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What Is Value Chain Analysis

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What is value chain analysis?

case of livestock
Michel Dione
Senior Scientist, Animal Health
Herd Health Team - Animal and Human Health Program
International Livestock Research Institute
Second Meeting of the Standing Group of Experts on African Swine Fever
(GPE ASF) for Africa: 21 - 22 September 2022 : Online (virtual)
Link between value chain and demand in
livestock products
• Livestock contributes to the livelihoods and food security of
about 1 billion people around the world, particularly the rural
poor in developing countries.
• Livestock accounts for more than 30% of the agricultural GDP of
developing countries and for between 2 and more than 33 per
cent of household income.
• There is increased demand for edible livestock products, has a
result of increased growth in domestic consumption and exports
• With the right approach, supplying this growing demand can be
a pathway out of poverty, especially for small-scale livestock
keepers, provided that they are organized and have access to
the necessary inputs, services and finance
What is a Value Chain (VC)

A VC is the pathway of processes that a

product follows as it moves from the primary
producer to the final consumer.

In principle at least, value is added at each

stage of the chain, hence the term “value
chain” (IFAD).
Characteristics of a VC

• A thriving livestock VC supports other agricultural

VCs, as it “pulls” demand from the small-scale crop
producers who grow fodder crops or supply crop
residues to livestock producers

• VCs are “meso-level” structures in that they fall

between the macro-level of the economy and the
microlevel of individual livestock producers

• Livestock VCs can be short and quite simple or they

can be quite long and complex
Value chain map

• A VC map is a simplified representation of a

complex and dynamic reality

• The inputs and services that go into each

step of the VC, and the enabling
environment that affects the VC, cannot
easily be shown on a VC map but are vitally
What are the components of a
Value chain map
• Actors (producers, collectors/traders, consumers)
• Inputs and services (feed, veterinary drugs and
services, extension advice, market information and
• Enabling environment
➢ the institutional, policy, legal and business
environment – access to grazing land, licensing
restrictions on para-veterinarians, etc.
➢ cultural, social, religious and gender-based
systems and practices – control of cash from
animal products, etc.
➢ rural infrastructure – delineated stock routes,
watering holes, etc.
Generic livestock value chain map

FAO. 2011. A value chain approach to animal diseases risk management – Technical foundations and practical framework for field
application. Animal Production and Health Guidelines. No. 4. Rome.
Characteristics of an inclusive and
pro-poor value chains

• They seek to upgrade and improve the efficiency of

VCs primarily to benefit target groups – small-scale
livestock keepers and the rural poor.

• Through successful VC projects, these target groups

become more dynamic actors in the VC and benefit
from: higher income levels, more stable income
streams throughout the year and greater resilience
to shocks induced by weather, disease or market
How to upgrade a value chain?
Upgrading should be in response to a clearly identified
market opportunity that promises a positive return on
Product and process upgrading: aims at “doing things better
and/or bigger” and includes enhancing the efficiency of production
processes and the quality of products to comply with buyers’
For example, a poultry keeper may use improved feed formulation
and vaccinate her birds to produce more eggs per bird.
A dairy farmer can avoid adulteration practices or can chill milk
immediately after milking to produce a higher-grade product.
These interventions focus on the production stage.
How to upgrade a value chain?

Functional upgrading : involves producing new goods

or services either upstream or downstream in the VC.
Examples of upstream interventions include livestock
keepers producing high-quality lucerne as fodder for
their animals or for sale.

Downstream, farmers may make yogurt from the raw

milk. Another form of functional upgrading occurs
when farmers involved in a VC enter another closely
related one, such as when egg producers expand their
activities to produce broilers
How to upgrade a value chain?

Upgrading of coordination and business

models: often implies helping to formalize
and make more transparent (through contracts)
both the horizontal relationships among
livestock farmers in the same VC segment, such
as among the different groups of dairy farmers
who sell to a single cooperative, and the
vertical relationships between actors in
different VC segments, such as between dairy
farmers and a milk processor.
A step-by-step approach to value chain
Step 1: Preliminary assessment of livestock systems
 Develop a shortlist of priority subsectors (cattle, poultry,
goats, etc.) and commodities (meat, milk, eggs, fibre,
etc.) for VC analysis
 Assess the conditions under which each VC operates
 Identify how rural communities could participate in each
VC, focusing on the opportunities and constraints for
women, women-headed households and landless people.
 overview of the livestock sector/subsector(s), including
the production system and productivity,
 Characterization, structure and size of livestock holdings
on smallholder farms and in rural households
A step-by-step approach to value chain
Step 2: Analysis of target groups
➢ The target population’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats (Infrastructure, human
capital, social capital, access to finance, inputs, etc…)
➢ The target population’s aspirations (livestock as a
productive asset versus as a sign of wealth or prestige,
risk reduction, better productivity or markets, job
➢ Assessment of the nutrition/food security status of the
community will help determine how important a
criterion this consumption should be in VC selection,
taking into account alternative means of addressing
nutrition/food security, such as crops or non-farm
A step-by-step approach to value chain
Step 3: Preliminary market assessment

