Ugp 1
Ugp 1
Ugp 1
Project Mentor
Dr. Nishchal Kumar Verma
Assistant Professor,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Anirudh Kr. Agrawal
Roll no - 11098
3rd year Undergraduate Student,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
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I would like to thank Prof. Nishchal Kumar Verma, Assistant Professor, Department of
Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur for his generous guidance and useful suggestions during the
project. And also for making the project a learning experience for me.
I also thank Mr. Rahul Sevakula and Ms. Sonal Dixit for their mentorship during the project and
insights into the problems faced.
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Contents Page No
1. Introduction 4
2. Previous Work 5
3. Present Work 7
4. Results 9
5. Conclusion 11
6. Future Scope 11
7. Source Codes 12
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Real-time machine fault diagnosis based on acoustic and vibrational readings from rotating
machine has been a prime research interest for industries. Therefore we see lot of research in this
direction in the last decade. Maintaining production rate with non-intrusive condition monitoring
is a very useful method.
Condition Based Monitoring System for such rotating machine has been developed to be run on
android platform on a smartphone. The smartphone acquires the acoustic and vibration data, this
is then fed into recognition software already trained. The acquired data is then converted into a
feature space chosen for this application consisting of various functions. Based on the
recognition algorithm like Support Vector Machines or Neural Networks this can classified into
one of the conditions defined earlier.
The smartphone can send this information through the internet or SMS regarding the condition
of the machine thus providing a remote monitoring device. And thus the condition of the
machine can be accessed remotely through an internet connected device anywhere in the world.
Android is a mobile operation system based on Dalvik Virtual Machine. Application can be
coded Android in Java language. Android was chosen because of the ease of application
development and deployment on an actual device.
Coding for this project was done on Eclipse v3.8 which is an IDE for Java language, and
provides a simple interface for developing android applications.
After the data is taken its is preprocessed and then features are extracted from the signal these
features represent the signal and qualitatively describe it. Based on these features extracted from
the signal our machine learning system can recognize the system. Preprocessing refers to the
process of removing noise from the data, checking the validity of the data and modeling it for
suitable extraction of features from it.
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Previous Work
Feature extraction from the incoming time signal is an important stage in machine learning
system. In the previous work various time domain, frequency and time-frequency domain
function were used listed below.
1. Time Domain , Absolute Mean, Root Mean Square, Variance, Skew, Kurtosis,
2. Frequency Domain: Energy of different bins in the frequency spectrum obtained after
dividing the frequency spectrum into 8 bins. .
3. Continuous Wavelet Transform: After performing Continuous Wavelet Transform of the
input signal various signal defining properties for example kurtosis, skew, mean were
4. Wavelet Packet Transform: In a recursive fashion the signal is transformed by the
wavelet transform and at each step is further broken into half and again transformed,
energy at each level is stored.
Java Language has few numbers of different libraries for signal processing but these are mostly
limited to Fourier Transform and Discrete Cosine Transform. It seems that Java is not the
industry standard for signal processing as much effort has not been placed into developing
libraries for it.
This summer I worked on improving the preprocessing module for the Machine Learning System
.The new preprocessing module developed consisted of a filter , followed by a clipping
algorithm, after which smoothing of data is performed and lastly the smoothed data is
The clipping algorithm used a clustering algorithm to find an ideal segment in a feature space
defined for this purpose, consisting of 18 features. K-means clustering was used as the clustering
algorithm using Euclidean distance as the similarity measure. The number of appropriate cluster
was decided using Global Silhouette as the decision criteria. According to the new clipping
algorithm any new input signal was first segmented into segments of 5000 sample length with an
overlap of 50% i.e 2500 samples. The segment which was closest to the ideal segment as found
during clustering of the training dataset was chosen as the clipped segment.
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Based on the comparison done between various smoothing techniques moving average filter with
5 sample length window was chosen was the smoothing algorithm for our preprocessing module.
Also, modifications in standard max-min normalizations were found to become more robust
against outliers in the data. This was done seeing that even a few outliers in one signal makes the
normalization ineffective and reduces the efficiency of the machine learning algorithms. We
found that the input signal had a Gaussian distribution, based on which decided to use the 3
sigma interval as our confidence range. Points outside this interval were not included in the
calculation of the max and minimum of the data. The max and min found from the new dataset
was used for max-min normalization.
As emphasized before that the feature space chosen for the machine learning algorithm is vital
for efficiency. Time and frequency domain features have already been largely tested for tis
particular condition based monitoring system. The only time-frequency domain level features
chosen were the wavelet transform. The advantage that time-frequency features offer over the
purely time or purely frequency feature is that many events occur at a particular instance which
cannot be detected using frequency domain. And thus to determine the spectral properties of
these rare occurrences we need time-frequency functions.
