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Chișinău XP
version 1.0


Scenery for Laminar Research X-Plane 10

by Drzewiecki Design
LUKK Chișinău XP by Drzewiecki Design

LUKK Chișinău XP
LUKK Chișinău XP is a highly detailed scenery of LUKK Chișinău airport in Chisinau, Moldova. This product is compatible with
Laminar Research X-Plane 10.


Moldova declared independence on August 27, 1991 as

part of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The current
Constitution of Moldova was adopted in 1994. A strip of
Moldovan territory on the east bank of the river Dniester
has been under the de facto control of the breakaway
government of Transnistria since 1990. Due to a decrease
in industrial and agricultural output following the dissolution
of the Soviet Union, the service sector has grown to
dominate Moldova's economy and currently composes
over 60% of the nation's GDP. However, Moldova remains
the poorest country in Europe. Moldova is a parliamentary
republic with a president as head of state and a prime
minister as head of government.

The name "Moldova" is derived from the Moldova River;

the valley of this river was a political centre when the Russia. Bessarabia got special legal status. In 1873
Principality of Moldavia was founded in 1359. According to Bessarabian region got status of government. ‘Stream of
a legend the river was named by prince Dragoș after migrants’ flooded this part of the country. Agriculture
hunting an aurochs: after the chase, his exhausted hound became the main branch. Industry was developing very
Molda drowned in the river. The dog's name was given to slowly.
the river and extended to the Principality.
In 1917 there was established Sfatul Tsarii (council of the
Early humans were present in Moldova during the early country) and it declared about autonomy of Moldavia. On
Paleolithic era. During the Neolithic stone age era, 2nd December 1917 Council declared Bessarabia to be
Moldova's territory was the centre of the large Cucuteni- Moldovan Democratic Republic and on 28th January 1918
Trypillian culture that stretched east beyond the Dniester it claimed about its independency. At that time after
River in Ukraine, and west up to and beyond the agreement with the Council Romanian military forces
Carpathian Mountains in Romania. The inhabitants of this entered Bessarabia. However Russia sent Red Army
civilization, which lasted roughly from 5500 to 2750 BC, forces to this territory. So, Moldovan lands were divided
practiced agriculture, raised livestock, hunted, and made between Romania and Russia. On 26th and 27th June
intricately designed pottery. 1940 the USSR sent to Romanian Government claim to
return Moldovan lands. On 28th June Romania marched
In antiquity, Moldova's territory was inhabited by Dacian the troops from Moldovan lands.
tribes. Between the 1st and 7th centuries AD, the south
was intermittently under the Roman, then Byzantine On 2nd August 1940 Supreme Soviet of the USSR passed
Empires. Due to its strategic location on a route between the law about formation of Moldavian SSR. Moldavia
Asia and Europe, the territory of modern Moldova was changed accordingly to the USSR laws. There were
invaded many times in late antiquity and early Middle nationalized banks and loan offices, trade enterprises, big
Ages, including by Goths, Huns, Avars, Bulgarians, dwelling houses and lots more.
Magyars, Pechenegs, Cumans, Mongols and Tatars.
At the beginning of August 1941 Bessarabia and Bucovina
For the first time Moldova is mentioned as a state in (parts of Moldova on the right Dniester coast) were
historical sources in 1359. At that time voevod (thus were declared to be part of Romania. However on 24th August
called the rulers of the country at the time) Bogdan and there were liberated.
Moldovan ancestors, called vlachs, settled at Eastern
Subcarpathia. In 1365 he gained recognition for Moldova On summer 1989 in Chisinau there took place many
as an independent state with the capital called Siret. demonstrations with the slogan “Moldova is for
Moldovans”. Demonstrators claimed for independency of
At the beginning of 16th century Moldova became Turkish Moldova. On 27th August Great National Assembly
vassal. Moldova had to pay tribute and Moldovan declared Moldova to be independent. In 1992 there were
gospodars (the name of Moldovan rulers at this period) armed conflicts between Moldova and Transnistria. These
were appointed by Turkey. During 16th-17th centuries were conflicts with the nationalistic base as Transnistria
there had changed almost 50 gospodars. At 1646 there was against Romanian language. There fell about 3000
was published the first law book which had power until the persons in those conflicts. After armistice was reached
middle of 18th century when according to Treaty of Kucuk- there started discussions about the future of the country.
Kaynarca Russia got patronage over Moldova. After Thus, Moldova is an independent country with its own
Russian-Turkish war 1787-1791 Moldova became a part of politics, economics and social life.

