SDE Question Bank
SDE Question Bank
SDE Question Bank
Unit –IV
Short Questions:
1. Write a short note on black box testing?
2. Distinguish between verification and validation?
3. Draw the diagram of debugging process?
4. Write about drivers and stubs?
5. Explain about alpha and beta testing?
6. List the metrics for Design model?
7. Elaborate the formula used for integrity of a system in measuring quality?
8. List out the six key quality attributes of ISO 9126 Quality Factors?
9. Explain the need of Function-Oriented metrics?
10. Write short notes on direct measures and indirect measures?
Essay questions:
1. a) Explain the Metrics for Source Code and Metrics for Maintenance?
b) What is Software Testing? Explain clearly the System Testing?
4. a) Explain clearly about techniques used for Integration testing with examples?
b) Why we need Validation testing? Explain types of approaches used for validation testing?
8. a) What is Software Quality? Explain the factors used for Software Quality?
b) Give a detail note on Architectural Design Metrics?
9. a) Explain about Metrics used for the Analysis Model with an example?
b) Illustrate the concept of Defect Removal Efficiency?
Short questions:
Essay questions:
5. a) Discuss in detail about Cost impact of software defects and Defect amplification & removal
with examples?
b) Explain in detail about Review meeting and Review Guidelines with examples?
8. a) Why the Six Sigma strategy is needed in statistical quality assurance? Explain it.
b) What types of risks occur during software development? Discuss?