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your gender (male=1, 1

female=2): your age range: 2

Indicators of the reliability of your results:
S= 0.14
k= 0.682

S is the main indicator of the reliability of your results. The better you know yourself, and the higher
the thoroughness and reliability of your answers in the questionnaire, the higher S. The results are
highly reliable, including in most details of the profiles, if S is greater than 0.17. If S is in the range
from 0.13 to 0.17, then inaccuracies in small details are possible, for example, in the selection of one
leading peak from two peaks in a diagram where both peaks are close in height. If S is between 0.09 and
0.12, then sometimes you can only vouch for the fact that one of your three highest typical peaks (if
they are close in height) is really the leader. When S is less than 0.10, the results are even less
reliable and may even be close to random - especially when S is less than 0.08. The better you know
yourself, and the more carefully you answered, the larger S should have been. The average S
value for people filling out the questionnaire is 0.16-0.17. The second Reliability Index (K)
is an additional indicator, it shows the correlation between your typical profiles calculated
on two independent halves of the questionnaire. It is better if it is higher than 0.60. Its average value is
greater than 0.8, the maximum is 1.00. If you got low

control indicators of reliability, it is recommended to double-check your received socionic profiles by

more thoughtfully passing another form of the questionnaire containing other diagnostic questions, or re-
answering the same questionnaire after a week or two.


Attention! Proximity to the type hereinafter (including in the typical profile

"according to classical socionics") is determined not by the leading (program)
function, as is done in model A, but by the proximity of the entire
holistic set of your psychological personality properties to each of " standard" 16
psychotypes. Therefore, in principle, even such cases are possible that a
function that is supposed to be "programmatic" for the type that turned out to be
the closest to you in terms of the sum of all properties of the type turns out to
be in the functional profile and not the strongest (for example, there is an
inversion between programmatic and creative). If you want to estimate your type not
in closeness to the sum of personal properties of each type, namely, and only
according to model A (that is, according to which function, in particular, is the
strongest, that is, program), then look and study the shown further
functional profile of your personality. But it does not give complete information
about the individual. Many socionic traits are not fundamentally reflected in
functions, however, they also make a strong contribution to the personality, and
that is why a typical profile can sometimes show a type that does not correspond to the strongest func
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Your typical profile according to "classical" socionics

(in the generally accepted "classical" socionics, the
contribution of 15 socionic features to the type is taken into
account with DIFFERENT weights - so, the four basic "Yugian
features" are taken into account with a weight greater than these
features actually have in the structure personalities):

Your leading socionic type (that is, closest to you):

(You can read the description of your sociotype using the links provided at the end of the summary
in the list of additional literature)

Your normalized type profile (i.e. reduced to standard peak height contrast) in graphical form.
Conditional zero on the vertical - corresponds not to zero, but to the average level for all
people of the proximity of their character traits to the corresponding psychotype. Accordingly, the
"up" bars show your upward deviation from the average, and the "down" bars show your downward
deviation from the average.











Your possible error in the height of the peaks of the normalized typical profile (give or take): 0.54
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The profile of your socionic features (unlike the typical profile, in

the systems of both "scientific" and "classical" socionics, it looks the
same, as well as the functional profile shown below)









Your functional profile, that is, the profile of the strength of your
socionic functions (conditional zero on the vertical axis
corresponds not to zero absolute strength of the function, but to its
average value for all people - accordingly, the bars show your personal
deviation from the average value of the function strength in the









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Comparison with the typical profile of the reference socionic type of SLE:

Row 1 (blue bars) - your data, Row 2 (red bars) - standard

type reference








Row1 Row2

Comparison with the indicative profile of the reference socionic type of SLE:

The blue bars are your data, the red ones are the type reference









Row1 Row2
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Comparison with the functional profile of the reference socionic type SLE:

The blue bars are your data, the red ones are the type reference








Row1 Row2

Your socionic temperament

linear-assertive -0.08
flexible-reversible 0.67
receptive-adaptive -0.28
balanced-stable -0.32

Installation on the type of activity (socionic clubs)

technical and managerial 0.22
social and communicative -0.15
humanitarian and artistic -0.24
research 0.17

Type of communication
"business" 0.52
"passionate" 0.08
"cold-blooded" -0.13
"soulful" -0.47

Stimulus for activity

"uniqueness" 0.11
"status" 0.49
"self-worth" -0.18
"welfare" -0.42
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Argumentation style
"restructor" 0.58
"diplomat" -0.19
"constructor" -0.19
"guardian" -0.20

Perceptual style
"associative" 0.26
"commutative" 0.13
"dissociative" -0.33
"distributive" -0.06

Quadra values
family-cognitive values of alpha-quadra -0.48 romantic-strength
values of beta-quadra 1.07 liberal-pragmatic values of
gamma-quadra 0.50 humane-labor values of delta-quadra -1.09

Translation of your socionic profile into a psychosophic

type Your proximity to
each of the 24 psychosophic types:
Dumas, FEVL -0.14
Borgia, FELV -0.04
Chekhov, FVEL -0.09
Goethe, FVLE -0.10
Epicurus, FLEV -0.19
Aristippus, FLVE 0.27
Pushkin, EFVL 0.05
Bukharin, EFLV -0.06
Pasternak, EVFL -0.22
Ghazali, EVLF 0.01
Rousseau, ELFV -0.11
Andersen, ELVF 0.17
Tvardovsky, VFEL 0.06
Napoleon, VFLE 0.25
Tolstoy, VEFL 0.07
Akhmat ova, VELF 0.29
Lenin, VLFE -0.15
Socrates, VLEF 0.09
Berthier, LVEP -0.07
Plato, VBLEP -0.25
Augustin, LEPV -0.22
Pascal, LEVF 0.14 Lao
Tzu, LVEP -0.24 Einstein,
LVEP -0.02

Your most likely psychosophic type: WELF

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Information about your real socionic

dual (taking into account not only the sociotype closest to you, but also
all your additional accents to the main sociotype)

Full typical profile of your real dual:












Profile of socionic features of the dual:








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Profile of socionic functions of the dual:










Comparison of the profile of your real dual with the full typical profile of the
reference sociotype of the IEI:

Row 1 (blue columns) - data of the dual, Row 2 (red

columns) - the standard standard of the sociotype closest to it









Row1 Row2
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Comparison of the profile of your dual with the indicative profile of the IEI sociotype:

Blue columns - dual data, red - type standard










Row1 Row2

Comparison of the functions of the dual with the functional profile of the reference sociotype of the IEI:

Blue columns - dual data, red - type standard










Row1 Row2
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Socionic temperament of the dual

linear-assertive -0.32 flexible-
revolving -0.28 receptive-adaptive
0.67 balanced-stable -0.08

Installation on the type of activity of the dual (socionic clubs)

technical and managerial
-0.24 social and communicative
0.17 humanitarian and artistic
0.22 research -0.15

Type of communication skills of the dual

"businesslike" -0.47
"passionate" -0.13
"cold-blooded" 0.08 "soulful"

Incentive for dual activity

"uniqueness" -0.42 "status"
-0.18 "self-worth"
0.49 "welfare" 0.11

Dual Argumentation Style

"restructor" -0.19
"diplomat" 0.58
"constructor" -0.20
"guardian" -0.19

Dual perception style

"associative" 0.13
"commutative" 0.26
"dissociative" -0.06 "distributive"

Quadra values of the dual family-

cognitive values of alpha-quadra -0.48 romantic-
strength values of beta-quadra 1.07 liberal-
pragmatic values of gamma-quadra 0.50 humane-labor
values of delta-quadra -1.09
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These are the properties for which we ask for feedback - that is,
write to us how many of them DID NOT SUIT:

200 psychological properties that are more common than others

are associated with your sociotype (not with one of the 16
standard ones, but with the true type, characterized by the
full set of columns of your typical profile). Properties are selected
automatically from a list of 3400 personality clusters based
on their correlations with your socionic profile.