 Market requirements in terms of quality, quantity,

pricing, timing and marketing points
 Core market actors and their roles in getting the
product from farms to customers
A step-by-step approach to value chain
Step 4: Selection of value chains for analysis
➢ VC growth potential
➢ Inclusiveness
➢ Complementarity/competition with existing or potential
alternative VCs/livelihood activities
➢ Environment, natural resources, climate resilience
➢ Regulatory, policy and business environment
➢ Nutrition
A step-by-step approach to value chain
Step 5: Value chain analysis
Step 5.1: End-market analysis
Step 5.2: Value chain map, marketing channels and
points of leverage
Step 5.3: Production
Livestock producers
Step 5.5: Processing
Step 5.6: Distribution
Importers, retailers and wholesalers.
A step-by-step approach to value chain
Step 6: Inputs, services and systemic issues
Step 6.1: Inputs
Input and equipment suppliers
Step 6.2: Services
Livestock service providers.
Step 6.3: Finance
Financial service providers.
Step 6.4: Enabling environment
Step 6.5: Governance
Livestock keepers’ organizations
National associations.
A step-by-step approach to value chain
Step 7: Strategic analysis and recommendations
Step 7.1: Partnerships
Step 7.2: Policy advocacy

Step 8: Validation of the value chain analysis and

development of a stakeholder vision
Step 9: Finalization of project activities and partner
Step 10: Monitoring and evaluation
Value chain analysis and disease control :
case of African swine fever in Uganda

The purpose of applying the combination of value

chain and risk analyses is to address the problem
of disease risk and contribute to disease control

Therefore, the value chain analysis needs to

focus specifically on elements that either
increase disease risk or that are critical in
disease risk management, thus avoiding the need
for a complete value chain analysis;

The best way to achieve this is to ensure that

veterinary epidemiologists and social scientists
work together throughout the process at all
FAO. 2011. A value chain approach to animal diseases risk management – Technical
foundations and practical framework for field application. Animal Production and
Health Guidelines. No. 4. Rome.
The Small Holder Pig Value Chain in Uganda

Pig Collection/
Production Transporting Slaughtering Processing Wholesaling Retailing Consumption

Feeds traders Breeders Traders (live Traders (live Slaughter slabs Backyard Pork traders Supermarkets Individual
(shops/millers) pigs) pigs) slaughters households

Fatteners Backyard Pork joints

Veterinary Brokers Transporters Slaughter slabs Backyard Butchers
supplies (shops) slaughters
Breeders (piglet Wambizzi Restaurants
producers) abbatoir
Processors, e.g.
Fresh Cuts,
Village breeding Farmers’ Choice

Private and
and paravets

Research organisations (NALIRRI, Universities and IARCs)

Development projects (Government and non-government)

Financial service providers (MFIs))

NGOs (VEDCO, etc)

NAGRC Extension (NAADS, AHSP) Vets/paravets (inspection) Ministry of health (Public health dept)

Dept of animal production (National and local governments - policies) Dept of animal production
Interconnectedness of the VC nodes

suppliers Transporters

Pig & pork

Consumers Complexity of
the value chain

Value Chain Assessment the team

Multidisciplinary –fuller
understanding of value chain
– Animal Nutritionist
– Animal health/epidemiologist
– Agricultural Economist
– Public health – food safety aspects
– Communications staff
– Livestock geneticist
–Gender scientist
Key constraints along the pig value
chains in Uganda
▪ Expensive, and of poor quality feeds (adulterated)
Inputs and services ▪ Weak implementation of quality assurance systems
▪ High disease burden – especially ASF, ecto and endo parasites
▪ Low bargaining power (farmers operate individually)/pig weight estimation
Production ▪ Lack of capacity on low cost locally prepared feed rations
▪ High transaction costs (especially transport),
▪ Poor biosecurity measures resulting in disease spread
Collection/bulking ▪ Poor handling of pigs during transportation – affects pork quality

