Assessment 2 - Business Plan Report
Assessment 2 - Business Plan Report
Assessment 2 - Business Plan Report
Start-up Costs
How much money will you need to get your business started?
Hint: Refer back to where you analyzed the costs involved in running your business. Approximately how much will you need to get
your business started?
How will you finance your business? For example, will you seek out a bank loan? Borrow from friends? Try crowdfunding?
Sell stocks or bonds initially or as your business grows?
Hint: Refer to Chapter 15 for information on sources of short-term and long-term funds. Refer to Chapter 16 for information on
securities, such as stocks and bonds.
Income Statement and Balance Sheet
Create a balance sheet and an income statement for your business.
Hint: Use the Microsoft Word or Excel to create each statement. The Excel files are handy for calculations. If you make adjustments
to the values in the Excel worksheets, You’ll automatically see how changes to expenses, for example, can improve the “bottom
Submission deadline: Essay need to be submitted electronically by using KLE (Turnitin) Week 12, Friday 15th December
2023 sharp 13:00 hours UK time.
Words Limit: Note that the words limit is non-negotiable: words in excess of the exact limit will be ignored and left
· Guidance on how the students should complete the assessment task
Make sure the level of understanding about asked essay question
Answer the questions clearly
Do not just put the class learning resource material (Lecture slides, Seminars, Homework) in the business Plan
Expectations are the implementation of the course content to assess your level of understanding and grip on course content
Use Keele library for additional resources, like, research articles, books, magazines etc. to achieve maximum marks
· Expectations of what should be included to achieve maximum success in the task
Avoid spelling and grammatical mistakes
Writing style should be concise, fluent, in British English.
Originality of the piece of the writing
Augment your argument with proper example
Insert table or figures where necessary to support your analysis of argument, if necessary
. Plagiarism
Plagiarised work will receive a zero mark. You have to take it seriously, because your work will be checked through the use of
plagiarism software. Do not try to put your study in jeopardy? Write your essay in your own words to demonstrate your level of
understanding of course content.
Do not copy and paste material from books/articles/internet online material
Your work will not be marked and you will fail the module
If you have any query about plagiarism, please do not hesitate to discuss with student support office/tutor/lecturer.
Contact for Queries
Dr Zeeshan Akmal
Email -
Confidentiality/Anonymity Requirements
Anonymous submission by student number
Ethical Requirements
Individual student work
Student’s own work i.e. originality of thoughts
Permitted Resources
In this section include information about whether students are allowed to use a calculator, and which ones. Also, Physics/
Chemistry/ Biology whether a rubric of useful equations etc. might be included.
Course material posted on KLE
Online resources
Library books, articles etc.
You are not allowed to collude by messaging/emailing at forums
Any model/ theory/definition/data/graph or any other source borrowed from the text/online resources should be properly
There is not penalty for proper usage of existing material resources
Information Classification: Restricted
Marking Criteria Marks
Inappropriate or incomplete work 0
due to inclusion of irrelevant material and absence of appropriate information
Poor 1
Work shows limited understanding of subject matter, contains mostly irrelevant material, poorly
organised, lacking coherence
Fair 2
Work shows some understanding of subject matter, contains some irrelevant material but some signs of
organisation and coherence.
Good 3
Some areas can be improved upon or require further explanation. Presentation/ideas/arguments are well
organised demonstrating cohesion but limited critical analysis.
Very good 4
Work is of solid quality showing competent understanding of subject matter. Presentation/ideas/arguments
are clearly developed and supported with relevant literature with some critical analysis.
Excellent 5
Work of exceptional quality, showing clear understanding of the subject matter.
1 Cover Sheet 3
2 Table of Contents 5
3 Executive Summary 7
Business Name
Description of Business
4 12
Forms of Business ownership
Ideal Customers
Company Advantages
The Company and Management Teams
The Mission Statement
Ethical Issues
Social Responsibility
Industry Profile
Industry Description
Opportunities and Threats
5 15
Business Goals
Company Strength
Raw Materials and Supplies
Anticipated Challenges
Planned Responses
Organization Chart
Market Analysis
Market Research
6 12
Assessment of the Competition
Product features and Benefits
7 12
Product Differentiation
Sales and Promotion
Place (Distribution) Issues
8 12
Expected Revenue
Cost of doing Business
9 Start-up costs 12
Income Statement
Balance Sheet
10 Academic English Writing Skills 5
11 Bibliography / Referencing List 5
Total 100