Cuj Ib
Cuj Ib
Cuj Ib
Correction in Particulars of Application Form on website only 22 December 2023 to 25 December 2023
Display of Recorded Responses and Answer Keys To be announced later on the Website
[*OBC-NCL (Other Backward Classes)-NCL (Non-Creamy Layer) as per the Central List of Other Backward Classes available on National
Commission for Backward Classes. The candidates falling in this list (available on ) may mention OBC-NCL in the
Category Column. State list OBC-NCL Candidates who are not in OBC-NCL (Central List) must choose Unreserved/General.]
1. Candidates can apply through “Online” mode only for the post(s) as per the
advertisement/ vacancy circular.
2. Submission of Online Application Form may be done by accessing National Testing Agency
(hereinafter referred to as ‘NTA’) website: and The Application Form in any other mode will not be accepted.
3. Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate for one of the posts for which
(s)he iseligible. If it is found at a later stage that a candidate has submitted more thanone
Application Form for same post, his candidature shall be summarily rejected for all
post(s). However, a candidate can apply for more than one posts for which (s)he is
eligible, for which (s)he has to submit separate application online with payment of
prescribed feeseparately.
4. Candidates must follow the instructions given in the Information Brochure/Vacancy Circular
and on the Portal: and strictly.
Candidates not complying with the instructions shall be summarily disqualified.
5. Candidates must ensure that E-mail Address and Mobile Number provided in the Online
Application Form are their own, as all information/communication will be sent by NTA
through e-mail on the registered e-mail address or SMS on registered Mobile Number
6. Instructions to the Candidates for filling Online Application Form:
(a) Download Information Brochure and Replica of Application Form. Read these carefully
to ensure your eligibility. In case a candidate is found to fill up more than one application
for the same post, the admit card will be cancelled/withheld and his/her candidature will
be forfeited for this/future examination. However, a Candidate can apply for more than one
posts for which (s)he is eligible, for which (s)he has to submit separate application online
with payment of prescribed fee separately.
(c) All the 4 Steps can be done together in one go or at different times.
II. In spite of above, if successful transaction is not reflected on the Portal, the candidate
may contact NTA Helpline. If the payment issue is still not resolved, the candidate
may pay second time.
III. However, any duplicate payment received from the candidate by NTA in course of
said transactions will be refunded through the same payment mode through which
the duplicate payment is received, after fee reconciliation by NTA.
(d) Download, save and print copies of the confirmation page of your Application Form
after successful remittance of fee and keep the same safely for future reference.
7. The Candidates have to appear at their own cost at the Examination Centre on Date and Timing
indicated on their Admit Card issued by the NTA.
8. Any request to change the Examination Centre, Date and Time provided on the Admit Card
shall not be considered under any circumstances.
2. No request for refund of fee once remitted by the candidate will be entertained by
NTA under any circumstance (except to the Candidates who might have ended
up in paying application fee more than once due to the any technical issue with
the server of the bank/payment gateway concerned. However, such refund would
be made only after ascertaining the actual receipt of payment of prescribed
application/exam fee more than once, which would be possible only after
reconciliation of fee data as received from the banks concerned with the fee data
recorded in the Server.
3. The entire application process of the CUJ Recruitment Test - 2023 is online,
including uploading of scanned images, payment of fees, and printing of
confirmation page, etc. Therefore, candidates are not required to
send/submit any document(s) including Confirmation Page to NTA or
Central University Jharkhand (hereinafter referred to as ‘CUJ’) through
Post/Fax/by Hand/E-mail.
Candidates are advised to read the Information Brochure/Vacancy Circular carefully and go through the instructions
therein, especially regarding filling of Online Application Form available on: and , before starting online registration.
Candidates should ensure that all information entered during the online registration process is correct.
Online information provided by candidates, like, name of candidate, date of birth, contact/address details,
Category and PwBD status, educational qualifications, and experience details, etc. will be treated as correct/final.
Any request for changes in such information after the closure of correction period will not be considered by NTA
under any circumstances. Any candidate found to mislead by providing inaccurate information will be debarred
from taking this recruitment examination and his
/her candidature for any post shall be automatically treated as forfeited.
NTA disclaims any liability that may arise due to incorrect information provided by the candidate(s) during
registration/application process.
NTA does not edit/modify/alter any information entered by the candidates after completion of application process
under any circumstances. NTA does not guarantee that any request for change in information thereafter will be
entertained. Therefore, candidates are advised to exercise utmost caution and care for filling up correct details
in the Application Form.
Sl. Name of Post Group No. of Reserved for Category Pay Matrix As per 7th
No. Posts CPC [Pay Level and Pay
1 Section Officer B 02 02-UR Level-7, 44900-142400/-
2 Private Secretary B 02 02-UR Level-7, 44900-142400/-
3 Assistant B 03 03-UR Level-6, 35400-112400/-
4 Junior Engineer B 01 01-UR Level-6, 35400-112400/-
5 Hindi Translator B 01 01-UR# (Reserved for PwBD Level-6, 35400-112400/-
Category ‘a’)
6 Senior Technical B 01 01-UR# (Reserved for PwBD Level-6, 35400-112400/-
Assistant Category ‘b’)
7 Technical Assistant C 01 01-UR Level-5, 29200-92300/-
8 Security Inspector C 01 01-UR (Reserved for Ex- Level-5, 29200-92300/-
9 Upper Division C 01 01-UR Level-4, 25500-81100/-
10 Laboratory Assistant C 03 02-UR, 01-OBC # Level-4, 25500-81100/-
(01-Post reserved for PwBD
Category ‘c’)
11 Library Assistant C 01 01-UR Level-3, 21700-69100/-
12 Lower Division C 05 02-UR, 01-UR*, 01-ST, 01-EWS Level-2 19900-63200/-
13 Driver C 03 02-UR, 01-OBC Level-2, 19900-63200/-
14 Laboratory C 04 01-UR, 01-OBC, 01-OBC#, 01- Level-1, 1800-56900/-
Attendant SC
15 Library Attendant C 02 01-OBC#, 01-EWS Level-1, 1800-56900/-
16 Attendant (Hostel) C 02 01-UR (Female), 01-OBC (Male) Level-1, 1800-56900/-
[01-for Boys and
01- for Girls]
# Backlog vacancy
*The lien is initially for 1 year subject to maximum of 3 years or till the lien holder returns back, whichever
is earlier. In case the lien holder opts to be confirmed/absorbed in the new organization, the post will be re-
1 Name of Post Attendant (Hostel) (01-UR for Girls Hostel [only for female candidates]
and 01-OBC for Boys Hostel [only for male candidates])
2 Age Limit 32 Years
3 Educational and other Essential:
qualifications (i) 10th Pass from any State/ Central School / Board
ITI Pass
(ii) At least two years of experience in a Hostel / Canteen/ Hotel/ Guest
House etc.
Note: Skill test for proficiency in Computer operations shall be
4 Period of probation 2 Years
Selection Criteria and Scheme of Examination for the direct recruitment for Group
B, Non-Gazetted Post.
1. General Descriptions:
I. The selection process shall consist of following Papers:
A) Objective Type Test (Paper – I)
B) Descriptive Type Test (Paper – II)
II. The Objective type test (Paper – I) shall be conducted first which will be of qualifying
III. The minimum qualifying marks to be secured in Paper I shall be 40% for UR, 35% for OBC
(NC) & EWS and 30% for others. The answer scripts of the candidates for the Paper-II
shall be evaluated only in respect of those candidates who secure the minimum qualifying
marks in Paper I. The minimum qualifying marks in Paper – II shall be 50% forUR, 45%
for OBC (NC) & EWS and 35% for other category.
IV. The merit list of the candidates shall be drawn based on the performance in Paper II
(descriptive test) only.
V. PWD candidates will be allowed Scriber and extra time for written test as per Govt. of India
VI. The standard of questions will be of level as per essential qualifying degree / experience
required for the post.
