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My Prayer Plan

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Berea Christian Church


My prayer
Gabriel Ferrer Ruiz
Yolanda Rodríguez

My Prayer Plan

Berea Editions
First Edition:

Kerigma Collection

Yolanda Rodríguez
Cover design by: Anny Miranda

Made in Colombia
Berea Editions
Calle 79B N° 42-191
Barranquilla 2022

Unless otherwise indicated; Scriptures quotation are from

the NKJV® Bible (New King James Version
Bible). Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson Inc. All right
Nowadays, the devil has changed the living Biblical faith of Hebrews
INTRODUCTION 11 for a corruptible faith, for the ephemeral, vain, and earthly things.
In the same way, the devil has changed the prayer because many
In this booklet, you will find a powerful prayer plan for the End Times. churches are crying out for the earthly, material, and ephemeral
The Lord gave His Church precise instructions on what to do when Her things. What we described before has happened because they have
departure to the New Jerusalem at the Rapture approaches. And within forgotten the Word of God and changed it for the word of men full of
these instructions-commands is to pray, cry out, groan, and war in heart's desires, full of the lust of the flesh.
spiritual warfare.
The second instruction for prayer that the Bible gives us is that we
Prayer is a Biblical commandment; Jesus said: «Watch and pray, lest must pray after God's will. 1 John 5: 14-15 says: «Now this is the
you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to
weak."» (Matthew 26:41). In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says: «pray without His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we
ceasing…» There are many verses where we find this commandment, ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. »
and it is also our need to talk with our God and worship Him. There’re We can't pray for everything we imagine because the old nature,
two main prayer instructions: the first is to pray with faith. James 1:6-8 which grows corrupt according to deceitful lusts, always wants to
says: «But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is impose its desires, the lusts of the flesh.
like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that
man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double- It is necessary to know the will of God so that we can pray according
minded man, unstable in all his ways.» to what God wants, and we know that His will is good, acceptable, and
perfect (Romans 12:2). The way to know the Lord's will is through His
But it’s necessary to clarify that the faith which James and all the Word, allowing it to renew our mind, letting the Holy Spirit guide us,
Scriptures speak of is the incorruptible faith that is centered in eternity, and reject the world, not conform to the evil age.
Hebrews chapter 11 describes the faith, it is defined in verse 1 this way: The apostasy of the Church, which is the withdrawal from the Biblical
«Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things faith and the Word of God, preaches and teaches that in prayer, we
not seen. » can ask God everything we want to, according to the human will; this
is false. Sadly, many have believed this lie, and they have turned
This chapter details the meaning of "things hoped for" and "things not prayer into the way they can obtain earthly goods. They have
seen," and it is the New Jerusalem with all the promises. This faith is corrupted the prayer.
confirmed in Hebrews 11: 8-10 when it says: «By faith obeyed when he
was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an Therefore, all those attending the apostate Church are not warned
inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By about the End Times we are living in. They haven't realized that these
faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in End Times events are about to happen: The Rapture of the Church, the
tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; for judgment of the 7 years of Tribulation, at the end of which will begin
he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and the thousand-year Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ, at the end of these
maker is God. » (Highlighted by the authors). 1,000 years, the judgment on the nations (which

3 4
will rebel against Christ at the end of the Millennium), Satan, the 1. Pray for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Rapture. Revelation
demon's judgment, and the judgment on the present heavens and Earth 22:17 says that the Holy Spirit and the Church, the Lamb's Bride, will
will occur. The judgment before the Great White Throne is where all join in groaning to say, "Come Lord Jesus!" In Revelation 22:20 this cry
lost human beings, those who never repented and rejected the Word of is reiterated "Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"
God and the living Christ, will go.
2. Watch and pray to know the day and the hour of the coming of Christ
The Lord appointed in His Word that the holy Church should pray for His Church. The Lord Jesus Christ ordered the Church to take heed
earnestly in the End Times for all these events, but most of the Church of the signs of the End Times to know the time of His coming for her
is distracted with the world and with earthly things. Thanks the Lord (Mark 13:33); He also ordered the Church to watch and pray because
that there's a faithful remnant to God that is fulfilling the command to she didn't know the day and the hour (Matthew 24: 36,42). But the Lord
pray with Biblical, eternal faith, according to God's will, and is making said that He would come as a thief in the night, not to His holy Church,
intercession earnestly for the fulfillment of the Word of God and the but to those who dwell on the Earth and the slept Church that would be
conversion of the souls because the Lord will gather the cleaned wheat in apostasy (2 Thessalonians 2: 1-3), the dead Church (Revelation 3:1-
to take them very soon to house of the Father, the New Jerusalem in the 2), the Church of the evil servants that wouldn't be looking for the day
Rapture's day. and the hour of the coming of the Lord (Matthew 24:50; Luke 12:46).

The Holy Church must wait for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in But to His holy Church, formed by sons of the day and sons of the light,
the clouds, praying in the Spirit (Jude 1: 20-21), praying always with all the Lord told her that His coming wouldn't overtake her as a thief in the
supplication in the Spirit (Ephesians 6:18), praying without ceasing (1 night, but she would know the time and the seasons (1 Thessalonians
Thessalonians 5:17). 5:1-5), the day and the hour; this is confirmed when the Lord Jesus said
that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would
In this prayer plan that we introduce you, you will pray after the will of come, and therefore the day when the thief would come, he would have
God written in His Word; you will pray with the motives of prayer that watched (Matthew 24:42-43). The Lord ordered the Church to watch.
the Lord gave in the Scriptures, and you will pray with the living, Therefore, He was telling the Church that the Holy Spirit will tell her the
precious, eternal, and glorious faith of Hebrews 11. time, the day, and the hour of His coming for His Church because He
This prayer plan is not only for the Holy Church that will be raptured would guide her into all truth and teach her all things (John 14:26; 16:
but also for those who will live the judgment of the Tribulation, a time 13-16).
of trouble in which prayer will sustain all those who repent of their sins
and receive Jesus in their hearts as the only Lord, Savior, and God, 3. Pray for the name of the Lord may be hallowed in all the Earth
believing with all their heart in Him. (Matthew 6: 9). This motive of prayer means to pray for the judgments
of the Tribulation so that the Millennial Kingdom will come in which in
The following are some motives of prayer, which are implicitly or
every nation of the Earth God will be worshiped. And, after the
explicitly included in the steps of the prayer plan we offer below; the
Millennium, the Eternal Kingdom will come where everyone will be
Bible teaches that we must:
holy and glorify the Living God; there will be no sinners.