▪ Lack of designated areas for centralised slaughtering/ no meat inspection

▪ Poor waste management
▪ Few formal processors despite high demand for pork/pork products
▪ Low supply of quality pigs
▪ Lack of prerequisites for pork storage (lack of cold chain)
▪ Poor pork handling and hygiene practices
▪ Lack of awareness on pork zoonoses
▪ Evidence for presence of pathogens causing zoonotic diseases
Value chain actors' practices in the
spread of ASF

Poor reporting of outbreaks

Poor disinfection material
Use of expired drugs
Poor quality vet services
Free range Poor quality of feeds
No restricted access at farm
Trade of sick pigs
Mixing of sick with healthy pigs
Farm tools sharing
Poor hygiene at farm Don’t use Movement Permit
Lack of capacity to identify sick Trade of sick pigs Purchase of pigs
pigs from outbreaks areas
Use of communal village boar Mixing of sick and healthy pigs
Poor cleaning and disinfection of
Lack of capacity to identify sick pigs
Poor knowledge of farmers about
Slaughter of sick pigs
Sale meat from sick pigs
Absence of inspection
Lack of reporting of outbreaks
Poor food waste
Poor disposal of offal
Poor self-hygiene during meat
Poor knowledge of
Presence of stray dogs
Dogs and cats
Participatory risk assessment of ASF along
the pig value chain
Value chain
overall score Rank Value chain actors (ranking)
of FGDs

Boar service (1); Para-vetenarians and

Input supply and Village vetenarians (2); Feed suppliers
4.9 5
services (3); Drug stockists (4); Private and
Government veterinarians (5)
Pig Production 5.2 4 Piglet producers (1); Growers (2)

Live pig collectors (1); Brokers (2);

Pig trading 6.8 1
Transporters (3)

Backyard slaughters (1.); Slaughter slabs

Slaughtering 5.5 2
(2); Wambizzi abattoir (3)

Retailing 5.4 3 Butchers (1); Supermarkets (2)

Individual households (1); Pork joints (1);

Consumption 3.7 6
Restaurants (2)
Ex-ante assessment of pig biosecurity

Pig value chain actors

Scenario Producers Butchers Traders Collectors Wholesalers

ASF biosecurity Vs baseline -6.2 8.1 10.3 8.6 8.0
Pig business hub Vs baseline 11.3 5.3 8.8 7.3 4.0
Combined ASF biosecurity and
pig business hub 6.5 13.1 21.2 17.4 10.4
Gender issues
What did we do to upgrade
the value chain to improve
performance and reduce
risk to African swine fever
Capacity building of farmers on improved
husbandry and biosecurity practices

• 960 farmers involved in the study

• Improved knowledge of pig farmers on biosecurity

• Reduced outbreaks in some areas following training

• Farmers are willing to take preventive action as they

have observed the positive outcomes.

Improvement of
farmer’s business
performance and
enforcement of disease
control regulations
Capacity building of butchers on
appropriate pork slaughter and pork
• Participatory training for butchers (47) has
enhanced hygiene, carcass handling and
biosecurity practices in Mukono

• Improved knowledge on good hygiene and

sanitation, personal hygiene, and
management of sick pigs and “abnormal

• Some butchers have reported an increase Meat inspection and

hygiene regulations
in sales of pork as a result of adoption of are instrumental to
sustain outcomes
best practices
Capacity building of farmers on
improved feeding
• Developed training materials
– A training manual (English & Luganda) and a
brochure on how to make silage
– Brochure on feeding pigs on supplemented
– Extension brief on local formulated rations
• Trainings on sweetpotato silage
making and feed rations
– Extension staff of local governments (
Masaka& Kamuli), MUZARDI, NALIRRI
– Smallholder farmers (280 youth, 1,458 female
and 402 male) trained
– Two silage open days held in Kamuli and
– Two sweetpotato silage business centers
opened in Masaka and Kamuli
Improving business performance
Improving enabling environment

• National Feeds policy in place to

promote animal production and
productivity but lacks a legal framework
for implementation.

• Feed Bill drafted but not enacted

• Meat policy in place but lacks

articulation and implementation of pork
quality assurance and standards

• Issues on transport of animals and heat

The Small Holder Pig Value Chain
Development Project (SPVCD) Research
Team in Uganda led by Dr Emily Ouma at
the International Livestock Research

IFAD Manual
How to do livestock
value chain analysis
and project

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