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Performing Impedance Analysis With The E5061B ENA Vector Network Analyzer

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Performing Impedance Analysis

with the E5061B ENA Vector
Network Analyzer
Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3

Performing Impedance Analysis with the E5061B ........................................................................................ 4

Examining Five Commonly Used Measurement Methods ............................................................................ 6

Selecting the Best Method for Your Application ......................................................................................... 10

Ensuring Accurate Results: Calibration and More ...................................................................................... 13

Examining Real-world Examples ................................................................................................................ 20

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 24

There are often times when you need to quickly check or evaluate the DC to RF performance of
components and circuits which were previously analyzed with a dedicated impedance analyzer. The
convenience of impedance analysis capabilities built into a network analyzer would address this scenario
by providing enough dynamic range and RF performance to ensure reliability, signal integrity and EMI
performance of your system.

Whether you need to measure basic S-parameters or analyze device or circuit impedance, a vector
network analyzer (VNA) with the right mix of speed and performance will give you an edge. In R&D and
on the production line, Keysight ENA vector network analyzers provide the throughput, repeatability and
reliability you need to perform accurate, dependable tests that transform parts into competitive
components. The E5061B ENA vector network analyzer covers 5 Hz up to 3.0 GHz (Option 3L5),
addressing low-frequency (LF) and radio-frequency (RF) measurements. With the impedance analysis
capability (Option 005), the E5061B addresses a wide range of LF and RF applications.

This application note describes five common impedance analysis approaches used with impedance
analyzers and network analyzers. It also describes how and when to use the E5061B for impedance
analysis. Major topics include test ports, impedance analysis capabilities, measurement methods, and
calibration techniques. The note concludes with a variety of examples ranging from basic component
measurements (e.g., inductors and capacitors) to in-circuit impedance measurements.

Performing Impedance Analysis with the E5061B
The E5061B offers versatile network analysis capabilities from 5 Hz to 500 MHz (Option 3L3), 1.5 GHz
(Option 3L4) or 3.0 GHz (Option 3L5). Comprehensive LF measurement capabilities such as built-in 1 MΩ
inputs are seamlessly integrated with the high-performance network analyzer architecture. Core features
include S-parameter test ports (50 Ω), a gain-phase test port (switchable between 50 Ω and 1 MΩ), and a
DC bias source (up to ±40 Vdc).

Adding impedance analysis

For an E5061B configured with any of the LF-RF network analysis options—3L3, 3L4 or 3L5 (“3Lx”
collectively)—Option 005 provides impedance analysis (ZA) firmware. The combination of NA and ZA
capabilities further enhances the analyzer’s versatility as a general-purpose R&D tool.

Adding the ZA firmware enables the analyzer to measure impedance parameters of electronic
components such as capacitors, inductors, and resonators. Additional functionality includes fixture
compensation and equivalent circuit analysis. Biased impedance measurements are possible with the
built-in DC bias source provided by options 3L3, 3L4 and 3L5.

With any of the frequency options, E5061B-005 cannot match the ultimate overall performance of a
dedicated impedance analyzer. However, it does enable you to apply measurement methods, calibration
techniques, and fixturing choices that provide comparably accurate impedance measurements.

E5061B ENA vector network analyzer

As part of the ENA family, the E5061B is designed to help you drive down the cost of test. It
addresses a broad range of needs in the characterization of electronic components and circuits
in communications, aerospace, defense, computing, medical, automotive, CATV, and more.
You can configure the E5061B with a variety of S-parameter and transmission/reflection test
sets as well as options for time-domain/fault-location analysis, impedance analysis, and
wireless power transfer analysis.


Comparing the test ports
The E5061B-3Lx is equipped with two types of test ports: S-parameter and gain-phase. Let’s take a
closer look at each type.

The S-parameter test ports (Port 1 and 2) have a built-in 50-Ω test set that covers the analyzer’s full
frequency range (Figure 1). In the RF range, the E5061B provides excellent performance equal to that of
similar analyzers. The E5061B particularly excels in the LF range, providing coverage down to 5 Hz and
better dynamic range in the low-to-middle range below 10 MHz for thorough evaluation of one- and two-
port devices such as filters, amplifiers, transformers, and antennas.

Figure 1. The right side of this block diagram shows the S-parameter test ports and test set built into the E5061B-
3L5. Note the maximum frequency range is 5 Hz to 3 GHz.

