Nihms 779728
Nihms 779728
Nihms 779728
Author manuscript
J Abnorm Psychol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 July 01.
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Rochelle F. Hentges,
University of Rochester
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Jesse L. Coe,
University of Rochester
Meredith J. Martin,
University of Rochester
E. Mark Cummings
University of Notre Dame
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This multi-study paper examined the relative strength of mediational pathways involving hostile,
disengaged, and uncooperative forms of interparental conflict, children’s emotional insecurity, and
their externalizing problems across two longitudinal studies. Participants in Study 1 consisted of
243 preschool children (M age = 4.60 years) and their parents, whereas Study 2 consisted of 263
adolescents (M age = 12.62 years) and their parents. Both studies utilized multi-method, multi-
informant assessment batteries within a longitudinal design with three measurement occasions.
Across both studies, lagged, autoregressive tests of the mediational paths revealed that
interparental hostility was a significantly stronger predictor of the prospective cascade of
children’s insecurity and externalizing problems than interparental disengagement and low levels
of interparental cooperation. Findings further indicated that interparental disengagement was a
stronger predictor of the insecurity pathway than was low interparental cooperation for the sample
of adolescents in Study 2. Results are discussed in relation to how they inform and advance
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Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Patrick Davies, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in
Psychology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, 14627.
Study 1 was conducted at Mt. Hope Family Center (University of Rochester) and was supported by the Eunice Shriver Kennedy
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R01 HD065425) awarded to Patrick T. Davies and Melissa L. Sturge-
Apple. Study 2 was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health (2R01 MH57318) awarded to Patrick T. Davies and E. Mark
Davies et al. Page 2
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interparental conflict; child insecurity; child reactivity to conflict; child externalizing problems
hostility, disengagement, and uncooperativeness (Harold & Leve, 2012; Morris, Silk,
Steinberg, Myers, & Robinson, 2007; Repetti, Robles, & Reynolds, 2011). Interparental
hostility specifically consists of parental expressions of anger, frustration, and aggression
during conflicts, whereas disengagement between parents is comprised of parental
withdrawal, detachment, and avoidance behaviors. In contrast, low levels of warmth,
support, and collaborative problem solving define uncooperative interparental conflicts.
These family process models further posit that children’s difficulties preserving their
emotional security in the face of interparental conflict mediate associations between hostile,
disengaged, and uncooperative forms of interparental conflict and their behavior problems.
In an effort to distinguish between the specific forms of conflict outlined in the family
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process models, the reformulation of emotional security theory posits that interparental
hostility, disengagement, and poor cooperation will vary systematically in their strength as
predictors of children’s insecurity (EST-R; Davies & Sturge-Apple, 2007). According to
EST-R, the emotional security system developed over our evolutionary history to selectively
respond to cues of interpersonal danger. As a result, interpersonal threat cues (e.g., angry
faces, loud voices, aggression) assume primacy in organizing children’s fearful responses in
close-knit social contexts such as the family (Davies & Sturge-Apple, 2007; Öhman &
Mineka, 2001). Because diminished happiness, support, and problem solving are far less
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reliable as signals of danger in the absence of overt hostile threat cues, these parameters of
uncooperative conflict are hypothesized to carry minimal weight in signifying threat and
organizing children’s insecure responses (Öhman & Mineka, 2001). Therefore, EST-R
hypothesizes that hostile interparental conflict is a more consistent and powerful predictor of
children’s insecurity and psychological problems than are variations of interparental
cooperation (Davies & Sturge-Apple, 2007).
Research has yet to test whether unfolding mediational cascades involving interparental
conflict, children’s insecurity, and their behavioral problems vary depending on whether
conflict is expressed through hostility, disengagement, or poor cooperation. Addressing this
gap requires simultaneously examining interparental hostility, disengagement, and poor
cooperation as predictors of children’s insecurity. In contrast, most studies exploring
multiple dimensions of interparental conflict have isolated the predictive power of forms of
conflict in separate analytic models of emotional insecurity in samples of children ranging
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from 2- to 16-years-old (i.e., Cummings, Goeke-Morey, & Papp, 2004; Davies, Martin, &
Cicchetti, 2012; Goeke-Morey, Cummings, & Papp, 2007; McCoy, Cummings, & Davies,
2009). Only one study has simultaneously examined the predictive roles of interparental
conflict dimensions in models of security and adjustment that roughly correspond with the
three conflict parameters outlined in EST-R (Du Rocher, Schudlich & Cummings, 2007). In
a sample of 8- to 16-year-old children who differ from the children in the samples of the
present paper, the study results indicated that depressive conflict tactics (i.e., sadness,
withdrawal, fear, physical distress) were significantly related to children’s insecurity. In
contrast with EST-R’s hypotheses, hostile and uncooperative conflict failed to explain any
unique variance in children’s insecurity.
However, these findings relied on cross-sectional data, and only longitudinal designs can
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directly test the hypothesized mediational paths. For example, family process models regard
interparental conflict as a risk factor that gradually erodes children’s adjustment by
progressively setting in motion their pathogenic responses to family stress (Cummings &
Davies, 2011; Morris et al., 2007; Repetti et al., 2011). Thus, security is proposed to develop
over periods of months following exposure to interparental conflict and, in turn, broaden into
psychological problems over an extended time period (Cummings & Miller-Graff, 2015;
Davies, Martin, & Sturge-Apple 2016). Likewise, quantitative psychologists have
demonstrated that cross-sectional tests of mediation produce substantially biased findings
(Cole & Maxwell, 2003; Maxwell & Cole, 2007; Preacher, 2015). The resulting conclusion
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is that “the bias inherent in cross-sectional designs has disastrous consequences for
hypothesis tests” of mediation (Maxwell & Cole, 2007, p. 39).
