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Desigo CC

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Desigo™ CC

Getting Started Version 2.1

A6V10415475_en_a_21 Building Technologies

Copyright Notice

Copyright Notice
Document information is subject to change without notice by Siemens Switzerland
Ltd. Companies, names, and various data used in examples are fictitious unless
otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the
express written permission of Siemens Switzerland Ltd.
All software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and
may be used or copied only in accordance with license terms.
For further information, contact your nearest Siemens Switzerland Ltd.
© Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2015

Desigo, Desigo CC, Cerberus DMS, Cerberus PRO, and Sinteso are registered
trademarks of Siemens Switzerland Ltd.
Other product or company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
respective owners.
Edition: 2015-06-30
Document ID: A6V10415475_en_a_21

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Table of Contents

About This Document ....................................................................................................... 5

Document Revision History ................................................................................................. 9
1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Client Options ..................................................................................................... 10
2 First Steps ......................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Starting the Client and Logging On .................................................................... 11
2.1.1 Launching an Installed Client .............................................................. 11
2.1.2 Launching a Web Client ...................................................................... 12
2.1.3 Launching a Windows App Client ....................................................... 12
2.1.4 Cancelling System Initialization .......................................................... 13
2.1.5 Troubleshooting the Logon Process ................................................... 13
2.2 User Interface ..................................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Graphical Elements and Controls ....................................................... 15
2.3 Operating and Engineering Mode ...................................................................... 16
2.4 Operational Workflows ....................................................................................... 17
2.4.1 Basic Navigation Workflow ................................................................. 17
2.4.2 Object Association Workflow .............................................................. 18
2.5 Ending Your Session .......................................................................................... 19
2.5.1 Exiting the System .............................................................................. 19
2.5.2 Logging Off in Closed Mode ............................................................... 19
2.6 Troubleshooting the Web Client and Windows App Client ................................ 20
3 Events ................................................................................................................ 21
3.1 How Events Display in the System .................................................................... 21
3.2 Handling Events ................................................................................................. 21
3.2.1 Using Fast Treatment ......................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Using Investigative Treatment ............................................................ 22
3.2.3 Using Assisted Treatment ................................................................... 23
3.3 Journaling Printouts ............................................................................................ 25
4 Graphics ............................................................................................................ 26
4.1 Viewing Graphic Objects .................................................................................... 26
4.2 Commanding ...................................................................................................... 27
4.3 Creating a Graphic ............................................................................................. 28
4.4 Creating a Graphics Sub-Folder......................................................................... 29
4.5 Displaying a Graphic .......................................................................................... 29
4.6 Commanding Properties in Graphics Viewer ..................................................... 29
4.7 Commanding Off-Normal Properties .................................................................. 30
4.8 Editing a Graphic ................................................................................................ 30
4.9 Deleting a Graphic Item ...................................................................................... 31
5 Scheduler .......................................................................................................... 32
5.1 Management Station Scheduling ....................................................................... 32
5.1.1 Adding a Management Station Schedule ........................................... 32

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
5.2 BACnet Scheduling ............................................................................................ 33
5.2.1 Adding a BACnet Schedule ................................................................ 33
6 Trends ................................................................................................................ 34
6.1 Online / Offline Trend ......................................................................................... 34
6.2 Trend View Comparison ..................................................................................... 35
6.2.1 Compare View..................................................................................... 35
6.3 Example: Create and Store a New Trend View ................................................. 36
6.4 Example: Analyze Trend Data ............................................................................ 37
6.5 Using Comparative View .................................................................................... 38
7 Reports .............................................................................................................. 39
7.1 Reports Workspace ............................................................................................ 39
7.2 Reports Workflow ............................................................................................... 41
7.3 Creating, Configuring, and Saving a Report Definition ...................................... 42
7.4 Generating a Report from a Report Definition .................................................... 43
7.4.1 Generating a Report Manually using Run or Run as .......................... 43
7.4.2 Generating a Report Manually from Related Items Tab ..................... 44
7.4.3 Generating a Report Automatically ..................................................... 44
7.5 Viewing a Report as a PDF or XLS .................................................................... 44
8 Log Viewer ........................................................................................................ 48
8.1 Overview of Log Viewer...................................................................................... 48
8.2 Log Viewer Workspace....................................................................................... 48
8.2.1 Contextual Pane - Detailed Log Tab ................................................... 49
8.3 Log Viewer Workflow .......................................................................................... 50
8.3.1 Accessing Log Viewer from System Browser ..................................... 50
8.3.2 Viewing Log Data ................................................................................ 51
8.4 Creating, Configuring, and Saving a Log View Definition .................................. 51
9 Help System ...................................................................................................... 52
References ........................................................................................................................ 53
References to Product Documentation Set ....................................................................... 53
Support Addresses/Feedback/Links .................................................................................. 54

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
About This Document
Document Revision History

About This Document

This documentation introduces a “first time user” to the Desigo CC management
station, including the basics such as how to start up and log on. It describes the
different system environments and client modes, the system workspace and
provides high level examples of plant monitoring and navigation workflows.
Included is a short overview and introduction to the most important features of
Desigo CC, such as:
 Event handling
 Graphics
 Commanding
 Schedules
 Trends
 Reports
 Online Help system.
Also, a References section provides a list of the product documentation set, and
useful support links.

This document applies to Desigo CC Version 2.1.

Target Audience
End-Users are the primary users of the system. Depending on the specific
application, end users can be a building services engineer, a security guard, a
member of the fire brigade, the facility manager, and so on. They are responsible
for monitoring and managing the facility and any related events. They have the
appropriate training for operating the management station.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
About This Document
Document Revision History

Liability Disclaimer
We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and
software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly
and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for
improvement are welcome.

Product Security Disclaimer

Siemens products and solutions provide IT-specific security functions to ensure the
secure operation of building comfort, fire safety, security management and physical
security systems. The security functions on these products and solutions are
important components of a comprehensive security concept.
However, it is necessary to implement and maintain a comprehensive, state-of-the-
art security concept that is customized to individual security needs. Such a security
concept may result in additional site-specific preventive action to ensure that the
building comfort, fire safety, security management or physical security systems for
your site are operated in a secure manner. These measures may include, but are
not limited to, separating networks, physically protecting system components, user
awareness programs, in-depth security, and so on.
For additional information on building technology security and our offerings, contact
your Siemens sales or project department. We strongly recommend signing up for
our security advisories, which provide information on the latest security threats,
patches and other mitigation measures.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
About This Document
Document Revision History

Document Conventions
The following table lists conventions to help you use this document in a quick and
efficient manner.

Convention Examples
Numbered Lists (1, 2, 3…) indicate a 1. Turn OFF power to the field panel.
procedure with sequential steps. 2. Turn ON power to the field panel.
3. Open the panel.
One-step procedures are indicated by a  Expand the Event List.
bullet point.
Conditions that you must complete or must ⊳ The report you want to print is open.
be met before beginning a procedure are
designated with a ⊳. 1. Click Print .
Intermediate results (what will happen ⇨ The Print dialog box displays.
following the execution of a procedure step),
2. Select the printer and click Print.
are designated with an indented ⇨.
⇨ The print confirmation displays.
Results, after completing a procedure, are
designated with a ⇨.
Bold font indicates something you should Type F for field panels.
type or select, or when a dialog box or Click OK to save changes and close the
window is specified. dialog box.
The Create a New Project dialog box
Menu paths in procedures are indicated in Select File > Text, Copy > Group, which
bold. means from the File menu, select Text,
Copy and then Group.
File paths containing placeholders display [installation drive:]\[installation
the placeholders in italics enclosed in square folder]\[project]\...
Error and system messages are displayed in The message Report Definition
Courier New font. successfully renamed displays in the
status bar.
Italics are used to emphasize new or The reaction processor continuously
important terms. executes a user-defined set of instructions
called the control program.
This symbol signifies a Note. Notes provide
additional information or helpful hints.

Cross references to other information in For more information on creating flowcharts,

printed material are indicated with an arrow see Flowcharts [→ 92].
and the page number, enclosed in brackets:
[→ 92]

Getting Help
For more information about the Desigo CC products, contact your local sales

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
About This Document
Document Revision History

Safety Messages According ANSI Z535.6

The following examples show the ANSI standard safety messages used in this
document to draw the reader’s attention to important information.
ANSI distinguishes between personal injury safety messages and property damage
warning messages.
The personal injury safety messages have safety alert symbols and the following
alert level labels: DANGER!, WARNING!, CAUTION!
The label for property damage messages is: NOTICE.



