Work Immersion - Module 1 and 2 - LAS
Work Immersion - Module 1 and 2 - LAS
Work Immersion - Module 1 and 2 - LAS
Learning Activity Sheet
Quarter 3 – Module 1 and 2
C. Directions/ Instructions
After going through with this unit, you are expected to:
1. define work immersion and its nature;
2. determine the reasons for conducting a Work Immersion;
3. get familiarized with the terms used for Work Immersion; and
4. offer possible solutions to the probable obstacles a learner may encounter during Work
D. Exercises / Activities
ACTIVITY 1: Pre-Test
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space provided.
_____1. In which classification of subjects in Senior High School is Work Immersion included?
A. Applied B. Core C. Elective D. Specialized
_____2. Who is the school personnel designated to supervise the learners during the Work
A. Subject Group Head
B. Work Immersion Focal
C. Work Immersion Teacher
D. Work Immersion Supervisor
_____3. What legal binding document is signed by the two parties entering into partnership before
implementing a project or program?
A. Affidavit of Undertaking B. MOA C. MOU D. MOOE
_____4. Work Immersion involves hands-on experience or work simulation that can be conducted in
A. Work Immersion Site
B. Work Immersion Institution
C. Work Immersion Place
D. Work Immersion Venue
_____5. What DepEd issuance will you read for the Work Immersion implementation of all senior
high schools during crisis situation?
A. Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00085
B. Dep Ed Order No.39, series 2018
C. Dep Ed Order No. 8, s. 2015
D. Dep Ed Order No. 30, s. 2017
You are now in Grade 12 and therefore you are expected to be equipped with all the skills you
gained from your different subjects. Let’s recall the 3 classifications of subjects in Senior High
School. Yes, they are: Core subjects; Applied subjects; and Specialized subjects. Work Immersion is
one (1) of the nine (9) specialized subjects and it is also allotted 80 hours just like other subjects.
Are you excited for your Work Immersion? Today you will read and learn the content of
some sections of DepEd Order No. 30, s. 2017, DepEd No. 39, s. 2018 and the latest Guidelines for
Work Immersion Implementation during crisis situation found in Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00085
from the Office of the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction.
According to DepEd Order No. 40, series of 2015, Work Immersion refers to the part of the
Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum consisting of 80 hours of hands-on experience or work
simulation which the Grades 11 and 12 students will undergo to expose them to the actual workplace
setting and to enrich the competencies provided by the school under the supervision of the School
Head and the designated personnel of the Partner.”
The Department of Education issued DepEd Order no. 30 s. 2017 entitled Guidelines for
Work Immersion which is the basis for the implementation of Work Immersion in all Senior High
Schools (SHSs). So let us get oriented with the selected sections of DepEd Order no. 30 s. 2017. Read
it thoroughly.
Section 1: Rationale
One of the goals of the K to 12 Education Program is to develop in learners the competencies,
work ethics, and values relevant to pursuing further education and/or joining the world of work. To
achieve greater congruence with the basic education and the nation’s development targets, Work
Immersion, a required subject, has been integrated in the curriculum. This subject will provide
learners with the following opportunities:
1. to become familiar with the work place
2. for employment simulation
3. to apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied subject’s in authentic work
To achieve those objectives, Work Immersion is therefore a requirement for graduation from
secondary education. Learners are immersed on actual work environments such as workshops, offices
and laboratories in which their prior training is relevant. But this is given clarification on DepEd
Order No. 39, s. 2018.
Though the intention of Work Immersion is to provide SHS learners with opportunities to
become familiar with the workplace, simulate employment, and to apply their competencies in areas
of specialization/applied subjects in actual work environments, DepEd recognizes other options that
may equally prepare learners for all curriculum exits.
For all tracks, schools may opt to devise unique delivery model with a minimum of 80 and a
maximum of 320 hours following the Curriculum Guide.
All TVL learners shall have completed the required learning competencies of a particular
specialization before Work Immersion.
The nominal duration of specialization for TVL shall be considered in crafting the delivery
model of the school. For other tracks:
Accounting, Business and Management (ABM) learners may have Business Enterprise
Humanities and Social Science Strand (HUMSS) learners may take Culminating Activity
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) learners may take
Research/Capstone Project
General Academic Strand (GAS) learners may take Research/Capstone Project or
Culminating Activity
For Sports Track, learners may take Apprenticeship (off – campus)
For Arts and Design Track, learners may take Performing Arts for Production or Exhibit for
Arts Production
However, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the learners’ physical attendance in school is
prohibited. Consequently, the implementation of Work Immersion given above is greatly affected.