We warn you that the properties from this list are not necessarily all suitable for you - whether they are suitable or
not, you can decide for yourself. Firstly, even with an absolutely precisely defined typical profile, the
properties are associated with the profile only statistically, and do not always appear. Secondly, the profile itself can be
defined with errors. - It is better if its safety factor S - see it at the beginning of the sheet - is higher than 0.17.
When S is less than 0.10 (that is, in the case of low reliability of your answers), a fairly significant part of the properties
may not suit you. In addition, none of the predicted properties cited should be categorically considered either as a
psychological consultation, or as a psychological, medical or physiological diagnosis, or as a career guidance
recommendation (there are no grounds for considering them as a diagnosis or recommendations).

1 He is characterized by conflict and aggressiveness of character.

2 Some elements of sadism in behavior may be inherent in him.
More than many others, he is characterized by malevolence, hostility or contempt for people (general trait)

4 Knows how to "press" with just a glance and even silence.

He often enjoys aggression, likes to subjugate and defiantly
5 dominate, toughness and power values are his priority

He has an increased propensity for proactive (offensive) physical aggression - including fighting or using weapons
6 (either in reality or in dreams). Most likely, he does not consider cruelty and anti-humanism as such necessarily negative
personality .

traits. In general, partly himself.


An unkind, contemptuous-evil attitude towards people is possible (there is such a statistical trend for his psychotype). In
this case, he has weak brakes in causing
harm to another person, and not causing harm is not his principle.

9 Aggressiveness may increase after drinking alcohol

It is characterized by weak interpersonal friendliness, it may have a desire to humiliate, subjugate and exploit others,
as well as a lack of responsiveness and friendly disposition towards people.

This psychotype is highly predisposed to military service or other hierarchical

power structures. .

12 He often resorts to verbal threats. .

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Sometimes he likes to humiliate, lower, ridicule, shame other people, put them
into a difficult and awkward position.

14 He Has A Love Of Conflict And Scandal

Most likely, he likes black color. With a high probability, deep black is his favorite color.

16 He probably likes the black color, it is consonant with the "strings of the soul"

The respect that he evokes from others is always completely identified with the fear that other people experience before him.
17 Fear means respect. If they are not afraid, then they are not respected. 18 There is vindictiveness in his character.

He considers the injection of fear in society as a suitable and even a priority management method.

Sometimes he takes immediate pleasure in causing other people discomfort - even if there is no other direct benefit
20 from this. .

For his psychotype, the likelihood of sadistic manifestations in behavior is increased (for example, with an increased

probability he likes to cause pain, discomfort, likes to see someone else's fear, gets direct pleasure by torturing someone).
21 This is not for all representatives of the psychotype, but the probability is increased.

He does not see a big sin in using forceful pressure, threats and blackmail
as a way to solve many problems.
His psychotype has a statistical tendency to reduce (relative to the average population level) conscious

barriers that prevent the commission of crimes against a person. That is, the relative probability of committing by this subject

during his life any offense associated with illegal violent actions against the personality of other people is increased relative to

the average population level. This is not the case for all representatives of the psychotype, but the probability is greatly

In a statistical trend (that is, frequent exceptions to the rule are possible), the behavior of this psychotype can become
24 noticeably more aggressive from alcohol.

Most likely, he likes heavy rock music (hard rock, heavy metal, progressive rock, etc.). He likes to intimidate people, to make
them afraid of himself. He loves .

when an atmosphere of someone else's fear develops around him, he loves to escalate it on purpose. When others do

it, he also treats it approvingly, as a necessary and necessary measure. At the level of a statistical trend, for this psychotype,
more often than for others, love for spicy or bitter dishes is characteristic. Possible at least some symptoms of antisocial

disorder .



He does not avoid any negative information that can spoil the mood - he considers it his duty to know everything, and
29 potentially unpleasant, as the most important,

even in the first place. Most likely, .

in his behavior, more often than in other people, verbal aggression and verbal unceremonious rudeness are manifested.
He believes that people need to be controlled through fear, coercion .

and violence.

It is characterized by a distrustful attitude towards the vast majority of other people.


33 It is characterized by a rejection rather than an acceptance attitude.

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He is irritable and very often experiences strong internal dissatisfaction with

different occasions. He .

tends to idealize the right of the strong, the triumph of brute force over any weakness.

Reaches for negative emotions in other people, sometimes provoking them on purpose.

37 He loves to criticize, in general he is prone to criticism. There is a high probability .

(well above the population average) that its ideology and mentality are characterized by imperialism and aggressive
militarism. Thus, with regard to the solution of international problems, he sympathizes with the bet on the arms race and very
38 often desires direct violence.

39 He is distrustful and easily repulsed by other people's proposals.

Someone else's misfortune or someone else's bad mood can give him pleasure.

41 He often likes to hurt another person. It is characterized by high intolerance and .

quarrelsome character (selfishness, aggressiveness, ambition and intolerance towards other people's views and
42 habits). .

He likes to anger and tease others, provoke them into conflicts. .


There may be a tendency to arrogance, contemptuous, dismissive, "top down", attitude towards most other people.

He is very often characterized by a rigid and quickly manifested intolerance for other views, for any different position of
45 others. .

It is possible that against the background of alcohol intake, he may develop aggressive

He does not experience problems in communicating with evil and selfish people, he easily finds a common language
with them. He may be characterized by .

excessive lust for power, an increased desire for

point and status.
Most likely, he does not like people and does not trust people, he is always tuned in to their possible betrayal. He
has few friends, and he does not believe in their loyalty. Yes and in
First of all, he himself is not ready to sacrifice something for the sake of others. .

Representatives of this psychotype usually love horror films more than other people.

With a high probability, trolling and stalking someone with mockery can
give him pleasure. He has a high need for
enemies. Like to have them in stock
I like to create them. He often feels hatred or anger .

towards some people. He belongs not to the more good-natured, but to the more vicious half of the people.
53 .

High emotional and nervous irritability in relation to the actions and behavior of other people.

55 He is characterized by intransigence.
Most likely, he is convinced that in general, almost any person is a thief and an egocentric at heart and always strives to
completely "crush" the other, and if someone tries to present himself as an honest altruist, then he is doubly guilty - because
he lies. .

57 There is an increased predisposition to reactions of discontent

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In any negotiation, he usually does not agree to make even partial compromises and tends to stick to an "All or Nothing"
position. He is characterized by heightened pride, arrogance, intransigence, .

rebelliousness, disagreement - moreover, with an accusatory bias and a tendency to confrontation.

59 .

Increased the likelihood that green is not one of his favorite colors, consonant with the strings of the soul. Not their favorite
color. His attitude towards people is rather evil and unfriendly, he sees .

in them potential victims or enemies, rather than friends, more often he is inclined to harm them, and not
to help. .

62 Military prowess occupies an important place in his system of values.

63 He has rather a contemptuous attitude towards all "weaklings".

64 Likes movies with fights or martial arts.
Much above the population average, he enjoys coercive violence against others (both physical and

partly psychological - for example, deliberately putting forward difficult conditions, threatening or blackmailing). The very
use of such violence gives him
pleasure - even when the goal to which it is directed has not yet been achieved. .

66 He is sometimes subconsciously inclined to provoke someone else's aggression on himself.

It is characterized by high pain thresholds, indifference to pain or even getting "high" from it.

It is more common for a person of his psychotype to be not an opponent, but a supporter of the use of the death penalty.
69 Often uses a close "undressing" look .

in the face of his counterpart

Most likely (in seven cases out of ten) he would prefer to live in a house on a high mountain surrounded by harsh granite snow-
capped peaks and alpine meadows, rather than in a house
in the valley next to other residents in the neighborhood. .

71 Often plays with other people (Machiavellianism)

Increased the likelihood that he likes to "hunt" people (the pretext for this can be plausible - for example, the prosecution of
criminals, and in a dictatorship - dissidents, inferior from his point of view, etc., etc. )

73 He tends to persecute people with his ill will.

There is more space in his views and values than other people, they know the bet on
cruelty and violence, a bet on punishment in managing people.
The feeling of inner peace, happiness and harmony of the environment visits him extremely rarely. This is something he
misses so much. People of his psychotype often have a tendency to .

exaggerate themselves at the expense of belittling others - a tendency to constantly "convict" other people, to
prove to them that they are worthless, and worse than him in everything. Humiliates other people in order to

indirectly emphasize their superiority. Tendency to provoke .

conflicts, breterstvo. High correlation with increased competitiveness of behavior - in any situation, he is eager and
looking for someone to immediately measure the strength and level of his dominant influence.

He easily and even with pleasure endures the situation of scandals in the team, feels in this atmosphere like a fish in
water. He even watches scandals with pleasure, and sometimes, perhaps, deliberately quarrels among themselves people
in the team.

79 Increased chance. that he has a love-passion for weapons.

80 He has weakened the power of the instinct of self-preservation
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Rarely goes forward in anything - his first reaction to almost any question, request or proposal is denial, "no"

He is set on betrayal by friends, waiting for him from them. Very distrustful. He does not believe in human brotherhood, or in
someone else's honesty. In his character there is a tendency to biliousness and quarrelsomeness (resemblance to Gogol's
character - the landowner Sobakevich). Increased the likelihood that he has a high level of egocentrism and
cynical manipulation .

of people (common trait)


He probably responds responsively to criticism and punishment from the outside, and reacts weakly to praise and
encouragement (there is no proper attraction to joys and pleasures). The same mechanics of impacts, with a preference for
punishments over rewards, and whips
above the gingerbread, it also translates to other people's motivations when it seeks to control them (the first possible
reason is that the subject himself has well-developed right-hemispheric cortical

the mechanisms of repulsion from the unwanted, and the left hemispheric mechanisms of positive attraction to the
goal are poorly developed; the second possible reason is a weak sensitivity to pain and an increased release of
pleasant endorphins in response to stress, the third possible reason is a low release of dopamine in response to
positive stimuli)

85 He is likely to be above average vindictive

He likes situations of heightened confrontation between parties and opinions, especially if they are based on logical disputes.
In communication, he often behaves arrogantly, emphasizing other people's mistakes and giving sharp uncompromising
assessments, including the abilities of his interlocutor in general, often arguing for the sake of the dispute process itself -
just to out-argue the opponent. He does not know how to reduce the severity of conflict situations that often arise due
86 to ethical manipulation, and he does not seek to. It cannot be called a harmonizer of the atmosphere of communication that
arises around him - quite the contrary.

Most likely, he has a distrustful and unfriendly attitude towards other people - he even likes to look for a dark side, "rot", a
flaw in each of them. In any case, he expects something bad from each of them - in part, perhaps

justifying their inherently evil attitude towards people. .

He is often intolerant of other people's points of view, not at all afraid of ruining relations with anyone (he almost never has
88 such fears at all). .

89 Most likely, he likes crude "sadistic" jokes. 90 He likes the values of militarism more often than .

Most likely, it is characterized by a lack of fear of pain and low sensitivity to pain.

Participation in disputes is more interesting for him to those who will master and win, and not to receive
information. He does not condemn .

despotic and tyrannical regimes of government, on the contrary, they

like. In most .

cases, he likes it when the strong triumph over the weak (since he is more accustomed to associating himself
with a brute dominant force, and not with weakness). Respects and supports only the strong, believes that the strong should
live at the expense of the weak.
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People are treated as inanimate objects that must be manipulated, and before use - tested in secret
95 experiments,
check for reliability and strength.
Pickiness, initially critical attitude towards other people's ideas and initiatives

He is not very sensitive to pain and in general to any unpleasant sensations in the body. You may not even notice
them for a long time.
Most likely, he, more than most other people, is characterized by negative and
hostile attitude towards both the ideology of human rights protection and human rights defenders. He does
not even believe in their sincerity, because it is difficult for him to imagine that such activities that protect the rights and
interests of specific strangers can be done disinterestedly.

99 Looks to the future without hope, it does not cause a feeling of "anticipation".
He is more predisposed than others to moods of frustration, discontent - when everything is "wrong": the potatoes are too hot,
100 and the oranges are too sour, when everything seems
gloomy and causes only disgust. He often has a .

pessimistic sense of the bleakness of existence.


He is predisposed to the usurpation of power in the structure entrusted to him under control. He tries to adapt it exclusively
for himself, completely squeezing out competitors and destroying the possibility of control from below or from
the outside. .

More often than other people, he approves of usurping dictators, at least treats them with respect and understanding,
103 justifying their behavior and, in general, sharing them.
He is usually set up to provoke others (or some one permanent or temporarily chosen victim) to provoke, anger and
excite, tease and bully, troll, piss off. Gets pleasure from it.

His character is characterized by stubbornness and intransigence - even in cases where there seems to be no
objective reason to resist. .

106 Hurry up, he likes spicy food

107 Probably love for heavy, "metal" music.
There is a lot of passion and drive in his character. It is characterized by a craving for situations of scandals and
108 public indignation, confrontations; their inclination
provoke. To a degree .

above average, he is characterized by xenophobia, that is, the fear of "strangers", otherwise
and hatred for them.

This psychotype is often (although not absolutely always) characterized by deep egocentrism, combined with
cruelty, fearlessness and with a contemptuous look at most people, with a contemptuous attitude towards their personality,
interests and
rights. .

Most likely, he remembers the evil done to him for a very long time, and by nature -
spiteful .

Rather, there is an evil frustration and hostility in him, an eternal

discontent, does not know how to accept what life gives.
He is rather characterized by a rarely blinking look - playing "peepers", it is easy
can outmaneuver many.
He sometimes quite sincerely justifies usurpation and grabbing (since he who has power has all the rights).
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For him, a grumpy and dissatisfied background of mood is usual. Characterized by rejection rather than
acceptance. He sees the bad in everything. Negative, viciously irritable emotions tend to prevail over
115 positive ones. In communication, he often acts as a donor (source and transmitter) of negative emotions.

At times, he looks at people only as a means to an end, as a consumable.


He, alas, does not have the talent to quickly and penetratingly see around him not conspicuous, but available and
117 accessible positive opportunities in all their wide
set. .

The predominant mood is to expect trouble, a feeling of constant threat from other people.

He, more than others, is characterized by fearlessness, weakness of the instinct of self-preservation.