Property Damage Warning Message

Equipment damage or loss of data may occur if you do not follow a procedure or
instruction as specified.


Caution Safety Message

Minor or moderate injury may occur if you do not follow a procedure or instruction
as specified.


Warning Safety Message

Personal injury or property damage may occur if you do not follow a procedure as


Danger Safety Message

Electric shock, death, or severe property damage may occur if you do not perform
a procedure as specified.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
About This Document
Document Revision History

Document Revision History

Document Identification
The document ID is structured as follows:
Example: A6Vnnnnnnnn_en_a_02

Document Revision History.

Modification Index Edition Date Brief Description
a 2015-06-30 Market Release Edition

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
1 Client Options

1 Introduction
The Desigo CC management station presents a single face to the customer for
building automation, fire safety and security systems, or a combination thereof.
Offering scalability of all configurations and allowing need-based expansion from
small and medium to large and complex systems, Desigo CC provides customer
and market-specific solutions.
For details about operating workflows, see the User Guide (A6V10415471).
For details about configuration workflows, see the Engineering Manual

1.1 Client Options

The Desigo CC client is the user-facing application that the operator interacts with.
A Desigo CC installation can have multiple clients, running on different computers.
The Desigo CC client can be accessed in the following ways:

Installed Client
The user operates Desigo CC from a computer where the software is installed as a
Windows application.
Installed Clients can optionally be configured to run in Closed mode, which means
that the operator cannot exit Desigo CC or switch to another application (no access
to Windows Task Manager, Windows Taskbar, and desktop icons).

Web Client
The user operates Desigo CC as a web application that runs inside a browser.

Windows App Client

The user operates Desigo CC from a computer where a light Desigo CC
application is downloaded and installed on-demand using a web browser.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
First Steps
Starting the Client and Logging On

2 First Steps
This section introduces you to the following topics:
 How to launch and log on to the Desigo CC client
 Overview of the system screen, including a brief description of the main
 Basic operational workflows
 How to end your session

2.1 Starting the Client and Logging On

The way to start up Desigo CC depends on whether you are using an Installed
Client, Web Client, or Windows App Client:
 To start Desigo CC Installed Client [➙ 11]
 To start Desigo CC Installed Client configured to run in Closed mode [➙ 10]
 To start Desigo CC Web Client [➙ 12] or Windows App Client [➙ 12]
Make sure you know the exact client environment you should work with so that you
can follow the correct procedure.
The first time you run the client, a licensing screen displays. You must accept the
agreement to run the software.
You can log on to the system as a Desigo CC user or Windows user by providing
the username, password and domain name.


The current version of Desigo CC supports only one domain. This means that you
can only log on to the configured default domain. If you belong to a domain
different from the default, you can log on only as a Desigo CC user or local user
([station name]\ user name]).
The default domain name is configuration-dependent. If default domain name is
not configured, the default station name and Desigo CC (not Windows user) are
available as domain instead.

2.1.1 Launching an Installed Client

 You want to operate Desigo CC from a computer where the client software is
1. Start Desigo CC from the Windows Start button or by clicking the icon on the
 The initialization splash screen displays for a few seconds. Then the logon
dialog box displays.
2. Enter your username and password.
3. Select the domain.
4. Click Logon.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
First Steps
2 Starting the Client and Logging On

2.1.2 Launching a Web Client

 You want to operate Desigo CC as a browser-based web application.
1. Launch Microsoft Internet Explorer.
2. In the address bar of the browser, enter the name of the computer where the
Desigo CC Web Server resides (for example, //ITP0990c/).
NOTE: If you do not have this information, please contact your system
 The Desigo CC page opens in the browser, and the Desigo CC tab
contents display.
3. If you have already installed the authentication certificate, proceed to Step 4.
Otherwise, proceed as follows:
In the Desigo CC page, click the Support tab. Then select Web Client
Application Certificate - Getting Started and follow the procedure to install the
authentication certificate.
 The system installs the certificate.
4. Click the Desigo CC tab, and select the Web Client thumbnail.
 The initialization splash screen displays for a few seconds. Then the logon
dialog box displays in the browser.
5. Enter your username and password.
6. Select the domain.
7. Click Logon.

The installation of the authentication certificate is required only once. The next
time you can directly launch the Web Client.

2.1.3 Launching a Windows App Client

 You want to operate Desigo CC from a computer where the client software is
downloaded and installed on demand from a browser.
1. Launch Microsoft Internet Explorer.
2. In the address bar of the browser, enter the name of the computer where the
Desigo CC Web Server resides (for example, //ITP0990c/).
NOTE: If you do not have this information, please contact your system
 The Desigo CC page opens in the browser, and the Desigo CC tab
contents display.
3. If you have already installed the authentication certificate, proceed to Step 4.
Otherwise, proceed as follows:
In the Desigo CC page, click the Support tab, and select Web Client
Application Certificate - Getting Started and follow the procedure to install the
authentication certificate.
 The system installs the certificate.
4. Click the Windows App Client thumbnail.
NOTE: If a security warning displays asking you if you want to install , click OK.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
First Steps
Starting the Client and Logging On

 The installation of Desigo CC starts. When completed, the initialization

splash screen displays for a few seconds. Then the logon dialog box
5. Enter your username and password.
6. Select the domain.
7. Click Logon.

Each time you launch Desigo CC as a Windows App Client, a search for system
updates is performed. If a new version of the software is available on the Web
Server, you can choose to update it or continue using the previous version.

2.1.4 Cancelling System Initialization

When you launch the Desigo CC client, an initialization splash screen displays for a
few seconds, before you are prompted to authenticate..
If you don’t do anything, when the initialization is complete, the logon dialog box
Otherwise, you can interrupt the system initialization as follows:
 Click Cancel during the initialization splash screen.
 If you are working on a Web Client, Windows App Client, or Installed Client not
in Closed mode,, the Desigo CC client closes.
If you are working on an Installed Client in Closed mode, clicking Cancel during the
splash screen will cause one of the following to occur:
 A message box informs you that connection to the Closed Mode service was
cancelled, and the Desigo CC client will be restarted.
– Clicking OK restarts the Desigo CC client (still in Closed mode).
 A message box informs you that the connection to the server was aborted. You
can now decide whether to try reconnecting in Closed mode, or restart as a
normal Installed Client (not in Closed mode) to investigate a possible
connection problem:
– Clicking Yes restarts Desigo CC as a normal Installed Client (not in Closed
– Clicking No causes Desigo CC to remain in Closed mode and continue
trying to establish a server connection.

2.1.5 Troubleshooting the Logon Process

 During your authentication, if you enter an invalid username or password, your
authentication will fail: a message box informs you that the entered credentials
are invalid, and asks you to retry. After five failed attempts, another message
box informs you that you have reached the maximum number of attempts
allowed and the user authentication will close.
 An error message displays if the Desigo CC client cannot start because the
Client Profile file was not found. Click OK to close the message box. See your
System Administrator for assistance.
 When you log on, if no client license is available, the system will inform you and
the Desigo CC client will not start. See your System Administrator for

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
First Steps
2 User Interface

2.2 User Interface

The exact screen layout will vary depending on your particular system’s
configuration, and you may not see all the components described.

Item Name Description

1 Summary bar The main point of entry to all the functions of the software.
Provides an overview of the events in the system. It includes
a set of indicators (event lamps) organized by event
category, the system menu, icons for switching between
windows and silencing alarms, and other general status
information. For some configurations only, when expanded, it
also provides an Event Detail bar that highlights the most
critical events in the system.
2 Work area Large central portion of the screen below the Summary bar
assigned to other management system windows or to the
operating system desktop (such as Windows desktop) or to
external applications (for example, Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Microsoft Office programs, and so on).

In particular, depending on the operational workflow, the following windows can

display in the work area:
 Event List
A list of all the events in the building-control system. This is the starting point
for viewing and handling events. The Event List is hidden and you can open it
in the work area when needed by clicking its icon in the Summary bar.
 System Manager
A multi-pane window for navigating, monitoring, and controlling all the
components and subsystems of the site. Each pane contains a functional
component of the management system (for example, a browser for navigating
and selecting system objects, a viewer for displaying site floor plans, tools for
scheduling tasks, and so on).
 Investigative Treatment or Assisted Treatment
When you start to process an event, one of these dedicated alarm-handling
windows may open in the main work area to help you take the correct actions.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
First Steps
User Interface

2.2.1 Graphical Elements and Controls

Layout and Panes
The system screen can display many windows, some of which are made up of
multiple panes, divided by splitters. A window can contain up to four panes. Each
pane houses a functional component of the Desigo CC system (for example, a
browser for navigating and selecting system objects, a viewer for displaying site
floor plans, tools for inspecting the properties of objects, and so on).

