1 - Companion Notes For Lecture 1 - Fall2022
1 - Companion Notes For Lecture 1 - Fall2022
1 - Companion Notes For Lecture 1 - Fall2022
Note 1: Below are the Companion Notes for lecture 1, which you are kindly expected to be familiar
with. Feel free to let me and my assistants (whose emails are below) know should you notice any
errors or inconsistencies.
Note 2: Please feel free to contact Furkan Bey (furkanusak@hotmail.com) should you have any
Note 3: The Dictionary of Law (pdf version available on Moodle) has been used for definition
of legal terms in English.
Students who are currently taking this course and who are at present in their first year in the
Departments of Economics, Political Science and International Relations, and Management
will not yet at this stage of their academic studies have acquired the particular perspective
and outlook on life that will be shaped by their specific chosen disciplines. Towards the end
of their studies, the readings that they will have done, the lectures and seminars they will
have attended and the essays that they will have written will have gradually shaped their way
of thinking and reasoning.
Precision, accuracy and attention to the smallest detail are among important skills that a
lawyer must have. However, as explained by a former lawyer in the article below (of which an
excerpt is provided here) these habits might take a toll on a lawyer’s private life (Please read
this article carefully for which are responsible).
That is to say, in the legal profession a negative mindset is correlated with success. I
don’t believe that a negative mindset is in fact necessary or helpful in a legal career,
but it nonetheless runs rampant in the legal profession and doesn’t seem to actually
prevent success in the legal sector.
But while negativity may not prevent success, it certainly has a lot of downsides –
harm to enterprise and personal relationships being just two of them.
I can literally remember the realisation that I now saw the world very differently from
before my legal training. I was a logic machine. It felt powerful and exciting.
On a conscious level, I was now far more rational and meticulous. At a neurological
level, my brain had rewired certain key thinking pathways. I was now rewired.
And guess what? The negative mindset cannot be constrained to just your legal
studies or the hours of the day when you are practising the law. It tends to seep into
every aspect of how you see the world and how to you relate to other people, to
hobbies, current affairs, personal relationships and even how far you are able to enjoy
films and TV.
Into practice (instructor: practice in this context refers to the professional life; the
carrying on of a profession; example: “He has been in practice for twenty years”; in
Turkish: meslek)
The neural rewiring doesn’t just end at law school. There are other occupations that
also require mental training in logic, such as medicine, engineering and computer
science, but they don’t tend to lead those in those professions to have the same
strong preference for negative thinking throughout their working lives that we tend to
see in law.
What lawyers get on top of that powerful grounding in logic at law school is then an
extra-strong dose of negativity in our final stages of training and in our legal practice.
We are trained to focus on everything that could go wrong. Absolutely everything.
And then to be concerned with how to either guard against it or at least do our best
to protect our clients from the consequences of whatever may go wrong.
Employment contracts (instructor: in Turkish: iş sözleşmesi) and staff policies are not
really there for the vast majority of employees – certainly not the decent ones. (After
all, when did you last read your contract or staff handbook?) No, they are there
almost entirely for the small minority of cases where the employment relationship
goes south (instructor: in informal US English: to decline, deteriorate, fail ) and people
need pulling back in line, or worse.
The Trap
Some lawyers are able to avoid the negativity trap and I salute them. I’m not sure
how they do it, but it seems to often come from already having a clear and positive
view of the good that that there is in the world, and how they wish to live according
to that, before they start their legal training.
But for the majority of lawyers, I see the negativity trap having its malign effect
everywhere. The tendency to have a gloomy, cynical view of life, seeing all the flaws
and risks around us, tends to throttle innovation and enterprise. Have you ever
wondered why the legal profession tends to be so old-fashioned and resistant to
change and new ideas?
It also produces poor leaders and people managers. It results in poor client
relationships. And it can often harm personal relationships. (Show me one person
who says that being married to a lawyer means a life of easy-going fun and relaxed
appreciation of the simple things in life, and I’ll show you 100 who feel the opposite!)
At its worst, it can result in poor mental health.
So what to do?
I am not suggesting that lawyers need to become frivolous, carefree or blindly
optimistic, because that wouldn’t work either (although a dash of this at the weekends
would be no bad thing).
Rather, my experience is that lawyers can become more successful, happier and more
fulfilled in all aspects of life if they learn to spot their negative thought patterns and
learn to be able to switch to a more positive mindset as their default setting.