120 There is an inclination to serve in law enforcement agencies in him.

121 He is more likely than others to approve of the usurpation of power and usurpers.
He has a high background angry anger. Anger and anger tend to gradually and viscous accumulate in him
(even their background level is quite high), after which he easily falls into rather long bouts of aggressive anger,
malicious rage, for some reason. After their termination, he does not feel guilty and "departs" slowly.

With a high probability, there is selfish cruelty in his character, combined with ruthless contempt and disdain for
123 the so-called "weaklings" and "sufferers". He is characterized by a cynical, contemptuous and
consumerist .

attitude towards people solely as a means to achieve some goals, as to chess pieces on the board of life's
struggle. Disrespect for the personality and rights of others.

There is a high probability that among alcoholic drinks he prefers strong, high-grade ones (vodka,
whiskey, rum, cognac - instead of wine). .


127 He usually has a gloomy background mood
Compared to other people, he is more characterized by reduced sensitivity to pain and lack
of fear of pain.
129 It often combines anxiety and aggressiveness. .

His background mood is devoid of light ease and hassle-free.


131 Most likely, he likes spicy food with a burning taste.

With a probability higher than the population average, he may be close to the ideological

For this psychotype, good moisturizing of the eyes is common (therefore, in dry
133 in the summer air, his eyes do not dry out as much, pain in them rarely occurs, more frequent blinking
is required to moisten).
134 He Has a Love for Radical Solutions
This psychotype more often than others has love and respect for Comrade Stalin

In all matters, he is characterized by a "revolutionary" non-conformism that provokes those around him
136 (he likes to argue, stir up, awaken disagreement, exacerbate the situation in every possible way).

137 He usually prefers and practices eye to eye gaze

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He is above average characterized by pessimism, negative expectations, skepticism,

on the vision of shortcomings, not advantages.
His attitude towards people is most often cold, unfriendly, maliciously prejudiced and picky, bilious,
139 unresponsive, unwilling to help. .

It is possible that in music, a good sounding of low frequencies (bass) is especially important for him.

With an increased likelihood, he has a rather malicious character, intolerant of people and often looking for an
outlet for his constant nervous irritation. He likes to take his anger out on someone. He easily
develops lingering hatred towards someone, irritable aggression easily “swells up”, he likes to convict someone
141 of dishonesty (or supposedly dishonesty), he likes to persecute a person with his malevolent attention, etc.

Most likely, he has increased alertness to strangers of another kind-tribe.


Compared to others, evil is possible. indifferent or even unfriendly attitude towards people, a low level of fidelity
143 and devotion is also possible

He likes to test and test people, deliberately creating some kind of difficult situation for them and watching how
144 they get out of it. .

145 He is predisposed to predict the worst and expect trouble.

146 Strong household stubbornness.
He strives for positive sensations, but does not pay attention to unpleasant, offensive and painful
147 sensations (pain and discomfort do not touch him much). He easily breaks the relationship first. Maybe
even expel, .

and then reconcile; again

kick him out, and then again be the first to call and call - because people are not considered, they are
objects for him, things that can be removed for a while, and then demanded again. He is characterized by
categoricalness - he .

does not allow to doubt his rightness, just as he himself almost never doubts it (even when he is wrong).

150 He persists in not admitting his mistakes.

He views the actions of other people primarily through the prism of their intrigues and ethical manipulations. He
usually does not condemn any .

usurpation of power - rather, he treats it with understanding. Like, any smart person would do the same.

153 Aggressive egocentrism may be inherent in him.

With an increased probability, his character is characterized by self-confident arrogance.

He tends to positively idealize a society of vertically organized inequality, where the superior is always right.

He prefers a relationship of leadership over brotherhood; hierarchical subordination along the vertical, rather
than equal relations along the horizontal. He believes in the priority of .

punishments over rewards (any punishment coming "from above" - from the leader, group, god or fate - is
157 perceived as correct and fair)

He is inclined to believe that without coercion and fear, people will only mess around and steal, but will not work.
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He has a strong long-term memory for insults and for the harm done to him by other people (at least, its motivating
part, associated with "decisive" functions, makes the greatest contribution to the self-assessment of this

160 He is arrogant and haughty

His psychological type in the statistical trend is characterized by low pain sensitivity, he has no fear of pain and
161 fear of pain. .

In the system of relations subordinate to him, he closely controls everyone and everyone.

He has, in principle, a fairly high potential for fraud - if he suddenly decides to do this someday (you can regard
this as a joke, but - in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke, in any case, there really are suitable abilities)

With a high probability, he loves and respects snakes for their habits. Including, putting a snake on your
164 avatar on the Internet is most likely for him
normal, acceptable thought. Often, this .

psychotype, alas, has a deficiency of three qualities: fidelity, kindness and hard work. He rarely follows
other people's recommendations; self-confident, and even being incompetent - he himself is inclined to teach
and teach. He tends to be stupidly mischievous, defiantly teasing those who give him advice, and
deliberately doing the opposite and in spite of other people's expectations. It is not typical for him to admit his
mistakes, but he loves to emphasize other people's mistakes very much. It is difficult to count on his help in any
situation, and
even if he is specifically asked to help, he often tries to evade, instead of
help trying to turn someone else's need into an occasion for ridicule. .

166 He is often characterized by impudence and shamelessness

By his presence in the team, in some mysterious way, he usually suppresses
someone else's initiative. .

This psychotype is often characterized by disrespect and even active hostility to someone else's freedom. If it
168 were his will, everyone would be "squeezed in an iron grip." .

The values of the imperial-territorial power of the country, built on strength, world expansion and the leading
role of the imperial bureaucracy, which unites the tribes by force, stand above many other values for him (not
169 for all representatives of the psychotype, but the probability is greatly increased).

It "starts" easily. It is characterized by a predisposition to impulsive aggression, anger, and the rapid growth
170 of an aggressive mood. .

He almost never has a euphoric, that is, an airy, upbeat joyful mood - usually his mood is prone to
171 sadness or always something
For a long time after meeting people, he is suspicious and distrustful, and always later - also without complete
trust .. He easily goes "against the current", against the .

existing public opinion. .


He likes to quite consciously engage in emotional manipulation.

people, partly - to intrigue, but most importantly - to manage, like a conductor, other people's emotions
and relationships (in a team or on Internet forums). .
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Representatives of his type often profess great imperial chauvinism with hatred for any criticism of "their" state and
its superiors, support isolationism and the idea of a fortress state surrounded on all sides by vicious enemies.

It is characterized by the desire for maximum current awareness. For him, there is no information good and bad,
any is useful. He even prefers "bad" news - as more important and therefore interesting.

He is caustic and does not inspire other people's feelings. When sympathy is sought from him, his first reaction is
177 to issue a tease instead of sympathy in response, or to issue a formal sympathy mixed with a mocking tease.

178 Heightened propensity for irony and sarcasm

179 He has a low need for sleep (his average daily sleep is short). 180 The identity of other people .

is of no value to him. 181 He is pain tolerant and does not like to complain. .

Probably increased demands in music for a clean and clear bass sound.

183 Autocratic governments are more to his liking than democratic ones. .

He knows how to use purely non-verbal methods - look, tone and even silence -
evoke remorse in the other person. With a high probability, he .

professes "vertical" autocratic-imperial

Most likely, the deep and calm blue color is not very attractive to him - in any case, it is not among his favorites.
It is possible that he has a love for the model of a police .

authoritarian state with a rigid social hierarchy.


He scolds the performers of some assigned work much more often than he praises.

He is not at all afraid and does not avoid situations with fear, nervous tension and danger, that is, those
situations where you need to mobilize and make decisions quickly - on the contrary, in them, as well as in critical
189 and rapidly changing situations, he feels like a "fish in water".

