Disomat Opus
Disomat Opus
Disomat Opus
Operating Manual
BV-H2313 GB
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Copyright 2007
Schenck Process GmbH
Pallaswiesenstraße 100, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany
All rights reserved. Any reproduction of this documentation, regardless of method, without prior permission
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Subject to change without prior notice.
1 Preamble.................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 For Quick Orientation ........................................................................................... 1
1.2 How To Use Manual............................................................................................. 2
2 Safety Instructions.................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Information for Users of Certified Scales ............................................................. 5
3 DISOMAT Overview .................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Characteristics...................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Control Elements.................................................................................................. 7
3.2.1 General Information....................................................................................... 7
3.2.2 Display ........................................................................................................... 8
3.2.3 Keyboard ..................................................................................................... 10
3.3 External Control Elements ................................................................................. 14
3.3.1 External Keyboard ....................................................................................... 14
3.4 Control Concept ................................................................................................. 14
3.5 General Control .................................................................................................. 15
3.5.1 Menu Tree ................................................................................................... 16 Operating Principle ............................................................................... 16 Calling Function .................................................................................... 17
3.5.2 Data Input/Output ........................................................................................ 19 Operating Input/Output Dialogs ............................................................ 19 Editing Input Field ................................................................................. 21 Entering characters via the input block................................................. 22 'Jumping' display................................................................................... 23
4 Normal Mode ........................................................................................................... 24
4.1 Functionality in Home Position........................................................................... 25
4.1.1 Zero Scale ................................................................................................... 25
4.1.2 Acquire Tare ................................................................................................ 25
4.1.3 Clear Tare.................................................................................................... 25
4.1.4 Function Keys .............................................................................................. 25
4.1.5 Home Position Output ................................................................................. 26
4.2 Functionality in Menu Tree................................................................................. 26
4.2.1 Fct. 1:Enter setpoint .................................................................................... 28
4.2.2 Fct. 2:String input ........................................................................................ 28
4.2.3 Fct. 3:PRINT ................................................................................................ 29
4.2.4 Fct. 5:SERVICE........................................................................................... 30 Fct. 51:Date/Time ................................................................................. 30 Fct. 52:Display Version ......................................................................... 31 Fct. 53:Display Type ............................................................................. 32 Fct. 54:Search Legal-For-Trade Memory ............................................. 32 Fct. 55:Select Home Position ............................................................... 34 Fct. 57:FILES ........................................................................................ 34 Fct. 58:Set higher range ....................................................................... 34
4.2.5 Fct. 6:Display balance ................................................................................. 34
4.2.6 Fct. 7:Select fixed tare................................................................................. 35
4.2.7 Fct. 8:Manual tare........................................................................................ 36
4.2.8 Fct. 9:Contrast ............................................................................................. 36
4.2.9 Fct. a:Display gross ..................................................................................... 37
4.2.10 Fct. b:Display tare...................................................................................... 37
4.2.11 Fct. c:Test display...................................................................................... 37
4.2.12 Fct. d:Ackn. Event ..................................................................................... 38
5 Setting Mode ........................................................................................................... 39
5.1 Safety Through Password Protection ................................................................ 39
5.1.1 Default Passwords....................................................................................... 40
5.1.2 Fct. 41:Password......................................................................................... 41
5.1.3 Password Quick Input.................................................................................. 41
5.1.4 Fct. 45:Change password............................................................................ 41
1 Preamble
Validity Range
This manual applies to all DISOMAT® Opus versions (hereafter called
DISOMAT or system) whose software identifications end with /02, or
VWW20700/02 (standard)
For you to find your way about in the manual, quickly and at your ease - some tips:
Daily User
The daily user operates the system to solve weighing problems, e.g. fill weighings. He
needs no comprehensive system knowledge but should be familiar with the keyboard,
some error messages, and some items of the menu tree. At that, he should know the
parameter password which enables him to reset balance and consecutive number,
and change some parameters.
Plant Engineer/Specialist
The plant engineer/specialist commissions the system, remedies fault or works out a
solution to weighing control tasks with the aid of function blocks. To do so, he needs
comprehensive system knowledge, must be familiar with the configuration and
calibration passwords.
2 Safety Instructions
To avoid personal injury and equipment damage, follow the safety regulations stated
Additionally, you should observe:
When performing installation, commissioning and service work, observe all applicable
local regulations.
Use As Originally Intended
The measuring system and its connected mechanical components are exclusively
designed for weighing and controlling tasks. Any use other than originally intended is
considered inappropriate.
No danger originates from the measuring system itself, if it is properly installed and
However, upon use of the measuring system, danger may result during transit of
material to be weighed (e.g. from auxiliaries used to handle or feed material) or if
system assumes control tasks. Residual risks may originate from the measuring
system if unskilled operators improperly handle the system.
The measuring system can be part of a more complex plant. The user is fully
responsible for the overall plant safety.
The presence of this symbol indicates that the machine or component used
has the potential to cause severe injury or death.
Preparation, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and servicing may
exclusively be performed by skilled persons only.
All persons working on the measuring system are required to observe the safety hints
and know the parts of the technical documentation relevant to their work.
The supervisor is responsible for instructing his operators to observe all regulations
and instructions given.
Parameter Changes
The measuring system's functionality is determined by parameters, which must
exclusively be changed by persons familiar with the measuring system operating
principles (e.g. after training by Schenck Process). Parameters incorrectly set may
cause injuries or damage to the machine whenever a user control system is
connected. They can also adversely affect weighing operation.
Software parameters are protected from unintended change by password. The
measuring system user has to ensure safe password handling.
• During maintenance and repair, observe any warning symbols on the scale.
• Before performing work on the mechanical system or peripherals (particularly
the control system), disconnect the measuring system and protect the system
from inadvertent restart.
• Before performing work on the electrical equipment, disconnect the power
• The devices may be operated only in the provided housings. There is danger
of contacting live parts.
Moisture Protection
Protect all system parts, electrical items in particular, from moisture (e.g. during
maintenance and servicing) when housings are open. Observe housing protection
Replacement of Components
Spare parts must meet the technical specifications indicated by Schenck Process. To
ensure this requirement is met, only genuine Schenck Process spare parts should be
used. When using other spare parts, the warranty will be void.
Legal situation
For use in commercial applications, measuring results must be acquired using certified
measuring systems.
The transfer of measurement values to non-legal-for-trade additional equipment *)
"EDP Systems" for the preparation of vouchers is permitted under the proviso that
- the scale or a verified (certified) piece of additional equipment records and stores the
measurement values in unchanged and undeletable fashion,
- measurement values can be accessed by both parties of the commercial
• Date
• Time
• Cons. No.
- The voucher must include the following comments: "Measurement values from
freely programmable additional equipment. Legal-for-trade memory values
can be viewed."
3) Period of legal-for-trade data saving:
- The storage period for legal-for-trade measurement values is minimum 3 months.
When storing new measurement values ever after, the oldest measurement value
is overwritten. Storage periods > 3 months can be set.
3 DISOMAT Overview
3.1 Characteristics
DISOMAT is a weighing terminal designed for automatic weight acquisition, control
functions and data processing. This compact system combines all essential functions
of a weighing terminal.
As a rule, the system is supplied legal-for-trade.
The DISOMAT basic variant comprises multiple function variants (scales) of different
You can see two areas, the Display and the Keyboard. Their most important
elements are listed below and described on the pages to follow.
• Weight values
• Scale status information (display symbols)
• Event messages
• Dialogs
• Alphanumeric keys
• Direction keys
• Function keys (weighing function)
3.2.2 Display
The display consists of an LC display with 20 characters.
After start-up, system is always in operating state (*) Weight Display; NET weight is
displayed (or GROSS weight if scale is not tared).
(*) Two operating states can be distinguished: 'Weight Display (Home Position)' and 'Menu Tree'.
You can also switch over the weight display (**) for an additional (alternating)
display of
• Balance total
• Date and time
• Contact position (Inputs/Outputs)
(**) See BV-H2313: Chapter 'Home Position Output' and 'Fct. 55 Select Home Position'.
2. Event Messages
Never acknowledge event message before the cause of fault has been
3. Menu Tree
The menu tree's functions are selected with the DIRECTION KEYS when the scale is
configured or parametered. Each of the menu functions have a number such as
3.2.3 Keyboard
In the DISOMAT keyboard, there are three blocks of keys, i.e. 'input block', 'control
block' and 'operating block' (from left to right):
• The input block keys serve i.a. for input of figures, letters (capital and lower-
case) and signs.
• The control block keys are used for data input, navigation in menu tree and
as function keys.
• The operating block keys are used to operate the scale.
The tables below reflect all possible keys, or key combinations. It may be that a
certain key or key combination is defined only in the one or other operating state.
[UP arrow]:
Home Function key [F1] = <function according to function
Position: variant>
Menu Tree: a) No function started: Move one level up (exit sub-
menu). Return to Home Position from topmost level.
b) Function started: n/a
[LEFT arrow]:
Home Function key [F2] = <function according to function
Position: variant>
Menu Tree: a) No function started: Move to the left on menu tree
b) Function started: Scroll to the left in scroll field.
Shift cursor one position to the left in input field.
[RIGHT arrow]:
Home Function key [F3] = <function according to function
Position: variant>
Menu Tree: a) No function started: Move to the right on menu tree
b) Function started: Scroll to the right in scroll field.
Shift cursor one position to the right in input field.
Home Position: n/a
Menu Tree: a) No function started: Call up function selected in
menu tree.
b) Function started:
- Acquire input field inputs.