The gain-phase test port has reference and test receiver inputs with the ability to switch between 50 Ω
and 1 MΩ input impedance (Figure 2). These are used to analyze the frequency response of low-
frequency devices and circuits such as op-amps and the control-loop circuits of DC-to-DC converters.

Figure 2. The left side of this block diagram shows the gain-phase ports built into the E5061B-3Lx. Note the
frequency range is 5 Hz to 30 MHz in this mode

Examining Five Commonly Used Measurement

If we step back and survey the capabilities of dedicated impedance analyzers as well as network
analyzers with ZA capability, there are five commonly used measurement methods. Impedance analyzers
typically use either the auto-balancing bridge or RF current-voltage (I-V) method. In the E5061B, the ZA
firmware supports three methods: reflection, series-through and shunt-through. The following section
describes each method and applicability to specific applications.

Taking a closer look: Impedance analyzer methods

The Keysight E4990A impedance analyzer is one an example of a low-frequency instrument (20 Hz to
120 MHz) that employs the auto-balancing bridge method. Figure 3 shows a simplified block diagram of
the bridge circuit. In this model, a negative feedback loop maintains a specific potential at the low terminal
relative to virtual ground (zero volts). This eliminates stray capacitance and enables the voltmeters, V1
and V2, to accurately measure voltage and current with excellent linearity at the device under test (DUT).
This method offers the highest accuracy across a very wide range of impedance values.

Figure 3. The auto-balancing bridge method provides outstanding basic accuracy of 0.08% across a wide range of
impedance values

In contrast, the Keysight E4991B impedance analyzer (1 MHz to 3 GHz) uses the RF I-V method
(Figure 4). The instrument architecture includes a source/receiver mainframe and a separate test-head
module that senses high-frequency voltage and current very close to the DUT. Note, however, that it
cannot cover the low-frequency range (e.g., below 1 MHz) because it uses a current-sensing transformer.

Figure 4. Although the RF I-V method is less accurate than the auto-balancing bridge, it is more accurate than the
VNA-based reflection method; it also has a wider measurement range.

Taking a closer look: Network analyzer methods
The optional ZA firmware for the E5061B supports the reflection, series-through and shunt-through
methods. In addition, the series- and shunt-through methods can be used with either the gain-phase or S-
parameter test ports. Each approach has advantages over specific frequency and impedance ranges.

Traditionally, the reflection method has been most commonly used in the middle- and high-frequency
ranges. Using the familiar scattering parameters (S-parameters) from vector network analysis, the
reflection method derives impedance values from S11 measurement data (Figure 5).

Figure 5. A simple math operation relative to S11 and the 50-Ω input impedance produces the impedance of the DUT

In terms of impedance values, the 10% accuracy range is about 1 Ω to 2 kΩ (supplemental performance
data), and this is a bit narrower than what is possible when using the RF I-V method in a dedicated
impedance analyzer. The reflection method is the better choice when lower frequency coverage is
needed, and this is made possible by the broadband S-parameter test set in the E5061B-3Lx.

The series-through method measures impedance by connecting the DUT in a “transmission series”
connection, as shown in both block diagrams in Figure 6. As noted earlier, you can use this method with
either the gain-phase or S-parameter test ports. Series-through is most effective when measuring high
impedance values: the 10% accuracy range is about 5 Ω to 20 kΩ or roughly one decade higher than the
reflection method.

Figure 6. Depending on the impedance range of interest, you may want to use the series-through method with the
gain-phase port (left) or the S-parameter port (right). As suggested by the diagrams, you cannot measure a grounded
DUT with this method.

Using the gain-phase port offers the convenience of directly connecting four-terminal pair-type component
test fixtures; its maximum frequency is 30 MHz. You can reach higher frequencies with the S-parameter
test port and your own custom test fixture. Note that the maximum measurement frequency is in the range
of 200 MHz to 300 MHz because it is difficult to fully eliminate measurement errors around the series-
through fixture at frequencies above a few hundred megahertz.

The shunt-through method measures impedance by connecting the DUT in the transmission-shunt
configuration shown in Figure 7. This is good way to characterize very low impedance values, and it is
commonly used to make measurements in the milliohm range (e.g., power integrity applications). With the
gain-phase port the 10% accuracy range spans 1 mΩ to 5 Ω, which is lower than typical impedance
analyzers can reach.

Figure 7. Similar to the reflection measurement, a simple math operation relative to S21 and the 50-Ω input
impedance produces the impedance of the DUT.