Item Description
1 Selection pane (vertically along the left). Also referred to as Navigation pane.
2 Primary pane (to the right of the Selection pane)
3 Secondary pane (opens when required, alongside the Primary pane)
4 Contextual pane (underneath the Primary and Secondary panes, divided into two
5 Status bar. Along the bottom of the window, this bar displays status/update
messages (Ready, Default loaded successfully, and so on).

Interacting with the Graphical Elements

You can arrange panes of a window in different layouts or interact with a window
and its panes in various ways. These include:
 Click the icons on the window title bar top to minimize, restore down, or
maximize the window.
 Click the icons on the window title bar to quickly switch between the available
preset layouts:
– : Selection, Primary, and Contextual panes. The Secondary pane
displays only if it is alreadyopen.

– : Selection, Primary, and Contextual panes.

– : Selection and Primary panes.

– : Primary, and Contextual panes. The Secondary pane displays only if it

is already open.

– : Primary pane only.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
First Steps
2 Operating and Engineering Mode

 Resize the panes in a layout by dragging the splitters, or expand/collapse a

pane by clicking the button on the splitter .

 Click the icon to lock the window layout . When the layout is locked, clicking
one of the layout icons will not have any effect; this means that you cannot
change the current layout, and resize, expand, or collapse the panes of the

 Normally, the Secondary pane opens on demand, when you make a selection
that requires it. When the Secondary pane opens, it takes up half the space
that would otherwise be allotted to Primary pane. You can prevent the
Secondary pane from opening by clicking the pushpin icon and locking the
Primary pane. When the Primary pane is locked, any selections (such as
Related Items) that would normally display in the Secondary pane are instead
redirected to the Primary pane.

2.3 Operating and Engineering Mode

When you start the Desigo CC client, System Manager starts in Operating mode.
This is the mode normally used for the day-to-day running of the building-control
system. It enables you to monitor and control the facility, for example by verifying
site statuses, handling alarms, checking graphics, generating reports, and so on. If
you have appropriate user rights, you can also perform some limited configuration
tasks (for example, editing graphics, schedules, and so on) in Operating mode.

System Manager - Operating Mode

System Manager – Operating Mode

Item Description
1 System Manager Operating mode is identified by a light blue color.
2 Depending on the object selected in System Browser, the Primary pane displays
only the Textual Viewer tab or the Textual Viewer and other tabs. Each tab gives
access to the related operating application.
3 The Operating button is available only if you have access rights for Engineering
mode; otherwise, it does not display.
If available, this button lets you toggle System Manager between Operating mode

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
First Steps
Operational Workflows

and Engineering mode.

Authorized users can switch System Manager to Engineering mode which is used
to set up and configure the system.

System Manager - Engineering Mode

System Manager – Engineering Mode

Item Description
1 System Manager Engineering mode is identified by a light pink color.
2 Depending on the object selected in System Browser, multiple engineering tabs
may display in the Primary pane header. Each tab gives access to a configuration
application relevant to the selected object.
3 In the Contextual pane, the Extended Items tab displays next to the Related Items
tab, and can contain additional contextual links useful for configuration tasks.
4 Toggle button to switch back to Operating mode.

For more details, see the Engineering Manual (A6V10415473).

2.4 Operational Workflows

This section introduces you to the most common workflows for navigating and
interacting with Desigo CC.

2.4.1 Basic Navigation Workflow

The following shows the typical workflow for navigating the system.
1. Select a view (1) in System Browser, in the Selection pane (for example,
Application View).
 The selected view displays in the System Browser tree.
2. Navigate the tree and select the object (2) you want to work with.
 The information about the selected object displays in the Textual Viewer
(3), in the Primary pane.
 The properties of the selected object display in the Operation tab (4), in the
Contextual pane.
 Links to additional resources associated with the selected object display in
the Related Items tab (5), in the Contextual pane.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
First Steps
2 Operational Workflows

3. Click a related item link (5) (for example, New Remote Notification) to open that
resource in the Secondary pane.
 The selected related item displays in the Secondary pane (6).
4. If necessary, click the icon (7) to display the navigation bar (8) with icons for
moving back and forth between the most recent screens in the Primary pane
and going back to the favorite location.

2.4.2 Object Association Workflow

The following shows the typical workflow for manual selection and drag-and-drop,
in order to associate two objects.
1. Select a view (1) in System Browser, in the Selection pane (for example,
Application View).
 The selected view displays in the System Browser tree.
2. Navigate the tree to select the object (2) you want to work with (in this example,
Activity Log).
3. Select Manual Navigation (3), to freeze the Primary pane (in this example, on
Reports - Activity Log).
4. Drag and drop the selected object (4) (in this example, Address Book) to the
Reports area.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
First Steps
Ending Your Session

2.5 Ending Your Session

Usually when you want to end your session you exit [➙ 19] Desigo CC.
In Closed mode, you can only log off [➙ 19] from your session.

2.5.1 Exiting the System

 You are running Desigo CC (as an Installed Client, Web Client, or Windows
App Client) and you want to end your session.
 In the Summary bar, select Menu > Exit.
 Desigo CC shuts down. If you were running Desigo CCin Internet Explorer, the
logon dialog box displays on the screen.

2.5.2 Logging Off in Closed Mode

In Closed mode, you cannot shut down Desigo CC. You can only end your session,
leaving Desigo CC running for the Default User.
1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Logoff.
 A message box informs you that your Desigo CC will be closed and the
Default User will be logged on.
2. Click OK.
 You are logged off and Desigo CC switches over to the Default User.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
First Steps
2 Troubleshooting the Web Client and Windows App Client

2.6 Troubleshooting the Web Client and Windows App

If there are connectivity problems, a message box may display indicating that the
connection to the server was temporarily lost. Proceed as follows steps to resume
1. Click OK to close the message box.
 The system automatically logs you off, and the logon dialog box displays
again on the screen.
2. Try logging on again.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
How Events Display in the System

3 Events
Events are first detected by the sensors in the field according to the programmed
thresholds and algorithms. The related field panel is responsible for the acquisition
and local event signals, as well as transmitting the information to the management
station where the operator can follow the prescribed treatment procedures and
provide the required counter-measures to deal with the dangerous or abnormal

3.1 How Events Display in the System

When an alarm occurs at your site, an event is generated and the following occurs:
 In the Summary bar, the event lamp for this category of events flashes, to alert
you that there’s a new event to process.
 In Event List (when visible), a new event displays. It is graphically represented
by a flashing event button.
 If the event that occurred meets specific critical criteria that require immediate
attention, it also displays in an Event Detail bar (if available).

3.2 Handling Events

Desigo CC offers the following ways of handling events:
 Fast Treatment: directly send alarm handling commands (acknowledge, reset,
and possibly other commands depending on configuration).
 Investigative Treatment: investigate the cause of an alarm by using all the
system applications available for the alarmed point.
 Assisted Treatment: fully-guided alarm-handling support consisting of an
operating procedure that provides a list of steps to follow.

Clicking an event button lets you access Fast Treatment. Depending on
configuration, double-clicking initiates either Investigative or Assisted Treatment.

Navigating Event
When the selection in System Browser is on the root of a view, and there is at least
one event in the system, you can use Textual Viewer to navigate to the point(s) in
alarm. Double-clicking in Textual Viewer lets you drill down from parent to child
nodes, to easily reach and identify the field point(s) in alarm.

Filtering Events
Before starting to handle alarm, you can filter the events in Event List to narrow
down what types of events you want to view and handle.

 In the Summary bar, click Filter , and then select the type of filter you want
to apply.

Removing Event Filters

If you want to remove any applied filter to view all the events:

1. In the Summary bar, click Filter .

2. From the Filter menu, select Remove Filter.

NOTICE! In FS_EN profile, the system automatically removes any applied filter
when a new event occurs and it does not satisfy the event filter criteria.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
3 Handling Events

3.2.1 Using Fast Treatment

The following procedure is recommended when handling an alarm that only
requires sending specific commands. No further investigation or control action is
 An alarm occurs in the system, the event lamp relating to its category flashes in
Summary Bar, and a new event button appears and flashes in Event List. The
event status is Unprocessed, and the suggested action is Select the

1. In Event List, click the event button, for example: .

 The event descriptor for the selected event appears highlighted to indicate
that you have selected and started to handle this event. The event status is
Unprocessed, the suggested action is Acknowledge event, and the
acknowledge command becomes available.