- Go to next input or scroll field if multiple inputs
are required.
- Go to next output field if function readies
various outputs
Home n/a
Menu Tree: a) No function started: n/a
b) Function started: Close data input and acquire if
function calls for multiple inputs one after the other.
[SHIFT] + [OK]:
Home Position: n/a
Menu Tree: a) No function started: 'Password Quick Input' (See
1. Select the input point via the [LEFT arrow] or [RIGHT arrow] keys.
2. Scroll characters via the [UP arrow] or [DOWN arrow] keys.
C) The buttons for operating the scale are identical with both designs.
• Function 'ABORT': Start the Abort function by using the top left [Esc] key.
• Function 'Acknowledge event'
• Function 'Display test'
'Home Position' is the operating state which holds available the system functions that
can be executed via key or key combination and are primarily used in daily operation.
The 'Menu Tree' permits access to a high number of functions that cannot be
executed by key operation and are available only after selection from a menu system.
A part of these functions also concerns daily operation, the dominant part, however, is
used for system setting and can be accessed only with the use of a password
As you can see, functions of both operating states are used in daily operation with no
need for password input. System setting is exclusively done in 'Menu Tree' operating
state and requires password input in every case.
The dependance on password input leads from the distinction of operating states to
the distinction of operating modes and thus to a clearer system description.
'Normal Mode' (see Chapter 4) comprises the functionality used in daily operation
without password input.
The daily user uses
'Setting Mode' (see Chapter 5) comprises the functionality required for system setting
and protected by a graded password system. Depending on system type, a special
password must be entered. There are the following classes of password:
• Parametrization
• Configuration
• Calibration
As you can see, the menu system is called up from home position, and exit brings you
back there. To do so, or to navigate in menu tree, simply move UP or DOWN, or to the
LEFT and to the RIGHT. This is reflected by the double arrows connecting all menu
items; on the same level with horizontal, between levels with vertical arrows.
This form of menu tree representation has been selected intentionally. To be able to
execute one of the many functions, you must be able to select them. This is done in
the dialog field. If you keep the following image in mind, you can see that you have to
move in menu tree only until the desired function appears on display. The two lines of
the dialog field are a sort of window, for you to view the menu tree passing by
(comparable to the principle of a microfilm reader).
For you to know in which direction you have to move, every menu item is assigned an
unambiguous number (coordinates) reflecting their position in menu tree. You will
BV-H2313 GB 0736 DISOMAT® Opus – Operating Manual
- 16 - © Schenck Process GmbH, Darmstadt
DISOMAT Overview General Control
know level 1 menu items (main items) by a 1-digit number, level 2 menu items by a 2-
digit number, and so forth.
For you to recognize whether the menu item hides a single function of a menu with
further function, menu tree texts differ by capital and lower case letters, e.g.
Once you have selected a function for display in the dialog field, you must still start it.
Ad 1., 2. and 7.
Call/exit menu tree and select function using the DIRECTION KEYS:
*) The menu items of a level are arranged in 'ring-shaped' fashion, e.g. all you have to
do is operate these keys as many times as required for desired menu item to appear
on display.
Once you have selected function, number and name of the relevant menu is output
in the display.
Ad 3.
Start selected function:
[ENTER] key:
Start function
Once you have started function, number and name of its menu appear in the upper
dialog line.
In the lower dialog line, a note is displayed on the left (e.g. 'Fixed Tare') right next to
the input/output field. (Enter e.g. Fixed1).
Ad 4.
For sequences and special features of dialog control and data input, see item to
Ad 5. and 6.
Exit function using the following keys:
[OK] key:
With output function: Exit function.
With input function: Exit function and acquire inputs.
[ABORT] key:
With output function: Abort function.
+ With input function: Abort function and reject inputs.
Upon exit of function, DISOMAT returns to its state before call, i.e. you are still in
menu tree, can restart selected function or select a new one.
Ad 7.
To return to 'Home Position' (Weight Display) operating state, press key [UP arrow] as
many times as required, or go to home position direct by using key combination
[SHIFT]+[UP arrow]. Entered password, if any, is no longer valid.
• You can either display the weight alone or alternately with various system
information in the 'Home Position' operating state (refer to Section 4.1.5).
• In 'Menu Tree' operating state, you use the functions responsible for data
output (e.g. 'a:Display Gross) or prompting for data input (e.g. '8:Manual Tare
After start of a system function, operation continues in the dialog mode. These simple,
recurring sequences are explained hereafter. For this kind of interaction, use the input
and control block keys.
For you to easily recognize the kind of reaction required for system operation, dialogs
follow certain conventions.
If the actual contents (e.g. '1234,56') is displayed after the note (e.g. 'Balance'), the
function is an output function.
• With multi-part outputs, multiple values are output one after the other.
o Values are permanently displayed; go to next value with [ENTER] key;
exit function with [OK] key
(e.g. '6:Display Balance')
o Value is displayed for some seconds; function terminates
(e.g. '52:Display Version')
o You can use the [LEFT arrow] and [RIGHT arrow] to scroll in longer
texts; there are some special cases (such as displaying the version)
where you can also scroll over several lines with [UP arrow] and
[DOWN arrow].
You can identify an input mode from the fact that the current value (such as 'Fix1') is
displayed after an instruction text (such as 'Fixed tare' or 'Tare') and a cursor symbol
('underline') can be seen in the input space.
There are two types of input:
The cursor is fixed at the first point of the input space. Select from list of
eligible values using the [LEFT arrow] and [RIGHT arrow] keys:
After being called up, the cursor is at the first point of the input space. You can
place it on the input position desired with the [LEFT arrow] and [RIGHT
arrow] buttons or it changes its position when editing (current input position):
Acknowledge inputs with [ENTER] or [OK] keys and exit function (e.g. 8:Enter
Manual Tare).
• With multi-part input functions, multiple input fields appear one after the
Acknowledge inputs with [ENTER] key; next input field appears (you come
back to the previous input space with[SHIFT] + [UP arrow]).
After last input field, program returns to the first.
Exit function with [OK] key (e.g. '1:Enter Setpoint').
NOTE: With a multi-part input, both inputs types can be used one after the
other as many times as required.
[RIGHT arrow]:
Shift block cursor one digit to the right.
Cursor stops on last position.
[LEFT arrow]:
Shift block cursor one digit to the left.
Cursor stops on first position.
[SHIFT] + [RIGHT arrow]: **)
Shift block cursor to field end.
The menu functions and all corresponding dialog steps are displayed one
after another on scales with a 1-line display.
**) Use these key combinations to step 20 digits to the right or left from current cursor
position. With fields of up to 20 digits, this corresponds to a step to field start or field
b) Entering Characters
c) Inserting Characters
d) Deleting Character
The additional assignment depends on the selected dialog language.
Characters are entered in what is known as the 'scroll mode' *). ALL possible
characters can be keyed in with this. They include
• the characters not shown that can be reached with the [SHIFT] button such as
You turn on the 'scroll mode' by keeping a button pressed for a longer period
of time. All of the characters available through this button are slowly overlaid
on the same cursor position one after the other ('scrolled'). Release the key
when the character you want appears. This enters the character and the
cursor jumps one position to the right.
Entering Numbers
Numeric values are checked for plausibility. If a value is rejected, error message
'Value Too Big' or 'Value Too Small' is output.
Entering Texts
Enter texts in form of strings. Normally, these are not checked for plausibility. So be
sure to enter useful values.
As already stated above, numbers may be entered in text form. This text can
be checked provided that the input uses a defined pattern, e.g. with function
'51:Date/Time' (see relevant item).
The front and rear half is shown alternately with event messages that cannot be
shown completely in the display.
4 Normal Mode
Operating mode 'Normal Mode' can be called without password input. This mode
These functions are designed for use in daily operation with no need for detailed
system knowledge. The daily user will primarily use the keys of the operating block.
• He will use weighing function keys, e.g. 'Zero Scale', 'Acquire Tare', 'Clear
Tare' to perform basic weighing functions.
• Using function keys and residual keys, he can perform functions like 'Print
Weigh Slip', etc.
• To check the system as such, he can start the integrated self-testing function.
• He can adjust display contrast to ambient brightness.
The skilled user will use further functions in daily operation which can be accessed
via the first and second menu tree level. Some of these functions can be called up by
function key operation.
Enter: - Setpoint
- String
- Manual Tare
Display: - Gross
- Balance
- Software version
Set: - Date
- Time
After key operation, any zero point deviation (e.g. due to grime) is corrected on
relieved scale. Display reads 0.0 [unit]. In addition, symbol is displayed.
If this is not the case, an event message is output and display remains unchanged.
Sample application:
You are weighing vehicles with extremely dirty tyres. After several weighing
operations, scale platform is grimed. Empty scale indicates weight of grime in place of
zero. Use menu item to zero scale to prevent this from occurring.
After key operation, current GROSS weight is stored in the scale's tare
*) The contact position display is normally selected at the time of commissioning. The
following symbols can be output:
w Write protection of one dongle removed
- Contact status 'LOW'
+ Contact status 'HIGH'
It is configured with the '55:Select Home Position' function via the SERVICE
menu. No password is required.
The menu functions and all corresponding dialog steps are displayed one after
another on scales with a 1-line display.
In normal mode, some menu tree functions ('Basic Menu') can be reached without
password input.
