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Technical Data
You can use this business function to calculate and post many nancial processes per ledger. This leads to a high degree of
automation and accuracy for parallel valuation runs. If you activate the business function, all ledgers and currencies con gured
for the universal journal will be relevant for the Material Ledger, Controlling, and Asset Accounting application components.
The activation of this business function has major implications for multiple business processes. Once the business function
has been activated, it cannot be deactivated. For this reason, you must be aware of the consequences and plan and prepare
for the activation well in advance. For more information on the main features that are in scope with this business function as
well as its main restrictions, see SAP Note 3191636 .
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You may only activate this business function (FINS_PARALLEL_ACCOUNTING_BF) if you are starting to use SAP S/4HANA in
your empty system. No postings must exist in any company code in your system.
The following applies to Asset Accounting: No asset master data and no asset postings must exist in your system.
The following applies to Materials Management: No material master data and no material prices must exist in your system.
No automatic Migration
However, you can transfer legacy data using the tools provided in SAP S/4HANA, such as the SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit.
You make the Customizing settings in the Implementation Guide under Financial Accounting Global Settings and in the speci c
Implementation Guides for the application components.
Activating and setting up the Universal Parallel Accounting (FINS_PARALLEL_ACCOUNTING_BF) business function
automatically also activates the features for an enhanced procedure of setting up alternative scal year variants.
With Universal Parallel Accounting, you can bene t from the exibility of the parallel ledgers not only in General Ledger
Accounting but also in various subledgers. You can post different data for each ledger and therefore also display or select data
from different ledgers in many Finance apps.
You can de ne up to ten currencies that can be used across all ledgers and accounting processes.
For more information on the features for the various affected application components, see the following sections:
For the implementation of universal parallel accounting, you use separate ledgers and assign the required accounting principle
to each ledger. You can either assign the same accounting principle to all company codes or you can assign accounting principles
individually on company code-level.
If you want to use group valuation in addition to the legal valuation, you also use a separate ledger. Group valuation is
implemented using a single-valuation ledger approach, that is, separate types of valuation - the legal valuation and the group
valuation - are stored in separate ledgers
Asset Accounting
The Asset Accounting component provided with the Universal Parallel Accounting business function fully supports parallel
It differs from the previous Asset Accounting in several ways. The data structures for asset master data and for con guration
data were simpli ed and are now free of redundancies with General Ledger data structures.
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The posting logic has changed as well: All journal entries are now posted to the universal journal, even the statistical postings.
All postings are ledger-speci c. Reporting has changed accordingly.
User Interface
You make the Customizing settings in the backend using the SAP GUI. For your daily work, we recommend using only the
frontend, that is the SAP Fiori launchpad. The reason is that several important Asset Accounting apps are available as SAP Fiori
apps only. However, an SAP Easy Access Menu Fixed Assets (Parallel Accounting) with the most important backend
transactions is also available. When you activate the business function, the new menu structure Fixed Assets (Parallel
Accounting) replaces the previous one Fixed Assets.
You make your Customizing settings in the new Implementation Guide Asset Accounting (Parallel Accounting). This new
Implementation Guide replaces the previous Implementation Guide Asset Accounting.
The new Implementation Guide Asset Accounting (Parallel Accounting) is based on new and restructured con guration tables.
The accounting principle is now the main valuation entity throughout universal parallel accounting. The settings for ledgers and
accounting principles are only made once. This means that, for example, currencies de ned within a ledger are only maintained
once in the Financial Accounting Global Settings without redundant con guration in the other components. In the Asset
Accounting Customizing there is the new entity valuation view which needs to be assigned to the accounting principle. The chart
of depreciation, on the other hand, now only plays a subordinate role in Asset Accounting Customizing: It merely bundles the
depreciation keys that have to be assigned to an accounting principle.
Master Data
There is a new concept for asset master data in place with simpli ed data structures. The new Manage Fixed Assets app
(F3425) is built on these data structures. It combines the asset worklist with the master data maintenance and the value
For the asset master record, you can extend the standard set of elds by adding your own elds with the standard technique of
the Custom Fields app.
Note (relevant for company codes in the USA): In order to ful ll the requirements of the mid-month convention, there is now a
different period control with 24 real calculation periods. You have to take the new system behavior into account when specifying
the useful life in the asset master data.
Quantities are no longer stored in the asset master record. There are now postings with journal entries for quantities instead.
Adjustment postings for quantities are now also possible.
Asset Postings
Selection per Ledger: In the posting apps for Asset Accounting, the ledger is ready for input on the selection screens, that is,
you can restrict a posting to a speci c ledger. The accounting principle is displayed for information purposes only.
Document Display per Ledger: The journal entries are also displayed per ledger and depreciation area. This display of journal
entries (document display) is available in many posting apps when you simulate the posting and it is also available when you
display a journal entry which has already been posted.
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Postings with Quantities: Postings with quantities (short: quantity postings) are possible in all ledgers. The quantity postings are
thereby posted to the universal journal (table ACDOCA) in the general ledger. Quantity postings are updated in the leading
depreciation area of each ledger, that is, the depreciation area relevant for the balance sheet. In the same way as for posting
currency amounts, you can post different quantities for each ledger: The posting apps also allow you to restrict quantity
postings to speci c ledgers. If you make adjustment postings with the Post Quantity – Adjustment app, you can make these
ledger-speci c, too.
Currency for Postings: By default, the functional currency is the currency you use in the posting transactions. However, in some
of the posting apps (such as Post Acquisition (Non-Integrated) - With Automatic Offsetting Entry and Post Post-Capitalization),
the currency eld is ready for input and can therefore be entered freely. This means that you are able to post with the
transaction currency even if the transaction currency is not identical to the company code currency or the functional currency.
BAdI FAA_DOCLINES_CUSTOMER: If you have a BAdI implementation for the BAdI Customer-Speci c Change of Line Items in
Asset Document (FAA_DOCLINES_CUSTOMER), note the following: Due to the changed posting document structure, there is a
new BAdI method CHANGE_DOCUMENT_UPA. You must replace an implementation of the previous method CHANGE_DOCUMENT
with a new implementation of CHANGE_DOCUMENT_UPA. For the relevant correction instructions, see SAP Note 3243881 .
Loading Asset Data to Group Reporting: For the time being, a consolidation transaction type is derived (set) from the asset
transaction type. However, in Asset Accounting, the system no longer checks whether this is done consistently; instead, the
consistency must be ensured in Group Reporting. You can perform a substitution when loading the asset data to Group
Reporting; for example, you can perform a substitution for all documents of the depreciation posting run that contain the
indicator for affiliated companies (VBUND).
For the depreciation run, you can now enter the ledger on the selection screen.
Within Asset Accounting, there are so-called statistical postings, valid for Asset Accounting only. These postings were made for
statistical depreciation areas (such as tax depreciation areas). The statistical transaction data will be posted to and reported
from the same structure of the General Ledger as any other asset posting: the universal journal. The data in the General
Ledger structures will be stored per ledger. For this reason, every standard ledger in General Ledger Accounting will be
assigned to one technical ledger. The data of the statistical depreciation areas in Asset Accounting belonging to the accounting
principle of this standard ledger will be written into the assigned technical ledger. With the new data model, there will be
currency values available for all G/L-relevant currencies, also for the postings to statistical depreciation areas which are de ned
within a ledger per company code.
Furthermore, some statistical information of the G/L-relevant depreciation areas will also write their data to the technical
ledger. This includes manual depreciation and revaluation postings, as well as revenue information from asset sale and
subsequent cost and revenue postings after asset sale. Manual depreciation and asset revaluation thus lead directly to
postings on the corresponding depreciation or revaluation account in the general ledger. A speci c transaction type category
allows to recognize that a line item originated from the "manual depreciation" transaction. As a result, the manual depreciation
can be displayed separately in reporting.
In a derived depreciation area, depreciation is calculated based on two or more real depreciation areas using a calculation
formula. There are the following types of derived depreciation areas: (1) Derived depreciation areas for special reserves (used,
for example, for accounting principles in France and Finland). (2) Statistical derived depreciation areas (used, for example, for
accounting principles in Russia, Japan, and Thailand).
For the second type, that is for the statistical derived depreciation areas, the system no longer calculates the values on the y
but saves them to the database: The system creates line items in the universal journal (table ACDOCA). This means, the system
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behavior for the second type of derived depreciation area is now the same as it used to be for the rst type of depreciation
area. As a result, you can report on derived depreciation areas using the analytical SAP Fiori apps.
All currencies de ned in the ledger settings are fully supported in Asset Accounting. This allows you to have more parallel
currencies in Asset Accounting than before.
Replacement of Parallel Depreciation Areas: Parallel currencies are no longer mapped using parallel currency areas. To display
values in a parallel currency you no longer select depreciation areas. Instead, just one depreciation area will manage values in
all currencies which are de ned in the respective ledger and company code. This affects the asset value display transaction and
reporting for example, amongst others.
Foreign Currency Areas: Since you now have all currencies from General Ledger Accounting available in Asset Accounting,
foreign currency areas are no longer supported in Asset Accounting.
Functional Currency: The functional currency is the currency that is used as the primary working currency of an organization.
This can be the company code currency, the group currency, or a currency that differs from these currencies. The functional
currency is available for value display of single assets, asset postings, and reporting.
Asset Master Data (Manage Fixed Asset app): The scrap value is displayed in functional currency by default.
Posting apps: By default, the currency is preset either to the functional currency (provided that it has been de ned) or to
the local company code currency. If a functional currency is not uniquely de ned for all ledgers within a company code,
the system presets the company code currency as the default. However, if you restrict your posting to a speci c ledger
and a functional currency is de ned for that ledger, the system applies the functional currency by default for that ledger.
Value Display (Manage Fixed Assets app): All values and journal entries are shown in functional currency by default.
Reporting: All analytical SAP Fiori apps can display results in all available parallel currencies including the functional
currency. However, in these apps, the functional currency is not preset as the default currency.
For reporting purposes, you use the analytical SAP Fiori apps.
Because the concept of parallel valuation areas has been replaced, the selection of valuation areas in Reporting has changed:
The values in parallel currency are no longer mapped using special parallel currency areas. Therefore, if you want to display the
reporting data for a depreciation area in a speci c currency, you select the required currency or the required currency type for a
depreciation area.
Asset Accounting supports the forecasting of depreciation values for scal years that are not yet open and that can be up to 5
years in the future. The system stores these forecast values in a speci c table (ACDOCP).
Group Valuation
Asset Accounting supports group valuation. A speci c ledger and a depreciation area are available for this purpose.
The new solution for an alternative scal year variant (replacing the so-called lean solution with an additional ledger) is
supported in Asset Accounting. The values belonging to the ledger with a non-calendar scal year are determined by period and
used for asset reporting.
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For automatic legacy data transfer with the SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit, separate migration objects for assets master
data and for asset postings are available: SIF_FIXED_ASST_M and SIF_FIXED_ASS_P2. These replace the previous
migration object.
For manual legacy data transfer, you mainly use the apps Manage Legacy Assets (for asset master data) and Post Transfer
Values - For Legacy Asset (for asset postings).
Regardless of whether you perform a manual or an automatic legacy transfer, the following applies for the transfer of asset
values: As with normal postings, the transfer of asset values takes place for each ledger. Furthermore, the system automatically
translates the values into parallel currencies, by default.
Archiving assets is now redundancy-free: You archive existing assets using the new archiving object FAA_ASSET. This archiving
object is mainly for asset master data. The journal entries containing asset postings are no longer part of the asset archiving
object but part of the FI_DOCUMENT archiving object.
Due to the new data model, the previous master data BAPIs have been replaced by new APIs. APIs with SOAP technology are
available for creating and changing asset master data. The following inbound services are available:
FAA_FIXED_ASSET_CHANGE_WEBI; corresponding outbound services are also available. Another API is available for the usage
object required in the units-of-production method of depreciation: API_FIXEDASSETUSAGEOBJECT_G4BA.
Asset Accounting is integrated with Contract and Lease Management (from RE-FX).
Overhead Accounting
It differs from the previous overhead accounting solution in certain ways. Now you can run overhead calculations, actual cost
rate calculations, and settlements per ledger. You can also maintain cost rates per ledger. The COGM solution is, therefore, not
needed and not supported any longer with parallel accounting.
User Interface
You make your Customizing in the backend system using SAP GUI. For your daily work, we recommend using the SAP Fiori
launchpad only. As several important Overhead Accounting apps are available as SAP Fiori apps only.
You can use SAP Analytics Cloud for your planning activities. 'Classic' planning transactions aren't supported with parallel
Actual Postings
Due to parallel accounting, there are certain changes to the following processes:
The cost rates table COST was replaced by the table ACCOSTRATE. All cost rates are stored in table ACCOSTRATE
including service cost rates. For service cost rates, the SD condition technique isn't used any longer.
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Use the Manage Direct Activity Allocation (F3697) app to carry out direct activity allocation.
You can maintain and display ledger-speci c cost rates using the following apps:
This app is only available if the business function Intercompany Process Enhancements 1
(FINS_CO_ICO_PROC_ENH_101) is activated.
The system uses the ledger-speci c cost rates to calculate the amounts to be posted to the parallel ledgers.
If no ledger-speci c cost rates exist, the system will use the ledger-independent cost rate.
Transfer of planned cost rates: We recommend you transfer planned cost rates from SAP Analytics Cloud without
specifying a ledger.
Intercompany cost rates: You maintain intercompany (ICO) cost rates ledger-independently. ICO cost rates are used as
sales prices for activity allocations between different legal entities and can therefore never be ledger-dependent.
Transaction currencies: The transaction currencies of cost rates can be different for each ledger. When you post activity
allocations, the amount in the transaction currency will be converted to the transaction currency of the cost rate in the
leading ledger. As a result, activity allocation uses one currency as the transaction currency in the posting document.
Cost rates access sequence: Actual cost rates de ned using actual cost rate calculation or with the Manage Cost Rates -
Actual app take priority over cost rates in Manage Cost Rates - Services and Manage Cost Rates - Plan.
If no actual cost rate exists, the corresponding rate de ned with one of the other two apps is used, depending on the
allocation receiver.
1. Ledger
Group valuation
Note that the intercompany margin isn't posted in group valuation ledgers.
Period-End Closing
Due to parallel accounting there will be changes to the following period-end closing processes:
Calculate periodic actual cost rates per ledger and company code (Periodic Price)
Calculate cumulative actual cost rates per ledger and company code (Cumulative Price)
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Under cumulative calculation, the price for a period is the total of the costs and activities for all periods up to the
period under consideration (your entry in the To Period eld). This method smoothes out cost uctuations
between periods.
For each ledger and company code, you can only select either periodic or cumulative actual price calculation.
Since actual cost rates are the basis for the ledger-speci c actual costing run (Ledger Run), you must also select the
corresponding ledger run type in the actual costing run:
If you select Periodic Price in the actual cost rate calculation, you must use the run type Single Period Run in the
actual costing run.
If you select Cumulative Price in the actual cost rate calculation, you must use the run type Year-to-Date Run in
the actual costing run.
Overhead Calculation
Overheads are now calculated and posted per ledger. To calculate the overhead calculation per ledger, you must run it for
each ledger individually. Therefore, you must specify the ledger in the overhead calculation.
If you don't specify any ledger in your overhead calculation, overheads are only calculated in your leading ledger and the
values are copied to all ledgers.
You can now settle actual costs from a single WBS element, project, or order in parallel ledgers.
You must, however, perform settlement runs for each ledger individually. Therefore, you have to specify the ledger in the
settlement run.
If you do not perform the settlement run for one ledger, the values posted to that ledger will remain in the object. This is
important for archiving or project closing.
In general, only the analytical apps mentioned below have been enabled for parallel accounting to deal with ledgers and up to
ten currencies, for example. You can select and review your nancial data in these analytical apps by ledger, since the ledger is a
lter criterion. Please note that it is not possible to select and compare two different ledgers, since you can only lter a ledger
by single value.
Name App ID
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Name App ID
With parallel accounting, you can use margin analysis. Costing-based pro tability analysis and combined pro tability analysis
aren't supported.
Parallel accounting offers consistent support of parallel accounting standards for the value creation process, including make to
stock and make to order, allowing parallel representation of different accounting principles for standard costs and the valuation
of work in process, nished goods inventories and cost of goods sold at actual costs.
Calculate the lowest value by range of coverage and by movement rate per ledger with ledger-speci c valuation
Valuate preliminary costs for production orders/process orders with ETO in parallel ledgers. The semi- nished/ nished
products of special project stock are valuated in parallel ledgers based on the order preliminary costs.
Parallel accounting enables you to calculate the cost of goods manufactured based on various accounting principles. The
underlying accounting principle is assigned to each ledger. By using ledger-speci c costing variants, costing types and valuation
variants, you can calculate different material prices per ledger.
Calculate the price of costing objects (materials or sales order items) based on different ledgers, that is, based on
different accounting principles (for example, accounting HGB and IFRS for the legal valuation view)
Apply ledger-speci c cost rates for the valuation of internal activities in a material cost estimate
Ledger-speci c plan cost rates can be calculated using SAP Analytics Cloud. Manual cost rates can only be entered in the
leading ledger. This means that the same cost rate is used for postings to all parallel ledgers.
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Apply ledger-speci c material prices for the valuation of externally procured materials in a material cost estimate
You can only use these predelivered costing variants for cost estimates in the respective ledgers.
With parallel accounting, ledger-speci c costing types are introduced: 0L, 2L and 3L
The costing type speci es the valuation view. Optionally, you can now assign a ledger to a costing type.
The assigned ledger must contain at least one material ledger currency type which belongs to the valuation view that was
assigned to the costing type.
You can use ledger-speci c costing types for standard cost estimates in order to be able to mark and release standard prices in
reference to a ledger.
You can update a standard price for costing variants with a speci c ledger, but also for a costing type (costing variant) without
ledger assignment.
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B2L for ledger 2L
Initially, each of these valuation variants has the same Customizing settings as the standard valuation variant 001.
You can maintain ledger-speci c valuation variants in the following Customizing activity:
Controlling Product Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning Material Cost Estimates with Quantity Structure
Costing Variant: Components De ne Valuation Variants
Actual Costing
With parallel accounting, you can perform ledger-speci c actual costing runs (Ledger Runs). Furthermore, you can calculate
periodic or cumulative actual prices per ledger using Ledger Run Types (Single Period Run and Year-To-Date Run).
You need to create ledger runs for each ledger individually. Before you create a new Ledger Run, open the app Edit Actual
Costing Runs (transaction CKMLCP) and create a Run Template per ledger that is relevant for actual costing. Once created, you
can reuse the templates as the basis for future ledger runs.
Material Subledger
With parallel accounting, you can maintain material ledger data per ledger.
Maintain material inventory prices per ledger with the app Manage Material Valuations (F2680) or in the material
master apps (Create Material (MM01), Change Material (MM02), Display Material (MM03))
Make mass changes to material prices per ledger with the app Upload Material Inventory Prices (F4006)
After the upgrade, you must maintain material prices for each ledger individually. Price changes are not updated in
additional ledgers automatically. Follow this procedure for existing materials as well as new materials.
With parallel accounting, you have the option to run certain inventory balance sheet valuation procedures per ledger.
Calculate inventory balance sheet values per ledger with the app Determine Inventory Balance Sheet Value (MRN9N)
Calculate the lowest value by range of coverage and by movement rate per ledger with the apps Determine Lowest
Value - Movement Rate (MRN2N) and Determine Lowest Value - Range of Coverage (MRN1N)
Post results per ledger (delta posting or price change) with the apps Adjust Inventory Balance Sheet Accounts - Delta
Posting (MRND) and Adjust Inventory Balance Sheet Accounts - Price Change (MRNP)
All valuation alternatives are ledger-speci c. If you don't specify a ledger, the leading ledger is selected by the system. You
must perform valuations for each ledger individually. Prices and values will not be updated automatically in additional
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For FIFO valuation and lowest value determination based on market prices, the inventory price can currently only be processed
for the leading ledger.
To assign a speci c ledger to a valuation alternative, open the following activity in Customizing: Materials Management
Valuation and Account Assignment Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures Set Up Valuation Alternatives .
To de ne ledger-speci c devaluation percentages by movement rate, open the following activity in Customizing: Materials
Management Valuation and Account Assignment Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures Con gure Lowest-Value Method
Price Deductions Based on Non-Movement Maintain Devaluation Percentages by Movement Rate .
To de ne ledger-speci c devaluation percentages by range of coverage, open the following activity in Customizing: Materials
Management Valuation and Account Assignment Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures Con gure Lowest-Value Method
Price Deductions by Range of Coverage Maintain Devaluation Percentages by Range of Coverage .
Investment Management
With parallel accounting, you can use only projects and internal orders as investment measures. For internal orders, several
restrictions apply, such as that no SAP Fiori apps are available.
Financial Accounting
Technical Data
This business function provides you with an ALE distribution scenario for new General Ledger Accounting.
In a system landscape with distributed production systems (such as a central FI system as a receiver system with local Logistics
systems as sender systems), you can transfer FI documents individually or grouped together in aggregated form. In the case of
aggregated document transfer, the system collects business transactions of the same type, summarizes them in an aggregated
document, and transfers this aggregated document to the receiver system. Transferring documents in aggregated form
reduces the data volume considerably, thereby improving performance.
The new distribution scenario replaces the previously used distribution scenarios for Financial Accounting.
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You activate the new distribution scenario for a speci c company code. Once you have activated the new distribution scenario
for a company code and the same receiver system is set up with the old distribution scenario for that company code, only the
IDoc of the new distribution scenario is generated. Otherwise, you can continue to use the old distribution scenario as before.
Key Features
You specify which documents are transferred individually and which are transferred in aggregated form by using the
corresponding indicator in the account master record. When this indicator is set, all documents that contain that account are
transferred individually. Similarly, all documents containing taxes are transferred individually. Furthermore, you can specify
additional criteria for the single document transfer.
With the single document transfer, document splitting information is also transferred to the receiver system.
All documents that have not been transferred individually are collected and can be transferred in an aggregated document.
With the aggregated document transfer, as many single documents as possible are summarized in an aggregated document
and then transferred as one document.
The single document transfer is performed automatically at the time of posting. You have to start the transfer of aggregated
documents explicitly from the menu.
To compare the transferred documents with the transaction gures at the ledger level, you can use the existing reconciliation
report Compare Documents / Transaction Figures, which you start in the central system. To check the totals of the transferred
documents at the account level in the receiver system and to display any variances, you can use the reconciliation report
Compare Documents from Totals Document Transfer.
You can reverse a transfer run for aggregated documents. You can control the reversal with the reconciliation report Compare
Documents from Totals Document Transfer.
The new basic type FAGLDT01 belongs to the new distribution scenario. There are the following new message types:
There are various Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) available for the new distribution scenario in the sender and receiver systems (such
as for appending customer elds to the IDoc). These BAdIs correspond to the customer exits of the old distribution scenarios.
We recommend using the BAdIs for the new distribution scenario.
Additional Information
For detailed documentation about the individual functions of the business function, see product assistance under Finance
Accounting and Financial Close General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) Tools Document Transfer Using ALE (FI-GL) .
Average Balances
Technical Data
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This business function is for banks only.
You can use this business function at any time during the scal year to calculate average daily balances. For example:
The system calculates average daily balances on the basis of the posting date of the document.
You can also calculate various key gures, such as the prior day balance and the year-to-date average balance.
You can use average daily balances for regulatory reporting, for instance, or to analyze your funding costs.
Key Features
Key Figure Calculation
You can use this function to calculate all or a selection of the key gures provided in the system.
Additional Information
For more information about the individual functions, see product assistance under Finance Accounting and Financial Close
General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) Reporting Financial Statements Average Daily Balance .
Technical Data
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You can use this business function to open and close posting periods by company code for CO transactions using the Manage
Posting Periods - Cost Accounting Fiori app.
You have the SAP Fiori Launchpad in place.
You have imported the settings delivered by SAP in the Customizing activities Edit Closing Steps (FINSV_CLSNGSTEP)
and Edit Business Transaction Types (FINSV_CBTTYPE) from client 000 into your productive system.
You have issued authorizations using the authorization object Maintain Business Transaction Types (F_BTTYPE). You
must perform this step or the Manage Posting Periods - Cost Accounting app will not display data.
Access a new Customizing activity in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (Controlling -> General Controlling ->
Organization -> Open and Close Posting Periods for CO Transactions by Company Code). You must make settings in this
activity to use the Fiori app.
Use the Manage Posting Periods - Cost Accounting Fiori app. The app allows you to open and close scal periods for cost
accounting transactions. This allows you to ensure that postings are made in the correct scal periods.
Related Information
Manage Posting Periods – Cost Accounting
Technical Data
This business function is for banks only.
You use this business function to optimize management of foreign currencies in your system.
You can use Multi Currency Accounting (MCA) to manage all accounts in their original currency. You can make valuations in
central foreign currency (FX) position accounts rather than in individual balance sheet accounts. The FX positions document the
currency risk and show currency uctuations separately from operational pro ts and losses.
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You can transform FX pro ts and losses into functional currency amounts, which are documented in the corresponding
FX positions.
You can use one or more FX position(s) to control currency exposure in the different company codes.
You can valuate FX positions for all non-functional currencies. The system creates the MCA balance sheet based on the
balances in the original currency.
MCA Run Administration
Document Entry
You can use the MCA Journal to enter MCA documents. You can map currency swaps in the system and correct FX positions. You
can park the documents and process them as ledger-speci c postings or ledger group-speci c postings in the new general
ledger. You can also execute single reversals or mass reversals.
Periodic Tasks
You can lock, close, and transform Pro t and Loss accounts, both document-based and balance-based.
You can make valuations of the position accounts and balance sheet accounts and execute a restatement.
You can adjust the FI postings that represent implicit currency swaps by making MCA-speci c postings to FX positions.
Balance Carryforward
At the end of the scal year, you can carry forward the account balances of FX positions and initialize the FX positions. All
periodic tasks offer the option of aggregating the posting results, which means you can display aggregated FX positions.
This enables you to measure currency exposures separately from operational pro ts and losses.
In the speci c MCA Balance Sheet, the balances in the original currency form the basis for translation into the desired
display currency.
In the speci c MCA G/L acount balances report, the balances in the original currency balances are the basis for
translation into the desired display currency.
You use the MCA validation check to check whether the exchange rates are plausible, the postings are complete, and
that close and transformation of pro t and loss accounts was successful. You can also run a report to check whether all
relevant Customizing settings are correct.
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Exchange Rates
You can de ne the document types for which you want to use market data exchange rates rather than classical currency
translation. When entering FI documents, market data exchange rates enable you to use exchange rates with a total of 28
places, of which a maximum of 14 can be decimal places.
You can de ne number ranges, de ne packages for parallel processing, and load external MCA-relevant data into the system.
More Information
You can nd more information about the new function in two different positions in the Product Assistance:
Financial Accounting
For more information about each function, see Product Assistance for SAP S/4HANA under Finance Accounting and
Financial Close General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) Periodic Processing Closing Operations Multi Currency
Accounting .
For more information about each function, see Product Assistance for SAP S/4HANA under Finance Accounting and
Financial Close General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) Closing and Reporting (FI) Preparing the Financial Statements
Multi Currency Accounting .
Technical Data
Directly-Dependent Business Function Requiring Activation in For segment reporting for xed assets in new General Ledger
Addition Accounting: Business Function Reporting Financials 3
You can use this business function to portray the reassignment of pro t centers in new General Ledger Accounting (Pro t
Center Reorganization).
A change to the pro t center structure is generally triggered by a management decision. The pro t center reorganization
assists you in dividing up, combining, and replacing pro t centers. A change to the pro t center structure necessitates a change
to the assignment of pro t centers to objects (such as materials, orders, purchase orders, or sales orders).
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 18
This often entails changing thousands of objects and making corresponding adjustment postings. With the pro t center
reorganization, this business function provides a standard process for this.
You can use this standard process to change the pro t center assignment on a key date in the future. Pro t center reporting
can be performed consistently in new General Ledger Accounting both before as well as after changes to pro t center
assignments. Objects affected by the reorganization (such as materials and orders) are reassigned and their stocks or balances
are transferred in new General Ledger Accounting. All steps are logged and are therefore veri able.
Furthermore, you can use this business function in Asset Accounting as well as in new General Ledger Accounting to create
asset reports at the pro t center or segment level.
Contact your SAP Account Executive to establish whether using Pro t Center Reorganization causes additional license fees
to be incurred by you.
You can use the reorganization to change the pro t center assignments of objects from different application components (such
as FI-AA, CO, or SD). For a detailed list of the objects that can be reorganized, see below.
Key Features
The Reorganization Manager is responsible for the entire reorganization project. He or she creates the reorganization
plan and performs the steps for generating the object lists (that is, determining the objects involved), for reassignment,
and for performing transfers on the basis of speci cations made by object owners in the system. The reorganization
manager ends the reorganization by closing the reorganization plan.
The Reorganization Object Owner assigns the new pro t centers to the objects in his or her area of responsibility. The
reorganization manager cannot make any further changes to these assignments during reassignment and transfer
Process Flow
The reorganization manager creates a reorganization plan. This is where the reorganization date is speci ed. The
reorganization date occurs in the future, is the start date of a posting period of the leading ledger, and is also the start date of
the reorganization period. The reorganization also contains the controlling area and the assignment of new to old pro t
centers. In the next step, the reorganization manager starts object list generation from within the reorganization plan. When
generating the object list, the system looks for the objects (such as materials or WBS elements) that are affected by the pro t
center reorganization and to which a new pro t center needs to be assigned. These objects are entered in the object lists
belonging to the object owners. An object list serves as a worklist for an object owner. Before the reorganization period is
opened, the object owners need to store the new pro t center assignments in the system.
Once the previous period (including any assessments, settlements, and so on) has been closed, the reorganization manager
performs the reassignment from within the reorganization plan. This changes the pro t centers stored in the master data of
the objects determined in the previous step. The system determines any dependent objects for successfully reassigned objects
that have imparted the pro t center and reassigns such dependent objects in the same way. This ensures in particular that
oating processes (such as the clearing of any open items) are diverted to the new pro t centers.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 19
Then, from within the reorganization plan, the reorganization manager starts the balance transfers for objects that have
already been reassigned. This enables balances to be displayed consistently for key dates at the pro t center level. Transfer
postings are made in new General Ledger Accounting. In the case of xed assets, the system performs an integrated transfer
posting (in new General Ledger Accounting as well as in Asset Accounting). The system logs all affected objects, their old and
new assignment, and the relevant object owner. It also logs the transferred balances for each object. Separate consolidation
transaction types can be used to see the transferred balances in totals reports in new General Ledger Accounting.
For more information about the process ow of the reorganization, see Reorganization Process.
The following object types that have pro t centers in their master data record are reassigned consistently: Fixed asset,
material, purchase order, sales document (such as sales order or contract), cost center, cost object, WBS element, network,
network activity, internal order, accrual order, CO production order, product cost collector, QM order, PP production order,
service and maintenance order, process order, payable, and receivable.
During the transfer of the balances of the affected objects, the system only transfers balances that can be assigned directly to
the affected objects. The following balance sheet items are reorganized:
In the pro t and loss statement, no transfer postings are made. In the case of cost-relevant transactions, the following applies:
Provided that the P&L line items contain a cost object carrying a pro t center, the system makes postings to the new pro t
center in the reorganization period in the P&L statement; in the prior period, the system makes postings to the old pro t
You can specify the account assignment objects Pro t Center and Segment in the master data of the xed assets. (You use a
corresponding program to derive the pro t center or segment for xed assets already present in the system as well).
This enables you to create asset reports at the pro t center or segment level.
In Asset Accounting, you can create various reports at the pro t center or segment level.
In new General Ledger Accounting, you can create an aggregated report on changes in tangible assets. In the report, the
values are cumulated on the basis of the G/L accounts. The report is provided via POWL technology.
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For more information, see the application documentation:
For General Ledger Accounting under Finance Accounting and Financial Close General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL)
Reporting Financial Statements Segment Reporting for Fixed Assets
For Asset Accounting under Finance Accounting and Financial Close Asset Accounting (FI-AA) Information
System Standard Reports Segment Reporting for Fixed Assets
More Information
For more detailed documentation about the individual functions in G/L accounting (including reorganization), see
Product Assistance under Finance Accounting and Financial Close General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) .
There is a business function corresponding to this business function in Public Sector Management (PSM), allowing you
to reassign account assignments in Funds Management. For more information about this business function, see PSM,
Reassignment with New General Ledger Accounting.
Technical Data
Controlling (CO)
You can use this business function to reassign segments in the SAP S/4HANA general ledger. It provides you with a single point
of entry for auditable and role-based process administration.
A change to the segment structure is triggered by management and necessitates a change to the assignment of segments to
objects (such as pro t centers, receivables, payables, and assets). Segment reorganization allows you to split, merge, and
change segments. This business function provides a standard procedure for changing the affected objects and making
corresponding adjustment postings.
You can use this procedure to change the segment assignment on a particular date in the future. You can perform segment
reporting in new General Ledger Accounting both before and after making changes to segment assignments. In the previous
period, the system reports the old segments; beginning in the new period, the system reports the new segments. The system
logs all steps so you can verify them.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 21
Contact your SAP Account Executive to establish whether using Segment Reorganization means additional license fees for
You can use the reorganization to change the segment assignments of objects from different application components, such as
FI-AA, CO, and SD. For the complete list of components, see the Technical Data table above.
The reorganization manager is responsible for the entire reorganization project and does the following:
Generates the object lists (determines which objects are involved in the reorganization)
The object owner assigns new segments to the objects in his or her area of responsibility.
The reorganization manager cannot make changes to these assignments during reassignment and transfer postings.
Process Flow
1. The reorganization manager creates a reorganization plan and speci es the reorganization date.
2. The reorganization manager executes the pro t center master data transaction and changes the pro t center for which
the segment should be changed.
3. The reorganization manager starts the object list generation from the reorganization plan.
5. Before the reorganization period, the object owners process their object lists and specify which segments need to be
reassigned to which objects.
6. Once the previous period (including any assessments, settlements, and so on) has been closed, the reorganization
manager performs the reassignment from the reorganization plan.
7. From the reorganization plan, the reorganization manager starts the balance transfers for objects that have been
8. The system logs all affected objects, their old and new assignment, and the relevant object owner.
9. The reorganization manager sets the status of the reorganization plan to Completed.
For more information about the process ow of the reorganization, see Segment Reorganization Process.
Object types that include a segment are reassigned consistently. This includes pro t centers and all dependent objects.
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If the system cannot derive the segment from the pro t center, or if the pro t center is missing during posting, the objects are
still considered in the reorganization.
Segment reorganization considers all balance sheet positions. For pro t and loss (P/L) items, the system assumes that the new
segment posted in the new period is derived from the pro t center. This is possible since you can assign the segment for the
new period in the pro t center master data. P/L postings with segments that are not derived from the pro t center are not
Object Reorganization
For more information about the objects that can be reorganized, see the following:
You can specify the Segment account assignment object in the master data of xed assets. You can use a corresponding
program to derive the segment for existing xed assets.
In Asset Accounting, you can create various reports at the segment level.
In new General Ledger Accounting, you can create an aggregated report on changes in tangible assets. In the report, the values
are cumulated on the basis of the G/L accounts. The report is provided by the personal object worklist.
Obsolete in SAP S/4HANA
Technical Data
You can use this business function to change the valuation of the balances, revenues, expenses, and debts in the leading ledger
to another accounting principle. This change is especially important if the group wants to change how it performs closing as
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 23
Publish the individual account closing using different international reporting (such as IFRS instead of US GAAP)
Group-wide change from local reporting to international reporting (such as IFRS) to unify the group reporting procedure
The switch takes place in the context of a scal year change by means of a ledger switch: The non-leading ledger with the
accounting principle to which you want to switch becomes the leading ledger at the start of the new scal year. You then de ne
the existing leading ledger with the old accounting principle as a non-leading ledger. In this way, you can change the leading
valuation without having to make transfer postings. Furthermore, since the ledgers, their data, and their documents remain
unchanged, there are no additional obligations to produce supporting documents for auditing purposes.
With the change in leading valuation, the values in Controlling (CO) are calculated and updated on the basis of the new
accounting principle; this is because only the leading ledger is integrated with Controlling.
This business function provides a guided process with status management and a guide that also enables the technical
Obsolete in SAP S/4HANA.
The corresponding functions are available in SAP S/4HANA without them being linked to the business function. To use the
related functions in SAP S/4HANA, you do not have to activate the business function.
Technical Data
You can use this business function to be more exible in the use of different scal year variants with parallel ledgers.
To use the business function, the following criteria must be met:
You have set up and activated the application component General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) (New).
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You use the ledger approach to handle parallel accounting.
You have con gured the Asset Accounting (FI-AA) application component.
You have set up the integration with new General Ledger Accounting.
You make the Customizing settings for the business function in Customizing for Asset Accounting under Valuation
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Variants .
In the Customizing activity Allow Differing Variants for Depreciation Areas with G/L Integration, you activate the
new function for each company code.
You can freely de ne the different scal year variants per depreciation area in the Customizing activity Specify
Other Versions on Depreciation Area Level. We recommend that for each depreciation area you choose the scal
year variant of the representative ledger from the assigned ledger group.
If you use the ledger approach (parallel ledgers) for parallel accounting, with this business function you can post depreciation
from Asset Accounting separately to ledger groups in new General Ledger Accounting. Note particularly that the representative
ledgers of the different ledger groups can use different scal year variants, as long as their start and end dates are the same.
In addition, in Asset Accounting you can now enter differing scal year variants at depreciation area level also for posting
depreciation areas. If you enter the scal year variant of the assigned ledger group for each depreciation area, you can thereby
post and display the depreciation to the exact period for each accounting principle using the given scal year variant.
For an example of the new function, see the application documentation under Asset AccountingBasic Functions for Asset
Valuation Fiscal Years and Periods Different Fiscal Year for FI-AA.
Obsolete in SAP S/4HANA.
The corresponding functions are available in SAP S/4HANA without them being linked to the business function. To use the
related functions in SAP S/4HANA, you do not have to activate the business function.
Technical Data
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Prerequisite Business Function Financials Extension (EA-FIN)
Incompatible Business Function JVA, Integration with New General Ledger Accounting
This business function supports you with parallel accounting. Asset Accounting performs real ledger-group-speci c postings. In
contrast to the use of delta depreciation areas, postings are now fully clear and trackable. In addition, this opens up improved
options in reporting.
Asset Accounting with active business function and active Customizing switch is referred to below as "new Asset Accounting"
or "FI-AA (new)". Asset Accounting prior to this is referred to as "classic Asset Accounting" to distinguish between the two.
You can now exibly assign the depreciation areas of new Asset Accounting to the ledger groups of the general ledger. The xed
linkage of depreciation area 01 to the leading ledger in the general ledger no longer applies. The system posts parallel values
with the actual values in realtime; separate documents are posted for each valuation. This means the posting of delta values
has been replaced; as a result, the delta depreciation areas are no longer required.
You must or should activate business function (FIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL) in the following cases:
You want to use the SAP application for asset accounting for the rst time: In that case, we recommend that you
activate business function (FIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL).
You want to use the business function FI-GL (New), Change in Leading Valuation (such as IFRS)
(FIN_GL_CHNGE_LDG_VAL). In that case, it is mandatory that you activate the current business function
You are already using classic Asset Accounting. You also want to make postings in all valuations (for all accounting
principles) in real time. You want to be able to comprehend the postings of all valuations, without having to take into
account the postings of the leading valuation, as was previously the case.
The following details the advantages you gain by using new Asset Accounting:
Parallel documents for each valuation that post correct values from the beginning
Valuation-speci c postings by means of restriction to ledger group or depreciation area (that is, real ledger-
group-speci c postings); the restriction of transaction types to depreciation areas no longer applies
Different scal year variants for each valuation (restriction: start date and end date of the scal year variant
must be the same.)