190 Often tends to high-risk situations.

Most likely, he advocates the maximum repressiveness of criminal legislation (for the death penalty,
191 for long terms of imprisonment, even for small or unintentional offenses). He is not at all afraid and does not avoid
information that can upset and upset. He .

believes that one should always be informed about any truth, even very unpleasant. 193 Most likely, he enjoys
192 knowingly exploiting others. 194 Not a gourmet, hardly enjoys food

When he was a child, he was very naughty and intractable in character.


With an increased probability, his life strategy is characterized by a propensity for self-seeking (cynical
unscrupulousness, "the end justifies the means", attitude towards
196 people as expendable, spitting on others and the consequences for them). The principle is to grab a piece and run
away, and then let them sort it out themselves.

In all his preferred solutions, he is more of a maximalist and radical than a man of moderate views. "Immediately
and abruptly" is better for him than gradually, a revolution is better than smooth reforms, and overdoing and sorting
out is better than underachieving.
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Probably a rare blinking of the eyes (why the look can give the impression of a motionless stare).

In comparison with others, he is not afraid to spoil relations with people, does not avoid it; needs little people, does not delve
199 into the concerns of other people, even those close to them; does not know how to praise, does not know how and does
not like to ask for forgiveness.
Intellectual values are less important to him than many others - in every way.
case, they are not prioritized.

The most likely psychological properties of your

dual (the list of its properties is also more reliable with a high reliability index "S" of your own typical socionic

profile - preferably above 0.16-0.17)

There may be a tendency to arrogance, contemptuous, dismissive, "top down", attitude towards most other people.

2 There is vindictiveness in his character.

Increased the likelihood that green is not one of his favorite colors, consonant with the strings of the soul. Not their favorite
color. .

4 He's Most Likely To Be Above Average Resentful

An unkind, contemptuous-evil attitude towards people is possible (there is such a statistical trend for his psychotype). In this
case, he has weak brakes in causing
harm to another person, and not causing harm is not his principle.

6 Often plays with other people (Machiavellianism)

His attitude towards people is rather evil and unfriendly, he sees in them potential victims or enemies, rather than
7 friends, more often he is inclined to harm them, and not
to help. .

Someone else's misfortune or someone else's bad mood can give him pleasure.

Most likely, he does not like people and does not trust people, he is always tuned in to their possible betrayal. He
has few friends, and he does not believe in their loyalty. Yes and in
First of all, he himself is not ready to sacrifice something for the sake of others. .

Compared to others, evil is possible. indifferent or even unfriendly attitude towards people, a low level of fidelity and devotion
10 is also possible

More than others, he is inclined to live and act according to the principles: "If not for yourself, then not for others" and
"After us, even a flood." Sometimes he takes .

immediate pleasure in causing other people discomfort - even if there is no other direct benefit from this.
12 .

Sometimes he likes to humiliate, lower, ridicule, shame other people, put them
into a difficult and awkward position.

It is characterized by weak interpersonal friendliness, it may have a desire to humiliate, subjugate and exploit others, as
well as a lack of responsiveness and friendly disposition towards people.

It is characterized by a distrustful attitude towards the vast majority of other people.


16 Some elements of sadism in behavior may be inherent in him.

17 Increased selfishness is possible.
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The predominant mood is to expect trouble, a feeling of constant threat from other people.

Most likely, he is convinced that in general, almost any person is a thief and an egocentric at heart and always strives to

completely "crush" the other, and if someone tries to present himself as an honest altruist, then he is doubly guilty - because
he lies. .

More often he is cunning, not admitting guilt, and transfers the arrows of guilt to other people.

21 He is distrustful and easily repelled by other people's proposals.

Having found someone else's valuable thing, he almost certainly will not look for its owner.

With an above-average probability, he considers intentionally slandering his opponent and other distortions of facts to be quite
23 acceptable and even desirable means of struggle. 24 He often likes to hurt another person. Increased the likelihood

that he has a high level of egocentrism and cynical .

manipulation of people (common trait) .


He usually does not condemn any usurpation of power - rather, he treats it with understanding. Like, any smart person
would do the same.

Most likely, he, more than most other people, is characterized by negative and

hostile attitude towards both the ideology of human rights protection and human rights defenders. He does

not even believe in their sincerity, because it is difficult for him to imagine that such activities that protect the rights and interests
of specific strangers can be done disinterestedly.

He has, in principle, a fairly high potential for fraud - if he suddenly decides to do this someday (you can regard this as a joke,

but - in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke, in any case, there really are suitable abilities)

Perhaps lies and a love of playing hoaxes are characteristic. Provocative behavior using the strengths of BI-

plot fantasies (in the form of deliberate hoaxes, impersonating another person) and even with the possible expectation of the
29 sharpness of the sensations that arise in anticipation of a possible exposure.

Most likely, he remembers the evil done to him for a very long time, and by nature -
spiteful .

Most likely, he likes black color. With a high probability, deep black is his favorite color.

32 He most likely likes the black color, consonant with the "strings of the soul"

33 Most likely, he likes crude "sadistic" jokes. With an increased probability, he is predisposed to .

conscious parasitic egocentrism. He does not respect anyone, he does not consider the interests of other people, he is inclined

to shamelessly exploit them. He is inclined to consider other people (often even those who are part of his "inner circle") only as

his potential victims, or as his temporary tools and means to achieve some selfish goal. Easily tramples on any other

people's interests for the sake of his own, even much smaller ones. (This is not the case for all representatives of the
34 psychotype, but the probability is greatly increased).

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Most likely, he has a distrustful and unfriendly attitude towards other people - he even likes to look for a dark side, "rot", a
flaw in each of them. In any case, he expects something bad from each of them - in part, perhaps

justifying their inherently evil attitude towards people. .

People are treated as inanimate objects that must be manipulated, and before use - tested in secret
36 experiments,
check for reliability and strength.
He considers the injection of fear in society as a suitable and even a priority management method.

He often enjoys aggression, likes to subjugate and defiantly

38 dominate, toughness and power values are his priority

More than many others, he is characterized by malevolence, hostility or contempt for people (general trait)

40 He is spiteful.

For his psychotype, the likelihood of sadistic manifestations in behavior is increased (for example, with an increased
probability he likes to cause pain, discomfort, likes to see someone else's fear, gets direct pleasure by torturing
41 someone). This is not for all representatives of the psychotype, but the probability is increased.

Strongly expressed egoism and egocentrism, lack of empathy, lack of altruistic motives and attitudes
(mainly in relation to other specific people, but partly also in relation to society as a whole). The unceremonious
pursuit of one's personal goals, often petty and unimportant, to the detriment of even the vital interests of
other people. A very narrow circle of people for whom he is ready to sacrifice something of his own. In short, he sharply
separates his interests from the interests of humanity, society and most other people, and even opposes them (unlike
42 people with a predominance of altruism in character). This is not the case for all representatives of the psychotype, but
the probability is strong

increased. .

Rather, there is an evil frustration and hostility in him, an eternal

discontent, does not know how to accept what life gives.
He has a strong long-term memory for insults and for the harm done to him by other people (at least, its motivating part,
associated with "decisive" functions, makes the greatest contribution to the self-assessment of this memory)

Pickiness, initially critical attitude towards other people's ideas and initiatives

It may contain the potential abilities of a hired propagandist.


He is more likely than others to experience narcissism, often prone to narcissism.