7:Select fixed tare 8:Manual tare 9:Contrast a:Display gross b:Display tare c:Test display d:Ackn. Event 1:Enter setpoint
58:Set higher range 51:Date/Time 52:Display version 53:Display mode 41:Password 45:Change password
5731:Show data 5732:Clear data 5733:Print file 5734:Create data 5735:Clear mat. totals
BV-H2313 GB
Functionality in Menu Tree
- 27 -
Normal Mode Functionality in Menu Tree
Ensure that setpoint changes do not change actual fill value such that
overfill occurs.
Operating Sequence
Enter relevant contents upon weighing. Some inputs remain constant for a longer
time, others require to be redefined or adapted upon every weighing (before printout).
The first two items belong to 'Setting Mode'; the last item is performed in 'Normal
Mode' and described here below.
Operating Sequence
After call of function, the first possible string appears in input field, e.g.
2:Enter String
Customer: __________
Operate [ENTER] key, and the next possible string is offered, for you to edit.
1. You can enter the number of strings (max 5) defined upon system setting, i.e.
inputs are possible only for strings longer than 0.
2. Before input field, a text can be output (e.g. 'Customer:'). This prompt
indicates the desired string contents.
3. The inputs for a certain string remained stored until being overwritten.
The DISOMAT basic variant caters for six different form formats printed automatically
or selected by function key operation. For details, see items on individual scale types
in Chapter 6.
The form formats can be addressed either via menu tree function or key linkage. The
print result is the same.
You can change the form formats for 'Print 1' to 'Print 6' in "Setting Mode". Use
the '46:PRINT FORM' menu and select the '462:Form Formats' function.
In case of printing via menu tree, certain functions may be missing and are
additionally addressed upon printout via keyboard (e.g. reset balance upon
totals printout). We recommend to start printing via menu items only if the
description of the particular scale explicitly advises to do so.
• Set date/time
• Request version number
• Set display type
• Search legal-for-trade memory
• Select home position
• Higher Range
Caution: Since your inputs are not checked semantically, even useless inputs, e.g.
41,22,92 are accepted. So strictly observe given format to prevent malfunctions from
Note: If system is powered off, clock continues running for approx. 1 week provided
that system has been operating for minimum 30 hours.
Operating Sequence
*) You can use the [ENTER] or [OK] buttons to switch more quickly to the next inputs.
NOTE: If GROSS display is set as default, call of the 'a:Display Gross' function is
Operating Sequence
After call of function, the date input field opens and displays default:
54:Search L-f-T Memory
Date 01.01.00
Attention: Remember date input instructions given at the '51:Date/Time' item.
If the search
When searching for data records, the 3 possible default settings are AND-
interlinked, i.e. system exclusively finds data records meeting all three
criteria. To do so, best restart function and leave default value in the input
field of the unused criterion (same effect as 'Ignore Field').
• 'No': No printout
• 'Last Display': Print data record displayed last.
• 'All Inputs Found': Print all data records meeting the selected criteria.
Menu items 57:SERVICE -> FILES are available after installation of option
'Road Weighbridge ZEUS' (see chapter 6).
This is necessary when a road weigh bridge does not come to a standstill in
the small range due to wind.
NOTE: This display corresponds to the total of all 2 materials counters (see also
Format Variable 'BI'). You can access single materials balances using format variables
'BI1' to 'BI10'. Next display after balance total shows individual material totals.
When Does Summation Take Place?
What Is Summated?
Every operation increments the number of dumps by 1, and balance total by the
acquired weight value.
Operations are filling processes, aborted or completed, and all printing operations
started via keyboard or contact input.
No balancing takes place if printout is started using menu items '31:Print 1', '32:Print
2', '33:Print 3', '36:Print 4', '37:Print 5', '38:Print 6' and '35:Print Repeat'.
What Is Displayed?
You can display current balance total and current number of dumps.
30 kg each time are filled. After 9 filling operations, balance total is 270 kg. Maximum
balance total is 280 kg.
You can enter balance total and maximum number of dumps at menu item '471:Max.
Balance/Dumps' after input of parameter password.
Operating Sequence
After renewed operation of [ENTER] key, display shows current number of dumps,
6:Display Balance
Dumps: 7
You can use [OK] to get to the display of sums for materials 1 and 2.
Selection of a fixed tare weight with 0.00 value has the same effect as 'Clear
For simple selection of fixed tare values, these require to be entered. This is
done in 'Setting Mode' (Parameter password) using the '48:Fixed Tare input'
Operating Sequence
After call of function, scroll field display always shows parameter 'Fix1'.
7:Select fixed tare
Fixed tare Fix1
Use DIRECTION KEYS to select other value, if you desire so. When you press the
[OK] key, the display goes back to net by (Net).
You wish to acquire the weights of bulk solids (NET weight) stored in different hopper
types of 5 different weights. The weight of each hopper is always the same. You weigh
the filled hopper (GROSS weight) and select hopper weight using fixed tare value.
Advantage: You need not enter hopper weight in manual.
Operating Sequence
You wish to acquire the weight of a bulk solid (NET weight) stored in a drum. Drum
weight (TARE weight) is noted on drum. Weigh filled drum (GROSS weight) and enter
TARE weight in manual.
Advantage: You need not weigh empty drum before filling.
Operating Sequence
After calling up the function, the following instruction appears:
<- OK ENTER ->
It shows what keys you can use to change contrast:
You can match contrast with the direction keys and you can store settings with the
[OK] or [ENTER] button. If there is not any change for a certain period of time (time-
out), it stores the present settings and the function is automatically ended.
Operating Sequence
a:Display Gross
Right after operation of [ENTER] key, current GROSS weight is displayed (in weight
area) for some seconds.
You have filled a hopper; scale is tared and shows weight of good to be weighed
(=NET). You wish to briefly display totals weight (=GROSS) with no need to clear tare
memory. This function briefly outputs current GROSS weight before scale returns to
NET weight display.
b:Display tare
Right after operation of [ENTER] key, current TARE weight is displayed for some
Operating sequence:
c:Test display
The test is made for a couple of seconds when you press the [ENTER] key. After this
is finished, the activated function variant is shown such as:
Scale Identifier Crane
Information can be stored per input encompassing as much as 40 characters,
although the display only shows the first 20 characters. The remaining characters can
be gradually overlaid in the display with the [RIGHT arrow] and [LEFT arrow] keys.
Operating Sequence
d:Ackn. Event
5 Setting Mode
'Setting Mode' operating mode is protected by password. Here you exclusively use
menu tree functions designed for
After password input, the relevant menu items are faded in into menu tree. You will
note that menu items are not strictly divided by the above three privilege grades. For
practical reasons, some menu items are available under multiple passwords.
In addition to the generally accessible area, there are further areas protected by
• Restart password for restart ('Reset all' - For reloading of RAM, see Item
• Service password for SCHENCK internal use. Opens further menu items
reserved for authorized service engineers.
To ease operation, the menu items relevant for the selected area do not
appear before sucessful password input.
With the use of the configuration password, for instance, function block
parameters can be changed. However, inadvertent changes can cause
severe faults, sometimes not immediately obvious. A connected control
system, if any, has the potential to cause severe injury or damage to the
The plant user must ensure that the passwords are used only by authorized
and skilled persons. If required, passwords must be removed from operating
manual, or changed.
Input field
41:Enter Password
Password: ______
opens. Enter requisite password. For safety reasons, display is suppressed.
Check to see if input was successful. Operate [Left Arrow] or [Right Arrow] key to view
changed menu tree.
[SHIFT] + [OK]:
'Password Quick Input'
If the function needed next is accessed via another password level, you need not
select and start the '41:Password' function.
Observing the following restrictions, the new password can be selected at will.
Operating Sequence
Change Password
and start with [ENTER] key.
Input field
45:Change Password
Password: ______
opens. Enter current password and acknowledge with [ENTER] key.
Input field
45:Change Password
New Password: ______
opens. Enter new password and acknowledge with [ENTER] key.
Input field
45:Change Password
Repeat Password: ______
opens. Enter new password for the second time.
BV-H2313 GB
(see Item 5.1.1)
41:Password 42:FUNCTION VARIANT 45:Change password 46:PRINT FORM 47:MATERIALS 48:Fixed tare input
468:Load default form 469:Load default text 461:Form texts 462:Form formats 463:Page header format
See BV-H2280 2007-08-28
You can print formatted weigh data as well as a list of set parameters.
For weigh data, the following functions are available:
For the stated options, DISOMAT readies a convenient printer control accessed from
four menu tree items:
You need not use the default form formats. To match the construction of printouts via
the '3:PRINT' menu, the variable form format function is available which you can use
to match formats to your requirements. You can reload default formats at any time
(default forms, default texts). However, your changes get lost.
The following items describe all functions the system readies for changing.
Form texts are preassigned as default. If other texts are required, you can match
these to your requirements using the described functions, and reload the default
settings at any time (see function: '469:Load Default Text').
Operating Sequence
461:Form Texts
1st Text: Date____Time_______Cons.No.____
If need be, enter string and/or go to second or third form text using the [ENTER] key.
461:Form Texts
2ndText: Veh.No._______________________
Note: If you need more form texts, simply add text to form format (see '462:Form
NOTE: If no changes have been effected, system uses its default formats (see
function '468:Load Default Form').
For better understanding, some terms shall be explained.
Term Definition
Form format Editable string whose contents determines the sequence of printout.
Format element Part of a form format (format variable, special character, additional
text). Format elements are separated by commas (max. 20 digits
between 2 commas).
Format variable A symbolic name (code) standing for the format element to be output
(e.g. 'BZ' for string).
Form text Editable string whose contents can be output through the format
variable in the form of 'Sn' (n=1,2,3). A form text is part of the form
format and is but seldom changed, e.g. company name.
