Annexure-I: Ord. Bos - Ces: 21-9-2020
Annexure-I: Ord. Bos - Ces: 21-9-2020
Annexure-I: Ord. Bos - Ces: 21-9-2020
BOS_CES: 21-9-2020
2. COMPASS SURVEY: Measurements of Bearing, Measurements of included angles from bearings, Traversing with
Compass, Graphical Adjustments.
3. PLAIN TABLE SURVEY: Radiation Method, Intersection Method, Traversing, Two - Point problems, Three –
Point problem.
4. LEVELING: Rise & Fall method, Height of Instrument method, Profile Leveling, Cross Sectioning.
Section Course Year/semester Course Course title Course Total Credits Contact
Designation No Type Marks Pds/Week
Civil Diploma in Second year PCE404C Survey Lab- Practical 100 1.5 0 0 3
Engineering Civil (IV Semester) III
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60 Marks)
2. End-Semester Examination (40 Marks) – 2 Hours
Course Objectives
1. To be able to use Transit theodolite, Digital Theodolite, Prismatic compass
2. To be able to observe the length and bearing of one side of the closed traverse
3. To be able to observe the length and bearing of two consecutive side of the closed traverse
4. To be able to observe the length and bearing of two non-adjacent sides of the closed traverse
5. To be able to set out a simple circular curve by methods of ordinates from long chord, radial offset from the
tangent & perpendicular offset from the tangent.
6. To be able to set out a simple circular curve by the Rankine’s method of tangential angles & the Rankine’s two
theodolite method.
7. To be able to set out a compound curve by the method of Rankines’s deflection angles.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that the students will be able to:
1. Use of Transit theodolite, Digital Theodolite, Prismatic compass for survey work.
2. Observe the length & bearing of two consecutive sides.
3. Observe the length & bearing of two non-adjacent sides.
4. Set out a simple circular curve by ordinates from the long chord, radial offset from the tangent & perpendicular offset
from the tangent.
5. Set out a simple circular curve by Rankine’s one theodolite and two theodolite method.
6. Set out a compound curve by Rankine’s deflection angles.
Topics Covered/ List of Experiments
Expt. No.1 To determine the length and bearing of one side of a closed traverse.
Expt. No.2 To determine the length of one side and bearing of another side of a closed traverse.
Expt. No.3 To determine the lengths of two consecutive sides of a closed traverse.
Expt. No.4 To determine the bearings of two consecutive sides of a closed traverse.
Expt. No.5 To determine the lengths of two non-adjacent sides of a closed traverse.
Expt. No.6 To determine the bearings of two non-adjacent sides of a closed traverse.
Expt. No.7 To set out a simple circular curve by the method of ordinates from the long chord.
Expt. No.8 To set out a simple circular curve by the method of radial offset from the tangent.
Expt. No.9 To set out a simple circular curve by the method of perpendicular offset from the tangent.
Expt. No.10 To set out a simple circular curve by the Rankine’s method of tangential angles.
Expt. No.11 To set out a simple circular curve by the Rankine’s two theodolite method.
Expt. No.12 To set out a compound curve by the method of Rankine’s deflection angles.
Text Books and/or Reference Books
1. Plane Surveying by A. M. Chandra, New Age International Publishers.
2. Surveying -Vol. I & II by B. C. Punmia, Laxmi Publications.
3. Surveying –Vol. I by S. K. Duggal, Tata McGraw Hill.
Section Course Year Course Course Title Course Total Credits Contact
Designation (Semester) No. Type Marks Pds/Week
Civil Diploma in II-Year PCE490C Environmental Practical 100 2 0 0 4
Engineering Civil (IV- Engineering
Engineering Semester) Lab
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60 Marks)
2. End-Semester Examination (40Marks) – 2 Hours
Course Objectives
1. To develop an appreciation for the importance of Environmental Engineering as a major factor in preserving and
protecting human health and the environment.
2. To organize their learning about environmental engineering along lines of chemical, physical and biological
3. To describe principal chemicals of concern, the units of measurement, and possible reactions and transformations.
These concepts are applied to descriptions of water and wastewater treatment systems.