He is irritable and very often experiences strong internal dissatisfaction with

different occasions. 49 .

Sees no sin in using lies. Often he uses it himself.

Falsity is possible above average, easily resorts to deceit (on the one hand, where is the truth and where is the lie,
sometimes it interferes in his fantasies, and therefore he does not see a clear boundary between them, and on the other
hand, he does not really like people and social responsibility is reduced)
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He is set on betrayal by friends, waiting for him from them. Very distrustful. He does not believe in human brotherhood, or in
someone else's honesty. In his character there is a tendency to biliousness and quarrelsomeness (resemblance to Gogol's
character - the landowner Sobakevich). 52 He is more likely than others to approve of the usurpation of power and
usurpers. .

He has the gift of convincing insincerity (he knows how to convincingly cunning). .


The respect that he evokes from others is always completely identified with the fear that other people experience before him.
54 Fear means respect. If they are not afraid, then they are not respected. The surrounding injustice touches and hurts him a
little (in any case, in comparison with many others) .


He is more predisposed than others to moods of frustration, discontent - when everything is "wrong": the potatoes are too hot,
56 and the oranges are too sour, when everything seems
gloomy and causes only disgust. .

57 He has rather a contemptuous attitude towards all "weaklings".

58 There is an increased predisposition to reactions of discontent
He does not see a big sin in using forceful pressure, threats and blackmail
as a way to solve many problems.
He is characterized by a cynical, contemptuous and consumerist attitude towards people solely as a means to achieve
some goals, as to chess pieces on the board of life's struggle. Disrespect for the personality and rights of others.

This psychotype is highly predisposed to military service or other hierarchical

power structures. This .

psychotype is often (although not absolutely always) characterized by deep egocentrism, combined with cruelty,
fearlessness and with a contemptuous look at most people, with a contemptuous attitude towards their personality, interests
do. .

63 It is characterized by a rejection rather than an acceptance attitude.

He does not like to explain something, to share his knowledge with other people. .


In most cases, he likes it when the strong triumph over the weak (since he is more accustomed to associating
himself with a brute dominant force, and not with weakness). Respects and supports only the strong, believes that the strong
should live at the expense of the weak. For this psychotype, there is a statistical trend towards a decrease (relative to the
average population level) of .

conscious barriers that prevent the commission of economic crimes and crimes against property. That is, the relative probability

of committing by the subject during his life some kind of offense related to the illegal seizure of someone else's property is
increased relative to the average population level. (This is not the case for all representatives of the psychotype,
but the probability is greatly increased).

More often than other people, he approves of usurping dictators, at least treats them with respect and understanding, justifying
67 their behavior and, in general, sharing them.

68 He persists in not admitting his mistakes.

He is inclined to believe that without coercion and fear, people will only mess around and steal, but will not work.
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He likes to quite consciously engage in emotional manipulation.

people, partly - to intrigue, but most importantly - to manage, like a conductor, other people's emotions and
relationships (in a team or on Internet forums). .

71 I tend to see the cause of my failures in other people.

He often has a pessimistic sense of the bleakness of existence.

He probably responds responsively to criticism and punishment from the outside, and reacts weakly to praise and
encouragement (there is no proper attraction to joys and pleasures). The same mechanics of impacts, with a preference for
punishments over rewards, and whips
over the gingerbread, he also translates to other people's motivations when he seeks to control them
(the first possible reason is that the subject himself has well-developed and predominantly right hemispheric
the mechanisms of repulsion from the unwanted, and the left hemispheric mechanisms of positive attraction to the
goal are poorly developed; the second possible reason is a weak sensitivity to pain and an increased release of
pleasant endorphins in response to stress, the third possible reason is a low release of dopamine in response to
positive stimuli)

Possible at least some symptoms of antisocial disorder


He is good at using pretense to gain advantage or get into

confidence. .

He is predisposed to the usurpation of power in the structure entrusted to him under control. He tries to adapt it exclusively
for himself, completely squeezing out competitors and destroying the possibility of control from below or from
the outside. .

He believes that people need to be controlled through fear, coercion and violence.

He has no moral prejudice against those who take another's property by cunning or cunning (that is, he has no prejudice against
78 theft, fraud, etc.). 79 The identity of other people is of no value to him. He likes to intimidate people, to make
them afraid of himself. He loves .

when an atmosphere of someone else's fear develops around him, he loves to escalate it on .

purpose. When others do it, he also treats it approvingly, as a necessary and necessary measure. It is characterized
by a low respect for the common and other people's interest, a declaration

selfishness or the denial of altruism.
With a high probability, there is selfish cruelty in his character, combined with ruthless contempt and disdain for the so-called
82 "weaklings" and "sufferers". It is common for him to often experience a state of boredom, when everything seems
everyday, gray, .

meaningless, boring and not interesting. 84 He tends to persecute people with his ill will.

He often feels hatred or anger towards some people. He belongs not to the more good-natured, but to the more vicious half
85 of the people. .

Most likely, he likes the purple-lilac color (not in clothes, but just like that) more than green.
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In a statistical trend (that is, it does not manifest itself in everyone and not always) - it is very possible that he is
sometimes insidious, including prone to provocations,
87 cunning, duplicity and social manipulation, which he knows how to use (and uses) to protect his interests.

He believes in the effectiveness and greater power of punishments rather than rewards. .


Intolerance of injustice, but only in relation to what affects him


90 He usually has a gloomy background mood

Much above the population average, he enjoys coercive violence against others (both physical and

partly psychological - for example, deliberately putting forward difficult conditions, threatening or blackmailing). The very
use of such violence gives him
pleasure - even when the goal to which it is directed has not yet been achieved. .

His background mood is devoid of light ease and hassle-free.


With an increased probability, his life strategy is characterized by a propensity for self-seeking (cynical
unscrupulousness, "the end justifies the means", attitude towards
93 people as expendable, spitting on others and the consequences for them). The principle is to grab a piece and run away,
and then let them sort it out themselves.

94 He loves to criticize, in general he is prone to criticism. Most likely, he is characterized .

by extrapunitiveness in relation to personal failures (that is, blaming most of the failures that have already happened
or possible future failures solely on some other people, and not on himself). It is characterized by high intolerance and
quarrelsome character (selfishness, aggressiveness, ambition and intolerance towards other people's views and habits).

96 .

97 He is predisposed to predict the worst and expect trouble.

Weak social altruism, in its motives, is purely selfish and indifferent to the public good (there is no concern for the
common good and public interests, there is no attitude and readiness to give in and sacrifice something for the sake
of common interests).

99 He may be characterized by aggressive egocentrism.

Participation in disputes is more interesting for him to those who will master and win, and not to receive
information. Often, this psychotype, .

alas, has a deficiency of three qualities: fidelity, kindness and hard work. He rarely follows other people's
recommendations; self-confident, and even being incompetent - he himself is inclined to teach and teach. He tends to
be stupidly mischievous, defiantly teasing those who give him advice, and deliberately doing the opposite and in
spite of other people's expectations. It is not typical for him to admit his mistakes, but he loves to emphasize other people's
mistakes very much. It is difficult to count on his help in any situation, and

even if he is specifically asked to help, he often tries to evade, instead of

help trying to turn someone else's need into an occasion for ridicule. .
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For him, a grumpy and dissatisfied background of mood is usual. Characterized by rejection rather than acceptance.
He sees the bad in everything. Negative, viciously irritable emotions tend to prevail over positive ones. In
102 communication, he often acts as a donor (source and transmitter) of negative emotions.