Additional Texts
If you need more form text, simply add additional text to form format. Position text
between two commas (max. 20 digits between 2 commas).
Example: You wish to print text "SCHENCK scale with DISOMAT". Coding in form
format is: 'SCHENCK scale, with DISOMAT' (see example below).
Attention: If the text between two commas exactly matches a code, this text, too, is
interpreted as code; this means that letter 'B' cannot be output alone being reserved
for a code symbol and interpreted as prompt for output of Gross weight. However, text
'Gross' can be output being interpreted now as text and not as code.
Operating Sequence
First go to input field and enter number of form format to be edited (admissible
values: 1 to 6), e.g.
462:Form Formats
Form Format 1
Operate [ENTER] key, and input line displays current string. e.g.
462:Form Formats
Form1 P1,D,P10,U,P18,LN,P27,BZ,P40,B,T,N,F1
Change coding to your requirements and acknowledge with [ENTER] key. Selected
format is programmed.
• additional text 'SCHENCK scale with DISOMAT' appears in first line left-flush
• tare value is no longer output.
Code Table
Code Description
B Output current Gross weight OR first Gross weight used subjected to format
B2 Output "B2" or print second Gross weight subjected to format change
BI Output balance total ( = total of 10 material balances); printer output, e.g.
12345,67kg SU;
BIn Output material balance; n = 1 ... 10;
BZ Output entered string (max. 25 characters) or transmit (max. 30 characters);
BZn Output entered string, or transmit; n = 1 ... 5 (BZ1 max. 25 characters)
Cn Output ASCII character to printer; n = 1 ... 255 (decimal);
e.g. C65 = 'A'; also for transfer of control characters to printer, e.g. C7 =
D Output current date; printer output, e.g. 31.01.00;
D4 Output current date as per new standard, e.g. 2000-01-31;
DG Output current material flow value dW/dt;
Fn Output <n> page feeds on printer; n = 1 ... 99;
LN Output consecutive number of weighing
Mn Add printer pattern variable <n> to current print pattern, i.e. if the last print
pattern variable in Print Pattern 3 is M4, printout continues using Print Pattern
4. For printout, Print Patterns 3 and 4 form a unit, e.g. "Print Repeat" operates
as expected.
N Output current Net weight value OR first Net weight subjected to format
In certified applications, permitted only in conjunction with G and T
N2 Output "N2" OR printout of second Net weight subjected to format change.
NE With tared scale: Output current Net weight OR first Net weight subjected to
format change.
With non-tared scale: Output current Gross weight OR first Gross weight
subjected to format change.
NOTE: With certified scales, always use NE.
With tared scale: Output "NE2" OR second Net weight subjected to format
NE2 With non-tared scale: Output "NE2" OR second Gross weight subjected to
format change.
NOTE: With certified scales, always use NE.
_n Create <n> blanks between single outputs;
_ = blank; n = 1 ... 99;
If no '_n' is entered between single codes, 1 blank is always output.
Pn Set absolute column position for next printout; n = 1 ... 132;
RG Output current weighing range number: 1, 2 or 3
Rn Repeat preceding character n times; n = 1 ... 99;
e.g.: ,-,R7 repeats character '-' seven times ==> Printer output: -------
RD Output date when first weight transferred to format conversion has been
recorded (acquired by scale), e.g. weight stored in vehicle first weighing file.
RU Output time when first weight transferred to format conversion has been
RD2 Output date when second weight transferred to format conversion has been
recorded (acquired by scale).
RU2 Output time when second weight transferred to format conversion has been
Code Description
S Output setpoint
SC Output number of dumps
SNR Output material number
Sn Output form text (entered at item '461:Form Texts');
n = 1 ... 3;
T Output current Tare weight value; printer output, e.g.: 123.45kg T;
U Output current time, e.g.: 23:59
Yn Output <n> line feeds on printer; n = 1 ... 99;
Y2, e.g., creates 2 line feeds.
Addition of ":d" to the code variable (e.g. BZ:4) limits the output to the left "d" digits of
the variable contents. ":d" has NO influence on code variables B, T, N, NE and LN
relevant for certified applications.
After form feed, a page header is output on printer on top of every page. This is of
advantage if your printout covers more than one page.
Operating Sequence
After start of function, input field for presetting of header text format for output in list
form opens:
You can use the formatting codes described with function '462:Form Formats'.
Enter here
Operating Sequence
Since 5 different strings can be used in DISOMAT, first enter number of string whose
boundary conditions you wish to set (admissible values: 1 to 5):
464:String Name
String Number 1
You wish the operator to receive the input prompt 'Material:' and know that maximum
two digits can be entered. Determine:
• Length: 2
• Input hint: 'Material:'
Upon string input, the operator receives the display below and can enter maximum
two digits: 'Material: __'.
The string format consists of a fixed and a variable component. Format variable part
using this function. Use the symbolic names used for form formatting. However,
separate single format variables by '#' or a blank.
Operating Sequence
The input field shows the format string currently stored, e.g.
465:EDP Format
EDP Format D4,#,U,#,LN,#,NE
If you use the above EDP format, string is output in the following format:
01#DR#1#0#C0#2000-01-11#10:58#17#123,45kg Net
¦-- Fixed ---¦---------- Variable ------------¦
• Date
• Time
• Consecutive number
• Gross
• Net
• Tare
• Scale status (4 digits)
Use function to determine the variable elements thus defining the additional
information to be stored per input. To do so, use the rules and codes for form
formatting (see '462:Form Formats').
Operating Sequence
Operating Sequence
Operating Sequence
Default Format
Print Sample:
11.01.00 12:30 1234 DA-RC 30 123,45kg G 67,89kg T 55,56kg Net
Print Sample:
11.01.00 12:30 1234 DA-RC 30 55,56kg Net
11.01.00 12:30 1234 DA-RC 30 123,45kg G
Print Sample:
11.01.00 12:30 567,89kg SU
(d) Formats 4, 5, 6:
Print Sample:
⊗ Information that this print format has not yet been set.
(e) Page header format: (Edit using function '463:Page Header Format')
Code: Y5,P1,S1,P27,S2,P40,S3,Y2
Current variables contents are formatted as follows:
Formatting Instruction Variable Code Variable Name Variable Contents
5 * line feed
Column=1 S1 Form text 1 Date Time Cons.No.
Column=27 S2 Form text 2 Vehicle No.
Column=40 S3 Form text 3 Weight
2 * line feed
Print Sample:
Date Time Cons.No. Veh.No. Weight
Sample output:
11.01.00#12:30#1234#55,56kg Net
11.01.00#12:30#1234#123,45kg G
Operating Sequence
Default Texts
These maximum values impact the analog outputs of function blocks "Balance' and
'Dump'. They determine upon which values the function block outputs reach their
maximum value (10.000 internally).
Input fields for the following parameters are output one after the other:
Parameter Default Function
Changeover from dribble feed to full feed upon smooth
Prefill value +_0,00
Pre-act contact +_0,00 Full feed cut-off point; value related to main contact
Main contact +_0,00 Dribble feed cut-off point; value related to setpoint
Tolerance _0,00 Amissible tolerance value related to setpoint
0,00 Correction of main contact
Operating Sequence
Operating Sequence:
Enter an appropriate password (e.g. parameter password) and start the following
Option Management
• Press the [ENTER] key and select the option with the ARROW KEYS (e.g.
• Press the [ENTER] key and enter the activation code.
• Terminate the function with [OK].
434:Event classes
435:Analog Output Calibration
436:IP Configuration
44:SCALE This menu comprises all scale calibration functions.
441:Calibration Parameters The functions on the left can be reached after input of
442:Mode configuration password (without 445:CALIBRATION).
443:Configure L-f-T Memory With functions 441, 442 and 443 you can read only;
444:Scale Parameters with 444, also write. After input of calibration password,
you can access all functions.
44:SCALE 45:Change password 46:PRINT FORM 47:MATERIALS 48:Fixed tare input 41:Password 42:FUNCTION VARIANT 43:PERIPHERALS
Setting Mode
469:Load default text 461:Form texts 462:Form formats 463: Page header format 464:String names
432:Interfaces 433:COMMUNICATION 434:Event classes 435:Calibrate analog output 436:IP Configuration 431:National language support
Additional Menu Items With Configuration Password
BV-H2313 GB
- 61 -
Setting Using Configuration Password
Setting Mode Setting Using Configuration Password
After exit of function, changes are effective; further functions are used in the newly
selected environment.
Operating Sequence
After call of function, a number of scroll fields appears, for you to select the desired
Dialog Language:
431:National language support
Language English
On standard, DISOMAT comes with English dialog language. Further languages are
available and a second language can be loaded using the DISOPLAN software
(German is loaded ex works). Using this function, you can change over from first to
second language and vice versa, i.e. you can selected between English and Loaded
Character Set:
431:National language support
Character set West European
Select between West European, East European and Cyrillic.
431:National language support
Keyboard US-English
Select keyboards with German, US-English, French, Czech, Polish ,Hungarian ,
Russian and Spanish labellings.
You can additionally activate automatic shift from summer to winter time.
431:National language support
Shift summer/winter time YES
Operating Sequence
Start function and select interface whose parameters are to be set (all settings can be
selected in scroll fields):
Interface: S1
There are the following possibilities:
S1, S2, S3
Repeated operation of [ENTER] key lets you select interface transmission
parameter settings.
Enter and acknowledge with [ENTER] key.
Handshake: Off
Select between 'Off' and 'On'.
