This document provides information on estimating energy expenditure during exercise using MET levels and formulas. It includes a table listing common activities along with their MET levels to indicate intensity. The summary is:
1) To estimate calories burned during exercise, you need to know your weight and the MET level of the activity from the provided table.
2) A formula is given to calculate calories burned per minute by multiplying MET level, weight in kilograms, and a constant.
3) For a more accurate calorie deficit calculation, subtract calories that would have been burned at rest for the same time period. This provides the amount of calories available for fat loss.
This document provides information on estimating energy expenditure during exercise using MET levels and formulas. It includes a table listing common activities along with their MET levels to indicate intensity. The summary is:
1) To estimate calories burned during exercise, you need to know your weight and the MET level of the activity from the provided table.
2) A formula is given to calculate calories burned per minute by multiplying MET level, weight in kilograms, and a constant.
3) For a more accurate calorie deficit calculation, subtract calories that would have been burned at rest for the same time period. This provides the amount of calories available for fat loss.
This document provides information on estimating energy expenditure during exercise using MET levels and formulas. It includes a table listing common activities along with their MET levels to indicate intensity. The summary is:
1) To estimate calories burned during exercise, you need to know your weight and the MET level of the activity from the provided table.
2) A formula is given to calculate calories burned per minute by multiplying MET level, weight in kilograms, and a constant.
3) For a more accurate calorie deficit calculation, subtract calories that would have been burned at rest for the same time period. This provides the amount of calories available for fat loss.
This document provides information on estimating energy expenditure during exercise using MET levels and formulas. It includes a table listing common activities along with their MET levels to indicate intensity. The summary is:
1) To estimate calories burned during exercise, you need to know your weight and the MET level of the activity from the provided table.
2) A formula is given to calculate calories burned per minute by multiplying MET level, weight in kilograms, and a constant.
3) For a more accurate calorie deficit calculation, subtract calories that would have been burned at rest for the same time period. This provides the amount of calories available for fat loss.
To estimate how many calories you’ll burn during exercise, you need to know your weight and the MET level of an activity. (You can get the MET level of an activity from the table below). MET means metabolic equivalent and is the amount of energy you expend and oxygen you consume. One MET is the amount of energy you expend while sitting. When you exercise, your MET level increases because your working muscles need more energy and oxygen. Use the following formula to calculate how many calories per minute you will burn during the activity. Then multiply that number by your total exercise minutes. Energy expenditure (calories/minute) = .0175 x MET (from chart) x weight (in kilograms) (To find out your weight in kilograms, simply divide your weight in pounds by 2.2.) To get a more accurate idea of how fast you’ll burn calories to lose weight: Figure out what you would have burned if you were just sitting around, instead of exercising, for the same time period. (The MET for sitting is 1.0.) Subtract these calories from your exercise calories. This is your energy deficit, or the amount of calories you can count on for fat loss. You will notice that vigorous intensity exercise gives faster results. METS Activity Description 1.0 Sitting Resting metabolic rate 4.0 Bicycling <l0 mph, general leisure 6.0 Bicycling 10-11.9 mph, leisure, slow, light effort 8.0 Bicycling 12-13.9 mph, leisure, moderate effort 10.0 Bicycling 14-15.9 mph, racing, fast, vigorous effort 12.0 Bicycling 16-19 mph, racing/not drafting or >19 mph drafting, very fast 16.0 Bicycling >20 mph, racing, not drafting 3.0 Cycling (stationary) 50 watts, very light effort 5.5 Cycling (stationary) 100 watts, light effort 7.0 Cycling (stationary) 150 watts, moderate effort 10.5 Cycling (stationary) 200 watts, vigorous effort 12.5 Cycling (stationary) 250 watts, very vigorous effort 4.5 Calisthenics home exercise, light or moderate effort 8.0 Calisthenics vigorous effort (pushups, pull-ups, sit-ups) 6.0 Dancing aerobic, ballet or modem 5.0 Dancing low impact aerobic 7.0 Dancing high impact aerobic 1.0 Inactivity Sitting quietly, watching TV., reading, talking on phone, riding in a car 1.2 Inactivity Standing quietly 8.0 Running 5 mph (12 min mile) (OVER) METS Activity Description 9.0 Running 5.2 mph (11.5 min mile) 10.0 Running 6 mph (10 min mile) 11 Running 6.7 mph (9 min m mile) 11.5 Running 7 mph (8.5 min mile) 12.5 Running 7.5 mph (8 min mile) 13.5 Running 8 mph (7.5 min mile) 14.0 Running 8.6 mph (7 min mile) 15.0 Running 9 mph (6.5 min mile) 16.0 Running 10 mph (6 min mile) 18.0 Running 10.9 mph (5.5 min mile) 15.0 Running Running stairs 8.5 Rowing machine 150 watts, vigorous effort 12.0 Rowing machine 200 watts, very vigorous effort 7.0 Skiing, X-country 2.5 mph, slow or light effort, ski walking 8.0 Skiing, X-country 4.0-4.9 mph, moderate speed and effort 9.0 Skiing, X-country 5.0-7.9 mph, brisk speed, vigorous effort 14.0 Skiing, X-country >8 mph, racing 16.5 Skiing, X-country hard snow, uphill, maximum effort 5.0 Skiing, downhill light effort 6.0 Skiing, downhill moderate effort 8.0 Skiing, downhill vigorous effort, racing 4.2 & 4.4 Stairmaster 4000PT & 4400 PT manual program level 2 (number of lights) 5.8 & 6.5 Stairmaster 4000PT & 4400 PT manual program level 4 (number of lights) 7.3 & 8.6 Stairmaster 4000PT & 4400 PT manual program level 6 (number of lights) 8.9 & 10.7 Stairmaster 4000PT & 4400 PT manual program level 8 (number of lights) 10.4 & 12.7 Stairmaster 4000PT & 4400 PT manual program level 10 (number of lights) 12.1 & 14.8 Stairmaster 4000PT & 4400 PT manual program level 12 (number of lights) 13.6 & 16.9 Stairmaster 4000PT & 4400 PT manual program level 14 (number of lights) 5.0 Stairmaster Stepmill 7000 PT exercise stage 2 7.0 Stairmaster Stepmill 7000 PT exercise stage 4 9.0 Stairmaster Stepmill 7000 PT exercise stage 6 11.0 Stairmaster Stepmill 7000 PT exercise stage 8 13.0 Stairmaster Stepmill 7000 PT exercise stage 10 15.0 Stairmaster Stepmill 7000 PT exercise stage 12 17.0 Stairmaster Stepmill 7000 PT exercise stage 14 6.0 Swimming leisurely, not lap swimming 8.0 Swimming Backstroke, general 10.0 Swimming Breaststroke, general 11.0 Swimming Butterfly, general 2.5 Walking 2 mph, level slow pace, firm surface 3.0 Walking 2.5 mph, firm surface 3.5 Walking 3 mph, level, moderate pace, firm surface 4.0 Walking 3.5 - 4 mph, level, brisk, firm surface 4.5 Walking 4.5 mph, level, firm surface, very very brisk 6.5 Walking race walking
December 2004 (Reviewed 011/09) 2004, University of Colorado Hospital, Denver