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Present Work
There exist many more time-frequency domain transforms which can be used as features for the
machine learning system. A number of them which could be potentially used in the fault
recognitions system were coded by me in JAVA language for Android Platform to be included in
the Smartphone condition monitoring application. I have listed them below:-
1. Short Time Fourier Transform: It is obtained taking Fourier transform of small windows
of the time signal. Thus the spectral properties of the signal at various points of time can
be found, giving us a better view of the input signal. It is defined as:
2. Wigner-Ville Transform : Is the most important and simplest of the Cohen’s class of
Bilinear TFDs and is defined as :
3. Pseudo Wigner-Ville Transform: Is the same as Wigner Ville Transform but with a
smoothing kernel.
4. S-Transform: It is an advanced form of STFT and uses variable window length sizes at
different frequencies and thus having better resolution. With fixed window length It is
defined as
It is also able to suppress cross terms.
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6. Choi-Williams Transform : Is able to suppress the cross –terms of the Wigner Ville
Transform by having an exponential kernel as shown below
Apart from these following functions were also developed in the Java language by me
1. Autocorrelation: A function checks to the correlation in the signal with certain time lag
between the samples.
2. Updated Morlet Transform
I have used a pre-existing library ‘JTransform’ for Discrete Cosine Transform and Common
math Apache library for FFT. One advantage that JTransform offers over Common Apache
functions is that it can even work with signals whose length is a power of 2. As required by some
functions above.
All these codes were test for correctness by testing similar inputs to MATLAB implementations
of these functions. The outputs of MATLAB and JAVA functions were found to match up to the
4 digits after the decimal. This level of accuracy should be enough for our applications.
After this I created the Java code for the preprocessing module for the Fault Recognition for
Rotating Machines developed by me during summers. They are as listed below
1. A FIR filter was coded using the form of the filter.
2. This functions contained modifications over the normal max-min
normalization by excluding some extreme points in calculation for max-min.
3. this file takes in the input signal and returns a double array of size
18x1 containing the 18 features for that signal. These functions are :
a. Root Mean Square
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b. Zero Crossing Rate
c. Standard Deviation
d. Absolute Mean of Bins: Returns the absolute mean of bins of the input signal
divided into 5 bins.
e. Time Centroid: Returns the time centroid of the input signal divided into 5 bins.
f. Spectral Centroid: Weighted mean of frequencies are returned after dividing
signal into 5 bins in the frequency domain.
4. – This function clips an incoming signal based on the ideal segment
coordinates determined already.
The code for is under test, and will be completed by November end. Rest of
the files are tested and verified by their MATLAB counterparts coded in June.
The work done in summers on the preprocessing module was presented in a paper titled
‘Improvements in Preprocessing for Machine Fault Diagnosis’ which is accepted in the
upcoming conference ICIIS’13 to be held in December. This paper was written during the month
of August as a part of the UGP.
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For determining the ideal segment of the vibration data, clustering was done using k-means
algorithm whence the number of cluster with highest Global Silhouette came to be 6. In fig 1.
We can the time domain representation of each cluster.
Out of this the cluster chosen as ideal segment was cluster 5 based on number of good features
found using each of these clusters. Comparison of the normalization with vibration data done
using classification accuracy to recognize the two states of the compressor healthy and LOV,
following results were obtained.
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Cluster Analysis for vibration data was performed and ideal segment was determined. Also the
modified max-min normalization was verified for vibration data.
A Java library of time-frequency domain transform was developed. This library tested on i5
Processor have run time less than or equal to of the MATLAB run time. Preprocessing module is
nearly developed for android platform.
Future Scope
There is still much work which could have been done, few ideas are listed below:-
1. The code currently does not take advantage of parallel architecture and thus can be
modified to be able to run in parallel thus reducing the running time of the code.
2. Some functions were made in accordance to the need of the project and can be made
more generalized.
3. Some other Time-Frequency transforms such as Signal Dependent TFD from cohen’s
class could be tried as a feature.