The aim of this paper is to provide the first prospective test of the mediational pathways
involving the three forms of interparental conflict, children’s insecurity, and their
externalizing problems. We report on the results from two data sets that are independent of
the previously published paper on mediational links among forms of interparental conflict,
children’s insecurity, and their psychological adjustment (i.e., Du Rocher Schudlich &
Cummings, 2007). Each study employed a longitudinal design with three annual
measurement occasions. Thus, in accord with quantitative recommendations for testing
mediation (e.g., Cole & Maxwell, 2003; Maxwell & Cole, 2007), we used repeated measures
of insecurity and child adjustment problems to permit a full prospective analysis of change
at each link in the mediational chain. In addition, the studies in this paper each used a multi-
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Study 1
To test the EST-R hypotheses, we examined mediational pathways among the three forms of
interparental conflict, children’s insecurity, and their externalizing problems during the
transition from the preschool to early school years. This developmental window has been
posited to be a sensitive period for the operation of emotional security processes. For
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example, relative to their older counterparts, children in the early school years respond to
adult conflicts with more fear, poorer perceived competence, and more limited coping
strategies (e.g., Cummings, Vogel, Cummings, & El-Sheikh, 1989; El-Sheikh & Cummings,
1995; Grych, 1998). Developmental models have further postulated that advances in social
perspective taking trigger an increase in children’s concerns about the welfare of their
parents and themselves within the broader family unit (Cicchetti, Cummings, Greenberg, &
Marvin, 1990; Davies et al., 2016). As a first step toward understanding the hypothesized
cascade of insecurity, we examined our research questions within a sample of families with
preschool children who are at elevated risk for exhibiting psychopathology. Finally, we
included family income, child gender, and maternal and paternal parenting quality as
covariates in the analyses. We selected these factors based on empirical identification of: (a)
parenting difficulties and economic impoverishment as predictors of children’s insecurity
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Participants—Participants included 243 families (i.e., mother, father, and preschool
child) from a moderately sized metropolitan area who were recruited through multiple
agencies including local preschools, Head Start programs, Women, Infants, and Children
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(WIC) programs, and public and private daycare providers. The average age of children at
Wave 1 was 4.60 years (SD = .44; range = 4 to 5 years old), with 56% of the sample
consisting of girls. Almost half of the families were Black or African American (48%),
followed by families who identified as White (43%), multi-racial (6%), or another race
(3%). Approximately 16% of the family members identified as Latino. At Wave 1, 99% of
the mothers and 74% of the fathers were biological parents. Median household income was
$33,900 per year (range = $1,100 – $121,000), with most families (69%) receiving public
assistance. Moreover, the median education for the sample consisted of a GED or high
school diploma, and 19% of the parents did not earn a high school diploma or GED. Parents
had lived together an average of 3.36 years. Approximately half of the adults (47%) were
married. The longitudinal design consisted of three annual measurement occasions
beginning when children were in their last year of preschool. Retention rates across
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contiguous waves of data collection were 97% and 94%. Comparisons of families lost to
attrition and those who participated in all three waves along the thirteen family (e.g., forms
of interparental conflict, parenting), child (e.g., insecurity responses, externalizing
problems), and demographic (e.g., family income) variables included in the primary
analyses only yielded one significant difference. Families participating in all waves
evidenced significantly lower incomes than those who dropped from the study, d = .64.
(e.g., Davies, Sturge-Apple, Cicchetti, Manning, & Vonhold, 2012). After selecting an
interparental conflict topic that commonly takes place in front of the child, a trained
interviewer presented mothers with a series of open-ended questions (e.g., “How would you
describe your disagreements over [topic]?”; “How do you typically feel during these
disagreements?”; “How does the disagreement end?”). Additional probes were used to
maximize the richness of maternal narratives. Interviews were videotaped for later coding.
Family interaction task: At Wave 1, mothers, fathers, and children participated in a 10-
minute task in which they were asked to work together to build a model house using LEGO
blocks (e.g., Schoppe, Mangelsdorf, & Frosch, 2001). Because the objective was to create a
context that elicits child bids for parental support and assistance (McHale, Kuersten-Hogan,
& Lauretti, 2001), the model house was selected so that children could not successfully build
the house without parental assistance. Video records of the task were later coded for
Hostile interparental conflict (Wave 1): For the observational component of the
measurement battery, trained coders rated interparental hostility during the interparental
conflict task using the Negative Escalation code from the System for Coding Interactions in
Dyads (SCID; Malik & Lindahl, 2004) and the Anger code from the Interparental Conflict
Expressions (ICE; e.g., Davies, Coe, Martin, Sturge-Apple, & Cummings, 2015; Davies &
Sturge-Apple, 2013) Coding System. Rated along a five-point scale (1 = Very low; 5 = High)
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based on dyadic behavior, the SCID Negative Escalation code reflects the degree to which
the couple reciprocates or escalates displays of anger, hostility, and negativity. The ICE
Anger code indexes the intensity and frequency of facial expressions, verbalizations, and
postural displays of anger by mothers and fathers separately in the interaction on a nine-
point scale (1 = Not at all characteristic; 9 = Mainly characteristic). Interrater reliabilities,
based on ICCs of independent ratings on 30% of the interactions, ranged from .80 to .84
across codes. The SCID is a well-established system for coding interparental conflict with
strong psychometric properties (for details, see Lindahl, Malik, Kaczynski, & Simons,
2001). As an adaptation of the SCID, the ICE codes have evidenced predictive validity, as
shown by their significant associations with children’s emotional reactivity to interparental
conflict, internalizing symptoms, and externalizing problems (Davies et al., 2015).