5 6
4. Pray for the Lord's will may be done in all the Earth (Matthew 6: 10),
12. Pray for all those who wander from the truth, those in apostate
which also implies praying for the judgments of the Tribulation to
churches that the Lord has seen they will repent (James 5:19-20).
come so that the will of God may be imposed in all the Earth, and this
will happen in the Millennial Kingdom and the Eternal Kingdom.
13. Pray that Christ may continue to dwell in the hearts of believers
(Ephesians 3: 14, 17).
5. Pray that we may be counted worthy to escape all these things that
will come to pass (Luke 21:36). The Lord Jesus ordered us to cry out
14. Pray that the Lord may give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation
to be kept from the Tribulation Judgment.
so that He may enlighten our knowledge and we can understand the
eternal promises (Ephesians 1: 16-19).
6. Pray to be patient concerning the coming of the Lord (James 5:7;
Romans 8:24-25; 15; 4; Hebrews 10: 35-39). The Bible teaches that the
15. Pray for the fellowship in the Gospel (being in unity) (Philippians
Church that would be about to be raptured to the New Jerusalem
1: 3-5).
would enter in a time of patience in which the Word of God should
strengthen her, keeping the Word of patience (Revelation 3: 10), which
16. Pray for love may abound in knowledge and all discernment
would allow her to be delivered from the hour of trial which shall come
(Philippians 1:9).
upon the whole world, that is the Tribulation Judgment.

17. Pray for the Word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified (2
7. Pray to be sober (1 Thessalonians 5:6; 1 Peter 4:7; 5:8). This means
Thessalonians 3:1).
to live without greed and covetousness for material things. The
apostate churches covet earthly goods, so they don't want Christ to
18. Pray for all the brethren in the faith who are in all the Earth
come in the Rapture, nor do they want the Kingdom of God on Earth in
(Ephesians 6:18).
the Millennium and in the Eternal Kingdom.

19. Pray in war against principalities, against powers, against the

8. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this Earth (Matthew 6:10),
rulers of the darkness of this age, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in
which implies praying for the judgments of the Tribulation to come to
high places (Ephesians 6:11-12). This motive of prayer is found in all
cleanse the Earth from sin: "Your Kingdom come." This Kingdom refers
the imprecatory Psalms, which are a model for us.
to the Millennial Kingdom and the Eternal Kingdom.

All these motives of prayer are Biblical, and if you haven't used them,
9. Pray for be vigilant to resist the devil (1 Peter 5:8; Ephesians 6:11;
you will realize that you haven't prayed after God's will. Still, it is time
James 4:7). for you to arise and pray according to the Word of God, as the Lord
commanded us to cry out, groan, war, and always pray with all prayer
10. Pray that we may be filled with the knowledge of God's will and supplication in the Spirit. The following are 14 prayer steps for
(Colossians 1:9). the End Times, according to God's will:

11. Pray for being strengthened by the Spirit in the inner man

7 8
2. A prayer of war. Praying with warfare passages and worship
1. A prayer with the Psalms. Praying with the Psalms.
In this plan step, you will learn to pray like the servants who wrote the
We have a wrestle against the hell hierarchy, against the world and the
Psalms, such as Moses, David, Asaph, and others. You must read each
old nature, the old man, the flesh; that is why we must stand up in a war
Psalm with an attitude of prayer to the Lord, believing He is listening to
with the Word of God and its praises, the sung Word of God, to knock
the cry you make with His Word.
down all of them.
Begin your prayer like this:
When you read this prayer plan, if the Church has already gone to the
New Jerusalem in the Rapture, you must know that you are in the
Read aloud 9 Psalms, starting from chapters 1-9. When you return to this
judgment of the Tribulation and that the Antichrist has already
step of the plan, after having finished the others, continue with the
manifested himself. In this horrible time, there will be an explosion of
reading of Psalms 10-18 and so on each time you complete all the steps
evil and the hierarchy of Hell as there has never been before with
of the prayer plan.
terrible deceiving spirits. Therefore, you will have to pray as the
psalmists did. In step 1, you have already seen how they prayed. In this
Listen and sing the praises of the Psalms and worship God:
step 2, continue to exercise yourself in the prayer of war.
"Salmo 3 (Psalm 3)" "Salmo 29 (Psalm 29)"
https://youtu.be/AyqBfhsNyNk https://youtu.be/e0artee36Es Begin your prayer like this:
"Salmo 56 (Psalm 56)" "Salmo 59 (Psalm 59)"
https://youtu.be/Zq-tI2Cth3M https://youtu.be/bQ7IIF5CMrw Read the biblical warfare passages: 2 Samuel 22: 31-43. Psalms 3; 5; 7;
"Salmo 61 (Psalm 61)" "Salmo 66 (Psalm 66)" 10; 12; 17: 6-15; 28: 7-9; 35; 44; 54; 55; 59; 68; 109; 140; 141. Isaiah
https://youtu.be/AjlVKvNcfuw https://youtu.be/a7RQWKM7oSE 14: 1-23. Ezekiel 28: 1-19. Romans 13: 11-14. 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5.
"Salmo 68 (Psalm 68)" "Salmo 77 (Psalm 77)" Ephesians 1: 19-23; 4: 22-27; 6: 10-18. Colossians 2: 8-15. James 4:7. 1
https://youtu.be/D-F17qGwz-I https://youtu.be/yPGd7DLWmAY Peter 5: 8-11. 1 John 5: 1-5.
"Salmo 93 (Psalm 93)" "Salmo 108 (Psalm 108)"
https://youtu.be/qC2lSN-APsE https://youtu.be/ADKkYUveQV0 Listen and sing praises; worship God:

While reading and praising, let the Holy Spirit guide the prayer. During "Salmo 68 (Psalm 68)" "Salmo 59 (Psalm 59)"
this reading, worship, and praise time, you must pray, cry out, groan, and https://youtu.be/D-F17qGwz-I https://youtu.be/bQ7IIF5CMrw
war. "Salmo 3 (Psalm 3)" "Libre (Free)"
https://youtu.be/AyqBfhsNyNk https://youtu.be/U5wWBuMFp1A
PRAY, CRY OUT, GROAN, WAR. "Tu victoria, oh Jesús (Your victory, O Jesus)"
"Cántico de Moisés (The Song of Moses)"
"La batalla de la salvación (The Salvation’s Battle)"

During this reading, worship, and praise time, you must pray, cry out,
groan, and war.


9 10
3. A prayer of worship and glory to the King. Praying with "Por los siglos de los siglos (Forever and ever)"
praises that exalt the attributes and works of the King. https://youtu.be/fe7kmEV-bqA
"Salmo 56 (Psalm 56)" https://youtu.be/Zq-tI2Cth3M
Praise and worship are powerful weapons for pulling down our "Salmo 61 (Psalm 61)" https://youtu.be/AjlVKvNcfuw
enemies and strongholds. We confirmed this when the people of Israel "Salmo 66 (Psalm 66)" https://youtu.be/a7RQWKM7oSE
entered the promised land through Jericho, and the priests blew the "Salmo 108 (Psalm 108)" https://youtu.be/ADKkYUveQV0
trumpets, and the walls of the city fell when the people shouted "Vivir para ti (Living for you)"
(Joshua 6: 4-20). We also confirmed it when Jehoshaphat told the
Levites to praise the Lord, and after they did so, their enemies were PRAY, CRY, GROAN, WAR.
defeated (2 Chronicles 20: 17-22). David knew that praise and
worship were powerful weapons against the enemy, so he wrote by
the Holy Spirit imprecatory psalms and songs. With these, God gave 4. A prayer for the Eternal Promises. Praying with the eternal
him victory. promises of God.

Begin your prayer like this: The Lord gave powerful, eternal promises that no one has yet received.
However, those of the Old Testament and the brethren of the Church who
Read the passages and verses of praise to the Lord: Psalms 33; 86; 95; slept have obtained them to receive them (Hebrews 11: 13, 33, 39-40). None
96; 103; 145; 146. 2 Samuel 7: 21-24. 1 Chronicles 16: 7-36; 29: 11. 2 of the eternal promises has been fulfilled, for the requirement of the
Chronicles 6: 13-42. Isaiah 25: 1-9. Habakkuk 3: 17-19. Romans 11: receptors of such promises is to be eternal, immortal, holy, and sinless.
33-36. 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4. Ephesians 3: 14-21. 1 Timothy 1:17. 2 Therefore, the first ones who will receive the fulfillment of the promises will
Peter 3: 18. Revelation 5: 8-14; 19: 1-8. be the children of God, the Church, at the time of the fulfillment of the
promises, when she will be resurrected and glorified. These promises are:
Listen and sing praises; worship God: holy descendants multiplied for eternity, the New Earth and New Heavens,
the New Jerusalem, and the eternal government and priesthood.
"Canta (Sing)" https://youtu.be/Hbf9_Kw6WRA
"Templo tuyo (Thy temple)" https://youtu.be/CITEPrKfi9o At this step of the plan, you will pray for the fulfillment of these promises,
"Grande es el Señor (Great is the Lord)" which are about to be received. Begin your prayer like this:
"Rey Eterno (Eternal King)” https://youtu.be/MxOptxVE6RI Read the passages and verses about God's eternal promises:
"Coronado de gloria (Crowned with glory)" Genesis 12: 1-8; 15; 17; 22:1-18. Exodus 32: 11-14. 2 Samuel 7: 18-20. 1
https://youtu.be/5QwrAzYRnwM Chronicles 29: 10- 15. Psalms 23; 45; 72; 84; 87; 102. Isaiah 54; 60; 61; 65.
"Derrama tu fuego (Pour out Your fire)" Matthew 19: 27-30. Romans 4; Galatians 3; 4. Ephesians 1: 11-14, 18.
https://youtu.be/bZ59AQzjhmI Colossians 1: 9-14. Hebrews 6:13-20; 9: 11-15; 10: 1-25, 34-39; 12: 26-29. 1
"Bienvenidos (Welcome)" https://youtu.be/ih6SMailTds Peter 1: 3-5. Revelation 2; 3; 19: 1-10; 20: 1-8; 21.
"Quiero (I want)" https://youtu.be/liTYabBPpV4
"Santo y Glorioso (Holy and Glorious)" Listen and sing praises, worship God:
"Mis promesas (My Promises)" https://youtu.be/dAPoV9UWcGM
"Ríos de adoradores (Rivers of worshipers)"

11 12
"El Ensueño de la Esposa (The Bride's Daydream)" Listen and sing praises, worship God:
"Israel" https://youtu.be/t79PaICaLuU "Yo te esperaré (I will wait for you)" https://youtu.be/ByMWBIXHBQg
"Jesús la vida (Jesus, the Life)" "Te levantaré (I will raise you up)" https://youtu.be/8KfZFb4E6cg
https://youtu.be/mMhO_1LOfkM "Pronto vendré (I will come soon)" https://youtu.be/U5R7mtsGW30
"Ishi" https://youtu.be/N801obU98bU "Ven Señor Jesús (Come Lord Jesus)" https://youtu.be/g9FTkXHrrrw
“My Redeemer "Tú eres mi todo (You are my all)" https://youtu.be/-ee7AqZzT8I
Lives” https://youtu.be/wOTVO9mcx1o?si=ZASYQcDt-5peToEP "Cántico de Moisés (The song of Moses)"
"Salmo 93 (Psalm 93)" https://youtu.be/qC2lSN-APsE https://youtu.be/8PY5Wr95quQ
"Rey Eterno (Eternal King)" https://youtu.be/MxOptxVE6RI "El Ensueño de la Esposa (The Bride's Daydream)"
PRAY, CRY, GROAN, WAR. "Viene mi Amado (My Beloved is coming)"
"My Redeemer Lives" https://youtu.be/wOTVO9mcx1o?si=ZASYQcDt-
5. A prayer for the Blessed Hope. Praying for the coming of the 5peToEP
King for His Church. "La esposa del Cordero (The Bride of the Lamb)"