4. To understand and use the water and wastewater sampling procedures and sample preservations.
5. To carry out experiments and verify theories relating to water and wastewater quality analysis and treatment.
6. To perform common environmental experiments relating to water and wastewater quality, and know which tests are
appropriate for given environmental problems
7. To apply the laboratorial results to problem identification, quantification, and basic environmental and technical
8. To understand the impact of water and wastewater treatment on people and the environment.
To demonstrate the ability to write clear technical laboratorial reports.
9. To understand and apply ethical issues associated with decision making and professional conduct in the laboratorial
and field environment.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that the students will be able to:
1. Students will develop an appreciation for the importance of Environmental Engineering as a major factor in
preserving and protecting human health and the environment.
2. Students will organize their learning about environmental engineering along lines of chemical, physical and
biological processes.
3. The principal chemicals of concern, the units of measurement, and possible reactions and transformations would be
achieved and the concepts would be applied to descriptions of water and wastewater treatment systems.
4. Water and wastewater sampling procedures and sample preservations would be understood.
5. The experiments and verifying theories relating to water and wastewater quality analysis and treatment would be
carried out.
6. Common environmental experiments relating to water and wastewater quality, and know which tests are appropriate
for given environmental problems would be performed.
7. The laboratorial results to problem identification, quantification, and basic environmental and technical solutions
would be applied.
8. The impact of water and wastewater treatment on people and the environment would be understood.
The ability to write clear technical laboratorial reports would be demonstrated.
9. To understand and apply ethical issues associated with decision making and professional conduct in the laboratorial
and field environment.
Topics Covered
Expt. No.1 To study various Sampling techniques used in Environmental Engineering.
Expt. No.2 To study the concept and preparation of Standard solutions and requisite dilutions.
Expt. No.3 To determine the pH and alkalinity of the given water or wastewater samples.
Expt. No.4 To determine total and Calcium hardness in the given water samples.
Expt. No.5 To determine chloride content in water and waste water samples.
Expt. No.6 To evaluate percentage available chlorine in bleaching powder.
Expt. No.7 To determine dissolved oxygen in water and wastewater samples.
Expt. No.8 To determine Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of wastewater samples.
Expt. No.9 To determine Chemical oxygen demand (COD) of wastewater samples.
Expt. No.10 To determine Optimum coagulant dose by the Jar test apparatus.
Expt. No.11 To determine Sulphates in the given water samples.
Expt. No.12 To determine total solids, total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS) and total volatile
solids in water and wastewater samples.
Text Books and/or Reference Books
1. Sawyer, C.N. and P.L. McCarty, 1978, Chemistry for Environmental Engineering, III Edition, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York.
Section Course Year Course Course Title Course Total Credits Contact
Designation (Semester) No Type Marks Pds/Week
Civil Diploma in Second Year PCE491C Transportation Practical 100 1.5 0 0 3
Engineering Civil (IV Engineering
Engineering Semester) Lab
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60 Marks)
2. End-Semester Examination (40 Marks) – 2 Hours
Course Objectives
1. To be able to use impact and compressive testing machines.
2. To be able to observe the Toughness & compressive strength of aggregate.
3. To be able to observe the specific gravity, water observation & resistance value of aggregate.
4. To be able to observe shape and angularity of the aggregate.
5. To be able to observe the consistency of bitumen.
6. To be able to observe the safe temperature value & softening point of bitumen sample.
7. To be able to observe the deformation, elongation and resistance to flow of bitumen sample.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that the students will be able to:
1. Use of different types of testing machines for road works.
2. Determine the Impact & crushing value of aggregates.
3. Determine the water content, specific gravity, abrasion value flakiness index & elongation of aggregates.
4. Determine the penetration value, Flash & Fire point of bitumen.
5. Determine the softening point &ductility of the bitumen sample.
Topics Covered/ List of Experiments
Part A – Test on Aggregates
1 To determine the Impact value of stone aggregate by impact testing machine I.S:2386 Part –IV
2 To determine the aggregate crushing value by compressive testing machine I.S:2386 Part –IV
3 To determine the specific Gravity and water absorption test on aggregates I.S:2386 Part –III
4 To determine the abrasion value of a given aggregate sample by Los Angeles abrasion I.S:2386 Part –IV
5 To determine of abrasion value of a given aggregate sample by conducting Deval I.S:2386 Part –IV
abrasion Test
6 To determine the Flakiness Index of a given aggregate sample I.S:2386 Part -I
7 To determine the Elongation Index of the given aggregate sample I.S:2386 Part -I
Part B – Test on Bitumen
8 To determine the hardness or softness of a give binder (Penetration Test) I.S:1203-1978
9 To determine the Flash and Fire point of a given bituminous material I.S:1209-1978
10 To determine the softening point of a given bitumen sample I.S:1205-1978
11 To determine the ductility value of a given sample of bitumen I.S:1202-1978
12 To determine the viscosity of a given bituminous binder I.S:1208-1978
Text Books and/or Reference Books
1. A. Text book of transportation Engineering by S. P. Chandra S. Chand.
2. Highway Engineering by Paul H. Wright & Karen K. Dixon.
3. Highway Engineering by S. K. Khanna & C.E.G. Justo.
4. Principles practice & Design of highway Engineering by Dr. S.K. Sharma.
5. Text book of highway Engineering by R. Srinivasa Kumar.
Section Course Year Course Course title Course Total Credits Contact
Designation (Semester) No type Marks Pds/Week
Civil Diploma in Second Year PCE492C Construction Practical 100 2 0 0 4
Engineering Civil (IV- Semester) Technology
Engineering Lab
Course Assessment Method
1. Class Work (60 Marks)
2. End-Semester Examination (40 Marks) – 2 Hours
Course Objectives
1. To identify different types of building materials used in civil construction works.
2. To recognise the different types of tools used in masonry work/building construction works.
3. To recognise different types of bonds used in brick masonry works.
4. To recognise different types of water supply fixtures, plumbing tools and sanitary fittings used in buildings.
5. To know the removal periods of form work and shuttering used for different structural members in a building
construction work.
6. To recognise the various types of equipments used in the civil construction works e.g. concrete mixer, internal,
external and form vibrators and transporter cum mixer machines.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that the students will be able to:
1. Identify the different types of building materials used in civil construction works.
2. Recognise the different types of tools used in masonry work and civil construction works.
3. Recognise different types of bonds used in brick masonry works.
4. Recognise different types of water supply fixtures, plumbing tools and sanitary fittings used in buildings.
5. Know the removal periods of form work and shuttering used for different structural members in a building
construction work.
6. Recognise the various types of equipments used in the civil construction works e.g. concrete mixer, internal, external
and form vibrators and transporter cum mixer machines.
Topics Covered/ List of Experiments
1. Identification & demonstration of building materials and tools used in the construction work.
2. Construction of L-Junction with stretcher and header bonds.
3. Construction of L-Junction with one brick thick wall in English and Flemish bonds.
4. Construction of L-Junction with 1½ brick thick wall in English and Flemish bonds.
5. Construction of L-Junction with 2 bricks thick wall in English and Flemish bonds.
6. Idea of earth quake resistant load bearing bricks masonry construction and R.C.C structures.
7. Demonstration of various mortars and cement concrete mixes, mixing, transportation, placement, compaction and
curing and their methods.
8. Form work, centering & shuttering and their removal.
9. Demonstration of water supply fixtures and sanitary fittings.
10. Site Visits.
Text Books and/or Reference Books
Unit- Using Limit State Method analyse and design the T-beams in flexure 15
II Shear: Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete beam under Shear. Critical sections for shear design. Marks
Types of shear reinforcement. Design of shear reinforcement with vertical stirrups and bent-up
bars with vertical stirrups.
Bond and Development length: Introduction to Bond stress, flexural bond, anchorage (or
development) bond, development length in compression and tension, bends and hooks, splicing
reinforcement. Design examples.
Unit- SLABS: One-way and two way slab. Design of rectangular, square and circular slabs with corners 15
III free and held down. Provision of reinforcement in slabs. Marks
STAIRCASE: Types of staircase. Design of stairs spanning horizontally and doglegged stairs.
Reinforcement sketches.
Unit- COLUMNS: Column and its types. Design of axially loaded column with lateral ties and helical 15
IV reinforcements. Marks
FOOTINGS: Footing and its types. Footings used for residential buildings. Design of isolated
column footings for square, rectangular and circular column footings
Introduction to Pre stressing
Text Books and/or Reference Books
1. Reinforced Concrete - Limit State Design by A. K. Jain
2. Reinforced Concrete Design by S. U. Pillai and D. Menon
3. IS: 456-2000, Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice
Additional Learning Source
Unit- Composition of atmosphere, Hydrological cycle, Green House Effect, Global Warming, Acid Rain, 15
II Ozone depletion, deforestation and desertification. Marks
Concept of waste reduction, recycling and reuse.