For low-impedance measurements above 30 MHz, using the shunt-through method with the S-parameter
port is the best solution. When measuring below 100 kHz, we recommend using the gain-phase port
because its unique semi-floating receiver architecture eliminates the measurement errors caused by
ground loops. 1 Figure 8 shows the respective connections to the E5061B.

Figure 8. When using the shunt-through method with the gain-phase port (left), use a power splitter between the
reference input and the DUT input. This is not necessary with the S-parameter port (right) because the analyzer has a
built-in directional bridge.

For more information about the semi-floating architecture, please see page 17 of the application note Evaluating DC-DC
Converters and PDN with the E5061B LF-RF Network Analyzer, publication 5990-5902EN.

Selecting the Best Method for Your Application
As a visual summary of the preceding section, Figure 9 provides a graphical comparison of the respective
10% accuracy ranges versus impedance and frequency for all five methods.

Figure 9. These graphs show the best frequency and impedance ranges for each of the measurement methods
specific to either the gain-phase (upper) or S-parameter (lower) test ports 1

Notes for Figure 9: The lower-right portion of the orange area (upper graph) was affected by 20 pH of residual inductance; the
lower-left portion of the red area (lower graph) was affected by use of magnetic cores to measure very low impedance at low
frequencies; the lower-right portion of the red area was affected by 20 pH of residual inductance.

Table 1 provides a summary that will help you select the best measurement method for your application.
Note the short lists of example DUTs in the right-most column.

Frequency range Impedance range Recommended port and method Example DUTs
Below 100 MHz Less than 100 mΩ Gain-phase with shunt-through up to DC-DC converters; mid- or
30 MHz; S-parameter (Port 1-2) with large-size bypass capacitors;
shunt-through above 100 kHz power distribution networks
1 Ω to 10 kΩ S-parameter (Port 1-2) with Inductors, transformers,
reflection resonators
Greater than 10 kΩ Gain-phase with series-through up Small capacitors, resonators,
to 30 MHz; S-parameter (Port 1-2) inductors and transformers
with series-through up to 300 MHz
Above 100 MHz Less than 100 mΩ S-parameter (Port 1) with shunt- Small bypass capacitors; PDNs
1 to 2 kΩ S-parameter (Port 1-2) with RF inductors and capacitors;
reflection other RF passive components
Table 1. The attributes of your application will help you determine which VNA-based method will provide the best

As a final comment, we recommend a dedicated impedance analyzer such as the E4990A and E4991B in
the following cases:

• You need very high measurement accuracy (e.g., less than 1%)
• You need to measure high impedance values (>10 kΩ) very accurately
• You need to measure devices with very high Q (X/R >100) or very low D (R/X <0.01)
• You need to measure magnetic or dielectric materials

Please see the next page “Achieve unparalleled accuracy” for more information about the E4990A and

Achieve unparalleled accuracy

Keysight’s E4990A and E4991B impedance analyzers let you see the real characteristics of
your components from milliohm to megohm. Both are available with a variety of frequency
options to meet current needs and budgets, and frequency upgrades make it easy to meet
future requirements.

The E4990A covers 20 Hz to 10, 20, 30, 50 or 120 MHz and delivers an industry-best basic
accuracy of 0.045% (typical) over a wide impedance range; it also includes a built-in 40 V DC
bias source. The E4991B covers 1 MHz to 500 MHz, 1.0 GHz or 3.0 GHz and provides basic
accuracy of 0.65% over a wide impedance range; a built-in 40 V DC bias source is available
(Option 001). The E4991B also offers materials-measurement options including analysis of
temperature characteristics (Option 007) and direct readings of permittivity and permeability
(Option 002).

Migrate to the latest capabilities

Our previous-generation network/impedance combination analyzers, carrying the HP or Agilent

brand, are widely used for component characterization. If you are looking to upgrade to the
latest capabilities, we have four recommended migration paths, three of which are based on the
E5061B with the 3 GHz frequency range and impedance analysis firmware (Options 3L5 and
005, respectively).

If you are using either the 4195A+41951A or the 4395A/96x+43961A to measure high
impedances, we recommend the E5061B configuration with the reflection method. If you need
to reach higher frequencies or are measuring low impedances, we recommend the E5061B-
3L5/005 and the gain-phase test port with the series-through method. For milliohm
measurements of large capacitors or DC-to-DC converters, consider the E5061B configuration
and the shunt-through method. Finally, we recommend the E4990A or E4991B impedance
analyzers if you are measuring high-Q/low-D devices.