The Lord revealed the time of His coming. He told the Church to pray PRAY, CRY, GROAN, WAR.
for this glorious event to occur in which she will be resurrected,
glorified, and raptured to the Third Heaven, the New Jerusalem. The
Lord Jesus Christ will come to the clouds, and we will be taken up 6. A prayer of gratitude. Praying in thanksgiving to the Lord.
into the clouds when we are transformed. The coming of the Lord in
the Rapture is the blessed hope, the hope for which we fervently long The Lord has given so much to mankind and His children; for this, we
and for which God has prepared us. should give thanks. The main reason to thank Him is this great and
undeserved salvation. The human being sinned and deserved Hell,
At this plan step, you will feel the fire in your heart for the coming of deserved to be definitively rejected, but God did not do this. He provided
Christ at the Rapture. You will be like the Shulamite woman of Song grace through Jesus Christ so that whoever believes in Him shall not
of Solomon, seeking the bridegroom with all her heart. perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

Begin your prayer like this: Besides this eternal salvation, the Lord has not invalidated His covenants
and promises but will fulfill them. Hallelujah! Let us pray and praise the
Read passages and verses about the coming of the King: Psalm 16: King by giving Him thanks.
11; 17: 15; 27: 5-6; 42; 63. Song of Solomon 2: 7-13. Isaiah 26: 19-20.
Daniel 12: 2. John 14: 1-3. Romans 8: 1-39. 1 Corinthians 15: 12-58. Begin your prayer like this:
Philippians 3: 10-14. 1 Thessalonians 1: 10; 4: 13-18; 5: 1-11. 2
Thessalonians 1: 7-10. 1 Timothy 6: 14- 16. 2 Timothy 4: 8. Titus 2: Read passages of thanksgiving: 1 Chronicles 16: 7-36. Psalm 16; 18; 20;
11-14. Hebrews 10: 35-39. James 5: 7-8. 1 Peter 1: 5-13; 4: 12-18. 2 26: 6 -8; 30; 66; 92; 98; 100; 103; 110; 118; 136; 138; 139. Daniel 2: 20-
Peter 3: 1-18. 1 John 3: 2-3; Revelation 22: 6-21. 23. Romans 1: 8; 6: 16-18. 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9; 15: 57. 2 Corinthians 4:
14-16. Ephesians 1: 1-14; 5:19- 20. Philippians 4: 4-7. Colossians 2: 6-10;
4: 2 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24 1 Timothy 1: 12-17 Hebrews 12: 25-29
13 14
Listen and sing praises, worship God:
Listen and sing praises; worship God: "Los sellos y el Cordero (The seals and the Lamb)"
"Padre de gloria (Father of Glory)" https://youtu.be/SAx1VVIeaHw "El Fuerte de Sion (The Mighty One of Zion)"
"Jesús la vida (Jesus, the life)" https://youtu.be/mMhO_1LOfkM https://youtu.be/9tBG-eeIKfA
"Tu gracia me rescató (Your grace rescued me)" "Corre y apresúrate (Run and make haste)"
"Salmo 51 (Psalm 51)" https://youtu.be/npw2AWfur0k https://youtu.be/V4uXR4xKdyA
"Salmo 56 (Psalm 56)" https://youtu.be/Zq-tI2Cth3M "El Altar de Elías (The Elijah’s Altar)" https://youtu.be/wvJYtB4f9_w
"Salmo 61 (Psalm 61)" https://youtu.be/AjlVKvNcfuw "La Batalla de la Salvación (The Salvation’s Battle)"
"Salmo 66 (Psalm 66)" https://youtu.be/a7RQWKM7oSE https://youtu.be/TITFJUZcLro
"Abriste mi corazón (You opened my heart)" "Salmo 77 (Psalm 77)" https://youtu.be/yPGd7DLWmAY
"Sanaste mis heridas (You healed my wounds)" PRAY, CRY, GROAN, WAR.
"Vivir para ti (Living for you)"
8. A prayer for the eternal covenants. Praying with the biblical
PRAY, CRY, GROAN, WAR. covenants.