Straightforward assignment of different accounts for each valuation within an asset class
Simpli ed management of goods that are to be capitalized in accordance with one set of accounting principles,
but are to be posted to expense in accordance with a different set.
Activating and setting up business function (FIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL) is the prerequisite for the business function FI-GL,
Change in Leading Valuation (such as to IFRS) (FIN_GL_CHNGE_LDG_VAL). When you change the leading valuation, it is
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 26
possible to change the accounting principles underlying the group valuation without having to adapt the con guration of new
Asset Accounting or change the historical transaction data.
To use the business function, the following criteria must be met:
You have set up and activated the application component General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) (New).
You have con gured the classic Asset Accounting (FI-AA) application component.
From the Financials Extension (EA-FIN), you use the new depreciation calculation with the depreciation
calculation program (DCP).
Or: If you have not previously used classic Asset Accounting, you need to make all of the necessary Customizing settings
for new Asset Accounting.
You need to activate business function FI-AA, Parallel Valuation (FIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL) for new Asset Accounting.
The activation of business function (FIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL) is effective system-wide. However, you prepare and activate the
functions for new Asset Accounting for each client separately in Customizing. As a result, it is possible for you to use new Asset
Accounting for the ledger approach in one client, while you can use classic Asset Accounting for the account approach in
another client.
If you want to use new Asset Accounting in a client, you are not allowed to use any of the following components:
You cannot activate new Asset Accounting in company codes in which JVA is active, and the reverse is also true.
The business function JVA, Integration with New General Ledger Accounting (JVA_GL_INTEGRATION) is also not
compatible with new Asset Accounting.
The LAE controls postings for the lessor scenario; this scenario consists of the components CRM Leasing (CRM-LAM)
and Leasing Accounting (FI-LA).
From Funds Management (PSM-FM) or Industry-Speci c Component Public Sector (IS-PS): Requests with Reference
to Asset
The function Requests with Reference to Asset is not allowed to be used together with new Asset Accounting.
If you are already using classic Asset Accounting and want to change to new Asset Accounting, the following additional
prerequisites apply:
Make sure that the periodic asset postings (with program RAPERB2000) are completed.
Also ensure that there are no update terminations from direct postings in the system. The parallel currencies in General
Ledger Accounting and in the depreciation areas in Asset Accounting must be the same. If you have previously been
using parallel currencies in General Ledger Accounting but you have not implemented the corresponding parallel
currency areas in Asset Accounting for all depreciation areas, you must rst implement these depreciation areas before
you can activate new Asset Accounting. Contact your consultant.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 27
When you activate the business function, that does not yet change the way your Asset Accounting functions. However, a
separate IMG structure for new Asset Accounting appears in the SAP Reference IMG under Financial Accounting (New): Asset
Accounting (New). This IMG structure also contains the Customizing switch for New Asset Accounting under :New Asset
Accounting: Preparation and Activation.
You start the con guration of new Asset Accounting with this Customizing switch. You then make the necessary Customizing
settings. And ultimately, you activate new Asset Accounting by setting the Customizing switch to Active.
For more information about the changeover and the Customizing settings, see the release note FIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL: FI-AA,
Parallel Valuation as well as Customizing for Asset Accounting (New) under New Asset Accounting: Preparation and Activation.
The Customizing switch that you use to start Customizing for new Asset Accounting is not reversible.
When you introduce new Asset Accounting in a client, it replaces classic Asset Accounting.
For more information about the new functions, see the following:
Function Documentation
Parallel Valuation in New Asset Accounting Parallel Valuation Methods in New Asset Accounting
Chart of Depreciation with Depreciation Areas Example: Chart of Depreciation with Depreciation Areas and Ledger Groups
Technical Data
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You can use this business function to map company areas that are exempt or partly exempt from tax on sales/purchases quickly
and efficiently in the system. You can de ne special tax codes for these company areas and create tax areas as proof for the
local tax office. A program to adjust tax for variable tax deduction rates is also available which enables you to react quickly and
exibly to subsequent changes in the tax deduction rates.
You can use the partly exempt organizations both in the private sector as well as in public-law areas. User friendly interfaces
support you in ful lling legal regulations.
Key Features
You can de ne special tax codes and include tax deduction rates speci ed by the tax office directly when posting documents.
This means that the tax deduction rates are included in all integrated components (such as cost accounting). Alternatively or in
addition to this, you can subject all turnover to a (changed) tax deduction rate subsequently.
You can use special turnover lists to portray which turnover has resulted in which tax for each area and the amount of the
adjustments that took place. This ful ls your obligation to provide the tax authority with proof. Company codes, pro t center,
business area, and segments are available for the maintenance of partly exempt organizations.
For more information on partly exempt organizations, see SAP Library under Partly Exempt Organizations.
Technical Data
Application Component
Accounts Payable (FI-AP)
You can use this business function to automate the processing of payment advice notes by employing enterprise services also
for outgoing payment advice notes. For this purpose, the following new operation is available in process component Payment
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Key Features
You have the following options for sending payment advice notes electronically in the form of an XML le:
You use the direct connection between your system and the receiver system, meaning between two systems in which SAP
NetWeaver Process Integration (SAP NetWeaver PI) is running. These systems are referred to as PI systems below. Your PI
system sends in this instance an XML message direct to the receiver PI system.
Sending an E-Mail
You use the e-mail address of the recipient. Your PI system sends in this instance an e-mail that includes the payment advice
note in the form of an XML le as an attachment. The recipient extracts the XML le and forwards it for processing to the
PaymentAdviceNotification_In enterprise service.
For more information about the service, visit SAP Help Portal.
You can use enterprise services for outgoing payment advice notes for the following business transactions:
You pay your incoming invoices using the payment program (transaction F110) and transfer a payment advice note to the
vendor via the cleared documents.
You collect the money for your outgoing invoice with the payment program for payment requests (transaction F110) and
transfer a payment advice note to the customer via the cleared documents.
Technical Data
Directly dependent business function requiring activation in Enterprise Extension Financials Extension (EA-FIN)
This business function enables you to enter the various business transactions with your business partners, such as the ordering
party, vendor, and subcontractors, for projects that extend over a long time period.
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You can create transactions such as advance payments, partial invoices, a nal invoice, and adjustments/corrections. When you
create partial invoices, nal invoices, and adjustments/corrections, you can take retention amounts and additional costs into
account. Debit-side and credit-side down payment chains are used for this kind of settlement.
The debit-side down payment chain comprises invoice processes and payment transactions with a customer, such as the
ordering party of a construction project.
The credit-side down payment chain comprises invoice processes and payment transactions with a vendor, such as a
Integration of the Down Payment Chain in Purchasing
If you have assigned the item category Service to an order item in the purchase order and the Customizing activity Assign
Chain Type to Purchase Order Document is con gured accordingly, a contract for the credit-side down payment chain is
created or changed for this order item. In credit-side down payment chains, the contract can be settled as follows:
Advance payment, several partial invoices taking account of retention amounts and service charges, a nal invoice, and
adjustments after the nal invoice. The following features are available:
Invoices and credit memos are only entered in the credit-side down payment chain and not in the logistics invoice
veri cation.
When an invoice is created in the down payment chain, the system enters a default gross value determined from the
service entry sheets that have been entered and released so far. You can overwrite this default value. Using message
control in Customizing, you can specify that the gross value cannot just be changed as required.
For more information, see the Implementation Guide under Enhance Debit-Side and Credit-Side Down Payment
Chains Change Message Control .
If you post or cancel invoices in a down payment chain, the system updates the commitment for the corresponding
purchase order item. The cancelation recreates the commitment items, and a nal invoice clears the commitment.
You can make an account assignment for the contract to WBS elements, a cost center, a network/activity, or an order.
For more information, see SAP Library under Debit-Side and Credit-Side Down Payment Chains.
Integration of the Debit-Side Down Payment Chain in the Sales Process within the Sales Order Item
If you create or change a sales order, the system checks if a chain type of a debit-side down payment chain has been assigned to
the selected item category of a sales document item.
If there is an assignment, the system displays the DP Chain tab page in the details of the sales document item and
prepopulates the chain type.
If the user has entered all the required data for creating a debit-side down payment chain, the system creates a debit-
side down payment chain contract when the user saves the sales order.
You can use WBS elements and orders as account assignment objects.
You create billing documents using the standard billing transaction, for example, transaction VF01 in the SAP Easy
Access screen under Logistics Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Document Create .
You can only release billing documents for down payment chains in transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_REL_INV in the SAP Easy
Access screen under Accounting Financial Accounting Additional Functions Down Payment Chains Release
Billing Documents for Down Payment Chains .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 31
If the accounting employee releases the billing document for the debit-side down payment chain, the system checks if a
transaction category of the down payment chain is assigned to the billing document type.
If there is an assignment, the system triggers posting for the corresponding transaction in the debit-side down payment
chain. The employee can enter retention amounts and additional costs. The gross amount of the transaction is copied
from the billing document and cannot be changed by the employee.
When the posting is saved, an entry is created in the debit-side down payment chains and an accounting document is
created in FI.
You post the incoming / outgoing payments for advance payments, partial invoices, nal invoices, and
corrections/adjustments in Accounts Payable Accounting (FI-AP). The payments are cleared in the down payment chain
transactions and displayed in the posting data.
You can only cancel billing documents that are relevant for down payment chains using transaction
/SAPPCE/DPC_CANC_INV in the SAP Easy Access menu under Accounting Financial Accounting Additional
Functions Down Payment Chains Cancel Billing Documents Relevant for Down Payment Chains . In the rst step,
select the billing document for a speci c billing date. Detailed information about the cancellation appears in a log.
Customer Enhancements
You can use the Business Add-In (BAdI) Posting the Down Payment Chain to design your own subscreen for posting a new down
payment chain transaction.
The Business Add-In (BAdI) Customer-Speci c Tab Pages in Contracts allows you to develop your own tab pages in down
payment chain contracts.
For more information about the Business Add-Ins, see the Customizing section Enhance Debit-Side and Credit-Side Down
Payment Chains under De ne Customer Enhancements.
You can make an account assignment for the contract of a debit-side or credit-side down payment chain to WBS elements, a
cost center, a network/activity, or an order. When you integrate debit-side down payment chains in the sales process, you can
use the WBS element and the order as account assignment objects.
Advance Payment
Advance payments are used for advance nancing. If you post partial invoices as invoices, you can enter advance payments up
until you enter a nal invoice. Advance payments can be cleared with the following partial invoice completely, partially, or not at
all. Retention amounts and additional costs are not taken into account in advance payments. Advance payments only affect
payments, not revenues. You post an advance payment entirely to an account assignment object (for example, a WBS element).
Retention Amounts
In the down payment chain contract, you can agree on the following retention amounts with your business partner:
Security retention amounts for partial invoices (that are cleared in the nal invoice)
You can consider the following retentions in the down payment chain transactions:
Security retention amounts for partial invoices (that are cleared in the nal invoice)
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When advance payment requests are created, no retention amounts are considered.
If you enter partial invoices as down payment requests, the retention amounts are posted statistically to the down payment
chain. The accounting document shows the open receivable or payable.
If you enter partial invoices as invoices, nal invoices, or adjustments/corrections, the security retention amounts and special
retention amounts are:
Posted as payables with a special G/L indicator and assigned a payment block for a credit-side DP chain
Posted as receivables with a special G/L indicator and assigned a payment block for a debit-side DP chain
You de ne the special G/L indicator in Customizing either based on the company code or based on the company code and the
retention category for debit-side and credit-side down payment chains.
The special G/L indicator determines the reconciliation accounts of the general ledger to which the system updates the
retention amounts (security retention amounts and special retention amounts). You de ne the payment block in Customizing
based on the company code for debit-side and credit-side down payment chains for partial invoices and nal invoices. In
Customizing, you can still con gure the net amount or gross amount as the base amount for the percentage calculation of the
security retention amounts.
Additional Costs
In the down payment chain contract, you can enter additional costs or contractors' all risk insurance that you agreed on with
your business partner. For contractors' all risk (CAR) insurance, you can choose the invoicing method:
Complete amount (percentage amount of the contract value) with the rst partial invoice, and possible corrections when
posting the nal invoice and adjustments
If the accounting employee posts a document, the system uses the percentage stored in the contract and the base amount
de ned in Customizing to calculate an amount for the additional cost category. The employee can make a value-based or
percentage-based change to this amount when processing the posting. In Customizing, you de ne if the additional costs should
be updated such that they decrease expenses or decrease revenues. The additional costs reduce the amount of the down
payment request in Accounting and are updated statistically in the down payment chains. For invoices, the additional costs
reduce the receivable or payable and are updated in Accounting such that they decrease revenues or decrease expenses.
Veri cations
You can maintain agreed veri cations in the contract. You can agree on a payment block for veri cations if the veri cation does
not arrive in the period speci ed. You de ne the payment block in Customizing.
Deferred Tax
Deferred taxes (known as minimum actual taxes in the construction industry) are taxes that are not reported to the tax
authorities at the time of the incoming invoice, but at a later time. Depending on the legal requirements in your country, you can
de ne the reporting time in Customizing, that is when the deferred tax should be reported to the tax authorities. The following
procedures are supported:
In Germany, the reporting time before the nal invoice is the time of payment. After you have created a nal invoice of a
down payment chain, the reporting time is the time of the incoming or outgoing invoice. This means that there is a
change from actual taxation to taxation on an accrual basis.
Technical Data
You can use this business function to exclude line items from the base amount used to calculate withholding tax. You can de ne
the exclusion parameters and include account assignments, document types, document ranges, and other elds.
You de ne a derivation strategy with criteria that speci es which line items are excluded from the base amount used in the
withholding tax calculation. If new General Ledger Accounting, Grantee Management, or the US Federal ledgers are used with a
splitting method that splits the base item category of withholding tax, the resulting lines for withholding tax are split based on
the characteristics that have not been excluded. The withholding tax data screen shows the details of included and excluded
This business function does not alter the existing extended withholding tax functionality; it makes it more exible by rede ning
the withholding tax base amount.
If you are using automatic down payment transfer functionality as described in the following list, the withholding tax information
is not stored on the down payment transfer lines, and therefore, the withholding tax calculation does not consider previously
calculated withholding amounts.
Down payment offset for purchase order-related documents including transfer lines calculated in goods receipt (for
valuated purchase order line items) and transfer lines in logistic invoice veri cation documents (for non-valuated
purchase orders)
Down payment offset for earmarked funds-related Financial Accounting (FI) invoices (in the PSM_FM_CI_2 business
Down payment offset for earmarked funds-related FI invoices at the header level (in the PSM_USFED_PPAP_3 business
If you need to use any of the above functionality, we recommend that you manually post the down payment transfer lines using
the Clear Vendor Down Payment transaction.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 34
The automatic down payment transfer functionality for purchase order-related down payments in logistic invoice veri cation
(in the LOG_MMFI_P2P business function) is excluded from this limitation.
In Customizing for Financial Accounting under Financial Accounting Global Settings Withholding Tax Extended
Withholding Tax Calculation Exclusions De ne Exclusions , you can maintain the exclusion rules depending on various
parameters such as G/L account and fund.
Travel Management
Travel Management
Technical Name of Business Function FIN_TRAVEL_1
Business function requiring activation in addition Enterprise Extension Travel Management Extension (EA-TRV)
This business function encompasses the new and extended functions of the Travel Management (FI-TV) component described
This business function contains a switch that activates the Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) and programs for the new enterprise
services (see the "Enterprise Services" section). If you activate the Travel Management (FIN_TRAVEL_1) business function in
your back-end system, the BAdIs and programs for the enterprise services become available.
Unless indicated otherwise in the details that follow, the new or enhanced functions are available only in the new user interfaces
and in Web browsers.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 35
The enhanced travel management applications in Employee Self-Service (ESS) of SAP NetWeaver Portal are based on Web
Dynpro ABAP technology. If you activate this business function, SAP Enterprise Portal no longer launches the Web Dynpro Java-
based applications, but rather the new Web Dynpro ABAP-based applications. Employees require new authorization pro les,
which are de ned in the new standard roles.
For more information, see Web Dynpro ABAP-Based Applications in Travel Management.
NWBC represents an alternative means of accessing the Web Dynpro ABAP-based applications of Travel Management.
Employees can run the same applications in NWBC as in SAP Enterprise Portal, depending on which new standard roles are
assigned to the employees. Employees with the new role Travel Policy Administrator can execute the Customizing applications
for managing travel policy.
The areas Travel Request, Travel Planning, and Travel Expenses are fully integrated into the new Web Dynpro ABAP-based user
interface. Employees can copy the following travel data:
When creating travel plans, employees can copy data from their travel requests. When employees create a new travel plan, the
system displays a list of open travel requests from which employees can copy data to the travel plan.
When creating expense reports, employees can copy data from their travel requests and travel plans. When employees create a
new expense report, the system displays a list of open travel requests and travel plans, from which employees can copy data to
the new expense report.
The personal object worklist (POWL) of each employee shows the status of the employee's trips and expenses. The POWL also
provides employees with quick access to the follow-up activities that are possible for the given status. For example, once a
travel request is approved, the employee can create a travel plan.
In travel requests, employees can specify which travel services are required for the following modes of travel (but they cannot
reserve or book them here):
Rental cars
The system displays the preferences of an employee based on his or her travel pro le. At a later date, employees can transfer
the data of a travel request to a travel plan and book the trip. Alternatively, employees can use the Send PDF function to
transmit the travel request in PDF format to a travel agency, which then books the trip.
Employees can copy travel requests. Travel assistants can copy travel requests of one employee for another employee and edit
the new request. (Both employees need to be on the employee list of the travel assistant.)
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Other travel services
In travel requests, employees now can specify (but not reserve or book) other travel services, such as ferries or airport shuttles.
Employees can temporarily save their entries in the applications (except when entering travel plans). The system saves the
incomplete entries with the status Open.
For each settlement schema (trip schema), you can assign those expense types (travel expense types) that need to be
available in the respective settlement schema. If you do not specify any expense types for a settlement schema, then all
expense types stored in the system are valid for that settlement schema. You can use this function, for example, to create a
settlement schema for miscellaneous receipts, which enables employees to enter receipts that are not directly related to a
speci c trip. These might be expenses for phone costs, office supplies, or promotional gifts on behalf of consultants or sales
In travel plans, you can enter additional passenger data for Advanced Passenger Information System (APIS). When a ight is
booked, this data is transmitted to the airlines via a Global Distribution System (GDS). You need to specify this passenger data,
for example, when entering the United States.
Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
The following enhancements ensure that compliance with statutory rules can be checked; for example, those prescribed by the
U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act:
You can de ne in Customizing that employees cannot delete credit card receipts.
In expense reports, employees can itemize their private expenses as separate receipts and allocate these receipts to private
expense types (for example, mini-bar expenses in hotels). This documents the private expenses in the system.
When entering expenses, employees can specify internal and external participants of an entertainment event in the form of a
table under additional receipt information.
You can evaluate this information in reports. In Customizing, you can specify, for each trip provision variant and expense type,
whether employees must specify the participants.
If you use optical archives for Travel Management, in expense reports employees can display receipts that are scanned into the
system. When scanned receipts are allocated to an expense report, the system shows them in the POWLs for travelers, travel
assistants, and approving managers.
Employees can add attachments to their expense reports (for example, the agenda of a convention). This can be done when
creating an expense report or in the POWL. Attachments are linked to the trip number and can also be viewed by travel
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 37
assistants and approving managers.
You can determine whether the Amadeus reservation system should use Value Pricer or Master Pricer in fare-driven ight
availability queries. You do this with the MASTERPRICER attribute in table TA20SWITCH.
The system sorts best-price query results by price, but groups different ight combinations that have the same price. Within
these groupings, you can select any combination of outbound and return ights.
If you have set up a direct connection to a ight reservation system such as TRAVELfusion (in addition to GDS), the system
shows the available ights for both reservation systems in the fare-driven ight availability list.
Train reservations using NVS (Amadeus), which is the new distribution system of the German railway, have the following new
Employees can book tickets for multiple passengers. Employees can specify whether each individual passenger has a BahnCard
(the customer discount card of Deutsche Bahn). For international trips, employees can enter the age of each passenger, for
example, to receive a discount for people under the age of 26.
When booking a trip, employees can request a Bahn-Tix. Then, prior to departure can pick up the train ticket at any DB ticket
machine for intercity rail traffic. Travelers can identify themselves at DB ticket machines with any of the following:
Credit card
Eurocheque card
Employees can sort the hotels listed in the availability display according to different criteria such as price, star rating, or
distance from an address.
As an alternative to using a global distribution system (GDS) to include rail connections in Travel Planning, you can instead use
rail portals for this purpose. Using SAP Process Integration, Travel Planning provides a generic interface for connections to rail
portals. One such connection is the Deutsche Bahn Corporate Portal (also referred to as Bahn Internet Booking Engine = BIBE).
As an alternative to using a global distribution system (GDS) to include ights in Travel Planning, you can instead use ight
reservation systems for this purpose. Using SAP Process Integration, Travel Planning provides a generic interface for
connections to ight reservation systems. This enables employees to book ights with low-cost carriers (LCC) and Web fare
deals on the Internet. Travel Planning displays the offers of ight reservation systems as part of the fare-driven ight availability
list, alongside the offers from a GDS.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 38
Enterprise Services
Report programs and BAdIs (Business Add-ins) are available for the new enterprise services for the following process
Travel Management
Personnel Administration
Travel Management 2
Technical Data
This business function encompasses the new and extended functions of the Travel Management (FI-TV) component described
This business function improves and simpli es the travel management process for customers who use SAP S/4HANA, on-
premise edition 1511 in their back-end system. Most new features, such as the combined display of ights and rail or express
expense sheets, are available with the Web Dynpro ABAP-based user interface only, which was introduced with the Travel
Management business function (FIN_TRAVEL_1).
The use of this business function provides the following business advantages:
Increased acceptance of the Employee Self-Service (ESS) Trips and Expenses for all business units and employees
Reduced travel expenses through transparency and comparability of ight and rail connections
Accelerated booking of trips and expense settlement in the event management process of the enterprise
Reduced processing costs for trips in conjunction with meetings and events
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Automated approval of travel requests and travel plans
Improved cash ow
Unless indicated otherwise in the details that follow, the new or enhanced functions are available only in the Web Dynpro ABAP-
based user interface.
Travel Request
In travel requests you can determine the use of individual means of transportation and types of accommodations, thereby
explicitly having their use be approved. Similarly, you can have either the traveler, an administrator, or the system, enter various
categories of estimated costs. This approach provides more accurate information and transparency of costs, enabling
approving managers to make quali ed decisions when approving travel requests. For more information, see Customizing for
Travel Management under Travel Request Travel Request ESS Travel Mediums and Estimated Costs To Be Approved .
In personnel master data, infotype Travel Privileges (IT 0017), you can con gure a standing approval of business trips for certain
trips for individual employees.
Travel requests contain a range of new elds for the public sector of Germany. These include elds for official business
(Dienstgeschaeft), different kinds of mileage reimbursement, and car pooling.
Display of the Travel Request Form in Travel Expense Manager (Transaction PR05)
In Travel Expense Manager, administrators can display the form for travel requests that have been created, for example, by
travelers in the Web Dynpro ABAP-based user interface. This lets administrators reconcile approved facts with travel expense
reimbursement data prior to a trip.
The Business Object Repository object Employee Trip (BUS2089) is enhanced with additional methods that enable you to
control work ows depending on the means of transportation and types of accommodations, or estimated costs. Using the
work ow as an aid, approving managers can make decisions about the relevancy of "signi cant official interest" without having
to go to a different application (public sector Germany only).
If you use the new travel request functions, travel requests that have been created in the Web Dynpro ABAP-based user
interface cannot be processed in Travel Manager (transaction TRIP).
Travel Plan
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You can use the following new features in travel plans:
You can con gure ight searches so that the system also queries the available rail connections and displays these in a combined
display of ight and rail connections. This improves comparisons with regards to travel expenses and travel times. When
searching ights, employees can choose to do a comparison. Furthermore, you can de ne that certain routes require the
combined display of ights and rail connections.
The combined display of ights and rail connections is supported in the fare-driven ight availability only and requires a
connection to the German rail authority Deutsche Bahn (NVS).
You can nd more information in Customizing for Travel Management under Travel Planning Trip Rules and Pro les Trip
and Class Rules Trip and Class Rules for Flights Flight Trip Rules Flight Availability Query Control De ne Mandatory
Flight/Rail Display .
You can con gure the fare-driven ight availability so that the system displays an airfare grid above the available ight
combinations. The columns of the grid show the lowest airfares per provider, and the rows show the lowest fares for
nonstop ights, ights with one stopover, and ights with two or more stopovers. In the grid, users can lter the available
connections by clicking the column and row headings or by clicking individual cells.
For more information, see Customizing for Travel Management under Travel Planning Process Control Dialog and
Planning Control Travel Planning Control De ne Behavior for Price and Availability Queries .
Alternative Airports
For the fare-driven ight availability, you can de ne alternative airports for additional queries. This can be done
differently for each destination. For example, you can de ne Stuttgart as an alternative airport for Frankfurt for ights
within Europe; or you can de ne Düsseldorf as an alternative airport for overseas ights to the United States or the
Asia-Paci c region.
You can nd more information in Customizing for Travel Management under Travel Planning Trip Rules and Pro les
Trip and Class Rules Trip and Class Rules for Flights Flight Trip Rules Flight Availability Query Control Extend
Query for Additional Airports .
Some airlines have introduced a new booking class called "premium economy class," which is situated between business
class and economy class. You can specify the routes and the employees for which the premium economy class should be
available. Employees can then choose economy class or premium economy class when selecting ights. This does not
apply to fare-driven ight availability.
You can assign premium economy class in Customizing for Travel Management under Travel Planning Master Data
Travel Service Providers Flights De ne Exceptions of Airlines for Determining Cabin Class .
You also can use travel pro les to assign premium authorizations. The BAdI required for this is located in Customizing for
Travel Planning, under Trip Planning Rules and Pro les Travel Policy Control and Evaluation of Availability
Queries BAdI: Assign Premium Authorization via Travel Pro le .
After a traveler successfully chooses the ight connections, the Check Selection step lists the following airfare rate
terms in summarized form:
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Latest ticketing date (latest date on which the ticket must be issued)
Rebooking fees
Cancellation fees
If you use the Amadeus reservation system with Master Pricer, the ight availability display shows the rate terms per
price segment when querying best prices with price groups.
A prerequisite for both cases is that the reservation system provides the rate terms in a format that is readable by the
Expense report
This new Web Dynpro ABAP-based application simpli es the entry of expenses for employees (for example, sales
representatives) who typically travel daily and settle their expenses once a month, every week, or in other, user-de ned
intervals. For more information, see Express Expense Sheet.
The Create Expense Report application is enhanced to accommodate the statutory and industry-speci c requirements for the
public sector in Germany.
The requirements for the public sector in Germany were already met in the back-end transactions, such as Travel Expense
Manager (transaction PR05). All functions needed by casual users are now also available in this application. This includes the
public sector requirements at federal and state levels in Germany.
The application also allows for linking trips to start work and trips to return from work with related separation allowance events.
If you use optical archiving for receipts in expense reports, you also can use bar codes that are created externally (for example,
bar codes preprinted on receipt envelopes). In this case, the system prompts for the bar codes when you save an expense
report, upon which the employees manually record the bar codes printed on their receipts. After the expense report is saved,
the system displays the recorded bar codes in the expense report under the scanned receipts.
You can set the conditions for recording bar codes through the use of a Business Add-In (BAdI). The BAdI also enables you to
assign internally generated bar codes to the reference table of the optical archive so that the assignment to the expense report
occurs automatically after the receipts and the bar code are scanned.
For more information, see Customizing for Travel Management, under Business Add-Ins and User Exits in Travel Management
Entry BAdI: Processing of Bar Codes .
A new PDF form (PTRV_EES_FORM) exists for Express Expense Sheets. You can use this form to display and print for a
con gured time period all expense reports that have been saved. New elds have been added to the existing PDF forms for
travel requests, travel plans, and travel expense statements/expense reports, and these forms have been optimized. For more
information, see PDF-Based Forms in Travel Management.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 42
The following new features support the integration of Event Management systems with Travel Management systems:
The Event Management system is able to use a new service interface to read the personnel master data relevant for
managing participants from an SAP system - for example, the personnel master data of employees who belong to a
particular cost center.
The Event Management interface of Travel Management is enhanced with a range of new URL parameters. You can use
these URL parameters when calling the Web Dynpro ABAP-based applications of Travel Management for creating travel
requests, travel plans, and expense reports to transfer travel data from the Event Management system. For more
information, see URL Parameters for Integration with Event Management.
Travel Management 3
Technical Data
This business function encompasses the new and extended functions of the Travel Management (FI-TV) component described
Unless speci cally mentioned otherwise, the new or enhanced functions are available in the following user interfaces of Travel
New history and automatic saving of versions for travel requests and expense reports
Improves transparency for users (regarding changes that other users, for example travel administrators, have
made to their travel requests or expense reports)
Protects the employee where changes to expense reports have been made that the employee does not accept
Trip breaks and expense reports for several trips on the same day
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Restriction to contributions for business partners of particular industries
Ensures compliance with statutory regulations, for instance the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
No additional solutions from other providers are required for compliance with statutory regulations
Highlights critical data in the expense report that you can evaluate
De nition of threshold values that determine when users have to submit a paper receipt
Ensures compliance with statutory regulations, for instance the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Cost comparison between expense reports and the related travel requests or plans
Enables the settlement of travel and expenses in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Allows the future import of legal changes using Support Packages, which you can download from SAP Service
Integration with third-party online booking systems
If you activate the business functions Travel Management, Third-Party Travel Planning (FIN_TRAVEL_PLANNING_EXTERNAL)
and Travel Management, Third-Party Travel Planning 2 (FIN_TRAVEL_PLANNING_EXTERNAL_2), you can use various third-
party online bookings systems instead of SAP Travel Management to book travel services.
If you activate the business function Travel Management, Enablement for Shared Services (FIN_SSC_TIC_1), you can
integrate selected applications of SAP Travel Management into your SAP Shared Services environment. This means that users
can create service requests starting from these applications.
If you have activated business function PSM, Budget Period 2 (PSM_GEN_BUDPER_2), budget periods are available in all travel
management functions that use cost assignments.
You can control the visibility of elds for the budget period in Customizing for Travel Management, under Employee Self-
Services Interface Con guration for the Web Dynpro Interface in Travel Management Set Up Variable Layout for Account
Assignment Objects .
Enhanced treatment of tax on sales or purchases (value added tax) in expense receipts
You can use this business function to use the enhanced treatment of tax on sales and purchase in expense receipts. Users can
enter additional data for the refund of value added tax (tax on sales/purchases) in the receipts.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 44
This means you can meet, for example, the requirements of the EU directive for the refund of value added tax (COUNCIL
DIRECTIVE 2008/9/EC of 12 February 2008 that stipulates detailed rules for the refund of value added tax provided for in
Directive 2006/112/EC, to taxable persons not established in the Member State of refund but established in another Member
For additional information, see the Entry of VAT Refund Details function.
If you activate the business function HCM, ESS with Web Dynpro ABAP (HCM_ESS_WDA_1), you can use the Employee Self-
Service (WDA) in SAP Enterprise Portal and SAP Business Client (NWBC) for HTML.
To use the Travel and Expenses Employee Self-Service in SAP Business Client for HTML, assign the role ESS Single Role for
Travelers (SAP_FI_TV_WEB_ESS_TRAVELER) to the users. This role is integrated into the ESS role for Web Dynpro ABAP-
based applications (SAP_EMPLOYEE_ESS_WDA_1).
To use the Travel and Expenses Employee Self-Service in SAP Enterprise Portal, you require the Business Package for Employee
Self-Service (WDA) 1.50.
New history and archiving of forms
The history has been enhanced, and also logs the following information:
Reimbursement amount
Estimated costs
Number of receipts
If you activate logging of history, the system logs the changes to travel requests and expense reports. Users can display the
history in the following user interfaces:
Work centers for travelers, travel assistants, and approving managers on the Web Dynpro ABAP-based user interface of
Travel Management
Transactions of the Travel Expense Report in SAP GUI; for example, in the Travel Expense Manager (PR05) or in the Travel
Calendar (PR02)
If you have activated logging of history, you also can de ne that the system should automatically archive the forms for travel
requests and expense reports when certain events occur. For example, when a user changes the data for a travel request or
expense report, the system writes a version document (a copy of the form) to the optical archive. Users can use the history to
access the versions.
If you do not activate logging of history, the system logs only the changes made to travel expense reports as it does in earlier
releases (see History). In this case, users can display the change history only in the transactions of the Travel Expense Report in
You can de ne when the system archives a version in Customizing of Travel Management under Travel Expenses De ne
History and Archiving .
You can use the Business Add-In BAdI:: Adjust Archiving Settings to override or supplement the default settings in Customizing.
For more information, see Customizing for Travel Management, under Travel Expenses BAdI: Adjust Archiving Settings .
Storage of attachments
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You can archive attachments to travel requests and expense reports in the Web Dynpro ABAP-based user interface as Business
Documents. This function was previously only available using Generic Object Services (GOS) in the Travel Expense Manager
You can insert a le either as a simple attachment or as a business document. Business documents are different from simple
attachments in the following ways:
The system stores business documents in an archive via the ArchiveLink. Simple attachments are stored by the system
under content category SOFFDB in the content repository assigned.
Business documents are classi ed by documentation type, for example as a travel document or as a travel costs receipt.
You de ne the document types in ArchiveLink Basic Customizing.
Trip breaks and expense reports for several trips on the same day
Users can insert breaks in their travel requests and expense reports that the system does not include when calculating the at
rates. Users have the option of copying trip breaks to create expense reports with daily or weekly return (for example, for a
training course). This enables you to correctly reimburse the employees for several trips on the same day (in compliance with
the local taxation laws).
To make it possible to insert trip breaks for a trip schema, you have to set the indicator Multiday Trip in schema and single eld
control of Travel Management. You cannot use the Multiple Trips/Day function available in previous releases at the same time.
You can track expenses that have been incurred for business partners of particular industries. In many industries this is
mandatory, and must be recorded by the system.
In Customizing for Travel Management, under Travel Expenses Dialog and Travel Expenses Control Dialog Control Field
Control for Additional Receipt Information , you can de ne that users can select a business partner as participant for a
receipt. You can use the Business Add-In BAdI:: Check If Maximum Amount Exceeded for Business Partner to check whether the
costs for a business partner have exceeded a certain amount.
The BAdI ensures compliance with statutory regulations, for instance the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the USA. Based on these
regulations, the entertainment expenses that a pharmaceutical company pays for business partners that are health care
providers should be restricted, for example.
De nition of threshold values that determine when users have to submit a paper receipt
You can de ne expense-type speci c threshold values and thus specify when a user has to submit a paper invoice. If a receipt
exceeds a threshold value, the user receives a warning message that informs him he must submit a paper receipt. If the user
ignores the warning message, the system inserts a corresponding comment in the PDF form of the expense report.
The PDF form for the expense report contains a summary of the receipts that cause violations:
You can de ne the threshold values in Customizing for Travel Management under Travel Expenses Master Data Travel
Expense Types De ne Maximum Rates and Default Values for Expense Types . This Customizing activity makes the following
new amount types available:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 46
These amount types make it possible for you to de ne different threshold values for manual receipts and credit card receipts.
You can de ne the standard settings for the Paper Receipt Exists indicator in the various user interfaces of travel expenses in
Customizing for Travel Management, under Employee Self-Services Interface Con guration for the Web Dynpro Interface
in Travel Management De ne Schema and Individual Field Control .
In the dialog windows for the cost assignment of trip segments and receipts, users can reuse existing cost assignments that
they have created for additional destinations.
Cost Comparison
You can activate the cost comparison between expense reports and the related travel requests or plans. When a user saves an
expense report, the system makes the following cost comparisons:
The system compares the total costs of the expense report with the estimated total costs of the related travel request
or plan. If an expense report exceeds the customer-de ned maximum difference, the user has to enter a reason. In this
case, the PDF form for expense reports displays how much the maximum is exceeded and the reason of the user.
For a comparison between the expense report and travel plan, the system also compares the receipts with the bookings.
If a receipt exceeds the customer-de ned maximum difference, the system issues either a warning or an error message.
If there is an error message, the user has to enter a reason. In this case, the PDF form for expense reports displays how
much the maximum is exceeded and the reason of the user.
Expense Report in the Web Dynpro ABAP-based user interface (but not in the Express Expense Sheet)
You activate the cost comparison in Customizing of Travel Management under Travel Expenses Activate Cost Comparisons
. You de ne the maximum differences in the following Customizing activities:
In Travel Management Customizing, under Travel Expenses De ne Maximum Values for Cost Comparisons of Travel
In Customizing for Travel Management under Travel Expenses Master Data Travel Expense Types De ne
Maximum Rates and Default Values for Expense Types .
Users can enter trips abroad in the express expense sheet, providing you have activated this function in Customizing. If a user
enters a foreign destination in the express expense sheet, the system requests the additional information that is required for
trips abroad. Users can call the additional information using the More Details pushbutton. The PDF form for for expense reports
displays the additional information for trips abroad.
If you activate the entry of trips abroad in the express expense sheet, you can no longer use the trip calendar (PR02).
Negative Postings
If you have permitted negative postings in Financial Accounting, these are also valid when you reverse travel expenses. In this
case a debit posting reduces the credit side of the account and a credit posting reduces the debit side of the account. For more
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information, see Canceling a Trip that has been Posted.
You can use the country versions for the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the Travel Expense Reports and Expense Reports.
The following new features are available in both of these country versions:
Travel Management 4
Technical Data
This business function encompasses the new and extended functions of the Travel Management (FI-TV) component described
Unless speci cally mentioned otherwise, the new or enhanced functions are available in the following user interfaces of Travel
This business function optimizes integrated processes, particularly in expense reports (travel expenses). It offers the following
business bene ts:
Optimized credit card interface through which additional data is available, such as for reimbursing value-added tax
according to the EU council directive 2006/112/E
Optimized document processing (paperless process), including integration with receipts from mobile devices
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Automatic consolidation of receipts from different sources
Country Versions for Poland, Russia, and Ukraine
If you activate the business function FI-TV, Travel Management Loc. for Poland, Russia, Ukraine ( FIN_TRAVEL_LOC_1), you can
use the country versions of Travel Management for Poland, Russia, and Ukraine.
Save Expense Report As Draft Without Check
This function is available in the Web Dynpro ABAP-based user interface only.
You can con gure the Save Draft button in the expense report in such a way that the system does not perform any expense
report checks when saving. This function has the advantage that users can, at any time, quickly save an expense report in
Expense reports saved without checks are assigned the Draft settlement status. Expense reports with this status are subject to
certain restrictions. For example, the Travel Expense Manager (PR05) displays these expense reports in the trip overview, but
you can only delete these in the Travel Expense Manager (all other actions are not allowed). Users can open and process
expense reports with status Draft in the Web Dynpro ABAP-based user interface only. These reports can be further processed
(for example, printed, approved, or settled) only if such expense reports have been saved in the Review and Send step to ensure
that all checks have been run and that there is a state of consistency.
You activate this function using the SWC entry in the HR feature for travel expenses parameters (TRVPA). For more
information, see Save Draft (With or Without Check).
For the receipt buffer and receipt overview, the following functions are available. You activate these functions using the RBA
entry in the HR feature for travel expenses parameters (TRVPA).
You can integrate receipts from mobile devices into the expense report so that the system displays these in the receipt buffer.
Users can add receipts from mobile end devices to their expense reports from the receipt buffer and also link these to other
Expense type
Receipts from mobile devices can also contain a le (such as a photographed taxi receipt) that is stored in the optical archive
via ArchiveLink. For more information, see Transfer of Receipts from Mobile End Devices.
