Final Case Analysis
Final Case Analysis
Final Case Analysis
The prevalence of criminality in the country Has been a critical problem. No matter
how efficient and effective the law enforcers in maintain the peace and order, the
problems of criminality have not yet been eradicated. The main culprits are poverty,
aggressiveness, alcoholism, drug abuse and mental disorders.
Crime is as old as mankind itself.” Schafer stated that ever since the biblical
misconduct happened during the period of Adam and Eve, although cultures of
humanity have developed and rules have been formed since then,violence has
continued. Crime has been present from the very start of humanityand has never
stopped. Furthermore, crime has become a “common societalphenomenon” that it
is deliberated now as part of an organization’s functional element (Schafer,
1976).There are different beliefs as to what cause people to commit crimes.
Thecommon misconception is that crime is caused by poverty or other forms ofsocial
deprivation, but those are just a few of the many possible reasons. One example that
can support this is a concept introduced during the 1940s by Edward Sutherland
called “white collar crime”. Sutherland diverted the attention of the people towards
crimes committed by individuals that belong to the upperclass and corporate elite.
There is no certain and single solution with regards tostopping crime, but there are
ways to prevent them before things get out ofhand. In order for crime to be fought,
people must become aware of the existinglaws and the crimes happening in their
environment. Law enforcers are a veryimportant part of the society, because they
can dictate what must be avoidedand decide what punishments to give to those who
disobey. Presently, the Philippines’ law enforcement suffers from numerous
methods of misconducts among its personnel. These greatly contribute to
thediminishing public trust and confidence of the citizens toward the police and
highcrime rate in the country which the team wants to address. This study intends
tobe able to explore crime causation concepts such as environment,
culture,hereditary, health status and geographic information of crimes to
amendcommunity-based Philippine policing.The main goal intended for the study of
this research is to be able toexplore crime causation and development concepts in
applying to community-based crime prevention.
The researcher had an informal interview with the subject, in the name of Edgardo
Guitierez Herjas, 43 years of age and a resident of Sitio Pansol,Barangay Biga,
Calatagan, Province . The subject committed the grave offense of murder, in
violation of Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code ofthe Philippines. Last May 9, 2009.
The said incident transpired during the feastof Brgy. Talisay of same Municipality.
The subject used an illegally possessedfire arm and shot to death the victim whose
name was not given intentionally by the subject in the covered located in the same
barangay. The victim sustained agunshot wound at the lower back portion of the
head that lead to the suddendeath of the said victim.The subject was the 5fth among
the 7 siblings born out passion and love of their parents who happened to be a
farmer and a simple housewife. Thes ubject was not been able to finish his primary
education and forced to stop at the age of 10 due to reasons of financial shortage.
For some reason, the subjectworked as a labour worker or a construction worker
given the chance andopportunity from friends and other persons ij the community.
At the age of 25,the subject worked as a conductor on a certain bus company and
beenemployed for 5 years. The latter, after being employed for couple of years as a
conductor, been hired as a bus driver until the said incident happened. Thesubject
admitted using prohibited drugs right then and there, the time he wasenjoying his
work as a bus driver. And eventually, being consumed by the saidsubstance. To
battle dizziness and sleep are the sole reason the subject arguedthe researcher for
using prohibited drugs but latter on consumed the latter.The later said victim of the
subject was a then drinking acquaintance of the subject. One cold, summer night,
according to the subject, they’ve had a drinking session and eventually resorted to a
heated argument. The morningafter, using an illegally acquired revolver, the subject,
then and there met thevictim alongside a certain basketball court and shot to death
the victim and fledon foot. The subject made mentioned that he fled and took
advantage of leavingthe said municipality and evade the hands of justice. Later on,
after couple ofyears of fleeing, the subject was put to the hands of justice last June
30, 2014and 3 years after, was sentenced and been waiting for the transfer to
National Bilibid Prision.
