Health Surveillance 1640639639
Health Surveillance 1640639639
Health Surveillance 1640639639
COSHH Control approach 4
essentials Special advice
3 Assess workers’ health before they start a relevant job to provide a
3 Introduce regular testing yearly, or as advised by the health
professional. This could involve specific medical surveillance by a health
professional and/or questionnaire-based screening by a trained person.
Ensure the health professional explains the test results to the individual
and reports to you on the worker’s fitness to work.
3 Ensure the health professional interprets the results and identify any
need to revise the risk assessment.
3 Keep health records, and encourage workers to keep a copy of their
results in case they change jobs.
3 Keep simple attendance records to identify any patterns in sick
Health professional
3 Advise you on a suitable programme with frequencies and types of
3 Assess workers’ health before they start a relevant job, to provide a
3 Apply health questionnaires as necessary and make regular tests and
clinical observations.
3 Explain the test results and other findings to the individual.
Health surveillance OCM7 Special advice
Medical records
3 The occupational health provider will keep medical records. This
information is confidential and must not be released to the employer
unless the employee has given explicit and informed consent.
© Crown copyright 2011 Published by the Health and Safety Executive 03/11