2. Click Acknowledge .
 The event is acknowledged, and the event status changes to either
Waiting for condition or Ready to be closed. If it is Waiting
for condition, wait until the physical conditions that caused the alarm
are resolved and you can reset the field panel. Once the event status is
Ready to be closed, the suggested action changes to Reset event,
and the Reset command becomes available.
3. If the below commands are available in the event descriptor, do one or both of
the following; otherwise, proceed to the last step of the procedure:

– Click Silence , to silence the field panel.

– Click Start Remote Notifications , to manually send a remote

notification message.

4. Click Reset .
 The event is reset, the event status becomes Closed, and the suggested
action is Suspend event.
5. In Event List, click the event button.
 The event is cleared from Event List.

3.2.2 Using Investigative Treatment

The following procedure is recommended instead of Fast Treatment when handling
an alarm that requires investigation to determine its cause.
 An alarm occurs in the system, the event lamp relating to its category flashes in
Summary Bar, and a new event button appears and flashes in Event List. The
event status is Unprocessed, and the suggested action is Select the

1. In Event List, double-click the event button, for example: .

 The Investigative Treatment window displays in the work area. The
corresponding event source point is highlighted in System Browser, while
Operation/Extended Operation displays the properties related to the point,
and Related items any of the related-objects associated to the point.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Handling Events

2. Click Acknowledge .
 The event is acknowledged, and the event status changes to either
Waiting for condition or Ready to be closed.
3. If the below commands are available, do one or both of the following;
otherwise, proceed to Step 4:

– Click Silence , to silence the field panel.

– Click Start Remote Notifications , to manually send a remote

notification message.

4. To investigate the cause of the alarm, do the following:

– In the Primary pane, check any content associated to the point in alarm (for
example, a graphic).
– If the event status is Waiting for condition, do whatever is
necessary to clear the physical conditions that caused an alarm.
– If necessary, click a Related Item link to open it in the Secondary pane, and
perform the required action (for example, click a document link to view
 Once the event status is Ready to be closed, the suggested action is
Reset event, and the Reset command becomes available.

5. Click Reset .
 The event is reset, the event status becomes Closed, and the suggested
action is Suspend event.
6. In the Investigative Treatment window, click the event button.
 The Investigative Treatment window closes and the event is cleared from the
Event List.

3.2.3 Using Assisted Treatment

The following procedure is available in place of Investigative Treatment for
situations where the operator must follow a specified sequence of steps to
completely process and respond to an event. For example, such a procedure might
include the following steps:
 View instructions or other important information contained in a document file or
Web page.
 Check a graphic of the area where the event occurred.
 Send important event detail information using the remote notification message.
 Print details of the event.
 Generate and print a report.
 Fill out an event treatment report.
 An alarm occurs in the system, the event lamp relating to its category flashes in
the Summary Bar, and a new event button appears and flashes in the Event
List. The event status is Unprocessed, and the suggested action is Select
the event.

1. In Event List, double-click the event button, for example: .

 The Assisted Treatment window displays in the work area, with the event
details and treatment commands (Acknowledge, Reset, and so on) along

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
3 Handling Events

the top, and the operating procedure in the left pane. The operating
procedure contains all the steps that must (or optionally can) be executed,
presented in sequential order. The first step is already selected, and the
Primary pane displays the appropriate tool for carrying it out.

2. Click Acknowledge .
 The event is acknowledged.
3. If the respective commands are available, do one or both of the following;
otherwise, proceed with the assisted treatment:

– Click Silence to silence the field panel.

– Click Start Remote Notifications to manually send a remote

notification message.
4. Go through each step of the procedure, proceed as follows:
a. Depending on how the system is configured, certain steps may be
automatically executed when you initiate the Assisted Treatment (for example,
automatically sending a remote notification message), or you instead have to
select the step and perform certain actions (such as, filling out an event-
treatment form) before you can check off that step.
b. Once you have executed a step, depending on the system configuration, one
of the following may happen:
- If a gray check box displays next to the step, this means that you must
first complete any required tasks (for example, printing the graphic of an area
or filling out and saving an event-treatment report) before you check off that
- If a white check box displays next to the step, this means that you can
select it to check off the step. You can then continue Assisted Treatment by
selecting the next step in the procedure, and again, performing the action
required by the associated treatment tool. Complete all the remaining steps in
the same way.
 Once you have carried out the entire procedure, you can reset the event.

5. Click Reset .
 The event is reset and you can close the event.

6. Click Close .

7. In the Assisted Treatment window, click the event button.

 The Assisted Treatment window closes and the event is cleared from the Event

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Journaling Printouts

3.3 Journaling Printouts

The management system can be configured to print out a log of the system’s
This printed log is called a Journaling Printout and can include:
 Alarms/events of the building control system (event logs)
 Actions taken by users or initiated by the management system (activity logs)
 Changes of value or changes of state of field points
The specific contents and appearance of the Journaling Printout are configured in
an XML file called a journaling template.
When a Journaling Printout is configured on the system, printing may be initiated
automatically and/or manually, depending on the type of printer installed:
 With a line printer, printing is always automatic and happens item-by-item.
 With a page printer, automatic printing starts when the number of accumulated
items reaches the limit configured in the journaling template. (You can also
manually start the printing before reaching this limit by clicking Flush in the
Contextual Pane > Extended Operation tab).
The following is an example event printout of an alarm cycle.

Journaling Printout of an Alarm Cycle

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
4 Viewing Graphic Objects

4 Graphics
The Graphics application allows you to create, view, store, and command large
graphics representing equipment, floors, buildings, facilities, and entire campuses.
These graphical representations can contain dynamic elements to represent
devices or values you want to monitor or control. The three main components that
make up the Graphics application are the Graphics Viewer, the Graphics Editor,
and the Graphics Library Browser.
The Graphics application is located by selecting the System Browser > Application
View > Applications tree. Project graphics are listed in the root of the Graphics tree.

Graphics Viewer
The Graphics Viewer is the component of the Graphics application that allows you
to view the graphics representing your facility or equipment. It is where you can
change the current state of an object’s properties from a graphic, by using the
floating Status and Commands windows. You can filter your view of a graphic by
discipline, section, or you can zoom in and out for greater detail or for a birds-eye
The Graphics Viewer is accessible by selecting Systems Browser > Application
Views > Applications tree, and then clicking on the Graphics, or any one of the
actual graphics in its root structure. The Graphics Viewer displays in the Default tab
of either the Primary or Secondary pane. If you have the appropriate security
access, you can access the Graphics Editor from the Graphics Viewer.

Graphics Editor
The Graphics Editor is the Graphics component that, with the appropriate security
rights, allows you to create and modify simple as well as complex, dynamic
graphical representations of your devices, facility, campus, or equipment. The
Graphics Editor also allows you to test and simulate your dynamic graphics before
going online with them. Graphics, Symbols, and graphic templates are all created
in the Graphics Editor.
The Graphics Editor is accessible from the:
 Graphics Viewer, by switching from Operating to Engineering mode, or by
clicking Edit from the Graphics Viewer toolbar.

 Graphics Library Browser, by right-clicking on a Symbol or Graphic Template

thumbnail in the primary pane, and selecting Edit, or by clicking Edit from
the Graphics Library Browser.

Graphics Library Browser

The Graphics Library Browser allows you toggle between a view that displays all
the available Symbols and graphic template objects in your project libraries.
The Graphics Library Browser displays in the primary or secondary pane when you
click on a libraries Symbol or Graphic Templates folder. It is also accessible from
within the Graphics Editor as one of the views you can display in the dock panel.

4.1 Viewing Graphic Objects

The Graphics Viewer allows you to display dynamic graphics of your building
control system. System Manager is the client application that hosts the Graphics
Viewer. Within System Manager, you navigate the various views of System
Browser to select the objects you want to display in the Graphics Viewer. System
Browser displays only the objects in the system that you have access to, based on
your user profile and privileges.

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Primary and Secondary Selections

When you select a graphics object from System Browser, the Graphics Viewer
displays the representative graphic. The selected object is considered the primary
selection. The object properties also display in the Property Viewer. The graphic
that has the primary selection displays the name of the graphic according to your
Display selection in the System Browser, in the upper, left-hand corner of the
primary pane. If any children of the primary selection are selected in the Graphics
Viewer, the child name is added to the display name.

