Applied 1112 Entrepreneurship q3 CLAS7-Develop-a-Brand-name v3-SPLIT
Applied 1112 Entrepreneurship q3 CLAS7-Develop-a-Brand-name v3-SPLIT
Applied 1112 Entrepreneurship q3 CLAS7-Develop-a-Brand-name v3-SPLIT
Quarter III – Week 7
Develop a Brand Name
What is branding?
Unlocking of Difficulty
He is great lover - Advertising.
Branding is the
I am a good lover - Marketing.
process of positioning
and establishing
positive view of your Girlfriend
company, and its
product in your I believe that he is a good lover.
customers’ mind
A good branding is when your customer believes in your product & services.
• This helps to identify a product and distinguish it from other products and
• It allows customers and clients to know what to expect from your company.
• It is a way of separating you from the competitors and explaining what is it you
offer that makes you the better choice.
• Your brand is built to be a representation of who you are as a business, and how
you wish to be perceived.
1. Eponymous – a type of brand name which uses a name after a particular person.
3. Acronymic – a set of initials signifying a name or organization with each letter is
pronounced separately.
Example: LPW
Example: Cheetah
Example: Travelocal
A travel agency that promotes tours within their locality.
Example: Medagbes
A Pala’wan word which means “Beautiful”.
1. Identify the product and services you are offering to the customer.
2. Consider your purpose and objectives.
3. Identify the objective of your brand.
4. Conduct a research for the other competitor brands in your industry.
5. Identify your target customer.
6. Summarize the qualities & benefits your brand. Highlight the benefits of the
products or services associated with the brand.
7. Describe the brand characteristics to be communicated.
Column A Column B
____________1. Shella Mug is an owner of a SMC which means Shella Mug Clothing.
___________2. Marajay is a brand name that came from the name of the owner Jenny
___________3. Mars is a brand name of the hottest sauna in Quezon, Palawan.
Let’s Do More
Explained the type of brand name used 60%
Correct identification of brand name 10%
Creativity and Uniqueness 20%
Effort of doing the task 10%
What do you think is the most used brand name? Explain your answer briefly.
Why is it important to create your own brand name? Explain your answer briefly.
Let’s Sum It Up
Directions Read and answer each question and write the letter of the
correct answer in the space provided.
__________1. What type of brand name reflects the meaning of the word back to its
__________2. What type of brand name is used in “BSH” which means beef steak
__________3. What type of brand name is used in “Francis” that came from the
owners name Francis France?
__________4. What is the name used by a manufacturer or organization to a certain
product or service?
__________5. What is the process of positioning and establishing positive view of your
company, and it’s product in your customers’ mind?
__________6. What type of brand name presents an observations about the
characteristics of someone or something?
of someone or something.
Let’s Assess
Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before the number.
___ 1. What type of brand name is “Peacock”, a beautiful blue-green plumage and spotted
tail feature, which folds and opens into an elaborate beautiful hand fan.
A. Acronymic B. Associative C. Descriptive D. Eponymous
___ 2. What do you call a brand name that has a set of initials representing a name or
organization which each letter is pronounced separately?
A. Acronymic B. Associative C. Eponymous D. Non-english
___ 3. What type of brand name is presenting observations about the characteristics of
someone or something?
A. Acronymic B. Associative C. Descriptive D. Eponymous
___ 4. What do you call a process of positioning and establishing positive view of your
Company, and its product in your customers’ mind?
A. Branding B. Brand Name C. Label d. Package
___ 5. What do you call the brand name which uses a name after a particular person?
A. Associative B. Descriptive C. Eponymous D. Non-english
___ 6. What do you call brand name that does not use an english word?
A. Acronymic B. Associative C. Descriptive D. Non-english
___ 7. Which of the following type of brand name is reflecting the meaning of the word
back to its brand?
A. Associative B. Descriptive C. Eponymous D. Non-english
___ 8. What type of brand name is “SFC” which means Segovia Fried Chicken?
A. Acronymic B. Associative C. Descriptive D. Eponymous
___ 9. What type of brand name is “Menongang mesobo” a pala’wan word which means
good morning?
A. Acronymic B. Associative C. Descriptive D. Non-english
___ 10. What type of brand name is “Sygovia” which came from the owners name Becca
A. Associative B. Descriptive C. Eponymous D. Non-english