Unit- Role of Non- Conventional sources of energy for environmental pollution control. 15
IV Environmental Control in Thermal power plants. Marks
Environmental Control in Nuclear power plants.
Text Books and/or Reference Books
1. Benny Joseph, 2009, Environmental Studies, Tata McGraw Hill Companies, New Delhi.
2. Suresh K. Dhameja, 2012, Environmental Studies, Katson books, New Delhi.
3. Masters, G.M., 1991, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, Prentice-Hall International, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
4. Peavy, Rowe & Techobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Co.
5. K. Sasikumar Snoop Goopi Krishna, 2012, Solid Waste Management, PHI Learning Private limited, New Delhi.
6. T. V. Ramachandra, 2009, Management of Municipal Solid Waste, TERI Press, New Delhi.
7. S. S. Deswal, S. Deswal, Environmental Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Co. Delhi
Additional Learning Source
Section Course Year Course Course Title Course Total Credits Contact
Designation (Semester) No. Type Marks Pds/Weak
Civil Diploma in Final Year PCE601A Environmental Theory 100 4 3 1 0
Engineering Leather (VI- Studies and
Goods & Semester) Pollution Control
Footwear in Tanning
Technology Industry
Course Assessment Method
1. Assignments, Quizzes and Class Work (15 Marks)
2. Mid Semester Examination (25 Marks) -1 Hour
3. End Semester Examination (60 Marks)-2 Hours
Course Objectives
1. To have the awareness, knowledge and appreciation of the intrinsic values of ecological processes & communities.
2. To identify the various sources, adverse effects and remedial measures adopted for pollution.
3. To have an approach and awareness to environmental issues, including global warming acid rain, ozone layer
depletion, and sustainable development.
4. To plan strategies before the implementation of a project, without disturbing the environment, through
Environmental impact assessment (EIA).
5. To be conversant with the role of non-conventional sources of energy for the control of pollution.
6. To analyse the industrial activity of tannery, through its characterization, material balance & segregation, and
reclamation/ reuse of processing waste.
7. To study the different principles for the treatment of the wastewater generated for tannery.
8. To plan strategies of implant management, for the reduction of pollution including housekeeping segregation of
waste streams and solid waste treatment is tannery industry.
9. To identify the importance of water and plan strategies to monitor, control & reduce, through its conservation &
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that the students will be able to:
1. Understand the awareness, knowledge and appreciation of the intrinsic values of ecological processes &
2. Identify the various sources, adverse effects and remedial measures adopted for pollution.
3. Conversant with an approach and awareness to environmental issues, including global warming acid rain, ozone
layer depletion, and sustainable development.
4. Develop strategies before the implementation of a project, without disturbing the environment, through
Environmental impact assessment (EIA).
5. Conversant with the role of non-conventional sources of energy for the control of pollution.
6. Analysis of industrial activity of tannery, through its characterization, material balance & segregation, and
reclamation/ reuse of processing waste.
7. Identify the different principles for the treatment of the wastewater generated from tannery.
8. Develop strategies of implant management, for the reduction of pollution including housekeeping segregation of
waste streams and solid waste treatment is tannery industry.
9. Identify the importance of water and plan strategies to monitor, control & reduce, through its conservation & reuse.
Topics Covered
Unit: Definition of Environmental Science, Environmental engineering and Environmental Management, 15
I Concept of Ecology, Food Chain, Food Web, Types of Pollutants; Classification, Sources, Effects Marks
and Control Measures, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Land Pollution, Noise Pollution, Odor
pollution, Thermal Pollution
Unit: Global Warming, Acid Rain, Ozone Depletion, Deforestation and Desertification, Role of Non- 15
II Conventional Sources of Energy for Environmental Pollution Control, Environmental Impact Marks
Assessment (EIA); Basic Concepts, Objectives, Operating and Guiding Principles, Environmental
Awareness, Public Participation.