God, in His omniscience and foreknowledge, knew that Adam was going
7. A prayer of judgment and mercy. Praying for God's justice and to sin and, therefore, sin and death would enter all creation; the
repentance. descendants of Adam would be born corrupted, with the original sin.
Thus, the Lord decided to give His eternal promises within eternal
The Lord will judge all unbelieving mankind in the 7 years of Tribulation covenants, which He Himself undertook to fulfill because He swore by
already at the door. Still, during this time, He will extend His mercy upon Himself and He is faithful and true. The first covenant was the Edenic
the world's inhabitants and Israel for conversion. The terrible judgment covenant; when Adam had not sinned, then the Lord made 7 more
events will bring many to repentance (Revelation 7: 9-17). We must covenants. The last covenant is the New Covenant, in which Christ, the
pray for these judgments to come, for the Earth to be cleansed from sin last Adam, consummated His redemptive work to give us salvation and
and many abominations because then the Lord Jesus Christ will come to eternal promises. As all the covenants are eternal, God will fulfill them
reign over the Earth and bring everlasting righteousness. The psalmists all with its promises. Let us pray that all covenants will be fulfilled soon.
and the prophets prayed for these judgments, and the Church must do Read the passages and verses of the 8 covenants:
the same.
(1) Edenic Covenant: Genesis 1: 6-28; 2: 7-25. Isaiah 24: 1-6. Hosea 6: 7.
F Begin your prayer like this: Malachi 2: 14-15. Matthew 19: 4-6. Ephesians 5: 28-32.
(2) Adamic Covenant: Genesis 3: 8-24. Romans 8: 20-22.
Read the passages and verses about judgment and the imprecatory (3) Noahic Covenant: Genesis 9: 1-17.
Psalms: Numbers 14: 11-24. Psalm 9; 18; 21; 50; 59; 70; 75; 76; 79; 94; (4) Abrahamic Covenant: Genesis 12: 1-9; 13: 14-17; 15: 1-21; 17: 1-21;
129; 140; 149. Isaiah 24; 29; 34; 47; 55: 1-13. Jeremiah 14; 51: 13-37. 18: 1-15; 22: 1-18.
Daniel 9: 20-27. Joel 3: 1- 15. Zephaniah 1. Zechariah 12: 1-14; 14: 1-9. (5) Law Covenant: Exodus 19: 3-6; 24:1-18. Deuteronomy 7: 6- 13; 28:
Malachi 3: 1-5; 4: 1-6. Matthew 24. Mark 13. Luke 21:5-36. Romans 9: 1-14.
15-22; 11: 32 - 33. 2 Peter 3: 8-14. Revelation 15: 4; 16: 1- 21; 19: 11- (6) Land Covenant: Deuteronomy 29: 1-29.
21; 20.
15 16
(7) Davidic Covenant: 1 Chronicles 17: 7-27. Psalm 89: 1-37. Listen and sing praises; worship God:
(8) New Covenant: Jeremiah 31: 27-40; 32: 37-42; 33:6-18. Matthew 26: "Padre de gloria (Father of Glory)" https://youtu.be/SAx1VVIeaHw
26-29. John 13: 1- 4, 31-35; 14: 1-3. "Salmo 56 (Psalm 56)" https://youtu.be/Zq-tI2Cth3M
"Salmo 61 (Psalm 61)" https://youtu.be/AjlVKvNcfuw
Listen and sing praises, worship God: "El altar de Elías (The Elijah’s Altar)" https://youtu.be/wvJYtB4f9_w
"Mis promesas (My Promises)" https://youtu.be/dAPoV9UWcGM "Templo tuyo (Thy temple)" https://youtu.be/CITEPrKfi9o
"Israel" https://youtu.be/t79PaICaLuU "My Redeemer lives" https://youtu.be/wOTVO9mcx1o?si=ZASYQcDt-
"Ishi" https://youtu.be/N801obU98bU 5peToEP
"La Batalla de la Salvación (The Salvation’s Battle)"
https://youtu.be/TITFJUZcLro PRAY, CRY, GROAN, WAR.
"Sanaste mis heridas (You healed my wounds)"
"Templo tuyo (Thy Temple)" https://youtu.be/CITEPrKfi9o 10. A prayer for the Father’s house. Praying for setting our minds on
"Tu gracia me rescató (Your grace rescued me)" the New Jerusalem.

PRAY, CRY, GROAN, WAR. Our goal is to be in the New Jerusalem, in the Father's house, and there is
where we have our whole heart, our longing, and our mind. That was the
promise the Lord gave to His Church when He said to His disciples that He is
9. A prayer of Faith. Praying for faith. the way at the beginning of the Upper Room discourse (John 14:1-4). When
the Church has already departed to the celestial city at the Rapture, during
In the introduction of this prayer plan, we spoke about the true faith, the the Tribulation, the promise of the Father's house will also be the hope that
biblical faith, the faith of Hebrews 11, and the living, precious, and will strengthen many hearts because at the end of this period of judgment,
eternal faith that leads us to the New Jerusalem. We need to pray for this the Lord Jesus will come for a second time to reign for a thousand years over
faith so that we may hold on to it and that it be strengthened every day the Earth, and after many events such as the final judgments, the glorious
while we are on this pilgrimage that is about to end. But we also need to event of the creation of New Heavens and New Earth will occur, where the
pray that others may receive this biblical faith and reject the corruptible beloved city, the New Jerusalem will come down out from Heaven
faith preached by the apostates. The faith that the King gives us and (Revelation 21).
teaches us in His Word is for salvation (Romans 1: 16), pleases God
(Hebrews 11: 6), makes us able to be raptured to the heavens, and gives Read the passages and verses about the Father’s house, the New Jerusalem:
us the eternal promises (Hebrews 10: 35-39). Christ suffered, died, and Psalms: 17: 13-15; 26: 6-8; 27: 4-5, 13-14; 36: 7-9; 42: 1-3; 43: 3-5; 48; 73:
rose again to give us this powerful and precious faith centered in 24-28; 84; 87. Isaiah 30: 18- 19. Jeremiah 51: 58. Habakkuk 2: 13. Matthew
eternity; He consummated it on the cross of Calvary. Therefore, He is the 15: 17. John 6: 27; 14: 1-4. Romans 16: 17- 18. 1 Corinthians 2: 9; 6: 13-14;
author and finisher of faith (Hebrews 12: 2). Let us pray for this faith! 7: 29-31. 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18; 5: 1-3. Colossians 3: 1-4. Philippians 3: 18-
21. Hebrews 10: 32-35; 11: 9-16, 12: 22-24, 13: 8-9. 2 Peter 3: 10-14. 1 John
Begin your prayer like this: 2: 15-17; Revelation 21: 9-27; 22: 1-5.
Read the passages and verses about Faith: Romans 1: 16-17; 4: 5-24; 15:
13. 2 Corinthians 4: 7-18. Ephesians 1: 17-23. 1 Timothy 6: 11-16. 2 Listen and sing praises; worship God:
Timothy 4: 7-8. Hebrews 4: 1-13; 6: 11-20; 10: 21-39; 11; 12: 1-2. James “Mis Promesas (My Promises)” https://youtu.be/dAPoV9UWcGM
1: 2-8. 1 Peter 1: 3-9, 14-21; 5: 6- 11. 2 Peter 1: 1-5. 1 John 5: 1-5. Jude 1: “El ensueño de la esposa (The Bride’s daydream)”
20-25. https://youtu.be/kq8lFdo6Kpc