If you left-click on a Symbol on a graphic, the referenced object of the Symbol

becomes the secondary selection. As a result the display of the Operations tab in
the Contextual pane changes to correspond to the new selection. The System
Browser, however, still displays the original, primary selection, to show your
starting point.
When you select an object from System Browser that is associated with a graphic,
the Graphics Viewer displays the representative graphic and the object’s
associated Symbol on the graphic is selected. As a result, the Operations tab
displays the object properties to correspond to the selection.
Double-clicking on a Symbol on a graphic makes the referenced object associated
with the Symbol the primary selection in System Browser, and all workflows are
updated accordingly.

4.2 Commanding
The Status and Commands window displays on a graphic, allowing you to change
the current state of an object’s properties in your building control system. Access to
objects is based upon the object privileges and privilege profiles set for you by your
system administrator.

About Properties and Commanding

You change the current state of a property by commanding it. Once you command
a property, the status of the command displays for the selected object. If the
command fails, the reason for the failure displays so that you can take further
Examples of common commands:
 Acknowledge
 Change command priority
 Coldstart

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
4 Creating a Graphic

 Enable/disable
 On/Off
 Out of service
 Override/Release
 Reset value for equipment runtime
 Set a new point value
 Toggle alarmable/not alarmable status
 Upload

Display of Properties on a Graphic

Properties display on a graphic in one of two ways—automatically or manually.
 They display automatically when a property goes into an off-normal state. The
Status and Command window displays the icons associated with the properties
in an off-normal state on the graphic. You expand the icon view to display the
detailed property information and the command options.
 The Status and Command window(s) display manually when you right-click an
object in a graphic that has data points associated with it. You can display
multiple Status and Command windows in Graphics.
When a Status and Command window displays on the graphic, a connection line
displays between the window and its associated objects on the canvas. The
connection line between the Status and Command window and the object(s)
remains intact, even when the window is moved around on the canvas.
Properties and commands also display in the Operation and Extended Operation
tabs of the Contextual pane for the selected object.

4.3 Creating a Graphic

You want to create a graphic.
1. In System Browser, select Application View, and then navigate to and click on
 The Graphics Viewer displays in the Primary pane and you are in
Operating mode.
2. From the Graphics toolbar, click Edit .

3. From the Graphics toolbar, click Create New , and select New Graphic.
 A blank, tabbed untitled canvas displays in the Graphics Editor work area.
4. Create and design the graphic as necessary.

5. From the Graphics toolbar, click Save As .

 The Save As dialog box displays.
6. Navigate to and then click on the graphic folder you want to save the graphic
7. In the Name field, type a name for your graphic, and then click Save.
 The graphic is saved as a .CCG file. Additionally a .CCBAK back-up file is
created and a .PNG

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Creating a Graphics Sub-Folder

4.4 Creating a Graphics Sub-Folder

You want to create a graphics sub-folder.
1. In System Browser, select Application View, and then navigate to and click on
 The Graphics Viewer displays in the Primary pane and you are in
Operating mode.
2. From the Graphics toolbar, click Create New , and click New Folder.
 The New Folder dialog box displays.
3. In the Folder Name field, type a name for the new folder.
4. Click OK. One of the following occurs.
– If you clicked on a folder, the new folder is created and added as a sub-
– If you clicked on a graphic, the new folder is created as a sibling of the
 The folder is created and displayed in the Graphics folder in System Browser.

4.5 Displaying a Graphic

 You are in the System Browser, Application View, and are in Operating mode.
1. From System Browser, select Application View from the drop-down menu.
2. In the Selection pane, expand the Applications arrow.
 The list of available applications displays.
3. Expand the Graphics folder, and click on the graphic you want to view in the
Primary pane.
 The selected graphic displays in the Primary pane of the Graphics Viewer.

4.6 Commanding Properties in Graphics Viewer

 You have a graphic open in Graphics Viewer, and you want to command the
properties of an object in the graphic.
1. Right-click on the object, and select Status and Commands.
 The system displays a list of the object’s properties, their current state,
value, status, and all commands available to you for this object, based on
your system privileges and the configuration settings for the object.
 If you select multiple properties to command, the selected properties
display an icon with a triangular symbol in the lower right-hand corner.
2. If you selected multiple properties in the step above, click the triangular symbol
on the icon next to the property you want to command. Otherwise, go to the
next step.
 The table row of the proper expands to show multiple instances of the
property—one for each of the objects selected.
3. Click the command button that displays the command you want to execute.
 If the command does not have arguments associated with it, the command
is sent and the status displays.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
4 Commanding Off-Normal Properties

 If the command button has arguments associated with it, go to the next
4. Complete the required fields if any are associated with the command.
5. Click Send.
 The system displays the status of the command.

4.7 Commanding Off-Normal Properties

 You have a graphic open in Graphics Viewer, and one or more objects have
properties in an off-normal state. The system has displayed the objects and the
icons of the properties that are in an off-normal state. You want to view or
command these off-normal properties.
1. Navigate to the Status and Command window associated with the object you
want to command.

2. Click Expander to display the list of property information for the object.
 The system displays a list of the object’s properties, their current state, and
all commands available to you for this object, based on your system
3. Click the command button that displays the command you want to execute.
 If the command does not have arguments associated with it, the command
is sent and the status displays.
 If the command button has arguments associated with it, go to the next
4. Complete the required fields.
5. Click Send.
 The system displays the status of the command

4.8 Editing a Graphic

You want to edit an existing graphic. You have a graphic open in the primary pane.
1. From the Graphics toolbar, click the Edit button .
 The Graphics Editor opens and displays in the work area.
2. Make modifications to the graphic as needed.

3. From the Graphics toolbar, click Save As .

 The Save As dialog box displays.
4. Navigate to the appropriate folder where you want to save your graphic and
type the new graphic File Name and from the Save as Type field, select the
appropriate file type.
5. Click Save.
 The graphic is saved.

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Deleting a Graphic Item

4.9 Deleting a Graphic Item

You want to delete a graphic item, a graphic or a folder, from the Graphics folder.
 You are in Operating mode and the Graphics Editor is displayed.
1. In System Browser , select Application View, and then expand the Applications
 The list of available applications display.
2. Expand the Graphics folder.
3. Navigate to and click the graphic or graphic folder you want to delete.
NOTE: To select more than one graphic item, press CTRL + click on each
graphic item you want to delete. The Graphics Viewer caption bar displays the
name of the graphic item of the primary

4. From the Graphics Viewer toolbar, click Delete .

 The Delete dialog box displays.
5. Click Yes to confirm you want to delete the listed graphic item(s).
 The graphic folder is deleted and removed from System Browser.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
5 Management Station Scheduling

5 Scheduler
The Scheduler component of the management system enables you to:
 Set up schedules to automate the operation of the building control site:
Schedules are defined on a weekly and daily basis. You can specify a different
hourly timetable for each day of the week. For example, you could schedule a
heating system to work from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Mondays and Fridays and
from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
 Set up exception calendars, which can be associated to schedules: Calendars
define dates (or date ranges) during which a schedule does not apply. For
example, you could create a holiday calendar that overrides the regular heating
schedule to reduce energy costs. When you create a calendar, you can choose
specific dates (January 15), a date range (August 1 – 31), or a week and a day
you want the exception to run (third week of the month, on Wednesday). Then
you can associate one or more schedules with the calendar.
You can configure schedules and calendars to execute:
 Centrally, on the management system (management station scheduling)
 Locally, directly on the BACnet field panel (BACnet scheduling)
You can set up multiple schedules and exception calendars to run at the same

5.1 Management Station Scheduling

Management station scheduling allows you to centrally configure daily or weekly
schedules, along with exception calendars, on the management system. The
management system can run multiple calendars or schedules at the same time.
Management station schedules run only if the management system is running, and
they are common to all the client stations of the management system. Management
station schedules handle both BACnet and non-BACnet objects.
Management station scheduling involves the following system objects, in the
Application View of System Browser:
 Schedules>Management Station Schedules
 Schedules>Management Station Calendars

5.1.1 Adding a Management Station Schedule

1. In System Browser, select Application View > Schedules > Management
Station Schedules.
2. From the Setup tab, complete the following:
a) From the Start Date drop-down list, select the start date for the schedule.
Selecting the Any date check box defaults to the current date.
b) From the End Date drop-down list, select the end date for the schedule.
Selecting the Any date check box defaults to an infinite date.
3. Click the Outputs tab, and then drag objects from System Browser you want
associated with the schedule.