Ensuring Accurate Results: Calibration and More

In network analysis and impedance analysis, we can improve measurement accuracy by removing the
systematic errors caused by the test setup: instrument, cables, connectors, fixtures, and so on. When
performing impedance analysis with a network analyzer, this error-correction or “calibration” process can
involve a variety of techniques and accessories (i.e., “cal standards”). This section starts with a brief look
at calibration in two-port network analysis, using it to provide context for error-correction as applied to the
reflection, series-through and shunt-through measurement methods.

Calibration for two-port network analysis
The series-through and shunt-through methods are based on a two-port transmission measurement. If we
use an S21 measurement configuration with 50-Ω system impedance, then we can apply VNA calibration
methods such as response-through and two-port full—short, open, load, through or “SOLT”—when
making impedance measurements.

Response-through uses characterization of a “thru” standard to eliminate magnitude and phase-shift

errors. SOLT uses a series of measurements to eliminate the bidirectional error factors—transmission
and reflection—present in the two-port measurement system (Figure 10).

Figure 10. A full two-port calibration with the SOLT method requires a cal kit containing four standards—three
impedance and one transmission—and is used to define the calibrated reference plane.

Calibration for impedance analysis
Focusing solely on impedance measurements, we can instead treat the network analyzer as a linear
measurement system (e.g., just another black box) and apply the simpler open/short/load calibration
technique (Figure 11).

Figure 11. The calibration process derives the three complex-valued coefficients A, B and C by measuring open,
short and load standards with known Z values.

The black-box model is valid if it satisfies these conditions:

• It is operating in the linear region of its response (e.g., no gain compression or distortion)
• We can distinguish the open, short and load standards with measured voltages
• The load device remains stable during the measurement process

To automate and simplify the process, the E5061B-005 impedance firmware provides an Impedance
Calibration function that can be used with all three measurement methods—reflection, series-through and

Calibrating for the reflection method
The typical approach is to calibrate the measurement plane defined at the 7 mm coaxial connectors. In
the E5061B, this uses the “port extension” (i.e., electrical length) fixture model to compensate for the
phase shift in the coax section. In addition, the open-short compensation will eliminate the effects of stray
capacitance and residual inductance around the fixture’s electrodes.

When performing the open/short/load calibration at the 7 mm connector plane, you can use either the
Impedance Calibration function or the conventional full one-port calibration function. With Impedance
Calibration, you can perform a low-loss capacitor calibration with an air capacitor (included with the
16195B cal kit) in addition to the open/short/load cal (Figure 12). This will improve the accuracy of phase,
Q or D measurements above 300 MHz by reducing the phase uncertainty of the 50-ohm load termination.

Figure 12. Combining the three techniques shown here will compensate for systematic effects out to the
measurement plane at the 7 mm connector

Calibrating series-through
With series-through and the gain-phase test port, the typical approach is to use an open/short/load
calibration at the four-port fixture (Figure 13). To enhance the accuracy of this technique, we offer 50 Ω
resistors (leaded and SMD-type) as accessories to the E5061B (Option 720).

Figure 13. This approach ensures better results when measuring small capacitors, resonators, inductor and
transformers up to 30 MHz

For measurements using the S-parameter test port above 30 MHz, the most practical method is a SOLT
calibration at the coaxial cables plus the port extension to compensate for the transmission lines on the
user-prepared test board. As an additional step, you can perform an open compensation to remove stray
capacitance at the measurement terminals (Figure 14).

Figure 14. This method provides better results when measuring small capacitors, resonators, inductors and
transformers up to 300 MHz

Calibrating shunt-through
We use the gain-phase port and the shunt-through method when measuring low impedances at low
frequencies. In this case, a simple response-through calibration is usually the best choice because it
provides sufficient accuracy in the milliohm range. This is true when measuring either the absolute value
of the impedance or the capacitance and inductance elements of complex-valued impedance.

If you need to measure impedances greater than 1 Ω, or if you are measuring phase or equivalent series
resistance (ESR) at higher frequencies, then we recommend the open/short/load calibration. This will
remove more error factors than is possible with the response-through method.

The process becomes a bit more complex when using the S-parameter test port to make measurements
into the megahertz or gigahertz range. In this situation, the best choice is a SOLT calibration at the
coaxial cables plus the port-extension procedure to compensate for fixtures and probes (Figure 15).
When using an RF probe station, perhaps when characterizing IC packages or printed-circuit boards, you
should perform a SOLT calibration at the ends of the probes using calibration standards provided by the
probe manufacturer.