The process of constructive general useful work does not fascinate him, he is of little interest to him (since his interests
103 are shifted towards consumerism and social manipulation). With a high probability, trolling and
stalking someone with .

mockery can
give him pleasure. He is above average
characterized by pessimism, negative expectations, skepticism,
on the vision of shortcomings, not advantages.
The values of the imperial-territorial power of the country, built on strength, world expansion and the leading role
of the imperial bureaucracy, which unites the tribes by force, stand above many other values for him (not for all
106 representatives of the psychotype, but the probability is greatly increased).

For a long time after meeting people, he is suspicious and distrustful, and always later - also without complete trust ..
He is drawn to negative emotions in other people, .

sometimes deliberately provoking them.


He does not experience problems in communicating with evil and selfish people, he easily finds a common
language with them. He does not like .

people, initially treats them biliously, with wary squeamish distrust, in the mood to reject them, not accept
110 them. .

Most likely, he is characterized by a general predominance of negative emotions over positive ones, weakness and
unsystematic manifestation of his positive emotions, but on the other hand - high forethought towards negative
outcomes of the case. He learns any unpleasant experience well and effectively (including quickly learning from
111 mistakes). For other people, he also more often acts as a donor, a source of negative emotions (rather than positive

Resourcefulness, cunning (the ability to pretend and lure), the ability to "get out", if necessary, and the ability to lie - these
are some of the most important natural talents of this
type used to survive in this challenging world. .

With an increased probability, according to the preferred mode of his day (when there is an opportunity to choose),
113 he behaves like a "owl" - he goes to bed late, gets up late.

In his environment, there are extremely rarely people for whom he feels responsible - it’s just that he doesn’t
114 tend to take responsibility for
others. .

He likes to anger and tease others, provoke them into conflicts. .


For him, the likelihood of conditions such as depression, apathy, abulia is increased.

It is more common for a person of his psychotype to be not an opponent, but a supporter of the use of the death
penalty. A frequently seen picture of him .

is when he warns, grumbles and

118 criticizes, lounging at the same time in an armchair with an impenetrable expression on his face.
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There is a high probability (well above the population average) that its ideology and mentality are
characterized by imperialism and aggressive militarism. Thus, with regard to the solution of international problems,
119 he sympathizes with the bet on the arms race and very often desires direct violence.

He sometimes quite sincerely justifies usurpation and grabbing (since he who has power has all the rights).

In a statistical trend (not very pronounced, therefore exceptions to the rule are not uncommon) for this
psychotype, the likelihood of improved twilight vision is increased (that is, its increased sensitivity in even very
low light conditions). To a degree above average, he is characterized by xenophobia, that is, the fear of
"strangers", otherwise .

and hatred for them.

There is more space in his views and values than other people, they know the bet on
cruelty and violence, a bet on punishment in managing people.
This psychotype is usually more than others indifferent to the topic of travel and adventure.

125 It has a predisposition to sad and melancholy states.

126 He is arrogant and arrogant
He constantly sees many dangers and problems, is on the alert in anticipation of them, often thinking about possible
127 troubles. .

128 It often combines anxiety and aggressiveness. He loves and most of all .

appreciates in other people their authority, pressure and strength. .


He has an increased propensity for proactive (offensive) physical aggression - including fighting or using
130 weapons (either in reality or in dreams) He knows how (and loves) to intrigue and manipulate people selfishly, he

love these classes. He often .

suffers from spleen - a bad mood, from which he cannot get out for a long time (and in this state life seems to
132 him completely devoid of joy and pleasure). It is likely that among alcoholic drinks he prefers strong, high-
grade ones (vodka, whiskey, .

rum, cognac - instead of wine) He is against interracial marriages, even if people of the same high

culture level.
Representatives of this psychotype usually love horror films more than other people.

He does not condemn despotic and tyrannical regimes of government, on the contrary, they
like. Most .

likely, a feeling of hostility between himself and the surrounding human society is very typical for him, a
feeling of disgust towards the world around him is characteristic, a feeling of alien deadness of
the surrounding is characteristic.

138 Heightened propensity for irony and sarcasm

It is possible that he avoids certainty, prefers to express himself in roundabout ways, "around the bush".

His principle is that no one can be trusted, and in everything one must rely only on oneself. From people, he rather
140 expects that they will interfere, rather than help. .

The feeling of inner peace, happiness and harmony of the environment visits him extremely rarely. This is
something he misses so much. .
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A tendency to a background state of frustration (constant dissatisfaction), pessimism, dissatisfaction and a

feeling of unhappiness, a mood for trouble. Frowning and bad mood. Can't enjoy life.

It is possible that sometimes he dreams about a future war - how it will develop, and what he personally will do
in it. This psychotype is often .

(although not always) characterized by a reduced commitment to relatives and friends.


145 He cares little about the family

He has a high need for enemies. Like to have them in stock
I like to create them. .

He loves games where you need to deftly deceive, and in communication he also often resorts to deception - and
most often not for selfish gain, but only for the sake of provocation. It would suit him to play "Mafia"
professionally, or to engage in telephone pranks (pranking), or to engage in commercial pranks and quests
in an urban environment for clients from among the jaded "office plankton".

148 Selfish individualism is a trait close to it.

149 Most likely, he likes monopoly both in the economy and in politics. .

High emotional and nervous irritability in relation to the actions and behavior of other people.

His psychotype has a statistical tendency to reduce (relative to the average population level)
conscious barriers that prevent the commission of crimes against a person. That is, the relative probability of
committing by this subject during his life any offense associated with illegal violent actions against the
personality of other people is increased relative to the average population level. This is not the case for all
representatives of the psychotype, but the probability is greatly increased.

He, alas, does not have the talent to quickly and penetratingly see around him not conspicuous, but available and
152 accessible positive opportunities in all their wide
set. .

153 He may have an increased propensity for acquisitiveness.

It is characterized by the minimization of any obstacles on the way to the goal, including moral ones. Including
he can be shameless, shameless, tactless, unceremonious, sometimes - and ungrateful. He is almost not
154 interested in social rules, comforts and feelings of other people, he rarely takes them into account.

In this psychotype, envy and envy are more common than average. Predisposed to envy, pangs of envy (to
someone else's success, luck, property, talent, etc. - either to something particular of this, or to all at once)

156 Most likely, he enjoys knowingly exploiting others. .

Most likely, he does not consider cruelty and anti-humanism as such necessarily negative
personality traits. In general, partly himself.
He is characterized by the priority of independent and mostly solitary work with independently set goals,
158 and not the priority of working for a certain team within the framework of the distribution of roles in it.

159 He is characterized by conflict and aggressive character.

He prefers a relationship of leadership over brotherhood; hierarchical subordination along the vertical, rather
than equal relations along the horizontal. He views the actions of other .

people primarily through the prism of their intrigues and ethical manipulations.
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162 Possible increase in aggressiveness after drinking alcohol

163 He usually likes the atmosphere of tragic passions. .

He is characterized by Machiavellianism (manipulation, attitude towards people as a means to achieve

selfish goals). Most likely, in his heart he is an opponent of .

the policy of equalizing in people their starting opportunities at birth, their starting rights and strengths. Especially in
adults, in his opinion, society should not interfere in any way, trying to reduce too large deviations from equality.
Because the strong are always right, because there is nothing to take care of the crippled, and because who
dared, he ate.

His attitude towards people is most often cold, unfriendly, maliciously prejudiced and picky, bilious,
166 unresponsive, unwilling to help. .