17 18
Listen and sing praises; worship God:
“My Redeemer lives” https://youtu.be/wOTVO9mcx1o?si=ZASYQcDt-
“Salmo 56 (Psalm 56)” https://youtu.be/Zq-tI2Cth3M
“Salmo 93 (Psalm 93)” https://youtu.be/qC2lSN-APsE
“Salmo 61 (Psalm 61)” https://youtu.be/AjlVKvNcfuw
“El Fuerte de Sion (The Mighty One of Zion)”
“Templo tuyo (Thy temple)” https://youtu.be/CITEPrKfi9o
“Tu gracia me rescató (Your grace rescued me”)
“Tú eres mi todo (You are my all)” https://youtu.be/-ee7AqZzT8I
“Quiero (I want)” https://youtu.be/liTYabBPpV4
“Vivir para ti (Living for you)”
“Salmo 3 (Psalm 3)” https://youtu.be/AyqBfhsNyNk

11. A prayer against fear. Praying to cast out fear.

12. A prayer for the Second Coming of Christ.
The Lord tells us not to fear, not to be afraid. He commands us to have a
The Lord also commanded us to pray for His Second Coming, when He
reverent fear of Him (Isaiah 8:13. Matthew 10:24-31), in other words, fear
will come to this Earth and stand His feet on the Mount of Olives. The
of worship and praise to Him. Difficulties may come, sufferings of all kinds,
Church has prayed for the Rapture and all the judgments. Even though
but the Almighty God, El Shaddai, is with us. God told Abraham not to be
she will be raptured and taken to the New Jerusalem before the
afraid because His reward would be exceedingly great (Genesis 15:1). This
beginning of the Tribulation Judgment, the Church has also been praying
reward is the presence of God for eternity and the glorious eternal
for that glorious event when the Lord Jesus will come for a second time
promises. Before the Rapture, the Lord said that one of the attacks the
with His Church to reign for a thousand years.
Church will have is fear. That's why He tells her in John 14:1, 27 not to let
her heart be troubled but to believe in God.
If the Rapture of the holy Church has already happened and you're in the
middle of the Tribulation Judgment. In that case, this prayer for the
When the Church has already been caught up to Heaven at the Rapture,
Second Coming of Christ will be your strength. Cry out every day and
during the Tribulation Judgment, there will be a lot of fear, horror, and
count the days because the Lord said that from the day when the
dread because of the terrible events that will take place. But all those who
Antichrist confirms the covenant between Israel and the Arab nations,
receive Christ in their hearts will have peace and strength through the Holy
the Tribulation Judgment will begin, which will last 7 years formed by
Spirit and the powerful Word of God. In this step of the plan, you will
prophetic days: 42 months in the first half of the Tribulation Judgment
experience joy, safety, peace, and strength from God. Start your prayer this
and 42 months in the last half, with months of 30 days according to the
prophecy of Daniel 9. There will be 1260 days in the first half and 1260
days in the last half for a total of 2520 days. Surely when these days are
Read the passages and verses to cast out fear: Genesis 15: 1; 26: 24. Exodus
finished, the Lord Jesus Christ will come with great power and glory.
14: 13-14. Joshua 1: 9. 2 Chronicles 20: 15-22; 32: 7-8. Psalms: 3; 27; 34: 4;
Start your prayer this way:
46: 1-3; 49: 5; 56; 61; 64: 1-2; 91; 118: 5-9. Isaiah 8: 11- 13; 12: 1-6; 35: 3-
4; 41: 9-14; 43: 1-5; 44: 6-8; 51: 6-13; 54: 4-5. Matthew 8: 23-27; 10: 24-31.
John 14: 1- 3, 26-27. Romans 8: 14-16. Hebrews 13: 5- 6. 1 Peter 3:14. 1 John
4: 18. Revelation 2: 10.

19 20
13. Praying for the glorified body: for the adoption and
Read the passages and verses: Haggai 2: 6-9. Zechariah 12: 11-14; 14: 4. redemption of our body. Praying to be made alive.
Matthew 16: 27-28; 23: 37-39; 24: 29-30; 25: 31-41; 26: 63-64. Mark
13:26. Luke 21: 27. 2 Thessalonians 2: 8. Hebrews 9: 27-28. Jude 1: 14-15. The promise of the glorified body is included in step 5 of this plan about
Revelation 1:7; Revelation 19. the Blessed Hope of the coming of Christ for His holy Church in the
Rapture. But we have decided to add the cry for "the adoption of the
Listen and sing praises; worship God: body" to make a special groaning because the Lord is about to come for
His Church, and increasing our cry is necessary.
“Los Sellos y el Cordero (The seals and the Lamb)”
https://youtu.be/0LLP6YDn-5w Additionally, when the Church has been raptured, those who were left
“El Fuerte de Sion (The Mighty One of Zion)” https://youtu.be/9tBG- behind in the Tribulation will need to groan, cry out for the resurrection,
eeIKfA for being made alive, and for the glorification of their body that will
“Salmo 66 (Psalm 66)” https://youtu.be/a7RQWKM7oSE happen with the Second Coming of Christ. Start your prayer this way:
“Israel” https://youtu.be/t79PaICaLuU
“Rey eterno (Eternal King)” https://youtu.be/MxOptxVE6RI Read the passages and verses: Job 19: 25-27. Psalm 119: 25, 40, 88, 107,
“Salmo 68 (Psalm 68)” https://youtu.be/D-F17qGwz-I 149, 156, 159. Isaiah 26:19. Hosea 6: 1-3; 14: 7. John 6: 39-54. Romans
“Tu victoria oh Jesús (Your victory, O Jesus)” 8: 11, 15, 17, 23, 30. 1 Corinthians 15:22-54. 2 Corinthians 3: 6-11.
“Cántico de Moisés (The Song of Moses)” Listen and sing praises; worship God:
“My Redeemer lives” https://youtu.be/wOTVO9mcx1o?si=ZASYQcDt-
PRAY, CRY, GROAN, WAR. “Jesús la vida (Jesus, the Life)” https://youtu.be/mMhO_1LOfkM
“El Fuerte de Sion (The Mighty One of Zion)” https://youtu.be/9tBG-
“Tu victoria oh Jesús (Your victory, O Jesus)”
“Yo te esperaré (I will wait for you)” https://youtu.be/ByMWBIXHBQg
“Te levantaré (I will raise you up)” https://youtu.be/8KfZFb4E6cg
“Tú eres mi todo (You are my all)” https://youtu.be/-ee7AqZzT8I
“Vivir para ti (Living for you)”