Figure 15. At higher frequencies, combining SOLT and port extension provides more accurate results with the Port 1-
2 shunt-through method.

Enhancing measurement accuracy
A few more tips will help you get better results when using the E5061B network analyzer. As an overall
suggestion, it is best to set the source for moderate power levels: this helps ensure that the receivers are
operating in regions of sufficient linearity. For example, set the power level to less than 0 dBm when using
the reflection method. This will help prevent the expansion of S-parameter errors after conversion to the
impedance domain. A level of less than –10 dBm is desirable when measuring small resistance values in
reactive devices with high Q (or low D).

Specific to the series-through method, we recommend using fixtures that hold the 50 Ω load very tightly.
Examples of such fixtures include the Keysight 16047E (leaded DUTs) and the 16034E/G/H for SMD

Four more tips will improve your results with the shunt-through method. First, always inspect your cables
and connectors for damage: it can increase outer-shield resistance and offset the benefits of semi-floating
receivers and magnetic cores. Second, use good technique when probing above 10 MHz: this will ensure
that you minimize the inductive errors that may be caused by inter-probe coupling.

Tip #3: If you are performing an open/short/load calibration, enter the resistance and inductance values
from the cal kit definitions: this will avoid an excessive number of subtraction operations in the milliohm
range. You can obtain those values by measuring a short using the gain-phase shunt method with a
through calibration.

Fourth, use two-port contact to minimize the effect of contact resistance. As shown in Figure 16, contact
resistances are in series with the analyzer’s 50-Ω system impedance, which is much greater than Rc.
Consequently, Rc will have much less effect on the measurement. In addition, the residual inductances at
(a) and (b) will also have less impact on your results. At high frequencies, phase shifts at (a) and (b) will
affect your measurements. You can compensate for this in either of two ways: when using through
calibration, use a through device with length equal to (a)+(b); when using SOLT, use the port-extension

Figure 16. A two-port contact provides a variety of benefits when using the shunt-through method

Examining Real-world Examples
A few typical measurement scenarios will illustrate the benefits of the techniques presented in the
preceding sections: inductors and capacitors; a crystal resonator; DC-biased measurements; and circuit

Characterizing inductors and capacitors

For basic component measurements, the E5061B can accurately measure impedance if you choose the
most effective method and apply the recommended tips. A general set of examples includes using the
reflection method with a 100 nH inductor, the gain-phase series-through method with a 10 nF capacitor,
and the gain-phase shunt-through method with a 200 µF capacitor.

One way to assess the results is to compare E5061B measurements with those made with dedicated
impedance analyzers. In the inductor example it takes two impedance analyzers to cover the full
frequency range of the E5061B (5 Hz to 3 GHz). Figure 17 shows overlays of results obtained with the
E5061B, 4294A and E4991A (predecessors of the E4990A and E4991B, respectively). Note that
measurements from the 4294A (orange) cover 10 kHz to 100 MHz; the E4991A (purple) covers 1 MHz to
3 GHz. Clearly, there is good data agreement in the results for inductance (upper trace) and Q (lower).

Figure 17. The E5061B delivers comparable results for an inductor with moderate |Z| and Q values that are relatively
easy to measure

Applying the suggestions presented in this note, settings for the E5061B were 10 kHz to 3 GHz, –10 dBm
source level and 30 Hz IF bandwidth. Error-correction methods were open/short/load calibration plus low-
loss capacitance calibration, port extension, and open-short compensation.

Characterizing a crystal resonator

A high-Q crystal resonator provides additional insight into the process of making successful impedance
measurements with a network analyzer. Figure 18 shows magnitude (top, blue) and phase (bottom, red)
responses in a 30 kHz span centered at 14.4 MHz. The resonant and anti-resonant frequencies are
clearly visible in both traces: in the magnitude trace Fr is the notch on the left and Fa is the peak on the
right; those correspond to the zero-crossing transitions in the phase trace.

The lower-left corner of the display shows the R1, C1, L1 and C0 values computed by the equivalent circuit
analysis function in the E5061B-005: R1 is 14.4 Ω, C1 is 7.3 fF, L1 is 16.7 mH, and C0 is 2.8 pF. However,
the upper-left readout for marker 1, which is in the resonance at 14.4 MHz, shows a value of 21.3 Ω for CI
(|Z| at zero degrees phase). Unfortunately, this is higher than the known CI value for the DUT.