Unit: Sources of generation of waste streams in tanneries. Characterization of liquid waste, sampling and 15
III material balance, segregation and equalization; Disposal of waste, Adverse effects on land and Marks
receiving waters, disposal standards. Wastewater treatment, physical, chemical, and biological
processes. Reclamation/Recovery and reuse of waste.
Unit: Principles of treatment of tannery and Footwear Industry wastewater and treatment schemes. In-plant 15
IV management for reduction of pollution: House-keeping, segregation of waste streams. Solid waste: Marks
Sources, Classification and Characteristics and Disposal.
Reference Books
Unit- Composition of atmosphere, Hydrological cycle, Green House Effect, Global Warming, Acid Rain, 15
II Ozone depletion, deforestation and desertification. Marks
Concept of waste reduction, recycling and reuse.
Unit- Role of Non- Conventional sources of energy for environmental pollution control. 15
IV Environmental Control in Thermal power plants. Marks
Environmental Control in Nuclear power plants.
Text Books and/or Reference Books
1. Benny Joseph, 2009, Environmental Studies, Tata McGraw Hill Companies, New Delhi.
2. Suresh K. Dhameja, 2012, Environmental Studies, Katson books, New Delhi.
3. Masters, G.M., 1991, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science,Prentice-Hall International, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
4. Peavy, Rowe &Techobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Co.
5. K. Sasikumar Snoop Goopi Krishna, 2012, Solid Waste Management, PHI Learning Private limited, New Delhi.
6. T. V. Ramachandra, 2009, Management of Municipal Solid Waste, TERI Press, New Delhi.
7. S. S. Deswal, S. Deswal, Environmental Engineering, DhanpatRai& Co. Delhi
Additional Learning Source
2. Selection of project problem on different type of Civil Engineering Work, preliminary site visit,
planning, feasibility studies.
3. Seminar presentation on project problem.
2. Course Outcomes
3. Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to prepare and interpret basic civil engineering
construction drawings using AutoCAD software.
Topics Covered/List of experiments
1. Learning of AUTOCAD commands
2. General idea about double line plan of a single storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
3. Terrace plan of a single storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
4. Site plan of a single storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
5. Key plan of a single storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
6. Front elevation of a single storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
7. Sectional elevation of a single storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
8. Foundation details of a single storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
9. General idea about double line plan of a double storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
10. Terrace plan of a double storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
11. Site plan of a double storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
12. Key plan of a double storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
13. Front elevation of a double storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
14. Sectional elevation of a double storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
15. Foundation details of a double storeyed residential masonry building with load bearing walls
Additional Learning Source
avoid accidents, accident prevention, and importance of safety. Safety measures for storage and
handling of building materials, construction elements of a building, excavation, drilling and
blasting, hot bituminous work, scaffolding ladders, formwork, and demolition.
disputes, modes of settlement of disputes.
5. Understand the design aspects of various hydraulic structures on permeable foundation and their causes of failure.
6. Design the gravity dam and understand the methods of foundation treatment, mass concreting in dam construction
and provisions for providing keys, water seals, drainage galleries, various instrumentation and outlets works.
7. Plan and design reservoir capacity and understand the IS code provisions for reservoir sediment control.
8. Plan and design of cross drainage works.
Topics Covered
Bligh’s theory, Lane’s theory and Khosla’s solution: Analytical and graphical solutions, Marks
Problems on pressure calculations, various corrections, Determination of thickness of floor and
Exit Gradient.
II Forces acting on a gravity dam, Causes of failure of a gravity dam, Stability analysis of a gravity Marks
dam, Elementary profile of a gravity dam, Low and High gravity dam, Foundation treatment,
Mass concrete for dams, Structural joints, Keys and water seals, Galleries, Instrumentation,
III Introduction, Types of reservoirs, Storage zones of a reservoir, Designing reservoir capacity, Marks
Reservoir sedimentation, Trap efficiency, Density Current, Reservoir sediment control,
Determination of life of reservoir, Reservoir losses, Reservoir clearance.
IV Introduction, Various types of cross drainage works, Selection of the suitable type of cross Marks
drainage work, Hydraulic design of aqueduct and siphon aqueduct, Design of canal transition by
UPIRI method, IS code recommendations for clearance and freeboard.