VII. Medium – English and Hindi (Except English Paper).
VIII. In case of Tie where more than one candidate secures the equal aggregate marks, the tie
will be resolved by applying the following methods one after another:-
a) By referring to the marks in Section B of the descriptive type written test.
b) By referring to the marks in Section C of the descriptive type written test.
c) By referring to the marks in Section A of the descriptive type written test.
d) Date of birth i.e. the candidate older in age gets preference.
e) By referring to the alphabetical order of the names taking first name into
2. Scheme of Examination and Syllabus:
The examination will consist of two papers, Paper – I (Objective type test) and Paper – II
(Descriptive type test) of 100 marks each.
2.1. The Scheme of Examination for Paper – I (Objective type test) is given below:
2.1. The Scheme of Examination for Paper – I (Objective type test) is given below:
“Regular Service” means service rendered by an employee in the Cadre on regular basis
other than the service on contract or daily wages but includes ad-hoc promotion or
appointment in a cadre post through due procedure followed by regularization to the extent
approved by the Competent Authority.
c. The upper age limit for the posts advertised shall be determined as on closing date of
advertisement. Documents for seeking age relaxation should be submitted at the time
of Written Examination/Interview (if applicable) also even if the same has been
submitted earlier.
d. The above provisions are summarized in the table given below:
Note: The age relaxation shall be subject to the condition that maximum age of the applicant on the
last date of submission of online application shall not exceed 56 years.
2. There would be a further relaxation of 5% in marks wherever a percentage has been
prescribed for the minimum qualifying education degree for the applicants belonging to SC,
ST, OBC and PwBD category.
However, SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PwBD candidates who opt to apply for unreserved vacancies will not
be eligible for age relaxation or relaxation in cut off marks which are otherwise allowed to those
belonging to these categories. Further, reserve category candidates (SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/ PwBD)
who become eligible by virtue of age relaxation applicable in their case, will be considered only
for reserved seats of the category to which they belong even if they have the merit to be
considered otherwise for UR (Unreserved).
A. Guidelines for conducting Written Examination for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities above 40% vide letter
dated 29 August 2018 from Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Provisions relating to Persons with
Disability (PwBD):
As per Section 2(t) of the RPwD Act, “Persons with Disability (PwBD)” means a person with long- term physical,
mental, intellectual, or sensory impairment which, in interaction with barriers, hinders his full and effective
participation insociety equally with others.
According to Section 2(r) of the RPwD Act, 2016, “persons with benchmark disabilities” means a person with
not less than forty percent (40%) of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in
measurable terms and includes a person with disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable
terms, as certified by the certifying authority.
a. The facility of Scribe, in case he/she has a physical limitation, and a scribe is essential to
write the examination on his/her behalf, being so certified in the aforesaid format by a
CMO/Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care Institution.
b. Compensatory time of one hour for examination of three hours duration, whether such candidate
uses the facility of Scribe or not.
Services of a Scribe:
As per the office memorandum of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (Reference: F.No. 34-02/2015-
DDIII dated August 29, 2018), the PwBD candidates who are visually impaired OR have a disability in the upper
limbs OR have lost fingers/hands thereby preventing them from properly operating the Computer Based Test
platform may avail the services of a scribe (amanuensis).
The scribe will help the Candidate in reading the questions and/or keying in the answers as per the directions of
the Candidate. A scribe will NEITHER explain the questions NOR suggest any solutions. PwBD candidates who
desire to avail the services of a scribe need to opt for this during the online registration.
If it is found at any stage that a candidate has availed the services of a scribe and/or availed the compensatory
time but does not possess the extent of disability that warrants the use of a scribe and/or grant of compensatory
time, the candidate will be excluded from the process of evaluation, ranking, counselling, and admission. In case
such a candidate has already been admitted to any Institution, the admission of the candidate will be cancelled.
The NTA does not guarantee any change in the category or sub-category (PwBD status) after the submission of
the Online Application Form, and in any case, no change will be entertained by NTA.
Candidates must note that the benefit of reservation will be given to them subject to verification of documents. If
it is discovered at any stage that a candidate has used a false/fake/incorrect document, or has furnished false,
incorrect, or incomplete information, in order to avail the benefit of reservation, then such a candidate shall be
excluded from all admission processes. In case such a candidate has already been given admission, the admission
shall stand cancelled.