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LUKK Chișinău XP by Drzewiecki Design


Chișinău (Russian: Кишинёв), also known as Kishinev, is

the capital and largest city of the Republic of Moldova. It is Chișinău in 1889
Moldova's main industrial and commercial center, and is
located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc.
Chișinău is home to half a million residents.

For the first time Chisinau was mentioned in historical

documents on 17 July 1436. It got status of a city in 1818
soon after becoming a part of Russian Empire. Chisinau
became a capital city in 1940 when there was established
Moldavian Soviet Socialistic Republic. After USSR
dissolution Chisinau was declared to be the capital city of
Moldova and it is the capital city till nowadays.

In the chaos of the Second World War Chișinău was

almost completely destroyed. In the years 1947 to 1949
the architect Alexey Shchusev developed a plan with the
aid of a team of architects for the gradual reconstruction of
the city.
sometimes reach 35 to 40 °C (95 to 104 °F) in mid-
The city lies on seven hills and occupies the territory of summer in downtown. Although average precipitation and
around 120 sq. km. In Chisinau there are 23 lakes which humidity during summer is low, there are infrequent yet
are mostly situated in the parks.The capital of Moldova is heavy storms.
considered to be one of the greenest cities in Europe.
There are many parks in the city and the trees grow on The most popular form of internal transport in Moldova is
almost every street. In the parks live about 14 species of generally the bus. The second most popular form of
birds and 14 species of amphibians. domestic transportation within Moldova is via railways. The
total length of the network managed by Moldovan Railway
Chișinău has a humid continental climate (Köppen climate CFM is 1,232 kilometers (766 miles). The entire network is
classification Dfa), characterized by hot dry summers and single track and is not electrified. Chișinău International
windy cold winters. Winter temperatures are often below 0 Airport offers connections to major destinations, within
°C (32 °F), although they rarely drop below −10 °C (14 °F). Europe and Asia. The Air Moldova flight operator has its
In summer, the average maximum temperature is head office on the grounds of Chișinău International
approximately 25 °C (77 °F), however, temperatures Airport.

Chișinău International Airport

Chișinău International Airport (IATA: KIV, ICAO: LUKK)
is Moldova's main international airport, located 13 km (8.1 mi) 1970s terminal
southeast of the centre of Chișinău, the capital city. It serves
as headquarters for Air Moldova, the country's national airline,
and Moldavian Airlines.

The first scheduled flights to Chișinău started in 1926. In 1944

it was started the Moldovan Independent Aviation Squadron,
also considered to be the official day of the Civil Aviation
foundation in Moldova. The destinations of the first flights
operated from the Chisinau Airport were the following:
Moscow, Sankt-Petersburg, Kiev, Minsk, Caucasus and

The main terminal was built in the 1970s, with a capacity of

1,200,000 passengers per year. In 1987 the passenger flow
reached 1 million per year. The Moldovan capital became a
connection point between more than 80 cities of the Soviet
Union and more than 20 cities and regions of the republic. In
1990 the first official international route Chisinau-Frankfurt
was launched.
Nowadays 19 airlines operate flights to 33 destinations all
In 2000 the airport was modernized. An annex terminal over the world. In 2014 the Chisinau International Airport
building with an area of 4,270 m2 (46,000 sq ft) was added to processed 1.781.469 passengers. The most popular
the renovated old terminal building of 7,600 m2 (82,000 sq ft). destination is Moscow (34%).
There are ten check-in desks and five gates at the airport.
VIP and CIP guests are offered special services at the VIP
terminal. Since 2011 Chisinau International Airport’s visitors Photos from:
Wikipedia & http://www.airport.md/
can admire the aircrafts’ landings and takeoffs, handling
operations and the full spectrum of aviation activities in real This text was based on the following articles:
time, from the new viewing platform. The opening of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chi%C8%99in%C4%83u_International_Airport
multistage automated parking took place in May 2015. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chi%C8%99in%C4%83u

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LUKK Chișinău XP by Drzewiecki Design

Installation: Links:

Please uninstall all other sceneries of all included airports Drzewiecki Design Website
before proceeding. The scenery will be automatically added
to the X-Plane 10 scenery library. Drzewiecki Design Support Forum

Please check other products on our website! We will also appreciate

a good comment in an online store where you have purchased
this scenery. Thank you very much in advance for your support!