Data: 8-bitno__
To determine number of data bits and type of parity check, there are the following
8-bit no Data bits: 8; parity: No
8-bit even Data bits: 8; parity: Even
7-bit even Data bits: 7; parity: Even
8-bit odd Data bits: 8; parity: Odd
7-bit odd Data bits: 7; parity: Odd
Stop Bits:
Stop bits: 1
Select '1' or '2'.
*) Please note: Interfacing via Modbus can alternatively be set using function
'4334:Fieldbus' (look there).
Operating Sequence
Start function and enter scale number:
4331:EDPScale number 0
Local Printer Output data to be printed.
No data transmission and printer monitoring
Remote Printer Transfer data using secured protocol and monitored printer. Specially
designed for certified applications where printout cannot be
compared to display. Only the genuine SCHENCK remote printers
DISOPRINT...F3 are suitable.
DP 10 Protocol-controlled transmission to DISOPRINT 10 or tally-tape
With tally-tape printers, an ETX must follow after form feed (print
pattern formatting).
Operating Sequence
After start of function, system outputs a scroll field for selection of the interface for
printer connection.
Printer Interface Off
There are the following possibilities:
A further scroll field lets you determine whether or not special characters are to be
converted and legal-for-trade brackets be printed:
Convert special characters Yes__
If the West European character set is used (see 'National Settings') and set to 'Yes',
German umlauts in control character sequences are converted so that the umlauts are
properly output on older matrix printers.
You can connect SCHENCK secondary displays of the DLZ, DTA, DLK, VLZ types.
Operating Sequence
A scroll field for selection of secondary display type opens:
4333:Secondary Display
Secondary Display DTA
Other possibilities: DDP8850, DDP8861
Type Model(s)
DDP8850 DLZ 60/110 and old DLZ displays, DLS 160-250 and DLK 100-300
• S1, S2, S3
Operating Sequence
a) Profibus-DP
Parameter Input
Own address __8
ID number 0
Text block Off
4 bytes
20 bytes
Data format IEEE
Siemens KG
Timeout _10.0s
b) Modbus
Parameter Input
Own address __8
Reference value ____1
Maximum value _______1
Interface Off
Timeout _10.0s
c) DeviceNet
Parameter Input
Own address _8
Baud rate 250kB
Data format No text/4 ID
Text/2 ID
Swapping LITTLE Endian
BIG Endian
Timeout _10.0s
d) Modbus/TCP
Parameter Input
Timeout _10,0s
After parameter setting, acknowledge with [OK] key. For synchronization, DISOMAT
performs a restart if Profibus has been selected.
Example: A0209:Powerfail
If an event message is displayed, you will know its class by the first letter:
M = Message, W = Warning, A = Alarm, S = Fault.
Using this function you can edit the event class for some events that may occur,
for example:
Event Message Editable Default Event Class
W01XX:Timeout Warning
A02XX:Power Failure Alarm
A03XX:Restart Alarm
M06XX:No No-Motion Message
M07XX:Out of Zeroing Range Message
M08XX:Tare Value Too Small Message
A20XX:Printer Fault Alarm
W21XX:Tare > Gross Warning
W22XX:External Legal-For-Trade Memory Warning
A23XX:Legal-For-Trade Memory FULL Alarm
W70XX:EDP Error Warning
W42XX:Setpoint Warning
W43XX:Fill Value Too Low Warning
W55XX:Sequence check Warning
W40XX:Filing Stopped Warning
W41XX:Filling Aborted Warning
W44XX:Overfill Warning
W45XX:Out of Tolerance Warning
W56XX:Scale not permitted Warning
W46XX:Weight Invalid Warning
A48XX:Analog Interface Cable Breakage Alarm
M18XX:Balance or No. of Dumps over 95% Message
M52XX:Function not accessible Message
M53XX:Weighing Aborted Message
A65XX:ICP communication error Alarm
W54XX:No load check Warning
Operating Sequence
Start function to access the list of editable event messages (see Table above):
Event Class Warning
The upper line shows the event message to be edited; the lower, a scroll field, for you
to select from possible event classes.
Operate [ENTER] key to go to the event message whose class you wish to change.
Use DIRECTION KEYS to select new event class and acknowledge with [ENTER]
Next listed event is output. If no further editing is required, exit function with [OK] key.
New event class is displayed when the event reoccurs for the first time.
Calibrating Sequence
Use calibration function to output initial and full scale values (0 ... 20mA / 4 ... 20mA).
Operating Sequence
b) Select Reset function to reject analog output calibration. Use this function
• you read off implausible values (e.g. due to previous calibration fault) or
• the adjustment factors have become too large due to carrying out adjustment
several times (which can cause an error message).
With the DISOMAT, the calibration parameters are physically protected from
changes if the calibration jumper is set to "write protect". Jumper can be
accessed only if the stamp is removed (see above).
A. Prepare Calibration
1. Power off.
2. Open DISOMAT.
3. Open scale connector (dongle)
4. At dongle remove jumper (Pin 1-3)
5. Close DISOMAT.
6. Power up.
7. Enter calibration password (Menu Item '41:Enter Password')
=> Weight value is displayed in 10-times resolution and unit symbol effaces.
B. Enter Parameters
C. Calibrate Scale
D. Complete Calibration
1. Power off.
2. Open DISOMAT.
3. Insert jumper (Pin 1-3) at the dongle.
4. With certified unit, seal scale connector in accordance with stamping
instructions (see Item 5.4.7). Doing so secures set calibration parameters.
5. Close DISOMAT.
6. Power up.
E. Document Parameters
This is important to retrace system changes, if any, at a later time.
Print parameters on paper using Menu Item '56:Print Parameters' or
save all settings using the DISOPLAN program.
Block 1 parameters:
• Unit
• Full Scale
• Increment Value
• No-Motion Difference
• Zero Setting Range
• Overrange
• F-Mechanical
• F-Calibration
• L/C Rated Capacity
• Load Cell Number
• L/C-K [mV/V]
• Deadload
• Legal-For-Trade
Terminate calibration parameter input in Block 1 with [OK] key to acquire changes.
Brief display is output, e.g. ' 3000 Increments'. If you exit function with [ABORT] key,
changes are not acquired.
Operate [ENTER] key, and Block 2 calibration parameters are offered, for you to
• Scale ID
• Class
• Gravity Deviation
• User-def. MIN load
Acknowledge calibration parameter input in Block 2 with [OK] key, and changes are
stored. Exit function with [ABORT] key, and changes get lost.
Function is terminated.
Display: Unit kg
Selection: t - tons
kg - kilograms (= default)
g - grams
lb - pound
N - Newton
kN - Kilo-Newton
Function: Determines the weight unit in your DISOMAT. This holds for the input of all
parameters (e.g. pre-act contact, main contact) and for the weight display
(home position).
Display: Setting.Diff. 1d
Selection: 0d; 1d; 2d; 4d;
Default = 1d
Enter increment value.
Function: Together with parameter No-Motion Time, defines when scale is to
recognize no-motion.
No-motion is recognized if values measured during no-motion time do not
differ from values measured last by more than no-motion difference
Comments: Enter no-motion time at menu item '444:Scale Parameters'.
If Parameter 'Legal-for-Trade' = Yes, only input '1d' is admitted.
Display: ZeroingRange 4%
Selection: 0%; 2%; 4%; 10%; 20%;
Default = 4%
With certified scales: Max. 4%
Function: Together with parameter Full Scale Value, defines the range available
for zero setting.
Enter value in percent of full scale.
Comments: Weighing range is not restricted by zero setting.
Zeroing range is asymmetrical to zero point:
2% = -0.5 .... +1.5
4% = -1.0 .... +3.0
10% = -2.5 .... +7.5
20% = -10.0 .... +10.0
If Parameter 'Legal-for-Trade' = Yes, only inputs to max. 4% are admitted.
Display: Overrange 9d
Selection: 100%; 101%; 102%; 110%; 9d
Default = 9d
Enter value in % or d (digit). With certified scales: 9d
"d" refers to the number of digits, or smallest possible resolution of
weighing range. This value corresponds to the scale increment value.
Function: Relative to parameter Full Scale Value, defines what weight above full
scale value is displayed still. If weight of load exceeds overrange, symbol
"oooooo" is displayed provided that Parameter ' Legal-for-Trade' is set to
Yes. If 'Legal-for-Trade' is set to 'No', you will know the overrange by the T
symbol; the weight value continues being displayed.
A hopper scale is placed on one load cell and two pivots. If load cells are arranged
rotation-symmetrically, and the two pivots around a round-shaped hopper with mid
center of gravity ( load carrier to 3 x 120°) the load is distributed to 1/3 each:
33,33 %
33,33 % Supporto fisso
Wägezelle 100 %
Load cell Fmech = =3
33,33 %
Cella pesatrice 33,33 %
Supporto fisso
from hopper centre of gravity, i.e. the three support points do not form any equilateral
triangle. For theoretical calibration, value 2 results.
When designing the load cell, its load must be properly considered.
Any other case, e.g. rectangular hoppers with unsymmetrical load distribution, must be
derived either from precise geometric consideration or at best calibrated with the use
of a pre-weighed medium (liquid) filled into hopper.
ATTENTION: Upon calibration with weights, ensure that the mid center of gravity
position is precisely kept.
If a load cell is loaded with its rated capacity, it will output as measuring
signal, at 1V supply voltage, the voltage corresponding to its load cell
characteristic (Parameter Load Cell Characteristic in mV/V).
Comments: Enter always in kg. Rated capacity indications with other units must be
converted into kg.
Besides the Calibration Factor, it is one of the two parameters that need not
be entered.