1. The minimum degree of disability should be 40% (Benchmark Disability) in order to be eligible for
availing reservation for persons with specified disability.
2. The extent of “specified disability” in a person shall be assessed in accordance with the “Guidelines
for the purpose of assessing the extent of specified disability in a person included under the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (49 of 2016)” notified in the Gazette of India by the Ministry
of Social Justice and Empowerment [Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
(Divyangjan)] on 4th January 2018.
3. No change in the category will be entertained after the last date specified by NTA.
B. Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with specified disabilities covered under the
definition of Section 2(s) of the RPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the definition of Section 2(r) of
the said Act, i.e., persons having less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing.
I. These guidelines may be called as Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with specified
disabilities covered under the definition of Section 2(s) of the RPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the
definition of Section 2(r) of the said Act, i.e., persons having less than 40% disability and having difficulty in
II. The facility of scribe and/or compensatory time shall be granted solely to those having difficulty in writing
subject to production of a certificate to the effect that person concerned has limitation to write and that
scribe is essential to write examination on his/her behalf from the competent medical authority of a
Government healthcare institution.
III. The medical authority for the purpose of certification as mentioned in point (II) above should be a multi-
member authority comprising the following:
IV. Compensatory time not less than 20 minutes per hour of the examination should be allowed for persons who
are eligible for getting scribe. In case the duration of the examination is less than an hour, then the duration
of the compensatory time should be allowed on pro-rata basis. Compensatory time should not be less than
5 minutes and should be in the multiple of 5.
This Organization is a Central Government /State Government/ or any other (please specify).
Place: Date:
State City
Jharkhand Ranchi
Jharkhand Dhanbad
Jharkhand Jamshedpur
Jharkhand Hazaribagh
Assam Guwahati
Maharashtra Mumbai
Note: NTA/CUJ reserves the right to change any of the above-mentioned Cities that may have been opted by any candidate in his/her Online Application
Form, at a later stage due to logistic reasons and may allot another City to him/her from his/her Choices of Cities, given in the Online Application Form.
This is to certify that, I have examined Mr/Ms/Mrs _______________________ (name of the candidate
Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a
Paste Photo Government health care institution
Name & Designation
Name of Government Hospital/Health Care Centre with Seal
[Note: Certificate should be given by a specialist of the relevant stream/disability (e.g., Visual Impairment –
Ophthalmologist, Locomotor disability – Orthopedic Specialist/PMR)]
appearing for the _____ (name of the examination) bearing Roll No ____
the scribe) will provide the service of scribe/reader/lab assistant for the undersigned for taking the
aforesaid examination.
In case, subsequently it is found that his/her qualification is not as declared by the undersigned and
is beyond my qualification, I shall forfeit my right to the post and claims relating thereto.
1. Prescribed Examination Fee (please see the Information at a Glance) can be paid through any
Bank/ Payment Gateway in any Payment Mode mentioned below. The service/processing charges
per transaction & GST applicable thereon are to be paid by the candidate to the Bank/Payment
Gateway concerned at the time of transaction [except for payment made through Debit Card
Mode of IDBI Bank
MSF for processing through Rs 25.5/- for SBI & HDFC
Inet banking: Txn
Rs 10.5/- for Axis Bank Txn
Net Rs 15/- for Kotak Bank Txn
1 Rs 9/- for all other bank Txn
2. Helplines:
Level Name Email ID Contact Number
a. NTA Helpdesk Contact details (incase the payment related issues are not resolved through the
above-mentioned Helplines of the concerned Bank/Payment Gateway Integrator):
Email :
Phone No. 011-40759000
3. Information to be provided by the Candidate while raising any payment related query/grievance
through QRS/Email/Helplines:
a) Name of the Bank and /or payment Gateway.
b) Date and Time of the Transaction
c) Transaction Number
d) Bank Reference Number
e) Proof of Transaction
f) Screenshot from the payment portal (in case of payment failure).