Gita ch04 Chant1a
Gita ch04 Chant1a
Gita ch04 Chant1a
atha caturtho'dhyëyaß
The Blessed Lord said:
IV. 4 You were born later than Vivasvën (the Sun); how am I to
understand your statement that You taught this yoga in the
The Blessed Lord said:
karmaão hyapi boddhavyam boddhavyañ ca vikarmaãaß
akarmaãaõ-ca boddhavyam gahanë karmaão gatiß . 17 .
IV. 17 The (nature of) right action, forbidden (unlawful) action
and inaction should be known, for the nature (path) of action is
difficult to understand.
nirëõír-yatacittëtmë tyaktasarvaparigrahaß
õërírañ kevalañ karma kurvan-nëpnoti kilbiçam . 21 .
IV. 21 He who is without desire, with his mind and self
controlled and has given up all sense of possessions, he is
performing mere bodily actions and incurs no sin.
IV. 27 And others sacrifice all the functions of the senses and the
functions of the breath (vital energy) in the fire of the yoga of
self-restraint, kindled by Knowledge.
dravyayaj÷ës-tapoyaj÷ëß yogayaj÷ës-tathëpare
svëdhyëyaj÷ënayaj÷ëõ-ca yatayaß sañõitavratëß . 28 .
IV. 29 Others offer the out-going breath in the in-coming, and the
in-coming in the out-going, restraining the courses of the out-going
and in-coming breath, solely absorbed in the restraint of breath.
yogasañnyastakarmëãam j÷ënasañchinnasañõayam
ëtmavantañ na karmëãi nibadhnanti dhana÷jaya . 41 .