Text Books and/or Reference Books
5. Asawa G. L., Irrigation And Water Resources Engineering, New Age International Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-
6. Garg S.K., Irrigation Engineering & Hydraulic structures, Khanna Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-8174090478.
7. Varshney R. S., Gupta R. L. and Gupta S. C., Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures (vol.-II), Nem Chand &
Bros. Publishers.
8. Novak P., Moffat A.I.B., Nalluri C. and Narayanan R., Hydraulic Structures, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group,
ISBN 9780415386265.
Additional Learning Source
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that the students will be able to:
5. Improve environmental Understand background and importance of architecture necessary for modern age.
6. Secure knowledge of bye-laws and various standards to ensure safety of building and public.
7. Develop skills of best planning of building cities and roads.
8. Conditions, public health, safety and energy efficiency in building.
Topics Covered
Unit-I Architecture 15
General background, evolution of architecture, definition of architecture, elements affecting the Marks
architecture, aims of architecture, principles of architecture.
Unit-II Functional Planning of Buildings 20
Definition, objects of functional planning, procedure of functional planning for different uses with Marks
flow chart diagrams and single line plans, necessity of building by-laws, building by-laws for
residential area of a typical town planning scheme, yards and set back limit, site coverage, Floor
Area Ratio (FAR) and Floor Space Index (FSI).
Unit- Architectural Composition 20
III Relationship of duty with utility aesthetic, elements of architectural composition, theory of colours, Marks
colours schemes for various parts of buildings. Idea of Green Building.
Site Selection and Orientation of Buildings
Aims and procedure of orientation, sun shading, ventilation and minimum area required for
ventilation, wind control and general principle of air flow.
Unit- Town Planning 20
IV Definition, necessity of town planning, objects of town planning, principle of town planning, site Marks
for an ideal town, requirement of a new town, master plan, necessity of master plan, objects of
master plan, slum, causes of slum, slum clearance.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that the students will be able to prepare and interpret complete
civil engineering construction drawings using AutoCAD software.
Topics Covered/
1. Plan and reinforcement detailing of RC buildings
2. RC beams and slabs
3. RC columns and foundations
4. RC staircase
5. Overhead water tanks: Intze tank
6. Slab culvert
7. Cross-Section of Road
Text Books and/or Reference Books
Unit-II Using Limit State Method analyse and design the T-beams in flexure 20
Shear: Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete beam under Shear. Critical sections for shear Marks
design. Types of shear reinforcement. Design of shear reinforcement with vertical stirrups and
bent-up bars with vertical stirrups.
Bond and Development length: Introduction to Bond stress, flexural bond, anchorage (or
development) bond, development length in compression and tension, bends and hooks,
splicing reinforcement. Design examples.
Unit- SLABS: One-way and two way slab. Design of rectangular, square and circular slabs with corners 20
III free and held down. Provision of reinforcement in slabs. Marks
STAIRCASE: Types of staircase. Design of stairs spanning horizontally and doglegged stairs.
Reinforcement sketches.
Unit- COLUMNS: Column and its types. Design of axially loaded column with lateral ties and helical 20
IV reinforcements. Marks
FOOTINGS: Footing and its types. Footings used for residential buildings. Design of isolated
column footings for square, rectangular and circular column footings
Introduction to Pre stressing
Text Books and/or Reference Books
4. Reinforced Concrete - Limit State Design by A. K. Jain
5. Reinforced Concrete Design by S. U. Pillai and D. Menon
6. IS: 456-2000, Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice
Additional Learning Source
Civil Diploma in Final Year BCE507 Environmental Theory 100 3 1 0
Engineering Electrical/ (V- Studies and Pollution
Instrumentation Semester) Control in Power
Engineering Plant
Course Objectives
7. To make awareness about the adverse effects on the environment from human activities.
8. To identify the various sources, adverse effects and remedial measures adopted for pollution.
9. To describe the complex environmental problems and global issues.
10. To promote public participation in pollution control.
11. To be conversant with the role of non-conventional sources of energy for the control of pollution.
12. To be conversant with the pollution control in Thermal power plants and Nuclear power plants.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that the students will be able to:
7. Understand the natural phenomenon and cycling processes for sustaining life on earth.
8. Develop and identify the awareness, knowledge and appreciation of the intrinsic values of ecological processes &
9. Understand different types of pollutant and their harmful effects on the environment.
10. Develop an approach and awareness to environmental issues, including global warming acid rain, ozone layer
depletion, and sustainable development.
