The guiding principle of the programme is founded on the need to develop the total
being of the individual student. Specifically, the programme aims at developing the
mind and impacting theoretical and practical knowledge that will encourage self-
reliance in the individual and nation at large. It also aimed at educating prospective
graduate of the programme to understand, exploit and if possible change his
environment through the adoption and application of management theories,
thoughts, principles, processes and techniques.
The objectives of the programme are to:
a. provide basic knowledge needed for an understanding and analysis of
problem related to the management or administration of industrial,
commercial, public and other human organizations
b. equip students with the skills needed for recognising and defining problems
and taking appropriate decisions, using scientific techniques and tools
c. inculcate in students an awareness of, and sensitivity to, environmental
factors and conditions and their impact on managerial/administrative
practice and decisions
d. develop leadership and interpersonal relations skills which are needed for
working in organizations.
e. facilitate the creation of entrepreneurial spirit in young men and women who
can help to exploit the available resources and opportunities in Nigeria
f. provide for preparation of management teachers and researchers to keep
pace with the ever rising demand for management education
g. facilitate the education and training of managers at undergraduate levels
help produce teaching materials and literature more appropriate to the
Nigerian environment through research and cross fertilization of ideas in the
Academic Staff
Name Qualification Specialization Designation
J. E. Ekpudu B.Sc, M.Sc, (Lagos), M.Phil, Strategic Business Operations Lecturer I &
Ph.D.(Ife), AMNIM. Management. Coordinator
A. O. Salami B.Sc., MBA, (llorin), M.Sc, Operations Research and Professor
Ph.D(Ogbomoso) Quantitative Techniques
A. J. Abiodun B.Sc, MBA, M.Sc, (llorin) Operations Research and Senior Lecturer
Ph.D (Ota) Quantitative Techniques
M. A. Abioro B.Sc (Ogun), M.Sc, (Lagos) Human Resources Management, LecturerII
Ph.D.(Ogbomoso) Organizational Behaviour,
Industrial Relations
A. O. Akinbola B.Sc (Ojoo), M.Sc (Ota) Entrepreneurship & Business LecturerII
ANIMN Administration
100 Level: First Semester
Course Code Course Title U L T P
BAM 101 Introduction to Business I 3 3 1 -
ECO 101 Introduction to Microeconomics 3 2 1 -
ACC 101 Principles of Accounting and Reporting I 3 2 1 -
BFN 101 Introduction to Finance I 3 2 1
ETS 101 Entrepreneurial Studies 2 2 - -
CMS 101 Mathematics for Management Sciences I 3 2 1 -
GNS 101 Use of English 2 2 - -
GNS 105 Introduction to Logic and Philosophy 2 2 - -
TOTAL 21 16 5 -
The general philosophy underlying Economics programme is to develop the mind
through impartation of theoretical and practical knowledge to enable graduates of the
Department acquire skills and ability to function in the academics, industries, public
sector at national and international levels.
To build great future leaders and generate knowledge through research and
intellectually stimulating environment for teaching, learning and community
outreach towards sustainable development.
To be a centre of excellence in knowledge generation for global development and the
sustenance of an environmentally friendly society.
• Dedicated to fostering an academic community in which the learning and
scholarship of every member may flourish;
• The diverse and multi-cultural community with professionalism, sensitivity
and respect;
• The proximity to the arteries of industry, transportation and communication
without the externality;
• The location creates a workplace environment that encourages the
development of professional and personal growth and integrity.
The philosophy of the programme is development of innovative minds, creative and
entrepreneurial personalities who are prepared for leadership responsibilities in
industry, government and non-profit organizations; and who are developed to
established new ventures create new jobs, add social and economic value and
reinvent existing organizations.
The major objectives of Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship are to:
a. To develop entrepreneurial zeal among the new generation of students with
the hope of creating new / greater social and economic value to the society;
b. To nurture entrepreneurship knowledge among students through
entrepreneurship studies and education;
c. To provide students with the required skill to developing viable enterprises
that are capable of competing in the global environment;
d. Enable student's identify and exploit opportunities locally and globally
e. To equip student's with tools to grow new and existing ventures thereby
regenerating economic growth and development
f. To stimulate students interest in fostering productive culture in the larger
society through teaching, advisory and consultancy services, mentoring and
active engagements;
g. To equip students with analytical skills in problem solving, negotiations,
conflict resolution, marketing, leadership, interpersonal relations and
financial management
h. To develop in students, the desire to excel and live a meaningful life through
self discovery
i. To instil in students the need for independent thinking, economic freedom
and respect for talents
j. To prepare graduates for higher studies in the field.