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Users can add les to individual receipts as attachments. The system archives these les that were added as attachments in
the optical archive via ArchiveLink.
In the receipt overview, the new Attachments column indicates whether one or more attachments are assigned to a receipt. An
attachment is either a receipt from a mobile device or was added as an attachment.
Users can display attachments from the receipt overview by choosing the button or the link in the Attachments column, and can
add attachments.
Linked Receipts
In the receipt overview, users can link multiple receipts to one receipt. More speci cally, a linked receipt can contain the
Users can also separate the linked receipts again in the receipt overview. This also applies to receipts that the system has
linked automatically. When you separate the receipts, the system restores the original receipts. Additions or changes made
manually are lost in this case.
For more information, see Transfer from Receipt Buffer and Linking of Receipts.
When you open the receipt buffer (credit card buffer) in SAP GUI or open the receipt entry screen in the Web Dynpro ABAP-
based expense report, the system checks whether at least two of the following receipts match:
One or more receipts from mobile devices from the receipt buffer
The receipts must fall within the trip duration and all of the following entries must match:
Expense type
The system takes all the matching receipts from the receipt buffer and links all matching receipts automatically in a receipt.
Alternatively, the system opens a dialog box that prompts the users to decide which matching receipts are to be linked by the
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 50
You control this function using the RBA entry in the HR feature for travel expenses parameters (TRVPA).
For more information, see Transfer from Receipt Buffer and Linking of Receipts.
You can de ne default values for the reason that users must specify if the expense report exceeds the maximum custom-
de ned difference for the travel request or travel plan. If you have de ned at least one default value for the reason, the input
eld for the reason contains a selection list of the default values, from which users have to select one value as a reason. You can
evaluate these in the trip statistics. If you do not de ne any default values, the user can enter any text as a reason.
For U.S. settlement of travel expenses according to the settlement method Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE), the
following new functions are available:
As before, you can import the le(s) containing the per diem rates from the Internet into the SAP system. These contain a large
number of entries that you may not even require for expense reports within your company. Super uous entries increase the
effort required when importing and adjusting the per diems.
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) offers a signi cantly reduced set of the most commonly used entries. You can
import the GSA data from the Internet into the SAP system.
After importing the GSA data, the system calls the Business Add-In BAdI: Optimize GSA File. You can use this BAdI to edit the
GSA le (for example, to add entries).
When you then import the per diems, the system imports only those data records for the regions speci ed in the GSA data,
which may have been modi ed by the BAdI.
For more information, see Customizing for Travel Expenses under Trip Reimbursement Amounts Automatic Import of Travel
Expense Per Diems Import US Per Diems/Flat Rates from Internet .
You can use the expense report constants to specify for the rst and last days of multiday trips what proportion of the full meals
per diems is to be reimbursed. You enter the tax-free portion as speci ed by law and the portion that your company is to
reimburse. You can set the portion that your company reimburses higher than the tax-free portion. If the company-speci c
portion is above the portion as speci ed by law, the difference amounts are taxed as wages and salaries for the employee in
payroll accounting. You can also de ne the portion that you want to bill further to your customers. This speci cation is not used
in the standard system. For more information, see Meals and Incidentals Expenses (M&IE).
Expense reports support the CCD le format as well as the speci c le formats of the following credit card companies:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 51
To import the credit card les with speci c le formats, you require speci c programs. You can nd these on the SAP Easy
Access screen, under Accounting Financial Accounting Travel Management Travel Expenses Tools Credit Card Data
Import Credit Card File for Each Company .
For the speci c formats, you need to make the following additional settings in Customizing for Travel Expenses under Master
Data Credit Card Clearing Settings for Speci c Formats :
The credit card les with speci c le formats use merchant category codes to classify the type of transactions. In the
following Customizing activities, you de ne the merchant category codes and assign these to the transaction keys (and
thus implicitly to expense types):
Credit card les in the VISA VCF4 le format can contain additional blocks with detailed information about individual
travel services, such as rental cars or ights. To enable these to be evaluated by the import program, you have to assign
the detailed information to the transaction keys and transaction categories in the Customizing activity Assign VCF4
Detailed Information and Transaction Keys.
To import credit card les in the AMEX GL1025 le format, you have to de ne the account types for the American
Express credit card company in the Customizing activity De ne Account Types for American Express (AMEX) and
specify, for each account type, whether the transaction is to be paid by your company or by the traveler.
You can use the following Business Add-Ins to control how credit card les of the following formats are imported:
File format Visa VCF4: BAdI: Adjust Visa VCF4 Credit Card Transactions
File format AMEX GL1025: BAdI: Adjust AMEX GL1025 Credit Card Transactions
The additional receipt information contains new elds to include additional information from speci c le formats of the credit
card companies, such as the provider's address data and additional data for ight bookings. When credit card les with speci c
le formats are imported, the SAP system imports the data from the corresponding elds of the credit card les, provided
these are speci ed.
The new elds for the additional receipt information are also available for user entries.
In Customizing for Travel Expenses under Dialog and Travel Expenses Control Dialog Control Field Control for Additional
Receipt Information , you can specify which elds the system displays or hides in the additional receipt information and which
elds users must ll.
When credit card receipts are transferred from the receipt buffer, the SAP system also lls the elds (address of provider,
except for telephone number and district or U.S. county) for the VAT refund in the VAT details, provided that the following
prerequisites are met:
The relevant elds for the VAT refund are ready for input.
For more information about VAT reimbursement, see Entry of VAT Refund Details.
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When an expense report is saved, the system checks whether the data speci ed for the refund of value added tax matches the
address data for the provider in the additional receipt information. If this is not the case, the system issues a warning message.
Reverse Charge Mechanism for Credit Card Transactions (CCD Format Only)
The reverse charge mechanism is a VAT-based rule that determines, in speci c cases, that the customer is liable to pay VAT and
not the provider. In the expense report, this rule can apply if a company located abroad provides a domestic service, for
example, a domestic ight is offered by an airline based abroad.
The le format CCD for credit card les contains the following new elds for handling credit card transactions that are to be
settled according to the reverse charge mechanism:
Reverse charge country (the country in which the product was purchased or the service was provided)
When a credit card transaction is transferred from the receipt buffer into the expense report, the SAP system evaluates these
elds. If the reverse charge indicator and reverse charge country are selected and speci ed respectively in a credit card
transaction, the system sets the tax code that you have set in Customizing, in the resulting receipt.
For more information, see Reverse Charge Mechanism for Credit Card Transactions (CCD Only).
This function can also be used in earlier releases by means of support packages.
Related Information
FI-TV, Travel Management Loc. for Poland, Russia, Ukraine
Technical Data
This business function enables you to use third-party online booking systems for booking travel services instead of using SAP
Travel Planning.
This business function improves and simpli es the travel management process for customers who use SAP S/4HANA, on-
premise edition 1511 in their back-end system.
If, in addition to the SAP system, you have used a third-party online booking system up to now for your travel planning, then this
business function offers the following bene ts:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 53
Reduction of manual interfaces
Reduced costs for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, which is provided by SAP Expense Reports
The new features are available only with the Web Dynpro ABAP-based user interface of SAP Travel Management.
You can send the general data from an SAP travel request to a third-party online booking system and transfer booking data
from a third-party online booking system to an SAP expense report. You also can make calling a third-party online booking
system dependent on the status of the travel request.
You can use this business function to use the following functions for integrating the GetThere online booking system by Sabre:
Example implementation of the Business Add-In BAdI: De ne Exit for Third-Party Travel Planning, which shows you how
to integrate the GetThere online booking system:
You can copy the example implementation and adapt it to meet your requirements.
Example implementation of the Business Add-In BAdI: Mapping for TravelPlanningArrangementEmployeeNoti cation,
which enhances the master data mapping complying with GetThere-speci c requirements
You can copy the example implementation and adapt it to meet your requirements.
The integration of GetThere into SAP Enterprise Portal requires that the user names in GetThere are the same as those in SAP
Enterprise Portal.
This business function contains the following new and enhanced features:
Before you can integrate a third-party online booking system into SAP Travel Management, you need to implement the Business
Add-In BAdI: De ne Exit for Third-Party Travel Planning (PTRM_EXTERNAL_TP_BADI_DEF). The main purpose of this BAdI is to
redirect all navigation links that point to SAP Travel Planning to a third-party online booking system. The BAdI constructs the
URL for accessing the third-party online booking system. The BAdI uses URL parameters to send the data for identifying the
user and the SAP system. When applicable, the BAdI also uses URL parameters to send the trip number and the data of an
underlying travel request.
For more information, see Customizing for Travel Management, under Travel Planning Master Data Technical Control
Parameters for Travel Planning Access to External Reservation Systems Access Parameters for External Reservation
Systems BAdI: De ne Exit for Third-Party Travel Planning .
Replication of SAP Travel Management Master Data to a Third-Party Online Booking System
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 54
You can use the enterprise service Travel Planning Arrangement Out with service operation
TravelPlanningArrangementEmployeeNotification_Out to provide master data from SAP Travel Management to
third-party online booking systems. You can use the Business Add-In BAdI: Mapping for
TravelPlanningArrangementEmployeeNoti cation to control the mapping of the outbound interface.
This business function includes the example implementation PTRM_SE_PROXY_GETTHERE, which adapts the mapping of
master data to meet the requirements of GetThere. You can copy the example implementation and adapt it to meet your
SAP Enterprise Portal contains a new page and a new iView, which enables the system to launch an online booking system. The
Employee Self-Service role has been enhanced accordingly.
Single Sign-On (SSO) is a mechanism that spares users the trouble of entering a password for each system they log on to. With
SSO, a user identi es him- or herself only once and afterwards can log on to all systems that are part of the SSO environment.
In SAP Enterprise Portal, the system can use SSO to log on the users of SAP Travel Management automatically to a third-party
online booking system.
Before you can use Single Sign-On, you need to provide the public certi cate (SAPLogonTicketKeypair-cert.pse) of your
SAP NetWeaver Portal for the third-party travel planning system.
For more information, see Single Sign-On to Non-SAP Systems and Applications.
Additional Information
Third-Party Travel Planning
Technical Data
You can use this business function to use the below-mentioned new functions for travel planning in third-party online booking
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Reduction of manual interfaces
The new features are available only with the Web Dynpro ABAP-based user interface of SAP Travel Management.
This business function contains the following new and enhanced features:
You can use SAP Business Work ow WS77900173 to set up an approval work ow for third-party travel plans. This work ow is
not activated in the standard system.
The third-party online booking system must meet the following prerequisites:
For new or changed bookings, the third-party booking system rst sets the status to Waiting for Approval and then
awaits approval or rejection from the SAP system before proceeding with the actual booking.
For the approval process, you can use the Business Workplace or, in SAP Enterprise Portal, the universal worklist (UWL) of
Manager Self-Service (MSS) with SAP Business Work ow.
When a user has created or changed a third-party booking, the system does not trigger a work ow until the booking data
between the third-party online booking system and the SAP system has been synchronized. The booking data can be
synchronized as follows:
The user refreshes his or her personal object worklist (POWL) or the travel plan query in the POWL.
The SAP system executes a program for synchronizing the booking data with the database of the third-party online
booking system (see the "Synchronizing the Booking Data" section).
If, upon synchronizing the booking data, the system nds a third-party booking with the status Waiting for Approval, it triggers
the work ow for this booking. The work ow rst sends a message to the approving manager.
Once the approving manager has rejected or approved the third-party booking, the SAP system noti es the third-party online
booking system (the SAP system calls the relevant Web service of the third-party online booking system).
If the booking is rejected, the third-party online booking system sets the booking status to Rejected, cancels the booking,
and noti es the user.
If the booking is approved, the third-party online booking system sets the booking status to Purchase or Purchase PNR,
makes the actual booking, and noti es the user.
Users with the Travel Assistant role can create third-party travel plans for employees in their employee list. The prerequisite for
this is that you have set up the third-party online booking system for the travel assistants in the Office Find (TRVOF)
When a travel assistant calls the third-party online booking system for an employee, the system logs the relevant employee on
to the third-party online booking system. The travel assistant works in the third-party online booking system using the identity
of the employee.
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If the travel assistant makes changes for an employee in the third-party online booking system, the SAP Travel Planning form
displays the name of this travel assistant as the person who last changed the data.
The new role Traveler (SAP_FI_TV_WEB_TRAVELER_EXT_TP) enables users to use third-party travel planning in SAP Business
Client. The role has all authorizations of the role Traveler (SAP_FI_TV_WEB_TRAVELER), with the following exception: if a user
with this role in SAP Business Client opens Travel Planning, SAP Business Client starts a third-party travel planning instead of
SAP Travel Planning.
With this business function, example implementations of the business add-in BAdI: De ne Exit for Third-Party Travel Planning
(PTRM_EXTERNAL_TP_BADI_DEF) are available in the enhancement spot PTRM_EXTERNAL_TP_ENHSPOT: You can copy the
example implementations and adapt them to meet your requirements. For more information, see the BAdI Builder (transaction
Additional Information
Third-Party Travel Planning
Technical Data
With this business function you can integrate selected applications of SAP Travel Management in your SAP Shared Services
environment. Users can create service requests in these Travel Management applications.
In connection with SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP CRM 7.0, this business function supports the operation of a Travel
Interaction Center (TIC) that runs in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) For this, you must have activated
business function Multifunctional Shared Service Interaction Center (CRM_SHSVC) in the CRM system.
This business function provides the following business advantages in connection with the Travel Interaction Center:
You can perform conventional functions, such as approving trips and further processing by travel administrators, in your
shared services environment.
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The service request is available in the following Travel Management applications:
Expense report
These applications and their dialog windows contain the Service Request or Create Service Request pushbuttons, which
S/4HANA users can use to create or search for service requests.
S/4HANA users can create or nd service requests using the menu bar of these transactions, under Help Service
Request .
Manual creation of service requests
In the shared services environment, service requests are used to communicate between different SAP applications and the
Shared Services Center in SAP CRM. The Travel Interaction Center is a Shared Services Center in SAP CRM that focuses on
processing expense reports and service requests for expense reports.
S/4HANA users can create service requests from within certain applications and transactions in SAP Travel Management that
are speci cally directed towards the Travel Interaction Center. The S/4HANA system automatically provides the service request
with context information for the application. This includes the linked object that allows the service agents in the Travel
Interaction Center to call the application with the relevant trip number, the personnel number, and user name from the service
In Customizing for the S/4HANA system, you can de ne which elds of a service request are prede ned. For more information,
see Customizing for Travel Management, under Integration with the Shared Services Framework .
When you create a service request, the system calls the service request interface from SAP CRM in a separate window. In
addition to the service request, this also contains a search function for service requests that S/4HANA users can use to search
for their own service requests.
In the Travel Interaction Center, service agents can process expense reports and related service requests. To access the
applications of Travel Management, service agents must use the same user names in the Travel Management system and have
the necessary authorizations. This PFCG role Travel Interaction Center Agent (SAP_FI_TV_TIC_AGENT) is tailored to the
requirements of service agents. It authorizes service agents to run the transactions and Web Dynpro ABAP-based applications
they require from within the Travel Interaction Center; for example, to display or change an expense report in the Travel
Interaction Center.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 58
Further Information
For additional information about the Travel Interaction Center, see Product Assistance for SAP CRM on SAP Help Portal under SAP CRM 7.0 for Enhancement Package 1 Application Help SAP Customer Relationship
Management Interaction Center Interaction Center WebClient Shared Services Framework Integration with SAP ERP
Travel Interaction Center .
Controlling (CO)
Technical Data
If the business function Universal Parallel Accounting (FINS_PARALLEL_ACCOUNTING_BF) is active, several settings
described here will change. The most signi cant change is that service cost rates are no longer based on the SD condition
technique. All cost rates will be stored in table ACCOSTRATE and can be maintained using the Manage Cost Rates - Services
You can use this business function to activate the following additional functionality for intercompany billing and reporting, which
is required especially in professional service scenarios:
With parallel accounting, you can maintain more exible service cost rates, which can not only be maintained for cost
center/activity type combinations but can be enhanced with additonal attributes, such as the service cost level attribute.
Determination of Activity Cost Rates Based On Condition Technique
A new valuation strategy for activity cost rate planning is provided. Instead of using KP26 and storing cost rates in table COST,
the cost rates for internal services can be maintained using the SD condition technique.
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Until SAP S/4HANA 1809, only the new service cost rates based on the SD condition technique are used for the following
receiving cost objects:
Cost center
Internal order
WBS element
The valuation strategy is not valid for other cost objects such as production orders and networks.
As of SAP S/4HANA 1909, KP26 cost rates are read as a fallback in case no service cost rate is available.
You can activate the usage of the new technique in Customizing under Controlling Cost Center Accounting Planning
Price Planning Based on Condition Technique Assign Pricing Procedure for Valuation of Activities .
For each controlling area, you can enter a pricing procedure for actual postings and/or a pricing procedure for planning.
If you enter a pricing procedure for actual postings, the procedure will be used for activity valuation when posting
internal service consumptions (activity allocation).
If you enter a pricing procedure for planning, the procedure will be used for activity valuation when calculating costs of
planned internal service consumption. This entry is particularly relevant for the calculation of CPM plan values in
If you don't enter any pricing procedures, the old standard valuation strategy for reading plan prices is used (KP26).
You de ne the cost rates with the Maintain Activity Cost Rates app.
A new attribute Service Cost Level determines the applicable cost rate for services provided by an employee. Services provided
by that employee are always charged at the same rate regardless of the service.
You de ne the service cost levels you require in Customizing under Controlling Cost Center Accounting Master
Data Activity Types De ne Service Cost Levels .
You then assign a service cost level to each employee in the employee fact sheet.
For intercompany time con rmations, a secondary process Manual Cost Allocation (KB15N) is triggered. This posts an
intercompany margin in addition to the cost of the service.
You de ne intercompany margin accounts in Customizing under Controlling Cost Center Accounting Actual Postings
Additional Transaction-Related Postings Intercompany Margins for Activity Allocations Assign Intercompany Margin
Accounts .
The intercompany margin account is derived based on the activity allocation account.
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You can assign a different intercompany margin account to each activity allocation account.
You can also choose to post no intercompany margins for a particular activity allocation account by leaving the
intercompany margin account blank.
You can de ne a default intercompany margin account to be used for all activity allocation accounts. You do this by
creating an entry without an activity allocation account but with an intercompany margin account.
If you don't de ne a default intercompany margin account, you need to create entries for all activity allocation accounts.
Intercompany Margin Accounts for Time Confirmation
Activity Allocation Account Short Text ICO Margin Account Short Text
615999 Miscellaneous
For each posting to activity allocation account 615000, an intercompany margin will be posted to account 400001.
For each posting to activity allocation account 615001, an intercompany margin will be posted to account 400002.
No intercompany margin will be posted for postings to activity allocation account 615999.
For each posting to any other activity allocation account, an intercompany margin will be posted to account 400000
For CO-related intercompany postings, the following additional attributes are updated on the sending side for the cost center
credit and the clearing account:
WBS element
Project ID
This enables margin reporting for the company providing the goods or services involved in the intercompany allocation. This
functionality is activated at the controlling area level.
You activate this functionality in Customizing under Controlling Cost Center Accounting Actual Postings Additional
Transaction-Related Postings Derivation of Add Reporting Attributes for ICO CO Postings .
To classify internal, external, and cross-company goods and services for cost analysis purposes, the attribute Resource - Cost
Analysis View is introduced. The attribute is updated with the following postings in the Universal Journal (ACDOCA-RSRCE),
provided that the posting is made to a customer project and an employee ID was entered:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 61
Subcontractor services
Resource-related billing
Activity Internal
Activity Subcontractor
Activity Intercompany
Expense Internal
Expense Subcontractor
Expense Intercompany
In reports, the attribute is shown as the Resource eld. This eld is available in the Projects – Actuals and Market Segment –
Actuals reports.
The eld exists as a characteristic in the pro le of the DIP (dynamic item processor) for resource-related billing. If it is marked
as relevant and not for summarization, it’s updated to the cost of sales and recognized revenue in results analysis.
It’s possible to enhance the standard logic with the BAdI BADI_FINS_CO_RESOURCE. Once the BAdI implementation has been
activated, additional master records for resources can be created with transaction KPR2.
Technical Data
This business function is aimed at international groups that are required to valuate their goods inventories in accordance with
multiple accounting principles (for example, in accordance with IFRS following group guidelines as well as in accordance with
local accounting principles).
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With this business function, you valuate costs of goods manufactured and costs of service using multiple accounting principles in
parallel. It offers you an integrated, veri able valuation process that in uences your nancial statements considerably.
Consequently, this business function eliminates the cumbersome manual process of valuating your inventories separately for
different accounting principles.
This business function can be used in new installations as of SAP S/4HANA 1610 SP01.
For SAP S/4HANA systems, for which an upgrade was performed from an SAP ERP release, in which the business function
was already active, SP02 is necessary.
You can use this business function with parallel ledgers.
You can valuate the cost of goods manufactured in accordance with multiple accounting principles.
In Controlling, you can create up to three additional versions that transfer data from additional valuation areas of Asset
Accounting to Cost Center Accounting. Version 0 continues to exist as the leading version, whereas the new versions are
technically managed as delta actual versions.
In the standard reports in Cost Center Accounting, you can analyze costs by switching between the valuation views for legal
valuation and the parallel cost of goods manufactured.
Price Calculation
You continue to perform direct activity allocation (including order con rmation and time recording) based on the planned price
for the cost center and the activity type. The activity quantities and the plan prices are also recorded in the material ledger. To
take depreciation into account with both accounting principles, the prices in the leading version and the additional versions are
calculated in parallel at the period end.
You can analyze the prices using Activity Type Price Report by viewing the leading version and then the additional versions.
All of the material movements continue to be valuated using standard prices. The material movements, invoices, and order
settlements are also recorded in the material ledger. At the period end, you carry out a periodic costing run and an alternative
valuation run:
To calculate the cost of goods manufactured using the prices in the leading version, you perform a periodic costing run.
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To calculate the cost of goods manufactured using the prices in the additive versions, you perform alternative valuation
runs. The alternative valuation runs must be indicated as the run for parallel costs of good manufactured and must
reference the additional versions in their settings by specifying an accounting principle.
In each run, you can analyze the results among the costing results. You can see the cost center being credited in the relevant
version in the Cost Center Accounting standard reports.
If you want to report inventory values correctly in accordance with both accounting principles, make the closing entries from the
valuation runs in General Ledger Accounting.
Keeping records of parallel values for orders and projects enables the determination of costs for the provision of services and
for in-house-produced assets in parallel, according to up to four accounting principles.
Parallel cost of goods manufactured does not support different scal year variants for the parallel ledgers.
Actual prices have to be determined based on the activity quantity used, and not on the available capacity, since this is the
only way you can ensure the production cost centers are credited.
The real-time integration only posts values from the leading version.
You can con gure the splitting of costs to tariffs by version or by valuation. If, for example, it is not intended to activate speci c
cost elements in the accounting principle, you can exclude these cost elements from splitting in the corresponding valuation or
version. The costs remain with the cost center.
1. Activate splitting for each valuation by executing the COGM_SPLIT_FUNC activation report. Select the parameter when
executing the report.
2. Create a splitting structure and assign it to the cost center for each version.
If you have made the required settings in Customizing, revaluation is not only possible on controlling area level but also on
company code level.
If you have made the required settings in Customizing, you can assign the cost component structure for the primary cost
component split (tariffs to cost centers) for each company code.
If you have made the required settings in Customizing, you can execute allocation cycles (assessment, distribution, periodic
reposting) for particular valuation views for each controlling area. You select the valuation view when creating the cycle.
For examples, see the test case descriptions for the business function: Call transaction Switch Framework Customizing (SFW5)
and then call the test catalog for the business function CO, Multiple Valuation of the Cost of Goods Manufactured
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 64
(FIN_CO_COGM). The test catalog has the same name as this business function. The test catalog contains the following test
case descriptions:
See Also
For more information on the individual functions of the Business Function, see the Product Assistance under Parallel Accounting
in Controlling (Cost of Goods Manufactured). .
Technical Data
Directly dependent business function that you have to activate Not relevant
in addition
This business function, contained in the Product Design Cost Estimate (PDCE) further supports you in cost of production
planning and optimization for the design, construction and offer phases. This means that with PDCE, you can direct cost
estimates at particular objectives, such as customer quotation costing, cost saving measures, price changes, enhanced cost
component splits (currency shares, production plants, price rating, and so on).
You can also make use of the enhanced functions in this business function if you want to use PDCE in connection with SAP Cost
and Quotation Management (SAP xCQM), for example.
In the product design cost estimate you can use data that you have already created in other applications:
You use activity-related data from Cost Center Accounting (CO-OM-CCA), such as prices of processes, prices of activity
types, or templates.
You employ material master data and movement data, for example, prices from Materials Management (MM).
You can use BOMs in the master data of your Production Planning (PP).
You can include additional elds in your cost estimates that you de ne in SAP Business Intelligence (SAP BI).
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 65
SAP Business Intelligence is used within the Product Design Cost Estimate as an additional source for characteristics
and key gures that you can use in your cost estimates. Updating costing data takes place in application-speci c
tables of the system in which you operate the Product Design Cost Estimate . You can extract the costing data from
your operational system into SAP BI and analyze it there.
Moreover, PDCE can be used as a back-end system for SAP Cost and Quotation Management (SAP xCQM). If you want to use
the Web application of SAP xCQM, then you have to implement the corresponding business package.
You should note that SAP xCQM is not part of this business function. You can nd information on the Web application for
xCQM in the SAP Library for SAP Collaborative Cross Applications under SAP xApps SAP xAPP Cost and Quotation
Management .
If you activate the business function Cost and Quotation Management, the following functions are available:
You can use reports to de ne selection variants and to create variants for the cost estimate. The creation of dynamic or static
selection is supported by a wizard. Further, you can schedule the calculation of the costing structure for background processing.
For more information, see the application documentation under Background Processing for Costing.
The copy as function for an object in the structure (transaction UAMO) enables you to change the object type, and supports
other key elds for the entry.
For more information, see the application documentation under Copying of Objects and Structures; Costing Versions.
This new function enables you to make a change to the status irrespective of the existing status ow logic. Permitted status
changes are pre-de ned in a table. If you change a status by skipping, the appropriate status inheritance and the transfer of the
status results at the same time.
For more information, see the application documentation under Status Management.
The where-used list for an object in the structure (transaction UAMO) is supported by a wizard. Using the wizard, you can nd
all usages or assignments of the object selected in the database, across a variety of work environments, and also usages for an
object in a structure without a working environment.
For more information, see the application documentation under Where-Used List.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 66
Technical Data
This business function, contained in the Product Design Cost Estimate (PDCE), further supports you in cost of production
planning and optimization for the design, construction, and offer phases. This means that with PDCE, you can direct cost
estimates at particular objectives, such as customer quotation costing, cost saving measures, price changes, enhanced cost
component splits (currency shares, production plants, price rating, and so on).
In the product design cost estimate you can use data that you have already created in other applications:
You use activity-related data from Cost Center Accounting (CO-OM-CCA), such as prices of processes, prices of activity
types, or templates.
You employ material master data and movement data, for example, prices from Materials Management (MM).
You can use BOMs in the master data of your Production Planning (PP).
You can include additional elds in your cost estimates that you de ne in SAP Business Intelligence (SAP BI).
SAP Business Intelligence is used within the Product Design Cost Estimate as an additional source for characteristics
and key gures that you can use in your cost estimates. Updating costing data takes place in application-speci c
tables of the system in which you operate the Product Design Cost Estimate . You can extract the costing data from
your operational system into SAP BI and analyze it there.
Moreover, PDCE can be used as a back-end system for SAP Cost and Quotation Management (SAP xCQM). If you want to use
the Web application of SAP xCQM, then you have to implement the corresponding business package.
You should note that SAP CQM is not part of this business function. For information about the Web application for CQM, see
SAP Library for SAP Collaborative Cross Applications under SAP xApps SAP xAPP Cost and Quotation Management .
If you activate the Cost and Costing Management business function, the following functions are available:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 67
You can de ne objects to be imported and their receivers with the help of a wizard. Substantial and time-comsuming data
imports and updates of new versions are automatically processed in the background. Advantages of this are improved data
integrity, and automated updates and synchronization of the systems integrated in the business process in realtime.
For more information, see the application documentation under Background Processing.
You can carry out a cross-object where-used list. With this data tracking, you can nd similar objects (for example, from other
plants, versions, or projects). You can branch direct from the results list of the wizard, for example, to change the receiver found
or to a selected object.
For more information, see the application documentation under Where-Used List.
Using pre-de ned message texts (information, warning, or error messages), you can instruct users in accordance with the
costing results.
For more information, see the application documentation under Send Editable Messages.
Enhanced Options for the Valuation Strategy for Price Determination of Purchased Parts
You can include additionally up to ve more customer tables in the SAP standard valuation function. You can transfer prices to
the valuation according to various criteria, such or origin (price table), highest or lowest value, and price type. You can
determine the price source yourself from the hits. In addition, you can use customer-speci c logic in the standard SAP valuation
function by using a standard interface. Further, new Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) are available.
For more information, see the application documentation under Valuation Strategy for Price Determination.
Implementing customer-speci c logic has been simpli ed. For example, you can include scrap in the costing logic and transfer
the transaction currency of selected prices to the cost component split direct.
You can inherit attributes in the structure in the direction sender or receiver to subsequent objects.
For more information, see the application documentation under Mechanism for Attribute Inheritance.
A function is available which you can use to store the source as a reference. Changes to the source can automatically be
transferred to a copy of the source. The update procedure you choose controls how any changes made in the meantime to the
copy are dealt with.
For more information, see the application documentation under Mass Change of Copies after Change to the Source.
BOM Import
You can import BOMs with unknown values for key elds. Additionally, you can determine the object type, and the elds to be
lled for this case. A new BAdI is available for this.
For more information, see the application documentation under Import BOM.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 68
Multiple and Interval Selection of Fixed Values in Formulas
You can use customer formulas for creating the calculation logic to enter intervals and multiple single values as xed values.
This makes the query of conditions easier, for example.
For more information, see the application documentation under Fixed Values.
Object Categories
You can assign the SAP standard object types categories. The makes the condition query in formulas considerably easier.
For more information, see the application documentation under Object Categories.
See Also
For additional information, see the Enhancements for the Produce Design Cost Estimate release note.
Technical Data
With this business function, you can carry out the product design cost estimate (PDCE) more quickly and efficiently, especially
with large product structures.
The following functions are available to you with this business function:
Delta Costing
Using the delta costing, you can perform a quick costing without having to completely recalculate the entire costing
structure. You experience quick response times for the calculation, even if you are dealing with large costing structures.
This function presupposes you have already costed the entire costing structure to be calculated at least once.
Parallel Calculation
With the parallel calculation, you can carry out the existing costing much quicker. The product design cost estimate can
be accelerated through performing parallel costing, in particular for very large product structures.
Delta Costing
With product structures that have already been calculated using the former costing functions, a large number of changes to a
few entries in the structure is frequently necessary. To reduce as much as possible the effort needed for a new calculation of the
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 69
product structure, you can use the delta costing. You can activate this function using Customizing activity Activate Delta
Costing that is available to you with this business function. The function is then available as the Cost Delta pushbutton in
Product Design Cost Estimate: Working Environments (transaction UAMO). For more information, see Cost Delta.
Parallel Calculation
The costing function can calculate product structures of varying size, this being a central aspect of the PDCE. Nevertheless,
calculating very large product structures in turn takes a much longer time. The parallel calculation reduces the calculation time
as it is possible to carry out a parallel calculation of product structures. In Product Design Cost Estimate: Working Environments
(transaction UAMO), the Parallel Calculation is available using a menu option in the context menu of the Objects of a working
environment. For more information, see Parallel Calculation.
See Also
For documentation about the individual functions of the business function, see the product assistance under Finance SAP
Strategic Enterprise Management Product Design Cost Estimate .
Technical Data
With this business function, you can use the PM/CS order operation as a controlling object. This permits the detailed planning,
capture and reporting of costs at the order operation level. The operations have their own settlement rules enabling more
accurate cost updating of multiple assets maintained using a single PM/CS order.
In addition, operation account assignment offers you the following business bene ts:
CO Account Assignment at the Operation Level PM/CS Orders
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It isn’t possible to bill revenue-bearing service orders for operation account assignments via resource-related billing. Instead,
use an operation account assignment order (OAA) which is assigned to a sales order item or project.
If you want to bill an OAA order via a project, follow these steps:
2. Assign the OAA order and its operations to this billing WBS element so that they’re part of the project hierarchy.
3. Create a sales order with at least one item and enter the billing WBS element as the amount assignment object in the
sales order item.
The account assignment object is copied from the debit memo request item to the invoice item.
You can assign the sales order item to the OAA order, but the operation can not be account assignment object in the sales order
More Information
For more information see: Orders (CS-SE/PM-WOC-MO) .
Technical Data
This business function enables you to use enhanced BI content and XI/ESR content to read and analyze OLC data.
Enhanced BI Content
You can use the following DataSources to extract additional data from maintenance orders:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 71
The system extracts any data you have entered in maintenance orders at operation level for equipment, functional locations,
maintenance activity types, or work breakdown structure elements (WBS elements) that deviates from the header data of the
maintenance order.
If you activate the EAM, Linear Asset Management 2 (LOG_EAM_LINEAR_2) business function, the new elds are also
available in the DataSources 0PM_OM_OPA_1_EAML, 0PM_OM_OPA_2_EAML, and 0PM_OM_OPA_2_EAML.
You can use the enhanced operation ServiceExecutionOrderERPByIDQueryResponse_In_V1 in the process component Service
Execution Order Processing to read OLC data.
Central Finance
Technical Data
You can use this business function to enable the Central Finance scenario. This scenario makes it possible to connect several
source systems to an SAP S/4HANA system.
Central Finance offers key and value mapping capabilities for harmonizing master data. It reuses certain functions of Master
Data Governance (MDG) that can be used without licensing MDG itself. Activating the Central Finance business function
enables these mapping capabilities.
Before you switch on this business function, contact your SAP Account Executive to verify if you need to purchase a license
for Central Finance.
Customizing Options for Mapping
This activation of this business function makes the following options visible in Customizing: Cross-Application Components
Processes and Tools for Enterprise Applications Master Data Governance General Settings Value Mapping and Cross-
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 72
Application Components Processes and Tools for Enterprise Applications Master Data Governance General Settings
Key Mapping
Technical Data
Application Component
Controlling (CO)
You can use the this business function to enable use of the Shared Services Framework functions, that are available cross-
component in multiple SAP applications.
In connection with SAP Enhancement Package 1 for SAP CRM 7.0, this business function in particular optimizes the setting up
and operation of an Accounting Interaction Center (AIC) that runs in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). It is
therefore closely linked to the Multifunctional Shared Service Interaction Center business function in the SAP CRM system.
Reduced processing times for service requests and the resultant potential for savings
Integration of Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO) in the Shared Services Framework
AIC agents can process large numbers of service requests in the AIC user interface, due to direct access to business
objects in S/4HANA systems.
With this business function, you can use the following functions in the Shared Services Framework:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 73
Irrespective of whether you use the Share Services Framework, this business function provides you with the option of
connecting non-SAP systems and various SAP systems to SAP Collections Management.
Manual creation of service requests from an S/4HANA system
Service requests are used for quick reporting and resolution of problems and errors. Consequently, you can create a service
request in the transactions for Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO) directly, for example in the Change Vendor
(FK02) or Display General Ledger Documents (FV53) transactions. When you create a service request, the system opens it in
the SAP CRM Interaction Center direct. It transfers contextual data, and gives you the option of enclosing a screenshot.
Moreover, you can link various S/4HANA objects, for example, the vendor master record or the document.
The AIC agent in turn can later call up the linked objects by navigating direct from the service request to the S/4HANA system.
In addition to the option of creating service requests directly from an S/4HANA system, you can search for services requests.
You can check their status and update the service requests, without an AIC employee having to take action. You can choose
whether you want to see only those service requests that have been created in the S/4HANA system in the UI of SAP CRM, or
whether you want to see all of the service requests irrespective of where they were created.
When you start an FI or CO transaction from the AIC, the S/4HANA system calls a search screen, making it easier for the AIC
agents to access the required data records. The search screen already contains the data that is known from the account
identi cation in the AIC (customer/vendor and company code).
Enhanced Generic Object Services for linking S/4HANA objects with service requests.
In many FI and CO transactions in the S/4HANA system, you can link individual business objects with a service request in the
AIC, for example, the master data of a customer or vendor, using Generic Object Services (GOS). AIC agents can use this link to
start the transaction with the S/4HANA object in the S/4HANA system from a service request.
Generic Object Services for linking S/4HANA objects with service requests in the AIC are only available if an AIC agent has
started the S/4HANA transaction from the AIC, and the account in the AIC has been identi ed and con rmed. If, at the point
when the S/4HANA transaction was started from the AIC, a service request had been opened in the AIC, the system inserts the
link in the business context of the service request. If no service request had been opened in the AIC, the system inserts the link
in the interaction records of the accounts currently con rmed in the AIC.
The Accounting Interaction Center contains the account fact sheet that is used in nancial scenarios as a support tool for
communication with partners. It provides context-related information about the communication partner, where the partner can
be a customer or a vendor.
The fact sheet for the customer contains information about the special business context that ranges from purchasing volumes
to the latest dispute cases for the customer. The AIC agent is therefore able to access a complete picture of the current and
past relationship with the communication partner in his daily work.
The fact sheet for the vendor contains data such as open invoices, payments, and master data. It assists the AIC agent in giving
informed replies to inquiries from the vendor.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 74
The Accounting Interaction Center employee must be in a position to access information about all previous communication with
the customer that is as complete as possible. This includes documents that are stored in the optical archive.
The Find Document function of the CRM user interface gives the AIC agent the option of searching from one place for
documents relevant to a business partner in a series of back-end systems, and of displaying them if necessary.
Both accounting clerks from various SAP S/4HANA applications and agents from the SAP CRM Interaction Center are involved
in the Shared Services Framework processes. All of those involved have to navigate between various SAP systems. Such
navigation is supported by the following new roles:
This business role allows S/4HANA users to create service requests from S/4HANA systems and to search for service
With this business role, agents in the AIC can process service requests from Financial Accounting and Controlling,
execute the appropriate S/4HANA transactions, and link S/4HANA objects with service requests.
AIC managers are IC managers who have the additional option of linking particular categories of service requests with
particular categories of dispute cases. Based on this, AIC managers can have particular dispute cases created
For additional information about this business function – in connection with the Multifunctional Shared Service Interaction
Center – see SAP Library on SAP Help Portal under SAP CRM 7.0 for Enhancement Package 1
Application Help Interaction Center Interaction Center WebClient Shared Services Framework Integration with
Connection of non-SAP systems and various SAP systems to SAP Collections Management
This function increases the range of accounting systems the data of which you can access with SAP Collections Management.
You set up the connection with the help of a substitute system that you connect to SAP Collections Management, and to which
you transfer the required master and transaction data. In this way you can centralize and standardize the processes for
collecting open receivables, irrespective of the system architecture used in your company. In the standard system, the sample
loading procedure SAP_46C is available for an SAP system with Release SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511.
Without this business function, you can only connect SAP systems where Accounts Receivable Accounting (FI-AR) has at least
SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511 status.
Reporting Financials
Technical Data
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Technical Name of Business Function FIN_REP_SIMPL_1
Business Intelligence content As of Release SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI Content Add-On 3, Support
Package 08
With this Business Function you can use new reports with a uniform look and easy-to-use user interface. These are reports from
SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (BI) and overviews (POWER List), that you can display in the SAP Enterprise Portal. The
BI reports can read the data directly from the backend system or display replicated data from the BI system. You can decide
where the data should be read from each time you call a BI report.