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In the interview portion of the assessment, coders rated mother and father anger during
conflicts from the interparental disagreement interview. Anger ratings, which ranged from 0
(None) to 6 (High), reflected the degree to which mothers and fathers exhibited signs of
hostility, anger, and irritation. ICCs, indexing reliability between two raters who
independently overlapped on 30% of the videos, were .87 for maternal Anger and .86 for
partner Anger.
For the questionnaires, mothers and fathers both completed the Psychological Aggression
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Scale from the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS-2; Straus, Hamby, Boney-McCoy, & Sugarman,
1996), while mothers also reported on the Negative Escalation scale from the Managing
Affect and Disagreements Scale (MADS; Arellano & Markman, 1995). The CTS-2
Psychological Aggression scale is designed to assess verbal and psychological forms of
interparental hostility, whereas the MADS Negative Escalation scale measures reciprocation
of anger between parents. Internal consistencies ranged from .80 to .90 across the three
questionnaire measures. The resulting eight measures were standardized and averaged into a
composite of interparental hostility (α = .80).
Disengaged interparental conflict (Wave 1): In the observational part of the assessment,
trained coders rated the interparental conflict task using the SCID Pursuit-Withdrawal Scale
(Malik & Lindahl, 2004) and the Disengagement scale from the ICE (Davies & Sturge-
Apple, 2013). The Disengagement code assesses maternal and paternal detachment, flat
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affect, unresponsiveness, and avoidance of conflict topics along a nine-point scale (1 = Not
at all Characteristic; 9 =Mainly Characteristic). The five-point Pursuit-Withdrawal scale (1 =
Very low; 5 = High) is a dyadic code characterized by one partner persistently responding
with detachment to the consistent demands of the other partner to engage in the conflict.
ICCs assessing reliability based on coders’ independent ratings of over 20% of the videos
were .77 for maternal Disengagement, .72 for paternal Disengagement, and .56 for Pursuit-
For the two interview assessments of the construct, trained coders rated maternal responses
to the interparental disagreement interview for levels of maternal and paternal
disengagement along seven-point scales (0= None; 6 = High). The Disengagement code
reflects the extent to which each parent is detached during the conflicts (e.g., avoidance,
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leaves the room or house, sulks, becomes quiet). ICCs indexing interrater reliability among
trained coders who overlapped on over 30% of the interviews were .85 and .88 for maternal
and paternal Disengagement codes, respectively.
As the set of three survey assessments, mothers and fathers each completed the Stalemate
scale from the Conflict and Problem-Solving Scales, and mothers also reported on the CPS
Avoidance scale (CPS; Kerig, 1996). The 14-item Stalemate scale indexes interparental
detachment (e.g., “Sulk, refuse to talk, give the silent treatment”), while the 16-item
Avoidance scale assesses efforts to avoid or withdraw from interparental problems (e.g.,
“Leave the room”). Alpha coefficients ranged from .78 to .84 across the three measures. As
with the interparental hostility composite, the multi-method, multi-informant scales were
standardized and aggregated to form a single index of interparental disengagement (scale-
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level α = .68).
Uncooperative interparental conflict (Wave 1): The observational assessment from the
interparental conflict task consisted of trained coder ratings of the interparental conflict task
using the ICE Positive Affect scale for mothers and fathers separately and the SCID
Cohesion code at the couple level (Davies & Sturge-Apple 2013; Malik & Lindahl, 2004).
Rated on a nine-point scale (1 = Not at all characteristic; 9 = Mainly characteristic), the ICE
Positive Affect code assesses maternal and paternal expressions of warmth through
verbalizations (e.g., cheerful tone of voice), facial expressions (e.g., smiling), and gestures
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(e.g., physical affection). The SCID Cohesion scale, which utilizes a five-point scale (e.g., 1
= Very low; 5 = High), assesses the degree of closeness, support, and connectedness between
the parents. ICCs for interrater reliability based on over 20% of the interactions ranged
from .80 to .87 across the three codes.
For the interview portion of the measurement battery, trained coders rated maternal and
paternal contentment from the maternal interparental disagreement interview descriptions
immediately following disagreements. Rated on a seven-point scale (0 = None; 6 = High),
the Contentment code captures the extent to which each parent is happy, relaxed, and
comfortable in the aftermath of the conflict. Thus, at high levels, the narrative portrays
parents as experiencing intense positive affect and satisfaction. Interrater reliabilities, based
on the two coders’ ratings of over 30% of the interactions, were excellent (ICC = .92 for
maternal and paternal contentment).
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The three survey measures utilized to assess interparental uncooperativeness, included: (a)
mother and father reports on the 12-item CPS Cooperation Scale (Kerig, 1996) and (b)
mother reports on the MADS Editing Scale (Arellano & Markman, 1995). The CPS
Cooperation scale assesses the degree to which parents work collaboratively to solve
conflicts in mutually respectful ways (e.g., “try to find a solution that meets both needs
equally”). The MADS Editing scale measures parental tendencies to respond positively to
each other even during stressful times through listening skills and constructive framing of
interactions (e.g., “I express appreciation for my partner’s help despite his unsuccess”).
Internal consistency coefficients were satisfactory for the three scales (i.e., each α = .89). To
obtain an assessment of poor cooperation, all eight cooperation measures from the
interparental conflict task, interparental disagreement interview, and questionnaires were
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reverse scored so that higher scores reflect greater uncooperative conflict. Each of these
measures were standardized and averaged together into a single composite of uncooperative
interparental conflict (α = .80).
Children’s emotional insecurity (Waves 1 and 2): At the first two waves, trained raters
coded children’s behavioral reactivity to interparental conflict from the interparental conflict
task along three established assessments of insecurity (Davies, Sturge-Apple, Winter,
Cummings, & Farrell, 2006). Child reactivity ratings at Wave 2 were only included in
analyses when the same parents from Wave 1 participated in the task at Wave 2. As a result,
20 children had missing data for these ratings. The three measures were specified as
manifested indicators of a latent construct of insecurity at each wave. To assess the first
indicator of emotional reactivity, coders rated children along two dimensions: Vigilance and
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ranged from .78 to .86 for the two codes across the waves. Ratings for each code were
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20% of the videos by two independent coders ranged from .76 to .93 across the two codes at
each wave. In accord with the emotional reactivity measure, ratings for each code were
standardized and averaged to create a composite of avoidance at each wave (composites αs
were .79 at Wave 1 and .81 at Wave 2).
As the third indicator, coders assessed children along a molar scale of Security, ranging from
1 (Not at all characteristic) to 9 (Mainly characteristic). The Security code was defined by
behaviors that are theorized to reflect children’s confidence in parents to manage disputes in
a way that maintains family harmony, including: negligible or mild levels of fearful distress
and involvement in conflicts that are well-managed and followed by quick resumption of
normal activities in the aftermath of parental anger. Trained coders independently rated over
20% of the videos to assess interrater reliability at each wave. ICCs were .89 at Wave 1 and .
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85 at Wave 2.
Child externalizing problems: At Waves 1 and 3, teachers and parents completed the
respective Teacher and Parent versions of the MacArthur Health and Behavior Conduct
Problems Subscale (HBQ; Ablow et al., 1999; 11 items; e.g., “Physically attacks people”).
In addition, teachers completed the HBQ ADHD Symptoms scale to assess impulsivity,
hyperactivity, and inattention (15 items; e.g., “Can’t stay seated when required to do so”).
Internal consistencies for the measures across the waves ranged from .89 to .95. The three
scales were specified as manifest indicators of the latent construct of child externalizing
problems at each wave.
Covariates: Maternal and paternal parenting quality: Quality of maternal and paternal
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parenting was assessed during the family interaction task using the Sensitivity and Warmth
codes from the well-established Iowa Family Interaction Rating Scales (IFIRS; Melby &
Conger, 2001). The IFIRS assesses the frequency and intensity of parent caregiving
behaviors on a nine-point scale (1 = Not at all characteristic; 9 = Mainly characteristic). The
Sensitivity scale assesses individual differences in parental awareness of their children’s
needs, emotional states, and abilities; the Warmth Scale indexes parental support and
affection toward the child. To evaluate interrater reliabilities, a second coder independently
rated 21% of the parent-child interactions. ICCs ranged from .90 to .95 across the four
codes. Because the ratings were assessed on the same scale, composites of maternal and
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paternal parenting quality were created by averaging Warmth and Sensitivity ratings for each
parent (αs = .84 for mom; .92 for dad).
symptoms that were, on average, 81% higher across the two waves. Percentages of children
in our sample who exceeded the mean level of behavioral difficulties in a clinic-referred
sample of young children in the Ablow et al. (1999) study ranged from 19% to 22% across
the two teacher measures.
Structural equation modeling (SEM) with the Amos 22.0 statistical software program was
used to examine children’s emotional insecurity as a mediator of prospective associations
among interparental hostility, disengagement, and poor cooperation and their externalizing
problems. As shown in Figure 1, structural paths were specified between each predictor (i.e.,
interparental conflict forms and covariates) and the two endogenous variables of Wave 2
child insecurity and Wave 3 child externalizing problems. We also estimated a structural
path between Wave 1 externalizing problems and Wave 2 emotional insecurity (see Figure
1). As a test of the second link in the mediational model, Wave 2 insecurity, in turn, was
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The resulting model depicted in Figure 1 provided a good representation of the data, χ2 (109,
N = 243) = 163.52, p = .001, RMSEA = .05, CFI = 0.95, and χ2/df ratio = 1.50. For clarity,
the correlations among covariates and predictors (see Table 1 for correlations among the
measures) are not displayed in the Figure. In support of the measurement model, the
standardized loadings of the manifest indicators onto their latent constructs were all
significant (p < .001) and generally moderate to high in magnitude (mean absolute value for
loadings = .65). Moderate autoregressive paths were identified for children’s insecurity over
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a one-year period, β = .27, p < .01, and their externalizing difficulties across a two-year span,
β = .47, p < .001. With the inclusion of the autoregressive paths, none of the covariates were
significant predictors of W2 child insecurity or W3 externalizing problems. Consistent with
hypotheses, Wave 1 interparental hostility significantly predicted children’s greater
emotional insecurity over a one-year period, β = .34, p < .01. Children’s insecurity at Wave
2, in turn, predicted child behavior problems at Wave 3, β = .21, p < .05. As a further test of
mediation, we conducted bootstrapping tests for the indirect effect (Preacher & Hayes,
2008). In support of mediation, the results indicated that the indirect path involving Wave 1
interparental hostility, Wave 2 emotional insecurity, and Wave 3 child externalizing
problems was significantly different from zero, with the unstandardized coefficient for the
indirect path = .36, 95% CI [.05, .80].
disengaged forms of conflict were unrelated to child insecurity at Wave 2. As a direct test of
the salience of interparental hostility in predicting insecurity, we conducted pairwise
parameter comparisons comparing the magnitude of associations between the three forms of
interparental conflict and child insecurity. One-tailed tests were used to compare the relative
strength of the links based on the EST-R prediction that interparental hostility would be the
strongest predictor of insecurity. Supporting the hypotheses, results indicated that Wave 1
interparental hostility was a significantly stronger predictor of Wave 2 child insecurity than
interparental disengagement, z = 2.05, p < .05, and poor interparental cooperation, z = 1.91,
p < .05.
Study 2
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In Study 2, our goal was to further test interparental hostility, disengagement, and
uncooperativeness as unique predictors of children’s insecurity and externalizing problems
in a sample of young adolescents. Based on the Study 1 results and EST-R predictions, we
hypothesized that interparental hostility would more strongly predict insecurity than
interparental disengagement and poor cooperation. The null associations between
disengaged and uncooperative forms of conflict and children’s insecurity in Study 1 did not
support EST-R’s hypothesis that disengagement between parents would fall in between
hostile and uncooperative interparental conflict in its strength as a precursor of security.
However, from a developmental perspective, it is possible that disengaged interparental
conflict only emerges as a threat to children’s insecurity as they make further gains in
processing interpersonal emotions and interactions. In this regard, research has shown that
young adolescents exhibit greater acuity than younger children in discriminating between
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interparental conflict tactics and draw more systematic causal connections between social
events and their impact on future interpersonal relations (e.g., Cummings, Ballard, El-
Sheikh, & Lake, 1991; El-Sheikh & Cummings, 1995). Therefore, due to their greater
sensitivity to subtle forms of interpersonal threat, we hypothesized that interparental
disengagement would emerge as a stronger predictor of insecurity than poor interparental
cooperation during early adolescence.
identifying risk processes across normative as well as atypical conditions (e.g., Cicchetti &
Toth, 2009). Therefore, our aim in Study 2 was to test whether the pathogenic cascade of
insecurity identified in the at-risk sample in Study 1 was similar in a more advantaged
sample. We specifically sought to examine mediational pathways involving the three forms
of interparental conflict, child insecurity, and their externalizing difficulties in a community
sample of adolescents who, on average, experienced relatively low levels of adversity. To
maximize the comparability of the assessment batteries, design, and analysis of the two
studies, we made efforts to maintain some correspondence in measures across the studies.
Therefore, Study 2 made use of similar: (a) interparental hostility, disengagement, and poor
cooperation composites derived from observational ratings, a semi-structured interview, and
parental questionnaire ratings, (b) teacher and maternal assessments of disruptive behavior,
(c) signs of emotional insecurity (e.g., emotional reactivity, avoidance), and (d) covariates
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(i.e., maternal and paternal parenting quality, household income, and child gender). As in
Study 1, we employed the same lagged autoregressive approach to testing the mediational
pathways over time.
Participants—Data for this paper were drawn from a study with 280 mothers, fathers,
and adolescents. Participants were recruited through local school districts and community
centers in a Northeastern metropolitan area and a small Midwestern city. Due to our focus
on examining children’s responses to interparental conflict, families were only included in
this study if the mothers, fathers, and adolescents had regular contact with each other (i.e.,
contact as a triad for an average of 2 to 3 days per week during the year). As a result, 17
families were excluded from this paper, yielding a sample of 263 mothers, fathers, and
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Procedures—Families visited the laboratory at one of two sites at each time point. The
Institutional Review Boards at each research site approved all research procedures. Families
and teachers were compensated monetarily for their participation.
interparental conflict task in which they were asked to engage in a disagreement (Du Rocher
Schudlich, & Cummings, 2007). Parents conferred to select two problematic topics for their
relationship that they were comfortable discussing. The couples then discussed the two
topics for a total of fourteen minutes. The task was video recorded for subsequent coding.
observer ratings from the interparental conflict task, two parent (i.e., mother and father)
report measures of interparental conflict, and two coder ratings from the interparental
disagreement interview.
Hostile interparental conflict: For the observational part of the interparental hostility
measurement battery, trained coders separately rated maternal and paternal hostility in the
interparental interaction task using the Negativity and Conflict code from the SCID (Malik
& Lindahl, 2004). Negativity and Conflict reflected the degree to which each individual in
the dyad displayed anger, frustration, and tension, as indexed by a five-point rating scale (1
= Very Low; 5 = High). Interrater reliabilities, based on ICCs of coders’ independent ratings
on at least 20% of the interactions, were .87 for mothers and .86 for fathers. For the
interparental disagreement interview part of the measurement, another set of trained
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observers rated the levels of mother and father anger using the same Anger rating scale from
Study 1. ICCs, assessing reliability between two raters who independently overlapped on
25% of the videos, were .81 and .88 for maternal and partner Anger, respectively. Finally,
mothers and fathers each completed the 10-item O’Leary Porter Scale to assess children’s
exposure to interparental hostility (OPS; Porter, & O’Leary, 1980; e.g., “How often do you
and/or your partner display verbal hostility [raised voices, etc.] in front of your child?”).
Internal consistencies for the maternal and paternal OPS assessments were .78 and .80,
respectively. The resulting six scales were standardized and averaged together into a
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used in Study 1 (Kerig, 1996). As with the interparental hostility measure, the six multi-
method scales were standardized and aggregated into an interparental disengagement
composite (α = .65).
(ICC = .91) positive affect. Second, coders rated maternal and paternal behavior from the
interparental disagreement interview using the Contentment code from Study 1. ICCs of
independent coder ratings on over 25% of the interviews were .92 for maternal contentment
and .87 for paternal contentment. Third, mothers and fathers also independently completed
the CPS Cooperation subscale used in Study 1 (Kerig, 1996). Internal consistency
coefficients for the subscales were .87 for father reports and .86 for mother reports.
Consistent with data reduction for the other conflict dimensions, the six assessments of
cooperation were reserve-scored, standardized, and averaged together into a composite of
poor interparental cooperation (α = .70).
valid reports of their own emotional insecurity, including indices of fearful distress (e.g.,
emotional reactivity, avoidance) as well as appraisals of the meaning interparental conflict
has for their families and themselves (Davies et al., 2002). As a result, adolescents
completed three scales derived from the Security in Interparental Subsystem (SIS) Scales to
assess their emotional insecurity at Waves 1 and 2 (Davies et al., 2002): (1) the Emotional
Reactivity scale, which assesses multiple prolonged fearful distress reactions to conflict
(e.g., nine items; “When my parents argue, I feel scared”), (2) the Avoidance scale, indexing
children’s efforts to reduce their exposure to interparental conflicts (e.g., seven items;
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“When my parents have an argument, I try to be very quiet”), and (3) the Destructive Family
Representations scale, which assesses negative appraisals of the impact of interparental
conflict for the family (e.g., four items; “When my parents have an argument, I wonder if
they will divorce or separate”). Alpha coefficients ranged from .83 to .89 for the three scales
across Waves 1 and 2. The validity of the SIS scales is supported by previous research (e.g.,
Davies et al., 2002, 2014).
psychometric properties are well established (Achenbach et al., 2003; Goodman & Scott,
Covariates: Maternal and paternal parenting quality: Maternal and paternal parenting
quality during the family problem-solving task at Wave 1 was rated using the IFIRS
Relationship Quality and Inductive Reasoning scales (Melby & Conger, 2001). Each code is
rated on a nine-point scale (1 = Not at all characteristic; 9 = Mainly characteristic). Whereas
high scores on the Relationship Quality code reflect warm and comfortable interactions
between parents and children, low relationship quality reflects unhappy, distressing, and
dissatisfying interactions. The Inductive Reasoning code assesses the degree to which the
parent sensitively structures interactions and explanations in ways that facilitates teens to
consider the consequences of their own behavior and the feelings and perspectives of others.
Author Manuscript
To assess interrater reliability, coders independently rated over 20% of the interactions. ICCs
ranged from .77 to .92 for maternal and paternal ratings of Relationship Quality and
Inductive Reasoning. Because the codes were assessed on the same scales, the two parenting
measures were averaged together for each parent to form composites of maternal and
paternal parenting quality (α = .64 and .63, respectively).
Table 2 provides the means, standard deviations, and correlations among the covariates,
interparental conflict characteristics, adolescents’ insecurity, and externalizing difficulties.
Consistent with Study 1, SEM analyses were conducted with the Amos 22.0 statistical
software program to examine the mediational role of children’s emotional insecurity in the
prospective pathways between the three forms of interparental conflict and externalizing
difficulties. Analyses utilized FIML to estimate missing data (i.e., data were missing for
13.0% of the values) and retain the full sample for primary analyses (Enders, 2001).
Following the same analytic approach as Study 1, the three interparental conflict
Author Manuscript
characteristics and four covariates were specified as primary predictors of teens’ emotional
insecurity at Wave 2 and their externalizing difficulties at Wave 3 (see Figure 2). An
additional structural path was estimated between Wave 2 insecurity and Wave 3
externalizing difficulties to test the second link in the mediational chain. Autoregressive
paths at Wave 1 were also included for adolescent insecurity and externalizing problems to
control for stability in the proposed mediator and outcome. Figure 2 also shows that we
included predictive paths among all four Wave 1 covariates and adolescent insecurity at
Wave 2 and their externalizing problems at Wave 3. As an additional covariate, a structural
path was also estimated between adolescent externalizing problems at Wave 1 and their
insecurity at Wave 2. As with Study 1, we implemented strong factorial invariance
constraints for emotional security and externalizing problem constructs to attain
correspondence in the measurement of constructs across time (Widaman et al., 2010).
Author Manuscript
Correlations were further specified among all Wave 1 variables (i.e., covariates and
predictors) in the model and between error terms of the manifest indicators for insecurity
and externalizing problems across the assessment waves.
The model, which is depicted in Figure 2, fit the data well, χ2 (109, N = 263) = 154.96, p < .
01, RMSEA = .04, CFI = .97, and χ2/df ratio = 1.42. For clarity, correlations are not
displayed in the figure. Standardized loadings of the manifest indicators onto their latent
constructs were all significant (p < .001) and generally high in magnitude (mean loading = .
73). Autoregressive paths were significant for teen insecurity, β = .47, p < .001, and their
externalizing problems, β = .79, p < .001. None of the Wave 1 covariates were significant
predictors of adolescent insecurity or their externalizing problems. In testing the first link in
the proposed mediational model, adolescent insecurity at Wave 2 was predicted by higher
levels of interparental hostility, β = .38, p < .001, and disengagement, β = .16, p = .05, at
Author Manuscript
Wave 1. Higher insecurity, in turn, was associated with more externalizing difficulties at
Wave 3, β = .21, p = .01. In further support of mediation, bootstrapping analyses of the
indirect links involving the two forms of interparental conflict, insecurity, and externalizing
problems were significantly different from 0 for (a) hostile conflict: unstandardized
coefficient = .13, 95% CI [.03, .25] and (b) disengaged conflict: unstandardized coefficient
= .05, 95% CI [.001, .13] (Preacher & Hayes, 2008).
finding resulted from multicollinearity. However, variance inflation factor (VIF) values for
poor interparental cooperation with each of the covariates and other predictors in the model
ranged from 1.07 to 2.42, all falling below even conservative standards (i.e., 2.50) for
problematic levels of multicollinearity (Allison, 1999). Next, we examined if the negative
links between uncooperative conflict and insecurity were the result of the variance it shared
with the other forms of conflict. Therefore, we re-ran the model in Figure 1 after eliminating
interparental hostility and disengagement from the analysis. The results indicated that the
sign of the structural path between Wave 1 uncooperative conflict and Wave 2 insecurity
changed to the expected direction (β = .11, p = .15) after excluding the other conflict forms.
Author Manuscript
Consistent with Study 1, we calculated pairwise parameter comparisons to test whether the
prospective association between interparental conflict and teen insecurity varied
significantly as a function of the form of conflict. One-tailed tests were used in the statistical
comparisons. As hypothesized, interparental hostility predicted insecurity more strongly
than interparental cooperation, z = 4.18, p < .001, and disengagement, z = 1.74, p < .05. In
further supporting predictions, interparental disengagement was a stronger predictor of
insecurity than uncooperative interparental conflict, z = 2.67, p < .01.
General Discussion
Multiple models of risky family processes have highlighted the importance of examining
Author Manuscript
EST-R, the emotional security system is selectively designed to contend with threat in
interpersonal contexts. As a result, the security system itself should be most sensitive to
imminent danger cues characterized by anger, yelling, dominant posturing, and aggression in
the interparental relationship. At a broader level, our empirical findings also correspond with
evidence that children are biologically prone to prioritize detecting and responding to anger
displays over other emotions (e.g., LoBue, 2009; Öhman & Mineka, 2001). For example,
LoBue (2009) showed that young children and adults are biased toward rapid identification
and processing of angry facial cues over happy or sad facial cues.
Although definitive explanations for our findings will require additional research, the results
beg the question of why the potency of interparental disengagement as a precursor of the
insecurity cascades differs across the studies. From a developmental perspective, it is
possible that age moderates the mediational pathway between interparental disengagement,
children’s insecurity, and their externalizing problems. Early adolescence may usher in a
number of developmental processes that heighten children’s sensitivity to interparental
disengagement (Cummings, Schermerhorn, Davies, Goeke-Morey, & Cummings, 2006).
Some evidence suggests that adolescents may be more proficient in identifying subtle
expressions of interparental discord (e.g., disengagement, withdrawal) than their younger
counterparts (e.g., Cummings, Ballard, El-Sheikh, & Lake, 1991; El-Sheikh & Cummings,
1995). Research has also highlighted the disproportionate risk for relationship instability and
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insecurity in Study 1 and adolescent reports of their insecurity (e.g., emotional reactivity,
avoidance) in Study 2.
emotional insecurity may adopt their highly defensive ways of defending against
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Further discussion of the limitations of our paper is also necessary to fully interpret the
findings. First, more research is needed to identify why the studies yielded different results
for interparental disengagement as a predictor. Second, despite fairly wide diversity in the
racial and demographic backgrounds of families in the paper, caution should be exercised in
generalizing the findings to high-risk or clinical samples of children. Third, even with the
inclusion of a number of predictors and covariates in the analyses, our longitudinal designs
do not rule out all potential confounding variables (e.g., genetic mechanisms, temperament).