Total 20 19 - 1
(2 Credit Units)
HSM 405 Weaving Techniques 2 1 - 1
HSM 443 Fashion Drawing & Design 2 1 - -
FMW 411 Harvesting, Processing & Wood Utilization 2 1 - 1
ETS 417 Youth Entrepreneurship s 2 1 - -
The College of Plant Science and Crop Production (COLPLANT) was established on
October 1, 1989 as a logical development from the erstwhile College of Agricultural
Production and Technology, Abeokuta. Since then the College has grown in terms of
Departments, Staff and Students. Presently the College has five academic
Departments, namely:
1. Department of Crop Protection
2. Department of Horticulture
3. Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
4. Department of Plant Physiology and Crop Production, and
5. Department of Soil Science and Land Management
Deriving from the foregoing philosophy, the major objectives of the College, among
others are to:
1. assist in the attainment of self-sufficiency in the production of basic food;
2. contribute to the achievement of the goal of marked increase in the
production of agricultural raw materials to support the growth of our several
3. enhance the production and processing of export produce with emphasis on
relevant, appropriate and manageable technology to modernize agricultural
production, processing, storage, preservation and distribution;
4. enhance the rural employment opportunities and the attendant
improvement of the quality of rural life;
5. evolve effective ways of protecting agricultural land resources from ecological
degradation such as erosion, pollution;
6. develop new patterns of agricultural management through increase in
Agricultural leadership willing to innovate and show spirit of adventure,
increase reliance on the use of business techniques and banking facilities in
the production and marketing processes; and
7. create a new cadre of farmers who can influence agricultural structures and
government policies which clearly demonstrate that agriculture as an
enterprise, is an important part of our national economy.
Dean’s Office
Name Qualification Designation
M. O. Atayese B.Sc. (Lagos), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Ibadan) Professor & Dean
B. A. Senjobi B. Agric. (Ogun), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Ibadan) Professor & Deputy Dean
The Department of Crop Protection was carved out of the former Department
of Crop Production and Crop Protection through the Senate approved
restructuring of the Departments of Crop Production and Crop Protection and
Plant Physiology and Crop Ecology. The former Department of Crop
Production and Crop Protection existed as a unit of the Department of
Agricultural Management of the former Federal University of Technology,
Abeokuta (FUTAB) that became COSTAB and later University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta (UNAAB) in 1988.
Till date, the Department had been under the academic leadership of Heads of
Departments; Dr. G. O. Olatunde (2002 – 2005); Dr. O. A. Enikuomehin (2005 –
2007); Prof. A. Y. A. Adeoti (2007-2010); Dr. O. R. Pitan (2010 - 2012) and Dr. A.
R. Popoola (2012 -2016) and Prof. J. J. Atungwu (2016), Dr. Emily, Ayo-John
(2016-2018), and currently Dr. A. A. Osipitan.
To be a leading centre of excellence for training, research, development and
dissemination of knowledge in all major areas of crop protection in Nigeria.
To provide a conducive learning environment for quality education and
training that promotes scholarship, stimulates innovative research and
technology development, consultancy and community service for improved
livelihoods and sustainable development, especially in our immediate locality.
The department shall aspire individually and collectively to:
i. Uphold excellence, academic freedom, and professionalism.
(1H L; 3H Practical)
Plant Disease and Pest Diagnostic Technology. Hands on training on laboratory and off-
station (distance) distance diagnosis. Use of microscopy, imaging, culturing, taxonomic
keys, internet resources. Determinative tests, serology, end-point and quantitative
PCR. Isothermal and DNA amplification. Diagnosis of diseases caused by viruses,
bacteria, phytoplasmas, fungi, fungal-like pathogens, nematodes. Identification of the
major groups of insect pests. In depth case studies of critical pathogen and insect pest
groups, e.g. Ralstonia solanacearum (bacterial wilt), Lepidoptera: Pyralidae and
Noctuidae. Pest Diagnostic Data Management. Standard forms and databases.
Monitoring, sampling/sample submission. Communication protocols, writing SOPs for
high risk pest and pathogen diagnosis.
Established in 1992, the Department of Horticulture remains the only full-fledged
Department of Horticulture in Higher Education Institutions in the country to date. It
was established to train both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the
production, improvement, storage, handling and marketing of fruits, vegetables and
ornamentals in addition to landscape gardening.