4. From the Scheduler toolbar, click Save .

5. Complete the Name and Description fields.

6. Click OK.

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BACnet Scheduling

5.2 BACnet Scheduling

BACnet scheduling allows you to automatically issue commands to field points at
prescribed time intervals. You can create daily or weekly schedules (and exception
calendars) for BACnet field panels. Each BACnet panel stores its own calendar
and schedule objects, and a BACnet panel can store and run multiple calendars or
schedules at the same time. Because BACnet schedules reside in and are
executed by field panels, they run even if the management system they are
associated with is not running. BACnet schedules handle only BACnet objects.
You can also configure commands to control one or more BACnet objects related
to your BACnet schedules. For example, you might want to create a command that
turns lights on and maintains the comfort room temperature only when the room is
occupied. In this scenario, you could create a command with an entry for
Occupied/Unoccupied, save it, and then drag it from System Browser to a schedule
of your choice. The schedule will determine what time the command executes, the
start and end dates, and the frequency of repetition.
BACnet Scheduling involves the following system objects, in the Application View
of System Browser:
 Schedules>BACnet Schedules
 Schedules>BACnet Calendars
 Schedules>Commands

5.2.1 Adding a BACnet Schedule

1. In System Browser, select Application View > Schedules > BACnetSchedules.
2. From the Setup tab, select the Default value and the Data type, and then
complete the remaining fields.
3. Drag objects from the System Browser that you want associated with the
schedule, and drop them into the Outputs tab.
4. Complete the resulting display of fields as needed.

5. From the Scheduler toolbar, click Save .

6. Complete the Name field.

7. From the Field Device drop-down list, select the panel you want this schedule
associated with.
8. Click OK.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
6 Online / Offline Trend

6 Trends
A key functionality of a management system is the acquisition and recording of
measured values from the customer site. For example , you might want to track the
readings of:
 a room-temperature sensor over time
 the energy consumption patterns of an air cooling unit
 the status of an air handling unit
This kind of historical data is called a trend. The measured value (such as, a
temperature) that you track in a trend is called a data point.
The Trends application lets you graphically view trends in a chart, called a trend
view. You can assign one or more data points to a trend view to display their trends
together on the same chart. You can also create multiple trend views and save
them for later use.

The management system can acquire trend data in two ways:

 Offline trend data is recorded and stored locally, on the automation station. You
can periodically upload offline trends to view them on the management system.
 Online trend data is instead uploaded continuously to the management system,
and not stored locally on the automation station.

6.1 Online / Offline Trend

Online Trend
An online trend records real-time values from the customer site and displays them
graphically in a trend view. The data values are sent to the Trends application upon
each change of value.

Record Online Trend Data

Trend data is uploaded
continuously to the management
system and not saved locally on
the automation station.

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Trend View Comparison

Offline Trend
Offline trends are used for the longer-term storage and retrieval of historical data to
analyze a specific process or an entire facility. Offline trend data is recorded and
stored locally, directly in the automation station.

Phase 1: Record offline trend data

Trend data is saved locally to a
Trendlog object in the automation

Phase 2: Upload offline trend data

Trend data is uploaded if:
 The max. buffer size is
 The number of defined
entries is reached.
 Manually triggered by the
management station.

6.2 Trend View Comparison

Trend View comparison allows you to compare measured values from the same
Trend View or with measured values from a second Trend View.

6.2.1 Compare View

You can link the same or another Trend View for data analysis that applies the
same X-axis for the time range to both Trend Views. The current lower Trend View
serves as the basis for the upper comparative Trend View. Any changes to the time
range in the current Trend View are reflected in the comparative Trend View.
Predefined buttons allow you to offset the comparative Trend View to the current
Trend View by the selected value.

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6 Example: Create and Store a New Trend View

Item Description
1 Current Trend View.
2 Compare View.
3 Time bar with time displayed in the comparative view.
4 No offset.
5 Predefined offset buttons.
6 Freely definable offset range (range, unit).
7 1x forward or 1x back for the selected offset range.
8 Freely definable offset range in hours, days, weeks, years.
9 Data Point Key

Same Trend View

This type of comparison is especially useful when analyzing the data for individual
components, such as a room temperature for a room. The time offset allows you to
easily check how the corresponding measured value behaves at the same time of

The legend displays the last left measured value in the time bar.
In the legend, the displayed value is not displayed based on the intersection of
the time bar and trend curve. Instead, the time/date display is based on the time
bar position.

6.3 Example: Create and Store a New Trend View

 You are in the System Browser. Trends is still closed.
1. In System Browser, select Application View.
2. Select Applications > Trends > Trend View Definition in the Tree View.
 Trends opens.
3. Click New > New Trend .

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Example: Analyze Trend Data

4. In System Browser, select Management View.

5. Select Project > Field Networks > [Network Type] > Hardware > [Device].
6. Under [Device], find the data point whose trend you want to track in the new
trend view (do not click the data point).

7. Drag-and-drop the data point to Trends.

8. (Optional) Repeat Steps 5 through 7 to add other data points to the trend view.

9. Click Save As .
 The Save Object As dialog box opens.
10. Select the [folder] where you want to save the trend view definition.
11. Type the name and description for the new trend view definition.
12. Click OK.
 In the System Browser under Application View, the new trend view definition is
saved under Trends > Trend View Definitions.
 For each data point that you included in the trend view, an online Trendlog
object is created under Trends > Online Log Objects.

6.4 Example: Analyze Trend Data

In a trend view, the data shown in the chart is normally updated automatically
(continuous scrolling of the trend curves to show the latest values). If you need to
perform a more detailed analysis, you can temporarily stop this automatic
scrolling of the trend curves.
 A trend view is open.

1. Click Stop .
 This stops automatic scrolling of the data in the chart, and suppresses the
symbol to update trend view.
2. In the trend view, move your cursor over the left or right slider (dark grey area)
of the time range scrollbar.

 The mouse pointer changes shape and the tooltip displays.

3. Press the left mouse button and drag the time-range sliders to the left or right
to define the time range to display in the chart (this defines how compressed
your view of the trend data will be).
 The time range change is continuously displayed.
 The x-axis of the chart is adjusted to display the selected time range
(displayed in the slider).
4. Move your cursor over the time range scrollbar (light grey area).
5. Press the left mouse button and slide to the left or right to shift the trend view
forward or backward in time.
 The time range displays with the corresponding trend data.
6. When you have finished analyzing the data, click Run to resume the normal
continuous updating of the trend data.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
6 Using Comparative View

6.5 Using Comparative View

The comparative view is ideal for extended data analysis with time offset.
 You are in a Trend View and Manual mode is on.
 The property window of the Trend View is closed.
 The time period for display is defined using the time range scrollbar. For
example, 12 hours.

1. Click Stop .
2. Click Compare View to open a comparative view.
 The same Trend View displays a second time.
3. Define the appropriate time/date range with the scrollbar.

4. Select time offset Forward or Backward .

5. Do one of the following:

– Click one of the predefined offset buttons (for example, 1 hour).

– Select your own range by selecting the dark button (for

example, 3 hours) and select the time offset .

 Comparison view displays with the corresponding time offset and
measured values.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Reports Workspace

7 Reports
A report is a formatted and organized presentation of data. The Reports application
lets you configure and produce a variety of reports on the functioning of the
building control system.
To compose a report, you configure a Report Definition that specifies:
 The elements that you want to include in the report (such as tables, plots,
logos, form controls, text and so on), and their layout.
 Appropriate filter(s): Name, Condition, Time, and/or Row to populate the
elements of the report with information. For example, if you want a report on a
room's activity data over the past month, you could define a Name Filter as well
as Time Filter in an Activities table.
 The formatting you want to apply to the report elements, and the page layout.
You can also configure a Report Output Definition to specify the type of output
(PDF or XLS), and the output destination (file, email, or printer).
Once you configure a Report Definition, you can save it for later use, run it, or
schedule the report to be run at a specified time.
You can use reports as a reference or as a troubleshooting mechanism. Reports
are helpful during system operation. For example, you can:
 View a mixed report containing:
– A table displaying details of all active events for a floor of a building
– A table displaying a history report of events
– A trends plot displaying the temperature variations gathered from
temperature sensors
 Export trend data for statistical analysis to:
– An XLS file
– A CSV file (according to the EMC requirement)
 Schedule production of a report using macros and reactions
 Send a report to someone using email, to a printer as a .pdf, or to a folder as a
You can also export and import Report Definitions and logos.
Pre-configured Report Definitions and associated logo files are available at:
You can also create and configure reports for operating procedures. These reports
are used during Assisted Treatment to enter information about how the alarm or
event is being handled.

You cannot use trend plots and trend tables in reports for operating procedures,
because these elements do not display any data when the report is executed from
Assisted Treatment.

