Geography Class:
Video Reflection:
Sec 3 Express
Core Assignment: Alternative Assessment /15 /15
Term 1 Common Test 1 grade will be based on this Alternative Assessment.
You will be assessed based on the following criteria:
1. Video [15m]
2. Reflection [15m]
• In your Pairs, you have a submission of one video and one reflection.
• Upload the video and reflection to the Google Classroom and in the state all your
members’ Name, Register and Class.
• One submission will be sufficient.
• Submission is Friday, 16/2/2024. By 5pm.
Scenario: Imagine you are tasked with the making of a promotional video of our school to help
in the recruitment of the primary school students to understand our school better.
Using your mobile phone or any other device, make a video to show case the following
Geographical Concept:
1. Sense of place
2. The local community
3. Other Sec 3 Geographical Concepts that you have learnt. Eg. Environmental protection
1. Apply the geographical concepts that they have learnt into the two assignments.
2. Develop their ICT and collaborative skills.
3. Reflect on what they have learnt as part of this investigation.
The Video:
• At the start of the video, include an introduction that shows your name, class and
register number.
• If the video is too big, put it in your sharing drive but do need make sure it is accessible
to your subject teacher.
• Your target audience are primary school children, so make sure you can explain the
geographical concept as simple as possible.
• One of the Green Trail’s plot must be used for the video.
• The video duration should be between 2 minutes to 4 minutes.
• Plagiarism will not be allowed.
• Use appropriate and good language.
• A transcript must be provided as part of your video submission.
The Reflection:
1. You are to compare at least 2 sites shown in your video and suggest how they are
different or similar. Use geographical concepts to make your comparison.
2. You are to recommend how these sites can be improved upon to attract more students.
Be mindful that these recommendations must be practical and can be implemented.
3. Suggest some issues or problems about the recommendations that can occur in the
Grading Rubrics Video [15 marks]
Knowledge and
Application of the Clear and Adequate Some description Unclear and
Geographical detailed description and and explanation of inadequate
Concepts [5m] description and explanation of how the description and
explanation of how the Geographical explanation,
how the Geographical Concepts work. limited pictures &
Geographical Concepts work. Examples are graphs and
Concepts work. Examples are rarely provided. examples.
Clear examples sometimes given. Unorganised.
are given.
Organisation of Video effectively Video generally Video may have Video lacks clear
Ideas organises ideas organises ideas gaps in organisation and
[5m] and presents and presents organisation or presents
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below
Expectation Expectation Expectation Expectation
Students should
be able to: [5 marks] [3-4 marks] [2 marks] [1 marks]
visual elements,
narrative flow, key
concepts and
organization of
ideas work
together to create
a cohesive and
Critical self- Demonstrates deep Shows a good level Provides a basic Minimal or no self-
reflection [5m] insight, critical of reflection and level of reflection reflection evident.
thinking, and critical thinking. and analysis.
thoughtful analysis.
Able to draw The reflection goes The reflection clearly The reflection The reflection lacks
insights from beyond simply and effectively provides some clear comparisons
the different comparing the compares the basic comparisons between the sites,
sites [5m] sites, offering sites, using vivid between the the basis of
nuanced and original details and well- locations, including comparison is not
observations that chosen examples to specific details and valid. Information is
reveal a deep support the examples. presented in a basic
understanding of comparisons. Some attempt is and factual manner
both places. The reflection made to analyze the without much
The reflection provides insightful reasons behind the analysis or
provides complex explanations for the similarities or reflection.
and insightful similarities or differences, but Observations are
explanations for the differences between explanations may generalized and lack
similarities or the be simplistic or specific details or
differences. locations, considerin incomplete. examples.
The reflection g various factors The reflection may There is little to no
demonstrates a and perspectives. offer some personal attempt to explain
profound personal insights or the reasons behind
connection to the The reflection connections related the similarities or
comparison, offering demonstrates a to the differences between
insightful reflections thoughtful and comparison, but the locations. No
on one's own personal connection these may be personal insights or
perspectives. to the underdeveloped or connections are
comparison, drawing lack depth. made.
conclusions and
making connections
to one's own
experiences or
Well considered The suggestions Shows appropriate Need work on Have trouble
suggestion to shows careful suggestions to the developing and presenting
improvement consideration of all issue. Explanation refining some of the suggestions that are
[5m] aspects of the issue contained adequate suggestions. reasonable and
and offered details. Explanations are varied. Attempted an
compelling somewhat clear. explanation, but
suggestions. Lacks details. incorrect or unclear
Detailed and clear
examples have been