Exemplar Pat - Grade 8
Exemplar Pat - Grade 8
Exemplar Pat - Grade 8
Crime is on the rise in your area. Whilst your area has a neighbourhood watch program, it becomes
difficult to observe all the houses in your area from the ground. The tall trees and dense shrubs make it
almost impossible to watch over all the homes.
A suitable area of land in your area has been identified as a potential spot to erect a watchtower. Your
group has to design and construct a model of the watchtower for your neighbourhood watch program.
The watchtower model must have the following specifications and components:
1. Tower
Total height = 200mm
Maximum width = 100mm
The tower must have the following components:
a platform with a minimum 20mm space to patrol around
a suitable ladder to climb up to the watch room
a suitable railing around the platform for safety
a mechanism operated signal flag
2. Watch room
Maximum height = 70mm
Maximum width = 60mm
The room must have the following components:
a suitable doorway
four windows
a suitable roof to protect against the elements like rain and wind
the watch room must be on top of the tower
3. The mechanism
The signal flag must:
move up and down
have a manual operated mechanism
be on top of the tower
Look at these pictures of watchtowers and any other type of watchtowers that you can find in books or on
the Internet.
Assessment Rubric
Aspect Excellent achievement Achieved Partly achieved Not achieved
Mark (10-8)
Mark (7-6) Mark (5) Mark (4-0)
Advantages and Extra-ordinary advantages and Advantages and disadvantages Few advantages and Advantages and disadvantages
disadvantages of disadvantages are given in full are given in full disadvantages are given are not given in full and
designs incomplete
Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages
Design brief: Write a design brief with specifications and constraints for a watchtower.
Assessment Rubric
Aspect Excellent achievement Achieved Partly achieved Not achieved
Mark (10-8)
Mark (7-6) Mark (5) Mark (4-0)
Design brief Formulation of how to Formulation of how to solve Formulation of how to solve the Formulation of how to solve
solve the problem is clear the problem is fairly clear problem is vague the problem is incomplete
and understandable and if formulated is
Specifications and List of specifications and List of specifications and List of specifications and List of specifications and
constraints constraints complete and constraints complete, but in constraints incomplete constraints irrelevant/wrong
relevant according to the some cases not in line with
design brief design brief
Design brief:
Sketches: Sketch two possible designs for a suitable watchtower.
Assessment Rubric
Aspect Excellent achievement Achieved Partly achieved Not achieved
Mark (10-8)
Mark (7-6) Mark (5) Mark (4-0)
Initial ideas Ideas neatly sketched and Ideas sketched and captions Ideas sketched but not very Sketches incomprehensible,
captions given, written notes and given, written notes and labels clear, few written notes and written notes and labels are
labels are included are included labels are included incomplete
Idea no. 1
Idea no. 2
3D isometric projection: Draw isometric drawing of the watchtower. The drawing must be to scale and
with dimensions.
Assessment Rubric
Aspect Excellent achievement Achieved Partly achieved Not achieved
Mark (10-8)
Mark (7-6) Mark (5) Mark (4-0)
Isometric drawing Extremely clear indication of Clear indication of what a Some indication of what a No indication of what a
what a watchtower must look watchtower must look like watchtower must look like and watchtower must look like
like and requirements to which it and requirements to which requirements to which it must and requirements to which it
must comply it comply comply, but vague in some cases must comply
3D isometric drawing
Drawing: Draw a 2D working drawing showing one view (front view) with dimensions and line types.
Assessment Rubric
Aspect Excellent achievement Achieved Partly achieved Not achieved
Mark (10-8)
Mark (7-6) Mark (5) Mark (4-0)
Drawing Drawing is complete and neat Drawing is complete is Parts of drawing are missing Drawing not done or is
with caption complete with caption incomplete
2D Working drawing
MAKE: The group must build the watchtower using safe working practices.
Assessment Rubric
Aspect Excellent achievement Achieved Partly achieved Not achieved
Mark (10-8) Mark (7-6) Mark (5) Mark (4-0)
Physical features Sophisticated Ordinary Basic Inferior
(What does it look parts/components/system parts/components/systems parts/components/system parts/components/systems
like and/or feel like) s are included in the are included in the product s are included in the are included in the product
product product
Construction (How is The appearance of the The assembling and The assembling and The product is untidy and
it made?) product bears evidence of finishing of the product are finishing of the product tends to fall apart
solid and secure joints and of good quality must be refined
the application of high
quality finishing
Function (What was The product’s function is in The product’s function is in The product’s function is to The product does not
it made for? Who line with the design brief, line with the design brief, a certain extent in line with function at all
was it made for) and all the specifications and most of the the design brief, and
and constraints specifications and specifications and
constraints constraints
Design (Is it well The product reflects all the The products reflects most The product reflects the The product does not
designed) aspects included in the of the aspects included in working drawing regarding reflect the working
working drawing the working drawing shape only, but not drawing at all
regarding size/dimensions
Value (What is it The product will The product will mainly The product will partly The product will not solve
worth?) completely solve the solve the problem/need solve the problem/need the problem/need
Assessment Rubric
Aspect Excellent achievement Achieved Partly achieved Not achieved
Mark (10-8)
Mark (7-6) Mark (5) Mark (4-0)
Making Excellent tool and manipulation Good tool and manipulation skills Further development of Poor tool and manipulation
skills tool and manipulation skills
skills required
Communication: As a team you must plan a joint strategy to present your model and plans to the class.
Present with a double vanishing point perspective sketch enhanced using any two of the following: colour,
texture or shading.
Assessment Rubric
Aspect Excellent achievement Achieved Partly achieved Not achieved
Mark (10-8)
Mark (7-6) Mark (5) Mark (4-0)
Communication Clear for somebody else to make Conveys sense of the object to Conveys some sense of the Simple unlabelled
the product. Clear double be made. Double vanishing point object to be made. Vanishing sketch(es); relying on shared
vanishing point perspective perspective sk etch enhanced point perspective sketch meanings
sketch enhanced using colour, using colour, texture or shading enhanced using colour,
texture or shading texture or shading