Murder cases are among the most serious and complex legal matters that require
expertise, experience, and a deep understanding of Philippine laws. In the pursuit of
justice, Respicio & Co. Law Firm has established a strong track record of success in
defending and prosecuting individuals involved in such cases. With their exceptional
legal skills, dedication, and commitment to upholding the rights of their clients, the
firm has achieved remarkable results in navigating the intricacies of murder cases.
- The nature of the case based on the investigation conducted was Murder. As
the suspect admitted in the interrogation, she strangled the neck, slit the throat,
stabbed the chest and buried the victim’s body in the woods with no reason at all.
These act of the suspect is confirmed that the crime committed is with deliberate
intent, which interprets that its Murder.
- Behavior of the suspect exhibited is just normal like everything is fine. The
suspect answers the question with respect or just calming down herself. But
unfortunately, the suspect continously lying to the interrogator so that she will not be
liable for the punishment of the crime.
- There are techniques that the interrogator used to make the suspect admit.
The interrogator used commonly the Factual Analysis Approach because the guilt is
already certain and the interrogator already knows the suspect is the killer. Another
approach used is the sympathetic approach because the suspect gets emotional when
admitting the truth.
4. Time Stamp.
5. Conclusion
There are no motives identified in the commision of crime but the suspect’s
causation of criminal act was her behavior’s abnormality as she said that she was
diagnosed of major depression, anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, border
line personality disorder, and showed early signs of bipolar disorder.
Criminal Analysis is a systematic approach for identifying trends in a given data set
and analyzing the trends to come to a conclusion. Given a data set of suspects, our
system can give predict which suspect has the most chance of committing the
particular crime, which means the police department will know on which suspect
the most focus should be driven. This paper present the use of
Data Mining to extract previously unknown and useful information from the
provided data set. The proposed system identifies through its dataset and the
algorithm developed, the most probable culprit. This prediction thus reduces the
time complexities involved in narrowing down on the suspect and the culprit. This
paper further evaluates the individual criminal statistics that would help the police
forces to resolve the crime effectively .In today’s world crimes are on the rise,
misuse of technology and various socio economic factors have led to global increase
of crimes. Analysis of the crime scenario, the data obtained and determination of
probable suspect is a challenge. The existing crime analysis system work on the
traditional mechanisms, processes and methods. The process of criminal
identification in the philippines is commonly executed using traditional method. The
police stations use a database system to store the criminal information and access
the database when criminal information is required. Crime patterns are changing all
the time and growing. The crime data previously stored from sources has a tendency
to increase. The management of this data and analysis of the data is very difficult.
Thus it can be said that crime data analysis is fundamental to effective prevention of
crime. Knowing more information about the criminal will help significantly in the
Analysis process . To solve the above mentioned problems, data mining techniques
and machine learning algorithms are needed to extract trends from the data .
However to improve traditional system ,a system has been proposed that operates
on utilizing criminal data and its analysis. The analysis basically means storing the
criminal data in a particular format, analyzing the stored data to find criminal and
deriving conclusions from the analyzed data. This would ensure law enforcement
function which involves systematic analysis for identifying and analyzing criminal and
its trends in crime and disorder.
The Proposed work is relevant to the Government Agencies Such as Police and other
security personals. The Proposed work would Help the Officers to do the analysis on
the Criminal and find the probability on the list of the criminal with highest
probability to do the crime. This will save the time and can help to solve the case
III.Literature Review
is an structured data therefore the no of field, content, and size of the document will
be same due to which it will greatly improve the
efficiency .
For data analysis Naive Bayes which is a supervised learning method as well as a
statistical method for classification is utilized.
Naïve Bayes Algorithm is a most efficient probabilistic classifier . Naive Bayes is used
when we have to calculate the
probability of event which depends on several independent conditions. It predicts a
class values based on set attributes given as input the general formula of Naïve
Bayes algorithm is given by:
For the proposed system, Naive Bayes algorithm takes 3 inputs for each round, 2 out
of 3 inputs will remain constant that is Crime Intensity, Crime type and the third
input would vary according to gender, age, region, motive, method, modus operandi
in different rounds and it will calculate the probability contribution of all input
parameters. After that, the average of all these values. WOuld be calculated and the
system will recommend the suspect to concentrate first which will have maximum
unit value aftercalculating the probability contribution of all parameters.
