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KTH 2023studiothemes

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Studio Catalogue Fall 2023. YR 4/5 School of Architecture KTH Royal Institute of Technology Please note: Next studio selection will be in the spring term's first week, January 2024 Course codes for the Studio projects fall 2023: YR 4: Autumn A42A13 + A42B13 Spring A42C14 + A42014 YR 5: Autumn and Spring AS2A18 + A52813 This Mkt of the Catalogue, published 26 August 2023, Studios Fall 2023 Applied Architecture wn 2 Architecture and Place............ 4 Fundamentals ........ 6 Housing wrsen 10 How Should We Live ~ Together? sn 12 Made of Stone ovine 14 Northern Grounds wn... 16 Offshore 18 Out of Practice wn. 20 RE- 22 Stockholm Mania... 24 Applied Architecture Teachers: Mats Fahlander, Tobias Nissen Studio home Architecture distinguishes isl from othr art forms in that the lecipine is atfected to higher degroe by limitations which the architect cannot contro: Besides tha simple fact thet a buling ‘cannot be realized without a clentvnvestor there are social conventions, topagraphic, functional and technical factors we must take into account. One ofthe skils necessary to succeed a an architect i thus the abilty to react toa given framework ina creative and intligent manner. Instead of perceiving limitations a9 unwelcome obstacles we woud ke to weleome them as akind of resistance which can relate creative forces. The tasks we will work on are characterized by clearly defined contexts. By making the project brits quite simple we want to foe the students fom time consuming analytical wok and engage them instead to ive into the design process fom the tat, using the design process ise as an analytical too. ‘Accntral theme will be the elatonship between construction and architectural expression. In order to focus on the connection between these categories we wil colaborate with structural engineers who wil pavticipate in the studio work as lecturers, superiors and cris. ‘Studio methodology “The path lading upto an architectural projct ie most often more chaotic and oss linear than ane would ike it tobe from an academic Point of vw. At the same tine every student is supposed to develop ha/her owa working method. Hence we donot consider Ito be the teachers task to teach a working method. We would rather see ureeives as intelocutors confronting the students with insights resulting from our own experence and encourage them to make thet ‘wn choices ~ in agroement wih the tach or by rebuting the teacher's point of view. The stating point or the generating idea fora project can be highly personal and can in general not be judged a8 Fight or wrong. An idea is in that sense not discussable within the framework of architectural education, Our discussions wil instead revolve around the pracess of translating an idea into architecture with the architect's tools, sketches, models, horizontal and vertical Projections Mate Fahlander IMF studied architecture at KTH and HDK in Berlin, His office, Fahlandor Akteter i located in Stoctholm. Besides his architectural practice he has been working as ‘teacher in diferent terms at KKH and KTH. vwovwsmatetahlander.com Tobias Nissen fice Vera Aritekter. Project 1 ‘Amal hot! in an urban content in Saidormalm (Cental Stockholm) ‘The project wil tart with a shar introductory task consiating of a documentation (drawing typical floorplans and strost facades) of 2 number of Stockholm hotels in comparable uiban situations. Range of representation scale: 1:500~ 1:20 ‘Architectural themes: Relating to ahistorical context, grammar ofthe iy, publefprvato ‘Seminasllectures: Bung inthe block structure ofthe 19th contuy ety. Project 2 The project wil ciclo around the work ofthe Swadish architects (and brothers) Erk Ahisén and Tore Ahlsén. In the fst phase ofthe projoct, you wil travel to diferent Ahlsén buildings (in Sweden) in order measure and document a couple of interior spaces. The result ofthis survey wil be detaled plans and sections which are planned to be integrated in a book about the Ahan brother, an ongoing project financed by private foundations. The second part ofthe task willbe to ‘make a proposal fr an alteration o¢ addon in one of the documented interiors Range of representation scales: 1:20 -1:1 Architectural themes: relating toa historicalthematic contr, use of color asa dosign tol, architecture a a creator of atmosphere uals. ‘Sominarslloctues: Lecture by Johan Om on Erk and Tore Atisén, lecturefseminar about antiquarian aepects in maintenance and ‘modernization of post war architecture. TN earned his masters dogroe atthe ETH Lausanne. He has beon working on and of a2. teacher inthe undergraduate and graduate programs at KTH since 2000, TN isa cofounder of the Stockholm based Architecture and Place Teachers: Fredrik Stenberg, Per Franson Studio Theme: “What, then, do we mean withthe word place"? Obviously, we ‘mean something more than abstract location. We moan a totality ‘made up of concrete things having material substance, shape, terture and color. Together these things determine an “environmental charactor; which is the essence of place” Christian Norberg Schult: "Genius Loc, Towards a phenomenology of architecture’ (1980) [tn the help of two ferent locations in the Stockholm region and two very real projects our ambition isto exercise our sense of pace as architects The notion of place in architecture is a old asthe profession itself. Inthe past sunival depended on a "good" relationship tothe place ina physical as wel asa psychic sense. Being able to analyze and understand the context of your project wal be kay. Site visits, working models and immersive large-scale models willbe a fundamental part of his journey. During the spring semester we wil collaborate with Studio ‘Stockholm mania and continue our investigations. Frock Stonborg FS isan architect based in Stockholm. He has worked asa lecturer at KTH since 2016. He is one ofthe founding members inthe collective Uglycute and participated inthe ‘At and Architecture Biennale (2008 and 2010) in Voice, and are represented inthe collections of Moderna museet Per Franson practice, Project 1 Marine Research fed sation at Dur, armas in Collaborations with KTH Robotics and Viem6kommun TH Robotics need to conduct fil based research on the Batic ‘Sea and its coastal landscape in close by, simple and sustainable way. At Djur, we will develop a versatile platform for novation in the archipelago environment - a place that researchers can use to develop new colutions fora sustainable Batic Sea. With relatively simple etfs, major improvements can be made in terms of accessibility and usabilty. We noed to provide accessibility to the walter, a patform for being on the water and a heated for work during winter. Through site vis, lectures and tutoring you wil create a small Marine Research Lab on Dur. Project 2 ‘A Community of Small Cabins in Norrbyskogen, Haninge ln collaboration with KTH engineering and Management students ‘You wil ona specif site create a smal structure for ling, Within the Studo we wil ceate a network of habitable spaces and propose new community n Nowtbyskogen, We wil work wth KTH Construction engineering students as wall as Projoct Management| ‘Students in a series of Workshops. ‘What re the quate ofa speci site? How can we use these quale 19 connect othe ses context and exeate a sonse of place. Trough site vist, loctures and tutoring you wil create a small house in anatural sting. Architect, educator wih over 20 years of ‘experienoe of having his own architectural Fundamentals Teachers: Carolina Wikstrém, Konrad Krupinski, Leif Brodersen Stu Theme: “Tho studio wil throughout the year explore clifrent aspects of architectural experionce. Tho focus wil boon the fundamentals of rhitacture; ight, cal, proportion, mass/oid, gomet ‘te. Inveatgatons wil be made on the precios and eansitve use of those basic elements together with the organization of space and program. Envionmental sustainably, with a special interest in wooden constructions, and socal inclusion willbe adds special In project 1 (2022) geometrical and irogular forme and patterns {generators for architectural space will nay be analyzed in selected architectural masterpieces ~ that later willbe altered. In project 2 (2022) space and dayightin an urban dense conten, will be researched in order to design a smal art space for contemporary sculpture in Stockholm. Inthe spring the stuco wil study diferent attic interdiscplinary tools and methods rst he relation to dance and choreography and later between filmmaking and architecture. n project 3 (2023) 2 ‘dance school willbe designed inthe suburb Vrberg, while project 4 (2023) wil loam trom the Japanese content examining diversity, ‘metabolism and other conceptions of space and time and result ina {im studio residence in Tokyo “Teaching Methodology This studio investigates diferont experinces of architecture and conceptions of space in elation tothe synthesizing desig process. Basi architectural concepts are explored through a methodology wherein students and teachers collaborate in a kind of research-by- esign structure. The students define and formulat their own projects from a given topic and self program ther projec to reflect ‘on the problems and possibilities described in the analysis and

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