To accurately measure CI, it is necessary to use a slower sweep rate and increase the number of
measurement points around the resonance. Figure 19 shows a measurement made with a narrower span
around the resonance: this yields a smaller IF bandwidth, which reduces the sweep rate and provides
greater resolution in the area surrounding Fr. In this case the value for CI is 14 Ω, which is correct. One
caveat: Because the anti-resonance is not within the measurement span, the equivalent circuit model will
produce an erroneous value for C0 (in this case 2.89 pF rather than 2.77 pF).

Figure 18. Although this measurement of a high-Q crystal resonator has the expected characteristics, adjusting the
measurement settings will improve the computed equivalent circuit values.

Figure 19. Using a narrower frequency span around the resonance provides a correct value for CI

Adding a DC bias
To evaluate components under their expected operating conditions, it may be necessary to apply a bias
voltage or current and then measure the impedance. Figure 20 shows a set of measurements from a
100 nF ceramic capacitor that has a strong dependency on the applied DC voltage. These were
performed using the gain-phase series-through method and the DC bias was applied using the E5061B’s
internal DC source.

The upper trace shows the swept-frequency measurements performed using channel 1: |Z|, phase, Cs
and Rs. The lower trace shows the results of a DC-bias sweep from –10 to +10 volts DC; a 10 kHz
continuous-wave signal was also applied. In this case capacitance ranged from 70 nF at ±10 V, 94 nF at
0 V, and 104 nF at ±2.5 V.

Similarly, you can use an external power supply to inject a large DC current to bias power inductors and
ferrite beads. This also requires use of a DC current bias adapter such as the Keysight 16200B and an
external DC source to apply DC current through the adapter to the DUT.

Figure 20. Sweeping the DC bias voltage provides a clear picture of capacitance varying with voltage changes.

Adding an AC bias
The characterization of high-power components such as ultrasound resonators, ceramic actuators and
power inductors often requires the addition of an AC bias. With the E5061B, it is necessary to increase
the analyzer’s source output level using an external power amplifier. This requires use of the gain-phase
test port, the series-through method, and the 1 MΩ input impedance of the transmission and reflection

As shown in Figure 21, it is also necessary to add two user-created voltage-divider circuits to reduce the
AC levels at the inputs (maximum input level is 1.78 Vpeak with 20 dB attenuation). Finally, an external
high-power resistor (1 to 10 Ω) is also needed: Rc is used to detect the AC current flowing through the
DUT. The recommended calibration method is open/short/load; however, it is necessary to reduce the
power amplifier output to a level the 50 Ω load can tolerate.

Figure 21. Surrounding the DUT with the external elements shown here makes it possible to measure a variety of
high-power components.

Measuring in-circuit impedance
A variety of applications require in-circuit measurements of impedance: printed RFID antennas, negative-
impedance oscillator circuits and power integrity are just a few examples. When working in the megahertz
range (e.g., RFID) hand probing may be used, and the reflection method is recommended. An example
probe would consist of a semi-flexible SMA cable with a non-metal coating and the head of the Keysight
42941A impedance probe.

Characterization of a DC-to-DC converter works well with the gain-phase shunt-through method due to
the combination of low impedance and low frequency (e.g., less than 10 MHz). 1 As shown in Figure 22, it
is necessary to insert 1 mF capacitors to block DC voltages when the DUT output voltage exceeds 5 V.

Figure 22. This configuration enables accurate measurements of the output impedance of a DC-DC converter in its
“on” and “off” states.

When the E5061B is equipped to provide NA and ZA capabilities, it puts greater versatility on your R&D
bench. Although E5061B-005 cannot match the ultimate overall performance of a dedicated impedance
analyzer, it does enable you to apply measurement methods, calibration techniques, and fixturing choices
that provide comparably accurate impedance measurements.

Every Keysight VNA is the ultimate expression of our expertise in linear and nonlinear device
characterization. To learn more, please visit www.keysight.com/find/VNA.

For more information, refer again to the Evaluating DC-to-DC Converters application note (5990-5902EN).

Keysight enables innovators to push the boundaries of engineering by quickly solving

design, emulation, and test challenges to create the best product experiences. Start your
innovation journey at www.keysight.com.

This information is subject to change without notice. © Keysight Technologies, 2017 – 2024,
Published in USA, January 31, 2024, 5991-0231EN

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