Fourth, based on prior work, we did not expect that interparental uncooperativeness in Study
2 would predict lower child insecurity in the context of interparental hostility and
disengagement. Given that this finding was not reproduced in any of our other analyses (i.e.,
Study 1 results, Study 2 correlations and models excluding the other forms of conflict as
predictors), any definitive conclusions about this result will require further research. Finally,
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In closing, this paper was designed to break new ground by testing the relative strength of
mediational pathways involving hostile, disengaged, and uncooperative forms of
interparental conflict, children’s emotional insecurity, and their externalizing problems
across two multi-method longitudinal studies. The results highlight the value of
distinguishing between different forms of interparental conflict in understanding differences
in developmental pathways of children’s coping and psychopathology. From a clinical
perspective, the findings may also have important translational implications for alleviating
the burden of child psychopathology. Children’s concerns about safety are commonly
Author Manuscript
viewed as targets of change allaying their anxiety and depressive symptoms. However, our
mediational findings suggest that adding security modules to prevailing behavioral
approaches for treating externalizing problems may also reduce children’s disruptive
behaviors (e.g., parenting training or cognitive-behavioral programs; Lochman, Powell,
Boxmeyer, & Carnargo, 2011; Menting, de Castro, & Matthys, 2013). Given the growing
number of treatment programs that emphasize promoting child security in the family (e.g.,
Coatsworth, 2013; Cummings & Schatz, 2012; Johnston et al., 2009; Lieberman, Van Horn,
& Ippen, 2005), the present results also underscore the potential merits of prioritizing
clinical changes in specific forms of interparental conflict as a way of stopping the
pathogenic cascade of insecurity in the development of behavior problems. Thus, reducing
interparental hostility and, to a lesser degree, interparental disengagement may be regarded
as a stronger clinical priority than enhancing interparental cooperation for alleviating
Author Manuscript
children’s safety concerns in the family and their disruptive problems (Coatsworth, 2013).
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Although there has been a longstanding interest in understanding how children’s sense of
insecurity in the family plays a role in explaining why exposure to interparental conflict
increases their vulnerability to behavior problems, little is known about how specific
forms of conflict between parents serve as unique antecedents of their psychological
difficulties. In two studies, we found that interparental hostility more strongly predicted
children’s insecurity and, in turn, their behavior problems than interparental
disengagement or poor cooperation. For the sample of adolescents in Study 2,
interparental disengagement was also a stronger precursor of their insecurity and
ultimately their externalizing problems than was poor cooperation between parents.
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Figure 1.
An autoregressive structural equation model examining children’s emotional insecurity as a
mediator in prospective pathways between interparental hostility, disengagement, and poor
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cooperation and their externalizing difficulties in Study 1. Tch. = Teacher; Cond. = Conduct
Problems Sale; Em. React. = Emotional Reactivity. * p < .05 for structural paths in the
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Figure 2.
An autoregressive structural equation model examining adolescent emotional insecurity as a
mediator in prospective pathways between interparental hostility, disengagement, and poor
cooperation and their externalizing difficulties in Study 2. Tch. = teacher; Conduct =
Conduct Problems; Delinq = Delinquency. * p < .05 for structural paths in the figure.
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Table 1
Means, Standard deviations, and Correlations for the Primary Variables in the Study 1 Analyses.
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Davies et al.
Wave 1 Covariates
1. Child Gender 1.44 0.50 --
2. Family Income 41.51 23.54 .07 --
3. Maternal Parenting 3.84 1.78 −.06 .38* --
4. Paternal Parenting 3.57 1.89 −.01 .39* .38* --
Wave 1 Interparental Conflict
5. Hostile 0.00 0.65 .01 −.17* −.14* −.12 --
9. Avoidance 0.00 0.91 .02 −.15* −.25* −.13* .22* .25* .10 .20* --
10. Overall Security 5.31 1.96 .03 .05 .03 .06 −.12 −.09 −.10 −.45* −.29* --
12. Avoidance 0.00 0.92 .08 −.03 −.24* −.13 .19* .22* .17* .07 .39* −.11 .28* --
13. Overall Security 4.96 2.05 .01 .15* .15* .17* −.33* −23* −.20* −.21* −.13 .27* −.68* −.30* --
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
18. ADHD Symptoms 7.51 7.76 .05 −.27* −.18* −.21* .04 .11 .03 .01 .01 −.11 .10 −.08 −.14 .38* .44* .26* .72* --
19. Conduct Problems 1.67 2.64 .06 −.13* −.09 −.06 .22* .19* .11 .10 .14* −.11 .17* .10 −.21* .30* .18* .65* .52* .39*
Davies et al.
Table 2
Means, Standard deviations, and Correlations for the Primary Variables in the Study 2 Analyses.
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Davies et al.
Wave 1 Covariates
1. Child Gender 0.50 0.50 --
2. Family Income 8.47 3.15 −.06 --
3. Maternal Parenting Quality 4.36 1.63 −.10 .34* --
9. Avoidance 15.40 5.32 .01 −.13* −.04 −.01 .15* .08 .15* .61* --
10. Insecure Representations 5.74 2.58 .00 −.28* −.19* −.02 .22* .23* .21* .73* .49* --
12. Avoidance 15.11 5.48 −.01 .04 −.09 −.03 .34* .16* .17* .43* .47* .31* .69* --
13. Negative Representations 5.58 2.44 .04 −.29* −.21* −.14* .31* .30* .20* .33* .22* .43* .70* .54* --
15. SDQ Hyperactive (Teacher) 2.27 2.37 −.27* −.19* −.11 −.11 .18* .16* .13* .11 .07 .22* .05 .00 .08 .54* --
16. Delinquency (Mother) 1.28 1.77 −.18* −.22* −.18* −.13* .18* .15* .04 .04 .02 .16* .13 −.03 .19* .33* .34* --
18. Hyperactive (Teacher) 2.26 2.34 −.19* −.17* −.06 −.12 .09 .13 .08 .14* .08 .24* .10 .08 .21* .38* .48* .17* .58* --
19. Delinquency (Mother) 1.37 2.12 −.08 −.26* −.17* −.13 .20* .06 .18* .19* .07 .25* .21* .03 .29* .42* .29* .62* .37* .22*