In George Bernard Shaw
In George Bernard Shaw
In George Bernard Shaw
"You see this creature with her kerbstone English: the English that will keep her in the gutter
to the end of her days."
I understand that Eliza speaks with a Cockney accent typical of East-Londoners. However,
what does 'kerbstone English' mean?
All Google searches come up with results that define 'kerbstone', but not 'kerbstone English'
as a phrase.
Most comments and answers are focusing on the literal meaning and connection between
'gutter' and 'kerbstone'. However, I want to know if 'kerbstone English' has a deeper
meaning, such as being the name of an accent, Cockney, for example.
В „Пигмалион“ на Джордж Бърнард Шоу цитира бележникът
„Виждате това създание с нейния каменен английски: английският, който ще я държи в канавката
до края на дните й.“
Разбирам, че Елайза говори с кокни акцент, типичен за жителите на Източен Лондон. Но какво
означава „английски бордюр“?
Повечето коментари и отговори се фокусират върху буквалното значение и връзката между „улук“
и „бордюр“. Искам обаче да знам дали „английският бордюр“ има по-дълбоко значение, като
например име на акцент, кокни, например.
As an English teacher, I also know that this is not really a simple question. So,
I put it back to my students. Which do YOU think is easier?
Some students say American English is easier, because we hear it all the time
in Hollywood movies.
Some students say British English is easier because British people speak
more slowly.
My students can never agree on the answer. But there is one thing that they
agree on - nobody can understand people from Scotland, because nobody can
understand their accent!
For all of these reasons, there are many, many accents that you may
encounter in Britain.
In fact, even if two towns are only ten or twenty miles apart, the people living in
each one may have different accents!
One website suggests that there are 43 distinct dialects in the UK. By
comparison, they identify only six distinct dialects* in the United States.
However, to make things easier, we can look at accents by region.
It helps to examine the accents in the different countries that make up the
United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland). Since England
is the largest country, we can further examine accents from northern England,
southern England and London.
It turns out that the answer is yes. The standard British accent is something
called received pronunciation, or RP.
Geographically, people who speak with this accent live in the southeastern
part of England. This is traditionally a “posh” part of England, so this accent is
considered to be upper/middle class.
In the past, having an RP accent might have helped you to get a better job.
Having a “working class” (non-RP) accent might have prevented you from
getting a better job.
Since English teachers need a language model to work with, many British
English books use the RP accent as a pronunciation guide.
/presˈtɪdʒ.əs/ US
very much respected and admired, usually because of being important:
a prestigious literary award
a prestigious university
You may have heard other names for the RP accent. When people talk about
“the Queen’s English”, they are referring to RP.
People may also use the term “BBC English”. In the past, the BBC hired only
presenters who spoke with an RP accent. However, this is no longer true.
Thus, we can say there is no such thing as BBC English anymore.
Other accents found in the south of England are the Cornish accent (people
here used to speak a language called Cornish) and the West Country accent.
What does a northern English accent sound
To a British person, a northern accent sounds less posh than a southern
accent. It sounds a bit rougher, but also a bit friendlier.
One of the main features that jumps out is the use of ‘oo’ instead of ‘uh’. So,
instead of catching a bus, a northerner might catch a ‘boose’. Instead of living
up north, they live ‘oop’ north. (Note that they would still spell these words in
the standard way!)
A great example of a northern accent is the Yorkshire accent which you can
listen to below.
The Scottish accent has a different rhythm from standard English. This gives it
a distinct sound, which many people say sounds very nice!
You may also hear Scots use the ‘oo’ sound in place of ‘ow’. So, ‘about’ may
sound like ‘aboot’ and ‘house’ may sound like ‘hoose’. Or you may hear the
‘ee’ sound for ‘eh’, so ‘head’ sounds like ‘heed’.
A great way to learn more about the Scottish accent is this video clip about the
TV series Outlander, which is set in Scotland.
I believe that when people say the Scottish accent is difficult, they are actually
talking about the Glaswegian accent (Glaswegian = from Glasgow, the largest
city in Scotland). You can hear some samples below and decide for yourself.
The Welsh accent also has its own rhythm and flow. To me, it sounds cute,
and I love to hear the Welsh accent!
This actor describes it as a ‘sing-song’ accent and shows you what it sounds
like. ‘Sing-song’ is a good way to describe it since Welsh people are also
famous for their choirs!
There is quite a difference between the accents in the two parts of Ireland and
each has a distinctive rhythm and flow.
It is very hard to copy a northern Irish accent, even for actors! However, one
feature to look for is how the ‘ow’ sound is shortened to an ‘ay’ sound. So,
‘now’ sounds like ‘nigh’.
Well, in fact it doesn’t sound exactly like ‘nigh’... as I said, it is very difficult to
copy or even describe. This guide will explain more.
If his co-workers in Madrid have trouble understanding him, should they learn
the Glaswegian accent? No, that would not seem fair! Instead, the
responsibility is on Jock to ‘tone it down’ (lessen his accent). He needs to
speak in a more standard way to be understood outside of Scotland.
I’m from Scotland, myself, and I moved to America at age seven, so I’m
speaking from experience!
On the other hand, if you are sent to Glasgow for work, you will need to
become familiar with the Glaswegian accent. Now the responsibility is on you!
However, being ‘immersed’ in the accent means that you should become
familiar with it over days or weeks.
And if you travel around Britain as a tourist? Just relax and enjoy hearing all
the wonderful accents you will hear. If someone speaks with an accent you
don’t recognise, just ask them. British people tend to be very happy to tell you
about where they come from.
Most accents will not be difficult to understand and many people will adjust the
way they speak when they chat to someone who is not from the local area.
Remember, our differences are what makes life interesting. Variety is the
spice of life!
/ɪmˈplɔː.zə.bəl/ US
/presˈtɪdʒ.əs/ US
very much respected and admired, usually because of being important:
a prestigious literary award
a prestigious university