Default = 0
Function: This parameter determines the MIN value of the electronic stamping plate
provided that Parameter 'Class' has been set to 'User-def.MIN Load'.
Unlike the normal scale, the multi-range or multi-divisional scale has multiple weighing
Calibration and scale parameters are identical for all ranges, except Full Scale Value
and Increment Value.
Enter big range parameters in the exact same ways as the single-range scale
parameters; small range parameters, at menu item '442:Mode'.
BV-H2313 GB 0736 DISOMAT® Opus – Operating Manual
- 82 - © Schenck Process GmbH, Darmstadt
Setting Mode Setting Using Calibration Password
With two ranges, range and increment value can be set for the medium
range; however, this is of no influence.
Small range parameters to be set:
• Scale type
• Small range full scale value
• Small range increment value
• Medium range full scale value
• Medium range increment value.
Operating Sequence
Use DIRECTION KEYS to go to menu item
Special scales
and acknowledge with [ENTER] key.
Change parameter and acknowledge with [ENTER] to go to next parameter. After last
parameter of Block 1, program returns to the first, for you to change.
Acknowledge calibration parameter input with [OK] key, and changes are stored. Exit
function with [ABORT] key, and changes get lost.
• Calibration password, or
• Configuration password.
Change parameter and acknowledge with [ENTER] to go to next parameter. After last
parameter of Block 1, program returns to the first, for you to change.
Acknowledge calibration parameter input with [OK] key to acquire changes. If you exit
DISOMAT® Opus – Operating Manual 0736 BV-H2313 GB
© Schenck Process GmbH, Darmstadt - 85 -
Setting Mode Setting Using Calibration Password
Display: Set to 0 No
Selection: No = Do nothing (Default)
Zero tracking = Zeroing active
Autom. Zero-setting = Scale is zeroing, if it is in zeroing range
and gross was 5 s < 0 *)
Function: Defines whether scale in zeroing range is automatically set to
The following conditions apply:
Ensure that scale is unloaded. Using this menu item, the system computes
'Deadweight' parameter and enters value automatically. Ever after, this weight value is
subtracted from measurement value, so that actual weight of load on scale is
Operating Sequence
Use DIRECTION KEYS to go to menu item
Dead Weight
and acknowledge with [ENTER] key.
Display reads
4451:Dead Weight
Dead Weight Act.
Check: If tare memory is cleared, empty scale display must read 0.0 (kg | t | g | lb | N |
System computes calibration factor from entered and measured weights and enters
value into parameter list.
Operating Sequence
Apply calibration weight to scale.
The admissible value range depends on the value entered for calibration
parameter 'Full Scale Value'.
Display reads
Range Active
while range is being calibrated.
If display reads
Range OK
range calibration is complete.
Range Error
and then
Dongle Assignment/Meas.Circuit No
is output, measuring module no longer produces the required accuracy. Abort range
calibration with 'No' and repeat using new measuring module.
If you set 'Dongle Assignment/Measuring Circuit' to 'Yes', scale is properly calibrated
but recalibration is necessary after exchange of measuring module.
In place of dead weight and range calibration, you enter parameters "Dead Weight'
and 'Calibration Factor' by hand.
We recommend to perform a check with material.
Please note that the range calibration uses the range with the highest full scale value.
Partial ranges are not calibrated. Deviations can be corrected by linearization.
Determining characteristic
Determine characteristic deviation in each spectrum point and enter value.
You have a scale with 600 kg weighing range and 0.2 kg increment value (i.e. with
3000 increments).
Upon linearization, scale at spectrum point 50 % (= 300 kg) shows a value of 300.28.
To linearize scale, calculate correction value in increments (not in kg) using above
formula and enter value:
Correction value = (300.00kg - 300.28kg) / 0.2kg = -0.28 / 0.2 = -1.4
The correction value to be entered is -1.4.
Operating Sequence
Use DIRECTION KEYS to go to menu item
and acknowledge with [ENTER] key.
Operating Sequence
Use DIRECTION KEYS to go to menu item
Configure l.f.t. memory
and acknowledge with [ENTER] key.
Change parameter and acknowledge with [ENTER] to go to next parameter. After last
parameter program returns to the first, for you to change.
Note: If legal-for-trade memory is used and weigh data storage fails, an event
message is output (A2305: Legal-for-trade memory FULL).
If the verification plate is not made of material that is destroyed when detached, it has
to be protected by an adhesive label.
5. The EC verification stamp (the green M) is also applied.
Restart ('Reset all') loads all parameters from EEPROM memory into main
memory (RAM). In EEPROM, data (parameter values, function block
linkages) are stored fail-safe.
Operating Sequence
Before restarting system, enter Restart password (see Item 5.1). After successful
input, another menu item appears in SERVICE menu:
Reset All
6 Function Variants
Standard configurations can be activated on the DISOMAT (they are what are known
as 'function variants'). They provide all inputs and outputs including the function
process needed for carrying out typical or frequent scale jobs.
The sections below describe how to operate and set the function variants
• Filling Scale
• Discharge Scale
• Crane Scale
• Cargo Scale
• ZEUS Road Weighbridge
• Fieldbus-IO
• Disoplan
This type of function activates compatibility to the predecessor DISOMAT F.
The DISOMAT F has not provided the properties given with (N).
F1 Printing
In 1: Taring
In 2: Clear tare
In 3: Zero scale
In 4: Ackn. event (N)
Out 1:
Out 2:
Are driven by the fieldbus (N)
Out 3:
Out 4:
The analog output can be activated and parameterized:
(Via menu item '421:Parameter' with parameter password at commissioning or via DISOPLAN)
Before operating a Filling scale, make yourself familiar with the general
functioning of your DISOMAT.
The Filling scale is designed to fill material from a surge hopper into a weigh hopper.
Single and multiple fill operations are possible.
In 1: Start
Filling Scale
In 2: Stop
Out 4: ®
Out 1:
Min fill level
Out 2: F1 F4
F5 F6
Out 3: F2 F3
Discharge Contact
Load Cells
DISOMAT controls a fill unit for filling in full feed and dribble feed until setpoint is
reached. the amount fed out is checked for tolerance; if required, make-up filling takes
place. In case of overfill, an event message is output.
To start filling,
• Press F1 key, or
• Set input contact 1, or
• Set PLS-DIn-1 (set bit via fieldbus), or
• DP command (Telegramm via serial interface).
To stop filling,
• Press F2 key, or
• Set input contact 2, or
• Set PLS-DIn-2, or
• DP command.
To abort filling,
Fill parameters (Prefill value, Pre contact, Main Contact, Tolerance and Optimization)
depend on material properties.
Menu item '473:Material data' lets you store 2 parameter records (corresponding) to 2
different material properties). Parameter record is selected upon setpoint input in form
of the material number.
For details of fill parameters see item 'Parameters'.
Discharge takes place automatically. Parameter Max fill level is the criterion for start
of discharge; Parameter Min fill level, for end of discharge.
NOTE: When setting parameters, make allowance for build-ups in weigh hopper, if
Discharge commences, if
Discharging continues until parameter Min fill level is reached and Min. discharge
time has elapsed.
With the use of different parameter settings, single and multiple fill operations can be
Single Filling
With single fill operations including discharge, ensure that parameter Max fill level is
smaller than setpoint. It is useful to set Max fill level parameter to 0.
Multiple Filling
With multiple fill operations, set Max fill level parameter value right under the total
amount to be filled. Multiple fill operations are performed one after the other, if
necessary, using different setpoints. the last fill operation exceeds Max fill level value.
DISOMAT sets Output 3 to '1' (discharge).
'Start Filling'
F1 key: 'Start'
'Stop Filling'
F2 key: 'Stop'
Resume filling with F1 = Start.
'Print Sub-total'
F4 key: 'PrintBal'
'Abort Filling'
F5 key: 'Abort'
Phys. Signal Function:
In 1: PLS-DIn1 Start
In 2: PLS-DIn2 Stop
In 3: PLS-DIn3 Abort
In 4: PLS-DIn4 Ackn. event message
n/a PLS-DIn5 Print Total/Clear Balance
Phys. Signal Function:
Out 1: PLS-DOut1 Full feed
Out 2: PLS-DOut2 Dribble feed
Out 3: PLS-DOut3 Discharge Contact
Out 4: PLS-DOut4 Ready to operate (no fault)
AnalogOut n/a Depending on choice
The PLS-DIn or PLS-DOut signals are used to control the scale by computer or
fieldbus. They function at the same time as the physical inputs or outputs.
Exception: PLS-DIn5 Print Total/Clear Balance
For other regular activities, e.g. enter setpoint and string, see manual BV-H2313, Item
Drums are to be filled using a known tare weight. Drums still contain a residual
amount of material (e.g. 4 kg). To reach the defined setpoint (e.g. 50 kg), enter
known tare weight of drum in manual ('8:Enter Manual Tare') or select fixed tare
value ('7:Select Fixed Tare'), i.e. scales tares using this value. Upon start of
feeding, 46 kg are added to reach the defined setpoint (e.g. 50 kg).
Single Printout
After every fill operation, aborted or completed, system automatically performs a
single printout (weighing report). For single printout, DISOMAT uses form format 2.
Totals Printout
After one (or multiple) weighing operations, you can print total by pressing
[SHIFT]+[F3] (function key F6). System outputs the cumulative weight value of all fill
operations. Then, totals value (balance) is cleared, i.e. the totals weight of all weighing
operations performed and the number of fill operations are set to zero. For totals
printout, DISOMAT uses form format 3.