Hence, the Office of Undersecretary set another guideline stipulated in Memorandum DM-CI-2020-
00085 specifically for this school year 2020-2021. Varying suggested activities for all tracks guided
by Most Essential Competencies (MELCs) are provided.
The activities in all tracks can be performed in different schemes which include in-school, home-
based, community-based, and school industry partnership.
Whatever scheme is used, all lessons and activities of Work Immersion or its equivalent shall be
delivered using different modalities applicable to the specific track, strand, learners and schools.
To get more oriented with these schemes, your Work Immersion Teacher together with the
Focal Person, Grade level Chairman and Principal will meet you together with your parent via online
platform. Your Work Immersion Teacher or your previous adviser will send you a message and link
for an online orientation. This will be done on the 1st week of second semester.
What topic will they discuss? Yes! They will explain how you will go about your Work
Immersion using the above-mentioned schemes. They will do the following:
1. Walkthrough of the Parts of the entire Work Immersion
2. Explanation of contextualized activity and scheme relevant to your track & strand (to be
taken from the new issued Memorandum in response to the crisis)
3. Assessment
4. Other important matters/reminders regarding your Work Immersion 5. Open Forum where
you and your parents can ask questions directly to the teachers or even to the principal.
To prepare for this online orientation, you can already download those apps for online
meeting. When the message and link are given to you, you will just click it to open and join the
meeting. Just remember to make your environment silent because every noise is heard by everyone in
the meeting, so you need to turn off the microphone to avoid destruction to the speaker. Wait for
further instructions.
Being a learner of Work Immersion, you must be familiarized with the different terms and
their definitions. (Section 3 of DO No. 30, s 2017) Match the definitions below with the terms inside
the box provided below:
A. Partnership
B. Work Immersion
C. Partner Institution
D. Work Immersion Teacher
E. Memorandum of Agreement
F. Workplace Immersion Venue
G. School Partnership Focal Person
H. Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor
1. Public or private institutions or organizations that are able and willing to lend their expertise and
2. Refers to the subject of the Senior High School Curriculum, which involves hands-on experience or
work simulation in which learners can apply their competencies and acquired knowledge relevant to
their track.
3. The person authorized to seek partnerships between DepEd and institutions (DepEd Order 40, s.
4. The school personnel who is assigned to supervise the learners at the Work Immersion Venue in
coordination with the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor
5. A legally binding document, which spells out the specific terms and conditions between and among
parties entering into partnership to implement a program, project or any other similar undertakings.
6. The place where work immersion is conducted. It shall conform to the law and the rules and
regulations on safety, appropriateness for learning, and availability of facilities and equipment which
are issued by the DepEd (DO 40, s 2015.)
7. The counterpart of the Work Immersion Teacher and may also be the representative of the partner
institution in forging partnership with DepEd schools.
8. The relationship between the partner institution and the school, or any office of DepEd (Central,
Regional or Division) that responds to the needs of K to 12 programs in general, and Senior High
School in particular, which is formalized through a Memorandum of Agreement. Kindly check your
1. List down 3-5 potential obstacles you may encounter on Work Immersion?
2. What actions can you do to overcome the obstacles? You may use an appropriate graphic organizer
to show your listed obstacles with the corresponding actions to overcome them.
3. If you would be given the chance to experience an actual work in a work immersion venue in your
barangay suited for your track and strand, what could it be and why do you think you should be
deployed there? Briefly explain your answer in one (1) paragraph
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. If your answer is false, write the word
that makes it wrong then change it to make the statement correct.
1. Having failed in the Work immersion, a learner can still join the graduation.
2. We can refer to the Memorandum DM-CI-00085 whenever we want to clarify the model used by
the ABM students in this time of crisis.
3. The Memorandum of Agreement is signed by the Work Immersion Teacher and authorized
personnel from the company.
4. It is only the Work Immersion adviser who can monitor your Home-based Work Immersion.
5. Learners can achieve the prescribed competencies for Work Immersion though they are not
deployed in a Work Immersion Venue
Directions: With your parent or guardian. fill up the Immersion Parent’s Consent Form attached here
on this Self-Learning Module.
Correct answer but not Correct answer written Correct answer written Correct answer written
in a sentence in a sentence but no in a sentence with 1 in a sentence with 2
supporting detail supporting detail supporting details
from the text
1 2 3 4
C. Directions/ Instructions
After going through with this unit, you are expected to:
1. define work ethics;
2. enumerate characteristics needed in developing good work ethics;
3. get oriented on the different work ethics; and
4. practice good work ethics.