V. Conclusion
Looking at the difficulties posed by the security forces towards handling the various
crimes, the proposed work was carried out.
The system aims to apply Machine Learning algorithm (ML) to help in on the suspect
and thus aid the police force and other
The Philippine people are worried for their own safety when it comes to crimes here
in the country because of the growing threat spread by people with bad intentions,
also because of the country being infested with tremendous amount of dangerous
and mischievous criminals all over the country. Reports by the Philippine National
Police (PNP) has claimed that there is a 60 percent decrease in of crimes in metro
manila but there is also another report stating that in a nationwide survey that there
was a 46 percent increase in crime rate in the whole country at the same time as last
One of the main concern in our country is that there is no right criminal justification
system where there . The Philippines researchers say a general consensus identifies
demographic change as the leading cause for this international trend. Although
homicide and robbery rates rose in the Metro manila , by the end of the year they
had declined by 40%.There must be a prima facie case that an offence has been
committed before it is recorded. That is either police find evidence of an offence or
receive a believable allegation of an offense being committed. Some jurisdictions
count offending only when certain processes happen, such as an arrest is made,
ticket issued, charges laid in Court or only upon securing a conviction.
Multiple reports of the same offences of one person usually count as one offence in
some states or countries, there are some jurisdiction that count them as a separate. I
think Work effectiveness is the key to successful operation in an organization.
Organizations with appropriate procedures supporting and increasing the work
effectiveness of their employees tend to receive a good return on that investment
and achieve rapid, effective, and sustainable development. In contrast, a lack of
appropriate procedures supporting and increasing the work effectiveness of internal
employees results in employees being ineffective, apathetic and unable to achieve
the desired work performance. Inevitably, these poor situations were directly
influenced by the employees being unable to apply all their competencies to address
tasks, while at the same time, they had a negative effect on the improvement of
work systems within the organization which resulted in very slow organizational
development. Moreover, the return on investment in such businesses was quite low
and eventually, led to being disadvantaged in business competition . For these
reasons, the most important thing that the executive of an organization can address
to successfully improve the organization is to not overlook increasing the work
effectiveness of employees as this is crucial to rapid improvement in a positive and
prompt manner.
Police officers are one of various careers that are significant to the growth of
national economic and social development because they have a key function and
authority with regard to keeping the peace, maintaining public security and safety,
and preserving common property for citizens in the community and society which
are basic, physical needs in human society. In any society, living in an unsafe and
disruptive environment holds back the diverse advancement of a country. In addition,
the roles and duties of police officers are highly influential in the improvement of
infrastructure in a nation. Therefore, the government should focus on especially the
work effectiveness of police officials. It is a fact that police officers are central in
setting the directions of the PNP. If police officers have high effectiveness,
awareness, and alertness in their work performance, it would positively affect the
Royal Thai Police and the development of the economic system and society in the
country. Conversely, the ineffective work performance of police officers would have
negative impacts on the PNP Police and their reliability concerning the challenges
associated with safely maintaining life and property from the citizens' viewpoint.
Inevitably, such a poor situation would result in national decline. There will always
be occasions where officers and staff are required to go ‘hands-on’ and the use of
force on an individual is necessary to protect the public, themselves or to effect an
arrest. Officers and staff are trained to use the minimum force necessary and they
often find themselves operating in highly charged environments where immediate
decisions are needed. More can and should be done to stop police officers and staff
becoming victims of assault. These assaults are abhorrent and come at a high human,
social and economic cost. These guidelines are the first stage in a programme of
work by the College of Policing to develop the national curriculum on personal safety.