Sub-Totals Printout
[SHIFT]+[F1] (function key F4) lets you print current balance total at any time. After
one (or multiple) weighing operations, you can print sub-total using menu item
'33:Print3'. Print pattern is the same as with totals printout, however, the totals
memory is not cleared.
6.2.6 Parameters
Multiple feeding:
MaxFillWeight < Sum;
Total of all setpoints
of multiple feeding
Discharge Weight 0.0 It has to be below this weight when
Please be aware of material build-up
Optimization No Start/stop optimization (Yes/No)
No-Motion Time 20.0 The maximum time it waits for no-
motion state after feeding.
Timeout 0.0 0 sec: Tare memory is not
cleared after feeding
> 0 sec: Tare memory cleared after
input time. Restart only
possible after this time.
The Discharge scale is designed to batch material out of a weigh hopper. Single and
multiple discharge operations are possible.
In 2: Stop
In 3: Abort
Ready to Operate
Surge Hopper
In 4: Acknowledge event
Refill Contact
Out 1:
Min fill level
Out 2: F1 F4
Out 3: F2 F3
Dribble Feed Contact
Load AnalogOut
DISOMAT controls a fill unit for discharging in full feed and dribble feed until setpoint
is reached. the amount fed out is checked for tolerance; if required, make-up filling
takes place. In case of overfill, an event message is output.
To start filling,
• Press F1 key, or
• Set input contact 1, or
• Set PLS-DIn-1 (set bit via fieldbus), or
• DP command (Telegramm via serial interface).
To stop filling,
• Press F2 key, or
• Set input contact 2, or
• Set PLS-DIn-2, or
• DP command.
To abort filling,
The fill parameters (Prefill value, Pre contact, Main Contact, Tolerance and
Optimization) depend on material properties.
Menu item '473:Material data' lets you store 2 parameter records (corresponding) to 2
different material properties). Parameter record is selected upon setpoint input in form
of the material number.
For details of fill parameters see item 'Parameters'.
Dribble Feed
Weigh hopper is automatically refilled from surge hopper via a gate/valve (Output 3).
Refilling commences as soon as the amount in weigh hopper has fallen below the
value of parameter 'Min fill level' and continues until the value of parameter 'Max fill
level' is reached. Set these parameters using function block.
Refilling takes place if
Refilling continues until the value of parameter 'Max fill level' is reached. With the use
of different parameter settings, single and multiple fill operations can be realized.
Single Filling
With single fill operations, set parameters Min fill level and Max fill level to the same
value (in excess of setpoint).
Multiple Filling
With multiple fill operations, set Max fill level parameter to a value exceeding the total
amount to be discharged. Ensure that Min fill level parameter value is smaller than
'Start Filling'
F1 key: 'Start'
'Stop Filling'
F2 key: 'Stop'
Resume filling with F1 = Start.
'Print Sub-total'
F4 key: 'PrintBal'
'Abort Filling'
F5 key: 'Abort'
Phys. Signal Function:
In 1: PLS-DIn1 Start
In 2: PLS-DIn2 Stop
In 3: PLS-DIn3 Abort
In 4: PLS-DIn4 Ackn. event message
n/a PLS-DIn5 Print Total/Clear Balance
Phys. Signal Function:
Out 1: PLS-DOut1 Full feed
Out 2: PLS-DOut2 Dribble feed
Out 3: PLS-DOut3 Refill Contact
Out 4: PLS-DOut4 Ready to operate (no fault)
AnalogOut n/a Depending on choice
The PLS-DIn or PLS-DOut signals are used to control the scale by computer or
fieldbus. They function at the same time as the physical inputs or outputs.
Exception: PLS-DIn5 Print Total/Clear Balance
For other regular activities, e.g. enter setpoint and string, see manual BV-H2313, Item
Feeding starts and normally continues until feeding is complete. Before start of
feeding (F3 key) , enter or check setpoint.
You can stop feeding at any time, restart and complete, or abort it.
Every weighing operation (aborted or complete) is balanced automatically.
If feeding is complete, a weighing report is printed.
'Start' key
Net T 55.5 kg
weight already
5. If required, abort W4104:Filling
discharging. Aborted
+ 'Abort' key
6. Terminate discharging. Net T 59.0 kg Filled weight and discharging
operation are balanced and printed.
Weighing is complete.
Filled weight is displayed for a set
timeout; then, GROSS is displayed.
Next discharging operation can start
after timeout.
7. Discharge hopper. Upon discharge weighing, hopper is
refilled as soon as fill level in
storage hopper falls below the Refill
Totals Printout
After one (or multiple) weighing operations, you can print total by pressing
[SHIFT]+[F3] (function key F6). System outputs the cumulative weight value of all fill
operations. Then, totals value (balance) is cleared, i.e. the totals weight of all weighing
operations performed and the number of fill operations are set to zero. For total
printout, DISOMAT uses form format 3.
Sub-Totals Printout
[SHIFT]+[F1] (function key F4) lets you print current balance total at any time. After
one (or multiple) weighing operations, you can print sub-total using menu item
'33:Print3'. Print pattern is the same as with totals printout, however, the totals
memory is not cleared.
6.3.6 Parameters
Before operating a crane scale, make yourself familiar with the general
functioning of your DISOMAT.
'Enter string'
F2 key: 'String'
'Print sub-total'
F5 key: 'Sub-Total'
Pendant keys
You can operate your crane scale via pendant or remote control unit. Using the
pendant keys you can perform the functions "Acquire Tare', 'Clear Tare', 'Test', 'Zero
Scale' and 'Acknowledge', and print weighing reports on connected printer, if any.
Test display and set scale to zero = touch key less than 1
Phys. Signal Function:
In 1: PLS-DIn1 Set Tare / Clear Tare
In 2: n/a Set to zero / Test (short)
Ackn. Event message (long)
In 3: PLS-DIn3 Print total and clear balance
In 4: PLS-DIn4 Weigh and print
n/a PLS-DIn2 Ackn. event message
n/a PLS-DIn5 Set to zero / Test
Phys. Signal Function:
Out 1: PLS-DOut1 Slagging rope
Out 2: PLS-DOut2 Overload
Out 3: PLS-DOut3 Switching the elevated load to higher performance
Out 4: PLS-DOut4 Ready to operate (no fault)
AnalogOut n/a Depending on choice
The PLS-DIn or PLS-DOut signals are used to control the scale by computer or
fieldbus. They function at the same time as the physical inputs or outputs.
4.If need be, enter weight of 'Manual Tare Input' key or 'Fixed
packaging or shopping do. Tare' selection
pallets as manual tare
value, or select value from
list of Fixed Tare values. or
Not necessary if item 2 has
been performed.
Acquire input with key
6.4.5 Parameters
Block 'PLS-AOut'
Reference value 20 = MAX reference value Scaling the parallel output of the analog output
to the PLS analog output 1.
Block 'Analog Output'
Analog output OFF 4 - 20 mA
Before operating a cargo scale, make yourself familiar with the general
functioning of your DISOMAT.
The cargo scale is designed to weigh single unit loads. The unit loads are positioned
on scale and remain there until weighing is complete.
The weighing result can be printed, to be then automatically balanced.
'Enter String'
F2 key: 'Enter String'
Phys. Signal Function:
In 1: PLS-DIn1 Weigh and Print
In 2: PLS-DIn2 Set Tare
In 3: PLS-DIn3 Clear Tare
In 4: PLS-DIn4 Set to zero
n/a PLS-DIn5 Print Total/Clear Balance
Phys. Signal Function:
Out 1: PLS-DOut1 Weighing complete (impulse after printout)
Out 2: PLS-DOut2 Ready to operate (no fault)
Out 3: PLS-DOut3 Min-Contact releases, if scale is under Min
Out 4: PLS-DOut4 Max-Contact releases, if scale is over Max
AnalogOut n/a Depending on choice
The PLS-DIn or PLS-DOut signals are used to control the scale by computer or
fieldbus. They function at the same time as the physical inputs or outputs.
Exception: PLS-DIn5 Print Total/Clear Balance
6. Clear tare memory
• perform a mere GROSS weighing. 'Acquire Tare' and 'Clear Tare' functions
are omitted.
• key in a known hopper or pallet dead weight. Use 'Enter Tare In Manual'
function ( [F1] key) in place of 'Acquire Tare'.
• call up the known hopper or pallet dead weight from the list of stored tare
values. Use the "Select Tare from List" function ( [F3] key) in place of 'Acquire
For other regular operating activities, see manual BV-H2313, Item 4.2, i.e.
6.5.6 Parameters
Block 'Weighing'
Timeout 0.0 0 sec: Print-out without no-motion
state monitoring
1-999 sec: Waiting-time to no-motion state.
Printing option OFF 'OFF': No data output
to the data
system and no
'to data processing system': Data output to
the data
system after
'Balance': Balance
before printout
'data processing Balance
system/balance': before printout
and output
data to the
system after
Block 'PLS-AOut'
Reference value 20 = MAX reference value Scaling parallel output of the analog output to
PLS analog output 1.
The ZEUS road/rail weigh-bridge is designed to determine and record the weights of
goods unloaded from or loaded onto trucks or wagons. There are three ways of weight
6.6.2 Commissioning
If you should later have acquired the option, you must license these first over the
option management.
Proceed in accordance with the guidance in chapter 'Fct. 5d:Option
Source Gross Gross This block selects what quantity is issued at the analog
output and how it is scaled.