7.1 Reports Workspace

This section gives an overview of the Reports workspace.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
7 Reports Workspace

Reports Workspace

Item Name Description

1 System Browser Displays all saved Report Definitions under the main
Reports folder.
2 Reports Toolbar Contains icons for performing various actions in Reports.
3 Reports Ribbon Contains several tabs and group boxes to help you create
a Report Definition. The tabs available on the ribbon are:
Home, Filter, Layout, Data, and Settings.
NOTE: The Reports ribbon is only visible when you create
a new Report Definition or select an existing one.
4 Report Definition Displays the following:
Edit Mode: Workspace where you configure a Report
Run Mode: Workspace where you view an executed
5 Report Management Displays a report snapshot and documents for the
Section executed reports.
6 Extended Operation Displays the properties of the selected Report Definition.
Tab The Execute button allows you to run a Report Definition.
NOTE: You must configure a Report Output Definition for
the selected Report Definition.
7 Related Items Tab Displays the following:
New Report: Opens a new Report Definition for
Related Report: Displays the name(s) of the report(s)
related to the selected System Browser object.
Show-in-Related Items Report : Displays the name of the
report (s) having the Show In Related Items check box

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Reports Workflow

7.2 Reports Workflow

This section describes working with reports in the Primary and Secondary panes,
and the Contextual pane.

For Reports, you can perform the same tasks in Operating as well as Engineering

Primary and Secondary Panes

In the Primary and Secondary pane, you can view and work with all types of
reports and perform tasks that include:
 Create and configure a Report Definition by:
– Adding various report elements
– Configuring filters
– Applying formatting
 Locate and modify a Report Definition (1)
 Run a selected Report Definition (2) or (5)
 View report execution status, document creation status, and so on during
report execution (4), (8)
 Display generated report in Run Mode (3), (7)
 View a report as a PDF or XLS
 Export/Import a Report Definition
 Route a report to:
– Folders as files (PDF/XLS)
– Email recipients as a file attachment (PDF/XLS)
– Local printers (PDF only)
If the Primary pane is unlocked (pushpin horizontal), then in the Secondary pane,
you can work with three additional report types:
 New Report: When clicked, this link/icon opens a new Report Definition for
 Related Report: When clicked, this link/icon opens the report related to the
selected System Browser object. (6)
 Show in Related Items Report: When clicked, this link/icon opens a report
having the Show in Related Items check box selected. (6)

Contextual Pane – Extended Operation Tab

You can also run a selected report by clicking the Execute command button
in the Extended Operation tab of the Contextual pane. (5)

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
7 Creating, Configuring, and Saving a Report Definition

Reports Workflow

7.3 Creating, Configuring, and Saving a Report


1. In System Browser, select Application View

2. In the navigation tree, select Applications > Reports.
 Reports displays in the Primary pane.
3. In the Reports toolbar, click New .
4. From the context menu that displays, click New Report .
 A new Report Definition opens in Edit mode.
NOTE: If a default Report Definition template is available, then clicking New
Report creates a new Report Definition based on the default template.

5. Configure the Report Definition by:

– Adding various report elements such as tables, plots, texts, keywords,
logos, and form controls.
– Applying filters: Name, Condition, Time, Row, and Graphics.
– Formatting the report elements and setting the page layout.
6. (Optional) Using the Report Output Dialog box, create a Report Output
Definition for routing report outputs to:
– A folder as a file
– E-mail as a file attachment
– A printer as a PDF file
7. In the Reports toolbar, click Save .
 The Save Object As dialog box displays.
8. In the view structure that displays, select the destination folder under the main
Reports folder.
9. Enter the Name and Description for the Report Definition.
10. Click OK to confirm (or Cancel to abort).

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Generating a Report from a Report Definition

 If confirmed, the Report Definition is saved.

7.4 Generating a Report from a Report Definition

You can generate a report from a configured Report Definition either manually or
You can generate a report manually to display in the Reports workspace according
to your login language (Run) or according to the selected language (Run As).
Additionally, you can also generate a report manually by selecting a System
Browser object, and clicking the link/icon in the Related Items tab for a Report
Definition associated to that object.
To generate a report automatically, the Report Definition must have an associated
Report Output Definition that specifies the report file format and output destination,
such as a printer. You can generate a report automatically by using macros and
reactions, or by clicking the Execute button.
You can optionally view and save manually or automatically generated reports as
PDF and/or XLS files.
NOTE: If you generate any of the History reports such as Activity Log, Event Log,
or Event Details Log and the system is over loaded, the data is logged in the
History database with some delay. This leads to a delay in displaying data in such

7.4.1 Generating a Report Manually using Run or Run as

 At least one Report Definition is available under System Browser > Reports.
1. In System Browser, select Application View.
2. Expand the Reports node.
3. Locate and select the Report Definition you want to execute.
 The Report Definition displays in Edit mode.
4. In the Reports toolbar, click one of the following:

– Run to run the Report Definition according to your login language.

– Run as to run the Report Definition according to the selected

language. Localized data is retrieved and loaded in the cells of a table/plot
in the report.
 The report execution status displays in the Report Management section below
the report definition. On successful report execution, the generated report
displays in Run mode.

NOTE: Clicking Report Management on the toolbar shows or hides the Report
Management section.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
7 Viewing a Report as a PDF or XLS

7.4.2 Generating a Report Manually from Related Items Tab

1. Select an object from the System Browser tree. For example, Field Networks.
This object is set as the name filter for the report definition you want to execute.
2. In the Related Items tab, select an icon/link for the Report Definition. For
example, Object Status. You must import the report that you want to execute.
NOTE: Do not select an icon/link for New Report as this opens a new Report
 The selected report displays in the Secondary pane in Run mode (if the
Primary pane is unlocked – pushpin horizontal). The selected System Browser
object is set as the Name filter for the table(s) and plot(s) present in the report.
The report execution status displays in the Report Management section. On
successful report execution, the generated report displays information related
to the selected object.

7.4.3 Generating a Report Automatically

 At least one Report Definition for which a Report Output Definition is configured
and available under System Browser > Reports.
1. In System Browser, select Application View.
2. Expand the Reports node.
3. Select the Report Definition you want to execute.
 The Report Definition displays in Edit mode.
4. Do one of the following:
– From the Contextual pane, click the Extended Operation tab, and then click
– Create a macro for a report definition and Execute.
 The report executes in the background when triggered (you have no visual
indication that the report is being generated), and on successful execution, the
report is routed to the destination configured in the Report Output Definition
such as email, printer, or folder.
NOTE: If you have not configured the destination in the Report Output
Definition, the report is routed to the path specified in the location supervised
folder in System Browser - Management View under Management System >
Servers > Main Server > Report Manager > Report Default Folder.

7.5 Viewing a Report as a PDF or XLS

After executing a Report Definition manually or automatically, you can view and
save the report as a PDF or Excel (XLSX) document.
This way you can share the PDF/Excel document with someone, or perform some
calculations on the Excel document by applying Excel formulas.
You can either view the PDF, Excel/CSV documents and consecutive split
documents (if any) in the Report Management section under the Report snapshot
when you generate the report manually or you can locate them in the folder
configured in the Report Output Definition dialog box when you generate the report

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Viewing a Report as a PDF or XLS

You can view and save the report output in a PDF document. A PDF document
contains all the report elements of the Report Definition with output data and
sorting applied. It also displays the special formatting applied to Report Definition
elements (such as tables, plots, keywords, and so on). The PDF document can
have a maximum of 500 pages, if the number of pages exceeds 500 the document
splits into two.

View as PDF

To view a PDF document, you must have a PDF Reader installed on your
computer (which is installed with the system).
Reports do not support TrueType collections for PDF generation.
To generate a PDF document for Asian languages, you must select TrueType
fonts which support Asian characters in the Report Definition, for example, Arial
Unicode MS.
You can print the PDF file by clicking Print on the Reports toolbar. This button
is available when you click Create and view PDF on the generated report.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
7 Viewing a Report as a PDF or XLS

Excel (XLSX)
You can view and save the report output as an Excel (XLSX) document. An Excel
document contains all of the reporting elements of the Report Definition with output
data and user defined configuration (if applied). Form Controls (if present) in the
report definition are not present in the Excel document. Any special formatting
applied to the Report Definition elements are not retained in the Excel document.
If you have multiple tables or plots in a report definition, then the generated Excel
document displays the details of each table or plot in a separate worksheet. Each
worksheet also displays information on other reporting elements such as keywords
and logos (if present) in the report definition. Each column in the worksheet has a
combo box that corresponds to a table column that enables you to perform analysis
on the table data. In case of an Event Details table the generated Excel document
does not have any combo boxes as the data displays parent and child records.
However, if you remove the child columns from the Select Columns dialog box, run
the report, and then generate the Excel document, only the parent records display
and the columns display a combo box that enables you to perform data analysis.