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Source Codes
package time_frequency;
import edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D;
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for(int j=0; j<=taumax;j++) {
tfr[2*j] = data[i-j]*data[i+j]*h[Lh+j];
1. import org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex;
2. import org.apache.commons.math3.transform.DftNormalization;
3. import org.apache.commons.math3.transform.FastFourierTransformer;
4. import org.apache.commons.math3.transform.TransformType;
6. public class STFT {
7. /**
8. *
9. */
10. private double[] h;
11. private int length;
12. private int wlength;
13. public double[] result;
15. public STFT(int length) {
16. this.length = length;
17. this.wlength = length/4;
18. this.wlength = this.wlength + 1 - (length%2);
19. this.h = new double[this.wlength];
20. this.h = create_window(this.wlength);
21. this.result = new double[nextpow2(length)];
22. }
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23. /**
24. *
25. * @param length
26. * @return
27. */
28. private double[] create_window(int length){
29. double norm = 0;
30. double[] h = new double[length];
31. double factor = 2.0*Math.PI/length;
32. int half = (length-1)/2;
33. for(int i = -half;i<=half;i++){
34. h[i+half] = 0.3635819 + 0.4891775*Math.cos(i*factor) +
0.1363995*Math.cos(2.0*i*factor) + 0.0106411*Math.cos(3.0*i*factor) ;
35. norm += h[i+half]*h[i+half];
36. }
37. norm = Math.sqrt(norm);
38. //Normalizing the window function
39. for(int i=0;i<length;i++){
40. h[i] /= norm;
41. }
42. return h;
43. }
44. /**
45. *
46. * @param data
47. * @return
48. */
49. public double[] forward(double[] data){
50. Complex[] temp = new Complex[nextpow2(this.length)];
51. int n,taulower,tauupper,index;
52. Complex one = Complex.ONE;
53. int Lh = (this.wlength-1)/2;
54. double x;
55. FastFourierTransformer fft = new FastFourierTransformer(DftNormalization.STANDARD);
56. for(int m=0;m<this.length;m++){
57. taulower = Math.min(Lh,m);
58. tauupper = Math.min(Lh,this.length-1-m);
59. index = this.length-1;
60. for(int i=0;i<temp.length;i++) temp[i] = Complex.ZERO;
61. for(n=m-taulower;n<m;n++){
62. temp[index+n-m] = one.multiply(data[n]*h[n-m+Lh]) ;
63. }
64. for(n=m;n<= m+tauupper;n++){
65. temp[n-m] = one.multiply(data[n]*h[n-m+Lh]) ;
66. }
67. temp = fft.transform(temp,TransformType.FORWARD);
68. for(int i=0;i<temp.length;i++){
69. x = temp[i].abs();
70. if(x>this.result[i]){
71. this.result[i] = x;
72. }
73. }
74. }
75. return this.result;
76. }
77. /**
78. *
79. * @param data
80. * @return
81. */
82. public double[] tfrstft(double[] data){
83. this.forward(data);
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84. int bin_length = this.result.length/72;
85. double[] ans = new double[72];
86. double total = 0;
87. for(int i=1;i<73;i++){
88. for(int j = (i-1)*bin_length;j<i*bin_length;j++){
89. ans[i-1] += this.result[j];
90. total += this.result[j];
91. }
92. }
93. for(int j = 72*bin_length;j<this.result.length;j++) total += this.result[j];
94. for(int i=0;i<72;i++) ans[i]/=total;
95. System.out.printf("Total : %f\n", total);
96. return ans;
97. }
98. /**
99. *
100. * @param x
101. * @return
102. */
103. private int nextpow2(int x){
104. int result = 1;
105. while(result<x) result *=2;
106. return result;
107. }
108. }
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* @return the maximum for each frequency.
private double[] strans(double[] data) {
int freq_range = this.maxfreq - this.minfreq;
double[] result = new double[freq_range+1];
double[] window = new double[this.length];
double[] data_inverse = new double[2*this.length];
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public class WignerVille {
int length;
int sampling_frequency ;
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return result;
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// Generating the Kernel function
double normfac = 16.0*Math.PI/sigma;
double spreadfac = 16.0/sigma;
taumax = Math.min(this.length/2, Lh);
double[][] CWDker = new double[gw.length][taumax];
for(int i=-Lg;i<=Lg;i++) {
for(int j= 1;j<=taumax;j++) {
CWDker[i+Lg][j-1] = Math.exp(-1*i*i/(spreadfac*j*j))*gw[i+Lg];
tempd = 0;
for(int j = Lg-pointsmin; j <= Lg+ pointsmax; j++ ) {
tempd += CWDker[j][tau-1];
R = 0;
for(int j=-pointsmin;j<=pointsmax;j++) {
R += CWDker[Lg+j][tau-1]*data[i+tau-j]*data[i-tau-j];
tfr[2*(tau)] = hw[Lh + tau]*R/tempd;
R = 0;
for(int j=-pointsmin;j<=pointsmax;j++) {
R += CWDker[Lg+j][tau-1]*data[i-tau-j]*data[i+tau-j];
tfr[2*(this.length-tau)] = hw[Lh-tau]*R/tempd;
for(int k=0;k<this.length;k++) {
if(result[k] < tfr[2*k]) result[k] = tfr[2*k];
return result;
* Calculates the feature values using CW distribution for extraction.