Those who see the world – and their legal work - as a place of opportunity, fun,
innovation and enjoyment are going to have such a pleasanter life. They are also
likely to positively influence those around them, which the legal sector badly needs.
As you’ve guessed, helping lawyers to find and dial up their positivity and to
recognise how to avoid the negativity trap is a significant part of my coaching work in
the legal sector. If any of this resonates with you, I’d love to have a chat.”
The second point is to understand which rules apply to this scenario. Skilled lawyers
remember thousands of points of law, but finding relevant laws can also require
extensive research. There is an interplay between determining the relevant rules and
identifying the issue. Different rules require attention to different aspects of a
situation, so the issue may appear very different depending on the rule.
Once you understand the relevant rules, you analyze to determine whether the rule
was violated. That analysis leads you to the conclusion.
Implicit in this way of thinking is that the rules are known, stable, and reliable. As we’ll
see, in science, the challenge is to learn what the rules (of nature) are. In engineering,
the challenge is to create the rules (or structures) that define a system.
While much of law is about following or interpreting existing rules, lawyers are also
involved in designing contracts, which creates rules. Government legislatures design
the overarching rules for that territory. This aspect of law is similar to engineering.
These laws are social constructs, unlike the law of gravity. Crafting rules guide
behaviors, ideally, to promote a stable and fair society.
Customer support teams master this kind of triage, following the rules and processes
established for the team. Analyzing the issue against internal rules, they conclude with
an appropriate response. From there they tap into processes for reporting bugs,
adding feature requests, etc. You never knew customer support thought like lawyers,
did you?
The defining characteristic of the scientific method is building systems that enable us
to learn. Learning underlying rules (while holding our knowledge of them as tentative)
is the product of this exercise.
The 20th and 21st centuries have seen a dramatic increase in business and technology
striving to adopt scientific thinking. The idea of data-driven organizations is to ensure
that businesses are not driven by opinions, but that data is used to discover which
approaches are most effective.
This may come as a surprise to IT leaders, but the most scientific department in many
organizations is the marketing department.
Many marketing teams never launch a campaign without employing A/B testing
(instructor’s comment: randomized experiment using statistical hypothesis ) to
measure message effectiveness. Applying such techniques to software projects is still
a novel concept for most teams.
Another thing that sets programming apart from the legal profession (and from many
other forms of engineering) is that software systems change frequently and fluidly.
These changes occur in response to the changing business needs, changes in adjacent
systems, and improvements to logic. It’s the role of programmers to constantly tune
and perfect the logic as business processes evolve. ( Instructor’s comment: change
takes place in law as well but at a much slower pace )
IT teams typically take great pride in the systems they build, seeing engineering as
their core activity. But our strengths can conceal blind spots. It’s empowering, if not
addictive, to feel that we have sole power to define the rules of a system. In a world
where we usually feel powerless, to have the power to create provides incredible
That opens engineers to the hubris (instructor’s comment: “kibir” in Turkish; excessive
pride or self-confidence). that users should simply use the systems they build. But
engineers can be so focused on creating that they neglect to explore how users
actually use their system. At the same time, we are usually oblivious to our own
assumptions about how a system should be used.
The User Experience (UX) movement seeks to remedy these blind spots by ensuring
that we couple the design process with the exploration of user experience, something
that requires a scientific mindset.
3) Legal language
As mentioned during the lecture and as seen in particular in the ‘orange joke’, in order to
understand the legal concepts, it is necessary to first understand the meaning of the term or
expression itself. For instance, on slide 19 of the lecture presentation the specimen question
is as follows:
“If a student at Bogazici University has been found guilty of plagiarism and subjected to a
disciplinary penalty by the University Senate, the decision to penalize the student would be a
judicial decision”. Indicate whether true or false.
a) True
b) False”
The answer to the above question requires knowledge of the distinction between that of an
“administrative” decision and a “judicial” decision as well as the context and mechanisms
through which either of those decisions may be taken.
As I mentioned in class, you are not expected to memorize the dictionary meanings of legal terms
(which I believe is useless and a waste of time and energy). Examining the examples provided, which
may either be made up or quoted from various sources, is much more useful and beneficial. My aim
here, is to get you to ‘feel’ the concept from different angles and perspectives and in different contexts
so that you can both recognize them as well as use them with command and mastery according to your
intended purposes in your writing and speech.