In order to perform analysis on a specific set of columns in a table, you can add a
PivotTable or chart to the generated Excel document and set this document as a
template to the report definition having this table. When you run the report and
generate the Excel document, information related to the columns you added to the
PivotTable or chart displays in a separate worksheet.
The PivotTable or chart in the template must have columns of only those tables
that are present in the report definition. For example, if you have a report definition
with an All Logs table, the PivotTable or chart in the Excel document that is set as
a template to this definition must have columns specific to the All Logs table only.
In case of an Event Details table, you must remove all the child columns for the
PivotTable to be displayed.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Viewing a Report as a PDF or XLS

View as XLSX_PivotTable

An Excel document can have a maximum of 1000 worksheets (0 through 999).

Each sheet can have a maximum number of 10,48,575 rows. If all the 1000
worksheets are filled with data, then a new Excel file is created for the next set of

To view and save an Excel document, you must have Microsoft Office Excel 2007
or later installed. Microsoft Excel is not installed with the management system.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Log Viewer
8 Overview of Log Viewer

8 Log Viewer

8.1 Overview of Log Viewer

The Log Viewer application lets you directly view the historical data of all
management system activities and events without having to create and configure a
report from the Reports application.
Log Viewer displays this historical data as a multi-column table that contains two
types of records:
 Activity records concern actions done by users or by the system itself.
 Event records concern the alarms and events that appear in Event List.
Each record occupies a separate row in the table. You can extract a subset of this
information by applying filters, selecting what columns to display, specifying the
number of records to display, and so on. You can also apply other settings such as
resizing the column widths, re-ordering the columns, and so on.
Once you configure all these preferences, you can save them as a log view
definition for later use. When you access the log view definition the next time, you
will see the latest data, presented and filtered according to all the settings you
specified in the definition.

Log Viewer is covered by a license. To be able to access the Log Viewer

application, you must have a valid Log Viewer license available in the
management system.

8.2 Log Viewer Workspace

This section gives an overview of the Log Viewer workspace

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Log Viewer
Log Viewer Workspace

Item Name Description

1 System Browser Displays all the saved Log View Definitions in Application
View, under the folder Applications > Log Viewer.
2 Log Viewer Toolbar Contains buttons for performing various actions in Log
3 Log View Displays the combined data from the activity log and
event log.
4. Dropdown Arrow When clicked, displays a menu with options to select
columns, hide columns, apply filters, and remove filters.
5 Detailed Log Tab Displays information related to system activities and

8.2.1 Contextual Pane - Detailed Log Tab

You can view information related to system activities and events through the
Detailed Log tab in the Contextual pane.
NOTE: The Detailed Log tab in the Contextual pane is covered by a license. In
order to view the information in the Detailed Log tab, you must ensure that the Log
Viewer license is available in your system.
The information displayed in the Detailed Log tab is related to the following:
 An object selected from the System Browser - When you select an object from
the System Browser, the Detailed Log tab displays the latest 100 activities for
that object. For example, if you select an Analog Input object in the System
Browser, the Detailed Log tab displays the latest 100 activities for the Analog
Input object.
 An object is selected in the Primary pane from any application such as
Graphics, Trends, Textual Viewer, or Reports - If you select an object in the

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Log Viewer
8 Log Viewer Workflow

Primary pane from any application, the Detailed Log tab displays the latest 100
activities and event log records for the object.
 An activity or event type record is selected from the log view - When you select
an activity type record from a log view, the latest 100 activities and event logs
for the selected object display in the Detailed Log tab. However, if a record of
type event is selected, the details of the selected event including the different
state changes of the event and the user activities performed in context of the
event are displayed in the Detailed Log tab of Event List, Investigative
Treatment, and Assisted Treatment windows.
 Event handling - When you select an event from the Event List, the details of
the selected event including the different state changes of the event and the
user activities performed in context of the event are available in the Detailed
Log tab of Event List, Investigative Treatment, and Assisted Treatment

Detailed Log Tab

8.3 Log Viewer Workflow

This section describes the procedures for performing the following activities:
 Accessing Log Viewer
 Viewing Log Data

8.3.1 Accessing Log Viewer from System Browser

1. In System Browser, select Application View.
2. Select Applications > Log Viewer.
 Log Viewer displays in the Primary pane with the combined data from the
activity log and event log.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Log Viewer
Creating, Configuring, and Saving a Log View Definition

8.3.2 Viewing Log Data

You can view log data using any of the following procedures:
 Selecting the Log Viewer root node or a folder below it from System Browser -
This displays the combined data from the activity and event logs.
 Selecting a saved log view definition from System Browser - This displays the
data, applying all the configurations you set up in the selected log view
 Selecting an object from System Browser - This displays the activity and event
log records pertaining to the selected object in the Detailed Log tab in the
Contextual pane.
 Selecting an object in the Primary pane from any application such as Graphics,
Trends, Textual Viewer, or Reports - This displays the latest 100 activity and
event log records pertaining to that object in the Detailed Log tab.
 Selecting an activity type or event type record in the log view - When you select
an activity type record from a log view, the latest 100 activities and event logs
for the selected object display in the Detailed Log tab. However, if a record of
type event is selected, the details of the selected event including the different
state changes of the event and the user activities performed in context of the
event are displayed in the Detailed Log tab.
 Selecting an event from Event List - Displays information about the object
involved in the event in the Detailed Log tab.

When you select the Log Viewer root node, a log view folder, or a saved log view
definition from System Browser, you may see the following message above the log
view table "Configured View Size reached! Refine search via
Search Filter". This means that there are more records in the database than
can be displayed in the defined view size. In order to view such records you must
either specify filters or modify existing filters (if present).

8.4 Creating, Configuring, and Saving a Log View

1. In System Browser, select Application View.
2. Select Applications > Log Viewer.
 Log Viewer displays in the Primary pane with the combined data from the
activity log and event log.
3. Perform the required configuration by:
- Defining the log view size, selecting the columns to be displayed, reordering,
resizing columns, and sorting log entries.
- Applying condition and time filters.
4. Save the log view definition.
 The log view definition is saved and displays in the System Browser tree.
NOTE: If you try to exit the configuration without saving the changes, the
unsaved data message box displays.

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Help System

9 Help System
The following help features are available to you at any time during your work

Type Provides... Available using....

Help Online help. The functionalities similar to Help item in the Menu on the
the standard HTML Help Viewer Summary Bar
including: or
 Search by category From the Windows Start
 Search by subject Start > All programs >
 Search by keyword [Company] > Desigo CC >
User Documentation >
[language specific] (such as,
Contextual help A way to view the Help contents relating F1
to any system application component
contained in a window or pane on focus.
User A list of the product documents available User documentation item in
documentation that describe how to perform system the Menu on the Summary
tasks. They are available if you prefer to Bar
work with a hard copy.

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
References to Product Documentation Set

See the following for system-related resources.

References to Product Documentation Set

The following is a list of the basic Desigo CC documentation set:

Name Document Number

Getting Started A6V10415475
User Guide A6V10415471
Installing the Web Client Application Certificate A6V10415479
Engineering Manual A6V10415473
Graphics Editor Manual A6V10415487
SNMP Application Guide A6V10455382
OPC Integration Guide A6V10415483
OPC Server Manual A6V10415485

After successfully installing and launching the product, you can download the basic
documentation set using the Menu in the Summary Bar. Installation of extension
module documentation will depend on customer sites, and could add further
manuals to the list of basic documentation (visible in the Menu – customized and
tailored user documentation).

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Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Support Addresses/Feedback/Links

Support Addresses/Feedback/Links
The following contains important contact information for Desigo CC systems, as
well as other useful links.

Customer Support
Support mailbox: fieldsupport-zug.ch.sbt@siemens.com.

General support about Microsoft Windows can be found at:

Adobe Acrobat
To view PDF documents you need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can find
the latest free version at:

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Support Addresses/Feedback/Links

Siemens Desigo™ CC Getting Started A6V10415475_en_a_21
Building Technologies 2015-06-30
Issued by © Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2015
Siemens Switzerland Ltd Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.
Building Technologies Division
International Headquarters
Gubelstrasse 22
CH-6301 Zug
Tel. +41 41-724 24 24

Document ID A6V10415475_en_a_21
Edition 2015-06-30

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