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Aashto T-97-10

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Standard Method of Test for

Flexura! Strength of Concrete (Using Simple

Beam with Third-Point Loading)

AASHTO Designation: T 97-10 (ÍHÍI

ASTM Designation: C 78-08

1.1. This test method covers determination of the flexural strength of concrete by the use of a simple
beam with third-point loading.

1.2. The valúes stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.

Note 1—For methods of molding concrete specimens, see T 23 and R 39.

1.3. This standard does not purport to address all ofthe safety concerns, ifany, associated with its use.
It ís the responsíbility ofthe user ofthis standard to establish appropriate safeíy and health
practices and determine the applicability of regulatory Umitations prior to use.


2.1. AASHTO Standards:

• R 39, Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory
• T 23, Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field
• T 24M/T 24, Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete
• T 231, Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimens

2.2. ASTM Standards:

• C 31/C 31M, Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field
• C 42/C 42M, Standard Test Metbod for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed
Beams of Concrete
• C 192/C 192M, Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the
• C 617, Standard Practice for Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
• C 1077, Standard Practice for Agencies Testing Concrete and Concrete Aggregates for Use in
Construction and Gritería for Testing Agency Evaluation
• E 4, Standard Practices for Forcé Verification of Testing Machines


3.1. This test method is used to determine the flexural strength of specimens prepared and curcd in
accordance with T 23, T 24M/T 24, or R 39. Results are calculated and reported as the modufus of

TS-3c T 97-1 AASHTO

rupture. The strength determined will vary where there are differences in specimen size,
preparatíon, moisture condition, curing, or where the beam has been molded or sawed to size.

3.2. The resuit of this test method may be used to determine compliance with specifications or as a
basis for proportioning, míxing, and placement operations. Tt is used in testíng concrete for
constmction of slabs and pavements.


4.1. The testing machine shall conform to the requirements of sections on Basis of Verifícations,
Corrections, and Time Interval Bctween Vcrifícation of ASTM E 4. Hand-operated testing
machines having pumps that do not provide a continuous loading in one stroke are not permitted.
Motorized pumps or hand-operated positive displacement pumps having sufficient volume in one
continuous stroke to complete a test withont requiring replenishment are permitted and shall be
capable of applying loads at a uniform rate without shock or interruption.

4.2. Loading Apparatus—The third-point loading method shall be used in rnaking ilexure tests of
concrete employing bearing blocks, which will ensure that forces applied to the beam will be
perpendicular lo the face of the specimen and appíied without eccentricity. A diagram of an
apparatus that accomplishes this purpose is shown in Figure 1.

Head of
Testing Machine
Optional Positionsfor
One Steel Rod and
One Steel Ball
Steel Bail
1 in. min —I I— 1 in. min

and Support Blocks

Steel Ball

Steel Rodd — ^T 7 Rigid Loading Structure or,
if it is a loading accessory,
C i Steel Píate or Channel
Bed of
Testing Machine
<_J • L<3

Figure 1—Diagrammatic View of a Suitable Apparatus for Flexure Test of Concrete by Third-Point Loading

4.2.1. All apparatus for making flexiire tests of concrete should be capable of maintaining the specifíed
span length and distances between load-applying blocks and support blocks constant within
±1.3 mm (±0.05 in.).

TS-3c T97-2 AASHTO

4.2.2. The ralio of Ihe horizonlal dislance belween Ihe poinl of application ol'lhe load and Ihe poinl of
application of the nearesl reaction to Ihe deplh of Ihe beam shall be 1.0 ±0.03.

4.2.3. If an apparalus similar lo tlial illustraled in Figure 1 is used: The load-applying and suppoit blocks should not be more llian 64 mm (2/2 in.) high, measured
from Ihe eenler or Ihe axis of pivot, and should cxtcnd cntirely across or bcyond Ihe fu 11 widlh of
Ihe spceimen. Each ease-hardened bearing surface in conlact with thc spccimen shall not depart
from a plañe by more tlian 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) and should be a portion of a cylínder, the axis of
which is coincidental with eilher Ihe axis of Ihe rod or eenler of the ball, wliichever the block is
pivoled upon. The angle subtended by the curved surface of each block should be at least 45
degrees (0.79 rad). The load-applying and support blocks should be maintaincd in a vertical position and in conlact
with the rod or ball by means of spring-loaded screws that hold thcm in contact with the pivot rod
or ball. The uppermost bearing píate and centerpoinl ball in Figure 1 may be omitted wben a spherically
scatcd bearing block is used, provided onc rod and onc ball are used as pivots for the upper load-
applying blocks.


5.1. The test spccimen shall contbrm to all rcquirements of T 23, T 24M/T 24, and R 39. Thc specimen
shall havc a test span within 2 perccnt of being three times its dcpth as tcstcd. The sides of the
specimen shall be at ríghl angles with Ihe lop and bottom. All surfaces shall be smooth and free of
scars, ¡ndentations, boles, or inscribed idenlification marks.


6.1. Flexural tesis of moisl-cured speeimens shall be made as soon as praclical afler removal from
moist storage. Sur face drying of the specimen resulls in a reduction in the measured flexura!

6.2. When using molded speeimens, turn thc test specimen on ils side with respcct to its posilion as
molded and center it on the support bloeks. When using sawcd speeimens, position thc spccimen
so the tensión face corrcsponds to the top or bottom of thc specimen as cut from thc parent

6.3. Center the loading system in relation to Ihe applied torce. Bring the load-applying blocks in
contact with the surface of the specimen at the third points and apply a load of belween 3 and 6
perccnt of the estimatcd ultímate load.

6.4. Using O.lO-mm (0.004-in.) and 0.38-mm (0.015-in.) leaf-typc fcclcr gaugcs, determine whether
any gap belween the spccimen and the load-applying or support blocks is greater or lesser Ihan
each oi'thc gauges ovcr a length of 25 mm (1 in.) or more. Grind, cap, or use Icathcr shims on Ihe
specimen conlact surface lo elimínale any gap in excess of 0.10 mm (0.004 in.) in widlh. Lcather
shims shall be of uniform 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) Ihickness, 25 lo 50 mm (1 to 2 in.) width, and shall
extend aeross Ihe full widlh of Ihe specimen. Gaps in excess of 0.38 mm (0.015 in.) shall be
eliminalcd only by capping or grinding. Grinding of lateral surfaces should be minimized in as
much as grinding may cliange the physical cliaraclerislics ol'lhe speeimens. Capping shall be in
accordance with T 23 1.

TS-3c T 97-3 AASHTO

6.5. Load the specimen continuously and without shock. The load shall be applied at a constant rate to
íhe breaking point. Apply a load at a rate that constantly increases the máximum stress on the
tensión face between 0.9 and 1.2 MPa/min (125 and 175 psi), until mpture occurs. The loading
rate is calculated using the following cquation:
r - Sbd2/L (1)
r = loading rate, MN/min (Ib/min);
S = rate of increase ín extreme fiber stress, MPa/mín (psi/min);
b = average width of specimen mm (in.);
d = average depth of specimen mm (in.); and
L = span length, mm (Ín.).


7.1. To determine the dimensions of the specimen cross section for use in calculating modulus of
rupture, take measurements across one of íhe fraclured faces after testing. The width and depth are
measured with the specimen as oriented for testing. For each dimensión, take one measurement at
each edge and one at the center of the cross section. Use the three measurements for each direction
to determine the average width and the average depth. Take all measurements to íhe nearest 1.3
mm (0.05 in.). If the fracture occurs at a capped section, include the cap thickness in the


8.1. If the fracture initiates in the tensión surface within the middle third of the span length, calcúlate
the modulus of rupture as follows:
R = Pl/bd2 (2)
R = modulus of rupture, kPa (psi);
P = máximum appfied load índicated by the testing machine, N (Ibf);
/ = span length, mm (in.);
b = average width of specimen mm (in.); and
d — average depth of specimen mm (in.).
Note 2—The weight of the beam is not included in the above calculation.

8.2. If the fracture occurs in the tensión surface outside of the middle third of the span length by not
more Iban 5 percent of the span length, calcúlate the modulus of rupture as follows:
R = ZPa/bd2 (3)
a = average distance between line of fracture and the nearest support measured on the tensión
surface of the beam, mm (in.).
See Note 2.

8.3. If the fracture occurs in the tensión surface outside of the middle third of the span length by more
than 5 percent of the span length, discard the results of the test.

TS-3c T 97-4 AASHTO


9.1. The reporí shall include the foUowing:

9.1.1. Identification number;

9.1.2. Average width to the nearest I mm (0.05 in.);

9.1.3. Average depth to the nearest ! mm (0.05 in.);

9.1.4. Span length in millimeters (inches);

9.1.5. Máximum applied load in newtons (pounds-forcé);

9.1.6. Modulus of rupture calculated to the nearest 0.05 MPa (5 psi);

9.1.7. Curing history and apparent moisture condition of the specimens at the time of test;

9.1.8. If specimens were capped, ground, or if leather shims were used;

9.1.9. If specimens were sawed or molded and any defects in the specimens; and

9.1.10. Age of specimens.


10.1. Precisión—The coeffícient of variation of test results has been observed to be dependenl on the
strength level of the beams. The single operator coeffícient of variation has been found to be 5.7
percent. Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests by the same operator on beams made
from the same batch sample should not differ from each other by more than 16 percent. The
multilaboratory coefficíent of variation has been found to be 7.0 percent. Therefore, results of two
different laboratories on beams made from the same batch sample should not differ from each
other by more than 19 percent.

10.2. Bias—Because Ihere is no accepted standard for determining bias in this test method, no statement
on bias is made.

TS-3c T 97-5 AASHTO

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