Key Features
You can call the new reports on the Portal from the Launchpad-iView Reporting Financials that is available in the Business
Package for Simpli ed Reporting 1.30 Here you will nd the reports with a short description grouped according to application
area. For the most part, there is a list (POWER List) that gives you an overview of the business objects, transactions, or line
items, and enables you to analyze several BI reports in detail. The following new reports are available with the Business Function
in the following application components:
Payables: Segment
Segment: Plan/Actual/Variance
Segment: Measures
Document Journal
Chart of Accounts
Accounts Payable
Vendors: Balances
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 77
Vendors: Due Data Analysis - Document Drill Down (POWER List)
Check Register
Accounts Receivable
Customers: Balances
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 78
Cost Centers: Period Breakdown Actual/Plan
Internal Orders
Orders: List
Orders: Budget/Actual/Commitment
Work in Process
Reporting Financials 2
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 79
Available As Of SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511
Closing (FI-GL)
You can use the new Reporting Financials 2 business function to generate reports from SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence
and POWER lists.
Reporting Financials 2 offers an easy to use and attractive user interface that helps to reduce the required learning effort. The
scalability of the function allows you to switch between direct access and replicated data options catering to both high volume
scenarios as well as leaner back end scenarios. For small to midsize companies, operating without SAP NetWeaver BI, the
business function offers a very manageable and cost-effective option.
You can call the new reports on the Portal from the Launchpad-iView Reporting Financials that is available in the Business
Package for Simpli ed Reporting 1.30 Here you nd the reports with a short description grouped according to application area.
For the most part, there is a list (POWER List) that gives you an overview of the business objects, transactions, or line items,
and enables you to analyze several BI reports in detail. The following new reports are available with the Business Function in the
following application components:
Asset Accounting
Comparison of Depreciation
Posted Depreciation
Inventory List
Depreciation Forecast
Asset Transactions
Asset Balances
Planned Depreciation
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 80
Record Status
Deactivation Date
Account Determination
Inventory Indicator
Record Type
Value Type
Up to Max Period
Investment Management
Reporting Object
From Position
Reporting Object
Status Selection
Plan Report
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 81
Budget/Available, based on residual order plan
Plan/Budget Report
Net Sales
Contribution Margin II
Closing Cockpit
Closing Frequency
Closing Item
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 82
Planned Start Date
Closing Status
Reporting Financials 3
Technical Data
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 83
Cost Center Accounting (CO-OM-CCA)
You can use this business function to enhance the format and usability of your nancial reports. The integration of SAP
NetWeaver BI Content with the sleek presentation of Crystal Report formatting provide a highly sophisticated reporting tool on
an interface that is easy to view and navigate. The integration with Xcelsius Dashboards also offers a detailed, graphic, or
interactive display of (transaction) data from SAP NetWeaver BI Content.
In addition, this business function enables you to use the Cash Manager role in SAP Business Client (SAP Business Client). This
role only contains applications and services that are also contained in the corresponding role provided for SAP Enterprise
For more information on using SAP Business Client, choose in the SAP Library SAP NetWeaver by Key Capability Application
Platform by Key Capability ABAP Technology Client/Server Technology UI Technology SAP NetWeaver Business Client
For more information on using Crystal Reports or Xcelsius Dashboards, choose in the SAP Library Processes and Tools for
Enterprise Applications (CA-EPT) Embedded Analytics .
Formatted Reporting for General Ledger
This simplifying enhancement provides a high-quality reporting process (Crystal Reports) for nancial statements, internal
analysis and audit support. Generated reports are formatted to allow easy comparison of two years or periods. The following
reports are available:
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Document Journal
Formatted asset history, and depreciation reports are provided in relation to assets, asset classes, respective balance sheet
accounts and company codes. The following reports are available:
Planned Depreciation
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 84
Formatted Reporting for Accounts Receivables
Formatted reports about Day Sales Outstanding (DSO) and due date analysis allow easy comparison of receivables and sales
respectively. The following reports are available:
DSO Analysis
A formatted report on vendor due dates provides easy to use analysis and comparison of your accounts payable status over two
A formatted cost center report shows actual and planned costs and variances for multiple cost centers. Graphics show top cost
centers with regard to budget consumption, and drilldown to cost element level is possible.
A formatted operating pro t report provides data on sales, revenue, cost of goods sold, contribution margins and operating
pro t. Comparison between actual and planned data is possible as is comparison with previous years' values.
Operating Pro t
Formatted reports show data on orders and cumulative orders — actual, planned and variance. The following reports are
The Cash Management Dashboard provides you with a quick overview of your company’s current liquid funds. Xcelsius
Dashboards enable you to display several charts at a glance. You can change the values of the charts with ease and can quickly
access views of current data for the current date, optionally as a graphic display. The Cash Management Dashboard provides a
position analysis to show how liquid funds have developed over a given period and enables you to view the liquid funds sorted by
currency, company code, and bank group. There are also detail views for each of the overview diagrams. The following
dashboard is available:
Xcelsius dashboards show data on open disputes vs. created disputes, disputes created – as % of A/R, disputes resolved and
disputes average days to resolution by period, reason and team. The following reports are available:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 85
SAP Dispute Management: Open Disputes versus Created Disputes by Team
Xcelsius dashboards show data on to be collected vs. collected, collection activities and completed worklist entries by period and
team. The following reports are available:
A Xcelsius dashboard show data on exposure vs credit limit by risk class and segment.
Technical Data
Application Component
General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL)
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 86
Asset Accounting (FI-AA),
You can use this business function to use real time operational reporting to analyze nancial data in SAP S/4HANA . After this
business function is implemented, customers can access and analyze their S/4HANA data without a separate SAP Business
Warehouse (BW) system. This reduces the overall total cost of ownership (TCO) and total cost of implementation (TCI) of their
analytics solution. Customers who do have an existing SAP Business Warehouse system can also use this business function to
bene t from real-time analysis.
Operational Data Provisioning is a metadata concept in SAP NetWeaver that gives an analytic query access to operative data in
a backend system. It also supports replication scenarios.
Prede ned content is delivered for operational reporting for various application areas.
For more information about the con guration of Operational Analytics, see SAP Solution Manager under
Solutions/Applications Basic Con guration Con guration Structures Operational Analytics .
Operational Data Provisioning and the analytics search use a common modeling environment. In the modeling of the search
and analytics model, an operational data provider (ODP) is de ned on the basis of DataSources.
Additionally, you can change the search and analytics models, or create your own models.
For more information about the concept, see the documentation of SAP NetWeaver under Operational Data Provisioning
and Operational Analytics with Operational Data Provisioning.
SAP delivers search and analytics models and transient providers for the Financial Accounting (FI), Controlling(CO), Project
System (PS), and Closing Cockpit (CC) application components. For more information, see Operational Data Provisioning for
SAP delivers search and analytics models, transient providers, and queries to enable operational data provisioning in the
Financial Accounting (FI) application component. For more information, see Operational Data Provisioning for Financial
Accounting (FI).
SAP also delivers content for the following application components within FI:
General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL). For more information, see ODP for General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL).
Accounts Receivable (FI-AR). For more information see, ODP for Accounts Receivable (FI-AR).
Accounts Payable (FI-AP). For more information, see ODP for Accounts Payable (FI-AP)
Asset Accounting(FI-AA)
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 87
. For more information, see ODP for Asset Accounting (FI-AA)
SAP delivers search and analytics models, transient providers, and queries to enable operational data provisioning in the
Controlling (CO) application component. For more information, see Operational Data Provisioning for Controlling (CO).
SAP also delivers content for the following application components within CO:
Overhead Cost Controlling (CO-OM). For more information, see ODP for Overhead Cost Controlling (CO-OM).
Product Cost Controlling(CO-PC). For more information, see Operational Data Provisioning for Product Cost Controlling
Pro tability Analysis (CO-PA). For more information, see Operational Data Provisioning for Pro tability Analysis (CO-
SAP also delivers search and analytics models and transient providers to enable operational data provisioning in the Closing
Cockpit application. For more information, see ODP for Closing Cockpit.
SAP delivers search and analytics models, transient providers, and queries to enable operational data provisioning in the
Project System (PS) application component. For more information, see ODP for Project System (PS).
Depending on your license, you can use a basic scope of Cash and Liquidity Management or a full scope of this solution
capability. This business function must be activated in order to switch on the full scope of this solution capability.
Technical Name
This document also explains the required settings and the scope differences of the two capabilities:
Before you use the basic cash management capability that is delivered with SAP S/4HANA, select Basic Scope in the
Customizing activity De ne Basic Settings.
The business function FIN_FSCM_CLM is not intended for customers who work with the basic cash management capability.
Please do NOT switch it on in your production system, because it is not possible to reverse the activation of a business
function in live systems. For more information, see Deactivating Business Functions.
The basic cash management capability offers the following basic functions:
Manage banks and house banks (only a subset of elds that are needed for enabling the payment process)
De ne bank accounts and house bank accounts (only common attributes are supported)
Replicate house banks, house bank accounts, and bank accounts by using IDoc (Intermediate Document)
Manage memo records using the app or transactions FF63 and FF65
The following apps and features are supported in the basic cash management capability.
Manage Banks
Alternatively, you can manage your bank accounts without the SAP Fiori launchpad. To do so, run the SAP GUI
transaction NWBC to open the HTML application of SAP NetWeaver Business Client in a Web browser.
Please note that liquidity item is not supported in the basic cash management capability.
Alternatively, you use SAP GUI transaction FF63 and FF65 to edit and display memo records.
Monitor Payments
The basic cash management capability can integrate with the following data sources:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 89
Memo Records
Financial Operations
To use SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management, you need to switch on the business function FIN_FSCM_CLM and select
Full Scope for Cash Management Scope in the Customizing activity De ne Basic Settings. Before you switch on this business
function, contact your SAP Account Executive about the license for SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management.
By switching on this business function, you can enable SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management to gain the full range of
functions for this solution. The following new and improved functions and processes are available to you:
Display bank accounts in the bank hierarchy view, the list view, and user-de ned bank account hierarchies
Implement work ow, dual control, or two-person veri cation processes for opening, modifying, closing, reopening, and
reviewing bank accounts
Create cash pools based on bank account groups and perform cash concentration
Perform cash operation tasks such as monitoring cash positions, making bank transfers, and approving payments
Forecast the liquidity trend and analyze the actual cash ows using various dimensions
Develop and analyze liquidity plans to ensure payment obligations and assist funding decisions
Use prede ned local BI Content to extract cash management data for analytical purposes
Enable the snapshot functionality to lter cash ows by the snapshot time
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 90
Bank Communication Management (FIN-FSCM-BNK)
The component is integrated for functions involving bank statements, bank payments, bank transfers, and so on.
Business function FIN-FSCM-BNK is required for use of this component.
Memo Records
Financial Operations
More Information
Cash and Liquidity Management
Technical Data
Application Component
SAP Collections Management (FIN-FSCM-COL)
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 91
Multifunctional Shared Service Interaction Center
You can use this business function to use new functions for the integration of SAP Collections Management, SAP Dispute
Management and Accounting Interaction Center that run in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). This
business function is, therefore, closely connected to the Multifunctional Shared Service Interaction Center business function in
the CRM system. In the Accounting Interaction Center, the following work centers are available that you can use for processing
Financial Shared Services in your company:
A user-friendly Web interface with integrated telephone is available to the AIC agent in the Accounting Interaction Center,
which assists in the collection of outstanding receivables and the resolution of dispute cases. He or she can easily navigate to
the connected S/4HANA systems, and access the required data.
For additional information about this business function – in connection with the Multifunctional Shared Service Interaction
Center – see SAP Library on SAP Help Portal under SAP CRM 7.0 for Enhancement Package 1
Application Help Interaction Center Interaction Center WebClient Shared Services Framework Integration with SAP
Technical Data
Application Component
Controlling (CO)
You can use the this business function to enable use of the Shared Services Framework functions, that are available cross-
component in multiple SAP applications.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 92
In connection with SAP Enhancement Package 1 for SAP CRM 7.0, this business function in particular optimizes the setting up
and operation of an Accounting Interaction Center (AIC) that runs in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). It is
therefore closely linked to the Multifunctional Shared Service Interaction Center business function in the SAP CRM system.
Reduced processing times for service requests and the resultant potential for savings
Integration of Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO) in the Shared Services Framework
AIC agents can process large numbers of service requests in the AIC user interface, due to direct access to business
objects in S/4HANA systems.
With this business function, you can use the following functions in the Shared Services Framework:
Irrespective of whether you use the Share Services Framework, this business function provides you with the option of
connecting non-SAP systems and various SAP systems to SAP Collections Management.
Manual creation of service requests from an S/4HANA system
Service requests are used for quick reporting and resolution of problems and errors. Consequently, you can create a service
request in the transactions for Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO) directly, for example in the Change Vendor
(FK02) or Display General Ledger Documents (FV53) transactions. When you create a service request, the system opens it in
the SAP CRM Interaction Center direct. It transfers contextual data, and gives you the option of enclosing a screenshot.
Moreover, you can link various S/4HANA objects, for example, the vendor master record or the document.
The AIC agent in turn can later call up the linked objects by navigating direct from the service request to the S/4HANA system.
In addition to the option of creating service requests directly from an S/4HANA system, you can search for services requests.
You can check their status and update the service requests, without an AIC employee having to take action. You can choose
whether you want to see only those service requests that have been created in the S/4HANA system in the UI of SAP CRM, or
whether you want to see all of the service requests irrespective of where they were created.
When you start an FI or CO transaction from the AIC, the S/4HANA system calls a search screen, making it easier for the AIC
agents to access the required data records. The search screen already contains the data that is known from the account
identi cation in the AIC (customer/vendor and company code).
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Enhanced Generic Object Services for linking S/4HANA objects with service requests.
In many FI and CO transactions in the S/4HANA system, you can link individual business objects with a service request in the
AIC, for example, the master data of a customer or vendor, using Generic Object Services (GOS). AIC agents can use this link to
start the transaction with the S/4HANA object in the S/4HANA system from a service request.
Generic Object Services for linking S/4HANA objects with service requests in the AIC are only available if an AIC agent has
started the S/4HANA transaction from the AIC, and the account in the AIC has been identi ed and con rmed. If, at the point
when the S/4HANA transaction was started from the AIC, a service request had been opened in the AIC, the system inserts the
link in the business context of the service request. If no service request had been opened in the AIC, the system inserts the link
in the interaction records of the accounts currently con rmed in the AIC.
The Accounting Interaction Center contains the account fact sheet that is used in nancial scenarios as a support tool for
communication with partners. It provides context-related information about the communication partner, where the partner can
be a customer or a vendor.
The fact sheet for the customer contains information about the special business context that ranges from purchasing volumes
to the latest dispute cases for the customer. The AIC agent is therefore able to access a complete picture of the current and
past relationship with the communication partner in his daily work.
The fact sheet for the vendor contains data such as open invoices, payments, and master data. It assists the AIC agent in giving
informed replies to inquiries from the vendor.
The Accounting Interaction Center employee must be in a position to access information about all previous communication with
the customer that is as complete as possible. This includes documents that are stored in the optical archive.
The Find Document function of the CRM user interface gives the AIC agent the option of searching from one place for
documents relevant to a business partner in a series of back-end systems, and of displaying them if necessary.
Both accounting clerks from various SAP S/4HANA applications and agents from the SAP CRM Interaction Center are involved
in the Shared Services Framework processes. All of those involved have to navigate between various SAP systems. Such
navigation is supported by the following new roles:
This business role allows S/4HANA users to create service requests from S/4HANA systems and to search for service
With this business role, agents in the AIC can process service requests from Financial Accounting and Controlling,
execute the appropriate S/4HANA transactions, and link S/4HANA objects with service requests.
AIC managers are IC managers who have the additional option of linking particular categories of service requests with
particular categories of dispute cases. Based on this, AIC managers can have particular dispute cases created
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 94
For additional information about this business function – in connection with the Multifunctional Shared Service Interaction
Center – see SAP Library on SAP Help Portal under SAP CRM 7.0 for Enhancement Package 1
Application Help Interaction Center Interaction Center WebClient Shared Services Framework Integration with
Connection of non-SAP systems and various SAP systems to SAP Collections Management
This function increases the range of accounting systems the data of which you can access with SAP Collections Management.
You set up the connection with the help of a substitute system that you connect to SAP Collections Management, and to which
you transfer the required master and transaction data. In this way you can centralize and standardize the processes for
collecting open receivables, irrespective of the system architecture used in your company. In the standard system, the sample
loading procedure SAP_46C is available for an SAP system with Release SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511.
Without this business function, you can only connect SAP systems where Accounts Receivable Accounting (FI-AR) has at least
SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511 status.
Technical Data
You can implement this business function to support you when you monitor and release payment media in payment
transactions with the banks.
The business function offers the following functionalities:
Audit trail for payment approval decisions along with digital signatures for internal audit
Analysis of payment status information and full payment- ow transparency as well as status monitoring for bank
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 95
SWIFTNet integration using SAP Integration Package for Swift
With the business function, you can make use of the new capabilities of Bank Communication Management. New features
Automatic triggering of follow-up activities via BAdI when payments are rejected or resubmitted
User Interface
Four new user interfaces are available:
Application Menu
As a consequence of the new transactions listed above, the application menu has also changed:
Batch Approver List and Reset a Payment Media Batch Run appear under Environment
Maintain Signature User and Con rm Signature User appear under Current Settings
Directly Dependant Business Function Requiring Activation in SAP Biller Direct (FIN_FSCM_BD)
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 96
You can use this business function to enable your vendors, within SAP Biller Direct Buy Side, to upload bills via your portal, and
then monitor the corresponding account movements there.
Additional functions are available to the Web users of SAP Biller Direct .
SAP Biller Direct Buy Side
The following functions are available to vendors within SAP Biller Direct Buy Side .
Upload of bills in XML format (optional) with attached documents in the portal
Depending on how you have con gured accounts payable accounting (FI-AP) in the back-end system, the bills are either
posted there direct or rst parked.
You can connect SAP Biller Direct to various back-end systems and therefore display bills from different SAP back-end systems
to your Web users.
Moreover, as biller you can follow the behavior of your Web users in a monitoring cockpit in Business Intelligence (BI).
Use a new layout with navigation tree on the left side of the screen in addition to the existing layout with navigation
using tab pages and a header bar.
Keep a clear overview by restricting the number of items shown in the Web application under Open Items, Paid Bills,
Payments and Credits .
Make working with long lists easier, by ltering items on the tab pages Open Items , Paid Bills , Payments and Credits
using various selection parameters.
Download other archived documents, such as expense reports, as a PDF from the optical archive, and not just bills.
Display status information, such as last logon, latest payments and latest master data change.
Technical Data
Directly Dependent Business Function Requiring Activation in SAP Biller Direct Buy Side (FIN-FSCM-BD)
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 97
You can use this business function to allow vendors self-service access to information about your accounts payable procedure
and the status of open invoices. By implementing the business function you can also allow vendors to raise inquiries in the Biller
Direct Buy Side portal. These inquiries can be linked to a particular invoice and are automatically stored as service requests in
the CRM system, where they are processed.
By affording more information to vendors, and allowing them to create inquiries online, you reduce the need for calls to your
accounts payable department. Where communication is required, the enhancements provide a streamlined and standardized
work ow. Vendors are happier with the improved transparency, and demands on your accounts payable department are
Invoice Status
On the Open Bills page of the SAP Biller Direct Buy Side portal, there is a new column in the open invoices list which shows
information on the status of each invoice. The values displayed in this column are customizable and are based on the payment
blocking status or posting status (posted, parked) of the FI document concerned.
In addition, there is a new text eld in the header area of the same page. This text eld displays more general information on
your accounts payable procedure and is customizable per company code. A typical entry in this eld could read 'We pay bills on
the last Thursday of each month'.
By displaying this information to vendors, you improve clarity and reduce the need for invoice-related inquiries.
Inquiries by Vendors
Vendors have two options for creating inquiries. In the rst instance, on the Inquiries tab page of the SAP Biller Direct Buy Side
portal, a vendor can create an inquiry directly, without reference to a particular invoice. A customizable dropdown menu gives a
list of prede ned reasons for the inquiry. After assigning their inquiry to one of these, the vendor can insert text in the
Comment eld and then send the inquiry. Once they have created an inquiry, a vendor can return to this page to check the
status of the inquiry over time, or to add additional comments.
A vendor can also create an invoice-related inquiry from the Open Bills tab page by selecting an invoice from the list of open bills
and then clicking Create Inquiry.
In both cases, the inquiry automatically initiates a service request in the CRM system, where it can be dealt with by an operative
in your Shared Service Center.
Technical Data
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 98
Application Component Billing Consolidation (FIN-FSCM-BC-CON)
You can use this business function to send outbound messages to SAP Billing Consolidation 2.0, process inbound messages, and
link messages received with documents and IDoc les. Communication takes place using middleware such as SAP XI / PI or
Transfer Client.
The Post Goods Receipt, Create Delivery and Create Billing Document processes are also involved in the business process.
Sending complaints
The system sends all of the messages found in table EDX_OUTBOUND with Ready for Sending status. The system
adjusts the status of a message depending on whether or not it was sent successfully.
Processing messages
Messages delivered by the service provider can be found in table EDX_PARK. The system processes all of the messages
in this table having status Ready for Processing to IDoc les, and links the documents with their attachment lists.
The system assigns the status Processed to messages successfully linked, and places them and the references for the
links in table EDX_INBOUND. For messages where linking was not successful the system assigns the status
Ready for Linking.
Linking documents
The system searches table table EDX_PARK for messages with the status Ready for Linking and attempts to link
their documents with their attachment lists. The system assigns the status Processed to messages successfully linked,
and places them and the references for the links in table EDX_INBOUND.
Listing messages
The system lists all of the documents of processed inbound and outbound messages in a table.
A customer sends purchase orders, or processes shipping noti cations or invoices.
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Technical Data
This business function enables you to seamlessly integrate nancial transactions and positions from the Transaction Manager
(FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM) into SAP Public Sector Management (PSM). Financial transactions and positions can be assigned to funds
and grants. When making postings to accounting, the fund and grant data is also transferred to correctly re ect the
investments on the nancial statements at fund and grant level. The positions can be managed at the level of the fund and
grant so that condition-based ows, such as interest payments, can be automatically assigned to the corresponding funds and
grants. The funds transfer function enables you to change the investment relationship of various funds and grants to positions,
without using external payment ows.
You can now also easily manage investments from investment pool participants in investment pools. The system supports the
purchase and sale of pool certi cates as well as the issue of certi cates by the investment pool.
When you create nancial transactions, you can now assign one or more funds or grants.
Funds Transfer
For the majority of product types in the Transaction Manager, it is possible to transfer funds. The funds transfer enables
you to transfer a position from a fund or grant to another fund or grant. In the Money Market and Securities areas, you
can also transfer parts of a position. Unlike the securities account transfer or valuation class transfer, the funds transfer
enables you to specify both the number of units and the value of the position to be transferred. If the funds are not
transferred at the book value of the position, price/rate gains and losses may be incurred. The system ensures that the
transfer does not affect pro t or loss for the relevant company code and that the position components are transferred
porportionally to the target position.
Investment pools are usually set up to group the nancial resources of multiple investment pool participants, which can
then be invested in this form in the capital market. This realizes higher returns and simultaneously reduces
administration costs. Investment pools and investment pool participants are represented in the system by a fund or a
combination of a fund and grant. The investment made by a participant in an investment pool is mapped in the system
using certi cates purchased by the investment pool participant and certi cates issues by the investment pool. The
certi cate needs to be created as a security in the Investment Certi cate category.
You can generate these nancial transactions automatically. You can also delete generated transactions at any time. The
transactions can be displayed with their structure characteristics in an overview.
A BAdI is also available with which you can change the transaction conditions.
The standard reporting for the logical databases and the position list (transaction TPM12), ow list (transaction TPM13),
and posting journal (TPM20) includes the account assignment elements from SAP Public Sector Management.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 100
See also: For more information, see Integration in Public Sector Management in the SAP Library, under Treasury and Risk
Management Transaction Manager General Information about the Transaction Manager .
Technical Data
ECC software component
You can use this business function as part of the SAP Cash Management (FIN-FCSM-CLM-CM) update. In addition to the
business area, you can update the account assignments, segment, and pro t center, as well as the fund and grant. This
provides you with extended options for differentiation in the cash position and liquidity forecast. If you use SAP Public Sector
Management (PSM), you can also display a funds overview in the cash position and liquidity forecast for the fund and grant
account assignments.
If you have activated new general ledger accounting in the Financial Accounting area, you can then include document splitting
for an account assignment relevant to cash management in SAP Cash Management.
You can then assign the new account assignments when you create payment advice notes and noted items by choosing
Cash Management Incomings Memo Record Create (transaction FF63) and Extras Addtional Account
Assignments .
The account assignments are not transferred to Cash Management from all the applications. The account
assignments segment and pro t center are not transferred for purchase orders and purchase requisitions, for
Make sure that any account assignments not relevant to SAP Cash Management are not set as required
entries in the planning type eld status de nition, since the elds would not be displayed. To check this, choose
Cash Management Structuring Manual Planning De ne Planning Types .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 101
Update to SAP Cash Management
The totals records are now stored in the new totals record tables. All the account assignments not relevant to Cash
Management are deleted.
Document Splitting
If you are using new General Ledger Accounting and have activated document splitting, you can also specify for the
relevant account assignments that document splitting is applied in SAP Cash Management.
This means that, when the Financial Accounting documents are updated to Cash Management, the document data is
written to the totals records tables (FDSB2 and FDSR2) and the adjustment items from document splitting are copied
to table FDSP. The adjustment items explain the additional entries in both totals records tables.
Document splitting is used to split a document of EUR 100.00 into the segments SG1 EUR 70.00 and SG2 EUR 30.00.
The following entries are made in the tables:
1 BSEG 100.00
3. When the document splitting is updated, the totals record is reset from 2.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 102
8. Cash Managment adjustment items for 5:
The accumulated CM adjustment items must be zero or approximately zero when rounded.
The new Entry View parameter is now available for the cash position and liquidity forecast. If this parameter is
set, the system displays the Cash Management update without document splitting. This means that the only lines
read from the totals record tables are those that are empty (space = entry view) in the eld view CMVIEW.
For open item accounts, the entries in table FDSP are deleted during clearing. If the bank accounts do not have
open items, the entries are deleted when you execute the Customizing activity Reorganize Cash Management
under Cash Management Tools .
With this business function, you can send your nancial transaction data to an external provider. The external provider,
VirtusaPolaris, will then transform your data to the trade repository.
Technical Data
Send Data of Financial Transactions to External Provider
In the area menu of the Treasury and Risk Management the new function Send Data of Financial Transactions to External
Provider (transaction FTR_TRR_DEALS_SEND) is available.
This function selects nancial transactions and creates an XML le containing the data of the nancial transactions. Then this
le is saved and send to your external provider VirtusPolaris. The external provider will then transform the data to the trade
More Information
Product Feature: TRM, Trade Repository Reporting via External Provider
Documentation of the new functionality: Send Data of Financial Transactions to External Provider
See also the documentation for SAP Trade Repository Reporting by VirtusaPolaris provided by VirtusaPolaris.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 103
Technical Data
You can use this business function to enable TRM archiving objects for the SAP Information Lifecycle Management (ILM)
This business function works together with the ILM framework.
The following archiving objects will function in ILM mode when the business function is switched on. When the business function
is switched off, it will work in the classic mode of archiving:
Technical Data
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 104
Available From SAP S/4HANA 1809
With this business function, you enable the automatic transfer of trade requests from the Process Trade Requests app in your
SAP S/4HANA back-end system to the trading platform integration application. This business function adds the statuses In
Transfer and Transfer Failed to re ect the new communication scenario. You must activate this business function, if you are
using the trading platform integration with your SAP S/4HANA system to access the latest functionality.
If you have activated the trading platform integration, trade requests in the Process Trade Requests app are automatically
transferred once you release them.
Released trade requests should go to the status In Transfer automatically and then straight to In Process, as they wait to be
ful lled. If for any reason a trade request remains In Transfer, you can choose Transfer to send it manually.
In the Manage Trade Requests app of the trading platform integration, you now no longer need to manually retrieve trade
requests from the back-end system.
More Information
Related SAP Note: 3131387
For more information on how to activate business functions, see Business Function.
See also the documentation for Integration with External Trading Platforms and Status Changes of Trade Requests.
Commodity Risk Management uses basic parts of Treasury and Risk Management .
To apply Commodity Risk Management , you must have activated the business function FIN_TRM_COMM_RM.
Key Features
The following table explains the available key features:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 105
You can apply market data based on derivative contract speci cations (DCS)
that re ect rules and conditions agreed upon at an exchange or with other
market data providers, and specify the underlying commodity. The DCS is
intended for the automatic determination of maturity key dates, quotations, and
trading periods.
Based on the DCS and market identi cation codes (MIC), the price data can be
entered for de ned price types and key dates, which determine speci c
contracts. MICs are not required for commodity forward.
Commodity curves enable market data valuations. For the creation of a commodity
curve, the system determines available market data and constructs the curve based on
existing grid points.
Current and historical nancial market data can be uploaded from external market data
providers to the DCS-Based Market Data Management. A remote function call
connection can be set up.
Master Data Management You can enter and process master data for the DCS, the underlying commodity, and
commodity curves.
Commodity Derivatives With the nancial transaction framework in Treasury and Risk Management, you can
enter and process commodity derivatives of the derivative categories Commodity
Future, Commodity Forward, Commodity Swap, Commodity Listed Option , and OTC
Option . Furthermore, Commodity Risk Management supports the exercise of
commodity listed options with commodity futures as underlying transactions.
There is a settlement function to support the follow-up processing like payments and
You can use standard BAPIs to create, exercise, reverse, or settle commodity
Correspondence Framework
Free Characteristics
You can de ne individual free characteristics, assign them to nancial transactions, and
use them for reporting purposes.
BAPIs allow you to create and change commodity derivatives containing free
characteristics via interface. Furthermore, these BAPIs provide values to Commodity
Risk Analytics where the data can be sliced and diced by leveraging free
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 106
Determination of Commodity Price Risks from Commodity price risks are derived from the life cycle of the commodity derivatives,
Commodity Derivatives starting from the contract creation until its maturity.
Commodity Risk Analytics with CDS Views Commodity Risk Analytics comprises Commodity Position Reporting, Mark-to-Market
Reporting, and Pro t and Loss Reporting for commodity derivatives (commodity
futures, commodity forwards, commodity swaps, OTC options, and listed options)
and/or logistics documents and material stock.
When creating and changing OTC options and listed options, the option delta factor is
automatically calculated and updated by the Market Risk Analyzer.
All available queries can be used by any tool that supports CDS views, such as
Analysis for Microsoft Excel.
Commodity Risk Analytics allows you to extend the provided queries in order to
append your individual free characteristics.
Commodity Position Reporting enables you to analyze the price risk quantities of
commodity positions resulting from commodity derivatives and/or logistics
transactions and material stock.
These reports show key gures for outright exposure quantities, priced and unpriced
commodity position quantities.
Mark-to-Market Reporting
The Mark-to-Market Reporting calculates and shows you the undiscounted MtM values,
contract values, and market values for commodity derivatives and/or unrealized
logistics documents and material stock, as well as the MtM changes between two
evaluation dates.
The Pro t and Loss Reporting enhances the Mark-to-Market Reporting and is aimed to
explain the root causes for changes in MtM values between two evaluation dates.
The P/L attribution shows how much each event (price and/or quantity change) has
attributed to the MtM delta values for a certain period.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 107
You can manage the order request process for commodity futures transactions, either
by using the Manage Commodity Order Requests Fiori app, or getting them created by
an API.
Order requests are usually used for the pricing of logistics contracts. With the Fiori app
Display Documents Related to Commodity Derivative Orders you can get an overview
of the relationship of a speci c document and its order request(s).
Orders can be grouped by using brackets. This can be achieved with the Fiori app
Manage Commodity Derivative Order Brackets.
After an order request has been created, commodity order request ful llments ( lls)
can be uploaded, which then trigger other processes, like the creation of commodity
futures transactions.
FIX Messages
For the electronical communication between a company and the broker, the FIX
(Financial Information Exchange) format is supported, a widely-used standard protocol.
With this feature you can connect to a FIX engine by producing outbound FIX messages,
and processing inbound FIX messages.
Note, that SAP only provides a solution that creates/handles messages that could be
used by a FIX engine, and does not provide a FIX engine itself nor a precon gured
connection to a FIX engine.
Related Information
Technical Data
You use this business function to enable features for Commodity Risk Management .
Commodity Risk Management is partly integrated with Treasury Management (FIN-FSCM-TRM).
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 108
Key Features
The following table explains the available key features:
The market data is based on derivative contract speci cations (DCS) re ecting
rules and conditions agreed upon at an exchange or with other market data
providers, and speci es the underlying commodity. The DCS is used for the
automatic determination of maturity key dates, quotations, and trading periods.
Based on the DCS and market identi cation codes (MIC), the price data can be
entered for de ned price types and key dates, which determine speci c
contracts. MICs are not required for commodity forward.
Commodity curves enable market data valuations. For the creation of a commodity
curve, the system determines available market data and constructs the curve based on
existing grid points.
Current and historical nancial market data can be uploaded from external market data
providers to the DCS-Based Market Data Management. A remote function call
connection can be set up.
Master Data Management You can enter and process master data for the DCS, the underlying commodity, and
commodity curves.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 109
You can manage the order request process for commodity futures transactions,
either by using the Manage Commodity Order Requests Fiori app, or getting
them created by an API.
Order requests are usually used for the pricing of logistics contracts. With the
Fiori app Display Documents Related to Commodity Derivative Orders you can
get an overview of the relationship of a speci c document and its order
Orders can be grouped by using brackets. This can be achieved with the Fiori
app Manage Commodity Derivative Order Brackets.
After an order request has been created, commodity order request ful llments
( lls) can be uploaded, which then trigger other processes, like the creation of
commodity futures transactions in Commodity Risk Management.
FIX Messages
For the electronical communication between a company and the broker, the FIX
(Financial Information Exchange) format is supported, a widely-used standard protocol.
With this feature you can connect to a FIX engine by producing outbound FIX messages,
and processing inbound FIX messages.
Note, that SAP only provides a solution that creates/handles messages that could be
used by a FIX engine, and does not provide a FIX engine itself nor a precon gured
connection to a FIX engine.
Commodity Derivatives With the nancial transaction framework in Treasury and Risk Management, you can
enter and process commodity derivatives of the derivative categories Commodity
Future, Commodity Forward, Commodity Swap, Listed Option , and OTC Option . In
addition, there is a settlement function to support the follow-up processing like
payments and postings. Furthermore, you can use standard BAPIs to create, exercise,
reverse, or settle commodity derivatives.
Correspondence Framework
Free Characteristics
You can de ne individual free characteristics, assign them to nancial transactions, and
use them for reporting purposes.
BAPIs allow to create and change commodity derivatives containing free characteristics
via interface. Furthermore, these BAPIs provide values to Commodity Risk Analytics
where the data can be sliced and diced by leveraging free characteristics.
Determination of Commodity Price Risks from Commodity price risks are derived from the life cycle of the commodity derivatives,
Commodity Derivatives starting from the contract creation until its maturity.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 110
Commodity Price Risk Hedge Accounting You can, in accordance with the IFRS 9 principles, perform hedge accounting for cash
ow hedges of commodity plan exposures that your company is exposed to, which
includes the automated designation of commodity swaps, creation of hedging
relationships, classi cation, reclassi cation, pro-rata basis adjustment, dedesignation,
and the following:
You can manage hedging relationships that document the use of commodity
swaps to hedge your risk positions (commodity plan exposures) against
commodity price risks.
You can upload commodity planning data and transform them to commodity
plan exposures.
You can apply the 4-eye principle if you, for example, manage and process
commodity planning data, commodity plan exposures, dedesignation requests,
and counterdeal requests.
You can portray cash ow hedges including on-behalf hedges for subsidiaries.
You can run effectiveness checks for your hedging relationships and document
your hedging relationships.
You can use valuation and accounting functions for hedge accounting purposes
Commodity Price Risk Hedge Accounting is integrated with Treasury and Risk
Management and provides a wide range of Fiori apps and transactions.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 111
Commodity Risk Analytics with CDS Views Commodity Risk Analytics comprises Commodity Position Reporting, Mark-to-Market
Reporting, and Pro t and Loss Reporting for commodity derivatives (commodity
futures, commodity forwards, commodity swaps, OTC options, and listed options)
and/or logistics documents and material stock.
When creating and changing OTC options and listed options, the option delta factor is
automatically calculated and updated by the Market Risk Analyzer.
All available queries can be used by any tool that supports CDS views, such as
Analysis for Microsoft Excel.
Commodity Risk Analytics allows you to extend the provided queries in order to
append your individual free characteristics.
Commodity Position Reporting enables you to analyze the price risk quantities of
commodity positions resulting from commodity derivatives and/or logistics
transactions and material stock.
These reports show key gures for outright exposure quantities, priced and unpriced
commodity position quantities.
Mark-to-Market Reporting
The Mark-to-Market Reporting calculates and shows you the undiscounted MtM values,
contract values, and market values for commodity derivatives and/or unrealized
logistics documents and material stock, as well as the MtM changes between two
evaluation dates.
The Pro t and Loss Reporting enhances the Mark-to-Market Reporting and is aimed to
explain the root causes for changes in MtM values between two evaluation dates.
The P/L attribution shows how much each event (price and/or quantity change) has
attributed to the MtM delta values for a certain period.
Related Information
Logistics, Commodity Pricing Engine in SD and MM
Treasury and Risk Management
Technical Data
Business function requiring activation in addition Enterprise Extensions Financials Extensions (EA-FIN) and Public
Services (EA-PS)
You can use this business function to integrate the processing of real estate contracts with functions of the Funds Management
Using the functions of this business function, when you create a real estate contract in the Flexible Real Estate Management
component, the system generates an earmarked funds document in the Funds Management component.
This business function provides you with the following functions:
You can subject real estate contracts to an approval process. This process involves both the person who created or
changed the real estate contract and the responsible person in Funds Management.
The system can automatically generate the needed documents depending on the type of real estate contract. For
vendor contracts, it generates documents of the funds commitment type; whereas for customer contracts, the system
generates documents of the forecast of revenue type. In both cases, these documents are generated in the Funds
Management component.
In a subsequent process, these earmarked funds can then gradually be reduced by successive periodic postings.
For more information, see the SAP Library for Flexible Real Estate Management by choosing Approval and Earmarked Funds.
Also see the release note RE_FM_EARMARKED_FUND: Business Function RE/FM, Earmarked Funds
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Technical Data
You can use this business function to enable SAP back end changes required for the SAP Real Estate Broker mobile app.
With the SAP Real Estate Broker mobile app for iPad, you can search property listings anywhere and anytime. This app accesses
the SAP Real Estate Management application and allows sales agents to search accurate and real-time property data in order
to quickly connect clients with suitable and available properties right from their iPad.
When you activate the SAP Real Estate Broker (RE_MOBILE_BROKER_1) business function, you enable various SAP system
changes that are required to support the mobile app. These changes include the following:
Additional document types that are used to classify property images for different uses
Additional Customizing view, that is used to specify data for property thumbnails
Technical Data
You can use this business function to execute automatic postings for a consolidation posting allocation. This enables you to
distribute the results of the eliminations (interunit eliminations or consolidations of investments, for example) to multiple
characteristic values. As a result, the group closing can be displayed with a higher degree of granularity.
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You can use the Financials, Group Close, Allocation business function to execute allocation tasks also for two-sided eliminations
and consolidation-group-dependent entries. The business function also contains additional new and changed functions.
You can execute allocation tasks also for two-sided elimination and consolidation group-dependent entries. You can assign
document types with the following posting levels to these kinds of tasks:
30 : Consolidation-group-dependent entries
After changing the breakdown of items, you can execute a consistency check, and if necessary, implement breakdown
corrections for those Customizing settings in which you use these items.
