Design 1245678
Design 1245678
Design 1245678
To ensure both breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding, students must
choose at least one subject from five groups: 1) their best language, 2) additional lan-
guage(s), 3) social sciences, 4) experimental sciences, and 5) mathematics. Students
may choose either an arts subject from group 6, or a second subject from groups
1 to 5. At least three and not more than four subjects are taken at higher level (240
recommended teaching hours), while the remaining are taken at standard level (150
recommended teaching hours). In addition, three core elements—the extended
essay, theory of knowledge and creativity, action, service—
are compulsory and central to the philosophy of the programme.
I. Course description and aims 4. an ability to understand and express ideas confidently and crea-
The Diploma Programme design technology course aims to develop tively using a variety of communication techniques through col-
internationally minded people whose enhanced understanding of laboration with others
design and the technological world can facilitate our shared guardian- 5. a propensity to act with integrity and honesty, and take responsi-
ship of the planet and create a better world. bility for their own actions in designing technological solutions to
Inquiry and problem-solving are at the heart of the subject. DP design 6. an understanding and appreciation of cultures in terms of glob-
technology requires the use of the design cycle as a tool, which pro- al technological development, seeking and evaluating a range of
vides the methodology used to structure the inquiry and analysis of perspectives
problems, the development of feasible solutions, and the testing and 7. a willingness to approach unfamiliar situations in an informed man-
evaluation of the solution. A solution can be defined as a model, proto- ner and explore new roles, ideas and strategies to confidently artic-
type, product or system that students have developed independently. ulate and defend proposals
8. an understanding of the contribution of design and technology to
DP design technology achieves a high level of design literacy by the promotion of intellectual, physical and emotional balance and
enabling students to develop critical-thinking and design skills, which the achievement of personal and social well-being
they can apply in a practical context. While designing may take various 9. empathy, compassion and respect for the needs and feelings of
forms, it will involve the selective application of knowledge within an others in order to make a positive difference to the lives of others
ethical framework. and to the environment
10. skills that enable them to reflect on the impacts of design and tech-
Through the overarching theme of the nature of design, the aim of the nology on society and the environment in order to develop their
DP design technology course is to enable students to develop: own learning and enhance solutions to technological problems.
1. a sense of curiosity as they acquire the skills necessary for inde-
pendent and lifelong learning and action through inquiry into the
technological world around them
2. an ability to explore concepts, ideas and issues with personal, local
and global significance to acquire in-depth knowledge and under-
standing of design and technology
3. initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to identi-
fy and resolve complex social and technological problems through
reasoned ethical decision-making
About the IB: For over 40 years the IB has built a reputation for high-quality, challenging programmes of education that develop internationally
minded young people who are well prepared for the challenges of life in the 21st century and able to contribute to creating a better, more
peaceful world.
For further information on the IB Diploma Programme, and a complete list of DP subject briefs, visit:
Complete subject guides can be accessed through the IB online curriculum centre (OCC) or purchased through the IB store:
For more on how the DP prepares students for success at university, visit: or email: