10 18245-Ijaet 982530-1923815
10 18245-Ijaet 982530-1923815
10 18245-Ijaet 982530-1923815
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tests prior to design release [4]. Torque is one of has been done for this force measuring element
the important variable that is measured in order so that it can work in the outdoor environme nt
to understand the limits of the product. This [9].
knowledge provides an opportunity to Niedworok presents an innovative approach to
characterize the mechanical limits of the product measure and monitor the dynamic torque
[5]. changes in drive systems of the vehicles during
A driveshaft may be overdesigned or selected their natural operation [10].
improperly according to the type of vehicle. Sanponpute et al. designed a torque measuring
This situation affects driveshaft’s costs and device by using a loadcell. They verified their
vehicle’s weight in negative manner. An study by finite element analysis and
opportunity to collect data of transmitted torque experimental results [11].
of the driveshaft gives a chance to improve the In this study, a torque sensor design that can
design or to choose a suitable product [6]. provide input for the development processes of
As with all parts on the vehicle, the power drivetrains in vehicles, can be used in tests
transmission parts are also open to development. simulating road conditions, and collects torque
Power transmission parts are labored depending data in fixed or rotating positions is explained.
on the vehicle's transmission gear ratio, road The sensor, which is the subject of this study, is
conditions or vehicle trailer load. The said designed to be resistant to external effects and
stresses are observed as a high torque effect on impermeable to use in road conditions. Torque
these parts. At this point, the monitoring of the data collected by the sensor in real time can be
torque effect emerges as a necessity during the read wirelessly by mobile devices or computer.
operation in order to ensure appropriate and 2. Mechanical Design
acceptable design.
Within the scope of this need, a study by [Joel Torque is one of most important physical
C. Schnackenberg under the name of "Wheel parameter for the drivetrain. The power
Load Transducer"] is a torque measureme nt transmission capacity of the drivetrain depends
research. In the study carried out in 2002, the on the torque that can be transmitted. Therefore,
power transmission is made with the help of an design of driveshaft is done according to the
adapter connected to the vehicle wheel hub. capacity of torque. When torque is applied,
Thanks to this adapter, forces coming from tension occurs on the driveshaft and the
different directions to the wheel hub are resulting stress determines the capacity of
detected with the help of beams designed on driveshaft [12]. If the applied torque is out of the
different axes on the adapter [7]. limits, the driveshaft may be damaged. If the
Werner Nold's 2002 patent study "Recorder for torque is kept applying, that influences the
Measuring applied forces has a rotationa lly product life [13].
symmetric body with measurement legs The stress is calculated as follows.
arranged between holes on which strain gages TR
𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = J
are placed to measured shear forces, which are
intensitive to load placement" The mechanica l 𝜋𝑑4
J= (2)
system, which is symmetrically connected, 32
designed to measure at the same time, and the As shown in Figure 1 when the torque T apply
mechanical system consisting of specially to a bar, twisting occurs and angle of twist (θ)
designed measuring points and directions are can be calculated by equation (3) [14, 15].
shown. In this study, forces in different axes are TL
𝜃= J (3)
detected and recorded [8].
In the patent study titled “Torque Sensor Having Metallic materials are flexible according to their
Sealing Membrance” by Michael Grandl et al. in working principle. When the torque is applied
2017, the basic torque measurement body and an metallic material, elastic strain is occurred.
inner flange design with the force input are Strain gauges can measure amount of strain on
made. Attenuated mounting sections are the metallic material so stress can be calculated.
designed for sensors that generate output signals In this case, if the torque is applied to a
in mechanical design. In addition, sealing work cylindrical geometry, amount of stress and
International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, IJAET 11 (1) 18-27 20
torque can be calculated. between two points, the strain gage is attached
to the circular surfaces as follows [3].
The PCB’s schematic and printing design was the full bridge connection, four strain gages
made on Proteus Professional software. Printing have been glued on the driveshaft axis at 45°
design and prototype of PCB is shown the figure angle. Connections with electronic circuit have
10. The 50 mW power required by the PCB is been carried out. The test setup is shown in
provided by lithium- ion batteries. Figure 12.
clockwise direction from 0 to 2500 Nm for 500 Similarly, the calibration of the torque sensor
Nm steps. Applied torque values and the raw was also performed with the strain gages
values read from the sensor are given in Table 1. associated with commercial data acquisitio n
Table 1 Calibration values board. In Table 2 the applied torque values and
Applied Sensor Data related voltage values can be seen.
Torque (Nm) (Unit less) Table 2 Calibration values of commercial system
-2500 9611500 Applied Calibration
-2000 9240500 Torque (Nm) values (mV/V)
-1500 8868250 -2500 1.421
-1000 8495250 -2000 1.179
-500 8122250 -1500 0.933
0 7748500 -1000 0.675
500 7374750 -500 0.409
1000 7001750 0 0.152
1500 6629000 500 -0.121
2000 6257500 1000 -0.383
2500 5872500 1500 -0.644
2000 -0.894
When a graph was drawn with these values,
2500 -1.139
information such as the equation and linearity of
the curve has been obtained. In the graph shown A graph was drawn with the collected values
in Figure 14, it is seen that the second order term and information such as the equation and
is very small and negligible, and the calibratio n linearity of the curve has been obtained. In the
curve is linear. graph shown in Figure 15, it is seen that the
second order term is very small and negligib le,
and the calibration curve is linear.