If you change the breakdown properties of an item (by changing the breakdown category assignment), this generally leads to
inconsistencies in the Customizing settings in which this item is used. You can use the Breakdown Check for Customizing to
check the consistency of the Customizing setting breakdowns. If this check reveals inconsistencies, the system can correct
these inconsistencies in some cases.
In a currency translation task, you can assign various rounding methods depending on the consolidation unit.
In a reclassi cation or allocation task, you can assign various methods depending on the consolidation unit.
For more information, see Execution of a Reclassi cation and Execution of an Allocation.
You can de ne the executability of a custom task depending on the consolidation unit.
When executing a reconciliation task, you can restrict the analysis of differences to one consolidation group.
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You can save the results of executing a validation task and then display the results in a report.
For more information, see Validation Results as Report and Customizing Interface for Validation.
In the automatic consolidation of investments, the system processes negative stockholders' equity also in activities in which the
percentages of ownership change.
For more information, see Negative Stockholders' Equity – Global and Negative Stockholders' Equity.
You can adjust the cumulative values of minority interest for equity so that they correspond to the current group shares.
For the same investee unit, you can execute multiple transfer activities even if the investment is read from the totals database.
Mass Reversal
You can update the status of tasks when executing the mass reversal.
You can make a multiple selection of consolidation groups in the totals data list.
You can activate an authorization check for changing comments in documents and additional nancial data.
For more information, see Comments for Documents and Additional Financial Data and Authorizations for Tasks.
See Also
For detailed documentation about the individual functions of SEMBCS, see Product Assistance under SEM – Strategic
Enterprise Management Business Consolidation (SEM-BCS) .
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Technical Data
You can use the Financials, Group Closing, Compliance business function to enhance the functions of the Business
Consolidation (FIN-SEM-BCS) component.
Approval Work ow for Documents from the Flexible Upload Function for Documents
You can initiate the document approval process from the function for the exible upload of documents. A document is posted
only after all responsible users approve it.
You use this function to access document approvals, monitor status change approvals, and sign-off task approvals in a Web
browser. It is an alternative to using the Business Workplace inbox and the universal worklist (UWL) in the Enterprise Portal.
Two enhancements have been implemented for comments for approval processes:
You cannot change saved comments. You can only add new comments.
You can now author comments for the status change work ow.
The sign-off task initiates the approval work ow for reported nancial results. The persons responsible review and approve the
documents. The sign-off is the nal step in the group close process.
The XBRL functions in the workbench support the XBRL 2.1 standard.
Worksets for the Local Accountant Monitor and Corporate Accountant Monitor in the Enterprise Portal
Worksets are available for accessing the local accountant monitor and the corporate accountant monitor using the Enterprise
Technical Data
You can use this business function to carry out automatic postings for the adjustment of deferred taxes in the Group Close
when the tax rate changes between periods.
If the tax rate valid in a speci c period is different from that in the prior period, you must, depending on the legal requirements,
adjust the balances of deferred taxes according to the new tax rate. Depending on the FS item, the required adjustments can
be posted to the income statement with or without an effect on earnings.
Manually adjusting the deferred taxes that result from consolidation tasks would require a large amount of effort, especially in
large organizations with a large number of document types and business combinations. You can use the Financials, Group
Close, Adjustment of Deferred Taxes business function to automate the postings required for the adjustment of deferred taxes.
Some of the functions described here are available in both the Financials, Group Closing business function and the Financials,
Group Close, Adjustment of Deferred Taxes business function. There are no dependencies between these two business
functions. To be able to use the Financials, Group Close, Adjustment of Deferred Taxes business function, it is not necessary to
activate the Financials, Group Closing business function.
Functions for the Adjustment of Deferred Taxes
This is the main functional enhancement delivered with this business function. You con gure the adjustment of deferred taxes in
the consolidation workbench.
If you have activated this business function, you can activate or deactivate the Adjustment of Deferred Taxes function for
individual consolidation areas.
You can exibly con gure the posting of deferred taxes, as you can also do with the Financials, Group Closing business function.
If you do not want to adjust deferred taxes for certain balance sheet items, you can suppress this function for these items.
In the con guration of balance carryforward tasks, you can specify an assignment to posting levels, as you can also do with the
Financials, Group Closing business function.
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The standardizing entries for the adjustment of deferred taxes are made using tasks of category Period Initialization. You
create multiple period initialization tasks that post on different posting levels.
When you execute these tasks in the consolidation monitor, the system selects the data records that are to be adjusted,
calculates the required adjustments, and posts the corresponding documents.
Additional Functions
If you have activated the Financials, Group Close, Adjustment of Deferred Taxes business function, the following additional
functions are also available to you.
Integrated loading from data stream for main asset number and asset subnumber
As of SEM-BCS 6.0, you can specify that the system is also to upload independent elds of a compound of characteristics during
the exible upload of assets/liabilities.
If you activate the new business function, you can also use this function for the Load from Data Stream data collection method.
Balance carryforward of equity data in accordance with totals data for equity method of consolidation
If the equity is read partly from the totals database and partly from additional nancial data, a special logic is used in the
balance carryforward for fully consolidated units (purchase methods). This special logic ensures consistency between the totals
data and the additional nancial data in the following year even if the location of the values changes.
If you activate the new business function, you can also activate this special logic in the con guration of balance carryforward
tasks for units consolidated according to the equity method.
For more information, see Balance Carryforward with "Different" Locations of Equity Data.
You can use this reporting mode to expand the enterprise hierarchy for the reference period. The system only displays the data
records that were posted in a period when a company belonged to the group according to the hierarchy of the reference period.
Elimination of IU pro t and loss in transferred inventory without inventory data stream
If you have activated the Financials, Group Closing business function, the system can not only read the inventory data from the
additional nancial data, but also alternatively from the totals database. Until now, it was necessary to generate an inventory
data stream even if the data was read from the totals database.
If you activate the new business function, you can use the elimination of IU pro t and loss in transferred inventory without
generating an inventory data stream as long as the inventory data is read from the totals database.
Until now, only additional nancial data was checked during the validation of investment data. The totals data for investment
was not checked until runtime during the consolidation of investments.
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If you activate the new business function, you can also have the system check investment data from the totals database during
this validation.
When executing a task of category Posting of Group Shares and when analyzing the group shares, you can specify that the
system is to interpret total divestitures and investor-induced partial divestitures in the same way as it does during the
consolidation of investments.
If you have activated the Financials, Group Closing business function, you can update task groups in the consolidation monitor
with or without blocking. Until now, you could only update task groups in the consolidation workbench and in batch processing
with automatic blocking.
If you activate the new business function, you can update task groups in the consolidation workbench and in batch processing
without automatic blocking.
For more information, see Execution of Task Groups and Status Changes and Background Processing of Tasks and Task Groups.
Technical Data
Using this business function, you can adjust the consolidation of investments to re ect changed accounting principles that
result from the Business Combinations project. In the Business Combinations project, the Financial Accounting Standards Board
(FASB) and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) de ned new principles that were incorporated into generally
accepted accounting principles. This business function helps you adjust consolidated nancial statements to re ect the changed
accounting principles.
Support for Business Combinations
The business function provides improved support for allocating goodwill to separate goodwill-carrying consolidation
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Full Goodwill
During consolidation of investments, the system supports calculations, postings, and valuation allowances for full
Change of Control
If you execute a method change as a change of control, the system posts a total divestiture and then a rst consolidation
to the same investee unit based on the new accounting technique. When a loss of control occurs, the system also
handles “other comprehensive income” (OCI) in accordance with the new requirements.
Additional Functions
You can depict consolidation unit mergers within a consolidation group. In a vertical merger, the balance sheet for the ceding
consolidation unit is transferred to the parent unit. In a horizontal merger, the absorbing unit and ceding unit have the same
parent unit.
To ensure that group ownership of consolidation units is taken into account when consolidation group-dependent entries are
recorded, you can post preparatory entries to posting level 32.
Unlike with lower posting levels, with posting level 30, reporting displays all data regardless of the dates for rst consolidation
and divestiture accounting. If you want these dates to be taken into account in reporting, you can use a task with the category
consolidation group change to post entries to posting level 32. In this type of task, the system makes further postings in
addition to preparation postings for acquisition or divestiture. It uses these additional postings to reverse the totals records on
posting level 30 (with the exception of consolidation of investments) for speci c periods. This period-speci c reversal applies
not only to the balance sheet, but also to the income statement.
To adjust group consolidation to re ect the new standards for segment reporting in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS 8), you can use posting level 35 to make group-speci c manual postings that relate to management
consolidation only and are not included in external consolidation.
Using the Group Currency Value for Local Currency Changes in the Balance Carryforward
When there is a currency change and the new local currency is the same as the group currency, you can use the group currency
value as the local currency value in the balance carryforward in the new scal year. By doing this, you can prevent currency
translation differences in this special situation.
For more information, see Local Currency Change for a Consolidation Unit.
You can carry out transfer activities with organizational changes simultaneously in both dimensions in a matrix organization,
such as companies and pro t centers.
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For more information, see Organizational Change Number.
You can suppress information messages in task logs. This function enables you to reduce internal memory consumption and
improve the performance of task execution. You can specify for which consolidation areas and tasks or task ranges the system is
no longer to write information messages to the log.
To con gure the settings, call transaction UC00 and choose Tasks Suppress Information Messages in Logs .
Legacy Data Transfer for Elimination of IU Pro t and Loss in Transferred Assets
You can copy the data for elimination of interunit pro t/loss in transferred assets from a legacy system and transfer the
following cumulative values to the new system without affecting earnings:
When you activate this business function, the system behavior for the Delete All update mode changes in automatic data
recording for additional nancial data.
The standard system deletes only data for consolidation units that exist in the source.
When you activate this business function, the system deletes all data records in the selection for the task execution.
For more information, see Control of Data Collection Using Update Mode.
See Also
For detailed documentation about the individual functions of SEM-BCS, see the product assistance: Business Consolidation
Technical Data
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Application Component Business Consolidation (FIN-SEM-BCS)
This business function allows you to automate consolidation entries to handle subsidiaries in accordance with the new
International Financial Reporting Standards regulations (IFRS 5) and the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS
144) in cases of intention for sale or discontinued operations. Extensive automation of these postings enables you to reduce the
effort required to create the consolidation balance sheet and eliminate potential sources of error that can occur when you use
manual postings to handle these aspects.
Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
If you acquire a subsidiary with an intention for sale or if the intention for sale for a subsidiary arises while the subsidiary is part
of the group, you must report the assets and liabilities for this company separately in the consolidated balance sheet. You can
use the Financials, Group Close, Assets Held for Sale business function to specify the time of the intention for sale of a
consolidation unit for speci c consolidation groups and to reclassify all balance sheet items as two target items for assets held
for sale and liabilities held for sale.
Due to the intention for sale, a consolidation-group-dependent revaluation of assets held for sale may also be required.
However, you cannot post minority interest for this revaluation. This business function allows you to suppress reporting of
minority interest for consolidation-group-dependent entries for the relevant document types.
As of the time of the intention for sale, the depreciation of assets must be suppressed. Using this business function, you can
revoke the planned depreciation of assets or liabilities by consolidation group. You can also suppress the posting of depreciation
adjustments in documents of tasks for the elimination of interunit pro t/loss in transferred assets.
Discontinued Operations
When an entire business area discontinues operations, you have to report the equity holdings adjustments separately. You can
use this business function to reclassify all income statement items as one single target item for discontinued operations as of
the point in time when a consolidation unit discontinues operations.
For more information, see Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations.
Additional Functions
You can specify that when the data collection methods Load from Data Stream or Copy are used with the update mode Delete
All, the system is to ignore any data records in which all key gures are zero in the source environment.
For more information, see Control of Data Collection Using Update Mode.
You can perform the historical currency translation based on additional nancial data without having to activate the
consolidation of investments.
For more information, see Historical Currency Translation According to Investments or Equity.
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In the Customizing settings for balance carryforwards, you can de ne a document type assignment. To do this, you assign an
automatic target document type to a manual source document type. You can use this function to carry forward manual
adjusting entries in the subsequent period to automatic document types with the same properties.
For more information, see Document Type Assignment for Balance Carryforwards.
You can specify whether the function to compare investment to equity in the consolidation of investments is to display error
messages or simply warning messages. If you reported the investment outside the particular consolidation group, it may be
more bene cial to display a warning message rather than an error message.
You can dynamically show or hide statistical items in the log for consolidation of investments.
When you use the equity method, you can carry goodwill in the local currency of the investee unit.
For more information, see Subsequent Consolidation and Example: Subsequent Consolidation.
You can use a report to check and correct the consistency in the control of document elds for manual document types with
respect to the data model.
Technical Data
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This business function allows you to create restatements, that is, you can make retroactive adjustments to previously published
consolidated nancial statements. Retroactive adjustments may be required due to changes in accounting principles or group
structure changes, or to implement corrections to previously published nancial statements. You can also use restatement
functions to simulate the impact of these changes on past or future nancial statements.
Unlike the Financials, Group Closing business function provided with enhancement package 2, this business function allows you
to better automate restatements. In doing so, you can reduce manual steps and eliminate potential sources of error. This
business function also provides greater exibility in planning scenarios.
The system posts the data for each restatement characteristic value in a data slice that is separate from the original data and
from the data slices for other restatement characteristic values.
In addition to the functions of the Financials, Group Closing business function provided with enhancement package 2, this
Financials, Group Close, Restatement Monitor business function provide enhancements in the following areas:
There is an additional restatement eld in the data streams for additional nancial data. This eld is required to allow
you to enter additional nancial data in restatements.
If you have activated this business function and have activated the additional restatement eld in the data streams for
additional nancial data in the data basis, you can activate the Restatement of Group-Dependent Postings function.
In the master data for restatement characteristic values, you can enter the following attributes in addition to the
restatement period:
You can specify for each restatement whether it references the original data or an existing older restatement.
You can also create restatements that do not reference other data.
You can assign a special version of a hierarchy structure to each restatement. You can then copy an existing hierarchy
structure to this special version.
This function allows you to use the consolidation unit hierarchy (typically from the restatement period) in past execution
periods during task execution and in reporting, and to adjust in particular group-dependent attributes such as dates of
rst consolidation and divestiture accounting, the assignment of consolidation of investments methods, and parent unit
indicators for each restatement.
In the data collection methods Flexible Upload, Copy (Method), and Load from Data Stream, you can specify an input
type for restatements. In the restatement dimension, you can enter the difference to the reference values or the total
values of the current restatement data slice (similarly to the periodic or cumulative input types in the time dimension).
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Task Hierarchy
In the task hierarchy, in addition to the task categories supported by the Financials, Group Closing business function, you
can also use task categories that post automatically.
Before the system can calculate difference values for a restatement, the relevant totals and documents must be
available in the original data and in the entire chain of reference restatements. For tasks in restatements, status
management therefore takes into account the status of a task in the original data as well as in the entire chain of
reference restatements. For the task status in a restatement, the same task in the original data as well as in the entire
chain of reference restatements is implicitly considered a preceding task.
Balance carryforward
You can merge data that you entered in a restatement with other restatements or with the original data in the
subsequent year. You can also suppress the balance carryforward for individual restatement data slices.
Reclassi cation
Within a given year, you can use data for a speci c restatement data slice to trigger reclassi cation in another
restatement data slice.
Additional Functions
Within a consolidation group, a consolidation unit is considered inactive before the rst consolidation and after nal divestiture.
If you activate this business function, you can also mark individual consolidation units as inactive within a consolidation group. In
the consolidation unit hierarchy, the system displays inactive consolidation units in gray.
You can copy organizational unit hierarchies between hierarchy versions. This function allows you to run planning and simulation
scenarios quicker and easier.
If, when documents are copied, the result in the target reveals differences between documents and totals records (due to
effects of currency translation, for example), the system posts the difference values in correction documents. When you
activate this business function, the system posts correction documents with consolidation of investments activity 84
(Correction During Copy) when consolidation of investment documents are copied. You can also copy documents for
consolidation of investments in complex scenarios, making it easier for you to follow these postings.
You can invert the debit/credit decision for speci c automatic postings depending on the document type. This function was
already available for manual postings in the Financials, Group Closing business function provided with enhancement package 2.
In this Financials, Group Close, Restatement Monitor business function, this function is now also available for postings with
document types that have the following properties:
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Automatic posting
Application Other
You can set up an existence check for exchange rates. When currency translation tasks are executed, the system then checks
whether the exchange rate table contains an exchange rate for the period in which you are executing the currency translation
task. If this is not the case, the system writes an information message to the task log for the currency translation.
You can post documents for a consolidation group change (at posting levels 02, 12, and 22) for a speci c activity (such as
preparations for acquisition) with different document types depending on the document type of the input data (at posting level
01, 10, or 20).
If you have also activated the business function Financials, Group Close, Business Combinations, you can also post documents
for a consolidation group change at posting level 32 for a speci c activity with different document types depending on the
document type of the input data at posting level 30.
This makes the postings for consolidation group changes more transparent.
For more information, see Document Type Assignment for Consolidation Group Change.
When the parent unit changes, you have to adjust the cumulative values of the balance sheet for all consolidation units of the
consolidation group to re ect the changed parent/subsidiary relationships or group shares. This must be done without affecting
earnings. This business function allows you to automate the postings required in the consolidation of investments.
In a multilevel group or consolidation group, you can use a special logic for the stepwise equity method.
You can suppress the status update when tasks that post automatically are repeated in the update run provided that there
have been no changes since the previous update run and that the system therefore does not post documents in the repetition
run. If the task is a preceding task of additional tasks, the system also suppresses the status information update for these
succeeding tasks.
The system suppresses the status update under certain conditions only. For more information, see Conditional Status Update.
You can generate a list of the percentage rates for the proportionate consolidation of the individual consolidation units within a
consolidation group. This function allows you to verify whether you have recorded the proportion percentage rates correctly.
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For more information, see Customizing and Entry of Proportionate Shares.
You can display a list of the task hierarchy as well as the preceding relationships between the tasks in the task hierarchy. The
system indicates whether the preceding task relationships are explicit or implicit.
Explicit preceding task relationships are de ned by you in Customizing for preceding task relationships.
You can activate an authorization check for permanent parameters for speci c users or roles. If a user temporarily changes or
saves the permanent parameters, the system checks whether this user is authorized to execute at least one task with the
parameters set. This function enables you to prevent users from setting parameters (particularly in the consolidation monitor)
with which they cannot execute any tasks.
You can restrict the authorizations for changing the settings for replication to the BW system. Users who can display the
Transport System Settings Replication in BI System node in the Tools view of the consolidation workbench but who do not
have the relevant change authorization can only display the settings for replication to the BW system in display mode. They
cannot display them in change mode.
See Also
For detailed documentation about the individual functions of SEM-BCS, see the product assistance: Business Consolidation
Technical Data
You use the Financials, Group Closing business function to make important new functions available for the Business
Consolidation (SEM-BCS) component. These include the following:
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Multiperiod Consolidation
For the elimination of interunit pro t and loss in transferred inventory: Reading of inventory data from the totals
Status Reporting
Multiperiod Consolidation
Multiperiod consolidation supports your planning and forecasting processes. You can use multiperiod consolidation to execute
tasks and task groups for timeframes that span multiple periods without needing to change the parameters.
You can execute task groups in the remaining periods of a consolidation cycle.
You can block, unblock, and reset task groups and individual tasks in the remaining periods.
In the consolidation monitor, you can use buttons for easy navigation from one period to another within a consolidation
Furthermore, the system now supports multiple balance carryforward tasks that work at speci c posting levels and are even
able to copy data from a source version. And you can now execute task groups using a selection screen in individual periods or in
the remaining periods of a consolidation cycle; or you can schedule those task groups for execution in background mode.
SAP Business Work ow is now integrated in the consolidation monitor: If you set up a work ow for a task, you are able to block,
block by user intervention, unblock, or reset, only if the status change has been approved in the work ow approval process. In
Customizing for tasks, you can determine that a work ow is to be started when a user blocks a task, blocks a task by user
intervention, or unblocks or resets a task in the consolidation monitor. You can de ne the approval agent for the work ow either
statically yourself or have the system determine the approval agent dynamically.
When the agent blocks a task in the consolidation monitor, the task is assigned the status Blocked, Pending Approval (or in the
case of block by user intervention: Blocked by User Intervention, Pending Approval). The system noti es the approval agents in
the Business Workplace inbox. Then the approval agents can either approve or reject the status change. Once all approval
agents approve the status change, the system changes the task status to Blocked or Blocked by User Intervention. If one of
the approval agents rejects the status change, the task status is set to Unblocked.
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Work ow (Task Unblocked)
When the agent unblocks a task in the consolidation monitor, the task is assigned the status Unblocked, Pending Approval. The
system noti es the approval agents in the Business Workplace inbox. Then the approval agents can either approve or reject the
status change. Once all approval agents approve the status change, the system changes the task status to Unblocked. If one of
the approval agents rejects the status change, the task status is set again to Blocked or Blocked by User Intervention.
When the agent resets a task in the consolidation monitor, the task is assigned the status Reset, Pending Approval. The system
noti es the approval agents in the Business Workplace inbox. Then the approval agents can either approve or reject the status
change. Once all approval agents approve the status change, the system changes the task status to Reset. If one of the
approval agents rejects the status change, the task status is set to Incomplete. To customize the standard system behavior
described here, you can use the Business Add-In (BAdI) UC_WFV_STAT.
Now you also can have the consolidation system collect documents with the posting levels 02, 12, 20, 22, and 30. This enables
you to execute the data collection and copy tasks for consolidation groups, in addition to consolidation units.
Now you can use the copy method to copy data from other consolidation areas. This is possible even if the source and target
consolidation areas use different data models. Automatic data collection of additional nancial data now also collects the
following additional nancial data: Automatically-generated goodwill entries; noncurrent assets - consolidated; sequences of
activities; and activity sorting. This means that you can collect a complete set of additional nancial data.
For more information, see Product Assistance under Automatic Data Collection.
Manual Postings
In manual posting you now can use held documents and sample documents.
Held Documents
If you enter an incomplete document, you can temporarily save the data you entered so far as a draft, and assign a
document name. Documents saved as drafts are called “held documents”. Later on you can load the held document,
continue entering the data, and nally post the document. Only after you complete and truly post the document, does
the system write the journal entries and totals records to the database. Once the document is posted, the system
deletes the held document.
Sample Documents
You can use sample documents as templates when manually entering documents. The use of sample documents is
bene cial if you need to enter many documents that are similar to each other. All-user sample documents can be
transported. When you post a document that is based on a sample document, the sample document remains unchanged
in the InfoProvider.
You can make held documents and sample documents either user-speci c (that is, visible and available only to the users who
created them) or accessible to all users.
For more information, see Product Assistance under Sample Documents and Held Documents.
If you have activated the Work ow for Approving Documents function in the consolidation area, you can use the document type
to control whether work ows are started for all documents that have this document type.
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The de nition of the approval process is exible: As a condition for starting the work ow, you can specify a validation method in
You can implement BAdI UC_WFV_DOC to meet any special requirements you may have.
When the creator of a document selects a document type that is de ned for work ows, and posts the document, that person
essentially submits the document for approval. This automatically triggers the work ow.
Each approval agent is noti ed in the inbox of Business Workplace and can approve or reject the document, and can add a
comment to the document. Once all approval agents have approved the document, the system posts the document. However, if
the document is rejected, the system noti es the document creator in Business Workplace about the rejection. The document
creator can then either discard the document (which deletes the document), or can revise the document and resubmit it for
For more information, see Product Assistance under Work ow for Approving Manually-Entered Documents.
Deferred Taxes
Posting of deferred taxes in the balance sheet has been extended: The system can post deferred taxes in the balance sheet on
nancial statement items and subassignments that are speci cally intended for the balance sheet line items shown in the
original document.
Furthermore, posting of deferred taxes in the balance sheet does not need to be triggered by a balance sheet imbalance; the
existence of balance-sheet-triggering items in the original document can also trigger the postings.
These new Customizing settings are time-dependent and version-dependent as well as global, and apply to all document types.
If you make these Customizing settings, whenever the system generates automatic clearing line items, the system
automatically makes the debit-or-credit decisions for each individual line item.
You can suppress posting of deferred taxes, even if the document type is con gured to do this.
You can reverse the debit-or-credit decisions that the system has made.
The system can read inventory data not only from the additional nancial data, but also from the totals database. You decide -
dependent on the version - which data source is read. When the system reads the totals data, the validation of inventory data
from additional nancial data is no longer applicable.
For more information, see Product Assistance under Location of Inventory Data.
The system now supports two kinds of restatement processes: (a) one for retroactive adjustments arising from a (voluntary)
change in nancial reporting, and (b) one for corrections of errors in nancial reports already published. You can de ne separate
restatements for each restatement event. From a technical viewpoint, these data slices are independent of the actual data set
and re ect a delta between the actual data and the restatement data. You can record data for all posting levels in these
separate restatements using automatic and manual data collection tasks. You can post-process the recorded data using
validation, currency translation, balance carryforward, and custom tasks.
You can de ne a separate task hierarchy that is dedicated for restatement purposes. The consolidation monitor has a separate
task status for each restatement event. You also can use multiperiod consolidation for restatement purposes.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 131
You can use the new reporting mode Restatement to create reports with the restatement data.
Status Reporting
You can now create reports in a BI query on the progress of tasks in the consolidation monitor. This report lets you carry out
statistical evaluations on the progress of the consolidation process. For example, a query shows percentages of consolidation
units according to their progress in their data collection task (or task group), broken down as follows: completed; in progress;
not yet begun.
You assign weighting factors to consolidation units and consolidation groups. These factors determine how much weight (if any)
each consolidation unit contributes to the statistics. Further, you can summarize the detailed status information of the
consolidation monitor into categories and use this information in reports.
The Web Dynpro consolidation monitor is designed speci cally for the tasks and needs of local accountants, who transfer
individual nancial statement data to corporate headquarters.
An SAP GUI installation is not required because the Web Dynpro consolidation monitor runs within a Web browser. The user
interface contains only those functions that are relevant for local accountants (data collection, validation, and selected
reporting functions). The Web Dynpro consolidation monitor contains the following additional functions, as compared to the SAP
GUI consolidation monitor:
User-speci c parameter sets for easy switching back and forth between different combinations of parameters you use
For more information, see Product Assistance under Web Dynpro-Based Consolidation Monitor for Local Accountants.
The Web Dynpro consolidation monitor for corporate accountants is mostly the same as the SAP GUI consolidation monitor with
regards to the user interface and functionality. However, the following features have been added:
Improved display of xed characteristics in a user's own screen area of the monitor
For more information, see Product Assistance under Web Dynpro-Based Consolidation Monitor for Corporate Accountants.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 132
More Information
The release notes provide a detailed list of new and changed functions.
For detailed documentation about the individual functions of SEM-BCS, see Product Assistance under Business
Consolidation (SEM-BCS).
As of SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511, the system supports proportionate consolidation. (This does not require
activation of the Financials, Group Closing business function.) This solution is based on reclassi cations that are
consolidation group-dependent. SAP delivers a comprehensive standard delivery example.
Technical Data
You can use this business function to calculate check digits for transaction data and persist them in the system. Check digits are
a highly summarized display of the totals data of Business Consolidation (SEM-BCS). They are relevant for the auditability of
reported nancial data in particular because no corresponding documents with audit-relevant details such as the user or the
date and time of posting exist in the system for reported nancial data. By evaluating the check digits calculated by the system
at different times, however, it is possible to see immediately whether the transaction data was changed during the
corresponding time period. Check digits therefore simplify the check process for the consolidated nancial statements.
The business function also contains additional new and changed functions.
Check Digits
The system calculates and persists check digits for transaction data at the level of detail of the organizational unit
(consolidation groups and consolidation units) at three different posting levels (reported nancial data, standardizing entries,
consolidation entries). Calculation of the check digits is triggered by the execution of tasks in update mode that are located at
suitable positions in the task hierarchy and by changes made to the period status by a user. You can display check digits in the
consolidation monitor. You can also use a comparison function to trigger the recalculation of check digits by the system. The
system displays the newly calculated check digits as well as the check digits already persisted in the database, together with
status information.
You can change the task status (block, block by user intervention, unblock, or reset) manually by means of a selection screen.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 133
For more information, see Status Management in the Consolidation Monitor.
You can assign a separate authorization for blocking tasks by user intervention.
You can assign a default method to a task that is processed per consolidation unit.
When copying transaction data, you can specify that the system ignores the posting and data entry block.
In matrix consolidation, you can in uence the level of detail for calculating and recording reconciliation differences.
Reclassi cation
You can change the level of detail of the postings in a reclassi cation in such a way that the reclassi cation does not post a
separate document for each data line of the trigger, but instead generates documents at the posting level of the document
The system writes the information about the method and method step used to post a reclassi cation or allocation to the
document text eld.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 134
For more information, see Technical Reports.
Additional control options for database selection are available in the list of journal entries.
By means of new settings in the consolidation unit hierarchy, you can specify that the postings for the consolidation group
change contain not only the balance sheet, but also the income statement (IS).
You can post acquisitions and divestitures in a consolidation group change and consolidation of investments in the case of an
organizational change using separate transaction types.
In the automatic consolidation of investments, you can adjust the postings of a rst consolidation subsequently.
In the automatic consolidation of investments, you can post the currency translation of a goodwill in local currency from prior
years with or without an effect on net income following an organizational change.
In the automatic consolidation of investments, you can perform the total divestiture of a consolidation unit combination without
affecting earnings.
Deviating Shares
You can perform the automatic consolidation of investments with parallel share percentages for regular as well as deviating
Technical Data
Required Business Function Master Data Governance for Financials, SOA Chart of Accounts and
Financial Reporting Structure (FIN_MDM_SOA_CU)
You can use this business function to create inbound services for data replication from Master Data Governance for Financials
(MDG-F) to Strategic Enterprise Management and BI-based Business Consolidation (SEM-BCS). This enables you to distribute
the master data for chart of accounts, accounts including hierarchies, and consolidation units including hierarchies.
This business function allows you to import nancial consolidation master data from SAP Master Data Governance for
Financials into SAP BusinessObjects Financial Consolidation and SAP SEM: BCS. It provides automated, secure, and monitored
replication in a service-oriented architecture.
Technical Data
This business function allows you to use enterprise services to import the master data of consolidation charts of accounts and
item hierarchies from the Master Data Governance hub into your decentralized systems. This provides the following bene ts for
your enterprise:
Improved compliance with the fundamentals of adequate enterprise governance by means of automated, secure, and
documented replication of master data
You can use the business function Master Data Governance for Financials, Organizational Units (FIN_MDM_ORG) for processing
the master data and for exporting the data from the Master Data Governance hub using enterprise services.
The following enterprise services are available for importing master data:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 136
Replicate Chart of Accounts
Technical Data
You can use this business function to achieve your sales targets quickly, easily and cost-effectively with the help of incentives
and commission.
It helps you to motive your partners and employees, and thus to increase sales and revenue. The integrated approach supports
companies to steer their sales force effectively by providing the appropriate tools and methods. The exible nature of Incentive
and Commission Management allows you to react swiftly to changing strategies and to implement the required changes
The possibility to de ne clear and transparent models and to introduce new products or distribution cannels in a short period of
time results in sales activities that are fully aligned with your corporate strategy.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 137
Incentive and Commission Management is integrated with all relevant applications in order to support all major business
Organizational Management
FS Policy Management
Incentive and Commission Management is integrated with the central components to gain maximum bene t for the integrated
processing of remuneration.
Activate the business function EA_ICM_ICM_CORE_01 to use the full functions of Incentive and Commission Management.
Incentive and Commission Management
Commission Model
De nition, design and construction of commission plans including rules, agreement types, templates and services.
Remuneration elements can be de ned for performance-related entitlements, at rates, guaranties, liability scenarios and
target agreements.
Master Data
Master data comprises commission contract partners, commission recipients, commission contracts (standard contracts and
individual contracts), contract bundles, and the organizational structure.
Transaction Data
Commission can be calculated on the basis of a speci c business transaction or it may be posted directly. There are several
functions to support the processing of pending commission and mass activities. Closing and settlement activities result in
commission being disbursed to the entitled recipients.
The handling of correspondence between contract partners is de ned in the communication agreement, which is part of the
commission contract. It controls the communication process, where information on the individual tasks is exchanged.
Data archiving is used to remove application data and mass data from the database when it is no longer needed in the system
but it still needs to be available for analysis purposes. The data is stored in accessible archive les.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 138
Remuneration Inquiry
A remuneration inquiry is the customer-speci c display of results from the valuation, remuneration, and due date processes,
which are saved in various tables in Incentive and Commission Management.
Insurance companies in particular often change the assignments between commission-relevant objects and commission
recipients. When entitlements and liabilities are transferred, all or parts of open entitlements can be transferred to one or more
commission contract partners, partially or entirely.
Work ow
The integration of the commission case in SAP Work ow makes it possible to process pending cases and commission cases that
are rejected by the interface with a minimum amount of manual effort. As soon as a pending case is created or the interface
rejects a commission case, a work item is created in SAP Work ow and it is sent to the responsible commission clerk.
Technical Data
You can use this business function to achieve your sales targets quickly, easily and cost-effectively with the help of incentives
and commission. The Incentive and Commission Management business function helps you to motivate your partners and
employees, and thus to increase sales and revenue. The enhanced standard integration features enable companies to steer
their sales force effectively by providing the appropriate tools and methods. The exible nature of Incentive and Commission
Management allows you to react swiftly to changing strategies and to implement the required changes immediately. The
possibility to de ne clear and transparent models and to introduce new products or distribution channels in a short period of
time results in sales activities that are fully aligned with your corporate strategy. In addition, the Incentive and Commission
Management business function provides a clear architecture for enhancing existing cross-system scenarios for SAP Incentive
and Commission Management with central Enterprise SOA services. You can also build composites based on newly delivered
central services.
Incentive and Commission Management is integrated with all relevant applications to support all major business processes:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 139
Organizational Management
FS Policy Management
Incentive and Commission Management is integrated with the central components to gain maximum bene t for the integrated
processing of remuneration. The enhanced integration provided by this business function reduces implementation costs while
improving the standard integration scenarios for SAP Incentive and Commission Management in the following industries:
Automotive industry
Utility industry
DBM (Dealer Business Management) is SAP's solution for automotive dealers. DBM-ICM technical packages deliver
precon guration for DBM in Incentive and Commission Management.
You can con gure account assignment to FI-CA (IBU Utilities) for remuneration type and settlement type respectively.
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
To use Incentive and Commission Management, the business function EA_ICM_ICM_CORE_01 must already be active.
Portfolio Assignment
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 140
Events or system settings (Customizing)
Incentive and Sales Force Management General Application Modeling and Administration Installation of
Incentive and Commission Management
De nition, design and construction of commission plans including rules, agreement types, templates and services.
Remuneration elements can be de ned for performance-related entitlements, at rates, guarantees, liability scenarios and
target agreements.
Master Data
Master data comprises commission contract partners, commission recipients, commission contracts (standard contracts and
individual contracts), contract bundles, and the organizational structure.
Transaction Data
Commission can be calculated on the basis of a speci c business transaction or it may be posted directly. There are several
functions to support the processing of pending commission and mass activities. Closing and settlement activities result in
commission being disbursed to the entitled recipients.
The handling of correspondence between contract partners is de ned in the communication agreement, which is part of the
commission contract. It controls the communication process, where information on the individual tasks is exchanged.
Data archiving is used to remove application data and mass data from the database when it is no longer needed in the system
but it still needs to be available for analysis purposes. The data is stored in accessible archive les.
Remuneration Inquiry
A remuneration inquiry is the customer-speci c display of results from the valuation, remuneration, and due date processes,
which are saved in various tables in Incentive and Commission Management.
Insurance companies in particular often change the assignments between commission-relevant objects and commission
recipients. When entitlements and liabilities are transferred, all or parts of open entitlements can be transferred to one or more
commission contract partners, partially or entirely.
Work ow
The integration of the commission case in SAP Work ow makes it possible to process pending cases and commission cases that
are rejected by the interface with a minimum amount of manual effort. As soon as a pending case is created or the interface
rejects a commission case, a work item is created in SAP Work ow and it is sent to the responsible commission clerk.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 141
All existing user interfaces (UIs) for the Sales Compensation Analyst and Credential Manager roles based on Web Dynpro for
Java base have been changed to Web Dynpro for ABAP. The UIs for the roles of Sales Compensation Analyst and Credential
Manager provide easy-to-use functionality for the most common tasks and reports. The UI and functionality are consistent with
the previous UI, but the technology has switched to Web Dynpro for ABAP, providing a homogeneous technical platform for
users working in the roles of Sales Compensation Analyst and Credential Manager in SAP Incentive and Commission
You can implement your own integration scenarios or composites inexpensively and efficiently by using the services in the
Enterprise Services (ES) bundle for Commission. You can create, change, reverse, and nd commission cases and commission
documents using the ES bundle for Commission. A clear picture of the service landscape results in lower costs for
implementation and maintenance.
Functional Enhancements
You can easily determine accrued commission amounts (accruals) in SAP Incentive and Commission Management. The
Commission Accruals report lists open commission entitlements to update account reporting and support the approval
process and partial release of commission payments.
A user interface for fast-track approval of commission amounts supports the approval process and allows managers to
release commission amounts for their agents. Fast Track Approval increases exibility, allowing managers to manually
adjust and entirely or partially release commission amounts for payment.
Technical Data
Directly Dependent Business Function Requiring Activation in Incentive and Commission Management EA_ICM_ICM_CORE_02
You can use this business function to achieve your sales targets quickly, easily and cost-effectively with the help of incentives
and commission. The Incentive and Commission Management business function helps to motivate your partners and
employees by increasing sales and revenue and introducing new products or distribution channels in a short period of time.
Incentive and Commission Management allows you to de ne clear and transparent models, which result in sales activities that
are fully aligned with your corporate strategy. In addition, the Incentive and Commission Management business function
provides a clear architecture for enhancing existing cross-system scenarios for Incentive and Commission Management with
central SOA services. You can build composites based on these central services.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 142
The standard integration features provide tools and methods to allow you to steer your sales force effectively, while the exible
nature of Incentive and Commission Management means you can react swiftly to changing strategies and implement the
required changes immediately.
The enhanced features of this business function allow you to do the following:
Implement and maintain business rules for compensation plans using a exible, rules-based compensation system
Reduce maintenance efforts and costs with a shorter time to market and reduced complexity of the system landscape
Calculate commission consistently, using multiple cross-over business transactions as one logical business unit
Create compensation formulas without the need to rely on IT departments for plan modeling and implementation
Use the Web Dynpro ABAP portal roles for Incentive and Commission Management
Incentive and Commission Management is integrated with all relevant applications to support all major business processes:
Organizational Management
FS Policy Management
Condition technique
Incentive and Commission Management is integrated with the central components to maximize processing of remuneration.
The enhanced integration of this business function reduces implementation costs while improving the standard integration
scenarios for SAP Incentive and Commission Management in the following industries:
Automotive industry
DBM (Dealer Business Management) is SAP's solution for automotive dealers. DBM-ICM technical packages deliver
precon guration for DBM in Incentive and Commission Management.
Insurance industry
The ICM-FS technical packages enable integration to FS components as well as to industry-speci c system and
Customizing sample entries.
Utility industry
You can con gure account assignment to FI-CA (IBU Utilities) for remuneration type and settlement type respectively.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 143
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
Portfolio Assignment
Related Switches
Customizing Settings
Incentive and Sales Force Management General Application Modeling and Administration Installation of Application.
The Incentive and Commission Management business function provides the following features:
De nition, design and construction of commission plans including rules, agreement types, templates, and services. You can
de ne remuneration elements for performance-related entitlements, at rates, guarantees, liability scenarios, and target
Master Data
Master data comprises commission contract partners, commission contracts (standard contracts and individual contracts),
contract bundles, and the organizational structure.