The work will support officers and staff who have to use force, by identifying the
tactics and techniques that are most safe and effective. This should lead to greater
consistency in training. All officers and staff would prefer to deal with conflict
situations without needing to use force. This guidance looks to provide support by
setting out how to assess and respond to situations in ways that minimise the chance
that force will be needed. Developing evidence-based guidance on the most
effective techniques to de-escalate, defuse conflict and ‘cool down’ situations is one
way we can help officers to stay safe. Using effective de-escalation and
communication techniques during confrontational encounters may also have other
benefits. Research shows that police encounters where decision making is explained
and individuals are treated with fairness, dignity and respect are likely to increase
public compliance, cooperation and satisfaction, and help to reduce crime.
Increased police presence and visibility are keys to the functioning of the
police. They are related to technological development, which can be considered
advancement for every police organisation. However, during periods of
professionalization, by establishing a range of highly specialised departments, and in
particular through technical equipment and modernisation, the police have become
detached from citizens by closing themselves in offices and laboratories,
communicating through modern communication channels and means, patrolling
mostly in police cars, even when simply patrolling a certain area . With time, the
number of foot patrols has been systematically reduced or even abandoned
altogether. The particular advantages of this type of police work were soon noticed.
Police officers were able to move and patrol in an easier manner, covering a
significantly larger area than in the past, in addition, the speed and number of police
interventions per day were improved. In other words, the police increased their
effectiveness in reacting to incidents, at the same time becoming less preventive. By
examining the process of police modernisation, it also concluded that increased
specialisation and professionalization resulted in an increasing lack of
communication between the police and citizens. Contacts between the police and
citizens were reduced to incidents when dealing with committed crime and offences,
and restoring public order. Encounters
between the police and citizens in non-incident situations were reduced to the least
possible extent; consequently, the police have lost in terms of presence and visibility
in local communities and neighbourhoods. Finally, both sides, the police and citizens,
have lost in terms of quality of their relationship and cooperation. The visible
presence of the police had an impact on those citizens planning on breaking the law
by discouraging them from their intentions, while it provided a certain degree of
safety to other citizens. For this very reason, the police patrolling primarily on foot in
local communities and neighbourhoods were regarded as a manner of building new
relationships between citizens and the police.It also emphasises that presence,
visibility and contact are, among other things, important in order to create a feeling
of safety, to create safety in an objective and measurable way, as well as to
encourage a relationship between the police and citizens built on trust. Regular
citizens concerned over the lack of safety can only be reassured by an active and
visible police presence. Police programmes aimed at increasing police visibility and
making them more accessible to citizens meet expectations because they promote
cooperation between the police and citizens, prevent crime and incivilities, increase
safety and reduce fear of crime. Police Visibility as an Influencing Factor on Citizens’
Perception of Safety 143 Police visibility in a well-defined form has rarely been
examined as a potential factor influencing fear of crime . Only a small number of
citizens has personal contact with the police, meaning that, apart from direct
experience, the perception of policing can also significantly influence the perception
of a criminal situation and the sense of fear of crime.The respondents who saw
police foot patrols more often were less afraid of property crime and crime against
life and limb. However, seeing the police patrolling in various forms can have a
different impact on citizens. For instance, seeing the police in activities related to car
patrols resulted in an increase in fear of crime against life and limb and property
crime. The results of the same research indicated that a simple police activity, such
as exiting the police car (not only in crime-related circumstances) for informal
encounters with citizens, reduces fear of crime. The experiment conducted in state
showed that there was no connection between the citizens’ perception of police
visibility and their feeling of safety. This finding can be attributed to the fact that an
individual’s feeling of safety is related to numerous factors, such as gender, age,
education, social integration, feeling of physical/mental health and vulnerability, as
well as level of urbanisation, social loss (deprivation) and victimisation risk in the
area where the individual lives. The police have little or no influence on the majority
of these factors. Citizens will, in certain situations, interpret police presence, as a
symbol of a criminal offence being committed in their neighbourhood, which will
hardly enhance their feeling of safety. Consequently, it should be pointed out that
police visibility does not influence citizens’ feeling of safety unambiguously, meaning
that visibility-based police approaches should be applied in a careful and controlled
manner. The presence and openness of the police for collaboration and
communication with citizens can have a positive impact on the public views and
perception of the police. On the other hand, police presence in combination with
repressive actions can have an opposite effect. For that reason all activities related
to higher police visibility have to be carfully planned and based on the needs of a
certain community.