21 22
14. Praying to overcome the Old Nature. 15. A cry for the Word of God: Praying for being enlightened to
understand the Word of God.
This war against the flesh is included in step 2 of this plan, "A prayer of war."
Still, we have decided to add a special step because the Bible teaches that the The apostles, especially Paul, prayed permanently that the brethren
last enemy that will be destroyed is death, whose sting is sin, the flesh. The in the churches would receive the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit
flesh would be the last enemy of the Church because she would overcome so they could understand the Scriptures, the Mystery of Christ, that
Satan, the wicked one, through the powerful Word of God (John 2: 13-14). their understanding might be enlightened, that they might know the
The Church would also overcome the world through the living and precious riches of the glory of Christ, and see clearly the hope to which God
faith (1 John 5:4), the faith of Hebrews 11. Therefore, the last war the Church called them, that they might understand what their salvation consist,
would wage before the resurrection, glorification, and Rapture to the New His redeeming work, why and for what reason the Lord died, that
Jerusalem would be against the Old Nature, the old man, the flesh. they might understand the eternal inheritance, the Eternal Kingdom,
the eternal promises. In this way, believers would not be deceived
Likewise, during the Millennium, the only enemy that the non-glorified by apostasy, by false doctrines that tried to separate them from the
Millennial inhabitants (that will multiply) will have is the flesh, the old sincere faithfulness to Christ, from the glorious Gospel. These
nature, because Satan will be bound in the bottomless pit. There won't be a deceivers attempted to make the believers take their eyes and hearts
worldly structure on Earth. The non-glorified Millennial inhabitants will off on the eternal things, the good things to come, to make them set
have to pray and cry out to overcome the war against the flesh as the Church their minds on this Earth, the corruptible things of this world.
did and like those who will receive Christ and be saved and endure to the end
of the Tribulation judgment. Start your prayer this way: In this step of the plan, you will be able to cry out for the Word of
God to understand it with all wisdom and spiritual understanding so
Read the passages and verses: Romans 6: 6-14; 7: 13-25; 8: 1-14; 13:13-14. that you might understand all things that eye has not seen, nor ear
1 Corinthians 1: 25-31; 9: 24-27; 15: 50. 2 Corinthians 7: 1; 10: 3-5. Galatians heard, nor have entered into the heart of man. You will know them
3: 1-3; 5: 13, 16-26; 6: 7-8. Ephesians 2: 1-3; 4: 22-27. Philippians 3: 3-14. through the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:9-10).
Colossians 2: 23; 3: 5-10. 1 Peter 2: 11; 4: 2. 2 Peter 2: 10, 17-18. 1 John 2:
16-17. Read the passages and verses: Psalms 119. 1 Corinthians 2:6-16.
Ephesians 1:15-23. Colossians 1: 9-14. 1 Peter 1:3-12.
Listen and sing praises; worship God:
Listen and sing praises; worship God:
“Salmo 51 (Psalm 51)” https://youtu.be/npw2AWfur0k
“Salmo 59 (Psalm 59)” https://youtu.be/bQ7IIF5CMrw "Padre de gloria (Father of Glory)" https://youtu.be/SAx1VVIeaHw
“Abriste mi corazón (You opened my heart)” "Salmo 56 (Psalm 56)" https://youtu.be/Zq-tI2Cth3M
https://youtu.be/11QXuAcmknw "Salmo 59 (Psalm 59)" https://youtu.be/bQ7IIF5CMrw
“Sanaste mis heridas (You healed my wounds)” "Salmo 61(Psalm 61)" https://youtu.be/AjlVKvNcfuw
https://youtu.be/zxO36iDdt6s "Salmo 93 (Psalm 93)" https://youtu.be/qC2lSN-APsE
“Derrama tu fuego (Pour out your fire)” https://youtu.be/bZ59AQzjhmI "Abriste mi corazón (You opened my heart)"
“La batalla de la salvación (The Salvation’s Battle)” https://youtu.be/11QXuAcmknw