11. Know the importance of natural resources and measures to be taken for its conservation for future use.
12. Understand the pollution control in Thermal power plants and Nuclear power plants.
Topics Covered
Unit- Definitions of Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering and Environmental Management, 15
I Concepts of Ecology, Food chain, Food Web. Marks
Types of Pollutants, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Land Pollution: Classification, sources, effects
and control measures, Noise Pollution, Odour Pollution. Water conservation and reuse.
Unit- Composition of atmosphere, Hydrological cycle, Green House Effect, Global Warming, Acid Rain, 20
II Ozone depletion, deforestation and desertification. Marks
Concept of waste reduction, recycling and reuse.
Unit- Role of Non- Conventional sources of energy for environmental pollution control. 20
IV Environmental Control in Thermal power plants. Marks
Environmental Control in Nuclear power plants.
Civil Diploma in Final Year BCE607 Environmental Theory 100 3 1 0
Engineering Electronics/ (V- Studies and Pollution
Computer Semester) Control in Power
Engineering Plant
Course Objectives
7. To make awareness about the adverse effects on the environment from human activities.
8. To identify the various sources, adverse effects and remedial measures adopted for pollution.
9. To describe the complex environmental problems and global issues.
10. To promote public participation in pollution control.
11. To be conversant with the role of non-conventional sources of energy for the control of pollution.
12. To be conversant with the pollution control in Thermal power plants and Nuclear power plants.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that the students will be able to:
7. Understand the natural phenomenon and cycling processes for sustaining life on earth.
8. Develop and identify the awareness, knowledge and appreciation of the intrinsic values of ecological processes &
9. Understand different types of pollutant and their harmful effects on the environment.
10. Develop an approach and awareness to environmental issues, including global warming acid rain, ozone layer
depletion, and sustainable development.
11. Know the importance of natural resources and measures to be taken for its conservation for future use.
12. Understand the pollution control in Thermal power plants and Nuclear power plants.
Topics Covered
Unit- Definitions of Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering and Environmental Management, 15
I Concepts of Ecology, Food chain, Food Web. Marks
Types of Pollutants, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Land Pollution: Classification, sources, effects
and control measures, Noise Pollution, Odour Pollution. Water conservation and reuse.
Unit- Composition of atmosphere, Hydrological cycle, Green House Effect, Global Warming, Acid Rain, 20
II Ozone depletion, deforestation and desertification. Marks
Concept of waste reduction, recycling and reuse.
Unit- Role of Non- Conventional sources of energy for environmental pollution control. 20
IV Environmental Control in Thermal power plants. Marks
Environmental Control in Nuclear power plants.
Topics Covered
Unit: Definition of Environmental Science, Environmental engineering and Environmental Management, 15
I Concept of Ecology, Food Chain, Food Web, Types of Pollutants; Classification, Sources, Effects Marks
and Control Measures, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Land Pollution, Noise Pollution, Odor
pollution, Thermal Pollution
Unit: Global Warming, Acid Rain, Ozone Depletion, Deforestation and Desertification, Role of Non- 20
II Conventional Sources of Energy for Environmental Pollution Control, Environmental Impact Marks
Assessment (EIA); Basic Concepts, Objectives, Operating and Guiding Principles, Environmental
Awareness, Public Participation.
Unit: Sources of generation of waste streams in tanneries. Characterization of liquid waste, sampling and 20
III material balance, segregation and equalization; Disposal of waste, Adverse effects on land and Marks
receiving waters, disposal standards. Wastewater treatment, physical, chemical, and biological
processes. Reclamation/Recovery and reuse of waste.
Unit: Principles of treatment of tannery and Footwear Industry wastewater and treatment schemes. In- 20
IV plant management for reduction of pollution: House-keeping, segregation of waste streams. Solid Marks
waste: Sources, Classification and Characteristics and Disposal.
Reference Books
5. Thomas, C.Thortensen, “Fundamentals of Pollution Control for the leather Industry".
6. S.P.Mahajan , Pollution control in industries, Tata McGraw Hill Company.
7. S. K. Grag, Vol. I, 2014, Water Supply Engineering, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
8. S. K. Grag, Vol. II, 2014, Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
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