167 There's a good chance he likes poker

He, not without some reason, considers himself a person who is perspicacious to other people's interests,
168 weaknesses and shortcomings, a person who usually easily guesses the intentions of other people. He likes to test
and test people, deliberately creating .

some kind of difficult situation for them and watching how they get out of it.
169 .

It is highly likely that among his values is nationalism, the values \u200b\u200bare also present in the purity of
170 blood (race) and state isolationism

171 He has a selectively strong and "stuck" memory for any negative.
It is possible that against the background of alcohol intake, he may develop aggressive
People of his psychotype often have a tendency to exaggerate themselves at the expense of belittling
others - a tendency to constantly "convict" other people, to prove to them that they are worthless, and worse
than him in everything. Humiliates other people in order to
indirectly emphasize their superiority. He likes situations .

of heightened confrontation between parties and opinions, especially if they are based on logical disputes. In
communication, he often behaves arrogantly, emphasizing other people's mistakes and giving sharp
uncompromising assessments, including the abilities of his interlocutor in general, often arguing for the sake of the
dispute process itself - just to out-argue the opponent. He does not know how to reduce the severity of conflict
174 situations that often arise due to ethical manipulation, and he does not seek to. It cannot be called a harmonizer of
the atmosphere of communication that arises around him - quite the contrary.

There is little benevolence in his character, that is, a benevolent and sympathetic attitude towards
175 people with a responsive readiness to help them. .

Increased likelihood of laziness due to low level of motivation - avoids any work that can be avoided, easily shifts
176 it to others

He is characterized by high extrapunity (laying both responsibility and possible guilt for everything that
happened on other people, and not on himself). Extrapunitiveness to events is understood
here as a whole, without division into successes and
failures. It .

is highly probable that he is predisposed to xenophobia (that is, he is prone to intolerance and fear of
178 strangers of other blood, appearance and faith).

179 He's got a good memory for names.

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180 Children, perhaps, he does not like - at best, he is indifferent to them. .

With his thoughts, he more often complicates the situation, revealing new layers of depth in it, rather than
181 simplifies it. He is more interested in complexity in all its details than in simplicity. He does not like assigned
from the outside, that is, in fact, .

"imposed" work. In addition, he does not like uncreative work at all. For these reasons, he is against the old
Soviet practice of construction teams and agricultural work for students.

He tends to positively idealize a society of vertically organized inequality, where the superior is always right.

Personal needs and interests are much more important to him than universal justice and the "common good."
184 No "common cause" will induce him to perform feats of self-sacrifice in the name of a "common
holy idea." He is skeptical about the ideas of equality, he believes .

in the need for a strict social hierarchy, where one always stands above the other, and he obeys him.

He easily and even with pleasure endures the situation of scandals in the team, feels in this atmosphere
like a fish in water. He even watches scandals with pleasure, and sometimes, perhaps, deliberately quarrels
among themselves people in the team.

He is very often characterized by a rigid and quickly manifested intolerance for other views, for any different
187 position of others. .

Most likely, he is against interracial marriages, even if people of the same marriage enter into marriage.
high level of culture.
189 Most likely, he has fairly good (sharp) twilight vision.
Among its shortcomings are ostentatiousness, narcissism and frequent deceit (however, more often
191 He is sometimes subconsciously inclined to provoke someone else's aggression on himself.
At the level of a statistical trend, it is most likely typical for him to resort to potent drugs during treatment or to
"shock" doses of any drugs (he does not really believe in minimal doses and folk remedies).

He does not exaggerate the importance to life of impartiality, truth, truth, and honesty. He believes that
193 being able to successfully cheat and prevaricate is a sign
developed intellect.
194 Increased chance. that he has a love-passion for weapons.
He almost never has a euphoric, that is, an airy, upbeat joyful mood - usually his mood is prone to
195 sadness or always something
Most likely, he has increased alertness to strangers of another kind-tribe.

Consciously or only in the depths of the soul, but correct, useful and fair
he considers only a strictly hierarchically organized vertical system of subordination - like in the army,
without any democracy. .

He most likely likes to have many people serving him, and in his house he would also like to have many
198 servants (without being embarrassed by their presence). .

199 Looks to the future without hope, it does not cause a feeling of "anticipation".
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Representatives of his type often profess great imperial chauvinism with hatred for any
criticism of "their" state and its superiors, support isolationism and the idea of a fortress
state surrounded on all sides by vicious enemies.

Names of 16 psychotypes and their synonyms

ILE Intuitive-logical extrovert (irrational), Seeker, Don Quixote
LII Logical -intuitive introvert (rational), Analyst, Robespierre
SEI Sensory-ethical introvert (irrational), Mediator, Dumas
ESE Ethical-sensory extrovert (rational), Enthusiast, Hugo
SLE Sensory-logical extravert (irrational), Marshal, Zhukov
LSI Logical-sensory introvert (rational), Inspector, Maxim
IEI Intuitive-ethical introvert (irrational), Lyrik, Yesenin
EIE Ethical-intuitive extrovert (rational), Mentor, Hamlet
SEE Sensory-ethical extravert (irrational), Politician, Napoleon
ESI Ethical-sensory introvert (rational), Guardian, Dreiser
OR Intuitive-logical introvert (irrational), Critic, Balzac
LIE Logical-intuitive extravert (rational), Entrepreneur, Jack London
IEE Intuitive-ethical extravert (irrational), Advisor, Huxley
EII Ethical-intuitive introvert (rational), Humanist, Dostoevsky
SLI Sensory-logical introvert (irrational), Master, Gabin
LSE Logical-sensory extrovert (rational), Administrator, Stirlitz

Note: the names of types by the names of some historical figures reflect only certain
character traits of these personalities, they were adopted at the dawn of socionics
and are preserved in it only by virtue of conventional tradition and for convenience.
remembering types by beginners, they do not mean at all that these historical
personalities had just such a psychotype (for example, the real historical
Maximilian Robespierre was LSI, not LII; Dostoevsky was closer to EIE than to EII;
Napoleon Bonaparte was SLE, not SEE; Victor Hugo was also most likely closer to EIE than
to ESE - the type that is named after him).

Where and what you can read more:

Descriptions of 16 "pure" sociotypes (but remember that, in reality, people, as a rule, are
intermediate cases between them)


(these are descriptions of types from A.Bystritsky - in our opinion, they are the most successful)

(these are descriptions of types from V. Gulenko - they are also well composed)
(also good descriptions)
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2. Descriptions of the 24 psychosophic types:


3. About socionic temperaments and small socionic groups:


4. Socionics for beginners:


5. Scientific socionics for specialists:

Works by Viktor Talanov:
Works by Ivan Romanov:


For a more detailed acquaintance with modern scientific

socionics and its basic concepts, we recommend you the FAQ from
the website of Ivan Romanov, who, following Viktor Talanov,
also works in the paradigm of scientific socionics. Scientific socionics
is fully consistent with the views of neuroscience and
differential psychology and uses the same research methods, but
gives a much more detailed
representation of a person's personality than is available in other
personality models (such as BIG FIVE, HEXACO, MBTI and others):

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For a more detailed acquaintance with modern scientific socionics and

its basic concepts, we recommend you the FAQ from the website of Ivan
Romanov, who, following Viktor Talanov, also works in the paradigm of
scientific socionics. Scientific socionics is fully consistent with the views
of neuroscience and differential psychology and uses the same research
methods, however, it gives a much more detailed idea of a person's
personality than is available in other personality models (such as BIG
FIVE, HEXACO, MBTI and others):


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