Transaction Data
You can calculate commission on the basis of a speci c business transaction or you can post it directly. There are several
functions to support the processing of pending commission and mass activities. Closing and settlement activities result in
commission being disbursed to the entitled recipients.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 144
You de ne the handling of correspondence between contract partners in the communication agreement, which is part of the
commission contract. The communication agreement controls the communication process, where information on the individual
tasks is exchanged.
Application data and mass data from the database that is no longer used is stored in archive les. Archived data remains
accessible for use in analyses.
Remuneration Inquiry
A remuneration inquiry is the customer-speci c display of results from the valuation, remuneration, and due date processes,
which are saved in various tables in Incentive and Commission Management.
Insurance companies, for example, often change the assignments between commission-relevant objects and commission
recipients. When entitlements and liabilities are transferred, all or parts of open entitlements can be transferred to one or more
commission contract partners, partially or entirely.
Work ow
The commission case is integrated with SAP Work ow, which means you can process pending cases and commission cases that
are rejected by the interface with a minimum amount of manual effort. As soon as a pending case is created or the interface
rejects a commission case, the system creates a work item in SAP Work ow and sends to the responsible commission clerk.
The user interfaces (UIs) for the roles of Sales Compensation Analyst, Credential Manager, and Sales Representative provide
easy-to-use functions for the most common tasks and reports. All existing UIs based on Web Dynpro for Java technology have
been changed to Web Dynpro for ABAP. The UI and functions are consistent with the previous UI, but the technology switch to
Web Dynpro for ABAP provides a homogeneous technical platform for users working in these roles in Incentive and Commission
You can implement your own integration scenarios or composites inexpensively and efficiently by using the services in the
Enterprise Services (ES) bundle for commission. You can create, change, reverse, and nd commission cases and commission
documents using the ES bundle for commission. A clear picture of the service landscape results in lower costs for
implementation and maintenance.
Functional Enhancements
The commission case buffer enables the processing of multiple dependent commission cases in one Logical Unit of Work
(LUW). The performance of the commission case buffer has been enhanced.
The Business Rule Editor calculation tool provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for maintaining the formulas and
conditions used during calculation of valuation and remuneration.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 145
The Sales Representative portal role allows you to keep track of earned remuneration and payment entitlements as well
as target achievement actuals and potentials. The UI base has been changed from Web Dynpro for Java technology to
Web Dynpro for ABAP.
Technical Data
You can use this business function to provide the following enhancements in Incentive and Commission Management (ICM):
ICM is integrated with all relevant applications to support all major business processes:
Organizational Management
FS Policy Management
ICM is integrated with the central components to maximize the processing of remuneration.
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 146
You have activated the Incentive and Commission Management (EA_ICM_ICM_CORE_01) business function.
Sample Implementations for Archiving
You can use this business function to activate sample implementations for archiving the transaction data of ICM. Sample
implementations are available for the following business transaction events (BTEs):
BTE 1900
BTE 1901
BTE 2900
BTE 2901
Create your own sample implementations to suit the archiving needs of your company
Implement the archiving solution at the customer site more quickly and easily
ELT Improvements
With the functional improvements in the ELT process, you can do the following:
Reduce the manual effort and automate the activities involved in the ELT process
During the reversal of a commission case, the system checks if any ELT documents are posted for this commission case.
If any ELT documents exist for a commission case, these documents are automatically reversed based on the settings in
the Con gure Automatic Deactivation of ELT Documents Customizing activity. In this Customizing activity, you can
specify the set of values for which the system triggers the automatic deactivation of ELT documents.
You can transfer reversal postings during the ELT process. In a Customizing activity, you can specify the set of values for
which the system transfers reversal postings. Note that if settlement scheduling is present, you cannot transfer the
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 147
results of reversal postings.
You can transfer negative entitlements during the ELT process. In a Customizing activity, you can specify the set of values
for which the system transfers negative entitlements.
The system can automatically create and execute ELT worklists out of a Microsoft Excel le that contains information
about the business objects that are transferred from the previous contract to the new contract. This feature is useful if
you use an external portfolio assignment solution instead of the Portfolio Assignment (PFO) solution provided by SAP.
You can transfer reversal postings to the universal successor. During the reversal of a commission case, the system retrieves
the contract number of the universal successor by using a Business Add-In (BAdI). The reversal document, which is created
during the commission case reversal, is updated with the contract number of the universal successor.
Technical Data
You can use this business function to deliver precon gured business content and add-on features to customers in the form of
ICM packages if you are an independent software vendor (ISV), an implementation consultant, or a partner.
With this business function, implementation consultants, partners, and ISVs can do the following:
Deliver add-on features to customers without modifying the standard ICM solution
Reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) and the total cost of implementation (TCI) by delivering add-on packages and
prepackaged business content
ICM is integrated with all relevant applications to support all major business processes:
Organizational Management
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 148
Use of the Central Business Partner
FS Policy Management
Condition Technique
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
You have activated the Incentive and Commission Management (EA_ICM_ICM_CORE_01) business function.
Register Namespace and Package
You can register your namespace and package in the ICM Customizing table TCACS_REG_PART. You can then use this package
to deliver the add-on features for ICM to your customers. Note that transaction CACSPARTREG is available to register your
package and the corresponding template repository objects.
You can register the template repository objects that are delivered in your package, in the control tables of ICM. The generator
tool of ICM uses these template repository objects to generate repository objects at the time of commission application
You can register template tables and structures in the control tables of ICM. The application construction tool of ICM can
enhance these template tables and structures.
You can use the standard copy customizing function of ICM. The copy customizing function is enhanced so that the entries
delivered by you in the Customizing tables of ICM are also taken into account.
More Information
Creating an Application
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Technical Data
With this business function, you can use the functions of Customer Connection development. This includes the following
You have installed the following components from the version speci ed:
In Customizing for Incentive and Sales Force Management under Basic Functions, you have completed the Customizing
activity Activate Functions of Customer Connection Development.
Adjustment of the Remuneration Calculation
The new process step 010311 was created in function module CACS00_REMUNERATION EXIT to enable you to adjust the
remuneration calculation within commission case processing. Process step 010311 calls function module
<APPL>_REMUNERATION_EXIT, which in turn calls the Business Add-In (BAdI) CACS_REM_EXIT. In this way, you can add new,
customer-speci c rows to the remuneration details.
You can nd the BAdI CACS_REM_EXIT in Customizing for Incentive and Sales Force Management under Processes
Commission Case BAdI: Remuneration Exit for Commission Case .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 150
Different Business Partner Address
You can enter a different address in the commission contract for a business partner.
You can use an approval process to create or change a commission contract. The approval process can take the form of either a
dual check or a work ow.
You can nd the corresponding BAdI CACS_CTRTBU_WFGET_APPR in Customizing for Incentive and Sales Force
Management under Tools Work ow BAdI: Work ow Approvers for Commission Contract .
You can use an approval process for manual postings to a commission contract. The approval process can take the form of
either a dual check or a work ow.
You can nd the corresponding BAdI CACS_WFGETAPPR in Customizing for Incentive and Sales Force Management under
Tools Work ow BAdI: Work ow Approvers for Commission Document .
Portfolio Assignment
Technical Data
The functions of portfolio assignment and reassignment help you manage the relationships, assignments and reassignments
between business objects that are located in different systems.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 151
With portfolio assignment (PFO) you can easily manage the relationships between objects of a portfolio management system
and commission contracts in another system based on speci c assigning criteria and to perform these assignments. Portfolio
reassignment helps you to transfer free portfolio to one or more new commission recipient.
Portfolio assignment is integrated with SAP Incentive and Commission Management and SAP Policy Management, however it is
a separate component. The PFO component has the following features:
It manages the relationships between objects but not the objects themselves.
It allows the enhancement of data structures for object relationships through the addition of customer attributes.
It provides an exit technology that supplements standard SAP administration methods (Implementation Guide).
Activate the business function EA_ICM_PFO_CORE_01 to use the full functions of portfolio assignment.
Key Features
Portfolio Assignment (PFO)
You use the functions of portfolio assignment (PFO) to manage the objects of your business portfolio, to edit segments and to
make assignments between objects and segments.
Core Objects
Assignment Objects
Assignment objects in PFO: "Business assignment objects" and "segment assignment objects" for a segment in a speci c
assignment role
Assignment Roles
Assignment roles in PFO: "Assignment role for business object" and "assignment role for assignment object"
By assigning objects to segments you facilitate the management of the objects in your portfolio while providing different views
on your portfolio. Portfolio management incorporates all the activities directly and indirectly related to PFO. Outside of PFO, the
information provided by portfolio management is used to derive activities in other systems.
The sender system transfers the object data to PFO. Since business objects are generally managed in the upstream system, the
corresponding upstream system reports the creation, change or termination of its objects to PFO.
Editing Objects
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When the sender system sends a message to PFO to this effect, the system creates references to the respective object in PFO
and manages these references according to the messages received from the sender system. The references are created in the
form of the effective primary key of the leading system. For instance, the policy number is created in PFO for an insurance policy
as the reference to your policy management system. You can also de ne attributes for the effective dates of the objects, in
addition to the reference, and edit their contents in PFO.
Editing Segments
Group the business objects into segments that you create and manage through the dialogs of PFO.
Making Assignments
The objects of PFO are linked together through assignments. The assignments always belong to a certain type, referred to as
roles, and can be de ned proportionately. Manage the assignments in the dialogs of PFO. Alternatively you can make the
assignments in the user interfaces of Framework for Object Assignment of ICM. You always make assignments in PFO using a
The assignment of objects to a portfolio or segment is not usually xed; it may be changed. When you edit the assignment of
business objects to assignments, you can edit the portfolio from the perspective of the business objects without having to
change the assignment of segments to partners.
The assignment of partners to a portfolio or segment is also not xed and may be changed. Therefore, when you edit the
assignment of assignment objects (e.g. commission recipients or commission contracts) to segments you can also edit the
portfolio from the perspective of the assigned individuals without having to change the assignments of individual business
objects to segments.
Certain follow-up activities are generally derived from the assignment of business objects to segments or individuals, usually in
the form of rights or obligations.
The follow-up activities rely on the receipt of information from PFO since PFO primarily manages the relationships between
business objects and partners. PFO provides interfaces with the standard delivery that offer the level of information required
for the corresponding follow-up activities to be derived in PFO. A downstream system, the receiver system (and also perhaps
one of the original sender systems), receives information from portfolio assignment for any possible follow-up activities or
evaluations to be made there.
Portfolio Assignment 2
Technical Data
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You can use this business function to allow the Portfolio Assignment (PFO) solution of Incentive and Sales Force Management
(ISF) to support universal succession.
Handle more complex business scenarios, especially the universal succession scenario
Easily integrate with the entitlement and liability transfer (ELT) scenario
Portfolio Assignment is integrated with SAP Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) and SAP Policy Management (FS-
PM). However, it is a separate component. The PFO component has the following features:
Manages the relationships between objects, but not the objects themselves
Allows the enhancement of data structures for object relationships through the addition of customer attributes
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
Universal Succession
You can assign the portfolio of an old commission participant to a new commission participant based on the following business
Universal Succession
Time-Dependent Succession
If the portfolio assignment is based on universal succession, an agent takes over the portfolio of a previous agent, with all rights
and obligations. If a business object associated with the transferred portfolio is changed and the effective date of change is a
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 154
date prior to or after the date of portfolio assignment, the universal successor (the 'new' agent) is taken into account.
For the PFO solution to support universal succession, a new method SSWITCH_US is available.
More Information
Entitlement and Liability Transfer
Technical Data
Available As Of <pname
Sales activities in the area of, say, nancial service industries often require the parties involved to have a proper license or
quali cation in order to conduct the business.
Credentialing supports companies in complying with legal requirements as well as de ning their own credentials to ensure high
quality standards.
The Credentialing business function offers possibilities to set up and manage licenses, appointments and other quali cation for
business partners. Services are provided to interact with credential-granting authorities and other elements of your solution
portfolio in order to enforce credential checks. You can implement credential checks during processes like policy issuing or
commission calculation.
Credentialing is integrated with Incentive and Commission Management (ICM), however it is a separate component.
Credentialing has the following features:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 155
It can be connected to any external system (DOI, FSA, others,…).
Activate the business function EA_ICM_CRD_CORE_01 to use the full functions of Credentialing.
Key Features
Credentialing supports automatic update processes for credential assignments to business partners and checking functions.
Credentialing also offers support for two roles that are linked to the administration of credentials:
Credentials Catalog
The credentials catalog manager can de ne one or more credential type within the credentials catalog. It is possible to include
customer-speci c attributes and to manage the life cycle of the credential types within the credentials catalogue.
Checking Rules
Rules can be implemented in order to determine the credentials to be checked for a given constellation. These rules are used in
the credentials check.
Credential Assignments
The credentials manager assigns credentials in the credentials catalogue to business partners. The assignments have a validity
period that is subject to period and version management. Assignment information may be provided by official authorities and
this can also be imported and automatically updated.
Checking Credentials
Credentialing can be called by any system in order to perform a credentials check on the basis of speci c information on a
business transaction. The credentials catalog manager de nes the rules for the checking of credentials. The results of the
credentials check are returned to the calling system for further processing.
Assignment Information
Credentialing offers a service to pass on credential assignment information to any other system. The receiving systems may be
official authorities or any other area within your organization.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 156
Technical Data
Sales activities in the area of, say, nancial service industries often require the parties involved to have a valid license or
quali cation to conduct their business. Credentialing supports companies in complying with legal requirements as well as
de ning their own credentials to ensure high quality standards. The Credentialing business function allows system
administrators and credentials managers to set up and manage licenses, appointments and other quali cations for business
partners. It provides services to interact with credential-granting authorities and other elements of your solution portfolio to
enforce credential checks. You can implement credential checks during processes such as policy issuing or commission
The technology of the user interface for Credentialing has been switched from Web Dynpro Java to Web Dynpro for ABAP to
provide you with a homogenous technology base and reduced TCO for implementation and maintenance when operating the
credentials system.
Credentialing is integrated with Incentive and Commission Management (ICM), but is a separate component. Credentialing has
the following features:
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
The business function EA_ICM_CRD_CORE_01 must already be activated to use Credentialing.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 157
BPIS7CRDM_1 6.04
BPIS7FSCM_1 6.04
Portfolio Assignment
Incentive and Sales Force Management General Application Modeling and Administration Installation of
Credentialing supports automatic update processes for credential assignments to business partners and checking functions.
Credentialing also offers support for two roles that are linked to the administration of credentials:
Credentials Catalog
The credentials catalog manager can de ne one or more credential type within the credentials catalog. It is possible to include
customer-speci c attributes and to manage the life cycle of the credential types within the credentials catalog.
Checking Rules
Rules can be implemented to determine the credentials that are to be checked for a given constellation. These rules are used in
the credentials check.
Credential Assignments
The credentials manager assigns credentials in the credentials catalog to business partners. The assignments have a validity
period that is subject to period and version management. Assignment information may be provided by official authorities and
this can also be imported and automatically updated.
Checking Credentials
Credentialing can be called by any system to perform a credentials check on the basis of speci c information on a business
transaction. The credentials catalog manager de nes the rules for the checking of credentials. The results of the credentials
check are returned to the calling system for further processing.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 158
Assignment Information
Credentialing offers a service to pass on credential assignment information to any other system. The receiving systems may be
official authorities or any other area within your organization.
Funds Management
Technical Data
Business function that you have to activate additionally Public Services EA-PS (Enterprise Extension)
You can use this Business Function to use several new standardized function that improve integration of Funds Management
(FM) with other components such as Materials Management (MM), Controlling (CO) or the Project System (PS). The improved
integration simpli es and speeds up the setting up of the sytsem as well as the daily usage of business processes. It reduces the
total cost of ownership (TCO).
Support with the automatic creation or changing of master data in Funds Management
Derivation of FM master data through improved characteristics of the Funds Management derivation tool (transaction
Rule-based account assignment distribution during the transfer of time recording data to the Project System and
Improved layout options in the budgeting transactions of BCS and saves time by using budget type groups.
Improves integration of Materials Management with the option of running checks on the materials reservations.
Replacement of manual processes with the data transfer to the Budget Control System (BCS)
You must ful ll the following prerequisites before you can use the functions contained:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 159
You have activated Enterprise Extension Public Services EA-PS.
You use the components Public Sector Management with Funds Management (PSM-FM), Controlling (CO) and/or the
Project System (PS).
Attachment for Funds Management account assignment elements (FM Master Data)
With the report Automatic Creation of FM Master Data (RFFMMD_AUTOCREATION) you can create Funds Management master
data (commitment item, funds center, and funded program) from FI or CO account assignment elements or change existing FM
account assignments.
for funds centers: For cost centers, internal orders or WBS elements
For the source (G/L accounts, internal orders, cost types, or WBS elements) master data was created.
The FM derivation tool (FMDERIVE) is set up in such a way that the target FM master data object is derived from the
corresponding source objects. The report derives the name of the target object using the FM derivation tool based on
the source object.
The combination of source and target master data objects has rules de ned to derive the attributes of the target
master data object.
Choose the attribute derivation to call all attributes of the FM master data object.
Note that you must continue to maintain hierarchies manually.
The report creates FM master data commitment item, funds center, or funded program. You can run the report in test mode
and then decide whether you want to allow attributes of existing FM account assignments to be overwritten.
With the Funds Management derivation tool FMDERIVE you can now de ne derivation strategies for which groups (sets)
of cost centers, cost elements, internal orders, and WBS elements are possible as source parameters.
With report Update FM Derivation Rules in Accordance with Group Change (RFFM_ENH_DERIVATION_TOOL) you can
reconstruct the rules for the derivation strategies in which groups occur as source parameters with your values if the
values of the groups have changed.
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Several users can now work on different rules for the same derivation strategy at the same time. Prerequisite for this is
that the derivation rules differ in at least one of the values of the source account assignment.
Rule-based account assignment distribution with the transfer of time recording data to the Project System and Controlling
With the existing rule-based account assignment tool you can now generate a rule-based distribution of account assignments
with the transfer of time recording to the Project System and Controlling.
You de ne rules which stipulate the distribution of the account assignment (COBL object) entered on the receiver object
originally in time recording for the transfer. As a result you can generate several lines with different account assignments.
You can now change additional elds in the budget documents before and after you post a document. The changes are recorded
in a change log. Before posting you could only change texts elds of preposted documents until now. To change elds, you must
enter the whole document again.
In the budgeting workbench you have the following functions available in the ABAP List Viewer (ALV). You can also display or
hide automatically generated lines for a budget document. The layout for the sender and receiver transactions in the budgeting
workbench have been improved. Until now you had to enter certain data twice for budget postings.
You can now use budget type groups to con gure budget transactions that the con guration makes quicker as when using
budget types in the past.
Through the integration of Materials Management with FM, you can check the budget when you request materials that are not
in the warehouse. The new function de nes a funds reservation in the background when the materials reservation is posted. If
there is not enough budget, the availability control issues the correct message to the user.
This function supports Public Sector customers that perform the earliest budget checks possible and must create budget
The existing plan data transfer from Controlling to BCS was enhanced. You can now also choose RE objects.
This makes a manual process unnecessary. You can now transfer the planned data for RE objects in CO to BCS using the
enhanced report for the plan data transfer as the basis.
Note that you can only use this function if you have activated exible Real Estate Management. Otherwise no data is provided.
You can now ag statistical business processes as statistical as you can internal orders or WBS elements. If you post a
document with CO integration, you can post a statistical business process (with CO value type11) parallel to the actual cost
object (with CO value type 04) .
The transactions for creating, changing, and displaying business processes (CP01, CP02 and CP03) were enhanced with an
indicator for controlling statistical business processes.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 161
Technical Data
Business function that you have to activate additionally Public Services (EA-PS) (Enterprise Extension)
You can use this Business Function to use several new standardized functions for master data, postings, updates, year-end
closing and reporting in Funds Management. This simpli es and speeds up both the setting up of the system and the daily
handling of business processes and helps reduce total cost of ownership.
The enhanced standard con guration of document splitting (such as described in section Scope of Functionality under Online
Payment Update) is also part of the following business functions: PSM, Cash-Basis accounting and Cash Flow
Reporting(PSM_FA_CASH) as well as General Ledger Accounting 2 (FIN_GL_CI_2).
You have installed the following components from the named version:
You must ful ll the following prerequisites before you can use the functions contained:
You have made the necessary settings in Customizing. For more information, see the release note PSM_604_FM_CI_2_M
and the linked-to release information on the individual functions.
Master Data
The check of transaction data on the budget account assignments you use (for example, commitment item, funds center, fund,
funded program, functional area and grant) is now executed in General Ledger Accounting as well as in Funds Management.
The funded program is now also available in the following documents in Materials Management as a display eld:
Purchase requisition
Goods receipt
Invoice receipt
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 162
The request journal is used in the request search: The system searches for requests using the request journal only.
Displaying withholding tax lines in document overview: The system now displays the withholding tax lines of the posted
documents in the document overview. The document overview stays unchanged for the documents not yet posted.
Availability of the eld Functional Area: The functional area eld is now available on all request screens (except if you are
a German local government customer).
Transfering default values as xed values: You can now de ne that the system uses the default values for each client,
document type and company code on the initial screen of a request transaction as xed values for whole request.
Changeable posting date for parked requests: You can now de ne that the user can edit the posting date for all parked
requests when making changes or approving.
Clearing request using de ned offsetting accounts: During year-end closing, you can now carry over between different
account assignments.
You can now use a Adobe form for notices about penalty surcharges for late payments (Report RFFMINTCALC). Sample form
FM_INTCALC is delivered for this.
You can generate a joint interest document for all connected open receivables with the private-law dunning procedure.
You can enter the SWIFT code and IBAN code in the bank details in transaction FMITPO for both the newly created and existing
bank master records. This enhancement only affects the refund function of transaction FMITPO.
Earmarked funds
Alternatively, you can use the additive reduction logic instead of the reduction logic used for earmarked funds until now. In
Customizing for the document type for earmarked funds, you can de ne which reduction logic process you want to use.
With additive reduction logic, all consumption causes the relevant reduction (for example, down payments, down payment
requests, earmarked funds documents). MM documents, and so on). In addition to this, consumption caused by down payment
requests when posting a down payment are set to 0. As such, only the down payment reduces the earmarked funds after the
down payment/down payment request has been reset. Hitherto earmarked funds are excluded from this development and
cannot be converted to the new reduction logic.
You can also create down payments for earmarked funds using transaction FMDPEF Down Payments for Earmarked Funds and
transaction FMDPREFDown Payment Requests for Earmarked Funds. The account assignments are transferred from the
earmarked funds to the down payment/down payment request and you can de ne distribution methods to distribute the
amount of the down payment to the line items of the earmarked funds.
You can transfer post a down payment with reference to earmarked funds in the vendor invoice in Financial Accounting (FI)
automatically. You can control this for each earmarked funds document type in connection with the invoice document type. A
manual clearing after entering the invoice in Financial Accounting is then no longer necessary.
You can now create and change FM account assignments directly in the sales order BAPIs
BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 and BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE. To support this new function, the following new
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 163
elds were added to the sales order item structure: Fund, Funds Center, Commitment Item and Grant.
The document tolerance check is now supported for budget that is managed in Funds Management. You can use the document
tolerance check to de ne by how much a purchase order item can exceed the budget that was assigned to the purchase order
request on which the purchase order item is based.
A new IMG activity is created for this. If the de ned tolerance is exceeded, you cannot save the purchase order.
You can revaluate open commitment from purchase orders in the foreign currency by changing the exchange rate manually in
the header of the purchase order documents. You can use the revaluation program RFFM_REVALUATION_PO to select how
many purchase order documents entered in a foreign currency are affected and to calculate the open purchase order
commitment in Funds Management based on the exchange rate entered manually or proposed by the system. The exchange
rate is then adjusted in the header of the purchase order documents. The adjustment of commitment in Funds Management is
updated under the amount type Change through revaluation (0220).
You must always enter down payments and down payment requests in the document currency of the relevant purchase
Exchange rate changes to currencies at condition level of the purchase order document items are not included in the
The function of the carryforward from FI-CA was enhanced with the following points:
The strategies for reassignment are included in the self-correcting logic of the program. You can undo a carryover
already executed by setting the carryover rate to 0%.
you can de ne that when cleared credit memos are updated in Funds Management, the payment record is displayed separately
with its own amount type.
You can use payment selection in parallel processing to reduce your runtime.
You can now replace the enhanced payment selection with the online payment update in Funds Management. The migration of
the online payment update will run smoothly if you use both procedures in parallel for a while for as long as the old invoices are
not completely paid.
When activating the online payment update, the elds KNBELNR, VOBELNR and FIPOS are automatically de ned as document
splitting characteristics by the system.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 164
To enable the online payment update for unassigned payments, the following standard settings are de ned for document
splitting (procedure 0000000012) in the con guration:
To de ne application-speci c document splitting characteristics that are not relevant for reporting, you can use the new
Customizing activity De ne Technical Document Splitting Characteristics under General Ledger Accounting (New)
Business Transactions Document Splitting . Implementation of this activity does not affect settings that you have made in
the previous Customizing activity De ne Document Splitting Characteristics for G/L Accounting. However, in the case of new,
application-speci c settings that affect the technical characteristics in General Ledger Accounting, you now make the settings
in the new activity De ne Technical Document Splitting Characteristics.
You can now use the rule-based account assignment splitting in the real estate contract to distribute the contract conditions to
different account assignment elements.
Function modules are also available to use in transaction FMDERIVE to derive account assignment objects from real estate
objects (business entity, land, building, pooled space, rental space, rental unit, settlement unit/service charge key).
The reassignment of purchase orders and purchase order requests supports MM version management from now on.
BAdI MM Version Management data for FM mass processing (FM_DOC_MASS_PROCESS) is available.
You can select document chains for the reassignment using transaction Select Document Chains (FMCG_CHAIN). The
transaction supports the process in dialog for the selection of the receiver account assignment.
ALE distribution in FM
The following new functions are available for the ALE distribution in Funds Management:
To support the ALE function, reconstruction, scal year change, reassignment and the deletion reports have been
protected against being called incorrectly.
You no longer need to de ne disjoint number ranges in the actual update of Funds Management.
Commitment Carryforwards
The following new functions are available for the commitment carryforward:
You can use the message FICUSTOM190 to de ne for each user whether the commitment carryforward can be reversed
if the open amount of an open item was changed in the receiver scal year.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 165
You can use technical performance parameters to set cascaded parallel processing for the commitment carryforward to
improve the runtime if there are very large amounts of data.
You can use the Business Add-In (BAdI) FM_CCF_APPLIC_CUST to update a table record in your table for each line item
or line subitem carried forward in the commitment carryforward.
The archiving programs have been enhanced to comply with the accessibility rules.
Technical Data
Directly Dependent Business Function Requiring Activation in Public Services (EA-PS) (Enterprise Extension)
You can use this business function to implement improvements to budgeting and funds reservation features in Funds
Management (FM).
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
Restricted Budget Carryforward for Commitments
By default, for all budget addresses, the budget for commitments is carried forward to the next scal year. Within a derivation
strategy, it is now possible to de ne a sequence of derivation steps to derive budget addresses for which the budget
carryforward for commitments can be prohibited.
With this feature, you can reference goods issue postings for accounting objects to a funds reservation document. Funds
reservations may be used to reserve budget for special purposes. such as projects. Since goods issues are regarded as
consumption of budget in some FM warehouse concepts, it is necessary having them integrated also with funds reservations.
This way the overall budgets as well as the reserved budgets in funds reservations are updated directly from the goods
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 166
To this end, the user interface for goods issues has been enhanced with elds enabling you to reference funds reservation
documents. Integration with Funds Management is thus improved and you can manage your budget more precisely.
More Information
For more information on these and other features in FM, read the Funds Management documentation.
Technical Data
Create and use single euro payments area (SEPA) mandates for revenue type-dependent bank details
This is done on the Public Sector Supplement of Master Records on subledger accounts.
Use generic object services in Funds Management Master Data to create le attachments and notes and to access
My Objects
Create a purchase order or a purchase requisition with reference to one of the following earmarked funds categories:
funds reservation
funds commitment
funds precommitment
Change the posting date in a budget reversal document when the budgetary ledger is active
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 167
Master Data
You can now do the following using the Public Sector Supplement in the Financial Accounting (FI) transactions for
maintaining customer master records:
Enter an International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for each revenue type
Generic object services, such as le attachment and note creation, are available for the following FM entities:
Commitment Item
Funds Center
Funded Program
Budget Period
Payment Program
A new function was added to the FI program for receivable items that are posted by the FM request function and use revenue
types for exible assignment of bank details. The collection of payments (using the payment program) of receivable items that
use a revenue type uses the SEPA mandate assigned to that revenue type.
Funds Commitment and Funds Precommitment in Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order
When creating a purchase order (PO) or a purchase requisition (PR), Public Sector customers can now reference the funds
commitment (FC) and funds precommitment (FP) earmarked funds document (EFD) categories, in addition to funds
reservation (FR). When the PO references a PR, they must belong to the same EFD category.
A new function was added to the Budget Control System (BCS), which enables you to make the posting date in a budget
reversal document changeable, when the Budgetary Ledger is active.
When this business function is activated, you can de ne the reversal reasons, which determine the changeability of the posting
date in budget reversal documents. You control the settings in the budgeting workbench, during reversal of FM budget
documents, and during reversal of FM budget documents via BAPI_0050_REVERSE.
More Information
For more information about these and other features in FM, read the Funds Management documentation.
Technical Data
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 168
You can use this business function to reassign Funds Management account assignments for invoices (value type 54) in Funds
Management, even if you have activated new General Ledger Accounting in your system. The main feature here is performing
the reassignment as part of a scal year change in Funds Management (FM). This offers you greater exibility and enables you
to adjust an organization's budgetary structures to legal and organizational requirements.
Depending on how FM account assignment elements are used in new General Ledger Accounting (document splitting or
updates), there are four possible scenarios for reassignments. For more information on the different scenarios, see
Reassignment with New General Ledger Accounting.
In scenario 1, reassignments in Funds Management are made using the reorganization tool from new General Ledger
Accounting. Scenario 1 applies when the following conditions are met:
At least one FM account assignment is reassigned during the FM scal year change
At least one of these account assignments is de ned in new General Ledger Accounting as a document splitting
characteristic and is updated in new General Ledger Accounting
The reassignment of the account assignments that is performed as part of the FM scal year change is also re ected in new
General Ledger Accounting by means of a FM-speci c reorganization plan type and a reorganization plan. Mid-year
reassignments are not supported for scenario 1. For all other scenarios, it is not necessary to use the reorganization tool.
You can also use the reorganization tool to portray the reassignment of FM account assignment elements in your xed assets.
If you use one of the other three scenarios, you also need to activate this business function to avoid error messages during the
reassignment. When document splitting is activated, activation of this business function also adapts the account assignments
of follow-on processes to the new account assignments.
With the reorganization, you can reassign the account assignments for Funds Management documents with an FI reference or
for xed assets.
You have installed the following components from the named version:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 169
Technical Component SAP Enterprise Portal 7.02 or SAP
NetWeaver Business Client
You have activated this business function PSM, Reassignment with New General Ledger Accounting
Reassignment of FM Documents with FI Reference
You can reassign, as part of a scal year change, documents with a Funds Management account assignment to be reassigned
that is de ned as relevant for update in Financial Accounting. This does not apply to documents from the cash ledger.
In this scenario, adjustments to the entry view of the FI documents (table BSEG) cannot be activated. If you have activated
document splitting, the reorganization tool transfers the balances accordingly in Financial Accounting. For more information on
the reorganization in new General Ledger Accounting, see the release note for the business function FI-GL (New), Pro t Ctr
Reorganization and Segment Reports (FIN_GL_REORG_1).
Note that you cannot reassign down payments and down payment clearings nor documents from FI-CA.
Before you can perform a commitment carryforward for invoices (value type 54) with a reassignment in Funds
Management, you need to have created a valid reorganization plan with plan type 002 (FM reassignment).
For each FM area and scal year, there can only be one reorganization plan with plan type 002 (FM reassignment). This
is checked when you create a reorganization plan.
The reorganization date is the rst day of the new scal year.
Your scal year is the same as the calendar year, and you want to carry forward invoices in Funds Management from
2010 to 2011. In this way, the reorganization date is January 1, 2011.
FM documents with an accounting reference are determined and reassigned using the FM commitment carryforward.
These documents are entered directly in the relevant reorganization plan. Consequently, it is not necessary for the
corresponding documents to be determined for this object type, and only the FI balances need to be transferred in the
reorganization plan.
When you have xed assets for which the Funds Management (FM) account assignment needs to be changed in accordance
with the reorganization plan, you can use this business function to identify which xed assets are involved (using the
reorganization tool), to assign a new account assignment to them, and to transfer them as well. In this process, the new FM
account assignment is assigned to the asset master record over a new time interval, and the asset balances are transferred to
the new FM account assignment.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 170
In new General Ledger Accounting and Asset Accounting, an asset transfer is used to transfer the asset balances accordingly
from the old to the new FM account assignment.
Here, you generate the list of xed assets for which the general restrictions as well as the speci c restrictions apply. The
xed assets in this list are consequently included in the reorganization.
Here, you change the account assignments in the master data of the affected xed assets in accordance with the
account assignments de ned by the object owner in the object list. The reassignment for the xed assets transfers them
at the same time.
More Information
For more information, see the following:
The release note for the business function PSM, Reassignment with New General Ledger Accounting
The application documentation: Reassignment with New General Ledger Accounting and Reassignment.
The documentation on the business function FI-GL (New), Pro t Ctr Reorganization and Segment Reports.
Technical Data
Create a purchase order (PO) or a purchase requisition (PR) with reference to the earmarked funds document (EFD)
categories funds reservation (FR), funds commitment (FC) or funds precommitment (FPC).
Allow budget control to be made by the EFD or by the posting of the invoice veri cation, in place of the PR or the PO.
Use invoice veri cation to take over the budget from the PO.
Allow the year of cash effectivity (YCE) to be part of the budgetary account assignment in the PR, PO, and invoice
veri cation processes.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 171
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
Funds Commitment and Funds Precommitment in Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order
When creating a PO or a PR, you can now make reference to the EFD categories FC and FPC. When the PO makes reference to a
PR, if both documents make reference to an EFD, they have to belong to the same EFD category.
When you create a PO or a PR, the budget control can be made by the EFD.
To do that, you can customize a statistical update for a speci c company code.
You can also determine the document types for which the budget control will be made by the posting of the invoice veri cation
and not by the EFD.
If a speci c company code is customized for statistical update, the invoice veri cation will take over the budget from the PO. As
a result, the invoice veri cation will be displayed in a separate row in the consumption history of the earmarked funds.
When you create a PO, by using combined documents, you can de ne the predecessor EFD for invoice veri cation in the
budgetary ledger.
The year of cash effectivity is part of the budgetary account assignment. Therefore, once the YCE has been determined, the
value of the YCE remains consistent throughout the complete business process:
In the PR, the YCE is derived from the delivery date, that is, the year in which the PR is expected to be delivered.
In the PO, the YCE is derived from the delivery date, that is, the year in which the PO is expected to be delivered.
In the invoice item, the YCE is derived from the baseline date, that is, the year in which the invoice item is expected to be
This functionality does not support valuated goods receipt.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 172
Technical Data
Block an item of the earmarked funds document (EFD) using a peremption date.
Determine and print the amount of residuals in the earmarked funds documents (EFD).
Print the balance sheet with the annual information related to public sector accounting information.
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
You can de ne the validity of an EFD item by specifying the date that it is blocked for future changes (the peremption date).
EFD Residuals
You can determine and print the residual amount of an EFD, which is the difference between the total amount of the EFD and
the payments made against its consuming documents at the beginning and end of each scal year.
Balance Sheet
You can print the balance sheet, containing an overview of the budget for a Italian public sector company, including its nancial
data on payments produced over consumed commitment or forecast of revenue documents.
Payment Order
You can generate a form that can be printed, containing the data related to the payment document, the vendor, invoice
information and funds management information.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 173
Technical Data
You can use this Business Function to post Grouped Value Adjustments for Earmarked Funds Documents.
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
EA-PS 800
You have made the necessary settings in Customizing. For more information, see the release note and the linked-to
release information on the individual functions.
Grouped Value Adjustments
The following new functions are available for Grouped Value Adjustments:
Create: You can post individual value adjustments for items of one earmarked funds document, as a unique document –
the Grouped Value Adjustment (GVA) document. When using work ow, one GVA creates a single work ow item for
approval. In GVA transactions, value adjustment customer elds, if de ned, are available. An object links feature is also
available for attaching documents to a GVA. Customer validations for GVA can be de ned.
Display and Modify: The GVA can be displayed or modi ed either by using the GVA online transactions or through the
GVA work ow activities. Attachments can be added to a GVA and displayed.
Approve and Reject: The GVA, sent for approval in the work ow, can be approved in a two-step approval process. If
rejected, the GVA can be modi ed and resubmitted.
Fund Accounting
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 174
Technical Data
Business function requiring activation in addition Public Services (EA-PS) Enterprise Extension
You can use this business function to implement improvements to the SAP Fund Accounting (PSM-FA) scenario in the area of
nancial reporting, management accounting, and nancial operations.
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
You need to customize the functions described below before you can use them. To nd the steps involved, access Customizing
and choose Public Sector Management —> Fund Accounting.
The business function offers the following features:
You can de ne the functional area as a document splitting characteristic for General Ledger (G/L) accounting, enabling you to
create balance sheets by functional area.
The ADB function is available in an environment where the new G/L accounting with its document split feature is active. It uses
de ned criteria to allocate revenues and expenses from the pool assignment to individual assignments.
You can de ne on which balancing entity (such as fund or grant) the cost/interest allocation is carried out.
You can de ne the pool of common investment and to which accounts and balancing entity the distribution of costs and
earnings is posted. You can set up several rules in parallel.
A report makes the allocation postings according to those rules and to the expense and revenue postings that have
You can use this function to partially pay your open liabilities for each fund or other G/L account assignment. This means that,
for each single invoice, the amount paid is spread over all the funds related to the expense line for which the payment is carried
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 175
Partner fund and partner grant are included as entry elds (table control) in the FI transactions FB50, FB60, and FB70. They
are also included in the eld status and can be set up there. You can maintain them as hidden, optional, or mandatory.
The advantage of this new feature is that you can trace object and partner object information for the fund and grant account
assignments fund and grant in FI line items.
With this feature, you can distinguish between full accrual and modi ed accrual accounting in Asset Accounting. Reporting on a
full and modi ed accrual basis for assets is available and FI remains reconciled with Funds Management (FM) for both full and
modi ed accrual.
This feature supports the implementation of Fund Accounting for Asset Management when you implement the new G/L
accounting at the same time.
The central step is the asset mass transfer, whereby the fund information is added to asset master records along with the
balance carryforward posting from asset accounting per balancing unit. This creates the opening balance for asset values per
Several new CO reports allow selection by fund, grant, and functional area. A drilldown according to those entities is offered
within the reports.
It is now possible to determine speci c checking options depending on the CO Planning Transaction in a Business Add-In (BAdI).
This enhances the checking options by planning version already available and allows a more speci c determination by CO
Business Transaction.
The line item extractor for new G/L accounting extract documents from the leading ledger in new G/L accounting for SAP
NetWeaver BI reporting (0FI_GL_14) is now enhanced for the following public sector elds:
FM Area
Partner Fund
Partner Grant
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 176
The new data providers FLGL (for the new G/L) and FGLP (for G/L planning data) enable you to use the reconciliation tool to
reconcile data in the new G/L with other existing data providers such as FM or CO.