Copyright and distribution:

The product includes custom charts based on real world This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and
originals. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader software to open Drzewiecki Design referred as the "Licensor" for the software product
PDF files. You may get it here: get.adobe.com. Freeware real accompanying this Agreement.
world charts are not available, commercial charts are This agreement includes computer software and may include associated media,
available here. You might search for other LUKK charts by printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation referred to as (the
following this link. "Product").

By installing, copying, or otherwise using the Product, you agree to be bound by

the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement,
please, do not install, copy, or use the Product.

The Product is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as

well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. This Product is licensed, not
Scenery features: This License Agreement does not grant you any rights to patents, copyrights, trade
secrets, trademarks, or any other rights with respect to the Product.
 Up-to-date scenery with new buildings, terminals,
NO COMMERCIAL USE. This Agreement does not grant you the right to use the
taxiways and aprons Product for any commercial purpose other than your personal use and the
 Internal modeling, animations, 3D people, dozens of decision to enter into a commercial license with the Licensor for this Product for a
"local" static aircraft and much more Commercial purpose includes, but is not limited to, any purpose from which you,
the end user of any application developed by you, or another person obtain
 Large photoreal surrounding area with custom autogen financial or other consideration and any purpose associated with the operation of a
and Chisinau city landmarks included commercial enterprise, even if you do not receive any consideration for that use.
 Native HDR XP10 lighting NO TRANSFER, MODIFICATION, OR REPRODUCTION. You may not rent,
 Custom-made airport charts included lease, sell, assign, loan, or otherwise transfer the Product. You may not transfer
or assign the rights and obligations set forth in this Agreement without the
Licensor's written consent. You may not remove or destroy any copyright notices
or other proprietary markings. You may not modify or adapt the Product, merge
the Product into another program, or create derivative works based on the
Product. You may not reproduce or distribute the Product without the Licensor's
written authorization.

NO REVERSE ENGINEERING. In order to protect the trade secrets and

Credits: proprietary know-how contained in the Product, you will not decompile,
disassemble, or reverse engineer the Product except as expressly permitted by
applicable law.
We thank the Head Marketing Department of Chisinau
International Airport and especially Galina Telpiz for the great THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED
Many thanks for obtaining photo documentation and providing SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
other help to Mihai Armas, Teodor Nani, Alexandr Cataman NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;
Sincere thanks to all other individuals who helped us OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE,
completing this project, to FS news sites for sharing news EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
about our products and to all our customers for encouraging
You agree and acknowledge that Licensor's liability to you for direct or indirect
us to constantly raise the bar. damages for any cause whatsoever, regardless of the basis of the form of the
action, would be limited to the price paid to the Licensor for the Software and in
The product was developed by Jakub Pączek (project the case of this License no amount was paid for this License and therefore you
agree that the Licensor shall bear no liability for direct or indirect damages for any
supervisor), Mariusz Napora, Karol Jankowski, Stanisław cause whatsoever, regardless of the basis of the form of the action.
Drzewiecki, Matvei Malishenko and subcontractors.
SCENERY DESIGNERS. You are not allowed to decompile, convert or make
changes to any files included in the product, without written permission from
Drzewiecki Design.

ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding and
agreement between you and Licensor, supersedes all prior agreements, whether
written or oral, with respect to the Product and subject matter hereof, and may be
amended only in a writing signed by both parties.

© 2016 Drzewiecki Design group. All rights reserved. No file, graphic, image or
text from this project may be copied or uploaded to any server, sent to other user
or edited without written permission by Drzewiecki Design. Other designers should
contact us if they would like to use some files, photos or textures created by our
company. Please do not use any parts of our products without our agreement.
Drzewiecki Design is not responsible for any damage the software could cause in
customers' computers. Drzewiecki Design is not responsible for any mirror sites
hosting our freeware and payware files. Please be aware of the fact that by
downloading any cracked versions of our payware add-ons your are breaking the
law and our copyrights. Moreover these files may be recompiled and infected,
causing a great deal of damage to your system.

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