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C. Loading Analysis

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1 Self Weight
Ultimate load factor KMS = 1.2
Self Weight is weight of material and parts of the box which is structural elements, coupled
with non - structural element which is supported and permanently exists.
Self weight of the box is considered as 1 m width that perpendicular to drawing plane
Self weight of upper plate QMS = t1 * wc
= 10 kN/m
PMS = H * t2 * wc
= 24 kN

2 Super Imposed Dead Load

Ultimate load factor KMA = 1.2
a) Base Course = tBC * wBC
= 11.11 kN/m
b) Bituminous Layer = (tb+tw)*wa
= 2.20 kN/m

Super Imposed Dead Load QMA = 13.31 kN/m

3.1 Lane Load "D" (TD)
Ultimate load factor KTD = 1.6
TD consists of uniformly distributed load; UDL, and knife edge load; KEL

UDL has intensity q (kpa) which depends on the traffic loaded total length. The formulas can
be stated as follows :
q = 8.0 kPa for L ≤ 30 m
q = 8.0 * (0.5 + 15/L) kPa for L > 30 m

Table 1. Intensity of UDL

for example, the box's length L = 4.3 M;
q = 8.0 kPa
KEL has intensity p = 34.40 kN/m
Dynamic Load Allowance of KEL would be taken as;
DLA = 0.4 ; for L  50 m
DLA = 0.4 - 0.0025*(L - 50) ; for range 50 m < L < 90 m
DLA = 0.3 ; for L  90 m

Tabel 2. Faktor Beban Dinamis (DLA)

for example, the box's length L = 4.3 m

Live load on the plate DLA = 0.4 kPa
Distributed Live Load QTD = 8.0 kN/m
PTD = (1 + DLA) * p
= 48.16 kN

3.2 Truck Load "T" (TT)

Ultimate load factor KTT = 1.6
Truck load (double wheel) T = 100 kN
Dynamic Load Factor DLA = 0.40 kPa
PTT = (1 + DLA) * T
= 140.00 kN
truck load is analyzed as point load

From the above two loadings, then which is dominant will be input to modelling
due to load "D" MTD = 1/8 * QTD * L2 + 1/4 PTD * L
= 70.26 kNm
due to load "T" MTT = 1/8 QTT * L
149.80 kNm --> MTT is dominant, input to Modelling

Ultimate load factor KTB = 1.6
The effect of acceleration and decceleration of the traffic are reviewed as force in the long
direction of the box culvert and assumed to be applied on road's surface
The value of brake force is calculated at 5% of the load "D" without dynamic load factor
Brake force per m of width; TTB = 5% * ( q * L + p )
= 4.13 kN


Ultimate load factor KTA = 1.2
At the part the soil which is subjected to traffic, it should be taken considered as additional load
which is equal to soil load as thick as
t = 0.60 m (eqivalently distributed vehicle load
at that part of the soil)
in f, and cohesion c with ; ws' = ws
= tan (Kf * tan f)
-1 R
with reduction factor for f' Kf R
= 0.7
c' = KcR * c
dng faktor reduksi untuk c' KcR = 1.00
2 0
koefisien tekanan tanah aktif ka = tan (45 -f'/2)
weight of compacted soil ws = 22.22 kN/m
repose angle f = 22 0
cohesion c' = - kPa
reduction factor for Kf = 0.70
repose angle
f' = tan (Kf * tan f)
-1 R

= 15.79 0
coefficient of active ka = tan2(450-f'/2)
soil pressure
= 0.57
soil pressure load to wall; QTA1 = 0.60*ws*ka
= 7.63 kN/m
QTA2 = QTA1+H*ws*ka
= 48.31 kN/m

Ultimate load factor KEW = 1.2
Additional wind force to horizontal direction at the upper plate due to the wind that blows vehicles
Formula to define the wind force TEW = 0.0012*CW*VW
CW = 1.20
Wind velocity VW = 35 m/s
Additional wind force TEW = 1.76 kN/m
It is assumed that the vertical plane blown by the wind is side plane of vehicle which height is 2.0 m
on the upper plate h = 2.75 m
distance between wheels x = 1.75 m
The load due to transferred wind
QEW = 1/2*(h/x)*TEW
load :
= 1.39 kN/m


The quake load design is calculated by equation :
TEQ = Kh*I*Wt
with Kh = C*S

TEQ = Total base shear energy at he considered direction

Kh = horizontal quake load cofficient
Wt = total weight of structure i.e self weight and super imposed dead load
C = coefficient of earthquake for quake zone, vibration time, and earth condition
S = factor of structural type relates with energy absorption

T = 2*p*[Wt/(g*Kp)]
g = 9.8 m/s
Kp = structure's stiffness
assumptions taken for oecusse are
soil condition : medium
quake zone : 5 C = 0.16
for structure which reinforced concrete as plastic hinge --> factor of structure's type
S = 1.0*F --> F = 1.25-0.025*n, while F must be put >1

F = framing factor
n = number of plastic hinge that resist deformation from lateral direction

let decide that the double barrel of box culvert has 3 plastic hinges, then F will be:
F = 1.25-0.025*3
= 1.175
S = 1.175
Coefficient of Kh = 0.188
horizontal quake load
For a bridge which support more than 2000 vehicles/day, a bridge at highway or artery, and
a bridge as alternative route, the necessity factor I will be taken 1,0
Then the force of quake TEQ = Kh*I*Wt
will be
= 0.188 x Wt
Inertia force due to quake distributed at the joints between upper plate and wall.
Wt = 1/2*(QMS + QMA)*L + 1/2*PMS
62.12 kN
TEQ = 11.68 kN

The quake force to lateral direction due to dynamic soil pressure is measured with dynamic
soil pressure coefficient (DKaG) as follows
q = tan (Kh)
= cos (f' - q)/[cos q {1+(sin f' * sin(f' - q))/cos q}]
2 2
DKaG = KaG - Ka
Dynamic Soil Pressure p = HW*ws*DKaG kN/m
H = 3.2 m
Kh = 0.1880
f' = 15.79 0 --> 1 rad = 57.2958 0

= 0.28 rad
Ka = 0.57
ws = 22.22 kN/m
q = 0.1998
cos2(f' - q) = 0.9943
[cos2 q {1+(sin f' * sin(f' - q))/cos q}] = 1.1013
KaG = 0.9028
DKaG = 0.3306
Lateral quake load QEQ = 23.51 kN/m

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