The Department of Horticulture aspires to be the Centre of Excellence in Horticultural
Sciences among the Higher Educational Institutions in the West African sub-region;
the cynosure of the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta and the choice of
applicants seeking professional training in Horticulture at the Postgraduate level. The
Department aspires to be the most sought after Department in public-private
partnerships which optimize the potentials of the diverse spheres of Horticulture in
the West African sub-region (food and nutritional security, health and recreation,
mitigation of climate change and environmental beautification).
Working in partnership with other stakeholders, the Department of Horticulture will
increase employability of its graduates by imparting knowledge and cutting-edge
market-driven skills.
Horticulture can make significant contributions to national development and
accelerate the attainment of the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs). To optimize
this potential and enhance its competitiveness globally, the Department reiteratively
reconfigures its training curriculum to effectively respond to emerging demands of the
markets and industries. The Department is set to produce graduates who blend
cutting-edge science with entrepreneurial skills to make them outstanding in service
delivery. Our graduates shall be Employers and job-creators rather than job-seekers.
In addition to the general 100 – 400 level courses, the following courses must be taken
and passed at 40% or higher grade by students in 500 level of Horticulture option of
the B. Agric. programme.
500 Level: First Semester
Course code Course Titles U L T P
PCP 501 Methods of Field Experimentation 2 1 - 1
HRT 501 Crop Husbandry (Vegetable Crop Production) 2 1 - 1
PCP 505 Crop Husbandry (Arable Crops) 2 1 - 1
CPT 507 Plant Protection 2 1 - 1
SOS 513 Soil Physics 2 1 - 1
SOS 515 Soil and Plant Analysis 2 1 - 1
HRT 503 Post-Harvest Physiology and Produce Storage 2 1 - 1
SOS 511 Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition 2 1 - 1
AGS 597 Seminar I 1 - - 1
Electives (2) 4 2 - 2
Total 21 10 - 11
SOS 520 Soil and water conservation 2 2 - 1
HRT 507 Ornamental Horticulture 2 2 - 1
HRT 509 Landscape Horticulture 2 2 - 1
500 Level: Second Semester
Course Code Course Title U L T P
SOS 518 Soil Survey and Land Use Planning 2 1 - 1
HRT 502 Crop Husbandry (Plantation Crops) 2 1 - 1
PCP 504 Plant Growth and Development 2 1 - 1
PBS 504 Plant Breeding and Seed Production 2 1 - 1
PCP 506 Weed Science and Control 2 1 - 1
SOS 522 Soil Chemistry 2 1 - 1
AGS 598 Seminar II 1 - - 1
AGP 599 Project 4 - - 4
Electives (2) 4 2 - 2
Total 21 8 - 13
HRT 504 Micro-propagation 2 1 - 1
HRT 506 Parks and Garden design and Management 2 1 - 1
HRT 508 Organic and Urban Farming 2 1 - 1
Practical: Identification of suitable plants and plant parts for tissue culture;
Identification, preparation utilization and maintenance of culture media;
Identification of propagation equipment.
Practical: Design of parks and gardens; Howe to prepare contract documents; Visit to
notable parks and gardens.
Practical: Field work – to identify various species of trees, shrubs, hedge plant
propagation, cutting and seeds, etc.; potting media, flower show; Flower
arrangement; Pot flower production; Home beautification – interior and external
The Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Technology (PBST) is one of the five
Departments in the College of Plant Science and Crop Production (COLPLANT) of the
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. It is the only Department of such in a
Nigerian University. Its establishment is in acknowledgement of the pivotal position of
plant breeding and seed production in a developing economy.
Seed scientists handle the systematic increase, rapid distribution and certification of
pure seeds of the new improved variety most expeditiously. Therefore, the concept,
scope and vision of the Department basically reinforce efforts towards increasing food
production through development of improved breeding lines and seeds of high
agronomic values. Consequently, the Department offers opportunities for formal
training at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels for the acquisition of basic and
higher degrees necessary in these specialized areas of plant breeding and genetics,
seed technology and biotechnology.
Academic Staff
Name Qualification Specialization Designation
M. A. Adebisi B. Agric., M. Agric., Ph.D. Seed Technology Professor & Head
(Abeokuta) of Department
O. J. Ariyo B. Agric. (Nigeria), M.Sc., Ph.D. Plant Breeding Professor
D. K. Ojo B.Sc. (Ile-Ife), M.Sc. (Ibadan), Plant Breeding Professor
F. A. Sowemimo B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Zaria) Plant Breeding Professor
O. B. Kehinde M.Sc.,
B.Sc., Ph.D. (Ibadan) Plant Genetics/ Professor
M. O. Ajala B.Sc. (Ile-Ife), M.Sc. (Edinburgh), Seed Technology Professor
Ph.D. (Ibadan)
Dupe C. Akintobi B.Sc. (Ile-Ife), M.Sc. (California), Seed Technology Professor
I. O. Daniel B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Ibadan) Seed Technology Professor
Moninuola A. B.Sc. (Ile-Ife), M.Sc. (Ibadan), Plant Genetics/ Reader
Ayo-Vaughan Ph.D.(Abeokuta) Breeding
C. O. Alake B. Agric. (Abeokuta), M.Sc. Plant Breeding Reader
(Ado-Ekiti), Ph.D. (Abeokuta)
Justina B. O. B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Ibadan) Plant Genetics/ Senior Lecturer
Porbeni Breeding
E. O. Idehen B. Agric., M. Agric., Ph.D. Plant Breeding Senior Lecturer
O. A. Oduwaye B. Tech. (Ogbomosho) Plant Breeding Senior Lecturer
M. Agric., Ph.D. (Abeokuta)
O. O. Ajani B. Agric., M. Agric. (Abeokuta) Seed Technology Lecturer I
Tolulope O. B. Agric., M. Agric., Ph.D. Seed Technology Lecturer I
Kehinde (Abeokuta)
Practicals: Purity analysis, seed viability and vigour. Sampling technique – primary,
composite, submitted and working samples. Seed health testing. Seed packaging –
types and differential permeability to moisture. In-vitro culture.
The Department of Plant Physiology and Crop Production (PPCP) is one of the five
Departments in the College of Plant Science and Crop Production (COLPLANT) of the
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (ABEOKUTA). It was created out of the former
Department of Crop Production and Crop Protection and the former Department of
Plant Physiology and Crop Ecology through a Senate approved re-structuring. There
are three academic disciplines in the Department, namely: Crop Physiology, Crop
Production and Weed Science. Courses in these different areas are taught in the
B.Agric. programme.
The philosophy recognises science discipline as the bedrock of agricultural and
technological developments and consequently natural growth. Crop Production is the
foundation of agriculture since crops are the primary sources of energy and growth in
the agricultural food chain.
The objectives of the Department are to:
Practicals: Use of microscope: plant cell structure and organelles. Root, stem, leaf,
anatomy of dicots and monocots. Growth curve and growth analysis. Data analysis and
The Department was established as the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural
Mechanisation (SSAM) under the then College of Applied Science and Technology
(CAPT). In 1989, the Department was placed under the College of Plant Science and
Crop Production (COLPLANT). The University Senate at its 131st meeting on April 28,
2004 approved the change of name of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural
Mechanization to the Department of Soil Science and Land Management (SSLM).
The Department started with six academic staff in 1988 but only two of these pioneer
lecturers remained by 2005. In 2004, three academic staff of the Department who
were teaching the Agricultural Mechanisation aspect of the discipline were
transferred to the newly established Department of Agricultural Engineering and this
informed the need for a review of the curriculum of the programme and change of
Since inception the Department has produced graduates in various classes of B. Agric.
degree including many in first class. Staff-student relationship is very cordial, with staff
providing necessary guidance for students to achieve excellence in their academic
Academic Staff
Names Qualification Specialization Designation
C. O. Adejuyigbe B. Agric.(Ile-Ife), M.Sc., Ph.D. Soil Biology/ Professor & Head
(Ibadan) Fertility of Department
F. K. Salako B. Agric., M.Sc. (Nigeria), Soil Physics / Professor
Soil Conservation
Oluwatoyin A. B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Ilorin) Soil Microbiology / Professor
Babalola Ph.D. (Ibadan) Biochemistry
J. K. Adesodun M.Sc., Ph.D. (Nigeria)
- Soil Physics / Professor
B. A. Senjobi B. Agric. (Ogun)M.Sc., Pedology/Soil Professor
Ph.D. (Ibadan) Survey & Land Use
J. O. Azeez B. Agric., M. Agric., Ph.D Soil Chemistry Reader
A. A. Soretire B.Agric., M.Agric. Soil Microbiology / Reader
(Abeokuta), Ph.D. (Ife) Biochemistry
Florence A. B. Agric. (Ife); M.Sc., Soil Fertility Senior Lecturer
Olowokere Ph.D. (Ibadan)
G. A. Ajiboye B.Sc. (Ibadan); M.Sc., Ph.D. Pedology Senior Lecturer
M. A. Busari NCE (Ila-Orangun); B. Agric., Soil Physics Senior Lecturer
M. Agric., Ph.D. (Abeokuta)
Clara O. Oyegoke B.Sc., M.Sc. (Ife); Applied Geology/ Lecturer I
Ph.D. (Abeokuta) Pedology