Some quantities and reference values are:
Source Dimension for Min/Max
'Gross': The scale's dimension
'Net': The scale's dimension
'dW/dt': The scale's dimension / h
'Fieldbus': none; the IEEE value of the PLS-AIn is
'Set value': n/a; output is set to 0
'Setpoint': The scale's dimension
'Act. value [%]': Percent of setpoint
'Act. value[Dim]': The scale's dimension
'Resid. val [%]': Percent of setpoint
'Resid. val[Dim]': The scale's dimension
'Next Setpoint': The scale's dimension
menu item.
(no password needed)
b. Settings for weighing operation
5731:Show data 5732:Clear data 5733:Print file 5734:Create data 5735:Clear mat. totals
You can reach the functions for this in the SERVICE menu via the 57:FILES
BV-H2313 GB
Road Weigh-Bridge ZEUS
- 129 -
Function Variants Road Weigh-Bridge ZEUS
1. Routine configuration
You can set the following with the 574:Configuration menu item:
• 'Vehicle prompt': This text (prompt) queries the vehicle numbers in operation.
Default: 'Vehicle no.'.
NOTE: This query is rendered invalid if the text is deleted.
• 'Check vehicle no': if you select 'Yes', the input is interpreted as the wagon
number and the check digit is checked. The presetting is 'No'.
• 'Text prompt': This text (prompt) queries the material number in operation.
Default: 'Material'.
NOTE: This query is rendered invalid if the text is deleted.
2. Sort administration
The inputs in the sort function have to be set up if the Sort Administration function is
You can use menu 573:MATERIALS FILE --> menu item 5734:Create data to make
the following inputs per sort, such as
Number 1
Possible values: numbers 1-25 as material number.
Text Sand
Potential input: any string as a sort designation.
'First Weighing'
F1 key: 'First Weighing'
'Second Weighing'
F2 key: 'Second Weighing'
Signal Phys. Function:
EDP-In1 n/a Exit signal, GREEN light (w/o weighing)
n/a In 1 Depending on wiring:
1. Zeroing after weighing, if contact is fixed (jumper).
2. Zeroing before weighing, if inductive loop is wired and
Signal Phys. Function:
PLS-DOut-1 Out 1 Exit signal, RED light
PLS-DOut-2 Out 2 Exit signal, GREEN light
PLS-DOut-3 Out 3 Entrance signal, RED light
PLS-DOut-4 Out 4 Entrance signal, GREEN light
PLS-DOut-5 Out 5 Ready to operate
n/a Analog Out Output of a value (Depending on choice)
Acknowledge input.
(*) After input of -1, system prompts for input of material name to be printed on
weigh slip (max. 12 digits), e.g.
Keep in mind memory no. of the vehicle. If not, you have to enter complete
vehicle number again at the time of second weighing.
Weigh ZEUS starts printing (remember to put new weigh slip into printer), returns to
home position and is ready to start next weighing operation.
Abort all data entered are delected. ZEUS returns to home position and is ready to
start next weighing operation.
Weight ZEUS shows the weigh on the scale briefly and returns to the selection.
Vehicle has been loaded, or unloaded. To complete weight acquisition, follow these
Display shows relevant vehicle number, for you to check.
Vehicle no. DA-RC 60
Acknowledge input.
ZEUS reports "Ready".
Continue Weigh
But note:
• If no first weighing has been performed yet, ZEUS returns to home position.
• If material number has not been entered upon first weighing, you can do it
now (see First Weighing, Identify Load).
Insert weigh slip into printer and press key to acknowledge. First/second
weighing operation is complete.
The data record for first weighing is kept as long as possible even after carrying out
second weighing.This makes it possible to repeat second weighing (for instance, if it is
overloaded). The data record is deleted if the vehicle comes to first weighing again or
if the first weighing file is full.
a. Identify Vehicle
System prompts for input of vehicle number (max. 15 digits; e.g. licence plate
number), e.g.
Vehicle no. DA-RC 60
Weight 0,0kg
Acknowledge input.
Acknowledge input.
ZEUS is ready to acquire empty weight. Display reads (known from
First/Second/Single Weighing):
Continue Weigh
You have the following options:
Feed into:
• Show data
• Clear data
• Print file
• Create data
For data processing functions, see SERVICE menu item 57:FILES. No password is
• Set printer to on-line. If not, certain outputs are buffered and printed only if
printer is reset to on-line. However, there is the danger of weigh data getting
• Vehicle exists message
The vehicle with the indicated vehicle number is in plant and has been first-
weighed. Perform second weighing or delete input in First Weighings File.
• Value > MAX message
You have entered a vehicle number outside range 1...99 or, with vehicle
stored in Fixed Tare File, out of range 100...124.
• M0710:Out of zeroing range message
Scale can be zeroed only if totally unloaded, i.e. if display does not show more
than +3%, or not less than -1% of rated capacity range.
Code Description
EW Weight from first weighing
EU Time of first weighing
ED Date of first weighing
ZW Weight from second weighing
ZU Time of second weighing
ZD Date of second weighing
KF Vehicle number
SN Material number
SO Material name
WN First weighing memory number
WE Weight difference, weighing result (first weighing minus second w
For standard format codes see chapter 'Fct. 46:PRINT FORM', item 'Fct.
462:Form formats'.
• When vehicle drives onto scale, entrance and exit are closed to traffic (RED
• If weighing is complete, exit signal turns GREEN.
• If scale is totally relieved, entrance signal also turns GREEN, and scale is
ready for next weighing operation.
A single exit signal, i.e. signal system with red light only, is controlled in the same
If a vehicle drives on scale inadvertently, exit can be released with key combination
Operating sequence can be set to "Weighing Complete" (GREEN exit signal) via EDP
DISOMAT Opus outputs can control 230V lights directly. Cables of 1.5 mm2 cross-
section per core can be connected directly.
The traffic signal thresholds are preset with 1% of full scale "(scale loaded)" and
0.01% "(scale empty)".
6.7 Fieldbus-IO
All digital and analog inputs/outputs coming from/going to fieldbus.
The output AnalogOut (function depending on choice) can be activated and
parameterized (see chapter 6.1 DISOMAT F).
7 Event Messages
The DISOMAT displays hints on operating sequence and scale information in
alternating mode, e.g.
Designed to inform you about important events, these hints require a certain reaction.
Simple cases are designed for information only, severe cases, e.g. critical faults in
operation, require to be remedied and acknowledged.
For you to be able to classify these hints, every event message is assigned to an
event class identified by a code letter.
Hints of the following event classes are displayed:
In our example, the event number is 0704; in manual BV-H2313, chapter 'Event
Messages', you find '0704:Out of Zeroing Range' complete with hints on remedy of
First remedy fault, then acknowledge event message on pendant.
Using event number, optional ID and event text, look out for fault finding hints and
remedy given in the Troubleshooting List below.
A0209:Powerfail *
A0309-nnn:Restart **) *
M0606:No No-Motion *
W1712-2:Write error Write operation into dongle 2 faulty Repeat last editing.
A1911:Measurement voltage too high Measuring channel 1 input signal Calibrate dead load.
too high
A1911:Measurement voltage too high Measuring channel 2 input signal Calibrate dead load.
too high
A2002-1:Printer error * DP10
W4004:Filling stopped *
W4104:Feeding aborted *
accuracy class 82
Acquire Tare 25
Activating Road Weighbridge (ZEUS) 125
Alarm 142
balance total 34
balance total limit 57
blocks of keys 10
calibration 73
Calling Function 17
Cargo Scale 119
character set 62
Characteristics 6
Checking Calibration 91
Clear Tare 25
Commissioning 125
Computational Range Calibration 90
Configuring Road Weighbridge (ZEUS) 128
Control Concept 14
Control Elements 7
Crane Scale 112
Data Input/Output 19
decimal sign 62
Default Passwords 40
Deleting Character 22
Deleting/Handling Event Messages 138
DeviceNet 69
dialog language 62
Discharge 98
Discharge Scale 105
DISOMAT Opus mini 8, 13
DISOMAT Overview 6
Display 8
Editing Input Field 21
Entering characters via the input block 22
Essential Operating Steps 88
Event Message Construction 141
Event Messages 10, 140
External Control Elements 14
External Keyboard 14
External Weighing 136
Fault 142
Fct. 1:Enter setpoint 28
Fct. 2:String input 28
Fct. 3:PRINT 29
Fct. 41:Password 41
Fct. 421:Parameters 62
Fct. 423:Load Variant 62
Fct. 431:National Language Support 62
Fct. 432:Interfaces 63
Fct. 4331:EDP 64
Fct. 4332:Printer 66
Fct. 4333:Secondary Display 67
Fct. 4334:Fieldbus 68
Fct. 434:Event Classes 70
Fct. 435:Calibrate Analog Output 71
Fct. 436:IP Configuration 72
Fct. 44:SCALE 75
Fct. 441:Calibration Parameters 76
Fct. 442:Special Scales 82
Fct. 443:Configure Legal-For-Trade Memory 92
Protocol 65
Remote Printer 66
Road Weigh-Bridge ZEUS 125
Safety Instructions 3
Safety Through Password Protection 39
Scale Number 64
scroll field 20
scroll mode 22
Second weighing 133
Setting Mode 39
Setting Range With Multi-Range Scale 90
Setting Using Calibration Password 73
Setting Using Configuration Password 60
Setting Using Parameter Password 43
Signal Control 138
Single Weighing 134
Standard Operating Sequence 100, 108, 116, 121, 131
transmission parameter 63
Warning 142
Weighing Using Fixed Tare Weight 136
Weight Display 8, 9
What if ... ? 141
Zero Scale 25