Technical Data
Available as of
SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511
Directly dependent business function that you have to activate Not relevant
With this business function you can use several new functions in Fund Accounting:
These functions enable you to perform enhanced checks and reporting for cash ow in public sector organizations.
You have installed the following components from the named version:
You have made the necessary settings in Customizing. For more information, see release note PSM_605_FA_CI_2_M
and the linked release note on the individual functions.
Reporting functions for cash-basis accounting and cash ow reporting are only useful if data is available. This is only the
case if you are using cash ow reporting and cash-basis accounting. Prerequisite for this is that you have activated
business function PSM, cash-basis accounting and cash ow reporting (PSM_FA_CASH).
Open item management for zero-balance clearing accounts
For postings that cause zero-balance clearings in General Ledger Accounting (new) or in special ledgers, you can now post the
corresponding clearing items in the entry view in a separate document on accounts with open item management, and not just in
the general ledger view as was the case until now.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 177
This is relevant if you also want to monitor a clearing between balancing units (such as, a fund) in a subsequent process (such
as, a cash withdrawal) which was made more difficult until now by how the zero-balance clearing items were posted.
With this new form of update, you can use the open item management as a form of control to be able to monitor the
subsequent processes more effectively. This provides you with improved change logging of individual processes.
When a reconciliation key is closed in FI-CA and the FI-CA totals records are transferred to Financial Accounting (FI), new FI
documents are posted. The zero-balance clearings that can occur from this cannot be managed on accounts with open item
management due to technical restrictions.
You can use cash control (CC) to perform an availability check based on the existing cash balance. CC is embedded in General
Ledger Accounting (new)
Until now the system did not prevent over-expenditure for the cash balance of individual entities, such as a fund. You can now
monitor the available cash balance using CC and de ned criteria (for example, cash in the context of a fund) and perform checks
during the manual or automatic payment process. The CC function provides you with exible Customizing from de ning data
sources (ledgers) through to derving objects of the availability control.
You can now use a standard report for cash-basis accounting and cash ow reporting. Until now, there were no report templates
for cash-basis accounting and cash ow reporting which meant you had to create your own reports.
This function provides you with standard reporting functions for text and demonstration purposes, as well as templates that you
can adjust to suit your speci c requirements. You run the report using transaction PSFCL.
More Information
For more information, see SAP Library on the SAP Help Portal under:
Cash Control
Technical Data
Directly Dependent Business Function Requiring Activation in EA-PS (Enterprise Business Function)
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 178
You can use this business function by means of a separate cash ledger or cash ow reporting by an additional splitting
characteristic in the accrual ledger. Both functions, Cash-Basis Accounting and Cash Flow Reporting, are integral parts of the
new General Ledger (G/L).
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
The business function offers the following features:
Cash-Basis Accounting
This solution ful lls the requirement for legal cash-basis accounting.
It is possible to establish cash-basis accounting by means of a separate cash ledger. The cash ledger is a
complete, balanced set of accounts required by and maintained for cash-basis accounting. It realizes expenses
and revenue only at the time cash is paid or received.
The cash ledger is a non-leading ledger in the new G/L environment. Cash-Basis Accounting in the sense of this
solution always needs a leading accrual ledger.
Typically, the only accounts posted to in Cash-Basis Accounting are cash and P&L accounts.
It is possible to implement Cash-Basis Accounting at a date later than your implementation of the new G/L. This
is called “subsequent implementation”. Migration tools in support of this are available.
Cash-Flow Reporting
Cash Flow Reporting provides information on the sources of cash raised during the period, the purpose for which
cash was used, and the cash balance at the reporting date.
Cash Flow Reporting in terms of this solution is based on an accrual ledger and does not require an additional
(cash) ledger. This improves system performance by reducing data volumes.
Enables reporting of cash ows by source account (such as expense, revenue, taxes, or inventory).
US Federal Government
Grants Management
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 179
Technical Data
The Business Function "PSM, Grants Management for Grantee Enhancements" provides additional functions in the features
listed below. In addition, it delivers two new features, archiving and the option of posting accrued or deferred revenue.
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
To use the features described below, some work in Customizing is required. To access the relevant steps, go to Customizing and
choose Public Sector Management -> Grants Management -> Grantee Management.
The solution offers the following features:
The new function automatically creates budget validity periods for yearly time slices. The rst time slice starts with the
grant "valid from" date and ends after 12 months. The next time slice starts at the grant "valid from" date plus one year.
The subtractive cost sharing method relates to how cost sharing is calculated in the budgeting workbench and considers
how cost sharing relates to the total budget, meaning both external and internal funds, instead of external funds only.
Indirect cost (IDC) expense and recovery posting is based on IDC relevant postings to the grant’s postings to external
and internal funds. This IDC method is used in conjunction with the subtractive cost sharing method. IDC caps are still
used to determine the maximum reimbursement by the sponsor.
The system now evaluates the grant’s billable and revenue postings to determine whether an accrued or deferred
revenue posting is needed based on the grant’s nancial disposition The calculation can be based on resource-related
billing (RRB) accruals or cash-based billing methods.
A new BAdI, GM_CURRENCY_CONVERSION, allows additional exibility in revaluing GM postings based on the sponsor’s
Archiving strategies have been introduced for Grants Management master data and budgeting documents, expired
grants and unused budget documents. The archiving feature enables you to reduce the number of grants and budget
documents stored in your system.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 180
Technical Data
You can use this business function to take advantage of enhanced processing of grant validity dates.
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
Enhanced Grant Validity Date Processing
When you make changes to the Valid from and Valid to dates on the General Data tab of an existing grant, the system gives you
the option of viewing the impact of your changes on the validity dates from other tabs.
It also suggests validity date changes. You can accept, reject, or modify the dates suggested.
More Information
For complete information on grant master data processing, see the Grantee Management documentation.
Technical Data
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 181
ECC Software Component EA-PS
Business Function Requiring Activation in Addition SAP SRM PPS Basis (/SAPPSSRM/SRM_CROSS_INDUSTRIES),
SAP SRM Procurement for Public Sector Functions
(/SAPPSSRM/SRM_PPS), MM Multiple Account Assignment
You can use this business function to use the following SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM), Procurement for
Public Sector (PPS) functions:
Incremental funding
Smart numbering
Earmarked funds
This business function provides enhanced integration with SAP S/4HANA so that you can achieve greater nancial integration
for procurement functionality.
To use incremental funding, you must activate business function MM Multiple Account Assignment (LOG_MM_MAA_1) in the
SAP S/4HANA Customizing activity Activate Business Functions.
To use this business function, you must have SAP SRM 7.0 installed on your system. Ensure that PPS is activated in your SAP
SRM system.
Incremental Funding
Incremental funding is a method of funding contracts that provides speci c spending limits below the total estimated costs of a
project or program. Incremental funding allows long-term funding of a project without the total funds being available at the time
a purchase order is created. An incrementally funded purchase order is created with an initial funded amount which is less than
the total value of the order. Additional funds can be added as they become available. You can track the amount of funding
applied to an order. When you create a purchase order in SAP SRM, it is duplicated and transferred to SAP S/4HANA , and
incremental funding is also available on these replicated purchase orders. Incremental funding is especially useful for public
sector customers who receive funding for large purchase orders incrementally in accordance with the legislative appropriations
Large projects in the public sector often receive funding from multiple sources. Using account assignment distribution, you can
automatically distribute costs among multiple accounts when processing purchase orders or contracts with a guaranteed
minimum. Customers can assign multiple account assignments to purchase requisitions or purchase orders based on either a
percentage of the total amount or on speci c amounts charged to each account assignment. Account assignment distribution is
a way to efficiently allocate the total cost of a purchase to multiple account assignments. Account assignment distribution is
available on purchase orders created in SAP SRM and replicated to SAP S/4HANA .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 182
Smart Numbering
Smart numbers (formerly called “long procurement numbers”) are highly con gurable alphanumeric codes that uniquely
identify procurement documents. Each smart number is made up of components that you de ne in Customizing. Components
can re ect, for example, the scal year in which the document is created or the version of the document. Smart numbers are
generated on purchase orders created in SAP SRM and are copied to the replicated purchase orders in SAP S/4HANA . The U.S.
federal government requires that smart numbers be integrated into all commitment and obligation processes, and this
requirement is met in SAP S/4HANA . Procurement documents now contain both the customer agency-speci ed document
number and the SAP document number, making it easier to locate, search, and report on documents.
Earmarked Funds
Earmarked funds are funds set aside for a speci c project for which the exact application of funds does not have to be known.
You can use earmarked funds on purchase requisitions created in SAP S/4HANA that are replicated to SAP SRM as external
requirements (EXTREQs). You can also reference an earmarked funds document created in SAP S/4HANA when processing a
procurement document, for example, a purchase order. If account assignment data for earmarked funds is available, it is
transferred to a purchase order if you reference an earmarked funds document in the purchase order.
Technical Data
ECC application component Procurement for Public Sector (PSM-GPR), Purchasing (MM-
PUR), Logistics Invoice Veri cation (MM-IV), Inventory
You can use this business function to enable the transfer of pricing arrangement data from SAP Procurement for Public Sector
(SAP PPS) procurement documents to the replicated procurement documents in the SAP S/4HANA system. This business
function triggers follow-on processes such as the creation of service entry sheets and invoices, as well as processes for complex
pricing components such as incentive fees and award fees.
The following business functions contain additional features that can be used in conjunction with the Pricing Arrangements EA-
PS Integration business function:
This business function allows you to transfer period of performance, acceptance period, and prompt pay data into
replicated procurement documents when using the SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM) Extended
Classic Scenario.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 183
This business function ensures that a nancial commitment is made and recorded in Funds Management (FM) when an
SAP SRM shopping cart is approved.
You have SAP Supplier Relationship Management 6.0 (SAP SRM 6.0) and SAP Procurement for Public Sector 2007 (SAP PPS
2007) installed on your system.
This business function enables the transfer of complex pricing arrangement data from SAP PPS procurement documents to
replicated procurement documents in SAP S/4HANA . In SAP PPS, you can assign pricing arrangements to line items in a
procurement document. Each pricing component belonging to a line item can be assigned separate accounting information. It is
also possible to post follow-on documents separately for each pricing component.
How the supplier's target fee is reduced for exceeding the cost estimate
How the supplier's target fee is increased when costs are less than estimated
You can use pricing arrangements in the following SAP PPS purchasing documents:
Shopping cart
RFx response
Purchase order
Technical Data
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 184
Technical Usage Public Sector Accounting
Business function that you have to activate additionally Operations, Enterprise Services 2 (LOG_ESOA_OPS_2)
When using this business function, you can use master data of Public Sector Management (PSM) in the services of the Sales
and Distribution (SD) component. As a Public Sector customer, you must activate this business function if you want to use the
LOG_ESOA_OPS_2 business function.
The business function helps to simplify handling and processing of sales orders and to make this processing more efficient,
especially for non-experts. It also offers more exibility for various types of revenue processes, since process steps can be re-
used, while also facilitating seamless process integration across multiple systems and SAP applications.
To be able to use this business function, you must activate it.
In addition, you must have activated the LOG_ESOA_OPS_2 Operations, Enterprise Services 2 business function.
The enterprise services for Sales and Distribution (SD) now contain master data of Public Sector Management, such as the
Funds Management funds center. Public Sector customers can use these services to build composite applications that support
sales order processing.
Technical Data
You can implement this business function to take advantage of a new master data entity called the budget period, which
supplies modules in public sector accounting.
The new entity allows recording the time of budget and its execution, independent of scal year considerations.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 185
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
Software Component
EA-PS 604
FI-CA 604
IS-PS-CA 604
The business function offers the following features:
Budget period as separate master data entity in Public Sector Management (PSM)
This new master data object is made available in the Budget Control System (BCS) and in many budget execution
processes. It is recorded in budget and commitment/actuals gures in Funds Management (FM) and can serve as a
balancing entity in the new General Ledger (G/L). Expiry and cancellation date functions have been moved from the fund
to the budget period.
Enhanced budgeting and active availability control if you are using BCS
A eld for the new entity has been added to all relevant user interfaces in BCS. This includes, but is not limited to, the
central budget document transaction FMBB. Budgets can be distinguished by means of the budget period, enabling you
to have a budget from the same account assignment cycle, valid for more than one scal year.
Existing user interfaces that display the FM account assignments (such as fund and funds center) have been enhanced
to include the new assignment budget period in the area of MM, SD, RE, FI, AM, CO, HR, FM. This includes all places
where the coding block is used.
All Federal-speci c functions that display the FM account assignments have been enhanced to include the new budget
period account assignment element.
More Information
Read the budget period documentation to obtain detailed information on where and how the budget period is used.
Technical Data
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 186
Available as of SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511
Directly Dependent Business Function Requiring Activation in PSM, Budget Period (PSM_GEN_BUDPER_1)
With this business function you can use the master data entity of the budget period that populates the modules in Public Sector
Accounting. With the budget period introduced with business function PSM, Budget Period (PSM_GEN_BUDPER_1), you can
move the date controls from the fund to the budget period. This makes master data maintenance and reporting much easier.
With this business function, the budget period is also now available in Travel Management (FI-TM), Controlling (CO), Grantor
Management (PSM-GM-GTR) integrated with accounts receivable or accounts payable management, and in Enterprise
Services for Human Capital Management (HCM).
You have installed the following components as of the version given:
Budget period in Controlling (CO)
The budget period was added to the transactions of Overhead Cost Controlling (CO-OM) where account assignments of Funds
Management (fund, functional area, grant) are displayed. This includes the activity allocation, overhead costs and planning
You can now enter the corresponding budget period as the account assignment directly in a document in these transactions
instead of just deriving it. The complete account assignment is then updated in Financial Accounting (FI) and in Funds
Management (FM).
CO commitment: The budget period is now also contained in the commitment data in CO.
Activity allocation: The budget period is now available in the following transactions:
Direct activity allocation (see Cost Center Accounting/internal orders/project system Controlling: Actual
postings activity allocation ), CATS and con rmations
Indirect activity allocation posting (see Cost Center Accounting/internal orders/project system Controlling:
Actual postings activity allocation posting )
Actual clearings: In the wake of the enhancement of activity allocation with the budget period, the following actual
clearings were also adjusted accordingly (see Cost Center Accounting/internal orders/ project system Controlling:
Period-end closing Individual functions )
Target=actual-activity allocation
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 187
Template clearing in actual
Overhead rates in actual (periodic and real-time) were also enhanced with the new budget period dimension. These are
the following transactions (see Cost Center Accounting/internal orders/project system Controlling: Period-end
closing Individual functions ):
CO manual planning:
You can now also use the budget period in the following CO planning transactions (see Cost Center
Accounting/Internal Orders/Project System Controlling: Planning )
To be able to use the budget period in CO planning, use the new planning pro le SAPFFB CO planning with budget
period. We recommend that you import these layouts using transaction OKBF ( Controlling General
Controlling Production Start-Up Preparation Transport System Settings Transport Settings for Planning
Import Standard Planning Layouts ) from client 000 into the current clients. This refers to the following
layouts: 1-101FFB, 1-102FFB, 1-301FFB, 1-302FFB, 1-401FFB, 1-401FFB-T, 1-402FFB, 1-402FFB-T, 1-403FFB, 1-
403FFB-T, 1-601FFB, 1-701FFB, 1-701FFB-T, 1-702FFB, 1-702FFB-T, 1-703FFB, 1-703FFB-T, 1-901FFB.
The above-mentioned planning pro le is designed for dimensions fund, budget period, and functional area; it
does not include grant. If you want to use the grant, we recommend copying the required layouts and adding
the grant as a selection criterion.
The following plan clearings and planning aids were enhanced with the new account assignment dimension budget period
(see activity allocation/internal orders/Project System Controlling: Planning ):
Copy Planning
CO general:
Both the plan BAPIs and the corresponding ALE methods now contain the budget period.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 188
The CATS transfer was also enhanced with the budget period.
You can now also use the budget period in the actual settlement order (transaction KO88).
The budget period is applied during invoicing to accounts receivable/accounts payable accounting. For this, the following
integration scenarios are available:
When an earmarked fund is created, PSM account assignment derivation is used to determine the budget period from
the CRM approval. When this business function has been activated, invoicing to accounts receivable/accounts payable
accounting applies the budget period from the earmarked funds and creates the FI document.
When this business function has been activated, invoicing to accounts receivable/accounts payable accounting derives
the budget period using PSM account assignment derivation and enters the budget period in the FI document created.
The budget period is available immediately for grantor management, including in cases using rule-based account assignment
You can use the budget period as a condition eld in the de nition of the program pro le.
You can use the budget period as a eld in the de nition of rule-based account assignment distribution.
The budget period is now available in several HCM SOA services, including services for business objects Employee Time Sheet
and Work Agreement.
You can now enter the corresponding budget period as the account assignment directly in a document instead of just deriving it.
The budget period was added to transactions in Travel Management in which Funds Management account assignments (fund,
functional area, funds center, and so on) are displayed. This includes infotype 0017 (travel privileges), distribution in travel
request, the travel plan and the travel expenses sheet. You can hereby enter the corresponding budget period as the account
assignment directly in a document instead of just deriving it. The complete account assignment is then updated in Financial
Accounting (FI) and in Funds Management (FM).
More Information
For more information, see the documentation on Budget Period and Budget Period in Human Capital Management.
Technical Data
Für die F15 Schnittstelle relevante Belege können aus folgenden Komponenten erzeugt werden:
Reisemanagement (FI-TV)
Fakturierung (SD)
Hierbei sind bestimmte Grundregeln einzuhalten, damit solche Belege von der SAP F15 Schnittstelle verarbeitet werden
können. Diese Grundregeln sind im SAP F15 Benutzerleitfaden beschrieben. See also More Information.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 190
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
Sie haben die Customizing-Einstellungen für diese Funktion im Customizing für Public Sector Management unter F15
Schnittstelle vorgenommen.
The business function offers the following features:
Die SAP F15 Schnittstelle unterstützt eine Reihe durch das Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) vorgegebener
Verarbeitungsschlüssel (VSL) aus den folgenden Bereichen:
Für nicht unterstützte Verarbeitungsschlüssel können im SAP-System teilweise Alternativen genutzt werden. Beispielsweise
Bare Auszahlungsvorgänge
Andere nicht unterstützte Verarbeitungsschlüssel können von der SAP F15 Schnittstelle nicht verarbeitet werden.
Über die konkret unterstützten Verarbeitungsschlüssel informieren Sie sich in der aktuellsten Version des Benutzerleitfadens.
See also More Information.
More Information
Weitere Informationen nden Sie im SAP-Hinweis 1734693 .
Technical Data
Directly dependent business function that you have to activate Public Services (Enterprise Extension) (EA-PS)
MM, Multiple Account Assignment (LOG_MM_MAA_1)
This business function allows you more exibility when dealing with time-limited funds and similar account assignment features
that are used in purchase orders with multiple account assignments. In particular in procurement transactions with a large
volume or with a duration of several years, it can be necessary to close individual account assignment items for further quantity
postings before the end of the procurement transaction.
This is the purpose of the nal account assignment indicator, which you can set at account assignment level in purchase order
items for materials and services that were created manually or using a BAPI. You can use the nal account assignment indicator
when you are not expecting a goods receipt and are invoicing without an invoicing plan, or when you have speci ed valuated
goods receipt. In items with nal account assignment indicators you can only post further goods receipts quantities or invoice
quantities if they do not exceed the nal account assignment quantity.
You have installed the following components from the named version:
Setting the Final Account Assignment Indicator in the Purchase Order
When you set the nal account assignment indicator for an account assignment item, the system determines the quantity that
has already been posted to that account assignment item from the purchase order history. The system compares the delivered
and invoiced quantities and sets the higher of the two as the nal account assignment quantity. It then reduces the original
account assignment quantity accordingly. In the case of distribution by amount, the system calculates the nal account
assignment quantity to the oating point. If the logic selected is distribution by percentage, the system changes it to
distribution by quantity, in order to avoid rounding errors. In the nal account assignment reason you can save information
about why the account assignment item is being closed.
When you set the nal account assignment indicator, a difference arises between the account assignment quantity originally
saved in the purchase order, and the new nal account assignment quantity that the system calculated. To balance out this
difference, you have the following options:
You can reduce the quantity at purchase order item level by the difference in quantities.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 192
You can distribute the quantity difference manually across the remaining open account assignment items.
You can add new account assignment items and post the quantity difference to these items.
The business add-in BAdI: Adjust MAA Distribution for Final Account Assignment (ME_MAA_ADJUST) allows you to
specify how you want the system to distribute the quantity difference. For distribution of the difference in quantity in
service items, you can use the BAdI MMSRV_ACC_DIST_PO.
If there is encumbrance tracking for the assignment, the system reduces the open commitment value of the item with a nal
account assignment indicator correspondingly.
If you deselect the nal account assignment indicator for an account assignment item, the existing quantity distribution
remains unchanged. When further goods receipts and incoming invoices are posted, the account assignment item that
previously had a nal account assignment indicator is again taken into account when the system distributes quantities.
For further information on the nal account assignment indicator in purchase orders, see Setting the Final Account Assignment
Indicator in Purchase Orders.
Follow-On Documents for Purchase Orders with Final Account Assignment Indicators
As long as the nal account assignment indicator is set for an account assignment item, it is not possible to create follow-on
documents for this item, unless the follow-on documents close an activity that was already in process. In the following cases, the
posting of follow-on documents ensures that the account assignment quantity posted to the item is lled up to the level of the
nal account assignment quantity.
You set the nal account assignment indicator for account assignment items where already invoiced quantities have not
yet been delivered. In this case the system determines the nal account assignment quantity based on the invoice
quantity. To balance out the invoice surplus, the system distributes goods receipt quantities to items with a nal account
assignment indicator, up to the level of the nal account assignment quantity.
You return partial deliveries or cancel documents relating to items with a nal account assignment indicator, thereby
reducing the delivered quantity for these account assignment items. To balance out the delivered quantity in relation to
the nal account assignment quantity, the system again distributes further goods receipt quantities to items with a nal
account assignment indicator up to the level of the nal account assignment quantity.
Note: If you create return deliveries for purchase orders with distribution by quantity or percentage distribution, and you
want to distribute the returned quantity to the account assignments manually, you can use the BAdI BAdI: Multiple
Account Assignment - Redistribution in Goods Receipt (MB_ACCOUNTING_DISTRIBUTE) with the new example
You set the nal account assignment indicator for account assignment items in which quantities have been delivered
but not yet invoiced. In this case the system determines the nal account assignment quantity based on the invoice
quantity. To balance out the goods receipt surplus, the system distributes invoice quantities to items with a nal account
assignment indicator, up to the level of the nal account assignment quantity.
When creating partial invoices for items with a nal account assignment indicator, the system calculates the open
quantity as the difference between the nal account assignment quantity and the invoice quantities that were posted to
the account assignment item in the past.
You have parked incoming invoices for an account assignment item and have speci ed in Customizing for Public Sector
Management that the system should take into account invoices with the status parked as complete or parked released
when calculating the nal account assignment quantity. In that case you can post parked as complete invoice documents
relating to items with a nal account assignment indicator, in order to match the account assignment quantity to the
nal account assignment quantity.
For further information on creating goods receipts, return deliveries, and overdeliveries, see Goods Movements for Purchase
Orders with a Final Account Assignment Indicator.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 193
For further information on creating invoices, see Creating Incoming Invoices for Purchase Orders with a Final Account
Assignment Indicator.
You can set the nal account assignment indicator at account assignment level for items in purchase orders for external
services, if you have selected valuated goods receipt and activated service-based invoice veri cation. When you set the nal
account assignment indicator, the system determines the nal account assignment quantity and reduces the account
assignment quantity correspondingly. In the nal account assignment reason you can save information about why the account
assignment item is being closed. As described above, you can only create follow-on documents for account assignment items
with a nal account assignment indicator in special cases.
If you use the nal account assignment indicator in your external service procurement, the following special features apply:
You are not allowed to create multiple account assignment items with identical account assignment objects in a service
purchase order item with multiple account assignments.
If a service-based invoice has been set and the goods receipt is not set, the entry elds in the service entry sheet can be
ready or blocked, depending on the Customizing settings.
When you set the nal account assignment indicator for an account assignment item, the system changes the
distribution logic for the partial goods receipt and goods issue to distribution on a progressive ll-up basis.
For further information, see Setting the Final Account Assignment Indicator for Services.
Technical Data
You can use this business function to meet country-speci c requirements in the area of Public Sector Management (PSM-FM)
for Hungary.
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 194
EA-PS 800
Generating Reports Using the Reporting Framework
This business function enables you to use the Reporting Framework tool to generate reports required in public sector on a
regular basis in PDF, XML, or ALV le format in accordance with your legal and business needs. We deliver all the necessary
settings for preparing the following public sector reports:
If you are required to prepare a report other than the ones listed above, you must set up the system manually to be able to
generate the required report using the reporting framework tool.
For more information about how the generate the above reports and how to set up the system for additional reports, see Public
Sector Hungary, Reporting Framework, and Generating Reports With Reporting Framework in Public Sector.
Companies must use prede ned chart of accounts. Due to frequent changes in the prede ned chart of accounts, it is required
to make the general ledger (G/L) accounts time-depended, and specify different descriptions for them for each time period.
This function is available on the Edit G/L Account Centrally (FS00) screen.
SAP Banking
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 195
Technical Data
You can use this business function to edit the identi cation numbers of a business partner centrally and in a uniform manner.
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
1. Report FSBP_MAINTAIN_IDTYPE_MAPPING (Assign ID Number Categories to Identi cation Categories and Types)
You use this report to de ne new identi cation categories and types in Customizing for table BUT0ID (BP: ID Numbers)
from existing identi cation number categories in table BPID001 (Additional Partner Numbers) and to save these
assignments. For more information, see the report documentation. Note that once you have saved the report in
Customizing for the identi cation numbers, you can no longer change the assignments between identi cation categories
and types that you have determined in the report. If you change any assignments that are saved in the report, this can
cause errors during the subsequent data conversion. Once you have created Customizing for identi cation numbers, the
system displays the additional partner numbers from table BPID001 in online processing mode as identi cation
2. Run report FSBP_IDNUM_MIGRATION_CHECK (Check the Prerequisites for Converting the Additional Partner Numbers).
You can use this report to check whether you still have any actions to perform (for example, BAdI methods for migrating
customer-speci c elds).
a) If you have enhanced the additional partner numbers with your own elds, then create an implementation for the new
enhancement spot FSBP_IDNUM_MIGRATION (BAdI: Conversion of Additional Partner Numbers) to transfer the
enhanced data to the identi cation numbers. If necessary, enhance table BUT0ID containing the identi cation numbers.
b) We recommend that you run report FSBP_IDNUM_MIGRATION_START (Convert Additional Partner Numbers to
Identi cation Numbers). You use this report to convert the additional partner numbers to identi cation numbers
(including the enhancements). Once the data has been migrated, the system stores the entry Completed in table
FSBP_ID_STATUS (Status Information for Conversion of Identi cation Numbers). If you have enhancements, run this
report only after you have implemented the enhancement spot. You can run this report only once. For more information,
see the report documentation. If you do not run the report, data is converted gradually and identi cation numbers are
only converted when they are accessed.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 196
5. Run report FSBP_IDNUM_CHDOC_MIG_START (Convert Change Documents for Additional Partner Numbers).
Once it has converted all the additional partner numbers, the report converts the change documents for the additional
partner numbers. For more information, see the report documentation.
6. If you need to query whether data has been converted for your own application, you can call method
Edit Identi cation Numbers of a Business Partner Centrally and in a Uniform Manner
In online processing mode, the system now displays the identi cation numbers of the business partner only on the Identi cation
Numbers tab page. The Additional Partner Numbers section is no longer available on the Control tab page. When you change
data in table BPID001 (Additional Partner Numbers), this data is now added to table BUT0ID (BP: ID Numbers). However, we
recommend that you convert all data just once using report FSBP_IDNUM_MIGRATION_START (for more information, see step
4b under Prerequisites). The change documents are also adjusted to the new table. If any warning messages occur when you
activate the business function then these are written to an application log. You can call this log using the transaction Analyze
Application Log (SLG1). Enter the object "FSBP_MIG" and the subobject "ID".
More Information
For more information about editing identi cation numbers, see SAP Library under SAP Business Partner for Financial Services -
> Functions -> SAP Business Partner Data -> Identi cation Numbers.
If you are using the ASU toolbox, see also SAP Note 1556353 for more information about migrating the additional partner
Technical Data
Available From Enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3, Support Package
Stack 06
You can use this business function to store the following results of your tax compliance evaluations in the business partner:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 197
Whether and why a business partner is required to demonstrate tax compliance for a speci c tax compliance type and
within a speci c period
Whether and when the business partner agreed to transfer data to the corresponding tax authorities
You can create, change, and delete this information, and display a history of information.
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
SAP_ABA 710,SAPKA71016
You have activated the business function FS Business Partner Tax Compliance and have performed the following
activities in Customizing for SAP Business Partner for Financial Services under Settings for Financial Services
General Settings Tax Compliance :
On the Financial Reporting Data tab page, the Tax Compliance group box is available. For more information, see Regulatory
Reporting Data.
BusinessPartnerFS.FSAddTaxCompliance (BAPI_BUPA_FS_BPTAXC_ADD)
BusinessPartnerFS.FSChangeTaxCompliance (BAPI_BUPA_FS_BPTAXC_CHANGE)
BusinessPartnerFS.FSGetTaxCompliance (BAPI_BUPA_FS_BPTAXC_GET)
BusinessPartnerFS.FSRemoveTaxCompliance (BAPI_BUPA_FS_BPTAXC_REMOVE)
Technical Data
You can use this business function to improve your business processes as follows:
As an international bank or company, connect a central banking system to multiple local systems for nancial accounting
Enable exible con guration and optimization of data retrieval for printing correspondence
Increase capacity for creating bank statements for each account in a particular year
1. You have activated the business function set EAFS_BCA_BUSOPR in transaction SFW5.
2. You have made the required settings in Customizing for Bank Customer Accounts (IS-B-BCA) for the following topics:
Account Closure
Multiple FI
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 199
Reserve for Bad Debt
Account Management Individual Value Adjustment Activate Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD)
For more information, see the composite release note EAFS_BCA_BUSOPR: Business Function SAP Deposits: Business
Operations in Account Management (New) (RELNBANK_BCA_604_BUSOP_M)
Enhanced account closure functions
Improved business checks and user exits provided for de ning additional customer checks
Error logging and improved possibility for trouble shooting errors that occur during the account closure process
For more information, see Account Closure and Account Closure Checks
You can now record general ledger data in different nancial accounting systems (general ledgers) for each bank area, should
you need to represent different business units or companies.
This central and standard solution enables you to create individual value adjustment accounts and accounts at the business
partner aggregation level, which can be used to determine the credit standing of a business partner.
Loss on Receivables
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 200
Integration with correspondence tool and print workbench
Flexible enhancement concept (user exits) for speci c adaptation to your requirements.
General and standardized availability of all SAP print techniques and externally available data formats
Correspondence scenarios integrated with print workbench (account creation or change, account closure, account
closure prenoti cation, xing of term agreement, prenoti cation of term agreement maturity, calling of term
agreements, bank statements, and balance noti cations)
The release tool has been integrated with account closure, payment items, payment orders, forward orders, and standing
orders, and has the following features:
In Customizing you can enter the agents who are responsible for release tasks
Agents can release, reject, change, or display the release objects from the business workplace
The release work ow makes status changes to the BCA objects during their life cycle
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 201
Release Object PAYMORD (Payment Order)
Improved selection criteria that enable you to display only relevant change documents
Detailed view that enables you to compare the business and technical information
Improved presentation and printing of change details across all functions in SAP Deposits
Use of customer exits to save, display, and check customer-speci c elds on the payment transaction screens
You can create up to 999999 bank statements for each account in a particular year.
You can copy and transport the product attribute hierarchy to other clients or systems included in the product con gurator, and
access the data in the product attribute hierarchy. You can now also set up matrix attributes from Customizing.
Technical Data
Directly Dependent Business Function Also Requiring SAP Deposits: Business Operations in Account Management, SAP
Activation enhancement package 4 for SAP S/4HANA 6.0
Support active direct debits from the single euro payments area (SEPA) by using SEPA direct debit orders (SDD orders).
Prenotes provide a exible and automated process that enables you to reserve amounts on an account for a future business
transaction in a banking environment.
Include archiving, which enables better administration of data contained in the database
Include Customizing that provides you with more exibility in de ning how the prenote is to affect the available amount
Include interfaces, customer exits, and the option of customer enhancements for prenotes
Support optional rules, practices, and standards that allow the banking industry in the single European payments area to
offer a direct debit product to customers
Reduce the cost of supporting SEPA direct debits for core direct debits and business-to-business direct debits
SDD orders provide automated support for SEPA direct debit requirements as speci ed by the SEPA Core direct debit scheme
and the SEPA Business-to-Business direct debit scheme.
Payment items
Planned items
Payment orders
Forward orders
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 203
Product settings
Release tool
Business Workplace
Account closure
Transfer postings
You can reference the ordering party mandates and use them in a SEPA direct debit order. The system also updates the usage
of mandates on the mandate screen.
Payment orders
Standing orders
Conditions: Condition category for the value date subject to nal payment
You need to ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
You have activated the business function set SAP Deposits: Business Operations in Account Management from SAP
enhancement package 4 for SAP S/4HANA 6.0. in transaction SFW5.
After you have activated the business function SAP Deposits: Business Operations in Account Management 2 in
transaction SFW5, you have made the settings in Customizing for Bank Customer Accounts (IS-B-BCA) for the following
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 204
Account Management Basic Functions in Account Management Maintain Transaction Types (set the
prenote check)
All the Customizing activities under Account Management Maintain Prenotes Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)
All the Customizing activities under Account Management Maintain Prenotes Release
Tools Archiving :
Account Management Basic Functions in Account Management Maintain Transaction Types (set the
mandate and extended mandate checks)
BAdI: Calculate Next Run Date and Due Date for Recurring SDD Orders
This feature enables you to set aside certain amounts on an account for use in future business transactions. You can create,
change, display, and delete prenotes in the dialog mode or by using Business Application Programming Interfaces (for more
information, see Business Application Programming Interfaces). You can create prenotes for both debit and credit postings.
Although prenotes do not in uence the account balance or the posting and value date balance, you can ag prenotes as being
relevant to the calculation of the available amount. Prenotes do not generate payment items, but you can assign prenotes to
payment items. You can also convert the currency of prenotes to euro. If required, you can use the principle of multiple control
(for more information, see principle of multiple control (CA-GTF-TS-PDC) ) and the Business Workplace to release prenotes.
Finally, you can also archive prenotes.
For more information, see SAP Library for SAP ERP on SAP Help Portal at SAP ERP SAP ERP
Enhancement Packages SAP ERP Central Component Financials SAP Banking Bank Customer Accounts (BCA)
Account Management Prenote .
This feature enables you to create one-time, outgoing SDD orders by using external and foreign payment orders.
You can also create recurring, outgoing SDD orders by using standing orders. You can calculate the subject to nal payment
balance by using the due date of an SDD order. You can also use the Business Add-In BAdI: Compute Date for recurring SEPA
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 205
Direct Debits (BADI_BKK_STOR_SDD_COMPUTE_DATE) to de ne your own calculation logic for the next run date and due date
in standing orders, and you can de ne additional checks for these dates.
For SEPA B2B direct debits, you can de ne additional checks for incoming SEPA transactions by using the extended mandate
check. You can also use Business Add-In BAdI: Execute Extended Mandate Checks (BADI_BKK_EXTD_MND_CHECKS) to de ne
your own checks for incoming SEPA transactions.
For more information, see SAP Library for SAP ERP on SAP Help Portal at SAP ERP SAP ERP
Enhancement Packages SAP ERP Central Component Financials SAP Banking Bank Customer Accounts (BCA)
Account Management SEPA Direct Debit Orders .
Technical Data
Directly Dependent Business Function Also Requiring SAP Deposits: Business Operations in Account Management 2, SAP
Activation enhancement package 5 for SAP S/4HANA 6.0
Improve your business processes for account management by assigning more than one bank key to a bank area and
creating accounts for each bank key. Improve your payment transaction processing by identifying accounts with different
bank keys as internal accounts, thereby managing payment transactions internally and not having to route them through
the payment transaction system.
Improve your process for executing standing orders through additional selection elds in the standing order execution
Improve your overview of the account in the enhanced account turnover list by viewing all payment orders that are in
postprocessing for a particular account.
Your bank can differentiate more easily between internal and external payment transactions.
The new standing order elds enable you to re ne the standing orders selected by the report.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 206
You can view payment orders that are in postprocessing at any time for a particular account.
You can process payment orders that are in postprocessing from the account.
Multiple Bank Keys
This feature is integrated in input help elds that are related to the account number.
This feature is integrated in the parallel processing report for standing orders. You can call the report from the SAP Easy
Access menu by choosing Bank Customer Accounts Periodic Tasks Standing Order Parallel Processing .
You need to ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
You have activated the business function SAP Deposits: Business Operations in Account Management 2 from SAP
enhancement package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 in transaction SFW5.
After you have activated the business function SAP Deposits: Business Operations in in Account Management 3 in
transaction SFW5, you have made the settings in Customizing for Bank Customer Accounts (IS-B-BCA) as follows:
In the product de nition as follows: Master Data Product De nition Product Create Product or
Change Product
. In the account elds, choose Key Bank Key . De ne the bank key as required and activate the eld.
If you are using different check digit methods for different bank keys assigned to a bank area, you need to de ne
the bank area as follows: Basic Settings Bank Area De ne Bank Area
Basic Settings Bank Area Assign Additional Bank Keys to Bank Area
To change the default behavior of the system, choose Account Management Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) :
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 207
Multiple Bank Keys
This feature enables you to have a default bank key and additional bank keys for a bank area. You can assign a bank key to a
product and a bank area.
Now you can create accounts with various bank keys. The IBAN is generated for the bank key assigned to the account. You can
assign a bank key both in the dialog and through the account creation interfaces.
You cannot change the bank key once you have saved an account.
The external account number is unique for the bank area and bank key. If two bank areas are assigned the same bank key, the
external account number must be unique for the common bank key. However, another bank key in a second bank area can have
the same external account number.
If bank areas 0001 and 0002 are assigned the bank key 90000001, external account number 15 can be assigned to either
bank area 0001 or 0002. If bank area 0001 now has an account 15 with bank key 90000001, the system does not allow
account 15 to be created with bank key 90000001 in bank area 0002. However, the system allows the account number 15
to be created in bank area 0002 if you use another bank key, for example, 90000002. Once you have created the accounts,
payment transactions can be processed for the different accounts. The associated input help simpli es the selection of
If the bank key stored on the account is different from the one contained in the payment transaction, you are provided with the
BAdIs above that enable you to de ne the following:
For a recipient item or turnover item: whether the posting must be made to the account or to the CpD account.
For a ordering party item or clearing item: whether the posting must be made to the account or rejected
For a recipient item on a payment order: whether the posting must be made to the account or sent to the payment
transaction system
For an ordering party item on a payment order: whether the posting must be made to the account or rejected
For an ordering party or a recipient on a standing order: whether the standing order must be created with the speci ed
bank key
For more information about the BAdIs, see the BAdI documentation.
This feature enables you to execute parallel processing for standing orders by using different criteria. The new selection criteria
are as follows:
Account currency
Account number
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 208
For more information, see the report documentation under Bank Customer Accounts Periodic Tasks Standing Order
Parallel Processing .
The enhanced account turnover list now contains the PO in Postprocessing button that enables you to view payment orders
that are in postprocessing at any time for a particular account. You can also use this button to go to the payment orders and
process them.
More Information
For more information, see release note EAFS_BCA_BUSOPR_3: Business Function SAP Deposits: Business Operations in
Account Management 3 in business function EAFS_BCA_BUSOPR_3, in transaction SFW5.
