the refracting prism at
smaller angles and thus end up to the left of point C. Consequently, detector located at the bottom
of the refracting prism detects the illuminated region to the left of point C and a dark region to the
right of this point. Since the maximum angle, α max, and the refractive index of the refracting
prism, n2, is known constants, it is straightforward to determine the refractive index of a measured
liquid, n1 .
The interface between an illuminated and dark region (position of point C) changes as a function
of angle β max, which is different for samples with different refractive indices n1. The simple
readout from the scale of refractometer then provides the refractive index directly, or it can be
readily determined using a conversion table.
The task consists of the determination of the refractive index of methanol (CH 3OH), ethanol
(CH3CH2OH) and their mixtures described by the volumetric percentage of methanol (V% CH 3
OH). The measurement results into calibration curve (refractive index as a function of V%
CH3OH). This curve will be then used to determine the composition of an unknown mixture of
methanol and ethanol.
Abbe's Refractometer
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