D. Exercises / Activities
ACTIVITY 1: Pre-Test
Directions: Listed below are the characteristics needed in acquiring good work ethics. Choose the
letter that corresponds to the characteristic related to the scenario happening in the workplace.
1. A boss or an employer trusted his/her employee to do his works because he/she believes that the
employee works even without his employer’s supervision.
2. An employee has never been late nor absent from his work.
3. This employee helps other colleagues because he/she believes in the saying that” Two heads are
better than one.”
4. Being considered as an employee of Work Immersion training, you have to do your work/job
beyond the instruction.
5. An employee who happens to be given another responsibility reacted positively and he still
accepted the additional work given to him.
What are the common Work Ethics that you as an employee should remember?
1. Be on time or 10-15 minutes before the time.
2. Don’t abuse leave time.
3. Avoid absences without valid and important reasons.
1. Honesty - An honest employee fosters good reputation to an organization. So be honest by telling
the truth at all times and never attempt stealing nor theft, just like a tricycle driver who returned the
lost money and gadget to the owner.
2. Punctuality - You need to submit your work early or on time. Always come to your work 15
minutes before the time.
3. Integrity and Loyalty - Never disclose nor reveal nor share confidential matters. You must be
trustworthy so that people will rely and trust you.
8. Commitment to Excellence - You do not only work just for compliance but you work hard to
produce the best output or best quality
9. Professionalism - It is more than just how you look but it’s a way of speaking, behaving and even
thinking that helps a person to be successful in the workplace. You must know how to follow all
workplace rules. You also know how to admit if you made a mistake and learn from it. Ask for help if
you’re not sure how to handle a situation. Language is an important aspect of communication whether
you are talking with a co-worker in the privacy of your own office or to a customer. Practice using
language that is appropriate for the workplace in your everyday conversations so that you get into the
habit of sounding professional. Lastly, always dress up appropriately.
10. Attitude - Many always look for an employee with right attitude. To be a better employee, you
must listen to suggestions. Be positive on different challenges. You also accept responsibility
entrusted to you and admit your own mistakes if ever you commit one. Respect everyone in the
workplace. Respect begets respect.
11. Cooperation - So how do you demonstrate your cooperation in a workplace? You’re right...You
know how to follow rules and regulations of the workplace. You also know how to get along with
others. Besides, you also show appreciation of the privileges and never abuse them.
In today’s competitive and modern business world, it is highly essential to adhere with
professional appearance and grooming for the workplace. You need to keep in mind the following
basic guidelines for good grooming in the workplace: Wear business suits in basic colors.
1. Always be neat and clean including your teeth, fingernails, face, hair and even your shoes.
2. Keep your pockets empty and as much as possible avoid tinkling coins or keys and bulges.
3. Avoid eating candies, smoking cigarettes and chewing gum when you are inside the office.
4. Use portfolio case or light briefcase when carrying important documents with you instead
of compiling these documents in folders and carrying these between your armpits.
5. As much as possible get rid of tattoos and body piercings for these will just make you look
untidy and unprofessional. 6. Wear light perfume/cologne and minimize using lots of jewelries.
B. Two scenarios below happen in the real world. How would you apply your Work Ethics in the
following situations?
1. There might be times your boss allows you to work from home. Having the permission to
work from home, you just took some office supplies, anyway you are using it for work from home.
2. There are companies or other workplaces that allow trainees like Work Immersion students
to just finish the work for the day and they can go home. That scenario happens to you, so you can go
home already as per instruction. But you see other trainees like you are still working.
Directions: Among the different work ethics we have studied, which among them do you often
practice at home, in school, or anywhere? In five sentences, write instances you practiced it.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________________
One of the curricula exits of K to 12 Basic Education Program is employment. It is good that
you develop a certain discipline to uphold good work ethics because it will make you a better
Below is a segmented pyramid where you will list all the basic characteristics that will help
you develop good work ethics
Is it good to be always transferring from one company to another? If all the employees or
workers are in good relationship with one another, they might stay longer because they are happy and
satisfied because of exercising right character and attitude in a work place.
Write an essay on how you envision yourself as part of the industry’s or company’s
workforce. How will the work ethics be helpful in maintaining good work relationship? Write your
essay on a yellow paper
Correct answer but not Correct answer written Correct answer written Correct answer written
in a sentence in a sentence but no in a sentence with 1 in a sentence with 2
supporting detail supporting detail supporting details
from the text
1 2 3 4