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Aim Lock 4

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-- This function aims to configure the aim lock head for all weapons and gun skins
in the game "Free Fire".
-- @param aimLockHead: The aim lock head value to be set.
-- @param weapon: The weapon for which the aim lock head should be configured.
-- @param gunSkins: The gun skins for which the aim lock head should be configured.
-- @return: Returns a string indicating the success of the configuration.
function configureAimLockHead(aimLockHead, weapon, gunSkins)
-- Check if the aim lock head value is valid
if aimLockHead < 0 or aimLockHead > 999 then
return "Invalid aim lock head value. Please provide a value between 0 and

-- Check if the weapon is valid

if weapon == nil or weapon == "" then
return "Invalid weapon. Please provide a valid weapon name."

-- Check if the gun skins are valid

if gunSkins == nil or type(gunSkins) ~= "table" or #gunSkins == 0 then
return "Invalid gun skins. Please provide a valid table of gun skins."

-- Configure aim lock head for all weapons and gun skins
for i, gunSkin in ipairs(gunSkins) do
print("Configuring aim lock head for", weapon, "with gun skin", gunSkin)
-- Code to configure aim lock head for the given weapon and gun skin

return "Aim lock head configuration completed successfully."


-- Example usage of the configureAimLockHead function

-- Usage Example 1: Configure aim lock head for all weapons and gun skins
local aimLockHeadValue = 999
local weaponName = "all"
local gunSkins = {"skin1", "skin2", "skin3"}
local result = configureAimLockHead(aimLockHeadValue, weaponName, gunSkins)

-- Usage Example 2: Invalid aim lock head value

aimLockHeadValue = 1000
result = configureAimLockHead(aimLockHeadValue, weaponName, gunSkins)

-- Usage Example 3: Invalid weapon name

aimLockHeadValue = 999
weaponName = ""
result = configureAimLockHead(aimLockHeadValue, weaponName, gunSkins)

-- Usage Example 4: Invalid gun skins

weaponName = "all"
gunSkins = {}
result = configureAimLockHead(aimLockHeadValue, weaponName, gunSkins)

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