23 24
BEREA CHRISTIAN CHURCH • In the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking
with tongues (Acts 2:1-13; 10: 44-46).
• In the gifts of the Holy Spirit active in the Church today, for
Why BEREA Church her edification as a body (Romans. 12: 6 - 8. 1 Corinthians 12:
8 - 10): gifts of healings, of working miracles, of knowledge,
We are called BEREA Christian Church Because we respond to the of wisdom, of prophecy, discernment of spirits, speaking with
Father’s demands who seeks worshipers in spirit and true (John 4:23- tongues, interpretation of tongues, service, teaching,
24); and we base on the permanent study of the Bible, as Bereans did exhortation, among others.
who searched every day the Scripture (Acts 17:11).
• That God left ministries in the Church: apostles (missionaries,
WHAT WE BELIEVE IN: Church planters in the world), prophets, evangelists, pastors
and teachers (Ephesians 4:11-12).
We believe:
• In the Rapture of the Church before the Tribulation (1
• In the Bible as the only revealed Word of God, inerrant, and inspired Corinthians 15: 51-54; 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 4:13-18;
by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16-17. Psalm 19:7, 119: 160. John Revelation 3:10. Luke 21:36. John 14:1-3).
• In the prophetic 7-year judgment of the Tribulation or
• In God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit as three seventieth week of Daniel (Daniel 9: 27; Revelation chaps. 6-
persons in perfect unity (1 John 5:7. 1 John 2: 22-23. John 4: 24, 10: 16; Matthew 24: 1-29; Mark 13: 1-25; Luke 21:5-26).
• In that after the 7 years of Tribulation, Jesus will come to Earth
• That Jesus is God, He incarnated, died, rose glorified, and ascended for the second time with His glorified Church (Matthew 24:
to the right hand of God the Father (1 John 5:20. Matthew 1:13. 30-31; Mark 13: 26-27; Luke 21:27; Zechariah 14: 4;
Isaiah 9:6. 2 Peter 1:1. 1 Timothy 3:16. 1 Thessalonians 4:14. 1 Revelation 19: 11-21).
Corinthians 15:20. Hebrews 8:1).
• That after His second coming, Christ will reign 1,000 years on
• That salvation and eternal life can only be had through: genuine Earth (Revelation 20:1-10; Isaiah 65:20).
repentance of sins, believing in Jesus as the only and sufficient
Savior, receiving Him in the heart, confessing Him, and leading a
life of holiness in obedience to the Bible (Acts 2:38, 3:19. Romans
10:9-10. Hebrews 12:14).

25 26
• In Heaven where all those who are saved in Christ, and obeys VIEW
His Gospel, goes at death; and in Hell as a real place where
everyone who reject Christ and do not live according to His
To be a Church united in God’s love and in the fellowship of the Holy
Gospel will go (Matthew 5:22,29,30, 10:28, 18:9, 23:33; Mark
Spirit, that impacts the world and can carry out the ministry of
9:43,45,47; Luke 12:5; 2 Peter 2:4; Revelation 20:15, 21:8;
reconciliation among human beings and God through Jesus Christ. We
Luke 16:23-24).
project ourselves as a community that grows every day in the knowledge
of God, that is united as a body edified on the foundation, which is Christ,
• In the New Jerusalem, the Heavenly City, the city of the
that stands firm in the way of the Lord, in faith, obedience, and holiness
Living God to which the Church will go when it is raptured by
as we await the glorious coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Rapture.
Jesus (Hebrews 11:10,16; 12:22. Revelation 21:9-27).

• In which God will make New Heavens and a New Earth,

where the New Jerusalem will come down (Isaiah 65:17-19;
Revelation ch. 21).
Our main activity is to carry out the Great Commission, to preach the
Gospel to every creature, to teach the good news of salvation in Jesus
• In that God made eternal covenants with glorious promises
Christ, and make disciples in all the nations. We receive from our Lord
that will be fulfilled first in the Church when she will be
Jesus the Ministry of His Word, which we do with love, fervor in the
glorified, and in Israel and the nations in the Eternal Kingdom.
Spirit, and diligence, without material gain because we consider
These promises are: the holy descendants, multiplied
ourselves instruments, stewards of God's grace.
eternally; the eternal government (reign and priesthood) and
the extended Earth for eternity: Edenic Covenant (Gen 1: 6-
Church Address:
28; Hos 6:7); Adamic Covenant (Gen 3: 8-24. Rom 8: 20-22);
Noahic Covenant (Gen 9: 1-17); Abrahamic Covenant (Gen
22: 1-18); Law Covenant (Deut 28: 1- 14); Land Covenant Calle 79B No. 42-191 “Ciudad Jardín” neighborhood. Barranquilla
(Deut 29:1-29); Davidic Covenant (1 Chron 17: 7-27); New (Colombia).
Covenant (Jer 31: 27-40).

+57 300 840 1475 — +57 300 325 8578 — +57 6053424861

We are a church that preaches the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and
makes disciples in all nations. Our objective is to give salvation to
humanity through the knowledge of God in His truth revealed and
written in the Bible. We seek to teach about the faith in Christ Jesus, the
repentance of sins, and life in holiness according to the Word of God, and
the Eternal Kingdom.

27 28
On the YouTube channels, you will be able to comment on the
Become a part of our congregation through our networks: sermons, worship songs, and teachings; so that you can interact with
other members of the Church.

Ministerio Berea Barranquilla.

Berea Films Barranquilla.

In the website you will find powerful audio devotionals, written

Be a part of our Church from your home, in any country wherever you
devotionals, discipleships resources for students and teachers;
are, subscribe to our channels on YouTube where you will find:
written sermons (in series and individually), evangelistic tracts, free
books, and written classes for children ("Well of living waters for
- Complete worship services with powerful praises and sermons based
kids"), videos and links to our YouTube channels.
entirely on God's Word that will strengthen you and give you an eternal
perspective, centered on the glorious promises of the Lord. You will be
Interact with Berea's brethren through our WhatsApp, Instagram,
able to set your eyes and your heart on the soon coming of Christ for His
and Facebook networks; and feel the fire and power of the Holy Spirit
holy Church at the Rapture, and in the New Jerusalem. You will receive
which is in the congregation that fervently awaits the day and hour
the precious and living Faith that the ancients had, those of Hebrews
when the Lord Jesus will come to go home, to the dwelling places He
Chapter 11, the faith that obtains the eternal promises.
prepared for His bride (John 14:1-3).
- In the channel you will also find many worship songs with powerful
videos that will impact your life and will adorn you with scents of holiness
and adoration to the King, in order to be ready for the Rapture that is +57 300 840 1475
nearby. The Church must be ready for this glorious event! +57 300 325 8578

- You will also be able to see video teachings, virtual classes (Bible
Berea la congregación de las 7 aguas
Courses), and TV programs ("Preparing us to the Coming of the King1").

- You will find short videos with powerful teachings ("Did you know that
already?1"). @berea7aguas

29 30
God bless you! Jesus loves you!


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