* @param data Time signal
* @return Extracted Feature Values.
public double[] tfrcw(double[] data) {
int bins = 36;
double[] result = new double[bins];
double[] energy = this.cwd(data);
int bin_length = energy.length/(bins*2);
double sum = 0;
for(int i=0;i<energy.length;i++) {
sum += energy[i];
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for(int i=1;i<=bins; i++) {
for(int j = (i-1)*bin_length; j<i*bin_length;j++) {
result[i-1] += energy[j];
result[i-1] /= sum;
return result;
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int taumax,temp;
int pointsmax,pointsmin;
double tempd,R;
double[] tfr = null;
double[] result = new double[this.length];
DoubleFFT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(length);
int Lg = (gw.length-1)/2;
int Ln = (nw.length -1)/2;
tempd = 0;
for(int j = Ln-pointsmin; j <= Ln+ pointsmax; j++ ) {
tempd += nw[j];
R = 0;
for(int j=-pointsmin;j<=pointsmax;j++) {
R += nw[Ln+j]*data[i+tau-j]*data[i-tau-j];
tfr[2*(tau)] = gw[Lg + tau]*R/tempd;
R = 0;
for(int j=-pointsmin;j<=pointsmax;j++) {
R += nw[Ln+j]*data[i-tau-j]*data[i+tau-j];
//if(tau == 0) System.out.printf("%d :sum = %f\n", i,tempd);
tfr[2*(this.length-tau)] = gw[Lg-tau]*R/tempd;
for(int k=0;k<this.length;k++) {
//System.out.printf("%d : %f\n", k+1,tfr[2*k]);
if(result[k] < tfr[2*k]) result[k] = tfr[2*k];
return result;
* Calculates the feature values using BJ distribution for extraction.
* @param data Time signal
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* @return
public double[] tfrbj(double[] data) {
int bins = 36;
double[] result = new double[bins];
double[] energy =;
int bin_length = energy.length/(bins*2);
double sum = 0;
for(int i=0;i<energy.length;i++) {
sum += energy[i];
for(int i=1;i<=bins; i++) {
for(int j = (i-1)*bin_length; j<i*bin_length;j++) {
result[i-1] += energy[j];
result[i-1] /= sum;
return result;
public UpdatedMorletTransform() {
double a=16, b=0.02, b1=0.5, a1=0.9;
umorl = new double[200];
for(int i=0;i<umorl.length;i++) {
umorl[i] = Math.exp(-1*b1*b1*(i+1-b)*(i+1-b)/(a*a));
umorl[i] *= Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.PI*(i+1-b)/a),2);
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// double stds=std(data);
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
numerator += Math.pow(data[i] - avg, 4);
denominator += Math.pow(data[i] - avg, 2);
numerator = numerator / data.length;
denominator = Math.pow(denominator / data.length, 2);
return numerator / denominator;
/* Calculate Skewness of data */
public static double skew(double[] data)
double avg = mean(data);
double numerator = 0, denominator = 0;
/* Calculate Standard Deviation */
private double std(double[] morc) {
double mu = mean(morc);
double sumsq = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < morc.length; j++)
sumsq += (mu - morc[j]) * (mu - morc[j]);
return Math.sqrt((sumsq) / (morc.length - 1));
private static double mean(double[] morc) {
double mean = 0;
for(int i=0;i<morc.length;i++) mean += morc[i];
mean /= morc.length;
return mean;
/* Calculating entropy of the data | E = -sum(p*log2(p)) */
private double entropy(double[] morc) {
double[] copmorc = new double[morc.length];
for (int i = 0; i < morc.length; i++) {
copmorc[i] = (double) (Math.round(morc[i] * 1000000)) / 1000000.0;
// Finding Frequency Distributions
int len = 256;
double width = (double) 1.0 / 255.0;
int[] freq = new int[len];
double cp = width;
int start = 0, j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < freq.length; i++) {
for (j = start; j < copmorc.length; j++) {
if ( copmorc[j], cp) <= 0) {
} else {
cp = cp + width;
start = j;
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freq[len-1] += copmorc.length-1 -j;
// Finding probabilities
double[] prob = new double[len];
for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) {
prob[n] = (double)freq[n] / copmorc.length;
// Finally calculating the entropy
double ent = 0.0;
double b = Math.log(2.0);
for (int t = 0; t < len; t++) {
ent += prob[t] * Math.log(prob[t]) /b;
return (-1 * ent);
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