Research Questionnaire
Research Questionnaire
Research Questionnaire
This study aims to examine the congruence between the Accounting, Business,
and Management (ABM) strand in high school and the college courses pursued by
ABM graduates from the batches of 2018 to 2020 It seeks to determine if there is
alignment between the knowledge and skills acquired during their ABM education
and the fields of study they have.
Specific Problem:
a.) Age;
b.) Sex;
2. How congruent were taken courses of the abm graduates on their SHS strand?
3. What are the recommendations of the ABM graduates to improve the SHS
I.1 Age:
I.2 Sex:
o Male
o Female
o Prefer not to say
o Accounting (BSA)
o Banking and Finance (BSBF)
o Business Administration (BSBA)
o Business Analytics (BSBA)
o Economics (BSE)
o Entrepreneurship (BSE)
o Financial Management (BSFM)
o Human Resource Management (BSHRM)
o Management (BSM)
o Marketing (BSMM)
o -Bs in Entrepreneurship
o -Bs Nursing
o - Bs Business management
o -Bs in criminology
o -Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE)
o -BS in Accountancy
o BS in Hospitality Management
o - BS Community Development
o - Banking in finance
o - Psychology
o - Biology
o - Chemical Engineering
o - Architecture
o - BS Legal Management
o - BS Community Development
II.1What particular ABM course do you believe aligns most closely with your SHS strand?
o Principles of Marketing
o Business administration
o Business Ethics and Social
o Financial Management -Business Communication
o Accountancy
II.2 Which subject in SHS aligned the most and was most helpful in your chosen courses?
o Applied Economics
o Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
o Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management 1
o Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management 2
o Business Math
o Business Finance
o Organization and Management
o Principles of Marketing
III.1 What changes can you propose to enhance the compatibility of the ABM strand
with college courses?
Please specify:_____________________________________
III.2 What recommendations do you think would help improve the SHS curriculum?
Please specify:_____________________________________