For more information about multiple bank keys, see SAP Library on SAP Help Portal at SAP Business
Suite SAP Enterprise Resource Planning SAP ERP SAP ERP Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 Application Help:
English ERP Central Component Financials SAP Banking Bank Customer Accounts (BCA)
Current Account Master Data Account Creation of Accounts Maintaining Administration Data
Account Management Payment Item Processing Payment Items on a CpD (Suspense) Account
Technical Data
Directly Dependent Business Function Also Requiring SAP Deposits: Business Operations in Account Management 3, SAP
Activation enhancement package 5 for SAP S/4HANA 6.0
You can use this business function to support SEPA direct debits in all payment transactions and processes as required by the
European Payments Council.
This solution can reduce the cost of transitioning and implementing SEPA direct debits in your bank. Your bank can support
outgoing or active SEPA direct debits (SDDs) not only in payment orders, but also in standing orders, and forward orders and in
automatic processes such as account balancing, account closure, and xed term collection.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 209
This feature is integrated on the screens not only for creating, changing, and displaying payment orders and standing orders,
but now also for forward orders. Besides this it is integrated on the screens for accounts, mandates, and value date conditions.
Cash concentration with external root accounts does not support SEPA credit transfers and SEPA direct debits.
The following prerequisites must be met:
You have activated the business functionSAP Deposits: Business Operations in Account Management 3 from SAP
enhancement package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0. in transaction SFW5.
After you have activated the business function SAP Deposits: Business Operations in Account Management (SEPA) in
transaction SFW5, you have made the settings in Customizing for Bank Customer Accounts (IS-B-BCA). For more
information see release note EAFS_BCA_BUSOPR_SEPA: Business Function SAP Deposits: Business Operations (SEPA)
in business function EAFS_BCA_BUSOPR_SEPA, in transaction SFW5.
This business function provides you with the following features:
This feature allows you to manage SEPA direct debits (SDD) in the payment transactions in the system. You can do the
following for an order if it is an SDD order:
Enter a due date for the SDD order and ensure subsequent validations
Write change documents for the unique creditor identi er (UCI), due date of the SDD payment, and mandate ID
Send both the ordering party and the recipient party transaction to the payment transaction system
Create prenotes if required for the ordering party payment items that are sent to the payment transaction
Payment order
Forward order
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 210
Standing order
You can enter the mandate reference and the creditor ID as a reference in the account master data for reference
accounts. Recipient accounts for business partners are enabled for master data. Debit balances from automatic
processes such as xed term collection, account balancing and account closure are enabled to create SDD compliant
payment orders.
Ordering party mandates can be created where the Bank acts as a creditor. If a change is made to the BIC associated
with the mandate, the system now considers the mandate as a new mandate. The changed information for key mandate
elds is passed to the payment transaction system. The usage of a mandate can now be updated with the due date.
You can de ne a validity period for return reasons that are then displayed for selection based on the de ned validity
The value date can be calculated based on the due date for a SEPA payment transaction.
The condition xing function for xed term agreements now considers a speci c date instead of the term start date or
account opening date for the rst term agreement.
More Information
For more information, see release note EAFS_BCA_BUSOPR_SEPA: Business Function SAP Deposits: Business Operations
(SEPA) in business function EAFS_BCA_BUSOPR_SEPA,in transaction SFW5.
For more information, see SAP Library for SAP ERP on SAP Help Portal at SAP Business Suite SAP
Enterprise Resource Planning SAP ERP SAP ERP Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 Application Help: English
SAP ERP Central Component Financials SAP Banking Bank Customer Accounts (BCA) :
Account Mandate
Account Management :
Payment Order
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 211
Forward Order
Standing Order
Technical Data
Available as of
SAP enhancement package 7 SPS12 for SAP S/4HANA 6.0
With this business function, you can use the release procedure (principle of dual control) for account master data and
hierarchies. By using the release procedure, you can reduce the risk of errors or misuse when account master data and
hierarchies are created or changed. In this way, the release procedure can support the ful llment of internal as well as external
control and security speci cations.
You can use the master data release independently of other release procedures (limit, account closure, payment item, payment
order, forward order, standing order, nancial condition, notice on amount, hold).
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
You have activated the business function SAP Deposits: Business Operations in Account Management
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 212
For the release procedure for account master data, you have made the following settings in Customizing for Open Item
Accounting under Master Data:
Enter the product and product version for which you want to use the principle of dual control and choose
Continue. Switch to the next screen. Under Status Release Status , choose the Display Field Field
Modi cation to display the release status in the account master data.
You have activated the release procedure for account hierarchies in Customizing for Open Item Accounting by choosing
Master Data Account Activate Release Relevance for Account Hierarchies .
Check for Release Relevance
Before an account enters the release procedure, the system uses different criteria to check whether the master data is
relevant for release. You need to de ne rules for this check in Customizing. For more information, see Check for Release
Master data that for release does not become active immediately, but is saved in a release table until it is released. The
accounts for release are displayed in the transaction Release Account (F9K4), where they can be released by employees with
the required authorization.
Release History
You can check at any time which master data has been released or rejected and by whom. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose
Account Release Display Master Data of Accounts in Release (F9K5) to display the release history. You can also display
the release history for an individual account in its account master data. To do this, choose (Display Release History).
Technical Data
You can use this business function to process the balance sheet preparation for current accounts in parallel. Parallel processing
may signi cantly reduce the runtime for balance sheet preparation, particularly if there is a high volume of data. This means
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 213
that you can also optimize the time needed for end-of-day processing, speci cally if you are processing numerous accounts and
have a high number of postings.
Parallel Processing of Balance Sheet Preparation
When you start balance sheet preparation, the system distributes the accounts being processed to several jobs in parallel (in
accordance with the setting made in Customizing under Set Job Distribution). The program runtime is shortened accordingly.
Extended Error Handling and Restarting Incorrect Balance Sheet Preparation Runs
If errors occur for individual accounts during balance sheet preparation, the system nishes the balance sheet preparation run
with the status Postprocessing Required. The reconciliation keys remain open and you cannot start a new balance sheet
preparation run. It is not possible to make backdated postings in the affected period. In this case, you have to correct the cause
of the error and then restart the balance preparation run under Periodic Tasks General Ledger Restart Balance Sheet
Preparation (transaction F9HLR).
Technical Data
Portal Content
Not relevant
You can use this business function in Loans Management and Syndications Management to represent and execute complex
re nancing of loan contracts.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 214
You can send contract data and business transactions from Loans Management to Syndications Management. You can use this
information in Syndications Management for loan pooling and for parallel creation of an investor contract.
Loan pooling is integrated in Loans Management (FS-CML).
For more information, see SAP Library for SAP Banking in SAP Help Portal under SAP ERP SAP ERP
Central Component Financial Accounting SAP Banking Loans Management .
If you want to use the functions of the EAFS_CML_LOANS_POOLING business function, you must activate the business
function in transaction SFW5 and release the add-on component Syndications Management.
In Customizing for SAP ERP SAP Banking Loans Management Basic Settings Installation Parameters De ne
General Installation Parameters , you have activated the change pointer.
For more information, see Customizing for SAP ERP SAP Banking Loans Management Tools Change Pointer and
ALE Export .
In the Portfolio Re nancing of Loan Contracts scenario for integration of Loans Management and Syndications Management,
you can select loan contracts using the following criteria:
General loans
The transaction provides Syndications Management with information about new loans and changes to existing loans:
Planned ows
Actual ows
You can use a Business Add-In (BAdI) to export loan data for Syndications Management.
Syndication Management updates the ALE status of the loan contracts selected for pooling and sets the indicator in the
contract data in Loans Management.
For more information, see SAP Library for SAP Banking in SAP Help Portal under SAP ERP SAP ERP
Central Component Financial Accounting SAP Banking Loans Management Environment Change Pointer and
ALE Export Export Detailed Loan Data for Syndications Management .
EAFS, Facilities
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 215
Technical Data
You can use this business function to provide facilities through a three-layer hierarchical structure, where the details of the
facility are available at the facility contract level (primary level). The details of the subfacility are available at the next level
(secondary level) and the actual disbursements are available at the drawdown contract level (tertiary level).
A facility represents the total credit limit that has been approved and extended to the customer to be drawn in part or in full
within a stipulated time. The cost to the customer for using a facility is a commitment interest on the undrawn portion of the
facility limit.
A facility has one or more subfacilities. The drawings from the facility are in the form of new loans, known as drawdowns, under a
Facilities and drawdowns are loans of user-de ned product types within the product category Mortgage Loan (300) or
General Loan (330).
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
You de ne product types for the facility and drawdowns under the allowed product categories in Customizing for FS-CML under
Loans Management Transaction Management De ne Product Types .
You have completed the following settings for this function in Customizing for FS-CML under SAP Banking Loans
Management Master Data Facility :
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 216
Assign Drawdown Product Types to Drawdown Product Groups
Facility Creation
In order to make drawdowns, you are rst required to create facilities. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting
Bank Applications Loans Management New Business Facility Mortgage Loan Type Contract Create or General
Loan Type Contract Create .
A facility can have the following statuses: Application, Contract Offer, and Contract. Facilities are binding and can be used to
create drawdowns only if they have the status Contract.
Maintain conditions for commitment interest for the unused portion of a facility limit
Interest on Arrears
Single Postings
Borrower Change
You can freeze a facility by setting its status to Inactive. For example, you may want to restrict the facility extended to a
business partner due to the changed risk rating of the customer. An inactive facility can no longer be utilized by such a business
partner, who is allowed very limited operations.
Subfacility Creation
When you create a facility, you are required to create a subfacility to make drawdowns. You can maintain a product type
grouping at this level, for example, a subfacility maintained for the Term Loan product type.
The effective date for the subfacility can fall on or after the facility start date.
Similarly, the subfacility limit must equal or be less than the facility limit. Though the individual subfacility limit cannot exceed
the overall facility limit, the sum of individual subfacilities may exceed the facility limit.
Any changes in the subfacility date or limit during the term of the facility must comply with the overall facility limit and the
amount used under the facility.
If there are no drawdowns under a subfacility, you can delete the subfacility.
Drawdown Creation
Drawdowns are the nal and third level in the facility hierarchy, where you can make loans.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 217
Creating Drawdowns: On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting Bank Applications Loans Management New
Business Facility Create Drawdowns . The start date of the drawdown must fall on or before the effective date of the
subfacility. The commitment amount of a new drawdown must not exceed the available amount at the subfacility and the facility
levels. Each drawdown created reduces the available amount at the subfacility and the facility levels.
Revolving Drawdowns: You can maintain a drawdown as revolving or non-revolving. In general banking parlance, a revolving loan
allows the principal paid to be withdrawn again by the customer. However, in this case, any principal repaid cannot be withdrawn
again, but can be used to increase the available amount at the facility and subfacility levels.
Drawdown Disbursement: A drawdown can be disbursed fully or partially. If a drawdown is partially disbursed, the non-disbursed
amount is taken into account when calculating the commitment interest for the facility. The creation of each drawdown results
in a corresponding reduction at the subfacility and facility levels. Therefore, the limit at the facility level always controls the
subfacility and drawdown amounts. A facility contains a limit that cannot be exceeded. A drawdown must not exceed the
subfacility limit and must remain within the facility limit. Furthermore, an individual subfacility limit cannot be greater than the
facilities limit but the total of all subfacility limits can exceed the facility limit.
Business Operations: All business operations allowed at the product category level are possible at the drawdown level except
for Deferral in the case of revolving drawdowns.
We provide the mass run report Update Planned Records for Facilities to calculate commitment interest for facilities along with
updates to planned records and to generate planned ows when charges or fees are applicable.
To execute this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen choose Accounting Bank Applications Loans Management
Position Management Periodic Processing Update Planned Records for Facilities .
For more information, see SAP Library for SAP Banking on SAP Help Portal at SAP ERP SAP ERP
Central Component Financial Accounting SAP Banking Loans Management Drawdown Creation for Facilities .
Technical Data
You can use this business function to create payment agreements for overdue items and future payments that the borrower is
unable to pay for the product categories Mortgage Loan (300) and General Loan (330) in addition to the existing product
category Consumer Loan (340).
You can create payment agreements for overdue items and planned items using the Deferral or Capitalization business
operations in the Workplace for Business Operations.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 218
You use the Deferral business operation to defer overdue items and also future payments of a loan, if necessary. This involves
transferring the overdue items of the loan, and the future payments that the borrower is unable to pay, into a deferral
arrangement. This arrangement contains an annuity installment plan that is independent of the normal payment plan for the
You use the Capitalization business operation to spread overdue items and any planned items of a loan from a key date over the
rest of the loan term. The system increases the contract capital and the remaining capital by the amount that the borrower is
unable to repay. In doing so, the system clears the items that are included in the capitalization of overdue items and the original
payment plan is adjusted according to the new payment installment.
You can use this function in the Workplace for Business Operations. The processing of the business operation is integrated with
the status concept. The possible statuses are Entered, Activated, Posted, Deleted, Reversed, and Released.
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
General Settings
You make the general Customizing settings for this function in Customizing for FS-CML under:
De ne Flow Types
De ne Account Determination
De ne Condition Types
De ne Condition Groups
De ne Product Types
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 219
Settings for Deferral
You make the following additional Customizing settings for the Deferral business operation in Customizing for FS-CML under
SAP Banking Loans Management Functions Business Operations Deferral :
De ne Deferral Charges
You make the following additional Customizing settings for the Capitalization of Overdue Items business operation in
Customizing for FS-CML under SAP Banking Loans Management Functions Business Operations Capitalization of
Overdue Items :
The Deferral and Capitalization business operations are included as part of the Release procedure and the Correspondence
You can now carry out the following actions in the case of mortgage and general loans:
Manually enter a deferral agreement by selecting the Open Processing checkbox on the dialog box for deferral in the
Business Operations Workplace. If the manually entered deferral repayment and interest amount is less than the
deferral amount agreed upon earlier, the system applies the difference to the last installment in the deferral agreement.
Make entries in the Effective Interest Method eld on the Deferral screen in the Business Operations Workplace.
Consequently, you can determine an effective interest method for the deferral agreement.
In the case of mortgage and general loans, you are required to enter the new payment installment amount in the dialog box for
capitalization available in the Business Operations Workplace. The system automatically calculates the new end of term date
based on the amount entered in the payment agreement. However, you can continue to manually enter the new payment
installment amount and the end of term date in the case of consumer loans.
For more information, see SAP Library for SAP Banking on SAP Help Portal at SAP ERP SAP ERP
Central Component SAP ERP Enhancement Packages SAP ERP Central Component Financials SAP Banking Loans
Management Position Management Business Operations Deferral and Capitalization of Overdue Items .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 220
Technical Data
You can use this business function to carry out interest on arrears (IOA) calculation for the product categories Mortgage Loans
(300) and General Loans (330).
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
You have made the Customizing settings for this function in Customizing for FS-CML under:
De ne Flow Types
De ne Account Determination
De ne Condition Types
De ne Condition Groups
De ne Product Types
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 221
Determine Old Interest on Arrears Flow Types Without Recalculation
De ne Templates
Activate Int. on Arrears for Each Bus. Op. Categ. and Prod.Type (new)
Link to FI customer account: You can now use the interest on arrears calculation for Loans Given that are based on FI customer
Calculation logic: This interest on arrears calculation is based on a calculation logic that is not dependent on the Calculation of
Interest on Arrears function in Financial Accounting (FI). The details of the calculation logic are identical to the logic employed
by the product category Consumer Loan.
IOA activation at product type level: You are now provided with an IOA checkbox for product types belonging to the product
categories General Loan and Mortgage Loan. If you select this checkbox, the IOA function is activated.
Proposal list: In addition to using the existing automatic mass run for calculating and posting interest on arrears, you can now
manually edit a proposal list in the mass run. In the proposal list, you can select the checkbox to post interest on arrears or set a
non-IOA date using the mass run key date.
Integration with other business operations: You can have the system calculate the interest on arrears for a loan in the product
categories listed above for the following functions in the Workplace for Business Operations : Deferral, Payoff, and
Capitalization of Overdue Items.
Manual input option: You can now manually enter the start date for the IOA calculation in the Workplace for Business
Operations and in the mass run report Calculation of Interest on Arrears.
Inclusion of planned items: You can now manually select an end date for a future IOA calculation in the Workplace for Business
Operations. If you make such a selection, the base amount used to calculate the IOA can include planned items in addition to
open items. However, in this context, the IOA calculation will be a simulation and the user will not be able to activate or post the
You can also include planned items from the mass run report Calculation of Interest on Arrears. This means that, the report can
run on Friday night with Sunday entered as the calculation end date.
Loan master data: You can now base the IOA calculation on the individual interest on arrears conditions provided in the loan
master data instead of on settings in Customizing.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 222
You can control IOA calculations for the product categories General Loan and Mortgage Loan by using the following four new
elds in the loan master data: IOA Lock , IOA Lock To, Calculation Pro le, and Non-IOA End Date.
Dunning report: You cannot calculate interest on arrears during a dunning report run for the product categories General Loan
and Mortgage Loan. You are required to use either the mass run or the Workplace for Business Operations to perform interest
on arrears calculations. However, you can continue to print the posted interest on arrears generated by the mass run or the
Workplace for Business Operations in the dunning correspondence.
Interest lock checkbox for documents: You can set interest on arrears locks on posted documents for the product categories
General Loan and Mortgage Loan. No interest on arrears calculation is performed for such locked documents. In the change
contract mode, you can select the checkbox for the IOA lock from Display Account Statement for Contract.
More Information
For more information, see SAP Library for SAP Banking on SAP Help Portal at SAP ERP SAP ERP
Central Component Financials SAP Banking Loans Management Position Management Business Operations Interest
on Arrears and Loans Management Accounting Calculating Interest on Arrears Interest on Arrears Calculation .
Technical Data
You can use this business function to improve processing of incoming payments and to execute negative postings for reversals.
You can use this business function to apply incoming payments through a payment distribution hierarchy dependent on the
status of the payment. Payment Application Hierarchy is a part of the function for loan accounts, which is provided in SAP Loans
Management (FS-CML). This function exists already for the product category Installment Loans (360) and is extended to the
product categories Mortgage Loans (300) and General Loans (330).
Negative Postings
You can use this business function to execute negative postings. Negative postings are postings in the general ledger that lead
to actual reversal postings instead of offsetting postings. You use negative postings to reduce the transaction gures in the
general ledger accounts, customer accounts, and vendor accounts. After the negative posting has been made, the transaction
gures have the status that they had before the reversed document and its reversal document were posted.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 223
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
You make the Customizing settings for Payment Application Hierarchy in Customizing for Loans Management (FS-CML) under:
SAP Banking Loans Management Functions Incoming Payment Assign Hierarchy to Product Category
SAP Banking Loans Management Functions Incoming Payment Distribution Extended Incoming Payment
De ne Payment Plan
De ne Payment Rules
You make the Customizing settings for Negative Postings in Customizing for Financials under:
Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Global Parameters for Company Code Enter
Global Parameters
Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Postings with
Alternative Reconciliation Account Other Special GL Transactions Make and Check Document Settings
De ne Document Types
Additionally, you make the Customizing settings for this function in Customizing for Loans Management (FS-CML) under
SAP Banking -> Loans Management -> Functions - > Accounting -> Reversal -> De ne Reasons for Reversal .
Payment Application Hierarchy
The PAH functionality is based on the assumption that the product categories are managed and calculated based on a planned
payment schedule (“payment plan principle”).
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 224
A payment hierarchy enables you to control the order in which incoming funds are applied to the loan. The incoming payments
are applied according to a payment plan, which is a complex collection of rules that must be assigned to every loan contract. You
use the payment plan to determine how the system processes incoming payments and distributes them across open items. The
payment plan also de nes the procedure for dealing with exact payments, underpayments, and overpayments. You do not
de ne a hierarchy for exact payments because this is made in accordance with the plan. You assign the payment plan to a
product and company code. You can only assign one plan for each combination of product and company code.
You can assign a different payment hierarchy for different payment scenarios, including overpayment and underpayment
scenarios. Each payment scenario has a payment status, which is based on the due date of the payment. The payment status
that is available for the product categories Mortgage Loans (300) and General Loans (330) is Normal.
Underpayment Hierarchy: In this scenario, you de ne the order in which the system is to apply incoming payments to loan
items when the incoming payment amount is less than the total due.
Exact Payment: Exact payments are treated as a special case for an underpayment.
Overpayment Hierarchy: In this scenario, you de ne the order in which the system is to apply incoming payments to loan items
when the incoming payment amount exceeds the total due amount.
Negative Postings
Negative postings are those postings in general ledger which lead to actual reversal postings instead of offsetting postings.
Negative postings are used to reduce the transaction gures in G/L, customer and vendor accounts. In this way, the transaction
gures receive the status they would have had without posting the reversed document and its reversal document.
Most importantly, negative posting does not affect the individual posting records (a debit posting still offsets a previous credit
posting and a credit posting still offsets a previous debit posting) That means that the posting records sent to the general
ledger will look the same as before. The “negative postings” only affect on the account balances.
Technical Data
You can use this business function to improve the management of the loan contracts in your nancial institution. The features
offered can help you to facilitate the processes for the following:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 225
Release function for disbursement data (new)
Business Bene ts
Ease of operations in position management due to single point of access with less navigation
Option to set up lock on incoming payment in contract master data and from the Payoff business operation
Freezing of exact payoff amount in Discharge business operation and avoidance of overpayment
Enhanced follow-up processing for delinquent loans; enablement of Notice and Capitalization of Overdue Items for loans
with zero remaining capital
Technical Bene ts
The technical bene t of this business function is a lower total cost of ownership.
Loan Discharge Payment Lock
New Method and Product Attribute for the Release Process for Disbursement Data
These additions are integrated in the release process for loan disbursement data.
This feature is integrated in the Payoff function on the Administrative Data tab page.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 226
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
Payment Lock for Loan Discharge
This feature enables you to prevent auto debits from being executed for a loan after it has been discharged. When you save the
discharge contract, the system automatically changes the posting control key to Online Posting for all automatic debit positions
of planned records whose due date is later than the discharge date. This prevents the planned records from being debit posted
and thus an overpayment from being made.
This feature enables you to display and edit information about individual open items that have been posted. The system selects
and displays the open items based on the payment date, which is based on the key date. If the key date is in the future, the
system displays the planned records up to this date.
In addition, overdue items and overpayments are displayed as separate debit, future payment, and credit totals. These totals
are also displayed with the debit-credit balance, which you can calculate for items you have selected. Interest on arrears that
has not yet been debit posted is calculated for the current arrears and displayed as a separate total amount. If the key date is in
the future, interest on arrears is also calculated for the planned records.
New Method and Product Attribute for the Release Process for Disbursement Data
This feature has been updated with a new method for the Business Add-In Consumer Loan: Master Data. This enables you to
de ne additional criteria for the release process for loan disbursement data. For example, if the consumer loan has Contract
Offer or Contract status, any changes to the amount, bank key, or account number can be subject to release. The new Warning
When Disbursement Changed product attribute outputs a warning when the disbursement data de ned in the BAdI is changed,
which then triggers the release work ow.
This feature enables you to continue processing the remaining open items for the Consumer Loan product category after notice
has been given. The feature uses the limits you have de ned in Customizing and is available for waivers and write-offs.
This feature enables you to prevent automatic clearing of posted incoming payments or overpayments with open items for the
Consumer Loan product category.
This feature enables you to manually adjust the new number of installments or the new installment amount for a partial payoff
for the Consumer Loan product category. If you adjust the rst, the system adjusts the latter and the reverse applies.
This feature enables you to remove the payment lock manually from FI documents for open items resulting from returned debit
memos. You can thus collect automatically any open items and any internal or external charges.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 227
Related Information
Loans Management (FS-CML)
Discharging a Consumer Loan
Disbursing a Consumer Loan
Prepare New Auto Debit
Technical Data
You can use this business function to implement authorization checks to control release of business operations. You can also
display the bank details used for business partner entry categories. This function is applicable for both consumer loans and
mortgage loans.
Business Bene ts
Authorization Object
Bank Details
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 228
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
Authorization Check in Release Function
You can use this feature as an additional check for the release function in the Business Workplace.
This enables you to restrict the authorization to users who are authorized to display business operations that are to be
This additional plausibility check is valid for the following release objects for the Consumer Loan and Mortgage Loan product
Business Operations
Charges (BUSOP_OT)
Deferral (DEFERRAL)
Authorization Object
You can use the new Loans: Flow Types for Business Operations (FD_BO_FTP) authorization object for the Consumer Loan
product category. You use the authorization object to de ne the speci c ow types for which the user is authorized to process
the following business operations (for each company code and product type):
Waivers / Write-Offs
Single Posting
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 229
Borrower Change
Interest on Arrears
Bank Details
You can use this feature to display the bank details used for the following entry categories for each business partner:
Open Items
Business Operations
Data from External Applications (custom bank details data for each business partner)
More Information
For more information, see the documentation for the relevant Customizing activities and SAP Library for Loans Management,
under Position Management Business Operations Notice .
Technical Data
You can use this business function to facilitate your archiving processes for the archiving or destruction of Collateral
Management data in your system.
Blocking/unblocking Report
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 230
You can run a blocking report to block data and thus enable archiving or data destruction.
Blocking /unblocking report
This feature is integrated in the SAP Easy Access menu. Choose Collateral Management Archiving Blocking/Unblocking
CMS Entity .
Blocking/Unblocking Report
This feature enables you to block or unblock archiving entities in Collateral Management. You must block archiving entities to
enable archiving or destruction. You can unblock entities if you have blocked them inadvertently or if the residence time of the
archiving entity was changed.
Related Information
SAP Information Lifecycle Management
Archiving or Destroying Collateral Management Data
Blocking and Unblocking CMS Entities
Technical Data
Activate the new procedure for case-by-case analysis according to the expected cash ow approach (ECF procedure)
Activate various valuation-method-independent functions for optimized support of the risk provision process
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 231
The new functions are integrated in Reserve for Bad Debts (FS-RBD).
For more information, see SAP Library under SAP ERP SAP ERP Central Component Financial Accounting SAP Banking
Reserve for Bad Debts .
To use the function of business function SAP RBD: ECF Procedure business function, you must have activated it using
transaction SFW5.
1. Expected cash ow approach (ECF procedure)
You can use this business function to use the new expected cash ows procedure (Expected Cash Flow or ECF).
Simultaneous calculation and position management of the individual risk provision for two accounting standards
(dual GAAP function, such as international and local accounting standards) in one evaluation
Differentiation of book values into exibly de ned book value components and use of different discount rates
(such as effective interest, discount rate linked to reference interest, or yield curves)
New functions for full and partial write-down, balance sheet transfers, currency change, and contract reallocation
RBD account update via online access to the connected source systems or the “ECF Gate” batch interface
Work ow-based update and information function for new ECF cases
Automated creation of a decision template for the approval of risk provision changes by the supervisor
In addition to the enhanced RBD account dialog for processing and displaying the ECF valuation, you can use the
following functions in the RBD area menu (see also the detailed documentation for the individual functions):
ECF: Balance Sheet Transfer Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Account Management ECF: Balance Sheet
Transfer [transaction /IBS/RB_ECF_RECLAS]
ECF: Contract Reallocation Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Account Management ECF: Contract Reallocation
[transaction /IBS/RB_ECF_RECLAS]
ECF: Manual Contract Management Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Account Management ECF: Manual
Contract Management [transaction /IBS/RB_MANCON]
Decision Template for ECF Procedure Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Information System Decision Template
Decision Template for ECF Procedure [transaction /IBS/RB_PROPRES_ECF]
IRP: Filling Report for ECF Gate Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Periodic Tasks ECF Procedure IRP: Filling
Report for ECF Gate [transaction /IBS/RB_ECF_FILL]
IRP: Deletion Report for ECF Gate Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Periodic Tasks ECF Procedure IRP:
Deletion Report for ECF Gate [transaction /IBS/RB_ECF_CLEAR]
IRP: ECF Update Run Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Periodic Tasks ECF Procedure IRP: ECF Update Run
[transaction /IBS/RB_ECF_UPDATE]
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 232
IRP: ECF Update Run (PPF) Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Periodic Tasks ECF Procedure IRP: Update Run
ECF (PPF) [transaction /IBS/RB_ECF_UPD_PPF]
This report is intended for processing large amounts of data and contains the same functions as the report IRP:
ECF Update Run.
IRP: ECF Unwinding Run Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Periodic Tasks ECF Procedure IRP: ECF Unwinding
Run [transaction /IBS/RB_ECF_UPD_UNW]
IRP: ECF Unwinding Run (PPF) Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Periodic Tasks ECF Procedure IRP: Unwinding
Run ECF (PPF) [transaction /IBS/RB_ECF_UNW_PPF]
This report is intended for processing large amounts of data and contains the same functions as the report IRP:
ECF Unwinding Run.
IRP: ECF Creation Process Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Periodic Tasks ECF Procedure IRP: ECF Creation
Process [transaction /IBS/RB_ECF_A_CREATE]
IRP: ECF Initialization Run Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Administration External Data Transfer IRP: ECF
Initialization Run [transaction /IBS/RB_ECF_UPD_INIT]
IRP: ECF Initialization Run (PPF) Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Administration External Data Transfer IRP:
ECF Initialization (PPF) [transaction /IBS/RB_ECF_INIT_PPF]
This report is intended for processing large amounts of data and contains the same functions as the report IRP:
ECF Initialization Run.
You can use this business function to use the following reporting and administration functions to optimize the risk
provision process (see also the detailed documentation for the individual functions):
Worklist - Processor Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Information System Worklist - Processor [transaction
Monitoring - Planned Record Change Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Information System Monitoring - Planned
Record Change [transaction /IBS/RB_MAN_PLAN_CHG]
Decision Template for Past Analysis Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Information System Decision Template
Decision Template for Past Analysis [transaction /IBS/RB_PROPRES_HGB]
Decision Template for Future Analysis Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Information System Decision Template
Decision Template for Future Analysis [transaction /IBS/RB_PROPRES_IAS]
Assign Administrator Reserve for Bad Debt (RBD) Administration RBD: Assign Administrator [transaction
You can use this business function to use the revised RBD area menu.
The RBD area menu has been revised in part and can be navigated more intuitively thanks to its improved structure
based on function. For example, some functions that were available but not listed in the area menu have now been added
to the RBD area menu.
Technical Data
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 233
Portal Content
Not relevant
Business Add-In (BAdI) 'RBD: Activate user exit to adjust effective capital (technincal name /IBS/RB_NET_EFF_CAP).
Activate the completely revised, and partially restructured, IMG documantation about the 'Recovery for Bad Debts
(RBD)' component.
The new functions are integrated in Recovery for Bad Debts (FS-RBD).
For more information, see SAP Library under SAP ERP SAP ERP Central Component Financial Accounting SAP Banking
Recovery for Bad Debts (FS-RBD) .
To use the functions of the /IBS/EAFS_RBD_BUSOPR business function, you must have activated them using the
transaction SFW5.
If you want to use the BAdI for changing the effective capital, you must have activated its implementation in Customizing
using the following menu path: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP Banking Recovery for Bad Debts
(RBD) Tools Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Modi cation of Effective Capital for Individual Collateral Value .
BAdI 'RBD: User Exit for Adjusting Effective Capital'
Business Add-In (BAdI) 'RBD: The user exit for adjusting effective capital (technical name /IBS/RB_NET_EFF_CAP) is called in
the source system classi cation module '/IBS/RB_UE_CML_CLASSIFIER_PAST' for the connected source system SAP Loans
Management (FS-CML). You can use the user exit for individual adjustments to the effective capital value for each contract in
the source system. In the supplied sample implementation (technical name /IBS/RB_NET_EFF_IMP), the effective capital is
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 234
replaced by the coverage gaps of the SAP Collateral Management (FS-CMS) component, provided that a coverage gap exists.
You can also include an implementation to reduce the effective capital by an individual collateral value.
This BAdI uses the interface /IBS/IF_EX_RB_NET_EFF_CAP. For more information, display the interface in the Class Builder.
Activate the completely revised, and partially restructured, IMG documantation about the 'Recovery for Bad Debts (RBD)'
component. There were no changes to the contents of the IMG activities, which means that no changes need to be made to the
Customizing settings.
Technical Data
Business function that you must activate SAP RBD: Business Operations in Reserve for Bad Debts
Activate the new 'Development List per Source System Contract' function.
Activate the new functions for optimized processing of large quantities of data.
Deactivate value adjustment formation for Flat-Rate Method According to Basel II (FIVA) .
The new functions are integrated in Reserve for Bad Debts (FS-RBD).
For more information, see SAP Library under SAP ERP SAP ERP Central Component Financial Accounting SAP Banking
Reserve for Bad Debts .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 235
You must have activated the business function SAP RBD: Business Operations in Reserve for Bad Debts from SAP
Enhancement Package 4 for SAP ERP 6.0 using transaction SFW5.
To use the function of business function SAP RBD: Business Operations in Reserve for Bad Debts 2, you must have
activated them using transaction SFW5.
RBD — Improved Usability
Activating the business functions improves the usability of various functions. On the selection screen of the various functions,
you can use selection parameters to de ne whether logs and data are output in ALV form or as lists ("write-lists"). If you use
ALV output, the system uses the SAP List Viewer to display the data output, which enables you to adjust the layout to meet
your individual requirements.
This enhancement affects the following functions in particular, which can be found in the Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD) solution:
RBD: Position Transfer Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD) Account Management Position Transfer RBD
RBD: Reference Search Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD) Information System Reference Search
RBD IVA: Update Run Past Analysis Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD) Position Transfer Single Risk Provision IVA:
Update Run Past Analysis
RBD IVA: List of Notes for FS-CML Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD) Position Transfer Single Risk Provision IVA: List of
Notes for FS-CML
RBD IVA: List of Notes for Several Source Systems Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD) Position Transfer Single Risk
Provision IVA: List of Notes for Several Source Systems
As well as the functions listed above, we have also improved usability of other functions that are not listed in the RBD area
menu. For more information about the functions affected, see the release information for 'Business Operations in SAP RBD 2
As part of the enhancement of RBD functions, the 'Development List per Source System Contract' function is available.
This provides multiple functions for analyzing the existing position of the risk provision and enables a comprehensive
overview of its development. The risk provision positions are displayed on individual contract level in the relevant
contract currency.
To call this new function, use the following menu path in the area menu for Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD): Reserve for
Bad Debts (RBD) Information System Development List per Source System Contract
For more information, see Development List per Source System Contract.
As part of the enhancement of RBD functions, there are functions for optimized processing of large quantities of data.
These functions use Parallel Processing Framework (PPF), which enables parallel processing of mass data. The following
new functions are available:
In the universal RBD Gate interface, you use this function to process the supplied source system data for the at-
rate value adjustment (FVA) method. This report is intended for processing large amounts of data and contains
the same functions as the report FVA: Update Run.
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To call this new function, use the following menu path in the area menu for Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD):
Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD) Flat-Rate Value Adjustment Procedure FVA: Update Run (PPF)
In the universal data interface RBD IAS-GATE, you use this function to process the source system data for RBD
accounts of the individual value adjustments (IVA) method and the 'Fair Value' analysis horizon. This report is
intended for processing large amounts of data and contains the same functions as the report IVA: Update Run
Future Analysis.
To call this new function, use the following menu path in the area menu for Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD):
Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD) Position Transfer Single Risk Provision IVA: Update Run Future Analysis (PPF)
For more information, see IVA: Update Run Future Analysis (PPF)
You use this function to post planned records for RBD accounts of the individual value adjustments (IVA) method
using the evaluation method with the 'Fair Value' analysis horizon. This report is intended for processing large
amounts of data and contains the same functions as the report IVA: Update Run Future Analysis.
To call this new function, use the following menu path in the area menu for Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD):
Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD) Position Transfer Single Risk Provision IVA: Update Run Future Analysis (PPF)
For more information, see IVA: Update Run Future Analysis (PPF)
Value adjustment formation for Flat-Rate Method According to Basel II (FIVA) is deactivated. When you activate the
business function, the FIVA value adjustment method and the following functions are no longer available:
FIVA: Set Up and Post Planned Records for Several Source Systems
Technical Data
You can use this business function to activate the Impairment Processing Extension enhancement.
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The new function is integrated in the Reserve for Bad Debts (RBD) solution.
For more information, see SAP Library under SAP ERP SAP ERP Central Component Financial Accounting SAP Banking
Reserve for Bad Debts .
To use the functions of the SAP RBD: Impairment Processing Extension business function, you must have activated it
using transaction SFW5.
If the SAP RBD application component has been licensed before April 2016, you must change to a new price component
before you can use the “IPX procedure”. If you want to use this enhancement in your company, contact your account
You can use this function to calculate, post, and manage impairments using loss-rate-based methods.
You can use the custom adjustable framework to adjust the following processes to your individual needs or to add additional
1. Start Migration
You can also use the following functions to edit and display the relevant data:
You can use the Maintain Import Data function to edit the import data manually.
You can use the Main Dialog function to evaluate the processed data up to single transaction level. This function also
offers the following editing options:
Manual overwriting of the impairment category assigned by the system at single transaction level
Manual release of the impairment adjustments calculated by the system (Planned Records) using a principle of
multiple control
Convergent Invoicing
Technical Data
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Application Component Convergent Invoicing (FI-CAC-INV)
You can use this business function to run a cross-industry implementation of Convergent Invoicing.
As an integration option, APIs are available on the SAP API Business Hub . For more information about the available APIs for
Convergent Invoicing, see APIs for Convergent Invoicing.
Convergent Invoicing is part of SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Deployment in SAP S/4HANA simpli es the transition to SAP S/4HANA
You're using Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA/Contract Accounting).
This business function activates Convergent Invoicing (FI-CAC-INV), which includes the following core features:
Convergent Invoicing comprises the transactions displayed in the SAP menu under Accounting Financial Accounting
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Convergent Invoicing , provided that business function FICAC_CI is activated.
These transactions - as well as the additionally available Fiori apps - are made available via the following roles (transaction
Convergent Invoicing uses the following master data objects of Convergent Contract Accounting: business partner in the role of
the contract partner, contract account, and provider contract. If, when using Billing and Revenue Innovation Management
(BRIM), you integrate Convergent Invoicing with Convergent Contract Accounting and Subscription Order Management, you
also use the master data described under Stammdaten in Billing and Revenue Innovation Management.
Convergent Invoicing provides best practices content for the following scope items:
Related Information
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Convergent Contract Accounting
Incompatible Business function set Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FICAX)
Insurance (INSURANCE)
Utilities (UTILITIES)
Telco (TELCO)
Collections/Disbursements (INS_FSCD)
This business function offers cross-industry implementation of Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA/Contract
As an integration option, APIs are available on the SAP API Business Hub , such as the API for contract accounts.
Convergent Contract Accounting is part of SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Deployment in SAP S/4HANA simpli es the transition to SAP
S/4HANA Cloud.
You are not currently using an industry solution that is integrated with Accounts Receivable and Payable. That is, you have not
activated any of the above mentioned incompatible business functions or business function sets in your S/4HANA system.
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This business function activates Convergent Contract Accounting (FI-CAC) and thereby delivers the features of the following
Contract Accounting
Convergent Contract Accounting comprises the transactions displayed in the SAP menu under Accounting Financial
Accounting Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable provided that business function FICAC_CORE is activated.
These transactions - as well as the additionally available Fiori apps - are made available via the following roles (transaction
Convergent Contract Accounting uses the following master data objects: business partner in the role of the contract partner,
contract account, and provider contract. If, when using Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM), you integrate
Convergent Contract Accounting with Convergent Invoicing and Subscription Order Management, you also use the master data
described under Master Data in Billing and Revenue Innovation Management.
The cited capabilities are available as part of Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) with various industry
solutions. If individual functions of the capabilities cited cannot be used when the business function Convergent Contract
Accounting (FICAC_CORE) is activated, see the relevant note in the function documentation.
Convergent Contract Accounting provides best practices content for the following scope items:
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This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 242