Crimes are rampant and criminals are everywhere. Street crimes arecommitted
everyday even in broad daylight. Criminals operate with impunity asif they fear
nobody. As a result, crime rises fats and steadily. It affects thewhole economy as well
as peace and order condition, business and economy,political system and other
aspects of daily life. There can be no progress whenthere are chaos and disorder.
Criminality thrives when economy is growing.Indeed, crime rate is high in urban
cities where business and commerceoperates. However, there multiple factors that
affects the crime causations.There are several theories that explain criminal
behaviours (Dechant,2000). The oldest known explanatory model of behaviour is
that ofdemonology. It is used to be thought that criminal behaviour is the result of
apossessed mind and or body and the only way to exorcise the evil is usually bysome
torturous means. The key is a focus on the individual rather that his orher
environment or any social force. Furthermore, Freud has his own views onwhat
makes a criminal. He proposes that much deviance resulted from anexcessive sense
of guilt as a result of an overdeveloped superegos feel guilty for no reason and wish
to be punished in order to relieve this guilt they are feeling. Accordingly, crime is not
the result of a criminal personality but of apoorly integrated psyche.
According to Albert Bandura’s theory, delinquents and criminal behaviour is learned
via the same psychological processes as anyother behaviour: through learned and
repeated exposure to rewards that supports the behaviour. Bandura believes that
people observe others’ behaviours and decide wether or not to adopt them, put
forward the theory of free will toexplain criminal behaviour. According to them, the
roots of criminality lie in theway people think and ,make their decisions. Also
criminals think and actdifferently from other people, even from a very young age.
Criminals are, bynature, irresponsible, impulsive, self centred, and driven by fear and
anger.Deterministic explanations of crime result from believing the criminals who
areseeking sympathy. Lastly crimes occur because the criminals will it or choose it,
and it is this choice they make that rehabilitation must deal with.Because of lack of
education, most of the people become ignorant of thelaws and the repercussions
they face once they commit violations thereof ,They do not know many of their
rights, the due process of lawand many related matters. Because of their scanty lack
of awareness of itsrepercussions, many criminals, especially first offenders, readily
perpetratecrimes based on mistaken notion or false belief. In terms of age, as people
grow older, they take on more personalresponsibilities like work or career and social
responsibilities like children or apartner which makes them consider the effect their
behaviour might have onpeople they love or value (Lee, 2006) Another major
problem in crime existence is poverty; many authorities inthe field of criminal justice
say that poverty is a major cause of crime. This notof course to say that it follows
that a person who wallows wealth cannot e acriminal. Many crimes are committed
by even rich people. Furthermore manypeople mired with poverty, have remained
respectable and exemplary citizens.It is evident that poverty per se is not the only
reason or cause but it is a majorpredispositive factor This chapter presents the
conclusions drawn from the study and the recommendation.
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are made:
1. .Crimes are not primarily driven by poverty. Poverty might not be areason but a
major predispositive factor.
2. Age is not a factor on crime causation. It is evident and true that teenagers usually
commit crime but that does not mean that all criminalsare teen agers.
2. The Philippine National Police should conduct seminars to the local residents
about the crimes commonly committed and how not to be
delivered on putting justice onto someone’s hands.
PNP mustencourage the general public to attend a seminar about peace andorder.
They must invite another concern agencies or organizationinvolve that the priority is
the safety of the public. Another way togenerate community support to the police is
the dissemination ofbanner of flyers about being a catalyst of peace and order.3. The
future researchers can conduct a similar study in the future to further validate the
results of the present study.